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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. good evening, we are from ukraine. today i announced my colleague oleksandr morchevka and said that he will talk about inflation, how much and by what and when prices will rise, what to expect, oleksandr, already next to me, good evening, please, you have a word. good evening, vasyl, i welcome the audience, indeed, i will talk about industrial inflation to begin with, and how it will affect you and me , ordinary consumers, and how it is related to energy, we will find out from our guest, who will join the column, wait in details in a moment. this is a column about money during the war,
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i'm oleksandr morchyvka, i welcome you and i'll start with important news from the world of money. our state will be able to survive for three months without turning off the lights or with minimal restrictions. such the forecast was made by yuriy boyko, adviser to the prime minister of ukraine on energy issues. according to him, the energy system entered a state of balance after the record heat subsided and consumption decreased significantly. as reported by the ukrenergo company, they do not plan to apply the schedules today until the end of the day, and we also expect that everything will be normal tomorrow as well. but ukraine should abandon large energy facilities and switch to the system of so-called distributed generation, that is , the construction of small stations. now is the time
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said the head of the cabinet of ministers, denys shmyhal. for this purpose, the government developed a program to support private power producers, and also allowed preferential importation of electric generators, inverters, batteries, and charging stations abroad. let's listen to the direct speech. president volodymyr zelenskyy signed the law on the removal of import duty and vat for energy equipment. citizens and businesses are now in a preferential regime. can import electric generators, inverters, batteries, charging stations. well, what does that mean? vasyl, the distribution of generation means that we ourselves we have to take care of ourselves. we really thank the government that we can import batteries, charging stations, install solar panels on roofs, and wind turbines on our private farms with discounts, that is, everything we produce for our needs will be ours, and the rest will be sold to the network. now this is how we are being prepared for the heating. of the season, large substations
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are no longer clean, i think that solar generation, of course, i do not know that it will be possible to accumulate there in the fall and winter, well, but other things, which are a plus, i understand that there are some housing associations, housing and communal services associations there or condominiums, they maybe there they will somehow be able to jointly purchase some necessary things and have more and more generation, that is , it is still a private economy, despite the preferential lending, despite... here, the preferential importation of technical means is still expensive for the private economy, well, if we say take farms, for example, but you have to do a lot of things and have generation, but in any case it is still cheaper than it could be, we are preparing not only with energy, we are also preparing with blue fuel for the new heating season, and here ukrgazvydobuva launched a new high-performance well producing 274,000 cubic meters of gas per day. operation
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will increase production by 17%, naftogaz reported. another well is on the way, which is planned to be put into operation in august. the company also adds that 50 new wells were drilled in six months. the property worth uah 400 million of ex-people's deputies traitors serhii medvedchuk and bohdan kozak was transferred to state management. the court seized land plots, enterprises, factories, and cars. and real estate, the sbu reported. let me remind you that in june the law enforcement officers exposed both brothers of former people's deputies on financial matters. according to the investigation, the perpetrators used controlled enterprises to embezzle funds due to non-payment of taxes to the state budget and caused losses to the treasury of over uah 75 million. both suspects are hiding abroad. let's listen to the direct speech. we are talking about land, corporate rights, property complexes and vehicles.
