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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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about these means which we use to resist this aggressor. mr. maryan, but here is the data that is detected in the air, that the sensor hears that the enemy drone is flying, forms a certain pulse-signal, where then these pulses, signals are transmitted, are they somehow related to the further actions of air defense or some other place the collection of this data, which enhances... the potential of our air defenses? yes, of course, the detection of the means of the enemy attack, they are immediately 12 seconds from the moment of the beginning of this sound, sound background, for 12 seconds of detection is already being worked out and getting into the systems of situational awareness, air defense, this is a bend, a delta, we made these integrations also back in the 22nd year. and these data work to
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improve ukraine's defense capabilities. and the economist writes that next month you have to conduct tests of 15 three three angulation blocks in order to test new technologies in determining air targets, what is it about, what revisions does the economist write about? air forces were created, were created requirements for such acoustic means of detecting air targets, and for this , in order to follow, in order to meet these requirements, the sound team has been since the 23rd year, we have been working on adding additional functionality to our acoustic sensors, to improve them, so from the very beginning all sensors from... which were installed on the towers
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of mobile operators or outside their borders, we provided such expansion ports to which we are now starting to add such additional modules that work on the principle microphone array, they can detect, in addition to the fact that our main sensor functionality is able to detect the fact of the presence of an air target in its range, an additional module is able to detect the direction of that air target. target and we believe that these applications will be carried out, we believe that such acoustic sensors are able to increase the efficiency of our mobile fire groups, and two or three such sensors are already capable of their crossing of these azimuth lines, they are able to show the coordinates of the target, that is information becomes richer, more... more
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detailed for the work of both mobile fire groups and air defense calculations. and finally , he will ask about the fact that the foreign publication mentions that nato countries are interested in these developments, and perhaps there are variations regarding the exchange of experience or the exchange of technologies in this direction, whether this vector of interaction touched your company, or whether there are offers from. .. of foreign companies to cooperate, or so far are they all following parallel paths? eh, another foreign miltech market in general, it is very active, and this interest, if the defense agencies of the nato countries, very quickly, i think, the companies considered it and began to get in touch, they and we are enough, if the sound development team was quite...
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public was always there, they started to come out, to be interested in what we do, how we do it, and i know that for the past six months, a year, a lot of companies from nato countries are trying to create similar acoustic sensors and maybe somehow inspired by these principles of air defense and how auxiliary intermediate system for air defense, which sound has been trying to spread since the 22nd year, and so defense agencies are also getting in touch, trying to somehow organize the creation of such test clusters, acoustic sensors to strengthen their own air defense. mr. maryan, thank you very much for the inclusion, for the work you are doing to improve our defense capability, once again...
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i will say that i was very glad to see and hear you, i will remind our viewers that it was maryan solim, project manager sound that is proper one of the areas that is of interest to nato countries today, because... in the same edition of the economist, the name of james hecker is mentioned, he is the commander of the american air forces in europe, who is based at the ramstein air base. this general said that the ukrainian innovations in the acoustic sector are extraordinary, and nato is considering the possibility of deploying microphones for its air defense, so i do not rule out that this experience, which has been developed by the team... the sound company, well, in a certain way will help nato countries more effectively fight against the russian military threat, this is what our teams are now effectively doing in our space with the use of new technologies and means of air defense. these were the main military results of the
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day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's great broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you, serhiy dzgorts, thank you to the guest, there are still many interesting things ahead, the funds for the army are running out at the zk, the deputies will be checked by the servant of the people zhupanin, the visit of pritzker, why his ignored zelenskyi, we will talk about this and the situation in zaporizhzhia with our guests, and i will also remind you that today oleksandr morchivka will tell in detail about what kind of inflation, specifically consumer goods, we should expect and what and how much it will become more expensive... maybe, well, but we start with the announcement of the collection. the spresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine.
