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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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professional workers who analyzed operative materials, video surveillance materials, various, including trains, at railway stations in the city of lviv and in other cities, and such a photo robot, but almost a photograph of the suspect on video cameras, was compiled, and his movement was reproduced , although dozens were actually tested. those people, whose faces were similar, and as a result of such analytical, i repeat once again, several daily, round-the-clock work , a suspect was established, but in fact there are still many unanswered questions, yes, the minister of internal affairs, i think he did the right thing, because those people who carried out this operational work are not easy. they need
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to be encouraged, these are not state awards, they are just what we are talking about, the awards of the ministry of internal affairs, that is, award weapons, and by the way, mr. mykhailo, we are already talking about weapons, well, at one time, we understand if someone presented a suspect without barrel and without motives, well , i think he would, not that he would not receive an award, but he could work, so to speak, without a queue in a couple of outfits, well, because the relevant case may fall apart, then... then again of course, there was not so much video recording, maybe there was a hidden photo recording of what is happening now on our streets, well, but there is no motive and no barrel, so this is one of the problems that is currently in the stage of resolution, because there is no chain, that is , physical evidence has been proven , the weapon with which the victim was killed, then this is a very important argument, and the wrong ones were checked... only video cameras,
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social networks were checked, there are a number of other materials that indicate that this person is a suspect, was part of a certain group that was preparing a series of murders , including not only in lviv, in kyiv, in some other regions, and the future victims could be public figures, statesmen, including people's deputies, one gets the impression... i think that the investigation will say more later, that i think so, the aggressor state was preparing an internal a war based on political, language, religious beliefs, etc., and in fact it could be a very serious internal conflict, this is the task of the enemy, but i emphasize once again, now the task of the investigation is to... the investigative and operational
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teams include hundreds of people who will continue are working to establish other circumstances, i think that the investigation will announce in the coming days a number of significant operational developments , and what you compared, mr. antin, as revealed earlier, was actually more difficult before, and because there were no such technical means, currently working , including experts who investigate. a bullet, a bullet, who are investigating other circumstances that are being investigated and established, including, of course, an investigator working with a suspect who is in two-month arrest without the right bail, but i emphasize once again, and you rightly said that he cannot be called a criminal, this is a suspicious person and a case of difficult tasks not only to identify the person and bring to justice and... who
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committed the murder, the task of establishing the entire circle of persons, establishing customers and definitely get ahead of those potential future victims, because clearly the group can continue to act, can commit similar crimes for the group, if it is a foreign trail, well, when we are seriously talking about customers from the russian federation of customers, organizers, brain yes... parallel groups can be created, perhaps they have already been created, and accordingly, the threat you are talking about cannot be taken lightly, taking into account the fact that this assassination is possible, it was only one, you know, one such a brick in what is called the destabilization scenario, because the destabilization scenario does not contain only one, one, i don't want to use the word anymore, but i will say killed or killed, unequivocally. and this is what
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the security forces, law enforcement officers are talking about today, they are talking about it today in political circles, we should not to forget that there is a war going on in our country, and the enemy does not ignore it. no methods, we see that there are no great victories that they hoped for on the front line, and it is thanks to the professionalism and sacrifice of our boys and girls who are at the front, there are no great international victories, although we see the position of slovakia and hungary, and they use and other methods, the method of the internal front, as they call it, and this is what experts say, and in fact. you can't relax, because at any moment there may be a continuation of the activity, you they said correctly, there may be other groups, and this one may be branched out, we do not know all the participants in this process, but what looks like a deep conspiracy, professional work,
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only i have questions, why the observation was carried out for so long, why it was this person who entered the field of activity. these cameras, maybe there are others, and i emphasize once again, today not only the law enforcement officers of lviv are working, but the whole of ukraine is working, as for your other questions, i am sure without a doubt that marta has a lot now, too, i have finally, one such, perhaps naive question, so we understand how many weapons, in particular, short-barreled weapons are walking around in our hands in violation of our legislation, so we understand that this is also the front line, there are some warehouses there, i don’t know any... the market and so on further, her killer stopped at the starting pistol, converted, that is, here too, a very, very serious question, well, it is not a reliable weapon, any converted pistol, it can cause a certain misfire, it can wedge something there,
