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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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they don't complain, they trust what they are, and the 248th is combat-capable, the 80th assault assault rifle, one of the most combat-capable in the armed forces in general, why is this happening, why is this happening, you have a report on this issue, and the main problem is that there are no criteria for assessing combat capability , we have at the top, unfortunately, the military-political leadership, the brigade commanders, right at the very top, where, where at the top, this is the level, the command of the armed forces of ukraine, which appoints the brigade commanders, and the ranks of the supreme commander-in-chief, who controls actions of the high command, which includes the commander-in-chief of the forces, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. there is a big problem, because we have a brigade commander, he must always carry out orders, and these are of course, of course, not only in ukraine, in principle, in war, there is a gap between the capabilities, tactical capabilities of the troops. what they
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are capable of and the orders that are formulated and issued do not always coincide, and this is actually a normal situation, i am not calling now that this is the situation, it can always be perfect, but one must always see reasons, if a brigade commander says no to someone, i don't know for what reason and i won't comment on it now, then you have to think about why he does it, if... why does a career officer who values ​​his position do it, no wants to lose her, why does he say no, well, maybe if this is a quality officer who has a combat-ready brigade, who has been in charge for more than one and a half years, maybe there are reasons for this, maybe it is worth listening to him, because the change of command, even if a good officer is changed , put on another good officer, it one thing, the brigade is a large human organism that needs coherence, trust, and understanding. and this wastes it, you have
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to spend a lot of time on it, and we have very few such brigade commanders, and instead of increasing combat capability where there are no commanders, for some reason we like to manage and change where the situation is just right, and this is of course, well, in my opinion, it is not a wrong approach, i sincerely hope that this situation will not be perceived as some kind of political story, because in our country they like to politicize it and say that it is a personal insult, that someone is playing something in their game, well, in this case there is no such thing, it is not an insult, this is a career officer, these are people who are battalion commanders who stood up for him, these are also career officers, and of course, these are not those people who want to be public, do pr, in fact, i understand that the airborne assault troops, in principle, rarely make such public statements, this is almost not the first time it has happened there, this is the first time, this has happened for the first time and...
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they are already very much they wanted to make it public, maybe they gave some signals not publicly, i don't know, but how about you do you think they can now be punished for this? today we tried to get in touch with the 80th brigade, and they don't want to talk, because there are risks that they will just fly in for that, well, it's a war, and of course there's no need to disclose such details, of course there 's no reason to talk, there's no need to comment further, the fact that the military... did this is actually an unprecedented event, and you have to understand that all the career officers were talking there, and believe me, they never thought about such public activity at all, they were not happy about it and did not want to continuation of this story, they did it because they understand other levers, to reach the leadership and explain that a competent commander is the basis of the combat capability of any brigade, well , they don't... but they didn't get through, they didn't
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get through, all the same their commander was fired, we don’t know if they were promoted there or not, and they will have another commander, according to reports in the press, there is also a very good, experienced combat officer, but the fact is that this public communication, it did not help the brigade in any way, that’s right, on sorry, no, but that doesn't mean it wasn't necessary to do, i believe that this is an indicator of the fact that, i think that now that these brigades. will set some tasks, we do not know what, then those leaders and the new commander who is appointed there, they will think very hard, and why the personnel supported the commander so much and why the commander, who values ​​his position very much, who gave everything to the army and in fact he never had any conflict in his life and was never public, and why did he somehow deny it somewhere? maybe he
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had his own logic, maybe this logic is still worth it once to think, realize and draw conclusions in order not to do those things that the commander... did not want to do, maybe it is useful for the state, in fact, for the army, but for me , this is exactly the kind of message that the top management should hear, which for some reason there are no comments on the person i want to emphasize , even when he was filmed, there were no comments, how can it be during the war that there are no comments on the commander, he is filmed, and he goes for it, why, that is this is a serious matter... and i would like the management to read it this post is also a very important signal, it is such a warning, friends, let's think, you are mentioned there, so i think it is such an unnecessary irritant, of course i am partly joking, but where you are mentioned,
