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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 1:30pm-1:47pm EEST

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to violate international law, so that he does not succeed, there is only one way to peace, it is the unification of all democratic countries, and for this we need all pro-ukrainian and pro-european factions to be able to participate in clarifying the ukrainian position abroad. but i wonder if hungary can be considered a democratic country, where prime minister viktor orban says that ukraine will never become a member of the european union and nato and that global power in the world will soon shift from the irrational west to asia and russia. by the way, let's hear how he does it says what we are facing is actually a world system change. this process starts from asia. briefly and primitively speaking, in the next long, long decades, and maybe even centuries, since the previous world system as well. existed for 500 years.
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asia will be the dominant center of the world. china, india, pakistan, indonesia and so on. on the other hand, the west's behavior is unclear, unpredictable, its behavior is irrational, and it cannot cope with the situation. mr. andriy, well, orban's position was clear, but it was not so frank pro-russian, because here it is clear that... and pro-chinese, i would say so, both pro-russian and pro-chinese, because maybe hungary is such a window for xijinping to europe for the chineseization of europe, but in this case we are interested in whether or not this this country and this prime minister are part of that measure, the democratic measure, on which we rely. i think that now with orbán and with hungary, there are huge problems not with us, but with... the european union itself, and in
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my opinion, the drama is that in recent decades the european union, european countries, european political and public organizations, they were built on the primacy of tolerance and respect for everyone's opinion, this excessive liberal approach, it became dominant in europe and in fact it is not camille fau, there is a way to cut someone off, not to give someone a word, even when... people say some strange things, and europe has gone so far in this tolerance, in this liberality, that it does not really see or does not want to admit that in the actions of orbán, especially in the last month, it gives two years before this, clearly it is not a different opinion, but treason, betrayal of everything that is written in all the documents of the european union concerning political issues of... betrayal of all democratic
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principles and betrayal of the common position of the european union regarding dictatorships regarding the russian federation, regarding china, iran and so on. this is betrayal. and unfortunately, the european union has forced itself into the whole scheme of unanimity in making political decisions, which actually makes it impossible to quickly solve critical issues for itself, which weakens itself, because the issue of hungary. it is necessary to decide already, both at the level of the european union and at the level nato, because the longer it lasts, the weaker the european union will be both internally and externally, the less chance there will be that the european union will be able to at least somehow defend itself, at least play some role in the world, so i i really expect that in the coming weeks, maybe months, now, unfortunately, august begins, no... no matter
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what, it's the holiday period, even if stones will fall from the sky, but european politicians will go on vacation, all offices will be closed, because so accepted in europe, but i really expect that the calls that are already coming from poland, from some baltic countries, will be accumulated in brussels, because i also know that a lot of bureaucrats in the european parliament and in brussels in general are very dissatisfied with orbán's position. and orbán's activities, but this dissatisfaction must be transformed into absolutely clear and tough action, at least the withdrawal of hungary from the presidency of the eu council, prematurely, that it was a clear signal to everyone that such actions are unacceptable, and at the most, that this scandal of close bitterness materializes in some change of rules in the eu, because
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it is simply impossible to live with this consensus, this liberality and so-called respect for everyone's opinion, even if he is completely insane, or he is a pure spy for some external enemies, so i really expect that in the next month or two we ... we will see a tough reaction of the european union to the policy pursued by orban in ukraine, well, in the world and in europe. ukraine also took several steps in the direction of hungary and slovakia, because oil, the oil pipeline that went from russia through ukraine to europe, now does not supply oil of russian lukoil, well, at least that's what another friend of ours says, a friend in public, it's... robert hico, prime minister of slovakia, he says that during a meeting with the ambassador of ukraine myroslav kastran, he threatened him with consequences if kyiv does not restore this transit, then this will happen. let's listen to phys.
