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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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smart light for only uah 149 works even without electricity, the offer is limited , call, there are leftovers, the only discounts on entermin are 15% in pharmacies plantain pam and oskad are discounts represent the only discounts on troxevzin 15% in pharmacies of travel to you and oskadnyk verdyk. with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. unordinary view. on the news: good health, ladies and
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gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, how would mykola veresin do that, he would go to prison, a special view on events in ukraine, so no it must be said that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond it, then who is china, my heart hurts, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. on espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues, but there are a lot of events, but we will talk now about matters of political, domestic, intra-ukrainian plan, oleg synyutka is in touch with us, people's deputy of ukraine, glory to ukraine, mr. oleg, congratulations to you, heroes, glory, congratulations to the tv viewers, well, one of the most resonant cases when we we are talking about assassinations, when we are talking about crimes against... ukrainian politicians and
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public figures, this is the murder of iryna farion, yes, well, signals have already arrived, so to speak, that there may not be exactly this suspect in that case, we understand that it's very difficult to say until the investigation is over, well but different environments generate different versions, and the key story is for the guilty to be brought to justice, but i emphasize the guilty, but not just a person who can fall under the line. criteria oleg mykhailovych, would we like to ask you about this scandalous and tragic story? i believe that this was indeed a shot at the ukrainian language, it was a shot at ukrainian culture, because whoever was the performer, whoever was, whoever was the customer, these are the people who hate all-ukrainian things, who want to intimidate and create within society of opposition. and the answer of the ukrainians should be... firstly, it
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is to find the murderer, secondly, it is imperative to find and identify the masterminds of this assassination, because such evil must be punished, and it cannot go unpunished, but to comment on the course of the investigation itself, i believe that this is necessary for law enforcement officers, yes, since i live in lviv, since i have the appropriate circle of communication, the appropriate permissions, as a people's deputy, well, of course, that i possess this or that... information, but i believe that public comments, they must be exclusively from among law enforcement officers, and in those volumes that are necessary for the investigation to determine the perpetrator of the crime as soon as possible and for the investigation to determine the mastermind of the crime as soon as possible, because such crimes, i say once again, must be punished, and such crimes must not be separated, on the contrary, unite society to protect everything ukrainian. yes, we agree with you, mr.
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olezh, but you know, you very rightly said about separation and unification, and now the question of the lviv housewife may become such a question, if it didn't sound strange, but it's about garbage. processing plant and we are talking about a loan to complete and build it, we are talking about more than 700 million hryvnias, yes, i know that you are also following this topic, and we would like to hear your opinion on this matter, because you, too, once were related to the lviv housewife, worked, so you know all these, you know the nuances of this cuisine, please share your thoughts, the waste processing plant in lviv should be until... i believe that when seven years ago, when the technology that would be used for recycling of lviv garbage, it was wrong, because this technology is not modern, and in my opinion, since the plant was planned to be built from scratch, it was necessary
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to choose another technology, but today the people of lviv, the city government, the deputy corps, primarily the residents of the city , they are hostages of this technology. of this situation, therefore, in my opinion, the plant must be completed, and everyone should join forces to complete the plant, but for me , completing the plant and stealing money during the construction of the plant are obviously very different things, and i believe that today the deputy corps, which created the appropriate special commission in order to actually help complete the construction of this plant, should look very, very carefully... how much money is really needed for the completion of this plant, because the plant is already declared under construction for the seventh year, and since 2006, which is already 18 years, the current mayor promises that he will build this plant, so today, when
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the city's executive authority presented the figures for which it wants to receive about 718 million loan money, that is... lviv residents, community the city will still pay interest, well , to be honest, i couldn't remain silent, because when i saw that they wanted to take 122 million loan money to plant 2,648 green areas and block some thousands of meters, tens of thousands of meters of paving slabs, well then excuse me, please, where is the waste processing plant, and where are the green bushes with which they want to cover up... the theft of money, or when i looked at the numbers and the fire pumps, which cost a maximum of 1.5 million uah, 10 million uah are provided for their use , or a weight of 60 tons, which costs up to 800 uah, more than 2 million is provided for its purchase, well
