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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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we are an airfield, we know that tu-22m3 and tu-95 planes take off from there, and, in principle, we know that this airfield is located in the murmansk region of the russian federation, in one of the northern points, actually near murmansk, and the same andrii yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department, said that our special forces are at a great distance. the znachens damaged two tu-22 m3 strategic bombers, we can see this distance on the map, you see, 1845 km, maybe, i admit that maybe, the impression happened not at such a distance, maybe at a shorter distance were working somewhere on the territory of the russian federation, but it is about the fact that two sides of the tu-22 m3 were hit, and it is about the sides number 33 and... 31 and about how
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serious it was there, they do not know yet in gura , but first, as yusov says, we can say that the board 33 has holes in the upper part of the fuselage, the abort 31 also has some damage to the hull, that is, the fact that ukrainian military intelligence already reaches such a distance of 1800 km and can... do it, or this means that the russian federation sooner or later all its strategic bombers will be forced to transfer to the european part of the russian federation? unfortunately, i'll be grandma yaga and devil's advocate here. there is no confirmation of this information. gur reported about it and there was detail, but your journalist colleagues, they examined pixel by pixel these photos, satellite images,
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of this territory, locations, the whole of alenia , this entire airfield, they say, there are no traces of a hit at all, literally not at all, that is, if a drone that traveled 1,800 km and brought a few, well , 10-20 kg of explosives, then the tracks should to stay, at least now they are gone, of course there remains the option that the russians damaged the plane, for example, they dragged it somewhere to a hangar, hid traces of some kind of fire there, i don't know the wreckage. they washed, cleaned, everything, everything just with brushes, brushes with soap, and there are no traces, this is indeed an option, but so far, once again, there is no confirmation, so i really ask your viewers not to live in a pink bubble that hooray, oops, destroyed there, destroyed there, somehow these planes keep coming and bombing us, remember please, the 22nd year of the statement that the russians have missiles left for two or three massive missile attacks, well, after that, there are fewer missile attacks. it didn’t happen, so once again,
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devil’s advocate, there’s such a woman yega here, but i want to see a clear confirmation, then we’ll talk about it, so as not to live in an informational pink bubble once again, we’ll wait for confirmation from the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense and come back to this conversation, when there will actually be clear evidence, at the same time we see how russian the federation is trying to work on the territory of the ukrainian state, we are talking about setting fire to the cars of ukrainian soldiers only... in kharkiv and the region, about 40 cases of setting fire to the cars of ukrainian servicemen committed by teenagers recruited by the russian special services through telegram channels were recorded, and this was reported in the kharkiv to the regional military administration, as the head of the center for combating disinformation at the nsdc, andriy kovalenko, says, sabotage with the burning of cars of the ukrainian military in the body, this is the work of russia, the russian gru. the main logic
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of the actions of the russian federation is that they cannot win at the front now, so they are trying to create tension in the body, strikes on energy, information warfare, scaling up the topics of divisive sabotage, this is all the work of their special services, from the point of view of the work of our special services and counterintelligence, or now about the work of specialists working in the field. cyber security, because since there are telegram channels, there are obviously other messengers or other groups that conduct or try to conduct russian special services and recruit teenagers, because there is no other, other way, as i understand it, is this work being carried out sufficiently in ukraine, in your opinion, and if there are so many arsons, does this not mean that perhaps this work should be strengthened and not to allow such things, because today... they don't burn cars, but tomorrow
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they will be there under the command of the fsb or play some other actions, gather in some groups, protest there against. power against mobilization, well, something else, ugh, great question, look, the security service, she really works without a doubt, once again this, well, these are not rose-colored glasses, but recently such arsonists have been found in odessa, in kyiv, lviv, in dnipro, if i am not mistaken for the last time, and there are already sentences, that is, for a second, eight years in prison "punishment for such arson, and if it is proven, well, completely, completely wrong... proved, or rather, with certain circumstances, certain facts, one more addition, then you can get life imprisonment, that is, these are the moments that, well rather, moments of detention, moments of court sentences, they must to gain more publicity, to show that for such actions they can't just be there, yay-yay-yay,