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four enterprises in lviv, including a concrete production plant and a construction company. now more than 10,000 m2 will be under state management real estate and more than 70 units of motor vehicles and construction equipment belonging to the companies of serhii medvedchuk and bohdan kozak. we will remind that in june of this year, law enforcement officers kidnapped both brothers of former people's deputies on large-scale financial schemes. let's go further. increasing the vat rate is a very simple and at the same time a painful step for the least protected citizens - minister of finance serhiy marchenko said. he says that the main negative of the increase in value added tax is the increase in prices. especially for essential goods. the ruler believes that the revision of the military levy is a measure for the fair distribution of the fiscal burden among all working citizens, pensioners will not be affected by it. let me remind you that on the initiative of the government, the rate of the military levy is proposed to be increased from
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1.5% to 5%. well, if we touched on the increase in prices, due to the increase in taxes, which is currently being discussed in the cabinet of ministers and in the supreme council , we are bringing in andriy dligach, doctor of economics, professor, founder of the advanter group of companies. good evening. good p.m. mr. andriy, it's interesting, last week it became known that industrial inflation increased by 14% in one month. this is such a first step, such a basis for the fact that consumer prices will start to rise, why such a negative indicator, what has affected it and what we as consumers should prepare for. there are very good points about what to prepare for, and the tax briefing is also absolutely appropriate. first of all, i want to say that the government and the national bank have now quite effectively coped
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with curbing the inflationary processes, devaluation of the hryvnia, and despite what we see, now that the hryvnia. including industrial inflation, but it is much better than it could be in the worst scenarios, even in the base scenario everything could be much worse, so you should definitely not blame the ministry of finance or the national bank for the current process, but, but really negative processes are accumulating , precisely because of the unwillingness of the national bank of the ministry of finance and the government in general and the political authorities to solve systemic problems. problems in the economy accumulate negative phenomenon, it actually manages to bounce back in the 23rd and 24th years, but in the 25th year it will definitely not give us this, the absence of systemic changes in the tax system, in customs, in the pressure of law enforcement officers and in general curbing this
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pressure from various regulatory law enforcement agencies on business, all this has accumulated and can lead to extremely negative consequences. next year, and here already the state, which many times broke its promises during the war, for example, not to revise tariffs, not to raise taxes, will no longer be able to count on understanding from on the business side, that is why the situation is now critical, that is why today, on our joint initiative of analytical centers and the ministry of finance itself, we held a discussion of the current situation, including the idea of ​​raising taxes, and including the topics touched on. what is happening globally in the economy, in particular, what is happening with inflation, industrial inflation, according to the central national bank of ukraine, consumer inflation is not transmitted directly, that is, a 14% increase in industrial prices will give from one to 2% increase in prices
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of consumers, as it would seem, is not so significantly affected, according to our own calculations, this indicator is much higher, and moreover, now that tariffs, that... taxes, they will affect everyone, and in the end, an increase, any increase in taxes or a military levy or the introduction of the so-called sales tax or an increase in vat will lead to the development of consumer inflation, and therefore our proposal to the ministry of finance was to return first of all to systemic changes, to tax reform and customs reform, to the introduction economic reservation on... actually it is called reservation of critical personnel, which makes it possible to significantly decimate the economy, including salaries. if you simply raise taxes automatically or mechanistically, this leads to an increase in price appreciation and a slowdown in the development of inflationary processes, that is, to a worsening of the economic
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situation, to a decrease in investments, and ultimately to a reduction in the gdp. therefore, only systemic solutions and only a constructive dialogue with business associations, with analytical centers, will give the government an opportunity. find objectively the best solution in the current situation, mr. andrii, well, we see that the electricity tariff has increased by more than 28%. for manufacturers, indeed, as you say, such a minimum inflation indicator, as the nbu believes, cannot be added to goods or services, to what extent, in your opinion, should we expect an increase in consumer inflation, to what extent will this industrial, thanks to the increase in electricity for business, be reflected on well, for example, on basic food products. business, first of all... uh, reacted to the possible increase in cost electricity and for possible outages, not only
