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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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well, i don't think there will be an instant reaction, there will be protests, no, it won't, but the consequences for business, i think, will be quite serious, because part of the business is now in the format of simple survival, first of all, secondly, uh, i think what mr. maksym was talking about, i think we 're going to see a surge of new schemes, because one of the problems that is taking place in decision-making, at the level of the government and at the level of the parliament, it is that decisions are very often of extremely poor quality, where there is poor quality management decisions, a large number of schemes automatically appear there, that is , obviously part of the business will get out of the situation in this way, but again i emphasize that, unfortunately, there is no discussion in the authorities about how to accumulate internal resources, let's say, us everyone is outraged by examples when...
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now at the level of local self-government , so-called small construction is taking place, roads are being paved, squares, sidewalks are being built, that is a huge number of draft projects that can wait until the end of the war, and i wonder why, having, say, such an effective mechanism as the state treasury, which can block individual payments, the government actually does nothing to regulate this issue so that some of the self-government money can be directed to the armed forces, it can be done now, after part of the funds have been taken away, but we see that, well, certain projects definitely need to be blocked, and again, this list is extremely, extremely large, and we have enough serious funds, at least, for certain items , separately articles, it is enough to seriously strengthen funding in... internal, internal,
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because both plus and plus is a question of the efficiency of the state, the efficiency of individual bodies, because when we see the figures that about half of the drones are transferred to the front, by volunteers, volunteer structures , well , this means that the ministry of defense needs immediate changes, radical changes, it means that someone in power is not finishing the work at the level of the leadership of the government, the leadership... of the ministry of defense, this is just one small example, but enough eloquence, as in me. thank you, mr. oleksiy, friends, i will remind you that we are working live on the tv channel, and i appeal to the tv viewers, if you watch us live on the tv channel, you can vote using the phone lines, we are asking you this today, are you ready to the increase of taxes in ukraine, yes, no, the numbers for... 382, ​​if not ready, all
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calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and we also conduct the vote on youtube and facebook , questions the same, the answers are also the same, yes no, if you have your own opinion, you can leave it under this video. let me remind you that today we have: maksym rozumny, doctor of political sciences and oleksiy koshel, doctor of historical sciences, two doctors of sciences, political experts are guests, we are talking today about the situation in ukraine, about what the government is doing now and what volodymyr zelenskyi’s team is doing , and we cannot ignore one more topic, these are personnel scandals in the military leadership, because since the release of valery zaluzhnyi... permanently
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we see how these personnel scandals in the armed forces of ukraine are spilling out into the public sphere, i would prefer that there were no such scandals and that we did not discuss it on the air, because there is a war, but we are not the ones who, in this situation, give publicity to one or the other personnel rotations, and in particular regarding the commander of the 80th separate amphibious assault brigade, emil ishkulov, he was removed from his post. and was promoted to the position of deputy chief of staff of the dsh. according to zmi, inchulov inshkulov was removed from the brigade due to a dispute with the command, allegedly he opposed a task that was impossible to accomplish. in his facebook post, ishkulov thanked his former subordinates for the public campaign in his support. i am truly grateful to each and every one of you for the tremendous support you have shown. it is extremely powerful and valuable. as he wrote.