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, you know, you can't steal like that, and well, the community is being ripped off under the guise of building a garbage processing line, a garbage sorting line. you can't, that's why i couldn't remain silent, but i believe that this is not an issue of any one deputy, city council or any other council, it is an issue of the community, the community should control the construction, the community should not give the opportunity to nobody, control mechanisms and phasing control with specific accountability of executive bodies, how it should look, it's just that the session of the city council must make a decision about... funds, and there must be two simple appendices to this decision: the first appendix is ​​a list of expenditure items, 700 million, which means 700 million, but not 100 million of them cannot go to bushes and trees , other expenses, that means other expenses, but everyone should see that no one wants to steal
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money on this, and the second is the calendar plan for the execution of the works, well, it is clear that in seven years it was already possible what you want to build, but fine, january 1st means january 1st, march 1st, but... march 1st, because eventually it has to come the responsibility of those who promise, drag out this process, ask for additional funds, imagine that more than 1.5 billion hryvnias of community funds and borrowed funds have already been spent on the construction of what we saw today, concrete lines and concrete ceilings , and all this money must be returned by the community, and today the community is already paying for it, interest for loan servicing. well, such mismanagement is unacceptable, but i want to repeat once again, the plant in lviv must be completed, and there is no doubt about it, and this should unite the entire community, the government, regardless of any political parties, independence of any public organizations preferences,
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because this is not the mayor's business, this is a business that lviv residents need today. we agree with you, mr. olezh, and finally wanted to ask about the ban on the russian church in ukraine. for now, sit down. there is no day, they will start somewhere in the month of august, yes, that is, not at the beginning of august, because tomorrow is august, later, somewhere in the second half, and in general, how does this whole situation look now? ban of the russian orthodox church, we understand that on at the previous session, this issue was not pushed, unfortunately, it still hangs in the air, what are the backroom conversations going on now, which draft law is being worked on, or at least which draft law would she be ready to agree to, for example, both european solidarity and the monomajority, we understand , that there are certain nuances that can be extremely important, yes, but the key story in order to push that... case to a logical pro-ukrainian end. well, there is one
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bill that passed the second reading, which was approved by the specialized committee, under more than 226 people's deputies have already collected signatures under which it was entered into the session hall. it is obvious that this bill must be voted on in the hall. especially since at the preliminary meeting last week on tuesday, there were people's deputies who... wanted, who demanded, and these were not only deputies from european solidarity, they were deputies from almost all factions, except opzzh and part of the servants of the people, the only one who did not want, did not have the political will to put this issue to a vote, is speaker stefanchuk, and today european solidarity once again appealed to speaker stefanchuk, please call the plenary session of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, do not delay it for the second, fifth, 10th, 20th, unknown which one. of september, do it now, especially since in addition to this bill, which should put an end to this
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moscow sect in ukraine, which should throw off these spiritual shackles that are in every ukrainian today, we must also consider a number of other important bills, this is also a question budget, is to reject this provocative the law on tax reporting, is to allocate additional funds to the military, are there any parliamentarians to work on? i don't understand why stefanchuk doesn't want to convene a session of the parliament and what is leading him when he doesn't want to put the question of banning the moscow seft to a vote. thank you, oleg senyutko, people's deputy of ukraine, was on our airwaves, we are moving on, now we will have the opportunity to join us with the next guest, but we still have time to announce important messages to you, so the important ones are published in ukraine from august 1. new model driver's licenses will be issued, this was announced in the cabinet
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of ministers' resolution dated december 22, 2023, and it is said that there will be new driver's licenses and vehicle registration certificates that will have additional protection, the protective cover of the forms will have a special marking , also the certificate form will additionally place a qr code in the lower right corner, but it is also important that old drivers. the certificate and certificate of registration will remain valid until the end their validity period, so drivers and owners of vehicles, take this into account. yes, extremely alarming information and alarming statistics arrived from the kharkiv region, there have already been recorded about 40 arson of our military vehicles, among the arsonists mostly teenagers under the age of 18. the head of the kharkiv military administration, i am quoting the kharkiv head, said about this on the air of the telethon: in kharkiv and the region
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, about 40 cases of arson of military vehicles were recorded. the police have established the identity of all the paliyas, this mostly young people aged 12 to 18. according to the head of the kharkiv military administration, russian special services recruit teenagers to set fire to cars through telegram channels. for setting fire to this or that object, the enemy promises minors from 20 to 40 thousand hryvnias. well, sinygubov appealed to parents to pay more attention to children during their stay on social networks. an extremely alarming signal , taking into account the fact that we have a lot of different social networks that are uncontrolled or poorly controlled, and, accordingly, children knowing or teenagers knowing that they have limited criminal responsibility for committing certain crimes, or not being sufficiently educated. in that, they can listen to russian recruiters and commit a similar crime, so, dear tv viewers,