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wedge it and so on, and here actually, what not the question of price, as far as we understand, the black market of weapons offers quality offers at some reasonable... prices, here it is, you know, you can consider many versions here, first you need to find a weapon, carry out an examination, maybe everything can be, unequivocally, while there are no weapons, and then only an expert can establish, so far, such preliminary operational information, this is the first, second, well, we do not know what the order was, who had the order, there are cases when those who receive the order save money precisely on the purchase weapons, that is, here there will be... there may be versions, and which, by the way, have the right to exist, until there is a real, after all, establishment of the fact, because of that the investigators, regardless of the fact that the suspect is in a pre-trial detention center , they continue to work out different versions,
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including, as they say, come from the person who is suspected, from his circle communication, communication in social networks, that is, there is a lot. e-e range of issues, including law enforcement agencies and civil society, with all due respect to our glorious compatriots, but when a person, as the witnesses themselves claim, say about it publicly, went around and was suspicious, caused them doubts, suspicions, and none, i know this officially, from the leadership of the national police of the lviv region, not a single person called, at least on line 102, or she did not report about... the precinct officer, that is, either the precinct officer there is not a professional person, or he does not use, or does not use respect and authority, because before in fact it was like that, everything went from the precinct inspector, the police inspector, now to the police who are on the territory, if he is an experienced, professional person, if he
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uses authority, then the first information went to him, by the way, the same way in the united states, when i was in california in 2009, the sheriff there is that from... is a responsible person who is trusted by everyone, but he has no indicators in terms of protocols and other things, because he is elected by the community, he is elected together with the mayor, and people trust him, he has a task to prevent the commission of a crime, and he is the first to go to the scene of such a crime, and he already knows everything operational information, that is , this reform, which has begun, is not finished in our country , we will not say which one, in what way, and it will not be completed. they destroyed what was there, not everything is good, but they have not offered a better system in exchange for it, except for the police there, i mean the external one to replace daya and the patrol station, then we talk about the fact that this system should still be
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operational work, where, by the way, the whole world is built on the purchase of operational information, there are people who, for money, information, if it is considered interesting operationally, they law enforcement agencies report, it is called differently, but it cannot be done without, or simply concerned citizens saw it. maybe you could have pre-empted the commission of your crime, or even outed other people who could have acted with this suspect, people, i agree, but you know, people were very paranoid at first in the sense that when a full-scale invasion began, we looked for the enemy where he really was there was no, and you know, we so often try to fall from extreme to extreme, we need to find such a golden mean and somehow rationally to think about all these circumstances, although it is difficult , because we are... now all emotions, emotionally a little unbalanced, but by the way, about emotionally immature people, if you look
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at the latest news, we see that the perpetrators of exactly such crimes, i am also talking about the burning of military vehicles, which has now become a very frequent phenomenon in our country, these are mostly young people 18-24 years old, why do you think they are recruited, because they are psychologically unstable, still immature, it is easier to lure them somehow , to convince cat, well, there is, you know, such a fatigue factor for sure, already the 11th year of the war, and the third year of a large-scale invasion, secondly, the enemy, working through internal agencies, is looking for exactly those people who are really not stable, who are sometimes not even an antisocial element, they're not all drug users, a football player, yes, that is, they're looking. those people who, based on psychological and political beliefs
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, may be dissatisfied, and of course, stupidly buy, buy, offer funds, give, sometimes deceive, sometimes other things, but precisely this is what the enemy is doing, and there is no need to relax here, because even we see in lviv, those who lead the enemy to critical infrastructure objects, military infrastructure objects are operating in the deep body. that is , in the first year in 2022, the police were really overloaded with signals from concerned citizens about suspicious persons. by the way, thanks to the public at that time, it was possible to detain a large number of those who were either saboteurs, gunners, etc. now people have relaxed a little and there is no need to lose vigilance, because this is exactly the situation the enemy can take advantage and commit any crime. let's. let's talk about a very sensitive, but at the same time important topic, this is the topic of mobilization, our colleague khrystyna porobiy
