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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care, in the evening over espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. a news feed, of course. informs about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess and analyze the events them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. and it has already become known that... a warehouse
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of weapons and military equipment was on fire in kursk that night , the naval forces were involved, their direct influence on the result, the monitoring channels report, and in fact this is already the second night when the holiday continues in kursk, when it is festive, colorful and there are lights, unfortunately, it also flies to us, and we will talk about this with our next guest, anatoly hrabchynskyi, deputy general director of the company for the production of radio electronic equipment. combat and aviation expert on our air, mr. anatoly, good day, good day, we have to start tonight with this attack, fantastic result, 89 out of 89, but we know that there were also false starts, and the dagger seemed to fly, but not there was a start-up, the same carcasses pretended to work, but they did not work, what were the russians trying to achieve in this way? and whether this
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night attack gives them a lot of information, in particular about our air defense, about how to plan further ones missile and drone strikes. of course, it should be noted here that russia is actively using intelligence data obtained in this way, that is, there is a powerful load on our air defense equipment at the expense of cheap attack drones of the shachet type, and at the same time... strategic aviation is rising, mik-31 aircraft are being used with by launching the fast dagger bodies, it forces our air defenses to be fully engaged and the russians are trying to capture data in order to get information about where our assets are, in order to in order to build further paths for the passage of already hidden missiles or some other aeroballistic targets, therefore... in this way
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, they remove information about our anti-aircraft defense, if we find out that the majority of the defense forces are shot down by anti-aircraft weapons, that is , we do not burn our air defense and where they are at the moment, how they shoot, unfortunately, unfortunately, some unmanned vehicles are equipped, for example, with mobile elements of mobile communication, which allows you to receive in real time at what stage the communication disappeared or. opportunity to get a certain information, this allows the russians to build points where these means were directly destroyed, well, again, we must not forget about our people who are actively filming and filming the work of air defense, which also helps the russians to receive certain information, well, but this is the night and these are mobile groups, that is, it cannot help them in any way to attack our systems mobile groups, mobile groups perform a function. destruction, if we talk
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about detection tools, then they are turned on powerfully, because they expected to launch from of strategic aviation, because they approached two launch points, it was the volgodonsk and caspian regions, created a missile-launch type maneuver, so in principle it forced our radar equipment to work in order to detect whether the aircraft carriers appeared. especially since they used even for themselves the creation of delusions, the introduction of delusions at the expense of means of radio-electronic countermeasures, the launch, as they do it, this, it seems, the radar system works on the principle of launching a pulse, which is reflected there, for example, and hits the antenna and him accepted, and the russians are running the same impulse to have some of the air defenses pick up what's going on in some ugh, you mentioned that some
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of theirs are equipped, have cards, sim cards, and that actually allows you to track the location, where the connection disappears, we remember. recently gerbera attacked kyiv, we remember that they are using these updated shahed sisters, in fact, is there any information on what flew that night, were they the classic traditional shaheds that flew before, or some of their modifications? well, certainly, it should be noted here that they still add certain tools to the shachets, and maybe even the shachets can be used with the means of mobile communication there, again. analysis, i think we will get a bit of a summary when it will be possible to see what exactly went wrong, er, and here to thank that certain military information is shared, it will be possible to analyze what means were used, it should be noted that in principle, well, so far information that it was definitely only
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shaheds, but nevertheless it can be omitted that there were some additional means launched, so that, in principle, along the front line , such a zoo very often arrives from the russian side. federation any means. ugh. and if you look the other way, well, every day we read about how ukrainian drones are shot down in their glorious air defense system on an industrial scale. then we watch a video from the russians, how they beat something so precisely natively over oil product warehouses or over electrical substations. today something fresh appeared. today, their report includes a downed ukrainian missile. and neptune this is information from the so-called governor of belgorod and the ministry of defense of russia, we are neptunes, what are our targets and where can they fly, well, again, neptune has a fairly good payload weight, this
