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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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we summarize the informative morning in ukraine. khrystyna porobiy works in the studio. the russian mi-8 helicopter probably crashed near donetsk. propaganda telegram channels report this and publish videos. after all, he had previously been shot down by a propagandist air force. there is currently no official information. at dawn, the russians shelled kherson, rescuers retrieved the body of a 68-year-old man from under the rubble of his own house. his wife is injured. reported in the city military
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administration. in addition, a 73-year-old woman was injured, as well as as a result of enemy fire three residents of oleksandrivka were injured in the shelling. they are two men aged 26 and 53 and a 54-year-old woman. as a result of the shelling , several residential buildings were on fire. at night , air defense forces shot down nine shahed fighters over the kherson region. the souls hid even further, and there was a neighbor behind the house.
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89 attack drones and one kha-59 missile were launched by the russians this night and dawn over ukraine. all targets were shot down by our defenders of the sky - the air force of ukraine reported. they attacked the occupier from... yeska, kursk and primorye-akhtar regions in russia. mainly kyiv region became the direction of the russian attack. as a result of falling debris, 13 private houses in four districts of the region were damaged. in houses, on the ground, facades, roofs and broken windows. one house also caught fire. residents were not injured, the regional military administration reported. the most massive drone attack took place at night and in the morning. on the capital during the entire
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full-scale war, the russians launched drones in two waves, the air defense forces destroyed more than four dozen drones on the approaches to kyiv. shaheds entered almost from in all possible directions, - reported in the city military administration. one person died, three others were injured due to russian shelling of turetsk in donetsk region. the enemy massively attacks the city, houses are damaged, another one is injured in mykolaivka. the occupiers hit the village with barrel artillery, the regional police reported. the russians carried out four airstrikes in grodivka, vandalizing two private houses, two shops, a cafe and an administrative building. a fap-250 aerial bomb was dropped on the lyman, three houses were destroyed. during the day , the russians shelled donetsk region more than 25 times. a 61-year-old man died in kharkiv region. he stepped against... a land mine in a field in
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the village of mala komoshuvaha, the regional police reported. kharkiv oblast is one of the most polluted areas in ukraine with enemy ammunition. and a 61-year-old man died during a fire in the city of velyki mosty in the lviv region. his body was discovered during extinguishing. the fire broke out on an area of ​​100 square meters. the fire has already been extinguished, the regional emergency service reported. in a day, the rescuers eliminated it. dryland fire, the fire destroyed more than 500 km of soil. tried to burn down the building of tsk. security ukraine exposed an fsb agent in vinnytsia. a 17-year-old boy was arrested in the act, after he threw a molotov cocktail at a soldier's wall. a resident of odesa turned out to be infected. he came to the attention of the russians in the spring of this year, while searching for earnings on the internet.
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a representative of the enemy's special services offered the young man to set fire to military infrastructure facilities and cars from the armed forces for money. at first , the boy photographed the locations of the defense forces. and then he was sent to vinnytsia, the boy faces life imprisonment. why are you doing this? did how much money did you take for it? and why did you do it? a warehouse with ammunition and military equipment in kursk, russia, was struck by our military at night. this was officially confirmed by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. in places. locals heard explosions and air defense was working. the operation was carried out by the naval forces together with other components of the defense forces. information about the consequences of the impact is being clarified. psychological consultations, training courses, as well as leisure for children and adults.
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food ukrain center branches were opened in rivne and lutsk. the first visitors have already been received there. how the center works, see further in our story. these boys and girls have colored ribbons in their hands, they came to the handmade circle. such leisure activities for children of internally displaced persons were organized at the food yukray center in rivne. one of the ways to be active with peers is to fill children's lives with meaningful activities and the joy of communication, which the full-scale russian invasion actually took away from them. it is very difficult for children to identify their own emotions, and... communication barriers, therefore, this course is designed for them to feel more free and overcome the difficulties that children face in communication and in society in general, we develop our program in such a way that it is possible to involve children in the age category of children and even up to 14 years old, and it seems to me that everyone
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will find their place somewhere in our center, the children's program at food yukray center rivne will be replenished with a new english group in august. language, even adults can learn it here for free. in addition, in the development center, participants will have access not only to various educational programs and events, and will have the opportunity to master a new profession. among the offers are courses in smm branding, accounting, modeling, cutting and sewing. for us, this is important so that we can give people opportunities, resources, so that they can stay where they are, integrate into society. and have financial opportunities to stay here as well, that is, if they retrain, get a new profession and can go to work, they will automatically stay in ukraine. another development center has been operating in lutsk for more than two months. during
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this time, the organizers filled the children's summer vacation with a series of master classes of the miracle worker. and together with the patrol police of the volyn region, they created a real bicycle. started with familiarization with road signs and the actions of cyclists, recently the children passed their first exam in theory, left, turn left, extend the left hand, direction turn, yes at this moment, good, when we want to stop, we raise our hand up, food center lutsk conducts various courses and trainings, both for children from internally displaced families and for adults. accompanied by psychologists, participants swim kayaks to learn how to release their emotions, play board games, seek harmony within themselves, and do yoga.
