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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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to the point where it is necessary to negotiate. throughout the broadcast, we will have, as guests, yevhen dykiy, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, former prosecutor general of ukraine, captain of the armed forces of ukraine, yury lutsenko, as well as people's deputies of ukraine, andriy osadchuk, rostyslav pavlenko, and yevgenia kravchuk. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how the ukrainian... paratroopers of the 79th separate assault tauri brigade repelled another large-scale assault of the occupiers on in the kurakhiv direction, the occupiers involved 57 pieces of equipment, more than half of them were destroyed by the defenders, let's see how it all turned out.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, throughout our broadcast we conduct a survey, today we ask you about this, is it time for negotiations between ukraine and russia? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you... you have a separate opinion,
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please leave it in the comments below this video. if you're voting by phone, pick it up smartphone or phones and vote. if you think that the time has come for negotiations between ukraine and russia, call 0800 211 381. no, 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first one in touch. this is yevhen dykiy, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, former platoon commander of the aidar battalion, head of the national antarctic science center, mr. yevhen, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, glory to ukraine, and where, and where are you, where did you remove the numbers from the screen, i am just here trying to vote, well, i will dictate the numbers especially for yevhen dykyi, that is, there is a question whether it is time for negotiations between ukraine and russia, if so, 0800 211. 381 no 0800 211 382 be like yevhen
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dyky, vote either yes or no, and we will now ask mr. yevhen how he voted, of course, i voted no, i am absolutely categorical in this, in this my, shall we say conviction, it is not because i generally believe that negotiations with the russians are impossible, rather after all, sooner or later we will have to conduct these negotiations, well... let's say this, there are small chances that the war will end in such a way that no negotiations will be necessary at all, but now is definitely not the time, at the moment the situation is when the russians the fuse is running out, so to speak , or if we talk about a military machine as a car, then the factory in it is running out, the gasoline in it is running out, but it has only just begun to run out, in our country, on the contrary, we are on the rise, but the rise is not rapid . faster on such
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a climb, say, up a mountain, and of course, negotiations must be conducted when we change places with the russians, the time for negotiations will be ripe, when it will be absolutely obvious to everyone that this time is working - only for us, for the russians , on the contrary, everything is going worse, worse and worse, this turning point will happen, this the fracture will happen sometime in the fall, maybe in the winter of this year, that is , there are still months of hard, very hard work, but this fracture is already visible, it is already looming, and the worst mistake we can make is simply not to reach out a little, take it and blow off first, the orcs are puffing up, but if now we the ukrainian rear will decide that we are good enough, this will be the worst mistake we can make, the experts of the institute for the study of american war say that the kremlin is preparing the russians for a ten-year war. with the complete destruction
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of ukraine, well, they refer to medvedev, to the words of the deputy head of the russian security council, that they are ready to fight until 2034 and... medvedev predicts the disappearance of ukraine, how, how do you feel about such forecasts and the fact that, well , one thing medvedev's statement is not enough to make such a conclusion, it is not a forecast is completely different, you have to understand your enemy in general, it is very important to understand their strengths, that is, the strength of the kremlin in general, and specifically of vladimir putin, that his strength has always been... the ability to keep a poker face, however, the worse the game was, the better he kept his face, the more defiantly he bluffed, and unfortunately, very often he succeeded, and now we see exactly this, this statement of medvedev, it
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is not by itself, by the way, it goes absolutely in the context, here are all the letters there schnobel laureates, this is where it falls, no matter how terrible it is, but a blow to okhmatdit, this is where the situation lies... at the front, where the orcs are suffering absolutely terrible losses, but despite this they continue to advance, all this together should create a completely false picture for us, you and i are drawing a picture in which russia is ready for a ten-year war. they paint us a picture in which russia can calmly spend such a number of people and especially equipment that it does not have for 10 years, but in which it can calmly advance for 10 years. step by step, very slowly, at a terrible cost, but most importantly - unstoppable, for 10 years they will conquer all of ukraine, step by step, until they reach kharkiv, kyiv, odessa, which are still considered occupied by russian cities.