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butusav, only a well-coordinated team is capable of such actions, and the fact that this story became public, explained the spokesman of the minister. of the ministry of defense of ukraine, dmytro lazutka, in an interview with nv, he said that the military leadership does not blindly defend its position, but will also listen to decisions that prove that a soldier's life is valuable for the armed forces. another person who is quite active in commenting on the actions of the military leadership and who has no relation to the armed forces of ukraine is the people's deputy of ukraine, mariyana bezugla. commenting on the transfer of ishkulov from... she accused the head of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi of lies, expedient personnel decisions and neglecting the interests of defense, this is another signal to military leaders that it is easier to lie than to tell an inconvenient truth and that none of your merits and effective management will not save you from
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the whims of the military leadership, gentlemen, we actually see how a discussion unfolds in the information field of ukraine, who er... has the right, who should be at the head of the armed forces, who should not be at the head of the armed forces. people's deputy, during the war she says that the head of the armed forces is lying, uh, the past, previous head of the armed forces did not suit mariana at all, why, in the conditions of the war, are we witnessing these personnel clashes by people who have nothing to do with the ukrainian . army and why is all this spilling out into the public domain, mr. oleksiy? in my opinion, it is necessary to consider maryana bezuglio separately, separately all other cases, because the issue of maryana bezuglio, in fact, i am convinced that
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it should be dealt with by the security service of ukraine, malyuk's department should necessarily open proceedings, well at least there there were reasons based on the published facts. losses according to the published facts of the number of military units, and there, i think, more than one article has already been accumulated. why is the security service not responding? ukraine, this is a completely different story, obviously, the structure is also too politicized, which is why there is no reaction. for all others, this is normal practice. we cannot have an ideal army, where 100% of the military leadership will be deeply competent and will accept. fair decisions and will not make mistakes, this does not happen, because the army is in fact a state within a state, it is a parallel state that has all its units, starting from the duplication of civilian units and ending with everything else, so it is quite natural that our army
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in many ways, it was created simply from wheels, just extremely quickly, and we may like it or not, but it is the same... today, we have a tour of the armed forces with its pros and cons, so it is quite natural that such facts have place. well, i think it is very good that we have moved away from the format where any criticism, whether of the military command, and especially of the civilian command, any inflow to the address of the bank, it was all perceived as a game to help the enemy, so you criticize the president or criticize the military, that's all, you are you playing with... these russians, no, we see that adequate motivated criticism, it allows us to make certain decisions and allows us to preserve the lives and health of our military, so this is absolutely normal practice, and we should not look at it as something it is phenomenal, the fact
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that this information will be promoted by the enemy as much as possible, special operations will be carried out, of course, of course, but these are also our big problems, that we... do not put order in our information field, i mean telegram, various social groups, social networks, and the enemy is actively waging information wars, starting with the question of the mobilization prize there and ending with many other things, that is, it is a completely different story, mr. maksym, can these discussions be about, ah... about who is in charge , who mismanages, with a high level of trust of ukrainians in the armed forces of ukraine, that is, the armed forces of ukraine is an institution that ukrainians trust the most, that is , undisputed trust during the war, and it is clear that in this situation, well,
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there is immediately some kind of political jealousy about there rating, as it was rating confidence in valery zaluzhnyi, or the current, current confidence. there to oleksandr syrskyi, is there a political component here regarding the perspective of the political perspective of those or others. dream about trust in the army as such? i would say here that it is possible at the level of personalities, it is hardly possible to talk about such a political basis, since the figure is comparable to valery zaluzhny, our military environment, so to speak, in terms of flying... his resonance, trust, recognition, other such there is no figure, so
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there is a need, so to speak, for someone to discredit someone, to lower someone's rating for a political purpose, i honestly don't see it, but there is a more general problem, in my opinion, there is a problem of the ratio, so to speak, of the military and politicians. and earlier we saw it on a personified level, when we talked about the discussions there between president zelenskyi and golovko zaluzhny, when there were leaks of information that the office of the president demands one thing, and the general staff agrees to another, but for today , it seems to me , so to speak, this problem has become much deeper. she has already become such, i would say, even social, that is, the army, the ukrainian army
