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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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of ukraine and we started during this time also tried to invent additional additional improvements to this technology and additional modules that we could enrich precisely these acoustic sensors and means, means of detecting these aerial means of attack by the enemy. mr. maryan, the simple question is at what... distance do these sensors detect russian missiles and cruise missiles and what is the probability of error and how is the error compensated by the software? detection distances, which we can see by comparing the activation of acoustic sensors in compared to radar systems on military anti-war situational awareness systems. of defense, it is 3.5 km for
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shaheds, for drones with a gasoline engine, it is 5-7 km for jet engines such as cruise missiles and fighter jets, also hydrofoils are found at the same distance of 5-7 km, and turboprop aircraft can be detected at distances of up to 10 km due to their loudness, then the question arises whether... there are algorithms that allow us, relatively speaking, to distinguish a shahed from a moped there, and a cruise missile from a bee there, because this the sound is like, if the jaw is close, it will be very reminiscent of a cruise missile, how did you manage it, are there software algorithms that really allow you to cut off these errors, we used the approach of training artificial intelligence models, which we trained by collecting a dataset . er sound
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prints of these enemy vehicles, according to the first installed acoustic sensors, starting from april, from may 2022, all this time we collected these datasets, trained new and new models of artificial intelligence, sought to improve false positive rates for our models, and they just cope with cutting off with... filtering possible noises, even very similar in their sound to the shaheds, engines, such as whether there could be mopeds or some kind of civil engineering, and it was this problem was overcome back in the 22nd year, back in the fall, since then, of course, there are no limits to perfection, we do not stop, we continue to collect and improve our models of artificial intelligence and for... we can see precisely
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because of this, precisely because of good reviews about the operation of these acoustic sensors, which are installed throughout ukraine, we now see this interest on the part of foreign journalists, specifically journalists of the economist publication, so i gave them an interview, tried to share this experience, and i believe that we have a lot to tell ukraine, in that ukraine in general, not only the project sound about these. means that we use to resist this aggressor. mr. maryan, what about the data that is detected in the air, that the sensor hears that an enemy drone is flying, forms a certain pulse, a signal, where these pulses and signals are then transmitted, or they are somehow related to the further actions of air defense, or some place of collecting this data, which strengthens the potential of our anti-aircraft defenses. for defense, yes, of course,
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the detection of the enemy’s means of attack, it is immediately 12 seconds from the moment when this sound, sound background just begins, in 12 seconds the detections are already processed and enter the systems of situational awareness, air defense, this is a turn, a delta, we made these integrations also back in the 22nd year and... these data are working to increase ukraine's defense capability. and the economist newspaper writes that next month you should conduct tests of 15 three triangulation units in order to test new technologies in determining air targets. what is it about, what are the improvements, the economist writes.