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recently, trainings for medical assistance have also been started here. unique, i think, because it has not been seen in other regions. we have training for medical assistance. these are skills that i believe every person should have in their arsenal, ranging from life's various situations, even when the heat someone can get sick on the street, we have been very sick lately, and finally, there is a war in the country, and we can all be in different conditions, where the first such help will be needed. this is not the first time ms. iryna has attended such a training. says that thanks to medical trainers with practical experience, she learned the basics that everyone needs now. i learned to apply tourniquets to different parts of the body, legs, hands, learned to stop bleeding, learned to tampon
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early, stop bleeding. thanks to the non-governmental organization development alliance, with the support of taiwan and people's deputy mykola knyazha. such development centers operate in 11 cities of ukraine: lviv, chervonohrad, stryi, ternopil, ivano-frankivsk, verkhovyna, kyiv, poltava, chernivtsi, and recently in lutsk and rivne. the largest number of displaced persons are in the western regions of ukraine. although there are others in the east, we are actively working in poltava, and we definitely need to work in the dnipro. it is very important for us to integrate ukrainians, because ukrainians are united. the enemy is doing everything so that, firstly, as many ukrainians as possible leave ukraine, so our task is to have them here stayed so that they feel that they are loved, no matter where they are, in which region they come, so that they are interested, that their children are interested, that they become. this is our main goal. you can find out about opportunities in your city on the website of the public
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organization alliance for development. ema stadnyk, andriy polyakovsky, espresso tv channel. with this i conclude the issue and bid you farewell until tomorrow, stay tuned. today in the program verdict with serhiy rudenko: the creeping offensive of the russians, ukrainian defenders destroy the occupiers by the thousands every day and burn their equipment by the hundreds. how long can the advance of the enemy in donetsk region continue and for which settlements there is the greatest threat. ukrainian. regions abroad. following poland, the czech republic plans to recruit ukrainian conscript refugees into
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voluntary military formations. how can the armed forces benefit from the initiative of partners? political murders in ukraine. law enforcement officers are investigating the involvement of russian special services and neo-nazi movements in the shooting of iryna farion. why are customers so rarely on the dock? similar crimes. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk today about how and why the promised guilt has been flying to ukraine for so long. f-16 listeners, about the case of iryna farion, as well as about peace negotiations, because today the president
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of finland announced that ukraine and russia have already reached the point where negotiations need to be held. during the whole broadcast we have yevgeny dykiy, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, former prosecutor general of ukraine, captain of the armed forces of ukraine, yuriy lutsenko, as well as people's deputies of ukraine, andriy osaadchuk, rostyslav pavlenko and yevgenia kravchuk, will be visiting. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how ukrainian paratroopers of the 79th separate assault tauri brigade repelled another large-scale assault of the occupiers in the kurakhiv direction. the occupiers involved 57 units of equipment, more than half of them the defenders destroyed. let's see how it all turned out.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, throughout our broadcast. we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether it is time for negotiations between ukraine and russia, yes, no,
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everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have a separate opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you 're voting by phone, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you believe that the time for negotiations between ukraine and russia has come 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-380. two. all calls to these numbers are free. vote. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest on the phone, this is yevhen dykiy, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian conflict. aidar, head of the national antarctic scientific center. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today? good evening, glory to ukraine. and where, where is the wine, where did you remove the numbers from the screen? i'm trying to vote right here. ok, i will dictate the numbers especially for yevhen dyky. that is, there is a question
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is it time for talks between ukraine and russia? if yes, 0800 211-381, no - 800-211-382, be like yevhen dyky, vote either yes or no, and now we will ask mr. yevhen how he voted? of course, i voted no, but i am absolutely categorical in this, in this, let's say, my conviction, it is not because i generally think that negotiations with the russians are impossible, most likely, sooner or later we will have to conduct these negotiations, well, let's say so, a small chance. that the war will end in such a way that no negotiations will be necessary at all, but now is definitely not the time, at the moment the situation is when the russians are running out of fuel, so to speak, or if we talk about a military machine as a car, then the factory in it is running out, the gasoline in it is running out, but it has only just begun
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to run out, in on the contrary, we are on the rise, but not on a rapid rise, rather on such a climb, up the mountain, and of course, negotiations must be conducted when we change places with the russians, the time for negotiations will be ripe, when it will be absolutely obvious to everyone what is next this time works only for us, for russians it is the opposite everything is getting worse, worse and worse, this break will happen, this break will happen somewhere maybe in the fall, maybe in the winter of this year, that is, there are still months of hard, very hard work, but this break is already visible, it is already looming and... just the worst mistake that we can do - it's just not enough to reach, take and blow away first, the orcs will blow up, but if now we, the ukrainian rear, decide that we are already good enough, this will be the most terrible mistake we can make, experts of the institute study of the american war