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allows us to hit more serious targets, and here it should be noted that neptune in general, in principle , according to its characteristics, it can strike at a distance of up to 1000 km, but... it is necessary to remove certain fuses, because after all, when we signed certain agreements on the use of any weapons, we said about certain limitations on the operating range, but nevertheless it should be noted that, taking into account the capabilities that are built into this missile, they can fly for 100 km, therefore, in principle , the priority target will be such airfields and warehouses with weapons, or probably means, well, enterprises that produce weapons. the russians specify that over kursk, in particular, they allegedly shot down the neptune md. what is this neptune md? well, they like modifications there , they call it different, call it their own way, i think that here let it be for them, maybe moscow drowned and
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they call it something else. mr. anatoly, i would still return to those shahads that they are launching, they recently got to romania again, or? now we can say with certainty that if they fly into the territory of romania, it is a pre-planned route, respectively, a provocation, a test, the patience of our western partners, or could it really be a coincidence, because we are talking about literally kilometers. well, actually, let's go back to what we see the shaheds flying in on the territory of belarus, so for a long distance, here it should be noted that in principle we have recently seen a decrease in the number. scammers that they launch and in order to, for example, carry out today's massive shelling, they accumulated and collected them for a certain time. again, there is a certain problem with the components that are in these warehouses, and for example, if the same antenna was used for electronic warfare, the comet
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, of course, which the russians love very much, it used to be quite good was done, now something and... the board has weakened and some elements have become worse in quality, so it can also be affected by the technical problems of what, for example, due to the operation of our radio electronic warfare means, due to the very errors that accumulate, due to due to low-quality components, these shaheds can create, go into another territory or go astray from the route, so in principle, here i would still pay attention to a slightly poor state of technology in relation to the possibility. because we can see, even iran is not enough lately transmits components of the russian federation, this encourages the russians to create new systems, some of which are already based on chinese components, and because, for example , the same gerber can see the low-quality camera they use. ok. when we talked about missiles and
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why romania can't shoot them down, there was an argument that they would monitor how the actual large air defense systems work, and it would be clear that it would be clear that... they were shot down from another country , or if we are talking about shahedis and mobile fire groups, is it possible here too can you say with accuracy up to a meter from which territory it was shot down? after all , could we be helped a little here, especially if this shaft is already over there on their side? i think that there are no mobile groups in romania, and in order for them to appear, they will have to take experience from ukrainian mobile groups, and this will be a wasted time of ukrainian mobile groups in order to teach romania, here in principle, if we talk about training, for example, the training of our western partners, but they have something for them... to learn from us, because it is our military work very well on air targets, and
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it was our soldiers on patriots who shot down daggers and other air targets, unlike the european and american soldiers, who in no way had such experience. mr. anatoly, two weeks ago, our guests from the advanced drone base told us about quite serious problems with the fact that the radio line was built. no fighting by the guys on the contact line, and they even lose fpv drones, because it is very difficult to overcome this line at times, while they said that the enemy is hitting with their half-buckets, mainly we have logistics in the rear, where there are no rebs, and the drone operators said that we need to develop some other idea, so that the rebs work for the enemy, and not for ourselves, and protect our rear, and not attack them. for russian fpvs. do you now see that you have found a solution to this problem? the solution has been around for a long time,
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it just needs to be implemented properly, because in fact, if we talk about electronic warfare in russian, i constantly say that they are overrated, but in fact it should be noted here that russia has been actively developing as a separate type of military since the 14th year and created a certain crazy system of protection at the expense of means of electronic warfare. yes, of course, they faced the same this is the application of commercial armor at other times that was not foreseen before, for example, electronic warfare, so they actively began to implement certain means by chinese components or ready-made chinese solutions, and still they remain a separate genus troops, which provides protection due to coordinated work, so it is probably necessary to create a countermeasure system here. mixed at the expense a separate kind of army, which would allow
