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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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they happen quite a lot, so to speak, this intervention is incompetent there, people haven’t figured it out, warlords, or who we have there, so to speak, military observers, take someone’s side, are biased, but in any case, such a channel of feedback communication, i believe that at the moment and in this situation it is useful for the army, thank you, mr. maksym, mr. oleksiy, well, since we are talking about... in some political moments, political aspects about trust, mistrust, can here is the army as an environment, an institution, can it be in in some near future , already after the end of the war, of course, to be the basis of a new political class in ukraine, people who will come to power and these new faces that were expected in the 19th century. that in fact, new faces
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will come from the army, and people who went through the russian-ukrainian war, that they will make up the majority in the next verkhovna rada? i am convinced that there will be a majority, well , again, we are talking about a conditional majority, which will be represented by the military, perhaps representatives of the volunteer environment, but i will recall the parliamentary elections of 2014, when unexpectedly , arseniy yatsenyuk's people's front party got an unexpectedly high result in the elections, there was even a formal victory in the elections, more than 20%, and at the start there, two months before the vote, the party showed a result of around 6%, that is, it more than tripled its result, and primarily thanks to the authoritative military, that is, they included combat combatants, sufficiently authoritative people, and actually this allowed, well, a successful election campaign plus combat combatants, it allowed... just show the first
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the result of the parliamentary elections, i think that after the war we will see exactly the same situation, but the influence of the military, the trust in the military and its authority will be even higher than it was in 2014, here the question is whether the army environment can to form their political power, but it seems to me that if the general. well, it will still depend on the personality factor, if general zuluzhny creates his own political force, it will undoubtedly be the number one political party, but it is necessary to use the military in the election campaign different political forces will want, different, and that's why i think, first of all, we will see several military parties, i don't even want to announce now, it will be unfair to our... known authoritative military
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structures, but obviously they will have a political future , has the right to be a political future as individual, as individual political projects. secondly, i am sure that all the old-timers in ukrainian politics will try to attract the military to their electoral lists, or, let's speak so pragmatically and cynically, cover up military personnel, to be included in the top ten, then the guys who... sat in the rear, in a quiet, calm place, covered themselves with volunteer work, they will be there in the 20s, 30s, 40s numbers of the electoral list, but in any - in any case, in any case, we will have a parliament, so i agree with you, with your thesis, more than 50% of the military - that's for sure. thank you, mr. oleksiy, friends, i am addressing our tv viewers, i would like to remind you that we are working live and conducting polls today. we ask you about this, are you ready?
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are you up for tax increases in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for the numbers if you ready to raise taxes in ukraine 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, today we have guests, i remind you maksym rozumny and oleksiy koshel, we are talking about what is happening in the domestic politics of ukraine, and of course, we cannot avoid the topic of the influence of the russian federation and the russian special services on the internal politics of ukraine, because we are talking about the murder of iryna farion, the alleged involvement of the russian special services in this murder, the work of the moscow church in ukraine, the influence on the youth environment. also those cases of arson
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by soldiers, which are becoming more and more frequent in large cities, in particular in kharkiv, in dnipro, in odesa, and... mr. maksym, how do you currently assess the influence of russia on the rear part, well, conditionally the rear part of ukraine, not to the front to the rear, and whether this is due to the fact that the russians lose, or do not achieve what is on the front and transfer their already real special operations to the territory, to the televsion territory of the ukrainian state. i would start here , after all, probably not with the russians, but with us ukrainians, because in fact, according to my estimates, uh, the russians are not proactive in this case, they simply take advantage of our
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weaknesses, our shortcomings, our vulnerable places, and this, so to speak, makes their task easier, that is, any of... of the actually mentioned situations, whether it is the language conflict in ukraine, actually, which, so to speak, around the death of the tragic iryna farion, so to speak, is the main context in the public space, at least, or these minors who set fire to cars, uh, all these uh... all these or a church question, all these questions, they appeared, so to speak, in the ukrainian environment, and are connected with the fact that some issues have not been resolved in our country , we ourselves did not solve them among ourselves, er, even, even these burnt cars, in the context in which,
