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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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china well, there is no reason for china to abandon its support for russia, we will not see this either in the short or medium term. i hope that what kuleba said is such a mandatory program, and our leadership understands that china is absolutely not a partner for us, and in the long run it will not become one, because all we see being dropped is russia's help . fight against ukraine. one of the goals of the russian federation is global dominance and all of ukraine, podolyak said. are there no differences in the vision of russia's goal? you also said that what should be the goal is that russia will no longer be able to attack and aggress it in the direction of europe, the countries of europe, and, but the western world, ukraine's partners, how do they see russia's goals in general and are they ready to go to the point of really to do everything so that russia...
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could no longer be an aggressor, well, here there is a certain, i would say so, difference between understanding, statements and real actions, that is , it seems to me, after all, an understanding of what can be expected, what can be not to expect from russia, but there is, again, an understanding that what macron said, i have already quoted it more than once, what needs to be done to make an effort. but if we look at whether we really see these efforts, no, unfortunately, we do not, and that is why there are statements that we will never give up, we will not be able to drive russia in the production of shells, military equipment and so on, but there must be an understanding that without this it is impossible to win in this war, as well as... by limiting the actions of the ukrainian
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armed forces it is also impossible to win this war, but this is the desire on the one hand of understanding, that it is impossible, after all, there are some, well, there are a couple of percent, but suddenly it will, as they say in our country, dissolve by itself, russia will collapse and so on, no, it will not collapse, if we do not screw up sanctions in the future, and here it is possible agree with pompeo that... this regime that exists, it is to a large extent, not that it is empty, but there are very serious shortcomings, they must be eliminated, and aid to ukraine must be increased. thank you, thank you, mr. oleg, i see that there are a lot of comments, people listen to you, react to your words, oleg shamshur, extraordinary and authoritative the ambassador of ukraine to the usa from 2005 to 2010 and to france from 14 to 20 years. thank you for participating in this broadcast. further. we will continue to talk about
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the prospects of changes, about why this topic is heard in one way or another from the mouths of people close to power, and this topic is heard everywhere, i am sure that you and at home are discussing this, and maybe with colleagues, why this is happening and what all this can lead you and me to, we will talk further. oleksandr mreshko, people's deputy of ukraine, servant of the people faction and chairman of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation joined to ours welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining, good morning, thank you for the invitation, mr. oleksandr, we have repeatedly heard about the negotiations already from the president, but yesterday we heard from a representative of the president's office, we also heard about it from a former adviser to the president's office, mr. aristovycha, who frankly says, not for the first time, and has been talking about it for a long time, that it will be necessary to sacrifice territories, that is, as if he is preparing for something, the feeling of... a lot of civilians and
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soldiers, which is important in ukraine, that ukrainian society is being prepared to negotiations so when will it be in the fall? well, it is unknown, i would like to remind you that this issue has at least two main aspects, this is a legal aspect, this is a political one, i would also add a psychological aspect here, in relation to the legal aspect, then i would remind you that in international law there is such a principle as the principle or principle of peaceful resolution. resolution of disputes and controversies, this is article two, paragraph three of the un charter, this is essentially an obligation, the duty of each country, to resolve various international disputes without endangering international, international security, international peace, therefore, by the way, negotiations, they are mentioned in article 33 of the un charter, but there is also a political side to this issue, because when ukraine says that it is ready for negotiations, it demonstrates... that , that we are a peaceful country, we
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are a victim of aggression, but here we must also remember the resolution corresponding to pare, in which a question is asked for an answer and... when peace negotiations can begin, it is very clearly said that there is two requirements for peace talks: first, they are negotiations on terms of ukraine, that is, on such conditions as determined by ukraine, and secondly, it is on the condition of the withdrawal, the complete withdrawal of the russian armed forces from the occupied territories, that is, there are certain conditions, well , it seems to me that now there are no such conditions for carrying out changes in view of ... the fact that putin is not ready for such negotiations, and by the way, in podalyak's statement, it should be noted or emphasized that he says that such negotiations can take place, take place only within the framework of international law, only on the basis basic principles of international law,
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first of all, the principle of territorial integrity, he mentions it, the principle of respect for sovereignty and other principles of international law, that is , it is impossible to talk about the fact that there will be some concessions, it is impossible and legally from the point of view of our constitution, it is absolutely excluded, and from the point of view of international law law and from the point of view of politics as well. mr. oleksandr, but why do we continue to talk about this, why do statements about this continue to be made, we hear putin, we hear russia's reaction and we hear their conditions, ukraine's conditions and ukraine's readiness, which is based on what you they said on the terms of international law, it's all just not the same. and it seems that we just talk on the air, even though these statements are about nothing, maybe the ukrainian authorities got a signal, maybe the western partners got a signal, maybe china got a signal that the kremlin is still ready to negotiate, and maybe such conditions from the kremlin, and such conditions
