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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 5:30pm-6:02pm EEST

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was happening and this network was not working, it is necessary to finally cover up all this matter, but the political will in the country must be there so that it can be implemented, is our government ready for this? we see that it may not be completely ready, certain things are declared, declared, the sbu comes with searches, comes with searches, but you know, as if half-drunk, as if we were listening to your speech again, so he, well, i understand, he is emotional, temperamental, well, but, well, it is still necessary... to formulate it a little more carefully, well, the sbu comes to many, well for example, there the sbu comes to journalists, or there the sbu comes to customs officers, or the sbu comes to the military, well, the security service of ukraine comes to individual people with searches, yes, with the sanction of the court, this does not mean that the customs should be banned, here the matter is much deeper, er, this church should accordingly be transferred to... ours,
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or to ours, or to the constantinople subordination, and this should entail other accompanying things, well, it will be a big long discussion, just that , that the sbu comes to someone with a search, and that is not enough an argument for closing this or that structure. oksana savchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, continue, we hope the connection is stable. yes, thank you, sorry, really a problem with the connection, i may repeat a little. but i will say that before the rostrum was blocked, this issue was put on the agenda several times, and including, it is implied, it was proposed at the conciliation council to put this issue on the agenda in order to vote on the second reading, since the committee already past completed everything, all the corrections were finished and there were no problems with it, therefore, since the leadership of the parliament... was known to drag out
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this process, and when we went to the podium, and i will tell you that there came to the podium, including a large number and representatives of the servants of the people, who are also in their faction, those who support this law, they said that they will not vote on all subsequent laws until we go into consideration of this draft law, i remind everyone, this is the cabinet option, we really talked to you that was my draft law, in march 2022 it consisted of five points, to clearly prohibit and close parishes if they move and refuse russian subordination, then the communities decide how to proceed with this, but the following were the draft laws, there was the draft law of other colleagues , then there were bills from representatives of european solidarity, but in the end we all agreed that we were going to... work with
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the cabinet's version, it was exactly the cabinet's version, he was very relieved, we voted in the first reading, and in the second during the reading, each of us submitted amendments, i will say right away, the pro-russian wing submitted more than a thousand amendments, and they submitted these amendments spam, which is legislative spam, ours were very constructive, and between the first and second readings , we actually brought this bill to the point that he was not quite like that anymore... very light, but he is definitely very democratic, the essence of it is that religious organizations that are directly subordinate to moscow cannot operate in ukraine, and today metropolitan onufriy and the entire russian orthodox church, which itself calls the uocnp, this is a direct subordination to russia, therefore our task in this draft law is to smooth out all these legislative collisions, which concerns the fact that someone will be declared anathema. and what
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the united states is against, look, it's all russia's big money, which it has in its hands, it's not only russia's big money, it's also the legislation and the ideas of our western partners and friends about what is called freedom of speech, yes, well, not for us to teach what freedom is, not freedom of speech, but freedom of conscience, yes, but they also should not teach us without knowing the specifics of ukrainian. ukrainian-russian relations in the church sphere, but if we take a very specific institution that works in a very specific way with our native ukrainian legislation, yes, our lighthouse, the european union and, accordingly, the venice commission, which evaluates certain ukrainian initiatives, yes, which may have a certain controversial nature, was this bill submitted to the cabinet ? to the venice commission, what was
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the conclusion, look, international institutions have a positive attitude towards this draft law, they approved it, there was even a decision, and this about this... we are constantly talking, and the issues that were discussed at the conciliation council, about the fact that we actually need to finalize the amendments regarding the composition of the commission that will determine who the receiver is, who will consider this expert opinion, whether the parish is the promotion of russian narratives or not, well, these are actually very technical questions, and you and i understand that we could... all settle these technical questions during the consideration of the amendments, that is, we could, for example, one day go into the amendments to, these are all such technical points, we could to finalize, but there was really no political will, because i am convinced that there is a very high lobby in our country that does not want
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this draft law to be adopted in any way, so for us this issue is even more fundamental that we adopt it, it is absolutely ... is democratic, it does not limit rights, and when we are in the united states, we bring them a lot of facts and photos and videos, where we show how today russia is the one that destroys religious shrines, that takes it to the basements priests, and it doesn't matter to her, what kind of priest is he, of what faith, we see, recently two of our priests of the greek catholic church were returned from captivity, many protestants, and... for them this is also an argument, we show it to them and say that today they are violators, the only violators of freedom conscience, and human life, and those who carry out genocide are russia and its, including the russian church, thank you, thank you, unfortunately, we have to finish already, oksana savchuk, people's deputy
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of ukraine, was in touch with us and already we are adding iryna fedorov to our broadcast, head of the golka public initiative. mrs. irina, congratulations, thank you. mrs. iryna, so medvedchuk and sanctions the ministry of justice filed a lawsuit against putin's godfathers, medvedchuk and his wife oksana marchenko, it is about 20 plus real estate objects, corporate rights, more than two dozen companies, in short, a huge amount of everything, and what about this case is happening now, i understand that your public initiative is currently monitoring this case, so yesterday was the first meeting, well, how do you understand. the current meeting is fine it will be purely procedurally slow, because, well, there are literally some procedural points being heard, but in fact this is a very important matter, and if it works for us, it will be a precedent, according to which it will be possible