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the political leadership of the state is not very listen, i think so, but in any case, thank you, yurii butusov, editor-in-chief of the cenzu publication. was on radio svoboda and asked a very valid question, why teams, to which there are no complaints at all, which have a good reputation, this commander is removed, i would like it the question should be forwarded to, probably, our next guest, roman kostenko, people's deputy, voice faction and secretary of the committee on defense security, intelligence. roman, good evening. good evening. and really, how does it turn out that there are no complaints against the commander, he has an excellent reputation, the soldiers ask not to shoot him, but he is shot. how to understand this? well, this is the first question. to those who filmed it and who were there, let's just say, caution, because talking to some of the leaders there, who also have, let's say, history, it's still a difficult story, this is the story of some actions that are currently
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taking place, in particular on the defense line, and that is where tasks are set, tasks are performed, or not performed there. and then a decision is made, who can do what, who is still ready to do it, who is not ready, and on the basis of this, it is accepted, questions are asked and a decision is made, and here it is necessary to ask questions in who syrsky, who look, including syrsky and to the commander of the airborne assault troops, because they made this decision, and here is the question filmed, we know that imile went for a big promotion, a promotion, he will be appointed now. deputy chief of staff of the airborne assault troops, and by the way, about the promotion, can you clarify this moment, your colleague, excuse me, i have to mention, the deputy head of the committee maryana bezugla, she was on our air yesterday, and she explained this procedure with promotion was called schematosis, i
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quote literally, she says that a person is fired, then they find him some very nominal position that corresponds to his rank there, in in this case it is... colonel, yes, even the salary may be higher there, and everything seems to indicate that it is a promotion, but nominally he is not going to be promoted, but he is being sent to the veil, is this the case or is it not the one case? well, this is the case when a good officer, a real officer, who performed the correct combat tasks and all this time, let's say, served faithfully, was given the opportunity to continue to grow, bad officers, if they ... they are not given the opportunity there very there are rarely such definite moments or very rarely they do not give the opportunity to grow further, they are put in charge and they go about their business, good officers who , let's say, there are some possible disagreements or some misunderstandings or some moments happened
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during the execution of combat missions and this could be war and i am once again asking a question here in particular, it is necessary to ask why this happened to the commander-in-chief. they know this in the first place, because they planned there, and they gave him a promotion, and i think it is good that such an officer was sent to promotion, and not somewhere there was taken outside the state and was not allowed to take part in the war in the war. you think that it was a promotion, well, at least, probably an assessment, according to the staff, the deputy chief of staff of the airborne assault troops, this is a big promotion relative to the brigade commander, we are not saying now, the scheme is not the scheme of that. just to understand, i don't know this information , but whether it was possible that it was planned, i ca n't, but the fact is that now i don't know if he
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is currently appointed, but what is planned for the appointment is a fact, see the publication babble already reported, well, when they began to analyze this whole story, they write: what actually, why did the conflict occur, because the 80th brigade was under reconstruction, they were not allowed to recover in full, and they were given the task of advancing in a certain direction, and then this commander said that ... they can't go in a certain direction, that because they, because this task is unrealistic, they lack resources, there are forces and people, the command did not like it, and he was simply removed from his position, that is, this whole story, at least what babel describes to us, leads us in the opinion that i do not know, this is an isolated case, or it is a system, when unprepared and understaffed brigades are thrown into battle, or how to understand it, i would not say that there is a story of its own, i cannot tell about it either, because if we now... bring up all the stories about how someone had to carry out an order and had his opinion, well, the
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army will simply turn into, you know, some kind of advisory body, where activists will make decisions there, journalists and everyone else, there was, as far as i know, clear the task was set, everyone had their own vision there and it wasn’t just, come on, we ’re firing you, and shkulov has great respect even among the commander-in-chief and the commander of the airborne assault troops, i know that... they had their own conversation and after decisions were made there, and i say once again, they didn't send him anywhere, they didn't find him as a staff member, they gave him a promotion so that he would continue to participate at a more strategic level, because he has tremendous experience, including the nuances of this conversations and what is planned and what was there, that's it it is necessary to those people who can tell there, including the issue of state secrets, what is happening there, what will happen now, what the consequences of all this will be and... whether the brigade could or could not carry it out there, this should be asked in yeshkulov, what tasks were assigned to him, unfortunately, i do not know, well,
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it is unlikely, it is unlikely that he will say it publicly now, but nevertheless the story has already become public, but look, this is not the first brigade that announced about disagreement with the top management to remove their head from the position, but yuriy was on the air in front of you butuson, he mentioned the history of the 24th brigade, they also recorded an appeal and opposed the release of their commander ivan golyshevskyi, a clear trend emerges when... fighters publicly appeal to the highest military and political leadership of the country, during the war, go into public plane and ask not to shoot their commander, what does this indicate? well, the fact that we are a democratic state and fighters is evidenced by the fact that the commander is currently arranging his fighters, but i want to remind you that we have different cases, we have cases when fighters leave and ask the opposite from... their commander, there are cases when fighters leave and support their commander, this is a normal life process, when there fighters