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went on a raid with the territorial procurement center, or rather with representatives of the territorial procurement center, and i suggest that we watch the plot now, and after this plot discussed exactly how mobilization is taking place in our state, which has changed, yes, because until july 16, we had a certain stage of new legislation, which oblige... people to update themselves, and then we will proceed to the discussion in the studio, we drive around the city, we see, well, people, so that they are not over 50 years old, but it is possible to stop people for checking military registration documents, people had 60 days after by law to enter military service, from 18 to 60 years old. in one crew, there are two employees of the rtcskp of the
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security company and two police officers, we leave in the morning and work all day around the city, well, in the district, good day, the kertsp soldier mostai will do it, video recording is being conducted, it's great, it's a monster. we will check your status, many people have not updated their data, so we stop all people, check if the person is all right with the documents, the person can go about his business, if not, the oberi database is working, which we call and find out more and more precisely , people have to update their data every six months, good day. a romani
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video association is being conducted, they saw that the person physically looks lively, this is already the first signal, they left, according to the rules, tolerantly, politely approached the person, i introduced myself, who i am, what my powers are, asked to change the cilia-accounting document legislation. the person was lost at first, but then came to his senses and agreed to cooperate, showed his military registration document, has a grace period, according to the current legislation, until a certain time, they thanked, understood. and we continue to work, we are always asked why we don’t go there, we explain to people that all the workers in rtsk in the guard company, all our comrades who travel even in other regions, are guys from
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combat operations, simply the law made a decision limited to give. translate into mouths guards, people think that we have not been in hostilities, and we just walk here and want someone to take our place, they say so, but this is not true, we have all ubds. good afternoon, the production tsp soldier maxtyre is being videotaped, can you please provide a passport that confirms your identity, there are a lot of them now. people already have reservations, postponements, but more people already have some kind of documents, when at first people went without documents, now people go with documents, everyone has something, well, it is rare that a person could run out to a store and forget documents are at home, but i emphasize once again, there
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is an obery base, grohobytsk ksp, a mostaya soldier, well, the man is a little afraid, but everything is in order with his documents, he is a disabled person of the third group, where he updated his data at the rtcc, got up for registration and now has a deferment for six months. here you have to be with people, culturally, politely and tolerantly. we treat people, we want to treat them the way you treated us with respect, but not everyone understands that, and i think that we all, well
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, we stop some, we don't stop others, because it's cooler there. car, he is a pedestrian, or he can to look different, people still have different comparisons between people, they approached me, and you don’t go to that, we check everyone, maybe not at the same time, it seems to me that in general you have to become a man first, have some kind of, you know, be ukrainian, if you living in our country, being a ukrainian, doing simple things, it's just a matter of going to register with the rtcc, getting registered, it's a small step, and if you're fit, then go and protect your family,
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first of all, your family. then the state, because there is a lot to say, well, i am the state didn't give me anything, the state never gave me anything at all, you understand, then you go for your family, you have to be a man, there is a war and great trouble in our country. well, we watched the so-called plot, well, the information is quite clear, so mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, lieutenant general of the police in the reserve, mr. mykhailo, mobilization processes, renewal, non-renewal, is in our studio, a couple of minutes ago we marta spoke with a lawyer, quite an expert,
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she said that all those who will be ready to update their tsc data now. automatically can receive a fine, yes, well, and accordingly, how far are all the processes now going, at which level are they, yes, well, the 16th number has already ended, yes, well, there have not been any huge facaps yet, but maybe just the tsc , tsp, and our citizens are getting used to new realities. well, i want to say that first of all. they have formed a sufficient number of mobilized reserves in the central committee of the central committee, that is , the training centers are all full, and how much is needed today for mobilization. performed according to proven indicators, and this is important. the next thing is that all citizens who, for one reason or another, did not have time
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to register, to do so, because it is correct, the lawyers say, according to the current legislation, after the 16th, july 16, whoever applied for registration, they should hypothetically be subject to the imposition of fines, but this is not the case, because even for the imposition of... fines, specialist people are needed in those tck sp, there are not enough people there who can professionally draw up an admin protocol, which then needs to be directed to the courts, the courts are already overloaded, so what they will consider out of turn, there will be no such thing, and i think that many protocols will not be decided due to the impact of deadlines, there will be improperly prepared materials. to return to the trade center of the sp, but that is not the point, the point is that i really agree here with the representatives of the trade center who were with you in the plot, that you need to fulfill your
