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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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and yes, i think that it is worth simply abandoning some kind of fetishization of some summits and other things, working very clearly on positions that really lead to ukrainian victory, this is strengthening support for ukraine, this is strengthening support for the armed forces of ukraine, and this is increasing pressure on russia , sanctions pressure, first of all, diplomatic pressure on all fronts, so that ee... russia understood the inevitability of the scenario of leaving ukraine and suffering the consequences of its aggression, because everything else just pushes putin to understand that he still he will push a little, he will advance another 2 km in the donetsk region and the west will fall at his feet, and this is what andriy said, yes, he will be able to simply insult, there is such a russian word, to insult international law, so that he does not succeed, there is only... the way to peace
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is the unification of all democratic countries, and for this we need all pro-ukrainian and pro-european factions to be able to participate in clarifying the ukrainian position abroad. but i wonder if hungary can be considered a democratic country, where prime minister viktor orbán talks about that ukraine will never become a member of the eu and nato, and that global power in the world will soon change. from the irrational west to asia and russia. let's listen to how he says it, by the way. what we are facing is actually a world system change. this process starts from asia. briefly and crudely speaking, in the next long, long decades, and maybe even centuries, since the previous world system also existed for 500 years. asia will be the dominant center of the world. china,
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india, pakistan, indonesia and so on. with on the other hand, the west's behavior is unclear, unpredictable, its behavior is irrational, and it cannot cope with the situation. mr. andriy, well, orban's position was clear, but it was not so openly pro-russian, because here it is clear that it is both pro-chinese, i would say so, both pro-russian and pro-chinese, because maybe ukraine is such a window for xi jinping to europe , for the chineseization of europe, but in this case we are interested in whether this country and this prime minister are part of the democratic event for which we we rely i think that now, with orbán and hungary, there are huge problems not with us, but with the european union itself. and in my opinion, the drama is that... in recent decades
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, the european union, european countries, european political and public organizations, they were built on the primacy of tolerance and respect for everyone's opinion. this overly liberal approach, it became dominant in europe, and it's not really camille fau, there's a way of cutting someone off, of not giving someone a word, even when people say some strange things, and europe has gone so far in this tolerance in this liberality, that it does not really see or does not want to admit that orbán's actions, especially in the last month, and even two years before that, clearly follow not another opinion, but betrayal, betrayal of everything that is written in all the documents of the european union, as far as political issues are concerned, betrayal of all democratic principles and betrayal in the common. the position of the european
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union, regarding dictatorships, regarding the russian federation, regarding china, iran, and so on. this is betrayal. and unfortunately, the european union has driven itself into the whole scheme of unity making political decisions, which in fact makes it impossible to quickly solve critical issues for itself, which weakens itself, because the issue of hungary must be solved already, both at the level of the european union and at the level of nato. the longer this goes on, the weaker the european union will be both internally and externally, the less chance there will be that the european union will be able to defend itself in any way at all, to play at least some role in the world, so i very much expect that in the coming weeks, maybe months, now, on alas, august is starting, no matter what, this is the holiday period, even if stones will fall from the sky, and... european politicians
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will go on vacation, all offices will be closed, because it is customary in europe, but i really hope that those calls that have already are heard from poland, from some baltic countries. countries will be accumulated in brussels, because i also know that a lot of bureaucrats of the european parliament and in brussels in general are very dissatisfied with orbán's position and orbán's activities, but this dissatisfaction must be transformed into absolutely clear and tough action, at least the withdrawal of hungary from the presidency of the eu council, early, that it was a clear signal to everyone that such actions are unacceptable, but at the most. that this scandal of dvologhorst should materialize into some kind of change of rules in the eu, because
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it is simply impossible to live with this consensus, this liberality and the so-called respect for everyone's opinion, even if he is completely insane, or he is a pure spy for some external enemies , so i very much expect that in the next month or two we will see a strong reaction from the european union to the policy that conducts in ukraine, well, in the world and in europe. ukraine has also taken a few steps in the direction of hungary and slovakia, because the oil, the oil pipeline that went from russia through ukraine to europe, now does not supply the oil of the russian lukoil, well, at least this is what another friend of ours in quotes says, this is robert fico. prime minister of slovakia, he says that during the meeting with pos. myroslav kastran of ukraine threatened him with consequences if kyiv does not restore this transit, then the following will happen. let's listen to phys. further application of this senseless sanction it will only harm ukraine, slovakia and