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yes, actually, for this is russia's last chance to win this war, if we now believe in this picture, this picture absolutely. supported by real facts, this picture is completely false, but they paint it all the more confidently, because if we lead to it, then they have a chance to win this war, but if we believe that they are ready for a ten-year war, then yes, from this, the absolutely logical next step is to admit that, well, 10 years of war is too much, we can't stand it, let's better come to an agreement now, that's it , what they are trying to achieve, because in fact... they don't have the resources for 10 years of war, they don't have the resources even for 5 years of war, they have, we can analyze specifically, let's take the western analysts who came to very sad conclusion that in russia economic for economic, i emphasize reserves, and money is
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what the russians are best at, that they still have as much as 3-4 years of war, 3-4 years of economy, 3-4 not... five, not 10 next, we take not the economy, which i say is the best, then we take human resources, here , too, a very interesting picture emerges, supposedly, yes, supposedly unlimited reserves, orcs do not end, but they literally put them in stacks, but they also recruit in piles, but if you look carefully, it looks completely different, but they paid attention to the news last week that the city hall of moscow. lakamine, will now pay 24,000 bucks to every muscovite who signs a contract for svo. pay attention, this was not the case before, and if we add a little bit of other information to it, and just take it, well , it’s not easy, but it’s also open information, let’s take it and see how
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social benefits to the participants of svo have changed over the years, and we will see that a year ago, the peak of payments to svo participants was in khakassia, chuvashia, and so on. buryatia, that is, remote national outskirts. six months ago, the peak of payouts to participants svo was already in nichernozemiye. that is, it is not yet moscow, it is a black and terrible trap, as the russians themselves say, that is, behind the moscow highway, but these are already ethnically russian regions. and now the moscow mayor's office is beginning to spend very serious money on recruiting recruits, that is , raked in chuvash, khakasov, buryatov, etc. in... they raked out, they finish raking out the black earth, they are starting to rake out megapolises, which they tried to avoid for two years, that is , the picture is not so rosy in terms of people, although for now, yes, there is still a reserve, but when we already look at technology, oops, there in general, how is it, what happened, we take
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the calculations of the magazine the economist, which is somewhere around the last month, i don't remember exactly when this publication came out, but here ... last month , the economist magazine came to the conclusions that the unknown yevhen dykyi has been making for six months, but when it came to zazekonomist, it happened to us as well. events in the media field, which turns out to be ork armored vehicles, sorry, for a year, so just for a year, no more, and if the situation in terms of artillery is even worse than in terms of armor, and by the way, there is a completely fresh strike from literally a few days ago, but i have seen a lot of such improvised guerrilla warfare in my life, but for the army to be a regular army of serious the state took off. mats from the bmp-1, put them on an infantry carriage and used them as field artillery in
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the trenches, well, honestly, i used to observe this only in partisan formations, but now everything has gone downhill, that is, it is not for nothing, not because they like it so much, and this is because it means that normal artillery is simply not enough, that is , again, we mentioned the economy here, i referred to western experts, i literally called biu here the other day. the person who is not in the know is the head of the central bank of russia, and if the head of the central bank of russia allows himself to say directly in public that they have problems with the economy, now we take into account what and how russian officials are allowed to say, and translate it into human language , the ass is full, if the head of the central bank talks about serious problems, that is in fact, it's not that they are not ready for a ten-year war, but i usually, but i really don't... love, you remember that i never said about two or three weeks, like some of our famous figures, you remember you see, i have always been
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very cautious about this, and tried to give predictions for the worse, i tried to say, i think i was the first in the information field to say that it will be a long, tiring marathon, and not a sprint, that's it when we were still winged by victories near kyiv, so i try to avoid predictions with a clear date, but here i am now... to say that if we hold out for another year, then we will definitely continue to win, but if we, if we don't blow up within a year, then that's it, they will already begin to blow up, then it will be a matter of time and pressure so that, i won't say how much, how much will go to the final victory, but if we hold out for a year, our victory will be absolutely inexorable, it is absolutely not inevitable, but the question is whether we will not be blown away within the limits of this year, and at the same time, we, that is exactly... here we are with you ukrainian the rear, because the army will definitely be supported, no matter how difficult it may be, but
