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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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a full-fledged state that can now know who their enemies are and who their friends are. thank you, it was yuriy lutsenko. friends, in 15 minutes we will return to the studio, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, do not switch. all-squad gas, rubber bullets and thousands of protesters. protests erupted in venezuela after... the current president, putin's ally nicolas maduro, announced victory in the elections for the third time. he is accused of tampering with the results and what will these protests lead to? we talk about it in today's issue of bbc live from london. dzaferov works in the studio. mass protests and vigils on the streets of various cities in venezuela began after the incumbent president nicolás maduro was declared the winner of the election on sunday. maduro's opponents took to the streets
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to protest the election results and demand change. in some places , fights broke out with the police, who used tear gas and rubber bullets. in the capital , caracas, protesters tore down and burned posters of maduro, in addition to burning tires, cars and garbage. people also demolished the monument the former leader of the country hugo chavas, whose protégé is maduro. the national election council, which is controlled. maduro's party announced that he won 51% of the vote, while his rival, democratic party candidate edmundo gonzalez, won more than 44%. but the opposition believes that maduro stole the victory. and independent exit polls showed other numbers. they say that about 65% of people voted for gonzalez, and between 14 and 31% for maduro. the leader of the opposition maria corina machado says that... that the opposition
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counts the votes independently, and for her gonzález collected more than 6 million votes, and maduro almost twice as many. the opposition adds that maduro's victory will be contested, more on what is happening in caracas, the bbc's ioanni wells. the election results caused an explosion in this place. police and armed forces. were ordered to protect the voting results. thousands of protesters say they are defending democracy. the day began with a bang, but without violence. people were in pots and pans. they chanted freedom, protested against maduro's announcement of his victory. it terrible, it's a scam. the opposition received 70%. but they did the same to us again. elections were stolen from us again. we want a better
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future for the youth, because if not, they will leave the country to a place where they can work well and earn well. we have a rich country, he is destroying everything. this is fraud. i voted for the first time in my life, i was there from six in the morning until nine and i saw many people mobilizing on the street. there was a lot of dissatisfaction with the governments. and voted for the changes. during the day, thousands of people rushed to the presidential palace on a sign of protest, some traveled many kilometers on foot, going straight from the mountainous hinterlands around the city. cars and garbage were set on fire around government buildings, posters with the face of president maduro were torn down, and the statue of his predecessor and mentor hugo chavez was demolished. that's what will worry president maduro, it's not the opposition party, it's not... the foreign governments
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that are contesting the results of this election, it's the thousands and thousands of ordinary people from the poorer areas of the city who have come to the presidential palace to protest against the results of this election, challenging the victory maduro. the city literally exploded this evening. the police, the military, and armed militias loyal to the government tried to disperse the protests. tear gas and rubber bullets were used. this is not the first time we have faced... what happened today, it was an attempt to carry out a fascist and counter-revolutionary coup d'état in venezuela, again, the opposition says it got more than 70%, and the coupons from the electronic voting machines show, they say it proves their victory. this is a miracle, a miracle, today i want to tell everyone to venezuelans in ukraine and abroad, to all the democrats of the world. now we have evidence of
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what happened yesterday in venezuela, we did it, we did it, this war of words between the government and the opposition was the spark that ignited the clashes. that covered the whole city. and there are already reports of three dead and hundreds of detainees, but in addition to the protesters, chavistas, supporters of the politics of hugo chávez and his follower maduro, also took to the streets. however, according to polls conducted on the eve of the election, many young people said that if maduro wins, they will leave the country. and indeed, during his rule since 2013, almost 8 million people left the country, and the gdp in 11 years... fell by 70%. according to local consulting company ekoanalitika, about 65% of venezuelans earn less than $100 a month. and it is precisely maduro's government that is blamed for this economic crisis, while the opposition, which insists on its victory, says: the country needs
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changes. next, how will the events unfold in venezuela? the opposition is probably proclaiming victory for its own ex. by the floor they won with margin opposition leader maria corino machado said that based on her own count, they won with 70% to maduro's 30%. she will also take advantage of the fact that new and verified polls have shown the main opposition candidate, edmundo gonzalez, leading by a huge margin. so the opposition is proclaiming victory and will insist on regime change. we expect an increase in violence and protests and... they will continue to demand regime change, destabilizing it. they will try to prove that the scale of the falsification was so huge that the government has to go. despite the attempt to overthrow the regime, we believe that maduro will hold on to power. he will take advantage of
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the patronage structure created in venezuela, which rewards high officials and regions for dissent. maduro also has control over the security forces of the national assembly. by the council and the majority of zmi. all this shows that he will remain in power despite demands to leave. the international community should put pressure on the regime to achieve a recount. it is important that established democracies like uruguay, chile, colombia, as well as brazil, which is an ally of the dictator. we believe that they will insist on recounting and increasing transparency, although the maduro regime is used to working in conditions of diplomatic isolation. and about what external factors affect the situation in venezuela, i spoke with my colleague, the bbc's international columnist, georgy erman. welcome to the air. let's start with the consequences for the region. argentina is the only country that has openly declared that it does not recognize the results of sunday's