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the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring, which is why there were so many losses. resources need to be renewed, they urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. these technologies are critical to protecting our soldiers. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. together we can protect those who protect us. well, now let's listen to those who protect us. good hello, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who... defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and komikazu drones, please for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, and i am asking you to join the collection for
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the needs of these brigades, and i am joining the conversation with alisa sasoeva, deputy of the zaporizhzhya district council, mrs. alisa, congratulations. you, i salute you, sir vasyl, good evening, good evening, today i have collected a lot of questions for you, well , it is good that the armed forces of ukraine pushed back the enemy in the orykhiv direction, in any case, this is the direction that one way or another leads to zaporozhye, so understanding that there is certain successes of the armed forces of ukraine in the zaporozhye direction, there in the orichiv direction, let it be, i would like to ask if it is possible to monitor, of course, without indicating any locations there. and details, the issue of fortification construction, is this process ongoing in zaporozhye, or is it possible now, since the main hot battles have moved to donetsk region to a greater extent, it is somehow possible that someone thinks that it is already possible to somehow slow down the work with fortifications, but after all , the work continues, well, all the information we
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have about the fortifications comes exclusively from the military administration, of course, that he simply did not allow journalists to go there to film. but they report to us that, in principle, everything there is going according to plan, we saw the video, again, this is all that was made public on official resources, so the military administration assures us that fortifications are being built, and moreover, additional funds are allocated for them, and as for the situation in the zaporozhye direction, we are also told that it is currently one of the most difficult, but somehow essential. the enemy has no breakthroughs there, so now let's talk about what happened, the enemy struck an infrastructure facility in zaporizhzhia, also shelled populated areas in the zaporizhzhia region, there were ignitions, there were fires, they
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were eliminated, if we generally talk about on the evening of this day, the consequences of enemy attacks in the zaporizhzhia region, there were a huge number of strikes of various types and artillery, drones, as i understand it, the rest, please, just like that, recently the number of these shellings is simply amazing, they are increasing, today there were 440 in a day, but the most important thing is that people were not injured. but there are no wounded or dead, and regarding the gift in zaporizhzhia , there is already official information that an infrastructure facility was targeted, but there are also no victims, because it was not functioning, and in general, such terrible numbers in recent weeks, regarding the shelling of zaporizhzhia, for week there are more than 3,000 of them, but they counted, it has been going on for more than two weeks, when this number exceeds 300, it will exceed a. therefore, we can record that the number of shelling has increased, and the fact that there are no victims and dead, well, this is truly a miracle, well, and this is probably
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related to the fact that those cities that are constantly under shelling, which are closer to the front line , this is stepnohirsko rig, vigulyai pole, after all, there are not as many people there as before, and in connection with this, with the increase in the number of shelling, people began to leave more willingly, this is the past 10 people a week, they expressed a desire to evacuate... and before there was not a single person, or one or two a week, please, and when and where do people mainly leave ukraine, i know that we talked about donetsk region yesterday , let's say, many people are evacuated from donetsk region and taken to rivne region and volyn, well, as i understand it, there are some prepared conditions for people, but the residents of zaporizhzhia, whether they go to zaporizhzhia or somewhere further, or abroad, or this no one keeps statistics, but of course people do. offer some temporary accommodation in zaporizhzhia, but we were informed that there is
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an opportunity to leave further, that there are cities closer to the west in ukraine that are ready to receive people who are leaving, you know, more often those who do not give up hope of returning home stay in zaporizhzhia. in two years, we can already observe such a trend, communicating with these people, and the same, the same ones who are leaving or from an occupied... part, or those who, for example, have a completely destroyed house, or there is a high-rise building where they lived, who simply had nowhere to go to return, well, they often move on or to safer regions of ukraine or somewhere even abroad. well, by the way, if we talk about the fact that those people who remain, in addition to the fact that enemy shelling, destroyed houses, there are many other problems, well, the street lighting has been restored in zaporizhzhia, which is already some kind of a good thing