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well, you don't do it anymore, no, eight years in prison, that is, he got out in 20 sev in 28, or he didn't get out at all, it's really a very difficult thing for... well, such crimes are undeniably documented, because they appear one -on-one in direct, write in telegram, in messenger, in facebook, or i don’t know, in instagram, anywhere, in snapchat, in tiktok, in general you can simply write, all regional offices of the federal security service of russia are working federations, starting from moscow and ending with vladivostok, because what's the difference, you write in the messenger, you communicate with a person, for example, i too... it came to my e-mail, i open it once , gentlemen, spam, i see from of the 95th region of the fsb of the chechen republic, join us there, kill the nazis, we guarantee anonymity, that is, they do such mailings and hope that one in 100,000,
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one in 200,000 people there will come out and work, help make those arson , by the way, in the darknet there are ads for... for execution of such arson, you perform, show, report and receive a part of the reward, because very often the fsb officers, i apologize, but throw money, promise 200 dollars, pay 100 dollars and say, be satisfied that you were even paid such money, thank you, mr. ivan to you for the conversation, it was a military expert, ivan stupak, a former employee of the security service of ukraine, friends, we continue to work directly. broadcast on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please join our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: are you ready for a tax increase in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your
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personal opinion, please write a separate opinion, please write it in the comments under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. on the numbers 0800 211 381, if you are ready for tax increases, if not - 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we are in touch with oleg rybachuk, head of the public organization center for joint actions, ex-vice prime minister for european integration, former head of the presidential administration of viktor yushchenko, mr. oleg, i congratulate you and for your sake... well, since mr. oleg, you know american politicians quite well and how these american politics turn, the wheels of this american politics, let's start our conversation with the beginning of the beginning of the presidential
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election campaign of the united states of america, and of course, on the one hand, trump, on the other hand, harris now has to... enter the presidential campaign, but here is the phrase that, or the words that donald trump, the candidate of the republican party, said during a speech at a gathering of christians in florida, somewhat confused, well at least me personally, because he said that after the 24th election, they will no longer have to vote. let's hear what trump said. christians, go and vote, just this once. you won't have to do that again, another four years, and you know what, it will corrected all will be well, you will not have to vote again, my beautiful christians, you must go out and vote.
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in four years you won't have to vote, we'll make it so good that you won't have to vote. mr. oleg, you understand what trump will do well. so that christians no longer vote in the united states of america, trump is trump, in fact, he bathes in it, he is a showman, and just like in a memoir. wrote his close associates, he really did not want to be president, their team was not ready to the fact that he won the elections, he just wanted to be a very bright showman, he happened to be the president, but a showman does not come out of him, well, this is also an understandable phenomenon in ukraine, but he cannot be taken literally, what he wanted to say, well from the point of view of common sense, well, it's just dark nonsense, but... he 's doing this show in his own bubble, and in his bubble, his voters
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are really freaking out about it because he is such that he grimaces, and that he bullies, that he offends his opponents, that's such a mixture of the trumpian culture, and at the same time he also took as his vice president a person who is still trumping for him, so they have such a ... a strange team now with the republicans, but in fact they have serious challenges, if we we're talking about the election race, because the opponents now have a woman in her prime, young compared to trump, and trump's whole campaign was built on the fact that this sleepy joe, he can barely walk, he can barely move, he doesn't know what to do anymore and... it was the very age when the campaign was being built, and now it is double challenge, not only is the younger candidate trump
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still the oldest candidate, but the campaign has already gained momentum, he also convinced americans that age is a big problem, and mental health, and and and there and the mental health of the candidate are important, the second is that it is a woman and the third is that it is a dark-skinned woman, and here trump just has and... and his vice president, jeevans, they, both of them are freckles, they allow already, they cannot restrain themselves and allow mistake after mistake in terms of how to uh, how to debate this woman, first of all, trump now gave the rear, and it seems that he is trying to avoid the debate, which will definitely be a minus for him, although his cult will vote for him in any case, but... from the point of view of expanding the electoral field, they have a serious problem, there is actually, they have a very
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serious problem with expansion, because vance, instead of expanding the electoral field, he narrows it down to the maga, to the most concentrated trumpists, who are less in the republican party, because really , the maga, the trumpists, they active, aggressive, but the republican minority, because the republicans are the party of reagan, they are the party of mccain, they are the good old conservatives. and there are a lot of them, and that's why they have problems now with those challenges, not only that, they still don't know who to fight with, who will be kamala harris' vice president, but it seems to me that the democrats will not repeat this mistake, their vice - the president will widen the field for democrats, but already young, black, educated americans, those who have a college background, they are becoming and and and... and leaning toward the democratic party, not enough moreover, there is a certain record of 200 million that
