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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EEST

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was in the strongest possible position for the negotiations to come. 6:00 p.m. in ukraine, to your attention a news release on the espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. dmytro lubinets reacted to the news about the death of oleksandr ishchenko from azov. the ombudsman turned to the commissioner of human affairs in the russian federation to find out the circumstances of the tragic death of the prisoner of war, and additionally informed the red cross and the un. according to the defender's daughter. oleksandr died 9 days
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ago, but no one on the ukrainian side knows about it did not notify i would like to remind you that information about the death of azov fighter oleksandr ishchenko in the russian pre-trial detention center appeared in the russian media. the causes and circumstances of death are currently unknown. the russian guard mi-8 helicopter crashed near donetsk. propaganda telegram channels report this and publish a corresponding video. they write that the helicopter was hit by a ukrainian fpv drone during takeoff, the crew probably died, it is assumed that it could have been transporting wounded officers. the russians could use non-standard tactics against ukraine that night shaheds, which they call geran, and smaller gerber aircraft, which, in addition to the strike, also have a reconnaissance function, military experts assume. a total of 89 attack drones and one.
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the russians launched the kh-59 missile this night and dawn over ukraine. all targets were shot down by our defenders of the sky - the air force reported. occupiers from yeisk, kursk and primorsko-akhtarsk in russia attacked. life with an explosion on earth. and that at least five russian drones invaded belarus on the night of july 31. reports the belarusian monitoring channel gayon. the first one crossed the cardboard near the village of asarievichi, but immediately returned to the territory of ukraine. a fighter jet, which patrolled the ukrainian border for more than an hour, was lifted from the baranovichi airfield. but one shaft covered as much as 250 km across the territory of belarus. he bypassed the kyiv and zhytomyr regions and flew all the way to the rivne region, where he was shot down.
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a 37-year-old woman died as a result of an enemy attack on the village of velikiy burluk in the kharkiv region. her ten-year-old son got custody. after the aerial bombardment, a fire broke out in a residential building. on call to your own home a firefighter who lost his family arrived. the united states has suspended $95 million in aid to georgia, state secretary anthony blinken said. according to him, this happened due to the anti-democratic actions of the authorities, incompatible with the country's desire to become a member of the eu and nato. we are talking about the adoption of the so-called law on foreign agents, which was previously adopted in the country and which provoked a wave of protests in georgia. transparent and clear. the ministry of defense of ukraine presented a new platform - partner mou, which will facilitate cooperation with manufacturers and...
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suppliers of rear property for the armed forces of ukraine. its creation was fully financed by partners. you can find requirements, document templates and fill out a form directly on the site. the department assures that the platform will be able to expand the range of suppliers and reduce the risks of corruption during procurement. our goal was to eliminate all corruption risks and increase the efficiency of using cash funds. which one there is an advantage in this: when there is a portal, it gives access to a wider range of suppliers, improves quality and a variety of assets, and if it is automated, it ensures timely delivery of all goods, all purchases in the ministry of defense that we carry out were not only efficient, but also transparent and understandable for ... society, for the armed
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forces of ukraine, for our main the customer, let's say so, and for the entire public, who are watching. how efficiently we work. border guards and national guardsmen will receive almost 50 cars from british benefactors. these vehicles are not new, but in velika britain falls under the recycling program. however, in ukraine they will be used for medical and evacuation needs. the program was organized by the british ukrainian aid fund. i was going to donate to the armed forces of ukraine. the police exposed a pseudo. according to the case file, the volunteer , a 28-year-old resident of kyiv region, posted on social networks requests from military personnel about the needs of their units, but indicated her own bank card and account number. in this way, the woman received uah 20,000. she was informed about the suspicion.