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they say that the kremlin is preparing the russians for a ten-year war with the complete destruction of ukraine. well, they refer to medvedev, the words of the deputy chairman of the soviet bezu of russia, that they are ready to fight until 2034, and medvedev foresees the disappearance of ukraine. how do you feel about such forecasts and the fact that medvedev's statement is not enough to make such a conclusion, this is not a forecast, it is something completely different, you need to understand your enemy in general. it is very important to understand their strengths, that is, the strength of the kremlin in general, and volodymyr in particular putin, his strong point has always been the ability to keep a poker face, and the worse the game, the better he kept his face, the more defiantly he bluffed, and unfortunately, very often
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he succeeded, and now we we see exactly this, this statement by medvedev, by the way, it is not by itself, it is also... absolutely in the context, here are all the letters of the schnobel laureates, this is where it goes, as it is not terrible, but a blow to okhmatdit, here the situation at the front, where the orcs are absolutely terrifying losses, but despite this they continue to advance, all of this should create a completely false picture for us, you and i are being painted a picture in which russia is ready for a ten-year war, we are being painted a picture in which russia can... spend 10 years quietly like this otaku the number of people and especially the equipment, which they don't really have, that is, in which it can calmly advance step by step for 10 years, very slowly, at a terrible cost, but the main thing is that it is not stopped, for 10 years they will be conquering there step by step all of ukraine,
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until they reach kharkiv, kyiv, odesa, which they still consider occupied by russian cities, that's the government. in fact, russia's last chance to win this war is if we believe this picture now. this picture is absolutely not supported by real facts. this picture is completely false, but they paint it all the more confidently, because if we act on it, then they have a chance to win this war. so if we believe that they are ready for a ten-year war, then yes, from this, the absolutely logical next step is to ... admit that well 10 years of war is too much, we can't stand it, let's better come to an agreement now, that's exactly what they 're trying to achieve, because in reality they don't have the resources for 10 years. war, they do not have the resources even for 5 years of war, we can analyze them specifically, let's take western analysts who came to the very
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sad conclusion that in russia there are economic reserves, i emphasize, and money is what the best thing about the russians is that they still have as much as 3-4 years of war, 3-4 years in the economy, 3-4, not five, not 10, and so on. we we don’t take the economy, from which i say, they have the best, then we take human resources, here , too, a very interesting picture emerges, supposedly yes, supposedly unlimited reserves, orcs do not end, but they literally put them in piles, but just the same piles and are recruited, but if you look carefully, it looks completely different, but they paid attention to the news last week, that the bilokamnyi moscow city hall will now pay... 24,000 bucks to every muscovite who signs a contract for svo. please note, before that was not. and if we add a little bit of other information to it, and just take it, well,
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it's not easy, but it's also open information. let's take it and see how social benefits to svo participants have changed over the years. and we will see that a year ago, the peak of payments to svo participants was in khakassia, chuvashia, and then buryatia, and they gave away. national outskirts, half a year ago, the peak of payments to svo participants was already in black land, that is, it is not yet moscow, it is a black and terrible trap, as the russians themselves say, that is, behind the moscow ring road, but it is already ethnic russian regions, and now the moscow mayor's office is beginning to spend very serious money on recruiting recruits, i.e., the chuvash, khakass, buryatovs, etc., have been raked in, they have raked in, they have finished raking in. chernozemya, megacities like this are beginning to be raked out, which we have been trying to avoid for two years, that is , the picture is not so rosy in terms of people, although so far, yes, there is still a reserve, but when we already
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look at technology, oops, there in general, how are you , oh, what happened, we take the calculations of the economist magazine, which is somewhere around within the last month, i don't remember exactly when this publication came out, but within the last month, the magazine the... came to the conclusions that a certain, unknown yevhen dyky has been writing about for six months, but when it came to zayakonomist , then this has already become an event in our media field, and it turns out that the orcs have armored vehicles, i apologize for a year, but only for a year, no more, but if the situation with artillery is even worse than with armor, and by the way, here there is a completely fresh streak from literally a few days ago, that's me i have seen such an improvised partisan military a lot in my life, but for the regular army of a serious state to remove cannons from the bmp-1, put them on
