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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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details of their disappearance, if suddenly someone has seen the girls or knows at least some information about them, immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, if you suddenly cannot make a call, write to the service's chatbot search for children in telegram. and i would like to ask for a moment of your attention, this is 16-year-old ivan bastryukov. the boy also disappeared in the city of kupyansk in august 2022, about a month before the liberation of the city from the russians. ivan looks his age, he has oval face, dark blond hair and brown eyes. if anyone suddenly saw the boy or knows where he might be, call us immediately on the magnolia children's search hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. let me remind you, if suddenly there is no connection or an opportunity to call, write
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to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. and now regarding the territories controlled by ukraine and a more or less peaceful life. unfortunately, children also disappear here, as the experience of the service shows search for children the vast majority of them are teenagers, who often just run away. we talked to a psychologist about this topic and collected a lot of tips for parents that can definitely prevent a sudden escape. child from home. tell the child who he can turn to in case of need. of course, ideally it could be you. it is to you that she should turn when she feels the need for it. but sometimes you may not be available, you may be at work, busy with some other things. and what to do then? agree on it in advance. think with your child about who he can also turn to. maybe it will be someone else, an adult from the family, maybe it will be one of the teachers. school psychologist. in
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addition, agree with the child on an anti-crisis plan, how he should act when he gets into a situation that may carry a threat. and if it happened on the street, where to run, how to call for help, how to take a taxi and get home, and the child must have money for this taxi, that is, work out an anti-crisis plan to the smallest detail, and the more detailed it is, the more chance it will work, and the more chance you're in... the child from some great danger. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. there are discounts until
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independence day on baneocin 20% in psyllanyk bam and ochad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on estezifin 25% at psyllanyk bam and ochad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on korvalt 10% at pharmacies plantain bam and saver. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on espressu tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, for two hours, to learn about the war, about the military, front-line, component, serhiy zgurets, and what the world is about. yuriy feder is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money, in wartime. oleksandar morchivka next to me and sports news. i invite you to talk.
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watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. kidnapping and illegal entrepreneurship. why did judge bondariv get suspicion? in order to solve his business affairs, the judge ordered the kidnapping of his partner. but how do unscrupulous judges avoid qualification assessment? he is too sick for the meeting and qualification assessment, but for the administration of justice, in principle, he is fine. on thursday, august 1, 17.45, watch
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the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. big comeback great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest conversational format of ukraine in. in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important things are said every thursday at 21:15 in the project by velikiy lviv on the espresso tv channel. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports. about them, however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited guests experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton
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borkovsky at espresso. glory. dear viewers, on espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular , we will talk about extremely important international negotiations that took place at various diplomatic tables, at the same time we will talk about a new concept of war and announced new doctrinal approaches. ours today guests - roman bezsmertny and glen grant. our first guest, a retired british army colonel, is famous. expert glen grant. glory to ukraine, dear, mr. colonel, god save the kin. glory to the hero, god, save the king. thank you. an extremely important speech, the london speech of general ambassador valery zaluzhny. so we understand that he outlined
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the strategic perspective and very clearly indicated what things we should change and what we should prepare for in the event, he said. russian aggression against ukraine in the current phase the war of the transition period. i would like to ask you now to analyze the most important messages that general zaluzhny gave and how they were read in the west, in particular in london. it is important that people understand that this speech was of great importance because it was delivered at the royal joint institute for defense studies, which is a think tank. of the british government on defence. this institute plays a similar role in great britain as the rent corporation does for the american government and the pentagon. the speech was important and the hall was completely filled. numerous high-ranking officials from the ministry of foreign
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affairs and the ministry of defense were present, as such speeches are quite rare. therefore, since it was his first such speech and since it took place immediately after his arrival. what he said will be received with great attention. what did he say? above all, he outlined the challenges of war at that time. then he touched on the topic of the transition period, emphasizing that although the current war is in many ways similar to the second world war and the first world war modern tools such as drones and electronic warfare are changing the way we wage war, how we directly fight on the field'. the essence of war does not change, people still die and will die, and there will always be a bloody battle between opposing sides, but the overall structure of how war will be fought is changing. now the significance of this will be whether