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a rights protection center was opened in ivano-frankivsk a person it became the first in ukraine, there will be a consultation center with a children's area.' space and workplaces of experts. in 2023, the number of complaints about human rights violations in prykarpattia increased by more than 40%. therefore, it is important to respond to people's complaints - says ombudsman dmytro lubinets. from now on , they will take care of the protection of information rights, the rights of national minorities, and people with disabilities. they will also help combat domestic violence and human trafficking. communication with family will be a separate direction. the main one my idea is to carry out the so-called decentralization reform in our institution, i want to reach every community so that every
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citizen, every citizen, in the event that rights are violated, knows that you can turn to us instantly, not only through the traditional ones. tools, such as a hotline phone, writing an e-mail, or sending a letter by mail, and that a sufficiently large regional team is physically present on the territory of the region, which can accordingly react quickly and renew the violated rights. adaptation to military realities. the lviv it-cluster has launched a new project aimed at returning veterans to work in... companies, it is implemented jointly with the mental health center. it specialists discussed how to create a comfortable working environment for demobilized colleagues at a conference in lviv. the program includes events, panel discussions, speeches by experts and interactives. the participants also shared
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their own experiences of how their companies have already started working with veterans. it is important for us to return every employee who was in the armed forces. only these people gained new skills that can be useful to them at work, this is stress management, this is also teamwork, and each of these people is our person, accordingly, we root for these colleagues to feel comfortable, for them to return to those teams, to the projects they were working on, and even if that period of time, while they were gone, while they were gone, they felt the slightest difference, because they just go back in teams to their people. these will be materials that we will distribute in companies and that they will be able to have integrate. thus, they will consist of the technical equipment that the company should contain, so that their employees are comfortable working there, and they will also contain a set of advice on what
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to do in certain cases when a person returns from war, how to communicate, how not to be afraid to communicate, how to be able to support, how to ask about... that, and how to support you? the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction receive and deter enemy attacks every day, and defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need without... pilots and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. you can now see all the details on the screen. such was the news at that time. you
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can read more on our website espresso tv. follow us on social networks and watch our unique content on youtube. and i say goodbye to you. i wish you a nice... quiet evening, and in just a few minutes meet my colleague vasyl zyma. kremgit relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with doolgit cream you can also walk. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint pain. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on mikrolax. 20% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. the book of women at war. a joint project of the espresso tv channel. and publishing houses spirit and a letter, a book based on the reports of espresso tv channel host khrystyna parubiy,
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20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the kostyantyn zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on toloxen stronggel 10%. in travel pharmacies you and the saver. national tv on megogo is many channels. well, there are a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows. turn on mego on various devices without any wires and antennas. and all this from uah 49 per month. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on psilobalsam. 15% in pharmacies, plantain, memory and savings. education is the future of every country. what is changing in ukrainian schools, what will the university look like. of tomorrow: the country plunges into the world of educational transformations. we ask experts, listen to
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teachers, listen to parents and children. from noosh to high school, exploring the labyrinths of education reform, read to understand, understand to change, ask country at the point of sale press or subscribe online. there are discounts , which are the only discounts on normoven, 10% in travel, memory and savings pharmacies. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey in... make a verdict with serhii rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. verkhovna
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the council regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that are needed rebuild about the situation with recovery in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like. has now, i am not spending money at the moment, about how to unite the country in the process of recovery
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in the project of the program of reconstruction and development of cities, every saturday at 18:30 for espresso. an unusual look. to the news: good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola
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veresin had done this, he would have gone to prison, special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, then who is china, my heart hurts, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny , saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, for the next hour and 45 minutes, i am his colleague. we will talk with you about the most important things, everything that happened, and of course what will happen during of our airwaves, of course we will also pay attention to this, god forbid, of course, so that nothing bad happens, well, somewhere, if something catches fire in russia, or there is certain good news, say, from our armed forces, then of course we will tell you about it let us inform you, and
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the largest, if not the largest, during the entire period of the full-scale invasion, the drone attack of the shah... heds, how kyiv fought back, by the way, i saw with my own eyes part of these air battles in one of the parts of kyiv, of course i'm nothing filmed, i won’t reveal any locations, but it was large-scale and you understand that the air defense in ukraine and in kyiv, in particular, works very well and you certainly feel safer, in the morning they were waiting for rockets, there were no rockets, one was shot down somewhere, well there is an expectation that the enemy may be preparing even more... a staff and shached and missile attack, there are suspicions that not all of these drones that flew on the territory of our country were equipped with explosives, there is an option that there were cheaper options drones, and most of those shaheds who were shot down on the territory of ukraine did not have explosives on them at all, so this is
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intelligence, what it was and how many shaheds were shot down by air defense, exactly on target... how they destroyed one of the leaders of the hamas group, who took responsibility for it , how it will change the situation in the near future, in the middle east, taxes are stifling, will the business withstand the tax pressure, yes, and we will talk about that, we will talk about many other important things, but my colleague serhii zgurets, director, is already ready for the air agencies defense express and host of the military summaries of the day column. serhii, congratulations, you have the floor, please. you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today we will really talk about the peculiarity of this large-scale drontak, as well as about the situation on the front line, about the main trends, including a discussion about the fact that in ukraine it is probably worth reviving the divisions, about this in a conversation with leading experts and more on that in a moment.