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hungary, and it will practically not affect russia. if the transit of russian oil through ukraine is not restored in the near future, slovnaft will not continue supplying diesel fuel to ukraine. a country that covers a tenth of ukrainian consumption. ms. evgenia, obviously, in this situation it is not about ukraine, which robert fitze mentions, but about the fact that europe, through slovakia or through hungary, still consumes and takes this russian oil despite all the warnings, despite the fact that that russia is waging an aggressive war against of ukraine. you are abroad. structures, international organizations during business trips, do you talk to slovaks and hungarians, what do they say in general, that is, do they share this opinion or not, do they condemn, they say that fico and orban generally have their own
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interests, which are tied on russian oil, russian gas, that's why we, we only support you politically, well, it's interesting to see bruce's reaction. or what works well in the european union, it is such a bureaucratic long procedure, and today was simply beautiful the comment of the spokesman, who commented on what the decision of the european union will be, because fizo and orban actually ran to brussels, to say that it violates the agreements there, go, talk to ukraine, you call brussels and tell ukraine to allow this transit. and the spokesman said that the european commission will make a decision when it is ready to make a decision, and no one will be in a hurry, obviously, because in fact there is really irritation, because a lot of european union countries have actually refused to import russian
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oil, they are actually so certain specific conditions, special conditions that orbán and fito negotiated for themselves, and... that when they threatened to block certain decisions within the european union, that is why no one will be in a hurry, because other countries have lost something economically, but they said that we will not to take this oil, it smells of blood there and it is wrong, so actually here we will observe such and such ping-pong between slovakia, hungary and... officials from brussels, if we talk about opposition deputies, then in slovakia, of course the situation better, there is a strong opposition, we just had a meeting with them recently, and they are much more euro-optimistic, and the previous
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president, suzana chapanova, spoke in the parliament and, well, that government just made a decision about the supply of weapons, and now... and the minister the defenders of the previous one are even trying to drag him to court, saying that he made a decision there when he was an acting minister, not a full-fledged minister. in general, of course, it is necessary to work with the opposition in these countries and still send signals to the people and establish cooperation, at least there is at least some kind of cooperation between the bordering regions, because in the end, both in hungary and in slovakia, unfortunately, there will be many opportunities to slow down our european integration process, well, sir. slava, it is clear that hungary and slovakia have economic interests in this case, and
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it is clear that they are putting pressure on ukraine, trying to put pressure, as in the case of poland , as the defense minister of poland says, until the ukrainians apologize for the volyn tragedy, we, we we will not let ukrainians into the european union. so i want to ask, listen, we have neighbors from all sides constantly demanding something from us. either they are playing against us, or our neighbors from the east and north are co-aggressors in the russian-ukrainian war, these hungarians and slovaks are also playing along with putin, the poles have their own opinion, what do you think about this, well, regarding this statement, first in poland, there is a coalition government, and it is a representative of one of the coalition partners, so i understand... there used to be some internal political reasons, i wanted to somehow
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stand out, say something to be noticeable, but in general, i would like three things here such said, yes, the first thing is that ukraine really needs to use all opportunities in order to work with all layers and strata of those societies, with the authorities, with the opposition, with journalists, with leaders of public opinion and... convey its position, therefore that otherwise it turns out to be such a monologue, and otherwise various politicians try to somehow show themselves as a great supporter of their country somewhere at the expense of the ukrainian position, it is necessary to explain why this is not so. the second story, i absolutely agree that the position of brussels is very important, and it is not easy there they deferred a decision, they said that they did not immediately support these claims. and that bratislava and budapest in relation to ukraine, and in fact they also turned on the rear a little at that time,
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somehow the degree of their statements dropped, well, of course, then they decided to move to some bilateral threats, but then here is the second direction, because what about slovakia, what hungary can and should be found, in fact ukorot in the context of brussels, in the context of some joint decisions with... russian officials, especially now that the formation of a new staff is coming to an end there the european commission, now all their political perturbations will be settled, and from september the political season begins, where it is possible and necessary to actually put people like orban and fico in their place, and the third story is still to find those opportunities with which you can compensate what is obviously in the interests. ukrainians to stop the supply of russian oil to europe and, in particular, with regard to