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people will believe it, that's the first thing, whether people really believe it, even though the former head of the defense department is saying this, there are many people in the west who still think that the... the way the west conducts military operations now will remain the same in the future, in other words, the use of tanks, the use of armored vehicles and other uses of drones, but not in the same way as now and not in the same amount as now in ukraine, because people will see that with there will be much more aviation, combat helicopters and artillery on the west side than there can be on the side of ukraine. this will change the balance towards how the west would like to fight. but this is also a big but, if zaluzhnyi is right, and i suspect he is largely right, maybe not 100%, but even if he is only 60% right, it still means that most western militaries are very very very behind in their change processes and
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understanding of how they think war should be fought. this has serious implications for military training and personnel selection. for example, britain does not select it specialists for battalions, while, as in ukraine, each battalion is looking for its own it specialist, its own engineer who will manage drones and other technologies. we don't do that in the uk and what i'm wondering is whether after this conference people will go and say, we need to change our thinking, or they will go and say, no, he doesn't understand how strong we are and how we are going to fight. i agree with you, this is an extremely serious challenge, on the other hand, i do not want to draw parallels with the events that took place 100 years ago, so we understand that it is about the so-called little entente and... it is about the polish-bolshevik-ukrainian war , yes in 1920, so we understand that
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poland also wanted to get more help then 100 years ago, right? too big unfortunately, a lot of things turn out to be incomplete, unrealized, and accordingly, we need to understand whether the story about a powerful military, central european power, will be supported by the appropriate amount of resources, i.e. not only by these or other political statements, but by specific military resources, yes, if we fight the war until we win, that is, regardless of what happens in the united states, whether trump comes, whether geris comes, kamala comes and so on. we have to understand different scenarios. war is also about resources, human resources are currently being processed by the personnel department of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. yes, this is when we talk about mobilization, but a long, long war that would
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work to the depth of the strategic defense of the enemy, it requires very clear coordination, it cannot be something that we were promised and not given, in your theses there are many points, i think if the history of the last two years has taught us anything, it's that we won't get everything we're promised, and i'm sure it will be the same in the future. promises will often be greater, than what is actually being done, but let me dwell on one point: the f-16. everyone is talking about delays with the f-16. these delays arise exclusively from the ukrainian side, and not from the west. the problem is that there is a lack of pilots who know english to conduct training, and there is also a lack of technical staff and engineers who can learn the necessary skills. i know from my own experience that... there are engineers in the armed forces who do not get into the program and that is because the personnel system in the defense forces is not
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works, not only does it not work, it is broken, despite the efforts of the ministry of defense to change the situation, the general staff itself has not changed its approach to working with personnel, this can be seen from the work of the tsc. let's consider these questions separately. ukraine will not get all the equipment it wants. some will come, but much slower than expected. this means that... the general staff has to start planning ahead exactly what won't arrive and why, and how we can manage on our own. the biggest problem, in my opinion, is the front, it is on the front line that we lose people, there there are retreats. this is because the units are not properly equipped, there is no doubt about it, they do not have everything they need, i understand that there is a shortage of 155 mm ammunition. no one could have expected that there would be such a great need. in them, no one in the world expected this, this is a problem that needs to be solved, but we
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knew that soldiers on the front lines need drones, armor plates for body armor, new boots, food, there are hundreds of essential items that they are not getting way, and yet they still have to fill out a huge amount of casualty paperwork, and that's done by the battalions, so we're wasting the time of officers on the front line who should be spending time with their... soldiers fighting, actually they're spending time filling out paperwork . soldiers spend time digging trenches that should have been ready by now, because money has already been spent digging them. this is all due to the fact that the system does not work properly, that is, the system does not foresee these problems. why? everything is very simple: the general staff deals directly entering battles instead of planning for tomorrow. the war must be waged by the joint... staff, not the general staff, it is the job of the joint staff, to be in charge of the fighting directly, not the chief of the general staff, who
