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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:29pm EEST

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approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. open and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. "standing up for protection from the sky is a conscious choice, it is my vocation to be a pilot and protect our ukraine. everyone understands why we do it, everyone understands the ultimate goal, it is protection, the protection of our country. russian pilots flew here, and they are here and here, you don't have aviation, here, damn it, we are here, they have a little song that they want." these are guys, girls from god,
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let's go now, we usually do this when we go in a car, we speak quietly, because the child is... and where is dad? it's very difficult, how does he wake up, and we still need a little bit of adaptation, as they say, adaptation, so what does he want from her, because she woke up right away saw the plane, and this is
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also her weakness, like her father's, class, mom, mom doesn't touch, dad, mom doesn't touch, dad, dad is only yours, don't worry, vanya, when he was born in chertkov, there were flights, these were. friday, he was born at 1:11, somewhere at 11:00 someone in the next section called, they said you had a son, and just as the plane was about to take off, the commander on that plane said, well, he will be a boy, he was born on flights , which means it will be a bug, and it happened, everyone has their own. there, if the dentist pulled out
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a tooth, than he doesn’t go there, oh, that’s all, i did a heroic deed there, that’s his job, that’s right, to pull out a tooth to heal it, it ’s the same with me, i’d better not sleep now, so that later my children and all the children could relax sleep at home, we work to knock down chess, a rocket, a good plane, my dream to knock down too. before i fall asleep, i think, yes, i have to shoot down the plane, these are the moments when you feel that our people really are not invincible, no matter how difficult it may be, but it will definitely not be a shame, as our commander-in-chief said, so be it to put it bluntly, i will delay.
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and run to the plane, we honor the fallen defenders of ukraine, all our compatriots who could still be alive if russia had not started this war. it was the kherson direction, when they started with columns there as well were just moving and, unfortunately, they shot down our 125, and you hear on the air that there were two of them, then the second is no longer there, and we return home, i understand that one is gone, whom i covered. that's it, stop.
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on the one hand, i am overwhelmed with pride for the man, for what he does, what he does for us, for our country, and at the same time, to be honest... since the war started, i probably would have given everything in the world for him to be a teacher , a taxi driver, a construction worker, that, well, this is a very dangerous profession, i even have a wife, he was so jealous at some stage
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life, and i say to her, like, world, i say, you understand, right now you are not in the first place for me, i say, sorry, not you, i say, now there is a war, now in the first place... my boys, us the war has to be won and i have to save their lives, the first 5 days just no sleep, nothing, you're just constantly, constantly flying, flying, mission, mission, mission and flight after flight, well, that's how it started. airplanes took off from the airfields right during the strikes, it was according to the stories of the pilots, it was very wrong that it was touching, it was amazing, how is the strip already bombed, he takes off on it, someone at the cost of his own life diverted the russian aviation from
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the airfields so that they could fly together and take the equipment to operational airfields. there were cases at the beginning of the war when... one or two of our pilots got into a fight between three, four or five russian pilots, and ours won. at one of the airfields, when we got out, we boarded the plane without anything, then i climbed in this way and that way from behind here and then ran that way and got into the cockpit like that, because there was no additional work, we for the first 5 days... somewhere roughly like this, in the middle of the night, there were usually take-offs and we were like that, i was crossing my fingers to get into the cockpit there, every fighter pilot always remembers his
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first independent flight on an airplane, he always remembers his pilot instructor all his life, due to the fact that you put your heart into it like a cadet instructor. that is, it is like a child, because you become both a father and a mother for him, the whole family is related, airplanes were for him from a very young age, he loves it, it is , it is not for that, i grew up in a family , where the father a military man, at an airfield from malik, drove airplanes, it was for me in
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the ... in the 22nd year, i will return again, well , life is like this, it is not easier here that i see him, than when he calls, i wait, i wait, he will call, he will not call, here i am, well, i... more in control of the situation, like a son will fight, and dad will sit, there was no such thing, there was no such combat conflict, there was no such war, where it was used in such a volume that air defense forces, that the air force, and we had to learn, we had to learn on the go, in the first days when there was a big invasion, it was, it was hell, because all these combat... stars, very dark nights, it's scary, because you don't know where the earth is and where the sky is, every time you let the plane fly, you experience it all,
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every time, well, there is no such thing as this flight is like this, and this flight is like this, the sensations are always the same, you always experience it. to think once, even when i was studying, when i was discharged, that... i would be with my father, if, well, well, but you see, war won’t do that, i am fully responsible for the authenticity of the plane, it depends on my signature to fly the plane in the census, if i don’t sign, i say no, then the plane won’t fly, moon, mom doesn’t have a plane, mom here it is, come on, come on, come on up. yes, the combat family is not