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to take property from those persons who are connected by their activities with the aggressor state, and there really is talk about cars, and about... and about cash, and about a yacht, well, that is, they have a full complex of property that the state can simply take away, and it is quite good, pleasant, tangible things, and this is an indicator to all those who is thinking about treason, or has already betrayed, what could happen to them, but look, it is not only about this, medvedchuk, as you know, is now trying to renew his right to practice law through the court, he is still, as i understand it, not gives up hope that... that he can return here and engage in this legal practice, which is a generality in the fact that just the other day the supreme court refused him an appeal, so i think that this is already a hopeless case for him, that's what he really thought, that can surely return here and
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engage in advocacy, but the problem with advocacy is much bigger here, because he is not the only one here who wants to stay and have access. in essence, we have the entire bar association that was built during the time of partnov and medvedchuk, well, there is the leadership of this association, these are medvedchuk’s associates, there the speaker is shevchuk, kyva’s lawyer, and medvedchuk’s girlfriend, and what kind of judicial reform do we want to do, which is one of the foundations of this system, well, it is... associates of medvedchuk, so the matter here is even more than medvedchuk, he already refused in the supreme court, but look at who represents his interests, look at the speaker of this association, well, we have not yet finished working with this cotton wool with advisers, look, we just, well, we have heard a lot, so
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the critics say and threw in the direction of the opzh and the relevant environments, so sometimes one or another signal comes from our law enforcement officers, so to speak, that... so and so was brought in, we understand that there are untouchables or semi-untouchables, they sit in the verkhovna rada, woe they don't know, well if they do, so to speak er... incomplete, incomplete grief, yes, and accordingly, if you take the widely understood environment of medvedchuk, not one or the other, there are cossack brothers, there is a hamster and so on and so forth, well those people who once worked with him, yes, but what was the core of the opzh or sdpu and so on, what about them, that is, there is a feeling that investigative bodies are working? look, here the question is in the political plane and in the legal one, and which
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, by the way, the political plane can become a legal one, and when we talk about the fact that we banned the activities of almost 20 parties, so we did not expel deputies from local councils, that is, this story with opzzhshniks, with representatives of banned parties, it drags on, well, not the first year, they remain in local councils, they are not expelled from there, there is a government bill that can put... full stop once and for all, that is, political will is needed, as with the moscow priests, to accept it, and then the political system will be cleansed, and it will not be random strikes where the investigators have found one or the other , but everyone, everyone who passed from the police, from the party sheria, goodbye to everyone, and the parliament can put an end to this issue, it just does not want to consider this bill, and there is a second story and the one you are talking about, it is the investigative and law enforcement agencies, well... you see, for example , if we take the case of shufrych, dubinsky, how long does it all take, yes,
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investigative work, and the courts, it will take a long time, and therefore, if we want to clean up on a larger scale, then we must ask the parliament to vote for government initiatives, and fully all local self-government from these representatives banned parties, why they are needed in the political system have been purged, and it is necessary to follow them individually. mrs. iryna, by the way, you mentioned dubinsky. i know that your community initiative golka recently decided to investigate for what kind of money, excuse me , dubinsky's mother bought an estate in barcelona on february 28, already in the 22nd year, when there was a full-scale invasion. i will remind you that this buretino, who is currently in a pre-trial detention center, is suspected of treason, before that the law enforcement officers came to him because of an alleged illegal crossing of the border, there were questions with the certificates, but we know that we found out where the money came from, please. tell us, well, from what our sources in the special services told us, there were several money
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transfers from citizens of the russian federation, and it’s not only about the mother, he also has a common-law wife, deckert, and well, they bought property, wife his civilian bought it a few weeks later, when the us imposed sanctions on dubinsky, and the mother actually appeared four days after the full-scale invasion. the question is, where did the money come from, well, we were already told and explained where these traces came from, but here i want to emphasize one more very important detail, it turned out that in the 19th year, a few weeks before the parliamentary elections, dubinsky was in russia , and there he burned himself by using the cards. i am very glad that we have an era of digitalization and that these digital footprints can be traced. well, the question arises, what was he doing in russia a few weeks before the parliament. elections, and at the same time i had a direct question to the servants of the people, how they could
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to make him the curator of the kyiv region, because he cut lists not only in the kyiv regional council, but in all local councils, if in the kyiv regional council we discovered his canned goods, his deputies and they were partially cleaned there, then in other councils they were remained, they were not purged from there, that is, the people of dubinsky in the kyiv region continue to be in... the political system under the brand of servants of the people. oh, very interesting, ms. irina, you touched on several extremely important topics at once, in particular, when we are talking about, the list of those people who they literally visited the russian federation there for several months before the full-scale russian invasion. we understand that the relevant data, that is, if those people did not give a roundabout route, well, we could have the relevant data. border guards, yes, and if you are talking
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about an individual dubinsky, well , we may have much more such gentlemen or ladies, yes, if, having just left directly, he left through europe, but his cards were lit up there, that is, this thanks to the card trail succeeded follow, and you can follow the card trail, the rest, so to speak... the russians are desperate to find out, well, this is, well, well, really cool information, then let them explain what they did in the russian federation, where they were there in three months, in four months. to a full-scale invasion, well, we, we will try, it is necessary to connect all the minis, you see, at the most interesting place, you see, they cut our connection, and you say, the enemy is awake, shaking the antenna, yes, continue, ms. irina, i'm talking about what really needs to be done to work on each case, and in fact the collapse