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the plus is that, well, obviously, some situation will change, but in any case, we understand that autumn, and especially winter, can be, can be unpredictable, especially for those regions that are in direct proximity, well, on the territory of which the front line passes, if we talk about the zaporizhzhia region, and of course preparation for winter is very important, and it is interesting that the special commission for the protection of human rights of the organization. the united nations inspected preparations for the heating season in zaporizhzhia, zaporizhzhia region. please tell me what kind of visit it was in general, and this, in addition to what was checked, i know that, say, both the un and germany are now allocating substations, electric substations, and some other necessary things to prepare for the season to ukraine , maybe this one the inspection will enable the un representatives to say that we need to help those, those, those and those zaporizhzhia so that people are ready for winter, and maybe, like the local authorities now. is trying to come up with something to ensure at least electricity supply, heat supply
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in winter during the period of unpredictable development of the situation? of course, given that zaporizhzhia is such a front-line city, it is very interesting especially for international organizations, very often we have such international visits, delegations, what about heating, well, we can currently in the summer we can only rely on what we are told... officially by our military administrations, what they promise us, whether it will happen or not, we can already check this closer to winter, because well, in general, they report that in the country, taking into account the fact that now there are total blackouts and the situation with the power system is such that the winter can be very difficult, but we are assured that the most important objects of critical infrastructure, hospitals, and schools, all this will be provided and ... preparations will go on properly , some such more interesting statements yet
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what is not, well, let's see, and as for the street lighting that you mentioned, well , we were without street lighting for a short time, there was no street lighting in zaporizhzhia for 10 days, and in this way i tried to save electricity, today is the first day when it is back on we were included in the city, well, at least now the situation is stable, what the government tells us, ukrenergo managed to... stabilize the situation with energy supply, but again, this is all for now, we understand that the situation can change, and i would like to raise another topic zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. yesterday i read that the enemy is digging trenches near the cooling ponds, creating fire trenches there, well, trenches, it’s not easy, they will sit there and play cards, these are firing positions, but it is clear that near the cooling ponds, obviously it is they have some idea, and secondly, today i read that the occupiers are already news number 52, since the war is going on, i
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have heard this news for the 50th time, probably, but this time it may be more relevant, the occupiers want to connect zaporizhia... nuclear power plant to the russian network, well , obviously we understand that their main task there is to submit everything to crimea, where the situation is also not easy, under the occupier everywhere the situation is not easy, but is there anything more known about this, or is it just a statement, well, maybe you have heard what the experts say about these fire points and fortifications near the cooling ponds, what will protect them there from the fish swimming in those ponds or something like that, please, alas, the experts state that the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, it is currently fully operational militarized, and these entrenched people once again prove that for the russians it is primarily a military object, and you know, what they are doing at the nuclear power plant can be seen every day in reports, for example in nikopolshchyna, yes, when they report an attack there drones or about shelling, most often
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all this happens from the territory of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and the russians themselves, they report that... they are building a pumping station and that they will provide water supply for energy in this way, but of course, what do we understand , what side, as long as there is a russian soldier at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, this is a danger for zaporizhzhia and for the whole of ukraine, even i think that for the whole world, because they want to provide water, excuse me, the forest, the city of energodar, i mean civilian houses will to provide building or something, namely like this. well, that's what they 're reporting, should the water from the ponds be dumped on the city or something? yes, they stated that they are building such a pumping station, as it really is, of course, i would like to hear from experts in this field, of course, what not from the russians themselves, but in fact they generally faced all the cities they
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occupied with the fact that they simply do not cope with such communal problems, and here in energodar there is no water to... very often there is no light, the same situation exists in berdyansk and melitopol, and they are trying to somehow fix this situation, at least the media one, for example, berdyansk, which is now also mostly without water as an energy source, they brought in some specialists from tver vodokanal, well, we see that things are not going very well for them , exactly, that's right, tver vodokanal, berdyansk vodokanal, which they seized, is no longer able to cope, so... they announced that in this way they would improve the situation, that in relation to the energy donation, they also announced that they would build a pumping station, sorry, that the russian i will quote the famous biker hrybov, how do you become a musician? it is basically the same story, because having interrupted natural connections, natural supplies of electricity, water, and everything else, now the enemy cannot create anything new