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indeed, today the enemy carried out one of more massive attacks using unmanned strike drones, the air force of ukraine reported that on the night of july 31 the enemy released 89 long- range shahed kamikaze drones and one kha-59 missile over ukraine. most of these drones were aimed specifically at the kyiv region and the capital itself, such a large number of drones up to 90 units, formerly the enemy. used once, it was on the night of the new year, on january 1 , 24th, and as a result of the combat work , our air defenses destroyed all 89 shahedz, that is , a record number shot down during one attack, and now about the fact that the enemy used not only shahedis, but cheaper ones
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drones called gerberas, the first such drone was shot down somewhere on july 24 near kyiv, it was such a foam drone with the use of rather primitive elements, i tried to find out if there were really gerberas during this attack, i found only one confirmation from our sources, it is said that one gerbera was shot down in the dnipropetrovsk region, it did not have a combat unit, it had a chinese engine and was also, of course, made of... foam plastic, it had a serial number over 100, although this first gerbera had a serial number number 0.36, and in fact we can say that the enemy does use these foam drones primarily in order to create an option to increase the number of targets that our defense forces are forced to respond to, these drones all
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went astray mainly across the spectrum. which are in the arsenal of our air forces, these are both anti-missile calculations and mobile groups that use - cheetah systems were also used, for the first time it was said that the army aviation should also be involved, our army aviation, as we know, uses helicopters, perhaps this was the first day when helicopters were also involved in the fight against shaheds, other drones. in any case, we expected, in addition to this attack , also the use of cruise missiles by the enemy, because the bombers were taking off, there were three carriers in the black sea. ket caliber, but these attacks did not occur, which suggests that it is likely that the enemy is planning such a combined attack, but in
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the longer term, we understand that the air defense is ready for such challenges, then we will talk about what is taking place on the front line, we will assess these changes on a larger scale, because now, just like yesterday and a week ago, the enemy is primarily concentrating his efforts on... the rov and korakhiv directions, where he is trying to take advantage of the advantages given to him by the number of personnel and aviation , and we will also talk about the so-called intangible combat assets, this is the effectiveness of combat management, how it is currently implemented on the battlefield from the ukrainian side and how justified are these discussions that have begun to take place in the ukrainian information space. we need to revive the divisions, we need to change the management system, what is true, what is not true, what conclusions should be drawn from this, we will talk about this with our expert, we are joined by viktor
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kevlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert of the center for defense strategies, mr. viktor, i congratulate you , glad to see and hear the espresso channel on the air, good evening, mr. sergiy, next time, i would like to start with the fact that a number of our generals said that the enemy there ... in a month, in two actions, will reduce the intensity of offensive actions, in turn the commander, general syrsky said that the enemy, on the contrary, is increasing the number of the group, has an increase in means in the form of tanks, artillery and the like, and how this can be combined, how can it be determined against the background of this , what will be the dynamics on... the front, primarily in the near future? well, first of all, there is no need to combine all these interviews. i do not recall in the entire war a single instance when the commander-in-chief
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of the armed forces undertook to comment on the state detection of crimes, the state of road safety or the number of offenders detained at the state border. why officials subordinate to the minister of internal affairs are taken. the course of hostilities, i have no idea, none of them has its own intelligence service to make any conclusions and assumptions, it is somehow incorrect in relation to the military, first of all. as for the press statements of the chief of intelligence, it is equally strange that a statement made publicly contradicts what the commander-in-chief of the armed forces says. receiving information. from the same main intelligence agency, personally i am inclined to the fact that general syrsky is taking the right position, because to believe that