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systematization and unification of some work, and in principle, i think that due to the appearance of unmanned systems, means of radio-electronic warfare will be implemented there, which will help to establish interaction and allow our mfpv drones and reconnaissance drones to work under the influence of our means of anti-electronic warfare due to the coherence and agreement there regarding the use of certain purity. if they have so much rebu, then why did they put it out themselves, our videos also confirmed that, for example, in the north, in the direction of kharkiv, near vovchansk, on the contrary, as they say, they do not run with anti-drone rifles, but with ordinary hunting rifles, they increase the number of their use, as an opportunity to protect themselves from ukrainian fpvs. i.e. rep does not work, or there is not enough of it there in the north, that they are now
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bringing hunting russian women to the north on an industrial scale, well , in fact, dynamic warfare allows you to change certain ranges, and, for example, the means of countermeasures also need to be changed, if we are talking about means of defeat, physical defeat, it is much better than, for example, searching for and selecting certain ranges, it should be noted that, in principle, russia wants to have there... the number of means of anti-electronic warfare, but they are not distributed over the entire 400 km of combat collision, that is, we are talking about the fact that they use it in a coordinated manner in certain directions, in certain directions they have gaps, and just as they have gaps in the means of air defense, both in the temporarily occupied territory of ukraine and on its own territory, therefore, in principle , it should be noted here that it is the analysis of such and such information along the entire front line that will make it possible to make... the right decision regarding the use of certain certain weapons in order to, for example, deliver such and such
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powerful blows to the russian to the military mr. anatoly, can you give us one more word to evaluate the quality of another type of ground drones from our side and from the enemy’s side, i mean all these radio platforms, i.e. their ability to work on the ground, to carry bc, or to work with a fire option, in which whom what success we? in fact, i mentioned here that ukraine is ahead, because there is, we first started to use these types, and we have platforms that allow not only to evacuate, but also to do certain there... mining is with turrets with weapons, when used, therefore, in principle , the main task now is to scale it directly, to provide the military with the equipment that can be produced by ukrainian manufacturers, because in fact , a large number of ukrainian manufacturers have appeared, which are quite good high-tech weapons
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does, which allows you to fight directly with iron, and not with people, and here the main issue is predictability. procurement by the armed forces of ukraine in order to make it easier for manufacturers to provide the military, and of course money, because in principle, if there is good financing, our armed forces will be able to receive a large amount of ukrainian manufactured goods. mr. anatoly, thank you for your comment and analysis, anatoliy hrabchynskyi, deputy general director of the company for the production of means of rep, an aviation expert was on communication with us, and now we will transfer from the air to the sea, because... dmytro plytenchuk, spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, captain of the third rank. mr. dmitry, we congratulate you. welcome to the studio, welcome to the audience. you have a wonderful picture behind you, where it is, because roman and i cannot determine. this is the city of varna, the maritime capital of the republic of bulgaria, where the final planning conference
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on the organization of the next part is underway. training series sybrist 2024, which will be held already in the black sea equatorial region, and precisely this we are currently engaged in the process, so in principle, this year you will see the sibris logo several times on the pages of the naval forces, that is, if i understand correctly, the sibris will be in the black sea, just like last year, we also held it twice. the first part was held near the coast of scotland, and last year the second part was held in romania in the black sea. well, we really want it to be held in the sea of ​​azov, so that not only jellyfish swim there, but this is a bit of a prospect. currently there sometimes, unfortunately, missile carriers also float,
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however, most of the time these are submarine missile carriers, and here are two. three, now less again, what do they do at all, is it just some kind of training to keep us in tension, or could they have a more complicated purpose? well, the truth is that there are several options here, most likely, specifically, the last exit of the three carriers could be connected primarily with the training of personnel, on the other hand, of course, they could also plan their use. but nevertheless, one of the three carriers returned to the base, we have, by the way, there were doubts about its capabilities, because one of the submarines had not gone out to sea for quite a long time and was in principle constantly at the base point, apparently they heard our ethers, decided to show that it was also still capable of diving, but for some reason it returned to base, now