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our army has already survived the worst times, now it will definitely survive this year and not even just survive, by the way, we are talking about the army that was recently criticized by tom cooper, but tom cooper said that yes, we have good brigades there, they are well prepared, and in which the ratio of casualties with the russians reaches 1:16, and there are... bad brigades in which, attention, this indicator drops to one to four, well, excuse me, but if we are talking about the army, in which the bad units kill four orcs for every one of their fighters, well it seems to me that we can't talk about whether the army will hold out, it's very difficult, but it will hold out, but the question is so that the ukrainian rear doesn't blow up, and it's the rear that's being squeezed right now, it's us and you... the rear is currently being prepared for negotiations, which at this moment are beneficial only to russia. just as they
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critically need a pause, they critically need a break to regroup, stockpile weapons, etc., stockpile and prepare people and finish us off, because they know that otherwise time is already working against them, if they are not given this break, in a year already it will be absolutely obvious who is winning this war, and from this position it is already possible to return to... negotiations, but they want to pressure us into negotiations right now, while the fact that they are blowing up, and we, on the contrary , are gaining momentum, is not yet it became obvious that they are now painting us a completely distorted picture of reality, so that we believe in this picture and make a fatal mistake from it, we now go to the eyes of peace negotiations and freezing. another statement sounded very interesting against the background of this speaker of ukrainian language. at ruslan stefanchuk, he is on the air of the national telethon said that
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the council will not consider demobilization, the question of demobilization, well, we remember when changes were made to the legislation on mobilization, on the procedure for mobilization, there was a point from the very beginning about demobilization, let's listen to what stefanchuk said, i i don't know a country that carried out demobilization during the war, or rather, i apologize, i know one... this is the ukrainian people's republic of 1919. it was then that defense minister mykola povsh submitted to the central rada a draft law on this the draft law was then voted by the central council, please, i have a need to tell what happened further in 1919, so it was very important for me that the current verkhovna rada does not repeat the mistakes of the central council. mr. yevgeny, how do you assess
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what stefanchuk said, is it fair to start by saying that i am very glad that we finally have a speaker, which is good. i have a national history, here i am now, by the way, absolutely not, there is not a single gram of sarcasm here, well, listen, we had an academician from lithuania, wait, a historian, doctors of historical sciences, let's say this, academician lytvyn, the question of what history he knew and what conclusions he drew from it is difficult, well, plus, again, i remember all these plagiarized stories, okay, because it was a long time ago, so i'm glad , that our speaker, in principle , is checking exactly with history, which he knows well, and i am... glad that we really compare, this is what i would advise all of us, our viewers, to really compare ourselves with the ukrainian people's republic, so that in fact, well, we are in a very similar situation and it is very important not to repeat these mistakes that were made then, the approach itself is completely correct, as far as demobilization is concerned, you know, i think my position, i think that setting a maximum
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term of service, this is not called voting for one-time demobilization, but setting... i consider the term of service to be critically necessary: ​​people should not buy a one-way ticket, people should know that they are winning back their own, then they will be replaced, and no matter how long this war lasts, even if it is the same bearish 10 years, but you will return go home, and you will be replaced by someone who was behind you this time, but there is a certain sequence here, that is, first we need to make sure that we really ensured demobilization, and then we can and must ensure demobilization of our defenders. because this blatant injustice of this war has not yet been corrected, that those people who went to defend us back in the 22nd year, they will now defend us, well, it seems that until the end of the war, or until they end, and in the meantime there is no guarantee that we will not take enough of them to replace them. verkhovna rada took the first small step towards
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mobilization, this is actually the streamlining of military records, and even this one step. has already produced very serious results, very positive results, to be honest, more than i expected, because by and large these laws themselves, which are considered a mobilization law, there is nothing about mobilization, there is only the regulation of military records, but it turned out that that even this has already worked and very seriously strengthened the mobilization processes. now you need to take the next few steps, and in particular, how to me, it is necessary to vote in the package, the maximum term of service and the criminalization of evasion of registration. that we still have permanent service and evasion of military registration as an administrative offense still remains, but these two things must be voted on in the package: the maximum term of service and a criminal offense for evasion of registration, that’s all, if this package is voted on, with this, that’s it it continues to work, people continue