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from ukraine can be balanced somewhere, can someone sacrifice something in these negotiations? well, first of all, i want to remind you that china's recent statement is about something that is not there now. conditions, and there is no basis for negotiations at all, that is, even china admits this, which is the largest ally and partner, a strategic partner of russia without restrictions, but china invited kuleba, and kuleba said that china is not looking for temporary solutions, but wants to work on permanent and strategic solution to the problems of the war, that is, if china did not have any interest and fluid position, it would certainly not invite kuleba to itself. well, by and large, this is the propaganda rhetoric of china, which is trying to present itself as a peacemaker, in fact, as it is said in the declaration of the nato countries, which was adopted at the last summit in july in washington, it says that
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china is the main factor in russia's war against ukraine, that is, china is trying to disguise in this way with the help of such meetings, with the help of such a quasi-peacemaker. rhetoric of its policy, which is essentially aimed at supporting the aggressor. everything is clear here. with regard to putin, his statements, there is no need to react seriously to this, given that it is , again, propaganda rhetoric, there there is no will to, and, by the way, negotiations, they are guided by the basic principle, the principle of good faith, which is the principle of law and international law, and here there is simply no good faith, not even a hint of good faith on the part of putin, we have this as an example the minsk process, the minsk negotiations, that is, putin is understood by everyone in the west and in general, that he cannot be trusted, he is not a person capable of negotiation in politics, and he has no legitimacy today, he is recognized as a dictator, his regime is
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officially recognized as a terrorist regime, and he is wanted by the international criminal court, that is, what is there to talk about here, but we are talking, and this is what the authorities are saying. about the fact that there is some process regarding negotiations, there is a peace summit number two, which should take place in the fall, and at this summit it is already expected, or wanted to see both partners and ukraine, russia, in order to negotiate. slovo i dilo has a great graphic, there you have to see how the rhetoric of president zelensky regarding these negotiations changed from the moment he was in the first weeks of the beginning of the full-scale invasion was ready personally and summoned putin himself to a personal... speech, to that decision of the nsdc, known that no negotiations with putin, now again, but they are already saying, well, let some country be a mediator, nevertheless, russia is already publicly called to participation in this peace summit, what should be there,
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who from the representatives of russia should be seen there, and it is possible that putin's loud statements are there for propaganda, whatever you said, in fact russia can make certain arguments. and has something to give up, and ukraine, for its part, can also meet in this sense. well, first of all, the global peace summit is a politically correct story, so to speak. because it is about the implementation of the peace formula of the president of president zelensky, that is , it is essentially about the implementation, implementation of the requirements of international law and, in particular, the charter of the united nations, that is , russia is invited to take part in this multilateral, essentially format, because russia, well, we we see, she's not interested in , she's not interested in finding solution on the basis and within the framework of international law, and she would like... bilateral negotiations, when it is easier to exert pressure, here a completely different story is proposed, a completely
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different format, i would say so, under the supervision of the international community, so it is very right and with from the political side, this is correct. i will interrupt you, mr. oleksandr, this is oleg shamshur, the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine, he was just on the air, and he does not see the point in this peace summit, he says, well, russia is obviously not ready to negotiate, concede and... yes itself is territorial the integrity of ukraine and the fact that you once again bring up all these international law, and what is the meaning of this peace summit, we saw one, experts note, well, we saw beautiful pictures there, at a high level such a meeting, but it is not what did it not lead to, and what to expect at the second summit, even if someone from russia is there? well, a small amendment is not ready yet, but if you continue to exert pressure, sanction pressure, political, diplomatic, economic... then the situation can change, please, a summit, for
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this you do not need a summit, this pressure can be to increase and improve, it is already being done, but experts say that it is not enough, and we see how many components are there in russian missiles, components from various western countries, which supposedly have some sanctions, but nevertheless they do not work to the end, if if the west wanted to apply tough sanctions to russia, then it would do it, why a summit for that. well, the west uses sanctions, but in my opinion it is not enough, but it still happens and the sanctions are still getting stronger, we should be grateful to the west and western leaders for this, but the summit is still necessary, at least from a political point of view, it demonstrates that ukraine defends international law, it is not only about the fate of one country, which is a victim of aggression, it is about the international legal order, about what every country in the world should be. .. is interested in maintaining and strengthening the existing international legal order, preventing
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russia from destroying it and punishing the state that is the aggressor, and this legal order has not been destroyed since the 14th year, no it is not, it has not been completely destroyed yet, therefore what is international the right continues to exist, it is a violation, when, for example, a criminal violates the criminal code, the criminal law, it does not destroy the criminal law as such, just as when the criminal state. when he was caught and there was a trial and everything, everyone condemned it and he bears the punishment, that's one story, and another story with russia, which after the 14th year and beyond with a full-scale invasion continues to do this. i have one last question for you, mr. oleksandr, whether you, as a people's deputy, are a servant of the people, of course, after all where is this wind of negotiations blowing, and still, maybe there are some discussions about whether ukraine will really sit down at this negotiating table with a mediator and... with russia, well, at the moment i don't see a foundation for holding such