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the air force has created requirements for such acoustic means of detecting air targets, and for this to follow, in order to meet these requirements. uh, we have been a sound team since the 23rd year, we have been working on adding additional functionality to our acoustic sensors, to improve them, so from the very beginning, all sound sensors that were installed on the towers of mobile operators or outside their borders, we provided such expansion ports, to which we are now starting to add such additional modules. which work on the principle of a microphone array, they can detect, in addition to the fact that our main sensor functionality is able to detect the presence of an air target in its range, an additional module is able to detect the direction of that air target, and we
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believe that these application to be carried out, we believe that such acoustic sensors are able to increase the efficiency of our mobile fire engines. groups, and two or three such sensors are already capable of their intersection of these azimuth lines, they are able to show the coordinates of the target, that is, the information becomes richer, more detailed for the work of both mobile fire groups and air defense calculations, and finally, they will ask about , that a foreign publication mentions that the country... nato is interested in these developments and there may be variations regarding the exchange of experience or exchange of technologies in this direction, has this vector of interaction affected your company, are there proposals from foreign companies to cooperate, or are they all still following
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parallel paths? and the miltech market is foreign in general, it is very active, and this interest. if the agencies, the defense agencies of the nato countries, very quickly, it seems to me, the companies considered it and began to contact us, they are enough, if the sound development team was always quite public, they began to come out, to be interested in what we do, how we we do it, and i know what for the past six months, a year, a lot if... nato countries are trying to create similar acoustic sensors and maybe somehow inspired by these principles of air defense and as an auxiliary intermediate system for
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air defense, which sound has been trying to spread since the 22nd year, and so defensive agencies are also getting in touch, trying to... uh somehow organize the creation of such test clusters of acoustic sensors to strengthen their own air defense. mr. marian, thank you very much for the inclusion, for the work you do do to strengthen our defense capability. i will say once again that i was very glad to see and hear you. i would like to remind our viewers that it was maryan solim, the head of the sound project, which is actually one of the directions that nato countries are interested in today, because in the same publication... the economist mentions the name of james hekker, he is the commander of the air force of america in europe, based at ramstein air base, this general said that ukrainian innovation in the acoustic sector is
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extraordinary, and nato is considering deployment of microphones for its air defense, so i do not rule out that this experience, which has been developed by the command team... of the sound company, well, in a certain way , will help nato countries to fight the russian military threat more effectively, this is what our teams are doing effectively now in our space with the use of new technologies and means of air defense. these were the main military results of the day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's great broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you, sergey zgurts, thank you to the guest, there are still many interesting things ahead, the funds for the army are ending at the zk, the deputy from the servant of the people zhupanin will be checked, the pritzker visit, why did zelensky ignore him, about this and the situation in zaporizhzhia, we will talk with
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our guests, and i will also remind you that today oleksandr morchenko will talk in detail about what kind of inflation consumer goods should expect and what and how much they will become more expensive, this is important, but we are just getting started. for the announcement of the collection. the spresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for funds for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault unit. armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring, so there is a lot of loss and resources need to be replenished. they urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. these technologies are critical to protecting our soldiers. our goal is uah 3.5 million. do you remember each of your to... brings our victory closer. together we can protect those who protect us. well
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, now let's listen to those who protect us. good health, dear ukrainians. we, the fighters of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, who will defend our native land on the front line. we urgently need your help. we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and komikaz drones. please, please. of your help, glory to ukraine, heroes, heroes, glory, and please join to the collection for the needs of these brigades, well, i will add to the conversation alisa sasoeva, a deputy of the zaporizhia district council, ms. alisa, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, mr. vasyl, good evening, good evening, i have collected many questions for you today, well, for the good the armed forces of ukraine repulsed the enemy in the orihiv direction. this is the direction that one way or another leads to zaporizhzhia, therefore, understanding that there are certain