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duty, get registered, if a person works, then the manager's task is to decide everything so that the person is booked. today , enterprises are actively participating in booking. it is being considered in the verkhovna rada several important bills which. want to finally give hope to what the cabinet of ministers did to us by approving additional regulations after the adoption of the law, because it was clearly written in the law that persons who have family members with disabilities, caregivers, they are not subject to mobilization, it was clearly stated regarding those who obtain higher, further education, post-graduate students, it was clearly said, but cabins, the ministry of education and science. began, excuse me, to make some curtseys regarding changing the rules of admission under it's time for the introductory company, nonsense, they are the ones who disgrace our state and show that we do not
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comply with any european standards, i think that such ministers should be sent together with the prime minister, i think that they will not be saved that month, colleagues, what about it they say, we understand, it's a serious story, it's a serious story, that's why we prepared two draft laws, the first of which is that persons under the age of 25 are not subject to mobilization. except for those cases, if a person served conscript service, and there, that is, it is clear, and they have already started taking people who are not subject to this mobilization law, and secondly, we clearly want to finally pass a bill on the demobilization of those persons who for one reason or another cannot serve and clearly indicate the list in order to supplement that law, and the cabinet of ministers does nothing, as they say, not... ulazyvki and the same applies to those who are currently studying and getting an education, a master's degree, so that, that is , it turns out that the cabinet of ministers still needed some
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additional clarifications, this is wrong, because the cabinet of ministers went beyond its powers, because it changed what was written in laws, it's like that it is unacceptable, but for now, people's deputies, as they say, we are fighting for the fact that already at the next meeting... to solve this important issue, in addition to the law on relegist , decided not to cancel it, despite the fact that the state regulatory service found that , that this is not a legal decision of the ministry of education, nevertheless, the ministry of justice does not cancel this decision, well, i think that it will be possible to pass it only by changes to the law, specifically, and i think that those who specifically from the ministry of justice make such a decision, he will bear the answer in the future'. because this is an unacceptable thing, even the period of martial law must be clearly regulated by law, if you want to record some action, contact us, the ministry of justice has
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the right of legislative initiative, contact us through the cabinet of ministers, and we will make changes, whether you want it or not, forgive me, this is no longer a civilized approach, look, we are creating a military police, yes, we understand that its functionality will be somewhat different than that of the military law enforcement service, you have my word. how much is left 50 seconds literally. it is necessary to clearly create military police on the basis of service law and order, which currently exists, but it does not cope with its duties, because they do not have the same functionality. it is necessary for them to be responsible for the protection of public order, for the prevention of crimes, so that they actually investigate these crimes, then it will be another law enforcement agency in the system, because a large number of people are mobilized, we know, and there is a need to restore order so that they only they... had the right to check exactly military transport and other things, because today there is a collision and conflicts between law enforcement officers, the national police and the military, here
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we need to put things in order, i think this law will be... adopted in the near future. thank you, mykhailo tsymbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, was with us in the studio, now there will be a short pause, after it there will be news, wait for it, and i remind you that mykhailo tsymbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, was in our studio. attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful. and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient, especially now. and the bulb is a smart light, it is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when
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reports on... but it's not enough to know what's happening, you have to understand it. antin borkovsky and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt. about the situation with recovery in different. regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i'm not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery, in the project the reconstruction program and of urban development, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso.
5:00 pm
it's the 17th on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. it became known about one more victim as a result of the morning shelling of the kherson region. a 16-year-old girl was injured in chornobayivka. she has a brain injury, a head injury, as well as an acute reaction to stress. tired in the regional military administration. we will remind, this morning the russians fired more than 20 shells at the settlement. damaged private houses, broken roofs, broken doors and spikes. the russians actively use home-made drones in the pokrov region. one of them was shot down with small arms by anti-aircraft guns of the 47th separate mechanized brigade. on his own.


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