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to calmly go to serve, because they know that it is not forever, our defenders are beginning to return. and it does not lead to a collapse front and other threats that stepanchuk is talking about now. thank you, mr. yevgeny, for the conversation, it was yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. friends, yuriy lutsenko will be on our air in literally 5 minutes. i suggest you watch, in the meantime , a small story about how world politicians are trying to compete in proposals for peace plans for ukraine and incitement. to the negotiations with russia, whose project can ensure real peace in ukraine, our correspondents were looking for, let's see. if china does not go to the peace summit, then kuleba goes to china the visit of the ukrainian minister of foreign affairs came as a surprise to many. in june, the prc defiantly ignored an invitation to the peace summit in
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switzerland. nato openly accuses russia of supporting russia. aggression, and the united states will threaten it with sanctions, but in ukraine they understand that china is too big and influential to take offense at it, or to ignore it. the visit of a ukrainian official at this level for the first time in many years, and this is good, is a clear signal that china will support territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine. and it was also confirmed that... chinese leader xi jinping told me that china will not supply weapons to russia. dmytro kuleba was invited to guangzhou by the minister of foreign affairs. wang yi is the second person in the chinese hierarchy after xi jingping. the conversation lasted more than three hours. the people's republic of china continues to call russian aggression
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the ukrainian crisis, but has once again expressed its readiness to help achieve peace, specifically peace, not a truce, dmytro kuleba emphasized. i spoke about the importance of a just peace, not just any peace. and my colleague the chinese himself added that... this is very important, because usually it is we who constantly say that the peace must be permanent, that is, lasting and just. but what does a just peace mean for china? the cause of the war is officially named by pakin as the expansion of nato to the east, his peace proposals essentially equate the victim with the aggressor. the russian federation is not going to give up its strategic partnership with russia. however, china is not the only country. which has a real influence on the kremlin, and therefore ukraine and the west would like to see more at the second peace summit, preparations for which are already is being conducted there will be no point in the negotiations if
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the russians lead them as they have done in the past, putting forward terms of surrender, but without russia and china at the table, there really will be no peace talks. china could play the role of a major global player, which it undoubtedly is in the economy, in finance, but... maybe not in the policy of forcing peace. china's position as a potential mediator is further strengthened against the background of the dramatic and unpredictable american election, which weakens the united states and frightens its allies. president joseph biden's refusal to swamping, although it added enthusiasm to the democrats, further confused the prospects of american support for ukraine. on the one hand, vice president kamala harris. shocked by her victory, the white house is expected to generally continue its current course toward ukraine. but haris herself is a person without experience in international affairs and will probably
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rely entirely on her advisers. andriy yermak, the head of the president's office, has already had a telephone conversation with one of them, diplomat philip gordon. according to the wall street journal in the garis administration president biden's top appointee is unlikely to find a seat. in particular, secretary of state anthony blinken, secretary of defense lloyd austin and national security advisor jake sullivan. so will the level of support be at least the same as under president biden, who had a special attitude towards ukraine. unanswered questions . on the other hand, donald trump. he promises to end the war in 24 hours and claims to have his own peace plan. politico previously reported. that his team seems to be seriously considering the option agreement with the kremlin, which provides for territorial concessions to ukraine and its refusal to join
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nato. after a meeting with trump on the sidelines of the republican party convention, former british prime minister boris johnson published his version of the peace plan in the tabloid newspaper the daily mail, about increasing military support for ukraine, intentions to push russia to the borders on february 24, and measures for protection of the rights of russian speakers in ukraine to help putin save face. finally, the us secretary of state presented his version of the trump administration mike pompeo and david urban, head of a lobbying company close to the republicans. they claim that the way to peace lies through force, which means that it is necessary to strengthen military support for ukraine and remove all prohibitions. to strike deep into russia, to lower world oil prices in order to weaken the economy of the russian federation and, ultimately, to accept ukraine into nato. which