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negotiations, and my personal point of view is that we need to patiently wait for the election of a new president of the united states, which will be of great importance, and then solve individual issues, but at the same time, in parallel, i believe that we need to prepare and prepare for the second global peace summit and try to implement , implement. president zelenskyi's peace formula, i will ask very briefly, and there is little time, but nevertheless, in the conversations among your fellow deputies, are there any permissible limits to what ukraine could go to in these negotiations, territorial concessions, any other concessions? well, personally, i have not heard such conversations, that is, everyone understands that there cannot and should not be territorial concessions in principle, it is absolutely excluded. it is you. in your opinion, and it will not happen either this year or after the presidential elections in the usa, ukraine cannot
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to be in such a position, when it would be necessary, it is absolutely impossible according to our constitution, to violate the constitution, no one, no government, will be the foundation of the constitution. thank you, oleksandr, for joining our broadcast, i would like to note that we also invited mr. podolyak to this broadcast, and in general, our request for an interview has been with both president zelenskyi and andriy yarmak for a very long time, because... all issues are discussed in ukrainian society the further, the more acutely. thank you for joining, oleksandr merechko, narodnyi the deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people faction and the head of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation was a guest. on our broadcast, you have heard the arguments, you have heard the statements, you can share your impressions in the comments, whether you believe that negotiations are possible, or whether you believe that ukraine can theoretically go to talk about certain territories. it was svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha,
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the lack of communication. order eneergia plus solar batteries from just uah 799. and stay connected and with the light in any situation. energy plus. whatever you need, call. we are coming back and have a great opportunity to say thank you to our defenders. 89 out of 89 shaheds also shot down one x59 guided air missile in the mykolayiv region. but there was no such number of uavs yet. this is the most massive attack on... the capital for the entire 24th year, in fact for seven months, you can thank in hryvnia, here is the qr code, the card number, unfortunately, we do not provide, but after scanning this code, you can transfer as much as you can afford, and it will probably be right, because 3.5 million hryvnias need to be collected for drones and rebs for our defenders, who
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are currently in the hot eastern directions, the best thank you is a thank you that can be converted into money. in the meantime, we are adding to the conversation the human rights defender, the head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, lyudmila denisova, in connection with our studio, ms. lyudmila, we welcome you, good morning, some new options have appeared here, in particular cars, you can say, in the action of the application is now to get the status of a participant in the hostilities of the ubd, yes, but not to everyone, here it is necessary to separate categories and... servicemen, in which units they serve in such forces, so i started with the fact that a month ago a new procedure for obtaining the status of a participant in hostilities came into effect specifically for servicemen who are currently on the front line, that is, they are now participate in the execution of combat missions in the areas of military
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operations or in the temporarily occupied territory, now the procedure is that in... authorized persons of military units within five calendar days are obliged to send all the information, enter all the information about such fighters who are currently fighting there in the unified state register of war veterans. if, for example, they cannot do this, given the actions that are currently taking place at the front, then they hand it over to the authorized military unit. parts of the commissions that cooperate with the commission are obliged to make these changes on their own within five days, and already there, if all the conditions and criteria are met in... the civil servants meet these documents that were presented, then it is automatically formed, thanks to the registry, this certificate,
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there is a certificate that is fully valid on the territory of ukraine, both as confirmation of status and receipt of benefits and compensations. control over such registers of issuance, thanks to the register of such certificates, is carried out by the ministry. veterans, who have already served, or who are currently serving, they also have a new mechanism, absolutely, because there is a decision of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, which in some moments simplified the mechanism of obtaining just such a certificate, and i would like to focus here on the fact that how and earlier, and the applicant himself can submit the documents, and the commander of the military unit, if... a soldier, that is, a military serviceman, he submits documents, he can use as an electronic form, exactly as you correctly said, through the action he can provide
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documents, or through the unified state register of war veterans, and what is new, that he is not obliged now to look for all the documents that confirm his status and his, well, that is, for example, something else about birth, that is , this will already be done by the commission that makes the decision to grant such a status, but it is necessary to have keep in mind that it was possible before to submit via snap, now only persons from voluntary formations can submit documents for a certificate of obd status through snap, that is , here you need to know one more piece of news that from... employees of intelligence agencies, they submit documents exclusively to their intelligence agencies, so this is key ,