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successes of the armed forces of ukraine in the zaporizhia direction, there in the orichiv direction, let it be, i would like to ask whether it is possible to monitor, well, of course, without specifying any locations and details, the question of the construction of fortifications, is this process ongoing in zaporizhzhia, or is it possible now, since the main hot battles have moved to donetsk region to a greater extent, then somehow... or someone thinks , but it is already possible to somehow slow it down with fortifications, or does the work still continue? well, all the information we have about the fortification comes exclusively from the military administration, of course, they don't allow journalists to just go there to take pictures, but they report to us about the fact that, in principle, everything there is going according to plan, and we saw the video, again, this is what was published on official resources, so we are sure of the military administration... that fortifications are being built, and moreover,
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additional funds are allocated for them, and as for the situation in the zaporizhzhia direction, we are also told that it is currently one of the most difficult, but the enemy does not have any significant breakthroughs there, so now let's talk about the fact that the enemy struck an infrastructure object in zaporizhzhia, also behind the obstre '. to settlements in in the zaporizhia region, there were ignitions, there were fires, they were eliminated, if we generally talk about the consequences of enemy attacks in the zaporizhia region, there were a huge number of strikes of various types and artillery, drones, as i understood it, and others, please, exactly yes, recently the number of these shellings, it just amazes them , is becoming more and more, today there were 440 in a day, but the most important thing is that no people were hurt, there are no wounded. dead, and regarding the attack on zaporizhzhia, there is already official information that
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they hit an infrastructure object, but there are no victims either, because it was not functioning, and in general, such terrible numbers in recent weeks, regarding the shelling of zaporizhzhia, there are more than 3,000 of them in a week, but they counted, it has been going on for more than two weeks, when this number is more than 300, it exceeds, so we can record... that the number of shellings has increased and that there are no victims or dead, well, this is really a miracle, and it is probably connected with the fact that those cities that are constantly are under fire that are closer to the line of the front, this is stepnohorsk rikh, take a walk in the field, after all, there are not as many people there as before, and in connection with this increase in the number of shelling, people began to leave more willingly, last week 10 people expressed a desire to evacuate , and before... it was still the case that there was not a single person, or one or two a week, please, and when and where
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do people mainly leave ukraine, i know that we talked about donetsk region yesterday, so let's say, with many people from donetsk region are being evacuated and taken to rivne region and volyn, well, that's where i am i understand that there are some prepared conditions for people, but the residents of zaporizhia, whether they go to zaporizhia, or somewhere further, or abroad, no one keeps these statistics, well, of course, people are offered some... some temporary places of residence in zaporizhia , but we were informed that there is an opportunity to go further, that there are cities closer to the west, precisely in ukraine, that are ready to receive them. people who leave, you know, more often those who do not give up hope of returning home stay in zaporizhzhia, in two years we can already observe such a trend, communicating with these people, and the same, the same ones who leave either the occupied part, or those who, for example, have a completely destroyed house, or there is a high-rise building where they lived,
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who simply have nowhere to return to, well, they often move on or. to safer regions of ukraine or somewhere even abroad. well, by the way, if we talk about the fact that those people who remain, in addition to enemy shelling, destroyed houses, there are many other problems, well, the street lighting has been restored in zaporizhzhia, which is already some the plus is that it is obvious that some situation will change, but in any case, we understand that autumn, and especially winter, can be, can be unpredictable. it, especially for those regions that are in close proximity, well, on the territory of which the front line passes, if we talk about the zaporizhia region, and of course preparation for winter is very important, and it is interesting that the special commission for the protection of human rights of the organization of the united of nations, checked the preparations for the heating season in zaporizhzhia, zaporizhzhia region, tell any
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please, what kind of visit was it in general, and this, in addition to what was checked, i know what the un and germany will say. now substations, electrical substations, and other necessary things are being allocated in ukraine to prepare for the season, perhaps this inspection will enable un representatives to say that we need to help zaporizhzhia so that people are ready for winter, well and it is possible that the local authorities are now trying to come up with something to ensure at least electricity supply, heat supply in winter during the period of unpredictable development of the situation, of course, given that zaporizhzhia is such a front-line... city, it is very interesting especially for international organizations, very often we have such international visits, delegations, and what about heating, well, we can only rely on what we are told officially by our military administration, and what they promise us, whether it will happen or not, we can already check this closer to winter, because