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of the work with the banning of moscow fsb priests in cassocks and with the fact that ... such as dubinsky with the purpose of cleaning the kyiv region of his cans, and with the purpose of revealing some lobbying laws in the parliament, well, we are doing our part, believe me, everything we can to keep this defense, and thank you, because it is very important, it is when the media supports the information field, well, but we hope that we will also bring the other quilters out into the open and in the legal profession, and in the political environment, and in other sectors, catch probably related to the russian federation, some of them are in pre-trial detention centers, the investigation is ongoing, but there is still a lot of work to be done, and there is positive news for you and me, there will be more days without blackouts, but they say
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that there is a condition, today is the first day month, when there is no power outage at all and provided the essence of enemy attacks on energy facilities, there will be even more such days in the next three months, the press service of nekukrenergo reports, the reason for the improvement of the situation in the system is more energy thanks to the fact that two units at the nuclear power plants were out of repair, and the air temperature also dropped, that's why the situation is actually like this, and an important message from the president, who today paid a visit to the north, to volyn, to all regions bordering russia and belarus has increased the number of arrests. on this optimistic note , marto ulyarnyk and i say goodbye, see you soon on the air, work colleagues, watch espresso! there are discounts that represent the only discounts on penile hell 15% in pharmacies
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hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep abreast of economic news and... two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people , in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour episode format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine. from frontspilstvo, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. see this week in the collaborators program. kremlin training camp. why are young people
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used as labor in the occupied territories? putin was also in the student units, was a fighter of the construction unit. and which of the pseudo-directors prepares students for service in the russian army? the next stage of the installation of our unit. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the "kola" program. about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. in today's edition, i continue to talk about the leaders and members of pro-putin youth organizations that the rashists create in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. yukh maladoi, the young army, the first movement, and this is a far from complete list of newly created russian organizations, to which the occupiers are trying to attract schoolchildren and young people to promote the krem ideology. they are trying to educate or re-educate the younger generation so that they are ready at any moment to go fight, work, or simply stand en masse for
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the unchanging dictator of russia. in addition to organizations for children, movements for students are also created and popularized. we are talking about the so-called study detachments, similar ones were already in the soviet union. the first such units appeared on the territory of the occupied part of zaporozhye in 2023 . their goal is to provide work in... institutions of students during the summer holidays in various fields of activity, if it is simply free labor for russia, to provide humanitarian aid to soldiers, to rebuild schools, to go to mass rallies in support of putin, to hold pro-russian lectures in schools, all this is work for young people. kyrylo volodymyrovych papazov, a native of melitopol, is one of the leaders of the regional branch of student units in the zaporizhzhia region. volodymyr vladimirovich putin was also at the student's. the squad was a soldier of the construction squad. volodymyr volodymyrovych is the biggest example for us. we all always watch him, his decisions and support him in everything. i want to say thank you
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from the entire population of the new regions for everything he does for us. this young fanatic of putin is 20. from open sources , the only thing known about kirill is that before the occupation of melitopol , he studied in the first year of the faculty of natural sciences and geography at melitopol state university named after bohdan kh'. when the city was under occupation, the boy decided that now he has a new family, russia, and therefore it is necessary to build a career according to the russian rules. i want to join the victory for us campaign and thank every serviceman who is currently serving for the good of the motherland, who protects us all and gives us the right to live peacefully. at first, papazov entered the makarenko university, which the russians created in occupied melitopol, majoring in public affairs. municipal administration, later in april 2023 he headed the regional branch of student units in zaporizhia region, in this difficult time for the country, i, on behalf of
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student units of zaporizhia region and public chamber of the zaporizhzhia region , i support our president, we are with you. in this position, the traitor is engaged in the organization of all kinds of patriotic russian actions, the involvement of students in the reconstruction of buildings destroyed by the russians themselves, as well as the provision of soldiers of the so-called... svo. from our side, we support every serviceman, we take them constant humanitarian aid, we help them. there is no suspicion of this sell-out yet, but i hope that soon they will give help to kyril himself to steal from ukrainian prisons. and that's more one traitor is from melitopol, who runs a youth organization in occupied berdyansk. i see berdyansk as a developing city, in which young people will be just as proud. as we found out a long time ago, the occupiers
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often put losers in leadership positions, those who can be easily controlled, who did not build careers during the peaceful life in ukraine and who are ready to sell themselves with telbukhs in order to increase their social status. all this fits perfectly with the post of this collaborator. year-old oleksandr gaponov. until february 24, 2022, about him nothing was known. his treasonous nature manifested itself during the occupation of the city, when gaponov established cooperation with the occupiers. at first, he became a candidate for the so-called youth parliament of melitopol, but failed. later, due to the lack of personnel in other temporarily occupied territories, the russians transferred gaponov to berdyansk and made him a fake student. azov state pedagogical university. all this in order to later make him the head of the local branch of the russian movement south young, an organization controlled by putin's party.