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runs around the brigades and helps them, not the general staff, who spends his time today's worries so there's a big problem area here that you talked about at the beginning: all of these systemic issues have to be addressed if we're going to move forward because we're not going to get all the equipment we need, so how ready are we provide... projectile munitions, mortars, grenades, anti-tank munitions and anti-aircraft munitions. not all of these things will come from the international community, we have to find a way. making them yourself requires a lot of planning and organization, and i can't see it happening the way it should. we spend too much time thinking about big f-16 projects, naval drones, attacks on the kerch bridge, and not enough attention to ensuring that every soldier is alive and well
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equipped to fight tomorrow. this war will not be lost in the sea or in the flesh, it will be lost. on the front lines when soldiers die and resources run out. we simply cannot deal with the mass of soldiers coming at us from one place or another. we are doing well so far, but how long we can maintain this level of efficiency depends on whether the soldiers on the front lines are properly trained, equipped and led by the best officers. i took a lot from what you said at the beginning, but...we are in a transition period, i suppose you might want to know my opinion on syrsky's recent article, but we still have a lot to do and most of these tasks require careful planning, in some cases even legislative changes. planning is very important, but there is also such a thing as
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the general concept of war, and you are very good at mentioning the colonel general of the syrian commander-in-chief of arms. forces of ukraine and he very clearly warned about the plans of the enemy, he decided not to talk about the plans of ukraine in public, so we we understand that what you said should be done and even more, but there is also the question of what the enemy is preparing, and syrskyi gave very specific numbers, yes, 690,000 offensive contingent, that is, an increase of 150 to 170 thousand, perhaps at least from the point of view. public speaking, it was probably an effective interview, but i, and i'm sure many others, are concerned about what specific actions are behind those words, it is clear that russia will continue to send people to fight as it has done in the past, there is no signs the fact that they are running out of people, or that they have problems recruiting new ones, since
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most of the new recruits die, russia does not need to pay them, society in russia has not yet realized. the full extent of what is happening. perhaps there may be some changes every month, but for now russia is focused on a long war. putin is in talks with china, north korea and iran to secure arms supplies. they are trying to rebuild their own defense industry, but it is not as effective as it could be because they have already taken a lot their best men and sent them to the front, which actually destroyed some. plans, but i don't think we should pay too much attention to it, i think we should focus on what is happening on our side. if syrsky says he has a plan, the question is what kind of plan is that, if his plan is to continue fighting the way we have been fighting, a small soviet army against a large soviet army, we will not
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win, because we cannot cope with the numerical advantage of the enemy, quantity. technology and people will always be on their side, and this requires a change in approaches to warfare. if we plan to change tactics and strategic approach today or tomorrow, we must teach people to fight differently, today. this means that our best officers must be trained in new ways of waging war, the best, and we need to find more officers who can implement these new approaches, because fighting... in the same way, i would call it the sirsky way , just pushing people forward and telling them to stay there and die is a no-win tactic, a no win strategy it will not allow us to win we will continue to lose people killing soldiers on that side ok we are killing 1200 a day has it made a difference
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a year and a half ago we were killing thousands a day has it made a difference the answer is no. we are still in the same situation, but we ourselves are now weakened because we are losing people. so i'm back to planning again. we need to plan and change tactics so that syrsky's words turn into reality. this will not happen without fundamental changes in system. new doctrine, new prescribed methods, elimination of senseless bureaucracy everywhere. better training of personnel, all this should happen. then we can win, because we will. better than them, dear colonel grant, look, well, the plans of the enemy plus or minus have become clear, and it has become clear, so that now the enemy will tighten. additional manpower and will try to achieve very specific results during the end of the summer campaign at the beginning of the spring campaign, the second point will be
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the destruction of our power structure, that is they have already gone for it, and we understand that until additional air defense systems are put in place, our population will experience additional suffering, the enemy is also counting on this, hoping that there will be an intra-ukrainian... scenario, i hope that the situation will be contained , but the enemy is counting on it, and the third point, yes, this is the uncertainty associated with the american election campaign, if we talk about russian plans, how do you see them? let me go back to your first point about russia betting on that energy problems can divide ukrainian society, this month, when i was in ukraine for several weeks, i did not welcome any na... on this issue, on the contrary, many people treat the situation with a certain irony and joke about it. i went to a bar in kyiv where the head waiter told everyone,
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"we're on generators, so you can't order fries, but everyone can have a hot dog," and everyone laughed. this shows that ukrainians do not allow energy problems to affect their spirit. so it exists a certain level of acceptance that something else will not overcome the ukrainians. something as minor as electricity, whether it's lights or candles or whatever, and i haven't seen any major complaints or negative reactions, but in the spring moods can change, so if it goes through the winter, the winter can be very, very hard and harsh . of course, the situation may change in winter, but there is an important point: ukrainians are a strong people, hard times did not break britain. during world war ii, and i don't see the hard times changing or breaking ukraine now, i don't feel it and i don't hear it such conversations from people, on the contrary, i hear
