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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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a whole infrastructure that is designed to help not only in lviv and not only lviv residents, but also all ukrainians. how is everything happening with this issue now? i want you to know what to say such a thing, i said a deserter from koliv, he may have said it in his heart, but now we all understand that we are with you or we are at war, or we are doing everything to win this war. and dear, dear puzzle, dear thing that makes our community there stronger, richer, stronger, more capable, this... well, we have to do everything as deputies, it's our duty, we're up for it, we swore to the community, that's how each of us signed before such an oath and the one that was read out, if we talk about onbrokin, about the university, i think that this is an ambitious thing, i am generally in favor of competition, and today we understand that we have officially entered into negotiations with the european union , during the negotiations, even before the accession, ukraine claims 6-4/6 billion dollars and... and
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all this money will go to strengthening local self-government, to local infrastructure projects, to training, to municipal education and so on and so on, and understanding as far as what we are currently doing, both officials and deputies for the community of lviv, we are engaged in fundraising in this way, and everyone tries to push a lot of funds into this community, into this capacity, to bring out our own funds in order for the ministry to buy some things and helped, because there are many governments of other countries for humanitarian projects... there are funds, there are funds for training, there are none for the military component, and this is so true, you see it yourself, you, as journalists, you are also the whirlwind of events and you understand, therefore understanding that there are funds, the leadership of the first tynovy, the leadership of the city, most of the deputies, i am convinced, understand that this is a very good option, to take funds, like in the european union, in america, in asia, it is correct to take funds and make competition, to train doctors. that is
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, it will not be only prosthetics or some other things for me, this is an ambitious thing, in which i would like, as a citizen of the city of lviv, as a deputy, to be involved, in what form, we will certainly use it, so that it is not the lviv city council past number one and will the university accept number one, on a real educational institution of higher education, it is best as medics who will teach there, i hope and make specialists, super specialists, that it will actually be a municipal one. cool higher educational institution, what will it be called, it cannot be called, because there is a law on the ukrainian language, on the use of the ukrainian language in the names of municipal associations, lkp and so on, but these are all technical points, we we are talking about an ambitious goal, it can be called indomitable, it you can call it what you want, it doesn't matter who brands it, but it will belong to us, to you and me, to the community, and it's the right thing, in my opinion, again... we
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make decisions by consensus, and that's why there will be such a consensus, a decision will be accepted, no, well, then no. mr. peter, allow me, i would like to ask one more question, fortunately, now we are already experiencing relief in the context of power outages, but this is temporary, and ukrenergo also says that these months may be calmer for us, but this is all relative , and we we have to prepare for a difficult winter on the ground, i know that the deputies of the city council of lviv are... currently working to make sure that the city is ready for this difficult winter, how is the course of preparation actually going now, is there the will now, let's say so, and lviv officials to implement all these initiatives proposed by the deputies, and is there any movement in this direction now? look, there is, but not for nothing, this part is always closed in us, that is, we are together with oblenergo, together with many. by private firms related to
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energy supply, with many specialists, with private individuals as well, we are trying to recover, because to understand that there is no light, there is no light at some intersections, there are accidents, there was a tragedy recently, so events did not work there, there was an unregulated intersection, why, because there was no light, there was no light, there was no traffic light, there was no traffic light, everyone drove as best they could, and we have a situation where a child died, so we have to... make these things impossible as much as possible, then we work in close proximity, each in his place in order to the city was ready for the ground, so that it is easier now is very good, but we have to prepare, hope and pray for the best, prepare for the worst, this is a normal position in all aspects of the life of the city. thank you, petro adamyk, a member of the lviv city council, was in direct contact with us, we thank him and suggest that you watch the story of our colleagues about... how actually displaced people in rivne and
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lutsk can apply for help not only about it's about psychological help, it's about training courses and... different environmental measures, in short, how it all happens in rivne and lutsk, we offer you to see right now and watch with you. in the hands of these boys and girls are colored ribbons. they came to the handmade circle. such leisure activities for children of internally displaced persons were organized at the rivne food center. activities with peers are one of the ways to fill children's lives with meaningful activities and the joy of communication. they were effectively taken away by a full-scale russian invasion. it is very difficult for children to identify their own emotions and overcome communication barriers. therefore, this course is designed to make them feel more free and overcome the difficulties that children face in
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communication and in society in general. we develop our program in such a way that it is possible to involve children in the age category from up to four and even up to 14 years old, and i think that everyone will find their place somewhere. in our center. the children's program at the food ucrain center rivne will be replenished with a new english language group starting in august. adults can also study it here for free. in addition, participants will have access to the development center not only to various educational programs and events, but also will have the opportunity to master a new profession. among the offers are courses in smm branding, accounting, modeling, cutting and sewing. it is important for us so that we can give people opportunities, resources, so that they can stay where they are, integrate into society and have financial opportunities to stay here as well, that is, if they retrain, get a new profession and be able go to work, they will automatically
