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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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let's leave this stupid thing aside, and finally move on to things where we can definitely be partners, if all three components will play together, i think that from this story, what is the east and the enemy, in the west some incomprehensible processes, we will be able to leave, mr. andrii, what ukraine needs in order to be more persuasive with regard to our... western partners, individual and convince other partners, because these partners are not our partners at all, but play on putin's side. a more professional team is needed in the government, we need more quality people who represent ukraine. it is necessary to understand that volodymyr zelenskyi cannot pull the entire international community on himself, one must not be equal, as in the office of the president, who are simply afraid when someone outside the president's team enters into some kind of contact. in the west, in europe or in
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america, it is necessary to understand, as rostislav actually just said, that we all want the same thing, we can all have slightly different political ideas, different ethical views, different historical ones, we have an understanding of those or other events, but now we we all want one thing, we want the ukrainian state to survive, for the ukrainian people to have their own state, because the ukrainian people have no other land, and we are all ready to work on it, but... but we are simply not finishing the 29th month of the great war , and no one will do this work for us, they don’t like the weak, yes they can sympathize with the weak, but they can help them little by little, but they won’t fit in for them, sorry, as they say, but in order for us to be respected, we we have to be strong and we have to be very strict and clear to articulate one's position, to convey it without asking for any humanitarian aid, without telling about ukrainian troubles. and to take
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a tough, high-quality position, we have a big problem with this, because if you look at all the key speakers who represent ukraine at international events, on the international arena, for the most part, these are quite soft people, some even sometimes not very they speak english well, well, it looks unconvincing, so if bankova wants to win the diplomatic war, and zelensky is right to speak about... about this, here you are showed in the last interview, he clearly emphasized that the event should ensure guaranteed diplomatic pressure, russia should understand that they are not playing with it, and russia sees that no one is particularly going to fight with it even diplomatically, when the same one is there the president of finland makes some statements about negotiations and so on and so forth, so we have to 100% work out the international agenda with quality people, quality speakers, etc. and clearly, then we
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will have a chance to win this diplomatic component, if we do not continue to do this, there will be the same thing that has been happening for the past few years. you are correct in talking about this unity and about unity, including at different levels of power, because the parliament, the government, and the presidential team are one team, powerful, the team of ukraine, in this context i cannot but ask you about the position about your position. to what stefanchuk said, because the speaker of the parliament said that the council, or rather did not say, hinted that the council will not consider the issue of demobilization, let's listen to what stefanchuk said, i will quote what stefanchuk said, we have some. problems with
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at the same time, i do not know such a country that would carry out demobilization during the war, or rather, i know such a country, it is the ukrainian people's republic in 1919, the then minister of defense mykola porsh introduced a bill on demobilization to the central council, which was voted on: please i have a need to tell what happened next in 1990, forgive me for centuries for confusion with... in 990 19, so it was very important for me that the current verkhovna rada does not repeat the mistakes of the central rada. this is what stefanchuk says, that there will be no demobilization, that is, when the order of mobilization in the country is changed and a new order is approved there for the clarification of data and military records in general, that the question of demobilization, it was not voted on in these changes.
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is this the position of the entire parliament or only the speaker of the parliament, mrs. yevgenia? well, first of all , you should not just ask the verkhovna rada about demobilization, because... the general staff, the ministry of defense, of course, have the full information, of course, those deputies who go to the front line and communicate directly with pambrigs, they know the percentage, which is far from 100% in terms of personnel, and when you talk to the military, they admit that demobilization is complete for now, so when a large part of the army just goes home, it is... impossible and that it's just a bitter truth, instead of one demobilized person, an already trained mobilized person should come, this is besides the fact that the mobilization, which we have continuously, should continue, so we, as parliamentarians
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, are ready to communicate with the general staff, ready to discuss with them, consider proposals, but it is from the general staff that a clear signal should come. that demobilization in some form can be carried out and when, of course, it does not exclude it, it was also in stefanchuk's quote, i specially checked before the broadcast, the issue of military rest, the issue of fair promotions, the issue of the composition of brigades, so that there would not be such a load of overtime soldiers holding some part. front, thank you, ms. evgenia, mr. rostislav, please tell me, well, what about demobilization, that is, any hope for those who have been fighting for the third year, some, probably even more,