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kamala collected for there in the first week of her campaign, more than a million unique voters, that is, those who contributed for the first time and contributed a little, this is very telling for the company itself, of course there are almost 100 more to come days, we will hear a lot but the campaign in the united states is getting more and more interesting, by the way, on twitter... look, kamala harris reached out to trump and wrote to him donald, i hope you will reconsider meeting with me the scene of the debate, because as they say, if you have something to say, say it to my face, well , that is, she is already openly trolling him, and what we saw in trump's performance in relation to biden, is now coming back to trump, and really this is the whole story, when they reproached him for age, for forgetfulness, for something there... for various things that look very strange, now it's all back to trump, because she's 19 years
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younger than him, and of course, obviously, this whole construction, the campaign construction that was supposed to work against biden, will now work against trump, but in short, mr. oleg, in case of victory of kamala garis, will we see the same policy of the united states of america, regarding ukraine, as it was under biden, or will it be different? because trump promises to end the war there in 24 hours, well, there are a lot of such harsh statements, and in the case of kamala gary's victory, what will we get, well, we will definitely not get exactly that. kus, that is, there are certain principles that kamala will adhere to as a candidate from the democratic party, there is overwhelming support, because sociology shows that everything is equal, the number of american voters who support ukraine and their willingness to support ukraine in the future and to increase this financial assistance in
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the democratic camp more than in the republican one, but at the same time in the republican one too, despite the fact that... such an orthodox vice president appeared as vance, who stated that he does not want to know about this ukraine at all, and he is not interested in it at all, the number of republican voters who share the politics of these ingrained trumpists and magists is not increasing. which is good for ukraine, because the vast majority of republican voters still support ukraine, from the point of view of foreign policy, well, listen, it is... a rarity in both ukrainian and american politics for presidents to be particularly strong, or to feel free in foreign policy politics, well, elections about domestic politics, we know all that, and the trumpists try to use a term like bidenomics, and now they are talking about camelonomics, that is, what will it be, what will it be,
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what will be the economic policies, they are there are having discussions, from the point of view of our and your interests, the key... person in kamala's circle who deals with foreign policy is phil gordon, he has a very good reputation as such, well, such a genuine, genuine person who perfectly understands the logic of authoritarian leaders and which is not just not afraid of them, but which is ready to fight them very decisively, that is, in relation to russia, to putin, to shidzenpin or whatever. kimchinin, then these authoritarian leaders can be fairly confidently predicted to have a tough policy, decisive policy, advocacy common interests, and not trying to be liked there or to find some ways to agree on something with them, so we are unlikely to be in danger, that is, it will be clear that kamala harris will change both
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the secretary of state and the main security adviser, this is just right phil gordon, whether he will be in this position and there will be another secretary of defense, but we should not be afraid of any fundamental change there, i think it is best for us not to continue this policy of escalation management, the author of which is believed to be salivada, this is keeping on a short leash of the ukrainian military, and when the competition between democrats and republicans has already started, who will be more effective in supporting the... well , i personally like many things, in particular there are promises to remove restrictions on the use of american weapons, to provide the most modern types of weapons, and in general to have a program , which will have as its goal the victory of ukraine, and not just prolonging the conflict until recognition. while the united states of america
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is determining, or beginning to determine, who will be the next president, ukraine is beginning to adjust. contacts with china, visit the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba to china was the first visit of the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine since 2012, and already after the end of this visit, both kuleba and zelensky said that china supports the territorial integrity of ukraine, and the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs heorhiy . said that ukraine invited china to participate in at least intermediate meetings during the preparation for the second peace summit, let's hear what he said. i think the answer should be voiced by chinese party, i can say that they carefully accepted this proposal, but i will stop there for now and we will not announce any further, we will see how the situation will develop further.
