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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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every day we honor the memory of all those who died because the russian invaders came to our ukrainian land with a moment of silence. we will observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war, whether its recruits are ready after training and whether their mobilization will affect the front line. and whether f-16 fighters will affect the situation on the front. western media wrote that the planes are already in ukraine. ukraine has not yet commented on this. social networks are already publishing photos and videos, and we will find out if they can be trusted. it svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting. f-16 is already in ukraine. this is reported one by one by the western media. the american television channel bloomberg was the first to spread this information the day before with a reference to noni. sources familiar with this issue
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bloomberg writes that the first batch of western fighter jets has already arrived in ukraine. the british edition of the times also writes anonymously that these are six f-16 fighters from the netherlands, and the telegraph reports that ukraine has already made the first combat sorties on these planes, using them as air defense, and that this was not denied in the air force. the reuters agency, with reference to an anonymous source in the usa, writes that the delivery of f-16 to ukraine. completed. currently, the ukrainian authorities have not made official statements regarding the acquisition of the f-16, and the adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine, mykhailo podalyak, said that they will not do so now and advises to wait for official information. we will not comment on this either yes or no. why? because for us it is a factor of essential survival. this means the aviation component. to speak precisely about whether there are or whether we do not have them, in our time it is do not need. it is interesting that
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the lithuanian minister of foreign affairs also announced the acquisition of the f-16 by ukraine on his page on the x network. he wrote the following. i quote: f-16 in ukraine, another impossible thing turned out to be quite possible. however, it is not clear whether the minister made this post based on articles in the western media or has his own information. meanwhile, a video of an f-16, allegedly in ukrainian skies, is already being distributed on social networks; it is impossible to verify the authenticity of this video. such footage appeared as early as july 29 in telegram-kanalilenova+, it is alleged representative of another telegram channel supernova+, the administrator of which is actually accused of spreading videos of the movement of military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. but the analysts of defense express say that in the video, is it possible to confirm that it is definitely an f-16 and that it was filmed in a warm season, but where exactly is unknown. the odesa publication dumskaye also published the world. with a plane in the sky,
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stating that this is an exclusive photo and that it is an f-16 in the sky over ukraine, however, in the conditions of war, we cannot quickly confirm the authenticity of these photos and videos, so we draw your attention that these photos and videos are not an official confirmation and may turn out to be unauthentic. i will also remind you that ukraine has been asking for f-16 fighter jets from its western partners since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. currently several countries weather. provide them to kyiv on july 10, a coalition of fighter jets, including the leaders of the usa, the netherlands and denmark, said that the process of transferring f-16s to kyiv is ongoing and that ukraine will be able to fly them already this summer. at the beginning of july, the first f-16 was delivered to ukraine, the minister of defense of the netherlands kaisa olon gren promised to deliver the first f-16 to ukraine. to ivan krychevskyi, defense express expert, joins our broadcast. ivan, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good
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morning, are these photos and videos from social networks convincing to you, do you think the f-16 is already in ukraine? excuse me, but if there is information, i just work here, i prefer to work with what is available, and in this case there is the fact that the western media announced the transfer of these planes to ukraine, just in case, regarding the circulation of various video materials, visual materials in social networks, the norms of national legislation prohibiting the distribution of any data disagreed with the general staff regarding the movement of various constituent forces and assets of ukraine, well, in general, no one has canceled it yet, so here you can even allow full sarcasm or, well, you know, such an emotion about the fact that, okay, there is an exile channel, well, apparently there too there can be some interesting things, i understand, because, well, let's say this, from the other side of this axis of life, that there it is not him, not him, not him, it is...