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have one or another relationship with their commander, of course this must be taken into account , you need to understand why so, or yes, we remember, not military, but i for some reason, maybe this is a false assumption, i thought that when such things happen in general, it means that communication does not work within the system, and during the war, the military goes to this risk and carry this information. in general and that this is, on the contrary, a negative trend, i'm wrong, and you say that this is democracy, well, democracy is a positive trend, uh, no, well, look, there can be different reasons, because the fighters, and i will say that when the fighters are on the first line, there may be various reasons, in some there is a cry of the soul, in some it is permissible, well, someone sees that the situation that is really happening, in general, it is not uncharacteristic of the army of conclusions to bring this whole story to the general public, as well as in in general, yes, how about we... we see the army in the way it should be, but we know that our current situation is that 80%,
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probably of our military, are yesterday's civilians, they see in their own way, and, for example, if they are not listened to, they try to communicate in the way that our country is used to communicating, so it is necessary to understand here, it is not possible to say whether it is bad or good, there they ask me, as a military man, who there, who studied at the military academy, i will say, it should not be like that, as they say, as politics, i will say, well the story here is that we have to listen to our military if there is a problem and then delve into these problems, so there is no right or wrong answer here it’s bad there, and now they’re fighting the wrong way, now here they say that they’re fighting correctly, but they’re filming, that’s why it’s necessary to understand and for sure, let’s say yes, the question needs to be raised, but understood by competent people and not brought to of this to make it work. such an informational one plane, we literally have a minute left, but i want you to voice your prediction
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in turkish, in particular, the military, with whom we spoke, they say that it is a matter of time, in turkey , fighting can start from any day, and there is, maybe there is even some risk of capturing the city there, what do you say about the front, look, the situation there is difficult, indeed, if materets takes it, he is on such a semi-encirclement, but look, the enemy can attack. and we can counterattack, that's why we make predictions now during what there 100% fighting will start tomorrow, it can be assumed, but there may be some countermeasures , including, therefore... so let's hope that at the moment the situation there was the same as it was yesterday, it was already that the enemy did not advance as much as a few days before, it was stopped, now the enemy is building up again, so he has advantageous positions there, so we will see what actions will be taken, let's say, our military command will do, how
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will the brigades that will be entrusted, let's say keep the defense there, no we have time to discuss the issue. in donbas, but definitely, definitely, we will return to this topic during the next broadcasts, maybe even with you, roman. thank you very much, roman kostenko, mp, voice, secretary of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence. we have everything for today, subscribe to the radio liberty channel on the internet until tomorrow. there are discounts representing single discounts on penny 15%. you will save money in travel pharmacies. education is the future of every country. what is changing in ukrainian schools, what will the university of tomorrow look like? country plunges into the world of educational transformations. we ask experts, listen to teachers, listen to parents and children. from nush to higher school, we explore the labyrinths of educational reforms,
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talk about the most important thing. two hours to learn about the war, the military, the front. it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yury, good evening, two hours, to keep abreast of economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchivka is next to me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastokhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chechenina, our tv viewer, is ready to tell good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests. studio mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good of the day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new
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two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts. inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from the 20th to the 22nd.
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we are looking for a brother and sister. who disappeared during the occupation in the luhansk region in the village of baranivikka. the girl eva is four years old, and her brother artem lost contact with the children at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia. and since then nothing is known about them, so if you have any information about eva and artem, please immediately call the magnolia children's search service hotline at
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11630, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. the search for six-year-old mysh melnyk, who disappeared, continues also in luhansk region, namely in the village of grechyshkine. and we were very happy about this boy. news: we have been looking for him since march 2022, and for a long time there was no news about him, we did not know where and with whom myshko was, and under what circumstances he disappeared. we made many programs about the search for mishko, telling you his story and asking you to give us any information about the boy, and when it seemed that there were almost no chances left, a witness wrote to the chatbot of the child tracing service in a telegram, who... mishko in kindergarten in the village of grechyshkino, his grandmother brings him there, we have photos.