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stay in ukraine. another development center has been operating in lutsk for more than two months. during this time, the organizers filled the children's summer vacation. with a series of master classes "divotorbina" and together with the patrol police of the volyn region created a real bicycle academy. we started by getting to know road signs and the actions of cyclists. recently, the children passed their first theory exam. left, turn left. we pull out the left side of the movement. direction turn, right? so. fine. when we want. stop, raise your hand up, right? food ukraine center lutsk conducts various courses and trainings, both for children from internally displaced families and for adults. accompanied by psychologists, the participants
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swim in kayaks to learn how to release their emotions, play board games, search for harmony within themselves, and do yoga. they recently started to be held here. and trainings for medical assistance. it is unique, i think, because it has not been seen in other regions. we have pre-medical trainings, it is very relevant in ukraine today, and this training took place today, we have them cyclically, these are skills that i i believe that every person should have in his arsenal, starting from different situations in life, even when the heat outside can make someone sick, we have been very strong lately, and ending with the fact that there is a war in the country, and we can all be in various conditions where such first aid will be needed. this is not the first time ms. iryna has attended such a training, she says that thanks to medical trainers with practical experience, she learned the basics that everyone needs now. i learned to put
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tourniquets on different parts of the body, on the legs, hands, learned to stop the bleeding, learned to tampon the wound, stop it. thanks to the non-governmental organization development alliance, with the support of taiwan and people's deputy mykola knyazhytskyi, such development centers operate in 11 cities of ukraine. lviv, chervonograd, stryi, ternopil, ivano-frankivsk, verkhovyna, kyiv, poltava, chernivtsi, and recently in lutsk and rivne. the largest number of displaced persons are in the western regions of ukraine. although there are also in the east, we are actively working in poltava.
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they did not come to be interested in it was interesting for their children to become part of the community, this is our main goal. you can find out about opportunities in your city on the website of the public organization "alliance of roses". ema stadnyk, andriy polikovsky, espresso tv channel. warning. offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light, for only uah 149. make time take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging, it is... in the built-in city battery, it is so convenient, especially now, and the smart light bulb is not afraid of voltage drops and
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sending to war, will be able to receive a one-time payment of 400 rubles, that is approximately uah 19,200. previously, this one-time payment amounted to 19,500 rubles, and according to putin's decree , only those who will sign a contract from august 1 to december 31, 2024 will be able to count on an increased payment. and besides, putin recommended that the regions also pay at least 400,000 russian tugriks to citizens who decided to fight against ukraine. well, we are now adding to ours former people's deputy of ukraine and secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovation. natalia pipa is already with us, she is in touch. ms. natalya, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the hero, have a good day. good day. look, we would like to talk with you, you know, we have already talked about this topic a lot, but in the end, i think it will never be superfluous to emphasize again
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why we are actively talking about it now. we are talking about telegram, a social network that... has already done a lot of information noise, in particular, because ukrainians often receive not entirely reliable information through anonymous telegram channels , propaganda and some not quite true news often get there, and we understand that this network needs some regulation in our country, but for now that in the hall of the parliament there is no serious talk about the ban or about the regulation of this platform, what do you think, actually, why and what are the current... affairs regarding this platform in our country? exactly my position should be entered, that is why i am one of the co-authors, signatories of draft law 1115, in fact , it is very well described there how it should be regulated, at least for example, according to the principle of yu, so that the telegram channel bears responsibility, so that the national council knows who is the owner of the telegram, we still do not
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know this, in norway, in particular, for example, employees are already forbidden to use the telegram channel because... their intelligence revealed that a large amount of data is transmitted there, why is it not accepted, in my opinion, is not accepted in my opinion because the management - in particular, the management of the largest fractions, probably the president's office, does not see this as a problem today, or because the telegram channel itself is very popular and many people started writing in the telegram channels of famous people when this bill appeared, that it is an attack on freedom of speech, then i won't mention that it's not an attack on free speech because it's not a restriction on what you write, it's a restriction that you have to be responsible for what you've written, because there's no identification at all, just like information , there are many chatbots, and from water utilities and so on, there are personalized ones data, and we don't know how much it already exists in russia today, because there was a recent scandal a few months ago, when a powerful outpouring
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of information was a closed telegram chat that was used by the russian special services, for many it was. signal, who still doubted, he switched to other media, someone will use whatsapp, someone switched to a youtube channel, they started looking for options, for someone it still does not sound convincing, i will also remind you of the figures before the large-scale invasion , 21% of people used telegram channels as an information source, in the 23rd year it was about 63 and now it is about 72%, that is, it is a lot and no one is responsible. as the information is presented, therefore, in fact, i think that today the first issue that will be considered in the verkhovna rada is for, it is the prohibition of the influence of the russian special services, in particular the fsb, on our religious organizations, religious and church, and i think that in september there will be a more active conversation about limiting