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which was acquired there by the mobilization of the last time, in that height, so to speak, around these raids, uh, such actions, well, actually these guys, maybe they did not realize that they were betraying the motherland and that, so to speak, they were working directly against the enemy, maybe this was some part of their social positioning in the ukrainian context, but the fact that russians know how to find these weak points and have learned to use them is also... an obvious fact and actually a lot that indicates the possibilities and on those mechanisms which used by the russian special services long before this war and before these situations, before this murder of irina farion, in particular, we
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know that after these actions in europe, so to speak, murders, ah... of russian agents were revealed, their there they were caught red-handed and so on, in the future the russians began to simply use other people, eh, whom they began to be interested in either with money, or with some ideological motives and so on, that is, they transfer these practices to the plane of the russian-ukrainian war, eh, this situation , it is threatening to us and... actually so dangerous, but if we can internally solve our problems with identity, with information policy, actually with the work of our special services, then we will take away these opportunities from the russians. thank you,
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mr. maksym, mr. oleksiy, how and in what way can we solve the issues on which the russians are playing, who are trying to split ukrainian society? well now. it is very important, in my opinion, to develop safeguards, that russia will influence, say, political life, there is no doubt here, whatever the format of the end of the war, russia's influence will remain, and now we can see what is happening in europe, damage to mobile communications, terrorist attacks on railways, special operations at the level of brexit, at the level of the secession of catalonia and many other things, where ... russia, this is a typical practice. therefore, it is obvious that we need to see that in the next elections, in the place of opzhploc, sheryev and all others, eurosceptic parties, eurosceptics, political forces that will be such
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blogger format, which will ridicule, from issues of national identity to individual, to individual leaders. we need to be ready for this, of course, we will not install all fuses, but as far as i am concerned , the parliament needs to make a decision on lustration for those who ran for office right now. from the banning political parties, that is, from the village council to the president of ukraine, this is a relatively small number of people, but at least it will allow us to create certain safeguards for ourselves. well, next, this is already the second broader question, we need to remove it from the language issue is on the agenda, it has already lost its relevance during the war as much as possible, but we need to take steps forward in language policy to... in order not to leave grounds for speculation in general, this is a language issue, this is an issue of our heroes, this is
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an issue of national identity and much more. thank you, mr. oleksiy, and thank you to mr. maxim. maxim the smart and oleksiy koshel were guests of our program today. gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. let me remind you that during the entire broadcast, friends, we conduct surveys, we ask you about whether you are ready for a tax increase in ukraine. let's look at... at the correct results of the survey on tv, because in the first part there was an incorrect value, so 8% are so ready, 92% are not ready for a tax increase in ukraine, on our youtube channel 89% are not ready for a tax increase, 11% are ready. here are the results. of our survey today, friends, it was the verdict program, welcome serhiy rudenko,
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i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 20:00, come to the verdict program, there will be new guests, there will be new topics, well, in the end there will be new day, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye. there are discounts representing the only discounts on eurofast softcaps 10% in the pharmacies plantain you and save there are discounts representing the only discounts on pennyel 15% in the pharmacies plantain you and oschad her discounts represent the only discounts on norwend express forte 10% in the pharmacies plantain bam and oschad. exclusively on the air
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of our channel, congratulations friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries have huge arsenals, russia is on the way until resources are exhausted. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they capable... vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project read all the comments, accept my song, thank you, it was difficult, but i was just interested, but this is absolutely not true, they help to understand the present and predict future, offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us. project for caring and thoughtful. politclub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. great return of great
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lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing is every thursday. velikiy lviv speaks in the project on the air of the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. hundreds of thousands of
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square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience . olga's house was like this last year, and this is what he looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. however, how to unite the country. in the process of restoration in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. good evening, from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big ether on the spresso tv channel, for the next hour and 45 minutes, i am your colleagues, we will talk with you about the most important things, everything that happened, and of course, what will happen under time of our airwaves, of course, we will also pay attention to this, god forbid, of course nothing bad happened, well, somewhere, if something catches fire in russia, or there is some