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of these plans is really trump's plan? it is unlikely that even trump himself knows this today. he is an impulsive and unpredictable person, which means that his victory will create something new for ukraine opportunities as well as great risks. president zelensky called me. we had a good talk, and i said that we must end this war. you are dealing with the russian war machine. all they do is wage war. they defeated hitler, they defeated napoleon. the spring offensive never happened. the russians have millions of shells and thousands of tanks. many russians were killed, but many ukrainians were also killed. this should not have happened. are ukrainians themselves ready for possible negotiations? survey of the razumkov center conducted in june at the request of the edition of the mirror of the week, it proved that 44% of ukrainians believe that the time for peace talks has come,
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while 35% do not agree with this opinion, but this is tylu's opinion, what the front thinks, sociologists do not know, the defense forces continue to be incredible efforts to restrain the enemy so that ukraine, if the time for negotiations really comes, would be in the strongest possible position. we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms on... i remind you that we today, friends, we are conducting a poll and we are asking you about whether the time has come for negotiations between russia and ukraine, because today the president of finland said that it is time to negotiate, so we are asking you, friends, what do you think, whether we should negotiate now, or not with russia, what is the most important thing, so if you vote on youtube, yes, no, if you have a separate opinion, please leave it in the comments under the video, if you vote by mobile or smartphone 0821. 381, what it is
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time to negotiate, no 0.800 211 382 that is not the time for negotiations between ukraine and russia, and today we have as a guest yuriy lutsenko, ukrainian politician and statesman, captain of the armed forces of ukraine, former prosecutor general and former minister of internal affairs of ukraine. i congratulate you, yury vitovych. how would you answer the question, is it time for russia-ukraine talks? no, it hasn't arrived. today , ukraine. does not have such decisive positions that can conduct negotiations in the interest of ukraine. in general, constant conversations and announcements of negotiations with russia, with from my point of view, only russia's position is strengthened. i do not rule out that there will be negotiations, because any war ends with negotiations. i understand that only the president, by virtue of his information, gathers
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the economic and social situation. and human resource, and external resource, and military resource, can make such a decision, but at the same time, he should explain the red lines to the nation. i remember how zelenskyi constantly denied and, by the way, denies the need to sign minsk, but at the moment when 50 00 regular russian troops entered ukraine, our general staff gave president poroshenko a certificate that we have 15,000 combat-ready units plus good. accordingly , poroshenko included diplomacy, but as a result of the minsk agreements, please note, russia did not receive a single meter of ukrainian land, russia was not able to limit the armed forces in any way, neither in numbers nor in equipment, and the missile programs went away, and ukraine was not limited in the opportunity to join nato or any other military with the constitution it was written, and now in istanbul we saw what it could be
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another contract. halving the size of the armed forces, the ban on having equipment and weapons that shoot more than 40 km, neutral status, the ban on nato and even military maneuvers with the permission of russia, i am already silent about the humanitarian pro-russian policy, so look, from my point of view, if the president has been talking lately about the need for negotiations, about his readiness for them, it seems to me that he should address the nation and say: at the same time, we will not surrender any territory, we will not recognize any of our territory as russian, we will not limit the armed forces numerically, not technically, and we will not take away from ukraine its sovereign right to conclude military and political alliances with whoever we want, even scaboverde, which our president loved so much at peace forums, but seriously, we are now at the peak a critical situation for us, the point is
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that i will delay. and for political reasons , the mobilization, which was started last year, if you remember, under zaluzhny, and then under syrskyi, has just now taken place, and the soldiers must undergo five-week courses of primary preparation, there are two, three, sometimes four weeks left, the russians know this, and all their advantage, which they have in numbers, 550 thousand years, and complete dominance in the air, and a tenfold advantage. in shells, they now threw in order to break through our front in these two or three weeks. due to the fact that my comrades are near pokrovsk, the front is 14 km from this key city, the road from pokrovsk to chasov, well through konstan konstantinivka, the enemy is 5 km away, so now is a critical moment, and from my point of view the president had would do not address with peaceful wishes.


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