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summer, but above all winter, by actively preparing for decentralization, for own generation, if gas generation, it is economically justified in that sense, as well as generation from renewable sources of wind and solar energy , it gives an economic effect and lowers the price of electricity for business, then... gasoline and diesel generation with our calculations also leads to an increase in actual electrical energy for business, and this will be included in the cost price and accordingly reflected in the price goods nevertheless, according to our calculations , inflation will not exceed 10% this year. expected that this indicator will be 8% in the average vice, and as long as the government manages and the national bank manages to keep this indicator, according to our calculations , it will reach 10%, but i hope it will not cross this indicator, it will be less than,
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for example, in russia, but nevertheless, this is a significant indicator for ukraine. can we lower it? hardly, we still have a high dependence on imports, we still have a large one pressure from these expectations, tax increases and, unfortunately, power outages. here i have to say that it is not the increase in electricity itself, but rather the fact that due to a shutdown in business , the load on production capacity decreases, the effect of scale changes, decreases accordingly, the greater the load on production capacity, if they work at full capacity, the lower the cost of production of each unit for business, correspondingly lower price, if less workload, correspondingly higher cost price. if the current load is close to the average 45%, in the winter it can drop to
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35%, accordingly, the cost of products for business will increase significantly, and this will definitely affect consumer prices. thank you for the thorough analysis, for your numerical calculation, andrii dligach, doctor of economic sciences, professor, founder of advanter group was in touch, well, i will only add here, vasyl, that we really see due to blackouts, due to blackouts, in particular. dairy products began to appear less on the shelves of supermarkets, because milk, in fact, cannot withstand frequent power outages and a lot of products are now simply returned to the producers by supermarkets, they are not sold, they spoil, well , there are simply no many products, and on the other hand, i want to tell you that i am looking, i name the brand, but a half liter of yogurt is uah 80, well, some a very sharp jump, all this is included in the retail price vasyl, bakers are also sounding the alarm, they... even at the beginning , it was emphasized that the prices of bakery
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products will rise due to the increase in the price of electricity for businesses, and in fact, consumers see this on shelves and on price tags, now you buy a few buns, so earlier with this money you could buy a cake a year ago, and now you buy four buns with cherries, well, it is clear that you can limit yourself in some ways, for example, i try to buy the most important things, well, but after all, there are people with families, children, and we hope that in... after all, the prices will not cross the mark predicted by the national bank and the expert environment, we will monitor this on the air, i will say goodbye to you for today, but it continues the program, watch us, will follow more, i also thank oleksandr morchavka, well, let's try to go through this stage of price increases as well, we have already passed many difficult stages, difficult moments, the most difficult for our soldiers on... we understand this perfectly and for the families, those whose soldiers died, who suffered directly from the war, but it must
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be experienced, in any case, the main thing is that it was all in the name of victory, and not some other moments happened here. and to analyze, from his point of view, these and other events at 20:00 in the verdict program will be started by serhii rudenko, about what will be discussed in his program today, let's ask, sergey, good evening, please, good evening, you. today we will talk about the situation at the front, and in particular, regarding the supply of f-16 by western partners. the new york times wrote about... that no more than 10 f-16 fighters will arrive in ukraine this year, and this means related to pilot training, 24 pilots are currently being trained to fly the f-16 in ukrainian skies, but these 24 pilots will be distributed among the fighters, two pilots per
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every fighter, and the new york times predicts that by the end of the 24th year there will be no more than 10 or 12 f-16s in the ukrainian skies. whether it is true or not, we will talk with our expert, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war yevhen dyky. he will be with us at 20:00. in addition, we will discuss with him the plans of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrsky regarding the possible liberation of the crimean peninsula and the prospects for the liberation of the crimean peninsula. since syrsky predicts that this is about to happen, well, at least in some reasonable way perspective and of course, everything related to mobilization and demobilization, since the speaker of the ukrainian parliament ruslan stefanchuk said that there will be no law on demobilization during martial law,
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because no country does it, whether it is right or not, we will hear from mr. wild . in the second part. our program will be yury lutsenko, we will talk about the case of iryna farion, as well as about other political murders that took place and are taking place in ukraine, who sits on the bench, where are the customers, and so on. in the second part of our program, which will start at 21:15, we will have three people's deputies of ukraine: andrii osadchuk, yevgenia kravchuk and rostyslav pavlenko. we are talking with him about the peace plan of ukraine, which is being prepared for november 24th, in short , we are starting in 14 hours, in 14 minutes, please wait for our program, it will be interesting, thank you serhiy, so at 20:00 the verdict program with serhiy rudenko, well, now we have the plot for your attention, right away in two cities in