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well, in general, they tell us that in the country, taking into account the fact that... . and now there are total blackouts and such a situation with the power system, that the winter can be very difficult, but we are assured that the most important objects of critical infrastructure, hospitals, and schools, all this will be provided, and the preparation will proceed properly, there are no such more interesting statements yet, well, let's see, and what regarding the street lighting you said, well we were without street lighting for a while. there was no street lighting in zaporizhzhia for 10 days, and in this way i tried to save electricity, today is the first day when it was turned on again in our city. well, at least that's the situation now stable, what they tell us in the government, in ukrenergo, it was possible to stabilize the situation with energy supply, but again, this is all temporary, we understand that the situation
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can change, and i would like to raise the topic of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, yesterday i read about... that the enemy digs trenches near the cooling ponds, creates fire pits there, well, the trenches are not just that they will sit there and play cards, they are firing positions, and it is clear that they take the cooling ponds, obviously this is some kind of idea they have, huh secondly, today i read that the occupiers are already news number 52, since the war is going on, i have heard this news for the 50th time, probably, but this time it may be more relevant, the occupiers want to connect the zaporizhia nuclear power plant to... the russian network, well obviously, we understand that their main task there is to submit everything to crimea, where the situation is not easy either, under the occupier, how difficult the situation is, but is there anything more known about this, or is it only statements, well, maybe you heard what the experts say about these firing points and fortifications near ponds coolers, from what they will be
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protected there, from the fish that swim in those ponds there, or whatever, please, alas, the experts... do not know that the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, it is currently completely militarized, and here are these trenches, they once again prove that for the russians it is primarily a military object, and you know what they are doing at the nuclear power plant can be seen every day in reports, for example in nikopol, yes, when they report an attack there drones or shelling, most often this everything is happening precisely from the territory of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and the russians themselves, they report that they are... building a pumping station and that they will provide water supply in this way to the power plant, well, of course, we understand that the side docks at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant ... there is a russian soldier in trostation, this is a danger both for zaporozhye and for the whole of ukraine, even, i think, for the whole world, because they want to provide water, excuse me, the forest,
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the city of energodar, i mean, civilians will the houses be supplied with water or what? and that's right, well, that's what they're reporting, should the water from the ponds be dumped on the city or something? yes, they stated that they are building a pumping station, as it actually is, of course, i would like to hear from... experts in this field, of course, not from the russians themselves, but in fact they generally encountered all the cities, which they occupied, with the fact that they simply do not cope with such communal problems, and now there is no water in the energy supply, very often there is no light, the same situation there are in berdyansk and in melitopol, and they are trying to somehow fix this situation , at least in the media, for example berdyansk, which is now also an energy source for the most part... without water, they brought in some specialists from tver vodokanal, well, we see that things are going well for them and , that's right, that's right, the tver
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water utility, the berdyansk water utility, which they took over, is no longer able to cope, they announced that this is how they will improve the situation, that in relation to the energy donation, they also announced that they will build a pumping station, sorry, what i will quote the famous biker hribov in russian, how about you? the musician is nowhere, it’s basically the same story, well, because having interrupted natural connections, natural supplies of electricity, water, everything else, now the enemy can’t and doesn’t want to create anything new, and most importantly, it’s simply impossible, well, in any - by the way, thank you, alisa sysoeva, deputy of the zaporizhzhya district council, by the way, i watched a video today, yevpatoria, this is the height of the season in crimea, ukrainian crimea occupied by the enemy, the end of july, this the beginning of the velvet season, soon it would seem that they would have ... people just show the beaches of yevpatoria, which was always filled with people, it is such an average price segment, yevpatoria has always been such an average price segment, there were always many people there, and
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there is no one there, there is simply no one, three towels and two people on the beach, this is the standard of living, the standard of living in the occupation, how is everything going on there, and let’s move on, let’s now talk about certain political, military and political aspects, and... we may betray you a little bit , well in in any case, as they say, there must be both betrayal and victory. volodymyr tsyblyakov, a political scientist who is in touch with us, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, i congratulate ms. pritzker's visit to ukraine, how would you comment on it, and why do not all high-ranking officials want to meet with her? well, ms. pritzker is a very tough, tough businesswoman and... the relationship with the ukrainian authorities, she just acts like a bulldozer, because she sees, the americans have almost a complete picture of how funds are handled in