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the formation of unhealthy attitudes, which, well, you know , showmen from the western media tried to remember at the same time that the appearance in itself in in the 16th century, you know that, this is the devil's harp, this is the devil's bird. which is supposed to arrive and will simply terrify the russian air force and all their tactical aviation, they should fall dead, and here you know, this is the type of stimulation of such, you know, unhealthy expectations that the fact that now they will arrive and the russians will fall into the castle , and here it is now, ivan, i will ask you what the effect will be, but regarding the fact that people are waiting and see something in the sky, i even recently spoke with a friend, she went, i will not say where rest in ukraine, he says: well, look... there were planes, maybe f16s, that's why people really joke about it, because it's really informational, but forgive me, but what could 29 and 127 in our sky, then that's the order of the day things, what about expectations, what exactly you
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mentioned, and it is in the information space, well, the western media said that the planes are already there, whether they were in these photos, that is another question, but nevertheless , let's now, from an expert point of view, with the information we have at the moment, whether ukrainian pilots who in fact, these trainings took place on the f-16, so they can be used right away, does it need some additional time to make some raids directly in ukraine, or is it possible that they were already on combat duty, we just don’t know about it officially yet . dude, you ask this type of questions, let's say, from the rubric, if you knew, you wouldn't have said it, and on the other hand , the impression is that you want me to follow, you know, the administrator of the telegram channel supernova eh, eh well, i pushed, because you are asking questions about the sensitive nuances of combat training our pilots, who do not need to be declared publicly, i think that neither you, well, you may know more, of course, but i hypothetically ask, when such planes are transferred to ukraine after training, this means that they
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can immediately start duty, or some more time is needed, well, theoretically , look, theoretically, according to the regulations, of course, after the introduction of the devices of any aircraft... there is still a period of, let’s call it, acquisition of operational readiness, in the case of bulgaria, slovakia, which are to receive similar aircraft attention in 2025, there period is declared in two years, but they have a conditionally peaceful time, they are learning anew, how it should be in our conditions, well, first of all , it is fortunately not possible to extrapolate the example of those countries that are now also just mastering the f-16, because in our case it wasn't oh, how long we waited for the planes, it's oh, nothing, we got them quickly, on the other hand, regardless of the objective lack of data to claim that there or it will be necessary to acquire some kind of operational readiness, maybe they don't pay right away, but no one it will not be possible to assert, here i simply suggest that you pay attention to this
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rather strange fact that there were two weeks of running and rushing, there is a criterion that the russians are feeding a massive missile attack, it will definitely be on everything, especially this night. the night will be hot, but we have been running around the carcass for two weeks, nothing has happened, well, who knows that the russians could have found out that they did not go to carry out a massive missile attack during these two weeks, but it is very difficult for me to assume, that it should be, but on the other hand we are all human guesswork, the age of social media, we all know how to work with open data, each to his own, everyone will be able to guess in his own place, what could have happened to the russian occupiers according to the principles, how is it scary, like in this movie about star landing, well, somehow but it turned out that when the rockets were ready to be used, they were not used. ivan, the media wrote that ukraine expected to receive six f-16 aircraft by the end of this summer, and in total up to 20 aircraft by the end of this year. for which tasks
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is this amount sufficient? for all tasks, and anti-aircraft defense and russian bombs are enough for everyone. we just have a question. that this number may not be enough, that the f-16s will not approach the front line now, that they will work as air defense, just to protect there, for example, civilian objects, well, that is, that it could be in theory , whose opinions you refer to, because in this, you know, there is one such very important constructive nuance that they seem to forget to even mention at the event itself, one can say multi-purpose, multi-functionality used in 16, it consists of one specific construct. shortcoming, if we translate from the language of complex terms, then let's say, if air-to-air air-to-air missiles aim-120 are not hung on the limbs of the f16, or their mass-dimensional layout, then the wings will flutter in flight, and they will, roughly speaking, break faster, respectively, that is why it happens there that you can simultaneously