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we asked the witness for details, and he confirmed that the boy allegedly lives in the occupied village of grechyshkane and goes to kindergarten. we were also sent a photo and even a video with the boy. kindergarten in the village of hrychyshkino, it is located. at school, he is alone there, his name is teremok. we congratulate you on the holiday. and this is a photo that we had for almost two years of searching. if we compare it with the ones sent to us by the witness, then indeed, both photos show a very similar boy. we were also helped in the search by autumn specialists who looking for information in open sources. and they in... find a page in the russian social network of classmates of mysh melnyk's alleged mother. here she is, and here she is with
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little mouse. and this is a photo of a boy at a slightly older age. by the way, the last photo of mishka was posted by his mother on her page in february 2023. so, judging by the witness's message, the photo and video he provided, as well as the social network of the boy's mother, in... this indicates that, fortunately, myshk melnyk is all right, and he is probably in the village grechyshkine, luhansk region. however, so far this information has not been confirmed, and we cannot be 100% sure that the boy has been found. so i am asking everyone, especially the residents of the occupied village of grechyshkine in the luhansk region. if you see this program, please check if it is really in the nursery. myshko melnyk is studying at the teremok point. if possible, take a photo or video with him and his mother and send it to us in the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. you can also
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contact us by short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child in any city. at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal, stopcaйua. you are watching a program. voice of america ukrainian service - it's time there, i'm natalya leonova, congratulations. venezuela is recalling its ambassadors from seven south american countries, argentina, chile, costa rica, peru, panama, the dominican
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republic and uruguay. and also requires from governments of these countries to withdraw their resignations from the territory of venezuela. the day before, the foreign ministers of these countries called for a transparent vote count and verification of the election results in venezuela by international observers. on sunday , the electoral commission of venezuela declared the current president nicolás maduro the winner of the presidential race. he has been the head of the country since 2013 and has repeatedly supported russia in its war, the war against ukraine. meanwhile , thousands of venezuelans took part in street protests against the election results. opposition insists that their candidate won 73% of the vote and the results were rigged. the international community calls for an independent review of the voting results, the venezuelan authorities call it interference in the country's internal affairs. learn more about events at vnsu.
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protests erupted in venezuela just hours after the national electoral council, which is loyal to the ruling party, declared incumbent president nicolas maduro the winner of sunday's election. i accept these powers, constitutional and legal, from the body responsible for electoral issues in venezuela. the sovereign government of venezuela has made a decision that i humbly accept. the president of the national electoral council , elvis amaro, said that maduro received 51% of the vote and edmundo gonzález urrutia 44%. gonzalez became a candidate after the government banned opposition leader maría corina vachado from running. edmundo gonzález urrutia received 70% of the vote in this election. nicolás
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maduro got 30%. machado says her results are based on counts obtained by the opposition campaign from representatives located near 40% of ballot boxes. statements about election violations have attracted the attention of the international community, in particular us secretary of state anthony blinken, who on monday, during his visit to tokyo, expressed concern about the reliability of the results. it is extremely important that every vote counts. fairly and transparently, so that representatives of electoral bodies promptly share information with the opposition and independent observers, and that electoral bodies publish detailed tallies of votes. in a joint letter: argentina, costa rica, ecuador, guatemala, paraguay, peru, the dominican republic and uruguay have already expressed deep concern over the vote and are calling for an urgent meeting of the organization of american states, but domestic
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rather than external pressure may be needed to effect change. an expert on us policy regarding venezuela believes. i think that the changes, if they are to happen, must start inside venezuela and not come from abroad. i think this is not the end. maduro does not rule alone, and wars are key figures in his those closest to him, know that he will not be able to rule the country that will be engulfed by the flame. on monday, venezuela's attorney general , tarek william saab, accused machada and other opposition figures of trying to hack the election system. country, he did not provide any evidence of this. i think that in the coming days we will see more and more repression in venezuela. in recent months, we have already seen attacks on maria corina machado's campaign and threats against her personally, and i think the government is likely to escalate. and the president panama, jose raul molino, announced the severance of relations with venezuela. the government
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of panama announces the project. recalling diplomatic personnel from venezuela and suspending diplomatic relations until a full review of the protocols and computerized vote-counting system is conducted. meanwhile, bolivia, honduras, china, cuba, iran and russia recognized maduro's victory, but according to ramsey, other countries in the region are less sympathetic to the president. we are seeing the governments of countries in latin america begin to realize that this is not a problem of the left or the right. here it is about democracy or dictatorship. ramsey says protest. in venezuela now is just a drop in the ocean compared to what is to come. maria ulyanovska, celia mendoza, voice of america. us president joe biden unveiled a project to reform the us supreme court, calling on congress to set term limits for judges and introduce a mandatory code of ethics for
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nine justices. court it also requires lawmakers to ratify a constitutional amendment limiting the president's immunity. about new legislative initiatives we will talk with oleksiy kovalenko. he joins our studio from the supreme court annex. hello oleksiy. congratulations. oleksiy, what exactly does president biden want to reform and why now, because previously, as a candidate, joe biden was cautious about calls to reform the supreme court. i am told that we have technical components.


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