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has become quite an independent institution, and as you rightly noted, it is an authoritative, a legitimate institution, that is why other political institutions treat it with a certain wariness, with a certain jealousy , we often meet... some evidence of some conflicts, i don't know, with law enforcement officers, the military with law enforcement officers, well, and so on and so forth, that is, there is this problem, but to say that these scandals are around decisions personnel and so on, they are directly connected with it, so to speak, so far there are no grounds, as far as i'm concerned, here we rather have a situation of... actually this internal contradiction, the army is a centralized, rather closed
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structure, it has such to remain, otherwise the army, which would be, so to speak, under a magnifying glass and which does not have and cannot make decisions without the participation of society, i mean the general staff, command and so on, such an army is unlikely to be effective. because war is tough unpopular decisions, commanders actually send people death and that says it all, but at the same time, being such a closed and super-centralized structure, the army naturally must have this feedback mechanism, that is, the problems that it has, and we understand that these problems exist, they must have channels of your so to speak, a solution, and this solution is not separate from the fact that they become
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known, there are obviously channels, so to speak, vertical, within the army structure, but it is already obvious that they are insufficient, and those moments when included in these processes the public, there are quite a few of them, so to speak, this intervention is often incompetent there, people have not figured it out, militants, or who among us? there, so to speak, military observers take someone's side, are biased, but in any case, such a feedback channel , i believe, is useful for the army at the moment and in this situation. thank you, mr. maxim, mr. oleksiy, well, since we are talking about possible political moments, political aspects, about trust, mistrust, can the army... as an environment, institution, can it be in some
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near future, already after the end of the war, of course, be the basis of a new political class in ukraine, people who will come to power and these new faces who were expected in the 19th year, which in fact are new faces will come precisely from the army, and people who went through the russian-ukrainian war, what will they do. majority in the next verkhovna rada? i am convinced that there will be a majority, well, again, we are talking about a conditional majority, which will be represented by the military, perhaps representatives of volunteers. of your environment, that is i will remember the parliamentary elections of 2014, when the people's front party of arseniy yatsenyuk unexpectedly got an unexpectedly high result in the elections, there was even a formal victory in the elections, more than 20%, at the start there, two months before the vote , the party showed a result of around 6% ,
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that is, it more than tripled its result, and primarily thanks to the authoritative military, that is, they included in the... list of combat combatants, sufficiently authoritative people, and actually this allowed, well, a successful election campaign, plus combat combatants, it made it possible to simply show the first result in the parliamentary elections. i think that after the war we will see the exact same situation, but the influence of the military, the trust in the military and its authority will be even higher than it was in 2014. here the question is different, whether... the army environment will be able to form its political force, but it seems to me that if the general is diligent, well , it will still depend on the personality factor, if the general is diligent to create his political force, then it will undoubtedly be the number one political party but
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different political forces will definitely want to use the military in the election campaign, different, and that's why i think, first of all... we will see several military parties, i don't even want to announce it now, it will be unfair to our well-known authoritative military structures , but obviously they will have a political future, they have the right to have a political future as individual, as individual political projects. secondly, i am sure that all veterans in ukrainian politics will try to attract the military to their electoral lists. or let's put it this way pragmatically and cynically, cover themselves with the military, include them in the top ten, then the guys who quietly sat in the rear, in a quiet, calm, covered themselves with volunteer work, they will be there, they will pass in the 20s, 30s, 40s numbers of the electoral list, but in any case, in any case, we will have a parliament, so i agree with
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you, with your thesis, more than 50% of the military - for sure. thank you, mr. oleksiy. friends, i am addressing our tv viewers. let me remind you that we are working live and conducting surveys. today we ask you about are you ready for a tax increase in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for the numbers if you ready to raise taxes in ukraine 0800 211 380. one no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote. today we are visiting, let me remind you maksym rozumny and oleksiy koshel. we are talking about what is happening in the internal politics of ukraine. and of course, we cannot avoid the topic of the influence of the russian federation and