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the telegram channels in the zone itself, so that they can start for the information they have. people carry responsibility. yes, mrs. natalya, well, this is an important story, at least the state bodies, the bodies of our government, should rather switch to other alternative messengers, yes there is whatsapp, well, i will not advertise now, but we would also like to ask you about your work of your specialized committee, to our tv viewers, i would like to remind you that ms. nataliya pipa is the secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovation. and accordingly, very often we see complaints from certain educational environments about certain initiatives, perhaps not completely well thought out or not completely well written by the ministry of education. and science, we understand that the committee of the verkhovna rada does not have a direct influence on the work of the executive body, which is the ministry, but
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there are also issues of draft laws, and accordingly, and possible issues of control over certain by-laws generated by the ministry of education, as in you are currently communicating with the ministry of education, with the minister, relevant deputies , and so on. you have very correctly outlined how it actually is, from a legal point of view, how it had to be structured, there is, accordingly , the main influence that we have on draft laws and parliamentary control, how the conversation is going, today, and how the minister was regarded by the majority, to which his position does not belong, just as we have in the committee the majority, then the conversations there are more advisory among themselves, and they should be asked, this is... what i am familiar with from the official part and partly from non-public discussions, the ministry, well, if in principle it is not to compare with scarlett what happened, which
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in particular i was blocked in whatsapp and not answered the calls, you can ask questions here, appeals further, of course, that are working, but with regard to initiatives, in particular, i can ask for certain things, or look at points of view, or control specific activities with numbers already with appeals. but, for example , there is no advice on this or that issue, but there is also no opposition if you start entering, working with such a topic as the protection of ukraine, or changing the course of ukrainian literature, or improving the course of ukrainian history, or the issue of subsidies of course that remains more complicated, because this is a question of funds, redistributions, this is a question of the state administration's position, and accordingly, there is already a lot going on here. us, and in particular, the last thing we communicated was about the beginning of the school year. and i wanted to ask you, did the ministry of education issue such
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a de facto sub-legal act, or how to say it correctly, what is the name of this document, an order that postgraduate studies could be contractual only in the evening or part-time, and the state regulatory service said that , that it is not legal, but the ministry of justice decided not to cancel this own decision of the ministry. do you personally feel about it and how does the committee react to it? the committee did not actually discuss it, no, maybe individual deputies from the majority talked among themselves, there was no committee meeting on this, and there was no official discussion, but the entire committee present was closed-door , also, as generally happens, we have a bit of a collision when the state regulatory the service believes in one, and the ministry of education and justice in another, so it is us first of all in fact, we have to make this conflict a legal one, because we, as representatives of the legislative branch of government, the ministry, as an executive, must follow the letter of the law, but if we talk about common sense, then
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of course the situation is difficult, because the solution is that we we have an increase in the graduate school of payers after a large-scale invasion several times, and many people directly tell me, only the cost of admission to such a graduate school, or studying for such graduate schools as bribes, i ask then, please, i am called an educational institution, but through whom do not they call, i say, let's write to the law enforcement agencies together, because it's not normal when this happens, there are people who are preparing for postgraduate studies, studying, applying, trying to develop ukrainian science, who win grants from abroad, and there are people who are looking for such as a postponement from mobilization, and accordingly, in fact, it is possible to compare the number of people who have always been in graduate school, and the number of people today. it's unfortunately, well if unfortunately, or in fact, it's now basically the vast majority of men, so actually, the issue is complex and is being discussed, this issue
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was removed in the legislation when we voted on mobilization, but the way it was done today raises questions, since the regulatory service has drawn attention to it, so we have to leave the legal collegium, we cannot as a legislative , but although this is all about the executive power to violate. law, but then we need to make global decisions together with the general staff and together with this, let's be honest, we definitely need scientists, we definitely need breakthroughs, in particular in the miltes, that is, in as far as the defense industry is concerned, but we also need to implement them. we also understand that many scientists are still mentally in the russian dimension, and read only the scientific works of people from russia and tentatively try. we should discuss these changes only with them, that is, we definitely need to work with them, and as for how to get out of the conflict, we need to consult with a wider circle
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of ug lawyers. actually make a decision that will be legal and that will benefit the state. legality of decisions is extremely important. thank you, mrs. natalya, we understand that this one the conversation should be broader, much deeper, well, but in any case, thank you for your work, and, accordingly, we would ask your specialized committee to more actively analyze certain directives, orders of the ministry of education. we understand that everything must move in the legal field and the by-law must first of all correspond to why. the people's deputy of ukraine was in direct contact with us, now there is a pause, after which there will be news, please stay. there are discounts representing the only discounts on edem, 20% in travel pharmacies, bump and savings. there are discounts represent the only discounts on entermin, 15% in pharmacies psylansky, vam and oshchadnyk. when you
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presenters, presenters who have become many. like others, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives. we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for these and other issues of concern. ukrainians will be answered by leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.


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