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good news, say, from our armed forces, then of course we will inform you about it... and it is large-scale, if not the most large-scale during the entire period of full-scale the invasion, the shahed drone attack, how kyiv fought back , by the way, i saw with my own eyes part of these air battles in one of the parts of kyiv, of course i did not film anything, i do not reveal any locations, but it was large-scale and you understand that air defense in ukraine and in kyiv, in particular, it works very well, you certainly feel safer, in the morning they were waiting for rockets, there were no rockets, one was shot down somewhere, well, there is an expectation that the enemy may be preparing an even more large-scale and massive and rocket attack, especially , that there are suspicions that not all of these drones that flew on the territory of our country were equipped with explosives, there is a possibility that there were cheaper
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versions of drones, and that most of those drones that were shot down on the territory of ukraine. had no explosives on them at all, so is it intelligence, what was it and how many shaheeds were shot down by air defenses, exactly on target, how did they destroy one of the leaders of the hamas group, who took responsibility for it, how will this change the situation in the near future, in the middle east, the taxes are stifling, or will the business withstand the tax pressure, yes, we will talk about that, we will talk about many other important things, but it is already ready... my colleague serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the daily military summaries column, is ready for the air. sergey, congratulations, you have the floor, please. vasyl, i welcome you to our viewers, today we will really talk about the specifics of this large-scale attack, as well as the situation on the front line, about the main trends, including the discussion that it is probably worth reviving the divisions in ukraine, about this in a conversation with leading
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experts and more on that in a moment. indeed, today the enemy carried out one of the most massive attacks using unmanned attack drones, the air force of ukraine reported that on the night of july 31, the enemy launched 89 long-range kamikaze drones of the shahed type and one kha-59 type missile, most of these drones were aimed specifically at the kyiv region and at the tables. such a large number of drones up to 90 units, previously the enemy used it once, it was on the night of the new year, on january 1, 24th, and as a result of the combat work, our air defenses destroyed all 89 shaheidz, that is, a record number of downed during one attack , and now
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due to the fact that the enemy used not only shaheds, but more... cheap drones called gerbera, the first such drone was shot down somewhere on july 24 near kyiv, it was such a foam drone using rather primitive elements, i tried to find out if there were really gerberas during this attack, i found only one confirmation from our sources, it says that one gerbera was shot down in the dnipropetrovsk region, it did not have a combat unit. it had a chinese engine and was also of course made of foam plastic, had a serial number of more than 100, although this first gerbera had a serial number of 0.36, and in fact it can be said that the enemy does use these foam drones primarily in order to create an option
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to increase the number of targets to which our defense forces are forced to respond. these drones all went astray mainly with the entire spectrum that is in the arsenal of our air forces, it is both from night missile calculations, and mobile groups that use cheetah systems were also used, for the first time it was said that army aviation was also involved, our army aviation, as we know uses helicopters, maybe it was the first day. when in the same way, helicopters were involved in the fight against shaheds and other drones. in any case, we expected, in addition to this attack, also the use of spawn by the enemy. those missiles, because the bombers were taking off, there were three caliber missile carriers in the black sea, but these attacks did not take place, which suggests that it is possible that the enemy
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is planning such a combined attack, but in the more distant term, we understand , that air defense is ready for such challenges, then we will talk about what is happening on the front line, on a larger scale let's evaluate these... changes, because now, like yesterday and a week ago, the enemy is primarily concentrating his efforts in the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions, where he is trying to take advantage of the advantages given to him by the number of personnel and aviation, and we also and let's talk about the so -called intangible combat assets, this is the effectiveness of combat management, how it is currently implemented on the battlefield from the ukrainian side and to what extent... these discussions that began to take place in the ukrainian information space are justified, which we need to revive the divisions, we need to change the management system, what is true, what is not true,
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what conclusions should be drawn from this, we will talk about this with our expert, we are joined by viktor kevlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert of the center for defense strategies, mr. viktor, i congratulate you , glad to see and hear the espresso channel on the air, good evening, mr. sergiy, to each other, i would first like to... start with the fact that a number of our generals said that the enemy there in a month, two months will go on the defensive , will reduce the intensity of offensive operations, in turn the commander general silsky said that the enemy, on the contrary, is increasing the number of the group, has an increase in means in the form of tanks, artillery and so on, and how can this be... know, how can it be determined against the background of this , what will be the dynamics on the front line, primarily in the near term?