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maybe he doesn't want to, most importantly, it's simply impossible, well, but in any case, thank you alice. soyeva, deputy of the zaporizhzhya district council, by the way, i watched a video today, yevpatoria, this is the height of the season in crimea, ukrainian crimea, which is occupied by the enemy, the end of july, this is the beginning of the velvet season, soon, it seemed, people would just have, and show the beaches in patoria, which was always full of people, it is such an average price segment, there is vpatoria has always been such an average price segment, there were always a lot of people there, and there is no one there, there is simply no one there, three towels and two people on the beach, this is the level of... life, the level of life in the occupation, how is everything happening there, let's move on, let's now talk about certain political-military-political aspects, it's a little possible that we will punish you for treason, well, in any case, as they say, there must be both betrayal and victory. volodymyrkov, a political scientist is in touch with us, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, i congratulate
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ms. pritzker's visit to ukraine. how would you comment on it and why not all high-ranking officials want to meet with her? well mrs. plitzker she is a very strict business woman, and in relations with the ukrainian authorities, she acts like a bulldozer, because she sees that the americans have an almost complete picture of how funds are handled in the government, how funds are used inappropriately. how many holes have been made in the budget and the most important thing is that this new attempt to raise taxes for the sake of the way it is going on... further criminalization of, for example, the trade in tobacco products, not to mention the prostitutes at customs, where the fees simply fail all customs, so ms.
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pritzker took such a hard step, she especially remembers that during the previous visit, prime minister shmegal told her about the fact that they were introducing a strategic council with strategists. the secretaries at the cabinet of ministers, well , it’s like that, to scare something, but it’s all bubbles, and the americans see this imitation of fragile activity very clearly and , well, they poke ukrainian officials with their faces, poke them, because in essence mrs. pritzker stated that even during the war, american companies are ready to enter the ukrainian economy, to bring... investments, but in theirs entry is blocked by government officials. look, here is this story, again, i do not want
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to spread treason here or to say that someone did not think about this before, maybe they thought, maybe they understood that there could be difficult situations with filling the budget, therefore allocating funds for the army, first above all for the salaries of the military, well, first of all, because... they have to take money every month, these are people who sacrifice their lives, health, they have families, they have needs, despite the fact that they owe this money to receive in order to be able to continue fighting, and to support one's health, to buy some necessary things, to provide for one's family, and that the issue of lack of budget money may arise, because many people are mobilizing, this process is not always completely clear, many, well, when there is a big process, something happens somewhere. not so, and the economy weakens, fops are closed, somewhere less taxes are given to certain enterprises, because there are fewer people and they cannot produce the same amount of products,
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personal income tax, there are some other things, they are reduced, and so on it comes to that the moment when last week the chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on budget affairs, people's deputy, the honorable ruslana pidlasa, who said that we may face a situation in the spring, that there will be no money to pay the military, is quite a sharp statement, although about this is what the depots and businessmen said, they met with, and i once spoke with mr. dligach, they met with government officials, explained how to act, what to do, what economic armoring should be, so that the army was fighting, and money was scarce, and the economy was working, well, i decided not to listen businessmen, to act in their own way, they reach the point when the obvious becomes obvious, it is clear, this is mathematics, it, these are laws that are not subject to, they cannot be canceled by the decisions of the office of the president or. by the resolutions of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, how to act now in this situation, and to keep the society in understanding and in adequacy, and to take money, and
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for the economy to work, and for the army to fight effectively and have the necessary support, in your opinion, the government will resort to changing the government and will something be blamed on someone again, will there be any correct solutions? well firstly, let me remind you that the government acts without... any program, for the fourth year, the government does not report to the parliament, secondly, to change the government , it is still necessary to resurrect some kind of coalition in the parliament, because the forces of the servants of the people are not is adopted, the last year no draft law has been adopted, that is, they necessarily hire partners, so to speak, er, it is necessary to change this situation, because this government is completely... schist, so to speak, he, he is very, he extremely imitation, er, well, most likely a real boss of the government is yulia sverodenko, the vice-prime minister, not