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stubbornness and determination. people say that they are ukrainians, and such trifles cannot overcome them. this is what i heard in kyiv and sumy. last week, when i was there, maybe the situation in lviv is a little different, but i heard exactly the same conversations in kyiv and sumy. one way or another, let's return to the topic of russia. i don't think russia has a recruitment problem, as we imagine, it may have difficulty finding people, but the large sums of money offered for service attract tens of thousands of russians, because these sums are too large to be ignored, if they are offered money for a year, two or three jobs, for one month of service, many people are ready to join the army, so he does not think that putin is facing an acute shortage of people yet, but his real problem by... in leadership and lack of qualified officers. many of those who were needed to manage the troops have already died. in the early days of the war, we killed many of their generals and
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key commanders. now putin has to rake it up, replace them with new people, look for new commanders for battalions and other units. and i suspect that many of these new battalion commanders are not capable of effectively commanding their units, and they're there simply because they're... not somebody's friend, not because they have experience or skills. such a problem is facing putin. but i think that with russia you should always be careful about possible surprises. as i mentioned before, they are not predictable. they came through kharkiv, we didn't expect it, nobody seems to have expected it. grast and what they are are going to do further. they will do something again unpredictable. this is russia. why... the war will escalate again because of belarus, or they will decide to attack somewhere else, who knows, but they will definitely try something new. the main problem
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is that russia continues to build up its resources and exhaust us step by step. they have more resources than us, if they decide to shift their forces elsewhere we will be able to stop them, but every time we stop them it also hinders us develop contrast. attack and train our battalions and brigades in new methods, so we risk remaining the same as we were from 2014 to 2022, just a defensive army in the trenches, instead of an army capable of offensive actions, and that is very dangerously. thank you very much, dear colonel gran, for this extremely important conversation on the espresso channel. i want to remind our viewers that i am working for them now. retired british army colonel glen grant, renowned military expert, god save the king. glory to ukraine. glory to ukraine, god, protect the king, may he live.
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may he live long. there are discounts until independence day on imodium. 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. national tebe on megogo - too many channels. well, there are a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows. turn on mego on different devices, without unnecessary wires and antennas. and all this from uah 49 per month. there are discounts until independence day at valerina bolgarska. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. the book women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and duhi litera publishing house. the book that is based on the reports of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path
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of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts until independence day on essential forte m. 10% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who became a special agent. taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front - a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to understand alarming news and distinguish the truth from the hostile and fake? the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna
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yatskiv, andriy. smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. you want to understand how ours is today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts. connection from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. espresso tv channel will be on the air now the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat roman
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bezsmertnyi. glory. to ukraine, mr. roman, i am glad to see you. glory to heroes. good afternoon, mr. antin. visit of the minister of foreign affairs mr. kuleba to the people's republic of china. we understand that some of it was public, some was not public, the meeting with the chinese foreign minister one lasted more than three hours, i think there were some, maybe even accompanying conversations. we understand that this fits into the general process. yes, the world reasoned in trump's premonition and responded. one of the changes is trump's plus-minus concept understood, so he wants to force, in one way or another, if not russia, then ukraine, he will also need a result. roman petrovich, how do you evaluate the present? well, i won't say that it is historical, but it is an extremely important negotiating point. the first thing to pay attention to in the story surrounding president coleba's trip to guangzhou is the bridge itself. this is both form and
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content, because here only from the fragments of the first, second and third it is possible to understand that somewhere no more than 10, well, a maximum of 15% of what happened there got into the information field, well, you don't need to be too prepared there to understand, for the sake of even a three-hour conversation with the minister, you don't need to go to gondjova, let's first, what kind of city is it? this is a city where diplomats and officials of both the united states of america and great britain are present at one of the highest levels. first, i don't mean first by accident. this indicates that if there was a bilateral meeting, it would take place in beijing. this means that meetings take place far beyond the boundaries of bilateral dialogue. now.


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