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the commanders of military units can also submit, within 30 calendar days, a certificate in the form of six, which specifically confirms the participation in military operations of that serviceman, in relation to whom he is not a boy. to be given such status as a participant in hostilities, and then the commission considers for 30 days, if there are no questions and the documents are all there, they found everything and there will be no need for any disagreements, then the commission makes a decision within 30 days, and already entering it into the register, such a certificate is formed , if if there are any disagreements, the documents are already transferred to the interdepartmental commission, which was created specifically. for the consideration of such issues when there are problems with the documents, or they slightly do not correspond to the information
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provided by either the applicant or the commander of the military unit, in general, all these commissions are created for security and defense purposes, for example, that if it is the armed forces, then the commission of the ministry of defense, if it is the national guard, then the ministry of internal affairs, so this... keep in mind when you submit all the necessary documents to obtain such a status, and there is some common database where it can be quickly checked and found out, because we understand that there may be cases when, i don't know, someone lost, tampered with in some other way, a damaged, destroyed certificate, i.e. will there be one base because we faced with the problem is, when there was no single database of conscripts, how is it? here is now a single state... register of war veterans, that is, all participants in hostilities, or those who are currently serving, they already receive the status of war veterans, and in this single register,
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the holder of which i promptly regulate all issues, this is the ministry of veterans , let me remind you that in every city, in every government, local, district, they have already created, as we are told, already separate units, which are... protection for veterans issues or departments, such as in kyiv, so it is possible to apply there, but if it is electronic, then go to the electronic state register of war veterans and see if you submitted the document, considered it, did not already consider it, what status, and already form there is a certificate if... it has already been considered and a decision made accordingly. ms. ludmila, and this also applies to those, good people and volunteers, who
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left voluntarily three years ago, they also have the same procedure, without any exceptions, is there any specificity here? no, the specifics, here i clarify once again that they must submit documents to the tsnapa, centers for the provision of administrative services at the place of residence or place of stay, and they are taken care of exclusively by the ministry of veterans, that is, all these dobrobats, as you say, must go there and work with whom clear, and also people who somehow got into some i can’t help but ask you, have you ever been to the hotline and contacted your center about incomprehensible relations, well, for example, with the reserve plus electronic application, because there were cases when some people actually submitted their data, but that was all there was to it, a qr code was not created for the document, which
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should have replaced the paper one and... then, what, what, what, you need to go to the ttk sp yourself , you see, now we have a lot of such appeals to the hotline of our center, and sometimes there are also such that, for example, a person updated his data in the reserve plus, then went to the commission, turned to the tsc sp, issued a postponement, he was given such opportunity to contribute she cannot add to the reserve plus, that is, she must contribute herself, and here is such an important one news for everyone that there is an electronic queue to update the reserve plus if you have been granted a deferment and there is a window, for example you can do it there on august 1 at 3 pm, this should be taken into account
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by everyone who issues postponement therefore , there are definitely difficulties, but they can be overcome only by going directly to the tccsp, and already in this way find out why this did not happen through the register of reserves++. and what was also announced yesterday by the ministry of digital, the ministry of defense, that in addition to the reserve plus, the diya application will also be the same document with updated data, ie the same qr code, is it... the same database, is it a synchronized version or what? well, now they are all combined, that is, there will be an opportunity to submit documents to the ubd, which means also to update through the "action" application. now, as the cabinet of ministers resolution 837 tells us, it is already possible to submit documents for obd status through the application. that is, until we...
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have not yet received appeals from citizens that they cannot do it, maybe they just don't know yet, and now there is an opportunity for them to learn about the fact that you raise such questions is very important for our servicemen, sometimes we are approached by those who have been in the war for 2 years, they have already received disability, they already have a civilian life, but they still have not received status. a participant in hostilities, because somewhere the commander was killed, somewhere the commander moved somewhere, and therefore they do not receive any status, nor course, nor benefits, nor payments, nor compensation, and that is why you are here to help them, thank you for informing our audience, lyudmila denisova, human rights activist, leader of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, well , the time for fresh news is approaching, khrystyna parubiy will inform more, because she
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already knows... much more about what happened that night in ukraine, especially over kyiv, and is ready to tell it all, and to us, christina, we pass the floor to you. thank you, colleagues, i will tell you about the consequences of the attack on kyiv region and the work of our air forces this night in the issue, as well as about the losses of the enemy, in a moment, wait. news in tespresso, i'm khrystyna parubiy, we'll tell you about the most current things at the moment: 89 attack drones and one kh-59 missile were launched by the russians this night and dawn over ukraine. all targets were shot down by our defenders of the sky. they attacked zaye kursk and primorye-akhtar in russia.


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