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further application of this senseless sanction will only harm ukraine, slovakia and hungary, and it will practically not affect russia. if the transit of russian oil through ukraine is not restored. in the near future, slovnaft will not continue supplying diesel of fuel to ukraine, which covers a tenth of ukrainian consumption. mrs. evgenia, obviously, in this situation it is not about ukraine, which robert fitze mentions, but about the fact that europe, through slovakia or through hungary, still consumes and takes this russian oil despite all the warnings, despite... . the fact that russia is waging an aggressive war against ukraine, are you in international structures, international organizations on business trips, do you communicate with slovaks and hungarians, what do they say in general, that is, they share this opinion, whether they disagree or condemn,
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they say that fico and orban generally have their own interests, which are tied to russian oil, russian gas, so we, we are only political. we support you, well here it is interesting to see the reaction of brussels, or what works well in the european union, it is such a bureaucratic long procedure and the comment of the spokesman today was simply wonderful, who commented on what the decision of the european union will be, because fitz and orbán actually ran to brussels to say , that it violates the agreements there, go talk to ukraine, you call from brussels and tell ukraine to allow this transit, and the spokesman said that the european commission will make a decision when it is ready to make a decision, and no one will be in a hurry, obviously, because in fact there is really irritation, because there are a lot
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countries of the european union have actually refused to import russian oil, they actually have certain specific conditions. the special conditions that orbán and fito negotiated for themselves when they threatened to block certain decisions within the european union, that's why no one will be in a hurry, because other countries have lost something economically, but they said that we won't take that oil, it smells of blood there and it's wrong, so in fact we will see another one here. such a ping-pong between slovakia, hungary and officials from brussels. if we talk about the opposition deputies, the situation is certainly better in slovakia, there is a strong opposition, we just had a meeting with them recently, and
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they are much more euro-optimistic, and the previous president, suzana chapanova , spoke in the parliament and, well, in... the decision they just accepted that government about the supply of weapons, and now they are even trying to drag the minister of defense through the courts in advance, saying that he made a decision there when he was an acting minister, not a full-fledged minister, and in general, of course, you need to work with the opposition in these countries and still send signals to people and establish cooperation, at least there would be some... cooperation between the bordering regions, because in the end, both in hungary and in slovakia, unfortunately, there will be many opportunities to slow down our european integration process, well but mr. rostyslav, it is clear that hungary
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and slovakia have economic interests in this case, and it is clear that they are putting pressure on ukraine, trying to put pressure, how? in the case of poland, the defense minister of poland says that until ukrainians apologize for the volyn tragedy, we will not let ukrainians into the european union. that's what i want to ask. listen, we have neighbors from all sides constantly demanding something from us or playing against us, or from the east and north our neighbors are co-aggressors in the russian-ukrainian war, all her hungarians and slovaks also play along with putin, the poles have their own opinion, what do you think about this, well, regarding this statement, the first thing in poland is the coalition government. and this is a representative of one of the coalition partners, so i understand that earlier there were some
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internal political reasons, i wanted to somehow stand out, say something to be noticeable, but in general here i would say three things, and the first is that ukraine really needs to use all opportunities in order to work with all layers and strata of those societies, with the authorities, with the opposition with journalists, with leaders of public opinion and convey their position, because otherwise it turns out to be such a monologue, and otherwise various politicians try to somehow show themselves as a great supporter of their country somewhere at the expense of the ukrainian position, it is necessary to explain why this is not so. the second story, i absolutely agree that the position of brussels is very important, and it's not just that it is there. decision, they said that they did not immediately support these claims, that
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of bratislava, that of budapest in relation to ukraine, and in fact, they also turned on the rear a little then, somehow the level of their statements dropped, well, then they decided to move to some bilateral threats, but then here is the second direction, because the fact that slovakia, that montenegro can and should be found, is actually a robbery in the context. brussels in the context of some joint decisions with brussels officials, especially now that the formation of the new european commission is coming to an end, all their political perturbations there are already coming to an end, and from september the political season begins, where people like orban can and should actually be put in their place and fico, well, the third story is still to find those... opportunities that can be used to compensate for what is obviously in the interests of ukraine to stop the supply
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of russian oil to europe and in particular to hungary and slovakia, but we have to persevere this period, when we are threatened with all kinds of things, but also to say that, look, dear neighbors, there are things where we can interact and be mutually beneficial, so let's... let's leave this stupid thing aside, and finally get down to business, where we can definitely be partners if these are all three component will be played together, i think that we will be able to move away from this story, that the enemy is in the east, and there are some incomprehensible processes in the west, mr. andriy, what ukraine needs in order to be more convincing, regarding our of individual and to convince other partners, because these partners are completely,
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mr. andrii, what does ukraine need in order to be more convincing, regarding our western partners, separate and to convince other partners, because these partners are completely, mr. andriy, what does ukraine need in order to to be more persuasive, regarding our defense... partners individually and to convince other partners, because these partners at all absolutely, mr. andrii, what does ukraine need in order to be more persuasive, regarding our foreign... partners and to convince other partners, because these partners are absolutely, mr.
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andrii, what does ukraine need in order to be more persuasive, regarding our western partners, separate and to convince other partners, because these partners completely, mr. andriy, what ukraine needs in order to be more convincing, regarding our defense... partners, separate, and to convince other partners, because these partners completely, mr. andriy , what ukraine needs in order to be more persuasive, regarding... our western partners, individually, and to convince other partners, because these partners are completely, mr. andriy, what ukraine needs in order to be more persuasive, regarding our western partners, individual, and convince others partners, because these partners, mr.
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andriy, what does ukraine need in order to be more persuasive about... our western partners, individually, and to convince other partners, because these partners, mr. andriy, what does ukraine need in order to , to be more convincing, regarding our western partners, separately, and to convince other partners, because these partners are completely, mr. andriy, what ukraine needs in order to be more convincing, regarding... our western partners, separately, and to convince others partners, because these partners are completely, mr. andriy, what ukraine needs in order to be more convincing, regarding our western partners, individually, and to convince other partners, because these partners are completely, mr.
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andriy, what does ukraine need in order to be more persuasive, regarding... our western partners, individually, and to convince other partners, because these partners are completely, mr. andriy, what ukraine needs in order to be more persuasive, regarding our western partners, individually, and to convince other partners, because these partners are completely...


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