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be vigilant, attentive and control, be kind, the social communication of your children, so we understand that the enemy of russia can be extremely active, and this is generally very dangerous the tendency, i repeat, four dozen cars and cars of our fighters were set on fire only on in the kharkiv region, a one-year-old man from odessa went even further, today he was detained in vinnytsia, he tried to burn down the building of the tsc, well, we understand that this, unfortunately, is a network of russian agents, it spreads throughout our country. state and now, by the way, we will have the opportunity to talk with dmytro bychko, bychkov, the chairman of the nikopol district council, mr. dmytro, and we will probably start with this topic, because it is starting to, you know, very actively shine in our media and it is not easy, because we see that the sbu discovers and discovers such schemes, and unfortunately, this is already the case in kharkiv oblast
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dozens of such cases, today in the vinnytsia region they detained another odesa citizen who... tried to set fire to the tsk building, how do you deal with this in your region, do you also record such cases? good afternoon, well, i can't say about the entire dnipropetrovsk region, i can say about the nikopol district, i don't have such information about such cases at the moment, and may there not be such cases not only in the dnipropetrovsk region, the nikopol district, but also in the country in general , therefore, in the territory of the nikopol district , we have no such cases so far, at least not known about it. what is the current situation in your community, mr. dmytro, please? well, unfortunately, it is stable, heavy, from the point of view of constant, daily shelling from the terrorist enemy, who seized the zaporizhzhia nuclear power station and built his military facilities around it. the enemy attacks every day, day and night and evening
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and morning, that is, these shellings take place at any moment, they can happen because... every day these shellings by drones, artillery, and hail occur across the territory of the nikopol district, the last extreme days, such shelling also happened and is happening, unfortunately, and the only thing that can be said that there were no dead and wounded in the last days is the destruction of houses, the enemy is firing at residential areas in the central part of the city of nikopol, in other parts, the coastal areas of the nikopol district, that is, the enemy continues to terrorize, ah, on... the economy, our residents, and this, of course, be detailed, be kind about shelling, yes shelling, what exactly the enemy is shooting with and to what extent intensively and for what purpose, well, we understand, that is, the concept of general terror of the population , intimidation, well, that’s understandable, maybe there are some additional stories, that is, they want to cut off electricity or dehydrate, that is, cut off
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the nikopol water pipes and so on, well... that’s just a general terror, when they just shoot and hit, you asked about what they shoot, it can be different, it can be a game, it can be artillery, it can be drone attacks, and there is general terror, communal terror , because of course they are they are constantly trying to disable a critical infrastructure enterprise, and the terror of the economy, the economy of large enterprises, small and medium-sized businesses, is that, well... they are trying to make the life of the nikopol district uninhabitable, let's put it this way, but we are very grateful to all residents , to all the services, utility workers, critical infrastructure, military, who protect our region and support its vital activities, that is why those, of course, meetings that
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you support are very important, that is why we always talk about the fact that not there can be another victory like us, we cannot unite... we must support such gatherings for drones, for slaves and for the support of the armed forces of ukraine, because only terror can end only, unfortunately, when there is a victory from our side side yes, mr. dmytro, we agree, tonight ukraine experienced one of the most massive, probably massive, drone attacks, it is not only about shaheds, there are also unknown drones that are currently being investigated by experts, how did this night pass, in particular in your community, are there also, which are... well, not very pleasant news in view of the fact that tonight the enemy actively tried to shell the territory of our state, it is in particular about the south, and about the east, and about the north, and about the center, the west of our state was a little more lucky this night, you understand, about that nikopol is so, unfortunately, one can say a word about it, used to daily shelling, that
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the intensity that was at night in ukraine, it happens almost every day in the territory. and nikopol district, so these efforts of a large number of drones, artillery attacks or hailstorms, they happen in our country every day, so of course ukraine has more or less safe areas on the territory of our state, but nikopol region is a territory where drones every day, in the morning, at lunch and in the evening and at night, they can be in nikopol, unfortunately, to terrorize our residents and our company, that's why, let's say yes, yesterday's night attack, it was just so massive for the country, and for nikopol it is unfortunately common. energodar, which is currently there as we speak, in particular. and about the nuclear power plant, this is not nikopol, but this relatively speaking, not far away, and i think that you are very active whether you want to or not, but you monitor