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elections. in response, venezuela withdrew their diplomats from buenos aires. caracas also intervened in six other countries of the region: chile, uruguay, peru, ostarica, and the dominican republic. and panama. it seems that these elections will shake up not only venezuela, but also the entire region. congratulations. in fact, this reaction was predictable, in these countries, mainly right-wing governments are in power, which are watching quite carefully what is happening in venezuela, whether the rights of the opposition were respected during the election process. the only exception is the leftist, according to his views. dent of chile, gabriel borych, who stands as an outlier among the latin american left in general, he openly and very fervently supports ukraine, and in this case he stated precisely that it is very difficult to believe the results announced by
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the venezuelan authorities. the reaction of most countries to these elections was expected, as expected, venezuela congratulated nicolás maduro. china, russia, serbia, turkey, qatar, that is, those countries that have developed quite friendly relations with the venezuelan leader, congratulated on this result, and likewise expectedly, the results of these elections were criticized, well, not the results but the election process itself, criticized in argentina, costa rica, panama, questioned in many democratic states. these results, and the fact that it is unlikely to lead to any kind of tension between states in latin america, if the situation remains under the control of the venezuelan authorities, if there are
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large-scale protests, if there are large-scale victims, of course, one should expect the introduction of some sanctions, not only from latin american countries, for... them first of all, states, well, this will be the main form of reaction to the level of violence, if it is high, well, you mentioned sanctions, but who actually has real leverage? influence on president maduro, us sanctions, they led to a wave of mass migration, impoverishment, but they still did not undermine the politics that maduro inherited from that chalas. well, yes, these sanctions had an impact on venezuela, on its economy, but the arbiter of the fate of venezuela is only the venezuelan people, and only venezuelans can independently change something in their country, and that is, m... any sanctions are unlikely to affect nicolás maduro and
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the regime he built over 12 years, which is characterized by massive impoverishment and the concentration of power, essentially in the power apparatus, although if nicolás maduro and his party are called socialist, then outside of these socialist slogans, it mainly a regime that relies on... repressive bodies on the police, power structures, on some support in the armed forces, that is, if the demonstrators find ways to convince a part, a part of the army, a part of the people, who at the moment are on the side of the regime, maybe this protest movement will succeed, otherwise everything will end the same as it was in... in the year 14, in the year 17, in the year 19 in venezuela mass protests,
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even the announcement of an alternative president was juan guaido in the 19th year, but it did not lead to anything, nicolas maduro remained in power and controls the entire territory of ukraine. if so, is it even possible to draw any parallels with european dictators, lukashenko or putin? and we can say that it is economic the conditions of venezuela and belarus are significantly different, because venezuela is now presented as an example of the resource curse, since its economy, even before gochaves, was too dependent on oil, and this made many other sectors of the economy unprofitable, the country became completely dependent from their incomes, from exports. oil, and when
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negative changes appeared in this oil sector, the country's incomes accordingly began to fall, then, for example, when oil prices fell sharply in 2014, this also affected the economy of venezuela, and it was then that the main decline in gdp, the country's economy, which the country is experiencing now, began, because the economic situation was normal. better, and under maduro - this is the story almost until the 21st year, approximately, it is a very severe economic crisis with hyperinflation. belarus simply lived in different conditions, the structure of the economy was different, and in essence, oleksandr lukashenko provided his rule with certain agreements with russia, which guaranteed him cheap energy during certain periods of his rule. and guaranteed the work of various branches of the belarusian
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economy, in belarus there was a strong machine-building industry, agricultural production, that is, there was a quite different situation there, if we talk about ideology, ah, let's say this, you can hear a lot of ideological things from nicolas maduro, unlike oleksandr lukashenka, that is, this desire to maintain power. which is covered by certain socialist slogans, the struggle for equality, in fact equality has been achieved in only one thing, that more than 90% of venezuelans have become poor. thank you, george erman, a bbc correspondent, was in touch with us. thank you george. so, subscribe to our pages in social networks so as not to miss the most important news, we are on facebook, instagram and vk. tiktok, you can watch our episode on youtube if you missed it on the air. so, that's all for today,
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look for more stories on our website and we will be on the air again tomorrow at 21. take care. congratulations, friends, live on the tv channel. the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, and for the next 45 minutes we will talk about the following. in search of points during the negotiations , there are proposals from european leaders to start a peace process between ukraine and russia. what can be a real solution regarding the occupied territories? orban's geopolitical prophecies. the hungarian prime minister predicts the disintegration of europe and the strengthening of the global south. why