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rivne and lutsk , the food ukraine centrain branches were officially opened. event center have already accepted the first participants, among other things, here internally displaced persons can receive individual psychological consultations, take specialized training courses, and participate in various leisure activities for adults and children. my colleagues have seen the work of these centers, so more in the next story. in the hands of these boys and girls are colored ribbons. they came to the handmade circle. such leisure for children inside. displaced persons were organized in the rivne food center. activities with peers are one of the ways to fill children's lives meaningful activities and the joy of communication, which the full-scale russian invasion actually took away from them. it is very difficult for children to identify their own emotions and overcome communication barriers. that is why this
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course is designed to help them feel more free and overcome the difficulties that children face. in communication and in society in general, we develop our program in such a way that it is possible to involve children in the age category from up to four and even up to 14 years old, and it seems to me that everyone will find their place somewhere in our center. children's the program at the fudayin center in rivne will be replenished with a new english class from august. adults can also study it here for free. in addition, in the development center, participants will have access not only to... various training programs and events, but will also have the opportunity to master a new profession. among the offers are courses in smm branding, accounting, modeling, cutting and sewing. this is important for us so that we can give people opportunities, resources, so that they can stay where they are, integrate into society and have opportunities
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financial ones to stay here as well, that is, if they retrain, get a new profession and can go to work, then ... they will automatically stay in ukraine. another development center has been operating in lutsk for over two months. during this time , the organizers filled the children's summer vacation with a series of master classes "the miracle of the bag" and together with the patrol police of the volyn region created a real cycling academy. started with familiarization with road signs and actions of cyclists. recently , the children passed their first exam with... we extract the left hand in the direction of the turn so left at the moment is good when we want. stop, we raise our hands up, or children, foodin center lutsk conducts various courses and trainings, both for children from internally
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displaced families and for adults. accompanied by psychologists, the participants swim in kayaks to learn how to release their emotions, play board games, search for harmony within themselves, and do yoga. they recently started to be held here. trainings for medical assistance. it is unique, i think, because it has not been seen in other regions. we have them trainings for medical assistance, today in ukraine it is very relevant and this training took place today, they are cyclical in our country, these are skills that i believe every person should have in his arsenal, starting from different situations in life, even when the heat outside someone it can get bad, we've been having a lot of trouble lately, and to conclude with the fact that there's a war in the country, and we... we can all be in different conditions, where the first such help will be needed. this is not the first time ms. iryna has attended such a training, she says that thanks to
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medical trainers with practical experience, studied the base that everyone needs now. i learned to apply tourniquets to different parts of the body, legs, hands, i learned to stop bleeding, i learned to tampon the wound, to stop it. thanks to the non-governmental organization development alliance, with the support of taiwan and people's deputy mykola knyazhytskyi, such development centers operate in 11 cities of ukraine. lviv, chervonograd, stryi, ternopil, ivano-frankivsk, verkhovyna, kyiv, poltava, chernivtsi, and recently in lutsk and rivne. the largest number of displaced persons are in the western regions of ukraine. although there are also in the east, we are actively working in poltava. left ukraine, it means that they felt that they were loved, no matter where
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they were, that they would stay here, no matter what region they came to, that they would be interested, that their children would be interested, that they would become part of the community , this is our main goal, you can find out about the opportunities in your city on the website of the public organization alliance-development. ema stadnyk, andriy polikovsky, espresso tv channel. well, now i will call you to join the gathering. so, the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade. 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these wars that... stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring, so there are a lot of losses and resources need to be replenished. they urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. these technologies are critical