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whether the parliament can give, well, in this case and in general, the ukrainian authorities, well, look, here it is important not to mix the two. the notion of demobilization as a certain opposite of mobilization, i really hope that this is exactly what the speaker of the verkhovna rada meant, because in the middle of the active phase of a full-scale invasion , no one will really declare demobilization, that is, stop mobilization, but there is another very important thing called the right on the dismissal of a serviceman from service under certain conditions, and in our opinion such a condition is if the serviceman... lived for 36 months, i.e. 3 years, while 18 of them were in combat deployment, i.e. directly participated in hostilities or their support, and this, if you believe the experts, will give enough time to prepare for the fact that everyone who is now at the front was
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replaced by a trained fighter, and the one who had already served 3 years and of which 18 months was actually in combat operations could... resign, another mobilized person would take his place, and this could be a healthy compromise, such the bill of the european of solidarity was proposed immediately after the adoption of these changes to the law on mobilization in the spring, it can obviously be discussed, indeed, the position of the military should be heard more thoroughly here, but actually this combination, it also did not come from the ceiling, it is also the result of actually working with military experts, so it seems to me that i am absolutely... fair, and this, by the way, would be a good motivation factor for the mobilization to be more successful, for the rules of the game to be immediately clear, for it to be immediately clear that if you serve, if you you take participation in hostilities, their provision, and served like this for 3 years, then you have the right to
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be released after the term of service. thank you, mr. rostyslav, mr. andriy, it is the lack of clarity about mobilization, demobilization and... clear rules that those who are now in uniform in the armed forces of ukraine obviously want to know, does this affect their morale and the morale of those , who is being mobilized now? of course it affects, because the lack of clarity, as you say, is the result of political populism and the lack of it just a professional... approach to this dialogue, we failed both media, legal and organizational mobilization, at the same time , many politicians speculated on the topic of demobilization, as a result, we disoriented both citizens and soldiers serving in the armed forces, no one did anything understands, and
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speculation continues that the verkhovna rada should pass something, continuing stefanchuk's rhetoric, i don't know in the recent history of the world, the parliament as a civilian body that... by troops during a hot war, questions demobilization, rotation, this is exclusively a question of the military leadership, this is a question of the rate. commander-in-chief and commander-in-chief and no one else, and the clarity in this matter has been one hundred percent since october 1993, when the law on mobilization and mobilization preparation came into force in ukraine, everyone can open it, read it, and it clearly says what these words mean, mobilization and demobilization, and it is clearly written there who makes these decisions, these decisions are made by one single person, the supreme chief. the commander is the president of ukraine, so i am very i call on all colleagues and all interested parties,
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who have any brilliant ideas, proposals regarding the term of service, rotation, demobilization, please send it to the supreme commander-in-chief, and address it all to one single person, the president of ukraine, because these are not my fantasies, some fictions, this is how the rules work, how the laws of ukraine work, which are the same as during the actions. martial law as well as in peacetime, so let's not confuse people, let's not give people any hope, let's not deceive them with some of our thinking, to say that something might somehow happen, let's ask questions to those who, according to the law, have exclusive, due to exclusive powers to decide all this, who should decide it, i've already said it twice, the president and the supreme commander-in-chief, period, there is no longer a body in this state. who has the right to make any decisions that concern the management of troops
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during a major war. i really want us all to live together until the moment of demobilization is announced, but this will happen only when the heat actually ends war phase. there is simply no other option, the other option will simply lead to the final loss of this war and the loss of ukrainian statehood. unfortunately, neither the president nor stamka wants to talk like that. with people, although they are obliged to do it, once again, they are obliged to do it, because it is written in the ukrainian laws, which have been in force for more than 30 years. thank you, thank you, mr. andriy, andriy sadchuk, evgenia kravchuk and rostyslav pavlenko, were guests of our program today, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in program, i will remind our tv viewers that throughout our broadcast we conduct a survey, we ask you about the following: is it time for negotiations between ukraine and russia, 19? yes, no, 81% are the results of our
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tv poll. i will put an end to this, friends, it was the program verdict of serhiy rudenko, i am saying goodbye to you, there will be a new verdict by tomorrow, by 8:00 p.m., come, and of course, we will have new topics and new guests, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your relatives. goodbye. there are discounts that represent the only ones discounts on exoderl 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and save. if the throat is not ok, make a snicker, make it ok. choose the taste, cough without pain. ewka lord: sweet lord. discounts represent the only discounts on combigra hot 10% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings. there are discounts that represent the only ones. sudokrem books 15% in travel, memory and savings pharmacies. exclusively on