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has the european union not shown hungary the door yet? demobilization. on pause, the leadership of the parliament is not yet ready to consider the draft law on limiting the term of military service. will the parliamentary majority agree? about this and other things, continue we will talk with our guests for the next 45 minutes. however, before we start our big conversation, i suggest you take part in our survey. today, friends, we ask you about the following: is it time for negotiations between ukraine and russia? yes, no, on youtube. everything is quite simple, either yes or no, if you have a separate opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you are watching us on tv, please take your smart phone or phone and vote by phone. if you believe that the time for negotiations between ukraine and russia has come 0,800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote,
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at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's guests. of our studio is yevgenia kravchuk, people's deputy from the servant of the people, deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy, head of the paris committee on culture, science, media and sports, mrs. yevgenia, i congratulate you, thank you for being with me today by us, good evening, rostyslav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine from the european union solidarity, member of the parliamentary committee from the parliamentary committee on education, science and innovation, mr. rostislav, i congratulate you, thank you for... you joined the broadcast, good evening, thank you for the invitation. andrii osadchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on law enforcement. mr. andriy, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our program. good evening, thank you for inviting me. so, ladies and gentlemen, as we ask our viewers what they think, whether it's time for
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negotiations between russia and ukraine. i will ask you about it. i talked about it today. the president of finland that it is already time for the ukrainians and russians to come to an agreement, mrs. yevgenia, in your opinion, is it time to sit down at the negotiating table, or are there any circumstances that force ukraine to postpone this negotiation for the time being process, and in particular the position of putin himself and russia, to see russia at the negotiating table is not an end in itself. although of course that any wars, they eventually end with some kind of peace document, and even the second world war, it also ended, well, actually confirming that fascist germany had capitulated, and of course, that in our case , for the successful results of any
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negotiations, there must be two things, that is pressure on pain on the battlefield and... well, the strong position of ukraine on battlefield and diplomatic pressure, the more countries join this diplomatic pressure on russia, the better, that is why the maximum number of countries were invited to the peace summit so that they would join those basic rules, so basic values, on which a just peace for of ukraine. thank you, ms. evgenia, mr. rostislav, how are you? do you think it is time for negotiations between ukraine and russia? well, it seems to me that two very important conditions have not yet been met, first, the massive army on the territory of ukraine has not yet been defeated, and second, the russian economy, everything that is capable of supporting, efforts to attempt aggression, therefore any negotiations are devoid
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of sense. first of all, because russia is not going to go to any negotiations, it is exhibiting. but the conditions are unacceptable, so it seems to me that all efforts should be made now aimed, diplomatically, at strengthening support for ukraine, assistance to ukraine, both military and financial, and increasing pressure on russia, first of all, sanctions, this is, perhaps, the surest path to peace. thank you, mr. rostyslav, mr. andriy, well, you know, the further you go, the more you get the impression that everyone is very tired of the war, and this is true, but it looks like... europe is more tired of the war than in ukraine, and it seems that european politicians are more tired of the war than ukrainians, and ukraine and the armed forces. i would highly recommended to all european politicians. who say the word negotiations and who say it's time to negotiate in ukraine and so on, ask yourself whether they have done everything in
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the last 29 months to force putin and putin's russia to back down, whether they have done everything to make the sanctions effective, did they do everything in order for ukraine to receive all the necessary resources in order to oppose a much stronger one. and a more powerful enemy than ukraine is today, and we know the answer to these question, nothing has been done until today, and at the same time, we all know that the only thing vladimir putin is ready for is the surrender of ukraine and, together with ukraine, the west. he has spoken about this very clearly several times in recent months. in his imagined negotiations, this is at least, he puts a book on the table on which the constitution of the russian federation is written and demands. to recognize this actually requires the whole world to humble itself before him and to perform, excuse me, in the toilet, such a concept as international law, so these are all manipulations that in no way lead to
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to the establishment of peace in europe, so we have to be very strict in our position, at the same time i understand how difficult it is for zelensky, i understand how much pressure is being put on the bank so that ukraine also allegedly demonstrates readiness for negotiations in quotation marks, because in large the world... there is an impression that only china and russia want peace, and ukraine and the west want war, which of course is the exact opposite, but at the same time, i think zelensky is simply forced to say that we are ready for some negotiations, ready for some dialogue, solely as a response to this pressure that he and bankov are under on a daily basis, probably, but no signs, no reasons, sure, but no signs, no reasons, no points that could lead. for negotiations, really negotiations, i do not see yet, probably simply because there are none. but the president of finland, alexander stup, whom i