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the russian special services on the internal politics of ukraine, because we are talking about the murder of iryna farion, the alleged involvement of the russian special services in this murder, the work of the moscow church in ukraine, the influence on the youth environment and those cases of military arson, which are becoming more and more frequent in large cities, in particular in kharkiv, in dnipro, in odesa, and mr. maksym, how do you currently assess russia's influence on the rear. conditionally the rear part of ukraine, not to the front, to the rear part, and is this connected with the fact that that the russians lose, or do not achieve what is on the front and transfer their already real special operations to the territory of the physical territory of the ukrainian state, i would
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probably start here not with the russians, but with us ukrainians, because in reality. in my estimation, the russians are not proactive in this case, they simply take advantage of our weaknesses, our shortcomings, our vulnerabilities, and this, so to speak, makes their task easier, that is, any of the situations actually mentioned, whether linguistic conflict in ukraine, in fact, which... so to speak around the death of the tragic iryna farion, so to speak, is the main context in the public space, at least. are these, then, minors who set fire to cars, all these, all these satyuchs, the church
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issue, all these issues, they, so to speak, appeared in the ukrainian environment and are connected with the fact that some issues have not been resolved in our country , we ourselves did not resolve them among ourselves, even, even these burning cars, in the context in which, which on... there was a recent mobilization in that heath, so to speak, around these shopping center raids, er, such actions, well , actually these ee guys, maybe they didn’t realize that they were betraying the motherland and that, so to speak, they were working directly for the enemy, maybe there was some part in this for them their social positioning there in the ukrainian context. but the fact that the russians know how to find these weak points and have learned to use them is also an obvious fact, and
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in fact, it indicates a lot about the possibilities and the mechanisms that were used by the russian special services long before this war and before these situations, before of this murder iryna farion, in particular, we know that... after these actions, so to speak, murders of russian agents were revealed in europe, they were caught red-handed and so on, in the future the russians simply began to use other people . in the plane of the russian-ukrainian war, this situation, it is threatening for us and actually so dangerous, but
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if we can internally solve our problems with identity, with information politics, actually with the work of our special services, we will take away these opportunities from the russians. thank you, mr. maxim, mr. oleksiy, how and in what way? can we solve the issues on which the russians are playing, who are trying to split ukrainian society? well, now it is very important, how to make safeguards for me, that russia will influence, let's say, political life, there is no doubt whatever the format of the end of the war, russia's influence will remain, now we can see what is happening in europe, damage to mobile communications. uh terrorist attacks on railways, er, special operations at the level of brexit, at the level of secession of catalonia, many other things where russia is suspected, this is a typical practice. therefore, it is obvious that we need
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to see that in the next elections, in the place of opzh, opblok, sheriiv and all others, eurosceptic parties, eurosceptics, political forces that will be of such a blogger format will emerge. that will be ridiculed, from issues of national identity to individual, to individual leaders, we need to be ready for that, of course we will not put all fuses, but as far as i am concerned, the parliament should already make a decision on lustration for those persons who ran for office from banned political parties, i.e. from the village council to the president of ukraine, this is a relatively small number of persons, but... at least this will allow us to create certain safeguards for us, well then, this is already the second broader issue, we need to remove the language
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issue from the agenda, it has already lost its relevance during the war as much as possible, but we need to take steps forward in the language politics in order not to leave grounds for speculation at all, this is a question of language, this is a question of our heroes, this is a question of nationalism. virtues and many other things. thank you, mr. oleksiy, and thank you to mr. maxim. maxim the smart and oleksiy koshel were guests of our program today. gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. let me remind you that during the entire broadcast, friends, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about whether you are ready for a tax increase in ukraine. let's look at the correct results of the poll on tv, because in the first part there, the value was incorrect. so 8% are so ready, 92% are not ready for a tax increase in ukraine, on our youtube channel we have 89. not
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ready for a tax increase, 11% are ready, these are the results of today's survey, friends, it was the verdict of previa program serhiy rudenko, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, until 20:00, come to the verdict program, there will be new guests, there will be new topics, well, after all, there will be a new day, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and. your relatives, goodbye, pain can become an obstacle, walking stairs, no with my knees, from knee pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces
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