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the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries, huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that cause resonance. in our society, this is the question of trump's victory, what it is, an analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, what else the russians can do, whether they are able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenko army allied with them, vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project read the entire description, accept my singer, i thank you, it was difficult, but i was just interested, but this is absolutely her, they help to understand the present and predict the future. the united states has entered into a bilateral security agreement with us. project for caring and thoughtful. political club. every sunday at
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20:00 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion. abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, me they call mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders,
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then who is china , my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with... school in september saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, review of the fronts, ukrainian developments in theeconomist, what they write about ukrainian military know-how. the enemy was pushed back to zaporozhye, russian armored vehicles were stopped by fire in... the direction of pokrovsk. prices are falling, what will we pay more for, inflation is climbing, will we survive this period, fire and rallies in venezuela, protests, will maduro hold on, and the battle of life, the olympic football team of ukraine is playing against argentina today, will it be able to achieve an acceptable result and exit from the group, and other results of performances of
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ukrainian athletes at the olympics in paris. we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 45 minutes, it's... the big ether program, my name is vasyl zemai, we start traditionally with the military summaries of the day. serhii zurets is ready. sergey, good evening, please. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today, in our column, we will review the most relevant areas on the front line, what is happening there, we will mention american military aid, and of course , the fact that in the american publication konomist they write about ukrainian ones. defense developments, what is the sound project, why he was so interested and americans and nato countries. more on that in a moment. so, let's start with the front line. if we consider the general statistics, then the number of military clashes has increased again. 149 combat clashes
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for yesterday, half of them precisely in the pokrovsky direction, and for today half also on the same part of the front. what is happening there? well, first of all, let's remember that now our brigades 31, 47, 68, 110 separate mechanized brigades are holding the defense in this area, and they continue to restrain the advance of the enemy, although now our troops it is extremely difficult, there is an enemy movement after the capture of the settlement, progress in the direction of vesely sergiivka and the desired, this is an advance deep into our defenses to the west and and we can expect that the enemy will probably try to break through from the progress, further to pokrovsk, mirnograd, there now somewhere 14 km, these are actually significant challenges for the enemy and significant challenges for us, because this is an important agglomeration in the central part of donbass and an extremely important logistical node of our defense. in general,
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danger is created in several directions, this is just advancing the enemy to the track. pokrovsk kostyantynka chasivyar , the enemy tried to make this advance through vozdvizhenka, but there the enemy was blocked and now the defense there is actually held tight enough, but instead of this, the enemy is already moving west towards pokrovsk, this is one threatening situation, and another, that after , as the enemy had captured his own progress and wolfishness, it turned out that now this part... where the enemy is now, it is already a little to the west of our line of defense, which went from north to south, along the vovcha river, along the kurakhiv reservoir, there was... progress, vovche, kamyshivka, karlivka, and this line of defense, it was formed around the river and the karliv reservoir. now the enemy
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has advanced a little to the west and it seems that in a certain perspective our troops will also have to withdraw to the west in order to minimize the risks of the enemy's actions from the north along our line of defense, so the issue of the pokrovsky direction remains the most difficult and we hope. that the general staff will pay attention to this direction, that's for sure. another no less difficult direction is kurakhivka, there is also a significant density of attacks, and there is a video where the enemy is trying to advance in krasnohorivka itself, there were reports actually about the capture of krasnohorivka, but krasnohorivka is partially divided there by a river that crosses this settlement. and our troops are in the north, in the south there is the enemy, and there were several videos where the enemy is actively using armored vehicles,
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the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade showed a video of how it repels quite effectively and destroys at least 39 units of armored vehicles that were advancing on krasnogohorivka, and today there was also a video from one of our brigades, which... holds the defense where the 79th separate amphibious assault brigade, just a couple of days ago, this brigade repelled an enemy attack, where there were 55 units of armored vehicles and tanks and apcs, and today there was a new video, where the attack is actually being repelled, where there are 57 samples of armored vehicles, there were 10 tanks, 47 bmps, these motorcycles are being used again, something else, but the same as last time, using the 79th brigade.. . resets using mining, artillery and so on, was able to disrupt this enemy attack, 12 armored vehicles, eight tanks were destroyed, and this is