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united russia. the youth of berdyansk responded to help in unloading humanitarian cargo. we are always happy, we always have a great attitude towards such initiatives, we are always ready to help. that is what our youth is for. in his leadership position, gaponov promotes kremlin propaganda to the younger generation. for this purpose , russian politicians, bloggers and pop stars are specially brought from bolotina capital. also, this traitor is the winner of the vit rosmolodje contest, where he presented his work. donbas heart volunteer school. as we can see from the name, the project has a russian military bias. we, in turn, will provide you with any opportunities to realize yourself in youth policy. currently, gaponov helps the occupiers recruit children into russian youth institutions, actively campaigns for the russian measure, promotes russian culture, and agitates local teenagers and their parents to go over to the side of the occupiers. we advise gaponov
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to shine more often in the russian... authorities had more grounds to declare him a suspect, the judge sentenced. this traitor first embraced the position of rector of one of the universities in the occupied territory, and later became the head of putin's organization at the same university. behind me is the flag of victory, this symbol has been traveling with me for many years. it hung on the building of the regiment of the ministry of internal affairs of the donetsk people's republic, like a battle flag. today he is here. this chui. andriy yuriyovych, born in 1979, from the city of lysychansk. previously, in his peaceful life, he was a police lieutenant colonel and a senior lecturer at the kharkiv university of internal affairs. he is known for speaking at a rally in the 14th year pro-russian activists and defiantly resigned, explaining that he could not come to terms with the use of elite ukrainian special forces against supposedly peaceful kharkiv residents who wanted to seize the oda. i am
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a police lieutenant colonel. i am lieutenant colonel of the police chuikov andriy yuriyovych, 18 years of service in the internal affairs bodies, i am asking to be released from the internal affairs bodies until constitutional order is established in the country. when a full-scale war broke out in the country, chuikov's love for russian rubles and the ghostly prospects promised by the occupiers flared up with even greater force. he crossed over to captured melitopol, as our law enforcement agencies found out, took an active part in... the information war of the russian federation against ukraine, spread narratives of russian propaganda and denied the armed aggression of the russian federation, also called on employees of law enforcement agencies of ukraine and cadets of ukrainian higher education institutions to stop opposing the actions occupiers, lay down their arms and go to kyiv. after such fruitful work on zagardniki, in may 2022 , the rashists installed this traitor in the chair of the rector, the so-called melitopolsky state university, which was
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created on the basis of captured. ukrainian universities. all our students will receive russian diplomas this year, unequivocally. all our applicants can enter the melitopol state university. close to the students, chuikov instilled in the youth a positive attitude towards the occupation, illegal authorities and occupying troops, and soon decided to prepare students for further service in the russian army. on the basis of a russian university, the occupiers opened a branch of the military propaganda office of the unarmy youth organization, precisely that youth. taught to hold weapons, shoot, fight, attack and eventually die. russian criminals made chuikov the head of this branch of putin's army. dear cadets of the alpha squad. today we have another great stage of installation of our unit. we have acquired official status. in april last year , our law enforcement agencies announced a sensitive suspicion. now his case is being considered by
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the zaporizhzhia municipal district court. i hope that the seller will be detained soon, and he will eventually join another organization of a squad of collaborators who ended up in prison for treason against ukraine. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin sellers, write to this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso.
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6 p.m., it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world, khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio at this time. now officially, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. confirmed the success of the strike on an oil depot in the kurdistan region of russia. according to intelligence , a fire broke out at the facility. the blow was delivered by the security service of ukraine together with...


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