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important for the protection of our soldiers. our goal is 3.5 million hryvnias. we remember that each of your donations brings our victory closer. together we can protect those who protect us. well, let 's hear another comment. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first. of the assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, which will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need the means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and komikaji drones, we very much ask for your help, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory to heroes, unfortunately, it must be stated that the ukrainian football team is obviously leaving paris, our olympic football team. the national team, well, let me remind you, was assembled, as they say, from the world, there was not a single really star football player in the composition of our u-23, there was such an opportunity
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to send three adult football players, not a single such famous star decided to go to paris to support the national team run over, despite the fact that, well , bad luck somewhere, the referee somewhere, some anomalous things somewhere, we lost to iraq, in a match that we absolutely won by all indicators, possession of the ball, the number of shots, dominance and... the so-called, that is, we should have scored much more goals, but we lost 2:1, then a heroic victory over morocco 2:1, well , in the match against argentina, by the way , the star footballers arrived, somehow they were able to find an opportunity, the ukrainian national team loses with a score of 0:2, but actually, what more could be demanded from our boys, they won the first for ukraine in the history of the olympics in football, in the football olympics, as a national ukrainian olympic team. still got three points, well , it's obviously going home, there are two minutes left in the match, the score is 0:2 in favor of argentina, so we thank our players, i'll say it again, they did
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it, they did what... were able to despite the fact that our national team did not even have a full set of players, only 18 football players went, they could not even collect more, so, as they say, they showed character and still managed to give good emotions to the fans, so we thank them for their struggle and honesty on football field, which is very important, well, me goodbye until tomorrow until 18:10, then the weather from natalka didenko and the verdict program at 20:00, watch and be with espresso, take care! synoptic greetings to all, our dear viewers, we will, of course , talk with you about the weather that is expected in all of ukraine tomorrow, about its features, we will also mention the forecast of magnetic bora, and we will start our meeting today with such a very interesting in my opinion view of the topic, in
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ukrainian. surnames that contain the origin of natural phenomena are generally always addressed by everyone attention, and i personally like them very much, they are so clear, and since surnames, of course, a lot of surnames trace their history from some such terribly old and ancient times, it is clear that when people were afraid of a certain phenomenon, they respected it very much, and this it was probably also connected with some specific story. well, of course, i looked and looked, went through the pages of the network, and here are such surnames, of course, i think that you know them much more, maybe you will share with me on my facebook page, and for now this is such a phenomenon, i will not even tell and explain obviously from which phenomenon this name comes from, vitruk, vitrenko, windy, wind, of course, burii,
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burenko, doshchuk, veselko, veselchenko, grozyuk , grozenko, gradskyi, gradenko . khmarenko, spechenko, i have never met such a thing, cold boy, holodny, holodian, holodenko, well, will we have a holodenko in the coming days, we will talk more about this, and now we are moving on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, and well, i warned yesterday and today that these days there is a strong activity of the sun and respectively, geomagnetic activity. because
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you and i know that magnetic storms appear when the sun is very active, well, magnetic storms are expected tomorrow, so please be careful about your health and preferably, of course, without any excesses, well, actually, we move on to weather forecast for the next day, i want to say that july is coming to an end, a wonderful, luxurious july, of course... it was very hot, but still, let's talk about it, as they say, in november-december. so, on july 31, what kind of weather is expected in the western regions of ukraine. the air temperature is more than comfortable, 24-27°. no precipitation is expected. the northern part of ukraine will also have dry weather and the temperature will be very similar - 25-27° above zero. there will be no precipitation in the east of ukraine, and there will also be no heat on the 27th-28th,
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well, maybe 20. 7-29°. in the central part of ukraine, there is no significant precipitation, the air temperature is 25-29° above zero. in the southern part of ukraine, there is also no excessive heat, such a moderate heat, and as for the rooster , it is probably not heat at all. 27-29°, dry weather. the air temperature is expected to be around 25-27° in kyiv tomorrow. no precipitation is expected. this is the closest one. synoptic outlook, of course keep an eye out for our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the verdict with serhiy rudenko. creeping offensive russians, ukrainians.


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