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hungary and slovakia, but we have to endure this period when we are threatened with all kinds of threats, but also to say that look, dear neighbors, there are things where we can interact and be mutually beneficial, then let's leave this stupid thing aside, and finally move on to things where... we can definitely be partners, if these three components will play together, i think that from this story, what is the enemy? , there are some incomprehensible processes in the west, we will be able to leave, mr. andriy, what ukraine needs in order to be more convincing, regarding our western partners, and to convince other partners, because these partners are not at all... our partners, but playing putin's side. a more professional team is needed
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to the government we need more quality people who represent ukraine. it is necessary to understand that volodymyr zelensky cannot pull the entire international community on himself. it is necessary not to be equal, as in the office of the president, who are simply afraid when someone outside the president's team enters into some contacts in the west, in europe or in america. it is necessary to understand exactly what rostislav just said. that we all want the same thing, we can all have slightly different political ideas, different ethical views, different historical ones, we have an understanding of one or another events but now we all want one thing, we want the ukrainian state to survive, for the ukrainian people to have their own state, because the ukrainian people have no other land, and we are all ready to work on it, but we are simply not finishing the 29th month of the great war, and no one will do this work for us, they don't like the weak, yes, they can sympathize with the weak, but they can help them little by little, but
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they won't fit in for them, sorry, as they say, but in order for us... dates we have to be strong and have very hard and clearly to articulate one's position, to convey it, without asking for any humanitarian aid, without telling about ukrainian troubles, but to take a tough, qualitative position. we have a big problem with this, because if you look at all the key speakers who represent ukraine at international events, on the international arena, for the most part, they are quite soft people, some... even sometimes they don't speak english very well, well, it looks unconvincing, so if bankova wants to win the diplomatic war, and zelensky is right about it, here you are showed in the last interview, he clearly emphasized that the measure should ensure guaranteed diplomatic pressure, russia should understand that they are not playing with it, and
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russia should see that none of it is particularly going to fight even diplomatically, when the same ... the president of finland makes some statements about negotiations and so on and so forth, so we have to 100% work out the international agenda, with quality people, quality speakers, hard and clear, then we will have a chance to win this diplomatic component, if we will not continue to do so to do will be the same as it has been for the past few years. you rightly speak about this unity and about unity, including at different levels of power, because the parliament, the government and... the presidential team, this is one team, powerful, the team of ukraine, in this context, i cannot but ask you about position, about your position on what stefanchuk said, because the speaker of the parliament said that the council, or rather did not say, hinted that the council will not consider the question of demobilization, let's listen to what
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stefanchuk said. i will quote what stefanchuk said, we have some problems with synchronization. i do not know such a country that would carry out demobilization during the war. rather, i know such a country, it is the ukrainian people's republic in 1919, the then minister of defense mykola porsh introduced a bill on demobilization to the central council, which was. voted, please, i have a need to tell what happened next in 1990, forgive me for centuries, there has already been confusion since 1990 19, so it was very important for me that the current verkhovna rada does not repeat the mistakes of the central council. this is what stefanchuk says,
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that there will be no demobilization, that is, if the order of mobilization is changed. in the country and the approval of a new order there, the clarification of data and military accounting in general, that the question of demobilization, it was not voted on in these changes, is this the position of the entire parliament or only the speaker of the parliament, ms. yevgenia, well, first of all , you should not just ask the supreme advice on demobilization, because the general staff, the ministry of defense, of course, have complete information. deputies who ride on front line and communicate directly with the combrigs, they know the percentage, which is far from 100% in terms of personnel, and when you talk to the military, they admit that demobilization is now complete, so when a large part of the army simply goes home,
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it is impossible, and this is just a bitter truth, because instead of one demobi. should come already trained, mobilized, this is in addition to the fact that mobilization must continue, which we have continuously, therefore we as parliamentarians are ready to communicate with the general staff, ready to discuss with them, consider proposals, but precisely the general staff must send a clear signal that demobilization can be carried out in some form and... when, of course, it does not exclude it, it was also in stefanchuk's quote, i specially checked before the broadcast, the issue of military rest, the issue of fair rotations, the issue of complete set the brigade, so that, well, there would not be such a load of extra-ordinary soldiers holding some part of the front.