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the situation there, well, of course, after the residents of the nikopol district , the city of nikopol saw the zaporizhia nuclear power station burning from its side, this was at the beginning of the war, this shop, it was remembered for a long time and left in the memory of every resident of the nikopol district, let me remind you... that nikopol through the kakhovsky reservoir, or rather what remained of it after the explosion of the kakhovsky gets, is 5 to 7 km away, that is, we can see the energy source , and we are a source of energy from there, these projectiles fly to us every day, so since we see that this is a military logistics center, of course every resident periodically looks at the state of ecology, all these moments of activity of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, because... well, of course, it is always this danger , when the terrorists seized the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, they get the largest nuclear power plant in europe in their arrangement, this is of course a danger for
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the nikopol region and of course appropriate and such studies of all this are taking place every day it will be, because in order for it to be at the normal level, all this activity is connected with the zaporizhzhia station, that we are a match, and stosov , what are we saying. there is a minimum of information about the activities of the city of energodar, of course terror took place there and it is very difficult for all ukrainians, because of course there is no pro-ukrainian environment there today, let’s say this, in this part, there are only today russian military forces who are there, who are terrorizing ukrainians and they terrorize us from there. look, and finally , i would like to clarify with you, well, when we we are talking about nikupel, we understand that it is dnipropetrovsk. oblast, yes, the city of dnipropetrovsk has already received a much better name, and accordingly we understand that there are much more priority matters, as it were, but in
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any case, well, it is also important to complete the renaming, we would like to ask you how the residents of dnipropetrovsk oblast have been up to now would you consider renaming, and what form would you prefer, dnipro region or some other, maybe you have names? well, we have a good initiative of former people's deputy of ukraine andrii denysenko about the renaming of the dnipropetrovsk region to sicheslavsk, it passed the first reading, it seems in the verkhovna rada of the last convocation, and that is why there is an initiative to make syacheslavsk, like our dnipropetrovsk region and our region, exactly nikopol. the people who say, we understand that the initiatives at the top are one story, well, but by itself. people, i don’t know, there are minibus drivers, there are sellers at bazaars, there are some of your neighbors, acquaintances, and so on, well, let’s be honest, i sometimes discuss in
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it constantly happens on social networks, sometimes it is twisted, and usually the people are divided into two components, and some who think that it is not time, sometimes they think that it is time, because it is now or never, but you can say, therefore, i can say my personal point of view - the government, whatever it is, it is the government, and it makes appropriate decisions so that we see these decisions and the result of this activity over time and in the future, so that we see the consequences of this activity . i think if we're talking about what's on time, it's about time, it's about time to deal with this, because in the future we don't have these chapaevs, who are on the territory of the dnipropetrovsk region, with chapaev monuments, well, i'll tentatively say, so will others. well , it's interesting, interesting, tell me, please , you have a lot of all this, this kind of communist garbage, well, in the monuments, well, i was just once in the kryvorizka
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district, there seems to be a village in the shirokivskyi district, so you just go and there is a monument to chapayev, and there it is called the settlement of chapaivka, but conditionally, it must already be decommunized, probably, but it was not a few years ago, and of course these consequences of such a communist such and such... we have in the territory of the nikopol district, all already such settlements have long been renamed in the vast majority, so we have such a global, let's say yes, decommunization has already taken place in populated areas , we will talk about it a long time ago, so in principle, at the moment, only the names of the streets remain there and they change periodically, so in principle, i can say totally that everything is everything otbu and we are the consequences of the russian world, the russian world yes conditionally yes, bandera street in nikopol is there? yes, or konovaltsi, in the process they are called appropriate, decisions are passed, and these names are happening, and we
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already have a lot of pro-ukrainian streets, them. the list is very long, as well as the cossack ones, because we still, thank you, unfortunately, mr. dmytro, i hope we can continue this conversation a second time. dmytro bychko, the head of the nikopol district council, was in direct contact with us, antin and i say goodbye to you for today, take care, respond to air alarms and be with espresso. good bye. there are discounts , they are the only discounts on estaziping, 20% at travel pharmacies, and you save money. again, these blackouts, and you didn’t have time to charge your phones, sitting in the dark is not an option either. unpack tv has a solution, even for the toughest blackouts, solar batteries , energy plus, energy plus , innovative design, many uses in
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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events based on facts. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the recovery situation in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i don't spend.
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about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 on espresso. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. so the russian mi-8 helicopter probably crashed near donetsk. this is reported by propaganda telegram channels and post videos. they write that he was previously shot down by russian anti-aircraft defense. there is currently no official information. the russians
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could use this night against.


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