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shmyhal, shmyhal is the moderator at the cabinet meeting, but, more or less, such management decisions are made with tacit agreement with veredem, and it was precisely about her , that with ... if the prime minister resigns, then the new government program must be fully approved, they don't want it, they want manual control. i want to remind you that the americans have been in trouble for the last year, for example, for trade, for the gray trade in tobacco, when poroshenko handed over power according to zelenskyi, the gray trade in tobacco products was around 5%, a little less, and the european partners were constantly poking, well , quarreling about what to do with this... now
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trade, gray trade in tobacco products is 30%, the budget simply does not receive it's just tens of billions of hryvnias, but instead of fighting the loopholes in tax collection, the government is trying to raise taxes themselves, but there is a council under the president, a council. businessmen during the war , such a body was specially created before the ranch by two representatives of this council, mr. konotovskyi and mr. horokhovsky, they just raised hysterics about the government's intention to raise taxes, you know, that's a good idea actually, you know, if we were now in some developing country, trying to clean up, well, under
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normal conditions, when there are no obvious reasons for... thunderstorms and nothing critically affects your development, it happens more or less evolutionary, well, under certain pressure due to certain problems, but it is normal, well, everything is normal, but we are not normal, we are at war, and the president signs the law on the white business club, and with on the one hand, again, we once had a law on oligarchs, when oligarchs were defined according to certain points, and those people who did not even fall under half of these points were for some reason simply called oligarchs, because someone so, someone so... decided, but i am for the fact that there is a white business biz club, let it be, let us know a business that pays taxes honestly, but on the other hand, let us perhaps know a club of white tax collectors who do not give nightmares to business, or a club of other white law enforcers who they don't make business a nightmare, but they do it is possible for him to develop and work and they are not squeezed out, they are not nationalized, well, in quotation marks, because we have some nationalized enterprises that simply stopped and do not work, while they were private, they worked, when they became nationalized, they do not work, well, god be with him, but what will this achieve? and the second
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question, today i read our good colleague and a wonderful soldier of the armed forces, now the former minister of infrastructure, volodymyr omelyan, who said that even before the war, we had up to 40% of gdp in the shadows, everything is just in the shadows it was decided, it worked, it is a huge amount of money, taxes, customs, something else, something else, which can simply be taken outside, but it must be done, so the main question is that this club of white business, how to get there, what kind of indulgence is it ... will give your opinion, and secondly, whether it will be possible, will the heads of the relevant bodies, on behalf of the teams of the president's office, succeed, obviously, in order to lead to the wall, not that the business is somehow trying to survive there, it will go into the shadows a little somewhere, so that at least somehow to breathe, to get to the water to get that, but real big money, i'm just wondering what big money is for, i 'll say for an example, it's simple, you can confirm it now, so the tender was held in
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the zaporizhzhia region. a tender for road repair, extra money that suddenly appeared in this tender, well, it disappeared somewhere, extra money, 700 million uah, this is one area, it is possible some 700 million uah, that is, money, there is money, the question is, will they succeed in withdrawing money from the schemes, or will they once again throw that business into the frying pan for the 10th time, so that maybe it will burn a little more somewhere, please, and what are they throwing into the pan, by the way... one of penny pritzker's claims was that several american companies are ready to enter ukraine, the state itself is not very effectively managing the direction , i.e. penny prisker during his last visit, yesterday, today, says that we are ready even during the war to strengthen the ukrainian economy in some way, but instead the government in every possible way plays off these
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initiatives, blocks... not to mention the absolute savagery with that raising taxes, which they want to introduce, that is, in essence , we have the power against our own state, i will ask one more question, maybe you have more information, such a people's deputy zhupanin from the servant of the people at the zk began checking his declaration after his vacation, well, he was taken to certain seats outside ukraine in the foreign election. friends, please tell me, is this the next stage of the purge by the servants of the servants, or has someone's conscience perhaps awakened and decided that, well, let's check somehow, because it's not comilfo at all, in front of such a it's a difficult period, well, it's necessary to somehow check some deputies so that people don't worry too much about the fact that someone spends a lot of money on some unnecessary things, and the question is where did he get that money, county resident, as far as i know.


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