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there are two carriers, in principle the situation is not that standard either. more often it is one seed, but in any case we see that there are no surface ships in the equatorial black sea, there are no ships in azov at all, and this boat, step, they will read in ukrainian, which they launched, a new missile boat, what is it, what threat can it pose to us? in our case, it cannot pose any threat to us, this is another water area, let’s say, these are not the units that can somehow now influence the course of hostilities, there are similar units in the black sea water area, or rather not in the water area, at the point based in novorossiya. ivanovitz, by the way, was a missile boat of approximately the same class that was destroyed, well, that is, these are units that have anti-ship weapons, first of all,
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have a limited range of up to 150 km there, so taking into account where it is located. and even if he were in our equator, he would actually not affect anything with his presence. mr. dmitry, maybe you can help us with one riddle, because recently there were some celebrations there, it was about the russian navy, putin hosted a parade there, there were various ships, but the ships that we know belonged to the russian black sea fleet, not a single one of them was visible there, so it was interesting thing and... the mystery is that when putin was sailing, there were also some sailors there, either chinese or indian, and they zigged to him and almost shouted zighail, what was it, this meme is going around, everyone wants to understand, what was that. well, actually, there are different ways of greeting in different countries, according to their traditions. if you go to india, you can generally
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go crazy with the amount of what we usually call a swastika and so on, so the fact that other nations can lay down the connotation that they lay down, for example, some actions, it can be very different from what we imagine, so i really... i didn't focus on it, it's just a kind of funny funny situation that turned out, but again, fuck off to the sun, you see, in some cultures they still exist, and this does not correlate in any way with the events that took place during the second world war. yes, well, it went viral, it's just that this video went viral, that's why i have to ask, but there is one very important point, after a very clear and correct damage to the ferry from the side. of the russian coast, will they now the occupiers are changing something, well, in the area of ​​the same illegal crimean bridge, because
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they somehow strengthened it, but not mainly by narrowing the passage, on the other hand, everything was transported by the military not so much by railway as by those ferries, there is such a clear blow, and what does now to change in this part, actually the situation is quite... difficult for the russians, that is , the goal was achieved, the logistical chains were disrupted, broken, and given that this tool, this ferry was actually the main element of the military logistics of the russians on in this direction, of course now they are thinking about how to close these holes, of course logistics have not stopped completely, because while the so-called horse bridge is standing, it cannot... that is, transport in limited quantities, and simply in fact it makes it very difficult if you used to be able to drive 50 wagons with fuel,
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or there 25 passenger wagons with personnel or something else, we can safely transport them on this steamer, hook them already in the crimea, but now of course it will be more difficult, it will have to be solved somehow at the expense of the automobile transport, they will be dragged further, of course, but it will be longer and more expensive. is it more dangerous, and accordingly at a different speed, mr. dmitry, we have one minute even less, i wanted to ask, because there were also strikes on their ports, do they draw any conclusions, is there something like a strengthening of air defense there or an increase in the number of the military, you record something like that, conclusions, they draw only those that help them solve their problems here and now, if, for example, to crimea, they begin to transport families there bit by bit, the same novorossian, if a large warehouse is destroyed there, they start to build several small warehouses, that is how they solve
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their problems at the tactical level, at the strategic level, of course , they also try, but it is much more difficult, uh, thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro pletanchuk, spokesman for the naval of the armed forces of ukraine, a captain of the third rank, led from the coast of bulgaria. such a port and training actually takes place there, he told us the same way, now we have a short break, it is actually time for you to catch up, because on we are currently collecting drones and slaves, we have already collected almost 20,000 this morning, let's give more, because the faster we collect, the faster we will complete our collection, and in a few minutes do not miss the news, attention, access to... position: order a light bulb light at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary
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11:00 am
there are discounts presented. 10% discount on magnesium in the pharmacies of travel bam and oshchadnik 11 on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine. and around this time khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. 89 drums drones and one kh-59 missile were launched by the russians this night and dawn over ukraine. all targets were shot down by our defenders of the sky - the air force of ukraine reported. occupiers from yesk, kursk and primorsko-akhtarsk in russia attacked. kyiv region became the main direction of the russian attack. due to the fall of the debris , there was damage.


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