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just words, under the conditions of this war it became much bigger, everything we experienced and our losses are thanks to the fact that we have our family, it is a collection of people, they, each individual, in each in its own character. in everyone has their own habits, but they are united by this big heart, hot blood, courage and courage, and what can i say, these are people, honest people, our pilots are very responsible, we have one goal, so we are almost like a family. our second family is working, when all of ukraine will be this fighting family, then there will be no such
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enemy that can even scare us, not that we can win, this one, and you have that water, we are going to the park, there is no summer, there are no planes, we are leaving. the park when he's at home, you know, that's the bear that he flies with, he, he's very gentle, he's very caring, there he is a real hero, brave, at home he is just such a caring, gentle bear of ours, he is my groupmate, voroshilov, vadim, the one who punishes, yes, he was the first to throw such an idea to me... he recast the chevrons, i already follow the tradition everyone who can, these are all combat chevrons, they all mean something, someone
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gave it to me, here is juice, andriy, this is his, unfortunately, the last chevron, this one, he gave me before he died, this is my bag. for that, and my teddy bear, this is my teddy bear here, well, after all, i don't fly, i mean everything with the fact that i fly, i always have to be prepared, be it like this, no one could have thought that this mongrel would perform combat actions with a man, especially after this, well, the loudest video, let's say. mashańka became a star, he was in all public places, everyone wrote that he was a bag, pissing orcs, i just
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somehow feel calmer, i know that he is there, well , somehow i don’t know, well, in general, the lchiki are such peculiar people, they are not very superstitious there , well, for me, he is like that... such a little brother, let 's say, yes, who can do something in the cabin tell me, this is his talisman, god help him, i am very happy for him, i always take him with me on flights, i also jokingly said that he has his own flight book. he has one, he also comes for a medical examination, because i also go to the medical board with him, so
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he is always with me, the child just saw the toy as a child and she also loves him simply from her child's point of view, we used to go to award ceremony, she was also with a bear, we have such a story, and we are, as always, a support group, we are with our dad everywhere, and we went to his award ceremony, yes well, it is a great honor to take a photo with mr. president... mr. president, let me take a photo, he is like that, of course, well, here our commander is not a cat, you cried all the time and he is not like that... the photos came out, smile, so what don't cry,
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this car, any plane, we, in our aviation department, it's like a living being. because we understand that the equipment is not new, it is also years older than me, so that somewhere not, well , there is some kind of refusal, we come, so smooth, do not let him down, yes, airplanes are his love, i would even say, it is a calling , i'm always him i say, you have airplanes in the first place, then your daughter, then me, what? to wait for you, for example, if i had some kind of refusal there, then you don't let me down there , there's still a little bit left, now we'll sit down, now now a little more, a little more, and then that's it, sit down and leave, just like that stroked this guy, well done, well done, well done, that is, we also have such a connection between, let's say, such a connection between the pilot and and and the plane, the soviet pilots
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were completely different pilots, but these guys, now this is ours, this ... this is this sky and the land, they were like that, that, that, that, he wants to be a pilot, because he wants to retire there, it’s quiet there, the boys are different here, the boys are here, they are here, i don’t know what words to say, but they are completely different here, these are guys, guys from god, the aviation family is so reckless, it's okay, you kid, look at the flight number 114. in honor of the brigade and where would you find it beautiful, thank you, friend, that's all, come on, we're in touch, okay, you don't even know what can happen in 10 seconds, in what place, where someone will poke you, but it's absolutely it's not humiliating, for the girls, well, if there's any single, young man there, somewhere , somewhere, somewhere, he disappeared there for an hour or two, we're
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such that you've already gone to see someone there somewhere, as they testify, you know, in aviation... among pilots, you can say that he has the gait of a stratospherist, that is, when he returned from the stratosphere, oh, he says, when everyone is sitting, looking, oh, look, look, there is a walk of a stratospherist, this is aviation, we cannot be somewhere, just not to joke or so on, if not to joke, well, to be constantly in stress, you can't stand it for too long, we 've been living together for almost two years, once i thought, but we'll win the war. everyone will go to their families, each member of my family will go to their own home, and there won't be such a type, there won't be such a big family around all the time, who shakes honestly, i'm afraid of heights, seriously, well yes, you ask how, i say, well, it's one thing, when you're in a plane, in a car that you pilot yourself, control it, it's not
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scary, i don't know why. everyone really wants to try themselves as an f-16 pilot. we can learn to love. airplanes, favorite types of airplanes, the most modern, these young people, these children, these cadets, extremely motivated, extremely intelligent. as a result of the full-scale rejection of the russian federation, those wishing to enter the flying professions became more than it was before the war, much more. they want to protect.