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thank you, ms. yevgenia, mr. rostislav, please tell me, well, what about demobilization, that is, some hope for those who have been fighting for the third year, someone probably... and more, or can the parliament, or in this case the ukrainian government in general, give? look, here it is important not to confuse two concepts: demobilization as a certain opposite, mobilization, i really hope that the chairman of the verkhovna rada meant exactly this, because in the middle of the active phase of a full-scale invasion , no one will really announce demobilization, that is, stop mobilization, but there is very... another thing is important, which is called the right to release a serviceman from service under certain conditions, and in our opinion, such a condition is if
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the serviceman served 36 months, i.e. 3 years, while 18 of them were in combat deployment, i.e. he directly participated in hostilities or their support, and this, if we believe the experts, will give enough time for preparation, so that everyone, who is now at the front... was replaced by a trained fighter, and the one who had already served 3 years and of which 18 months was actually in combat operations could be released, another mobilized person would take his place, and this could be a healthy compromise , such a bill of the european solidarity proposed immediately after the adoption of these changes to the law on mobilization in the spring, it is obviously possible to discuss cases. then you need to hear the position of the military more thoroughly, but actually this combination, it also did not come from the ceiling, it is also the result of actually working with military experts, so
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it seems to me that it is absolutely fair, and this, by the way, would be a good motivation factor in order for the mobilization to be more successful, for the rules of the game to be immediately clear, for it to be immediately clear that if you serve, if you take participation in hostilities in their provision and served in this way for three years. then you have the right to be released on time. thank you, mr. rostyslav, mr. andrii, here is the lack of clarity, here is the mobilization, demobilization and clear rules, which obviously those who are currently in uniform in the armed forces of ukraine want to know, does this affect their morale and the morale of those who we... of course it affects, because the lack of clarity, as you say, is the result of political populism and the lack of a simply
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professional approach to this dialogue. we failed in both media, legal and organizational mobilization, at the same time , many politicians speculated on the topic of demobilization, as a result, we disoriented both citizens and soldiers serving in the armed forces, no one understands anything. and speculation continues that the verkhovna rada should adopt something, continuing stefanchuk's rhetoric, i do not know in the recent history of the world, the parliament, as a civilian body that directs the troops during a hot war, the issue of demobilization, rotation, this is exclusively a matter of military leadership, this is a question of the stake, the commander-in-chief and the supreme commander-in-chief and no one else, and clarity... the question has been one hundred percent since october 1993, when the law on mobilization and mobilization preparation came into force in ukraine,
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everyone can open it, read it, and it is clearly written there, what do these words mean, mobilization and demobilization, and it is clearly written there who makes these decisions, these decisions are made by one single person, the supreme commander-in-chief , the president of ukraine, so i strongly urge all colleagues and all interested parties. who has any brilliant ideas, suggestions, regarding the term of service, rotation, demobilization, please send it to the supreme commander-in-chief and address it all to one single person, the president of ukraine, because these are not my fantasies, some fictions, this is how the rules work, how the laws of ukraine work, which are the same both during martial law and in peacetime, so let's not confuse people, let's... give people some hope, let's not deceive them with some of our thoughts, say that something might somehow happen , let's ask questions to those who respectively
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to the law you have to... exclusive, because of the exclusive powers to decide all this, who should decide this, i have already said it twice, the president and the supreme commander, period, there is no longer any body in this state that has the right to make any decisions that relate to the management of troops during a major war. i really want us all to live together until the moment of demobilization is announced, but this will happen only when the hot phase of the war really ends and... there is simply no other option, another option will simply lead to the final collapse of this war and the loss of ukrainian statehood, unfortunately, neither the president nor the stake wants to talk to the people in this way, although they are obliged to do it, once again, they are obliged to do it, because it is written in ukrainian laws, which have been in force for more than 30 years. thank you, thank you, mr. andriyu, andriy osachuk, yevheniya kravchuk and rostyslav pavlenko were guests of our program today,
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ladies and gentlemen, thank you. to you for participating in the program, i will remind our viewers that throughout our broadcast we spend survey, we are asking you about whether it is time for negotiations between ukraine and russia, 19%, yes, no, 81%, these are the results of our television survey, friends, i will put a full stop on this, it was the verdict program of the preview serhii rudenko , i say goodbye to you, there will be a new verdict by tomorrow, by 20:00, come, and of course, we will have new topics and new guests, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye! dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility, with dolgit cream, you can even walk, dolgit is the only one
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