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the enemy is going to achieve at least part of his operational and strategic goals in the war by moving to the defense by the end of the year, well, it is firstly, it contradicts all the canons, secondly, on the contrary, it increases the intensity of hostilities, he is not going to defend himself, he is making frantic efforts to reach the administrative borders, at least until the end of the warm period of the year donetsk and dnipropetrovsk regions, in order to fulfill at least some minimal, immediate operational task in the possession of the donetsk region, so we are not talking about any kind of defense here, it probably should not go, but as for... building up the enemy group, yes, that, this is a completely justified and very likely step, but how the enemy
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is going to reach the number of 690 thousand is still a mystery to me, because he is able to replenish his losses up to 30 thousand killed and wounded every month, but exceed this figure in order to create... well, a group of 150-160,000, well, it is unlikely, i think that sometime in september we will see a very large mobilization company with vanguards, we are now talking about the enemy getting the initiative, we are short of forces and means compared to the enemy, but now a discussion has begun in our expert there and in such a... civilian space that we can increase the efficiency of the use of our units due to changes in staff structures and changes in
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management approaches . here, in particular, appear theses that we need to revive the divisional level there as an element in the ground forces, and this will possibly improve the situation with the management at the level of operational-tactical departments, which now, relatively speaking, manage a significant number of disparate units, sometimes not having the ability to effectively manage, and they say, if we create divisional structures and staff. e management bodies, then this will remove the chaos, as assessed by a number of experts, that prevails at the level of otu. the question is quite so complex, not simple, and i would like us to in simple words, tried to explain to our viewers how important this discussion is, what risks exist with changes in management, what shortcomings there are now at the tactical level, which can be eliminated, especially since, by the way,
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it seems that yesterday you wrote such a ... material on left bank, where it can be concluded that you really do not support these initiatives at all, which can actually be so harmful, based on the assessments you made in your publication. i speak from the position of my experience when i am a certain time served as chief of staff of the luhansk operational-tactical group. in my opinion, the transition to... first of all, we will create two intermediate command lines from the operational level command to the tactical level command, we definitely need it today, each command line will need forces and means of communication, we do not have today an unlimited number
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of ... public communication channels, which could be further divided into the regimental and divisional ranks, and the corps added to the corps, purely for material resource reasons, should not be engaged in this. the next question, the regiment, corps division have clear, rigid, tactical standards, the width of the offensive defense, the depth of battle orders, operational. tactical grouping is more flexible and is devoid of these shortcomings, as well as the use of brigades in the format of brigade tactical groups, we are not mature enough for this, we are not trying to learn this, if we do not return to the rigid regulations of the regimental brigade, regimental division corps, questions, in what is the point of the reform then, we already have enough of these kind of loose tactical standards.
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we can have in the operative groups of two, three, five, nine brigades, as many as necessary. the next moment, both the division and the corps will require the creation of an appropriate set of forces and means of providing and supporting combat operations. logistics, engineering, anti-aircraft defense, medical units are needed, i.e. in all areas of activity. today, when it was held, not today, the past. an operation was carried out in the zaporizhzhia region, we personally felt the lack of engineering and sapper units, the overcoming of deep minefields had to be carried out someone, how many additional engineer, engineer and sniper units have been formed in a year, i have not heard of any, if we create divisions and corps, we need to have an engineer and sapper battalion in the division, in
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the corps for... or better, a brigade, from where it all has to be taken, today we are short of personnel in the combat brigades that are fighting on the front line, if we go to the division-corps system, where we will take personnel from the reserve, which today prevents us from taking personnel there and manning the brigades, nothing, we have a mass organisms such as... such as separate rifle battalions, this is the formation of the initial period of the war, when we had a lack of weapons and combat equipment and...


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