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mentioned, stated in an interview with the french newspaper lemont that the conditions for peace negotiations between ukraine and russia have already been created, i will quote the president of finland, a country that helps us and supports us in this difficult time, quite actively, as oleksandr stup says, now we are approaching... the moment when negotiations should begin. the reality is that china, the countries of the global south and russia should be involved in these negotiations. at the same time, in an interview with the japanese tv channel nhk, president zelensky said that ukraine will prepare a peace plan by the end of november, this year, that is to say, but so far he cannot respond to calls for a ceasefire. let's listen to what the president of ukraine said. patience, help and... diplomatic pressure. here are three factors for a just war to end. if the us and european countries maintain unity, it will be additional pressure
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and show moscow that it has no chance. ms. yevgenia, maybe you know something about the new plan, zelenskyi's peace plan, because i remember that in june 2024, we and the world stopped at three of zelenskyi's ten points. the seven points were carried over from this meeting in switzerland, and it is not clear whether these are now the seven points carried over to november or the new plan that will be in november will be completely new? no, he definitely is is based on those 10 points that were voiced and about which the whole world knows, and by the way, it's good that these points were in favor right away in the year 22. sovani, because in fact the support of the countries that signed the communique after bürgenstock and
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our partners in general is based on them, yes, that is, they clearly understand what these positions are important for ukraine, what will happen before the second summit, well, at least what is the preliminary plan , indeed, three points were chosen as the first, because they are no longer so unifying, well, who is against there about... whose security or against hostages returned to their homes, including kidnapped ukrainian children, such working groups will now be held at the level of advisers, political leaders, and they will be on the topics of these three points, first, if i am not mistaken, in qatar on non-greek security, then turkey - it's maritime and food security, and canada will be hosting a group that's working on... or there 's writing a plan, the return of all the prisoners, and pows, and civilians, and children that have been exposed by russia, but it's also going to be...
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the next step is already being worked out seven other items, and here i hope that there will be communication from the president's office, or rather i am sure that there will be communication, because all these meetings, especially when they are meetings at the level of advisors, they are quite public, uh, in parallel, of course, that ukraine is interested in strengthening of our defense, strengthening of air defense and not only us. they promise, but they also transfer additional air defense systems, and of course, as part of the strengthening of air defense, these will be transferred to the f-16, and of course, that, in general, it is necessary to plan for the next years, and it is very important that they accepted on level j7 decisions on the transfer of 50 billion, which
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are actually being formed. from advance proceeds from taxation of frozen assets, and it is very important that they can be spent on defense. thank you, ms. evgenia, mr. rostyslav, obviously this agreement, well, we now call it a peace agreement there, or an agreement on peace in ukraine, or on achieving peace in ukraine, it will obviously have some legal and legal status and it is obvious. that this is an international agreement, then obviously it will also pass through the verkhovna rada of ukraine, is it fair that at the current at the stage of the preparation of this document, people's deputies of ukraine, in the broad sense of the word, not five or six, not three people's deputies, were not involved in the formation of any proposal for peace proposals of ukraine or negotiating proposals of ukraine.
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it seems to me that, in general, the verkhovna rada, all factions, yes, all factions that support ukraine and the european euro-atlantic choice could be involved, work effectively, because this bacchanal that takes place with the non-release of deputies is some absolutely illogical and illegal restrictions, they actually limit not so many deputies and not so many deputies, as the possibilities of ukraine, because now we are at the stage of... that the demonstration of unity, and indeed, even this broadcast of ours shows that in these issues, regardless of the faction, we all support one single pro-ukrainian position, this unity should be demonstrated externally, and all the representatives of the factions represented here are doing it, and this would be an absolutely more effective means of conveying the position of ukraine, conveying the points that... er, peace for
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ukraine is, er -er, returning to her territorial integrity, this is, after all, in the plan of president zelensky, regarding the restoration of territorial integrity, the expulsion of russian troops beyond the borders of internationally recognized borders, er, actually, the return of russia, compensation by russia for the damage caused, the responsibility of russian war criminals, all this should be ... was achieved, but we saw that during this peace summit, the countries of the so-called global south, well, they did not really support it, because the number of signatories, let's say, is significantly smaller than the number of participants, and even those three the points that, well, really few people would seem to cause a warning, well, did not receive the support of all participants, and i think. that it is worth
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simply abandoning some kind of fetishization, some summits and other things, working very clearly on the positions that really lead to ukrainian victory, this is the strengthening of support for ukraine, this is the strengthening of support for the armed forces of ukraine, and this is the strengthening of pressure on russia, sanctions pressure, first of all, diplomatic pressure on all fronts, in order for russia to understand that the scenario of leaving ukraine and suffer the consequences of his aggression, because everything else just pushes putin to understand that he will press a little more, advance another 2 km in the donetsk region and the west will rush to his feet, and that's what andriy said, yes, he can just do it the russian word is to offend, but to offend international law, so that it does not succeed, there is only one way
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to peace, it is unification. of all democratic countries.


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