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at the moment, a lot of girls come to the armed forces of ukraine, to the air force, and even where they are not... do you expect them? gave us motivation, gave us fighting spirit and effort in learning, so that we mastered all types well techniques they learned and were able to use skillfully in the battle against the occupier. i want extermination. it's nice to work with young people, it's nice to see their success, it's nice to see their achievements. when there is a war in the country, do you feel? an important profession, how important it is to study at this very moment, i understand that it is not only you who need it, personally i dream of flying to the 127th in the future, i see the future of aviation that... our air force, our aviation will be the first in europe for sure , and maybe even in the world. i did not want to take young people, i wanted them to come
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the possibilities, which were far from the war, so that they could stay alive as long as possible, but they rush themselves, some of them are so agile that it is simple, they even began to surprise me. i flew with one, i flew with another, they are brave, you know, they are so brave, so courageous, it happens that it is somehow calmer there for a day or two, then it happens that almost every flight you are constantly fired upon, the pilots fly up, here harm, here jaydam or vice versa, they release these bombs, accordingly the enemy sees them, and while they are still releasing bombs, missiles are already flying at them, that is, a pilot. the planes don't see them, they don't see the rockets, they tell him from the ground that you 've already gone, he says, now i'm going to throw the rockets, they told me that the rockets were launched at me,
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i turn around and just start maneuvering in the opposite direction at maximum speed, to run away, at this moment of course there is fear, and you start looking in the mirrors and where is she, where is she. he is negotiating with me, i can hear, well, by his voice, i can hear whether the pilot is confident or not, the main thing is to be confident, not to be so distracted, you have to be focused, attentive, well, something is wrong anything happens, if something is wrong, don't panic and scream right away, calm down and prepare yourself in some way so that, god forbid, if i hear a blow or something else, be ready to eject.
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we have such a tradition with him, or whatever you want to call it, that he has to call me before and after each of his combat missions, it's much easier for me to hear the voice before, but the most important thing is to hear, i'm sorry, it's to hear the voice after he is on the ground, everything is fine, i heard his voice, me you don't need anything else, hang out at the operational airfield where hostilities are taking place , constantly fly out, it's as small as our aviation family, everything is there, we worry about each other, we wait from the flight.
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vankos is my classmate, a person who is as sociable as possible, there are various combat points where you can fly and where you can take turns, and when i talk to the van, i say: "van, you, you're coming to me, right? well , yes, well where am i, i am, of course." you, sometimes there are moments when you perform a combat mission, and i, for example, know that it is vanka flies, a little calmer, oh my classmate flies with me, i know his wife, i know his child, sometimes to his wife, well, i see there, the old man there and sometimes i look through, and i write to her, and when my husband is already there, i say to you will let me go, she says, and he says, he spends more time with you, he says, than with me, with his child. it was a very difficult period for him when pilot taras redkin died, and that night he and taras were flying
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together, it was, if i'm not mistaken, three in the morning, he called me back later, i heard his voice, i think, well, that's it, now it's calm you can go to bed, at 7 in the morning i get a call from his father and he says that someone died from the pilots on the so-and-so... our ivan is coming, but they don't tell me his last name, i'm more worried about him, what i'm doing is to keep him alive, every time the feeling of anxiety is constant, not for nothing, you know that now there is a war going on. it must have been the worst period in the entire war, i
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call, he goes out of the zone. i call, he is out of the zone, and i and i, well, just for 10 seconds i have the impression that i disconnected, but then i got together, i think, no, it no, and at that second he calls me back, i just heard hello, i didn't want to talk to him anymore, because i, well, i couldn't, we can't be 100% sure that we will return, so... of course, everyone, we are all waiting for you to definitely come back, and we are all waiting on the ground, that when the plane returns, that's it, it was ready, he, no, it's my turn, that's it, i'm flying, and unfortunately, he didn't come back , and you begin to understand, at first to bite yourself, that it was you who should have flown, that he should not have been, it was me, the boys told me,
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that he just... lay all day and looked at one point, well, he felt guilty, because he was older, the boys, in addition to the work they do, it is still very difficult for them morally after the loss of their brothers, it's very hard, behind our backs... our families, our relatives, and just the ukrainian people, we don't want this bastard to just come to our lands, i do, all my boys do everything to win this war to stop this nonsense, all the time, when i go to work here, well, i see these billboards all the time,
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are mentioned often, unfortunately, a lot... and you understand that they will be forever in your hearts, in your thoughts, if, this is clear, i sometimes think to myself that somewhere here on a cloud, there is one of my brothers, i see a little cloud there, for example, which i liked, i tell her there, oh, it must be zhenya, vlad is there. i say: hello, i hope you are calm, there is no war there, you just support us from heaven. we did not come to someone to take away someone else's, we came to protect our own, you know that your wife, child, family are waiting for you at home, and you understand that if not you, then
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so what will happen to them? that is the question, so you will understand what you are fighting for? i even said in our wedding vows that i promise to always accompany you on business trips and meet you, and in principle it always worked out that way. when you come home, you see your wife, your beloved child running to hug you, so...


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