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an infantry carriage and use them as field artillery in the trenches, well, honestly, i have only seen this before in partisan formations, but now everything is finished, that is, it is not for nothing, not because they like it so much, but because it means that there is simply no more normal artillery... there is only so much, that is, further, again, we they mentioned the economy here, i'm here referred to western experts, literally here the other day i called on biullin, the one who is not in the know is the head of the central bank of russia, and if the head of the central bank of russia dares to say directly in public that they have problems with the economy, and now we take into account that and as russian officials are allowed to say, and we translate it into human language, the ass is full. if the head of the central bank talks about serious problems, that is, in fact, they are not that they are not ready for a ten-year war, but i usually, but i really don't like it, you remember that i
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i never said about two or three weeks, like some of our famous figures, but you remember that i was always very careful about this and tried to give predictions for the worse, i tried to say, i think i was the first in the field of information, who said that it will generally be a long tiring marathon, not a sprint. this is when we were still hurt by the victories near kyiv, so i try to avoid predictions with a clear date, but now i risk saying that if we hold out for another year, then we will definitely continue to win, but if we, if we don't blow up within a year, then that's it, they will already begin to blow up, then it will be a matter of time and pressure so that, i won't say how many will go to the final victory, but if we last... a year, our victory will be absolutely inexorable, but absolutely not inevitable, but the question is whether we will not blow up within the limits of this year, and at the same time, we, that is
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, you and i, the ukrainian rear, because. the army will definitely last, no matter how difficult it may be, but our army has already withstood the worst times, now it will definitely last this year and even will not just last. by the way, we are talking about the army, which was recently criticized by tom cooper here, and tom cooper said that yes, we have good brigades there, they are well trained, and in which the loss ratio with the russians reaches 1:16, but there are bad brigades , in which attention that drops to one to four, well sorry, but if we're talking about an army where the bad units kill four orcs for every one of their fighters, well, i guess we can leave it at that as to whether the army will survive, yeah very difficult, but will endure, but the question is so that the ukrainian rear doesn't blow up, but it is the rear that is being squeezed now, it is us and you, the ukrainian
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rear, that is currently being prepared. to the negotiations, which at this moment are beneficial only to russia, but they critically need a pause, they critically need a break in order to regroup, stockpile weapons, etc., stockpile and prepare people and continue to finish us off, because they know that otherwise time is already running against them, if they are not given this break, in a year it will be absolutely obvious who is winning this war, and from this position it is already possible to negotiations to return, but they... want to push us into negotiations right now, before it has become obvious that they are blowing up, and we, on the contrary, are gaining momentum, so they are now painting us a completely distorted picture of reality so that we believe in this picture and because of this, they made a fatal mistake, peace negotiations and a freeze are now in sight. another statement sounded very interesting against the background of this, the speaker of the ukrainian
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parliament ruslan stefanchuk, he said on the air of a national telethon that the council will not consider demobilization until the question of demobilization, well, we remember when changes were made to the legislation on mobilization, on the procedure for mobilization, there was clause c from the very beginning about demobilization, let's listen to what stefanchuk said, i don't know a country that carried out demobilization during the war, rather, i apologize, i know such a country, it is ukrainian. on the republic of 1919, it was then that the minister of defense mykola povsh submitted a bill on demobilization to the central rada. this bill was then voted by the central council. tell me please, i have a need to tell what happened next in 1919. so for me it was very important that the current verkhovna rada not repeat the mistakes of the central rada.
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mr. yevgeny, how do you assess what stefanchuk said, is it fair? well, let me start by saying that i am very glad that we finally have a speaker who knows our country's history well, but i am now, by the way, absolutely not, it is not here not an ounce of sarcasm, the academician was a lithuanian, wait, a historian, a doctor of historical sciences, let’s put it this way, an academician of lithuanians, the question exactly what history he knew and what conclusions he drew from it is difficult, well, plus, again, i remember all these plagiarized stories, okay, because god is with him, so i am glad that our speaker, in principle, is checking exactly with history, which he knows well, and i am glad that he really compares us, this is what i would advise all of us, our viewers, to really compare ourselves with the ukrainian people's republic, because in fact, we are in a very similar situation and it is very important not to repeat these mistakes that were made then, but the approach itself is completely correct,
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as for demobi. so you know, i think my position, i think that putting a limit on service, it's not like voting for one-time demobilization, but putting a limit on service i think is critically necessary: ​​people should not buy a one-way ticket, people should know that they will win back their own, then they will be replaced, and no matter how long this war lasts, even if it is the same medvyedivsky 10 years, but you will return home, and you will be replaced by someone who was behind you at that time, but here there is a certain sequence: first we need to make sure that we really ensured demobilization, and then we can and must ensure demobilization for our defenders, because this flagrant injustice of this war has not yet been corrected, that those people who went to defend us back in the 22nd year, here they are, they will protect us now, well , it seems that until the end of the war, or until they end, but in the meantime there are no guarantees that we will not...


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