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well, first of all, there is no need to combine all these interviews, i do not recall a single case during the entire war when the commander-in-chief of the armed forces would undertake to comment on the state of disclosure crimes, the state of road safety or the number of offenders detained at the state border. why do officials subordinate to the minister of internal affairs undertake to comment on the course of hostilities? i have no idea, none of them have their own intelligence service to make any conclusions and assumptions. this is somehow incorrect in relation to, first of all, the military. as for the statements in the press of the head of the main intelligence department, it is equally surprising that the statement is made publicly. contradicts what the commander-in-chief of the armed forces says forces, receiving information from the same main intelligence agency. personally, i
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am inclined to the fact that the correct position is taken by general syrskyi, because to believe that the enemy is going to achieve at least part of his operational and strategic goals in the war by moving to the defense by the end of the year, well , this is, first of all... contrary to all canons, - secondly, the enemy, on the contrary, is increasing the intensity of hostilities, in other words, he is not going to defend himself, he is making frantic efforts to, at least by the end of the warm period of the year, go to the administrative the borders of the donetsk and dnipropetrovsk regions, in order to fulfill, at least some minimum, the immediate operational task of possessing the donetsk region, therefore here... this is not about any defense, apparently, it should not go. as for the expansion of the enemy group, yes, this is a completely
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justified and very probable step, but how the enemy is going to reach the number of 690 thousand is still a mystery to me, because he is able to supplement his losses with up to 30 thousand killed and wounded. this, but to exceed this figure so that to create, well, a group of 150-160,000, well , it is unlikely, i think that we should expect an intensification of mobilization measures, the corresponding decree of the russian president is in effect on this matter, i think that sometime in september we will see a very wide mobilization. the company with a barrier. we are now talking about the fact that the enemy will get the initiative, we lack forces and means compared to the enemy, but now
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on... a discussion has begun in our expert there and in such a civilian space that we can increase the useful factor actions of the use of our units due to changes in staff structures and changes in management approaches, in particular there are theses that we need to revive the divisional level as an element in the ground forces, and this may improve the situation with... the leadership at the level of operational-tactical departments, which now, relatively speaking, manage a significant number of disparate units, sometimes do not have the opportunity to manage effectively, and they say that if we create divisional structures and staff management bodies, then this will remove the chaos, as evaluated by a number of experts, which prevails at the level of otu. the issue is quite complex, not simple, and
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i would like us, in simple words... to try to explain to our viewers how important this discussion is, what risks there are with changes in management, what shortcomings are there now at the tactical level, which can be eliminated, by more that you, by the way, seem to have written such an article on the left bank yesterday, where it can be concluded that you actually do not support these initiatives at all, which in fact may even be harmful, based on the evaluations i... you made in your post? i speak from the position of my experience, when at a certain time i performed the duties of the chief of staff of the luhansk operational-tactical group. in my opinion, the transition to rigid forms of management, such as the corps division, will present us with a number of challenges. first of all, we will create two intermediate
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management links. from the operational level command to the tactical level command, we definitely need it today, each link of management will need forces and means communication, we do not have an unlimited number of protected communication channels today, which could be further divided into regimental and divisional links, and corps added to the link, purely for material resource reasons. don't do it. the next question: the regiment, division, and corps have strict, tactical standards, the width of the offensive line , the depth of the battle formations. the operational-tactical grouping is more flexible and free of these disadvantages. likewise , the use of brigades in the format of a brigade tactical group. we haven't grown up to that, we haven't we are trying to learn it. if. that we should not
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return to the strict regulations of the regiment-brigade, regiment-division, corps, the question is what is the point of the reform, we already have such loose tactical regulations, we can have two, three, five, nine brigades, as many as necessary, the next moment, both the division and the corps will require the creation of a suitable set. forces and means of providing and supporting combat operations, logistics, engineering and sapper, anti-aircraft defense, medical units are needed, i.e. in all directions activity, today, when it was carried out, not today last year, the operation was carried out in the zaporizhzhia region, we personally felt the lack of engineering and sapper units, the overcoming of deep minefields had to be carried out
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by someone. er, how many additional engineering, engineering and sapper units have been formed per year? i haven't heard of any. if we create divisions and corps, we need to have an engineer and sapper battalion in the division, and a regiment, preferably a brigade, in the corps. where does this all come from? today we lack personnel in combat brigades fighting on the front line. if... we move to a division-corps system, where we take personnel from the reserve, which today prevents us from taking personnel there and manning brigades, nothing, we have a lot of organisms, such as separate rifle battalions, uh, that the formation of the initial period of the war, when we lacked weapons and military equipment and...


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