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well, tykhy added that the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine invited the minister of foreign affairs to visit ukraine. china's vanya, and so that he could see with his own eyes the consequences of russian aggression, what kind of game is china playing in this case and what does ukraine want from china? well, i would, just now, continue the remark of the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs that china itself should speak about china's position there, but china is nowhere, i don't remember... i didn't see the quotes, and i listened to experts who analyzed this visit, china didn't say anywhere that it supports territorial integrity and there. the sovereignty of ukraine, but he does not add the word ukraine there, he says that he advocates territorial integrity and sovereignty in international politics, but
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he means his territorial integrity, chinese, and chinese sovereignty, hinting directly at the situation with taiwan, and so it seems to me that we are here we add a little wishful thinking, because the chinese have stopped talking about it, in their, in their public documents, there is no requirement for... russia to withdraw its troops from the borders, which are internationally recognized as the territory of ukraine, and recognize the sovereignty of ukraine, there is no such thing, we are talking about it, but the chinese are silent about it, and their official spokesmen do not speak about it so openly, why did china now use such an appropriate moment, well, a lot has already been said about it, that china wanted to poke a little bit there the limits of the eyes of putin, who began to do in... events in countries that are important to china, such as north korea, vietnam, etc., and it seems that everything was not coordinated with china, so this is
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a certain kind of jab in the direction of russia to remind that china can also have such asymmetric answers, but it is very natural for china to listen and not make any commitments, secondly, china is trying very hard, trying after all... to take on the role of this peacemaker, now there is a war in ukraine, a war in the gas sector, and it is literally growing there now the other day, and china managed to gather representatives the various factions of palestine there and and conditionally almost there with one voice they all declared that they support the role of china as a peacemaker, that is, china wants to prove its... to take on this role, well, to win, if possible , such a struggle in order to to be a country that can use its soft power,
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diplomatic efforts, economic influence, can extinguish or stop major international conflicts, in this sense ukraine is attractive to them, but in a sense ukraine is attractive to them, but i think i am actually in it sure that there will be a question or not. will be china and how china will behave at the second stage of the ukrainian peace forum, it is not entirely clear, it is more logical that china will still wait to see how the elections in the united states will end, and depending on which candidate will be there, they will build and depending on how the military campaign in ukraine will be conducted, what will happen in the fall, which, what types of weapons ukraine will use, or ukraine. a-ah, which now actually does not allow the russians to advance actively, but grinds thousands of people there per day, that ukraine will be able to exhaust russia, they are talking about what and when
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ukraine can enter the next year already from a much stronger position than now, then the position of china can be adjusted accordingly, but i want to repeat once again that china is an ideological country, shidzenpin, the leader of china, is much closer in ideology and in the way... he sees the world, before putin, before, before authoritarian leaders. china has never liked western democracy and does not like it, and china considers the expansion of nato to be the cause of the ukrainian conflict. we have already heard this theory somewhere that poor russia was forced to defend itself, because nato was expanding to its borders. therefore, we should not have illusions here. china is pragmatic, but ideology is above all else for china. and shijin pin will try to the last to preserve, to remain in russia's allies, because for his understanding of how power should be built, how
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the world should be built, it is important that such authoritarian regimes as putin's in russia are preserved. thank you, mr. oleg, for the conversation, it was politician and public figure oleg hrybachuk. friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel espresso, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are now us. is watching live there on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages on these platforms and also give this video a like to get trending on youtube and facebook. well, take part in our survey, today we are conducting such a survey and we are asking you the following: are you ready for a tax increase in ukraine, it seems like a rhetorical question, but still 92% say yes, no, probably the opposite. after all, they are probably not ready for a promotion please check the information not ready 8%
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