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the government, how funds are misused, how well, the budget is done holes, and most importantly, this new attempt to raise taxes against the background of how the further shadows ... for example, the tobacco trade, not to mention the loopholes at the customs, where the fees are simple, all the customs fail, that is why ms. pritzker went so well hard, especially, she remembers in the previous visit, prime minister shmegal told her the beams about the fact that they are introducing a strategic investment council for strategists. the cabinet of ministers, well, it's like that, to scare something, but it's all bubbles, and this imitation of a fraudulent activities, the americans see very clearly and
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are poking ukrainian officials in the face, poking them, because in essence ms. pritzker stated that even during the war, american companies are ready to enter the ukrainian economy, bring investments, and... but their entry is blocked by government officials , look, this is the story, again, i don’t want to spread treason here or say that someone didn’t think about it before, maybe they thought, maybe they understood that there can be difficult situations with filling the budget, and therefore allocation funds for the military, first of all for the salaries of military personnel, well, first of all, because people must everywhere... take money, these are people who sacrifice their lives, health, they have families, they have needs, despite yes, they should receive this money in order to be able to continue fighting, yes, to maintain
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their health, to buy some necessary things. or to provide for their families, and that the issue of lack of budget money may arise because many people are mobilizing, this process is not always completely clear, many, well, when a big process, something goes wrong somewhere, and the economy weakens, fops are closed, some companies pay less taxes somewhere, because there are fewer people and they cannot produce the same amount of products, tax on the income of individuals, there are some other things . decrease, and so it comes to the point when last week the chairman of the verkhovna rada's budget committee, people's deputy, the honorable ruslana pidlasa, spoke , saying that in september we may face a situation where money to pay the military will not be, a rather harsh statement, although the businessmen of the depot talked about it, they met with , i once spoke with mr. dligach, they met with government officials, explained how to act, what to do, what
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economic armoring should be, so that the army... was at war, and there was not enough money, and the economy was working, well, they decided not to listen to businessmen, to act in their own way, but they are reaching the point when the obvious becomes obvious, it is clear, this is mathematics, it, these are laws that are not subject to , they cannot be canceled by decisions the office of the president or the decrees of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, how to act now in this situation and keep the society in understanding and in adequacy, and take money, and so that the economy works. and in order for the army to fight effectively and have the necessary support, do you think the authorities will resort to changing the government, and again blame something on someone, will there be any correct decisions? well, first of all, let me remind you that the government acts without any program, for the fourth year, the government does not report to the parliament, secondly, to change the government, you still need to resurrect some kind of coalition in the parliament, because by the forces of... er
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, the servants of the people are not accepted, not a single draft law has been adopted for the last year, that is, they necessarily recruit, so to speak, partners, er, it is necessary to change this situation, because this government well, he's quite squishy, ​​so to speak, he, he's very, he's extremely imitative, uh, well, most likely, the real head of the government is yulia sveredenko, the vice prime minister, and not... shmygan, shmygan faster the moderator at the cabinet meeting, but more or less such management decisions are made with the tacit agreement of vereden, and it was precisely about her, about changing, if the prime minister resigns, then it is necessary to fully approve the new government program, and they don't want it, they
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want a manual... i want to remind you that the americans for the last year time they were confronted, for example, for trade, for the gray trade in tobacco. when poroshenko handed over power to zelenskyi, the gray trade in tobacco products was around 5%, a little less, and the european partners were constantly clashing, well arguing, that what is fighting this is now trade. gray trade in tobacco products is 30%. it's just that the budget doesn't keep up with tens of billions of hryvnias, but instead of fighting the loopholes in tax collections, the government tries to raise taxes themselves, but there is a council under the president, a council of businessmen. during the war
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, such a body was specially created for the ranch, two representatives of this council, mr. konotovsky and mr. horokhovsky, simply raised a hysteria about the government's intention to raise taxes, you know, that's a good idea actually, you know, if we were now in some developing country, trying to clean up, well, under normal conditions, when there are no obvious threats and nothing. does not critically affect your development, it happens more or less evolutionary, well, under certain pressure due to certain problems, but it is normal, well, everything is normal, but we are not normal, we are at war, and the president signs the law on the white business club, and- and, on the one hand, again, we once had a law on oligarchs, when oligarchs were defined by certain points, and those people who did not even fall under half of these points, for some reason were simply called oligarchs, because...


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