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a good result, but it shows that on this particular kurakhiv direction, the enemy is actively using armored vehicles , unlike other directions , where the main force is used, and aviation and iqaba, another difficult direction... our defense is the turkish direction, here the situation has actually stabilized in a certain way, the enemy is trying to get closer to new york, urban battles are going on there, and opposite turkey, here now we can see the map, it’s just the section from the iron to the north, that’s where the line of defense runs almost along the railway, along the terekons, the enemy has no advance there, there are significant losses of the enemy, our 32nd and 53rd brigades with the new brigade leadership were transferred there now almost then
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, a few days ago , hostilities began almost from the circle, the 95th separate assault brigade also operates there, so it can be said that the situation there is generally stabilized, although the enemy will continue to try to operate in this area, this the direction for the enemy is important from the point of view of advancing in this direction, but after, i repeat, how this direction was reinforced by new brigades, i think that the chances of the enemy in this area are minimal, the main thing now is to take measures to destroy the enemy , well, one more direction, this is the time of the ravine, there have also been certain changes, but not critical ones, there is information that the enemy managed to break through in one of the areas, this is just... near kalynyvka, this is actually one of the areas, where the siverskyi donets donbas channel has such an interval within 700
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m, where these canal pipes pass underground, the enemy has accumulated manpower there and is trying to advance further, to move to the western part of the siverskyi donets-donbass canal, there is no confirmation that he is really there. boko has entered our defense line, i hope that the enemy is being knocked out of this area right now, we have, if we remember, the 24th separate organized brigade and the 5th separate assault brigade, which are working there for a long time time already effectively copes with this important line of defense, chasivyar is on high ground, we we remember, and in principle, the enemy has been trying to bypass this settlement frontally for a long time. with some success, both from the flanks and frontal attacks, which were carried out for a certain period of time, they caused the enemy to enter the novy area, which by... in
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the canal area in front of the canal, in front of the nowy area, this area was already completely destroyed , but now the line of defense mainly runs right along the siverskyi donets-donbask canal from north to south, i hope that the actions of our brigades, well, restrain the possibility the enemy to advance, which now, after a certain rotation after significant losses, again pulls up the landing units to continue the fighting. in any case, we... you could say that the enemy is now in a hurry, realizing that the window of opportunity, which was caused by both our delay in mobilization and the arrival of military aid, is slowly closing, and now the enemy is eager to take advantage of the opportunity with an increase in its manpower, aviation and seeks to press on all areas of the front. we understand that the general staff understands all these risks, the question is that the defense should be built logically, correctly and, as sirsky said, so that we do not...
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hold on to the ruins at any cost, i hope that this statement has a practical relation to reality, and is not just words. this is the situation in these four most difficult areas of the front, then we will talk about our technologies. today, or rather a couple of days ago, the economist publication came out with an interesting article entitled, how new technologies are. ukraine thwarts russian air strikes and pioneering acoustic detection with surprising success. the material is dedicated to the solutions implemented by a number of ukrainian companies, and these solutions are aimed at using acoustic sensors and processing these signals to find where russian enemy drones and missiles are in the air, whether shahed or x 101 missiles, and among these
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companies. first of all, foreign journalists mention the ukrainian company zuk. and now we are joined by maryan solim, who is the head of this team, the head of the sound project. mr. maryan, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. i congratulate you, i would like, well, probably you you saw this publication yourself, it is probably clear, i congratulate you on this, because the exits are already world-class with their projects, this is not the first time. but i would like you to tell our viewers what is the special feature of the sound project, what happened during this time, when you started working on this project about two years ago, at what stage we are, well , what is the real feature of this, the very of this development? thank you sergey, i would like to note that two years ago you were probably the first to know about our work and...
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this very interview was one of the first such public speeches, so i am very grateful to you for this, for these 2.5 years we have advanced at a great pace towards the goals that we set for ourselves and that the armed forces of ukraine specifically needed 2.5 years ago, the main thrust of the project was the acoustic detection of enemy air strikes, these acoustic sensors that were created when a full-scale invasion began. were created precisely by our team, they are passive in their work, do not require much, much, much effort in maintenance, they are passive in their work, they are not detected as means of enemy intelligence, they are cheap and easily scalable, during this time, in 2.5 years, we managed to cover about 20 00 km of ukraine with them, and we...
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during this time also tried to invent additional additional improvements to for this technology and additional modules that we could enrich precisely these acoustic sensors and means, means of detection of these air means of enemy attack. mr. maryan, a simple question is at what distance these sensors will detect. russian shahed and winged missiles and what is the probability of error and how is the error compensated by the software ? detection distances that we can see by comparing the performance of acoustic sensors versus radar systems on military air situational awareness systems.


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