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hang a combat load with air-to-air missiles on the f16, at the same time there is a combat load for strikes on ground targets, because there it is necessary to evenly distribute load. all over the plane, so you know, somehow, all the speculation, oh no, it's, you know, it's not speculation, it's oleksandr syrskyi, the head of the armed forces, recalls in an interview with the guardian said that first of all, the f-16 will be used in anti-aircraft defense that they will allow to work more effectively against russian cruise missiles and accurately hit ground targets. wait, first of all, and before that you said that there are expert assessments, that they will work, let’s say, only as an air defense system, here you further jump on the commander-in-chief of the zsu syrska, who at the same time also says that they will work on both air targets and ground targets, moreover, if you carefully study the context of what he said there, you can say that maybe he even said a somewhat optimistic thing, which related to that our 16 will have to fly at a distance of 40 km
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from the front line, because if, well, we are entering such a context a little, why, for example, is it important to knock out air defense in crimea, and because this air defense can cover a very large area of ​​territory, from the rks 400 junkies can to finish the minimum to the crooked corner, which is , as far as i understand, 100 kilometers to the line of combat, respectively, in this case, if we proceed from... the fact that there are even tactical techniques, how to use the f-16 for various tasks at a distance at least 40 km from the front line. perhaps we are talking there now not only about whether there is an operational readiness to use f16 in our conditions, but there are also concrete practices on how to fly, but let’s not fly with chops, it’s one thing when syrsky, as the appropriate the official stated about this, that we will use it for all tasks, and it is another matter when they wrote it off in the western media in an unclear manner. on whose opinion, well, somehow they commented in the style that we are some, you know, so clumsy, we, we
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cannot put a spoon in our mouths and cannot use it in 16 with all the functionality that they have. mr. ivan, i will only remind here that we are not arguing, we are going to call you in order to share your analysis regarding this, how the western media works, there are many of them, when work specifically with sources, because officially some information is not reported immediately, you know about it, and these sources. very often they later, well, as a result , this or that information is officially confirmed. look, recently the washington post, well again the western media that you love so much, wrote that ukrainian and western officials warn that these planes are unlikely to have such an immediate impact on the battlefield. and i turned to the archives here, yuriy ignat, then the spokesman of the air force, in november 23, said that the f-16 could very seriously change the course of the war, and they can drive the russian aviation away and cover our ukrainian ones. ground troops, his quote, but the situation since that time, since the fall of 23, has changed at
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the front, we understand that, but then who is right, is there anything to expect, can they maximally change these f16 the situation at the front, or in the current situation, after all , this archival assessment of mr. ignat is already here, does it not work? if we talk purely about my assessment, then i will say this, we first of all need the f-16 for our aviation to be on why fight you can delve even further into the archives, recall april 2023, when it seems that there was even a reference to the commander that there, you know, they finally said in direct text that we need the f16, because the resource of the su-27 and the mih-29 is timeless, we can also mention one very terrible example, for example, the model of the 99th year in yugoslavia, when they formally existed, well, there in the former yugoslavia, 14 fighters could have 29, but none of them were combat-ready. which actually ensured all those terrible destructions, which the nato aviation then gave, so i will repeat it
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again, if we speak purely about my opinion, and let's say this, without trying to shade it against the background of other statements, then i will say it again, in 16 we need our aviation to have something to fight for, but in this case, i personally am satisfied with this wording, we have something to fight for, thank god, a reason for a national holiday for a whole, well, you see, that's what you say, we really need your assessment, and i want to... i want to ask you more about global information, there is a lot of it these days information about strikes on russia, drone attacks on airfields, damage to fighter jets, strikes on energy facilities and oil depots, something extraordinary is happening now, or you just know, for the viewer, relatively speaking, for the reader, strikes on russia are no longer news, but they seem so intense now, is it true that there are no places in the russian federation where it does not fly... drone, i prefer to come here from a different angle. yesterday
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, a very interesting, strange story came out, the military naval forces blew something up in the steppes of kurshchyna. it is logical that you won't be able to get there by wheeled boats, as far as we know, there are no flying drones in the cape. accordingly, we can mention only one example of a long-range weapon launcher that should fly through the air. neptune. well, you know, at first glance, everyone is already so fed up that, come to think of it, we are hitting with our missiles. on the territory of the russian federation, where they start to run in social networks, where is the thunder, there they promised him 300 km, well, that is, you somehow like this, from the other side, but well... on to the topic estimates and the like and the like. many people in the west now say that this is the current phase of the war of attrition, but they forget to add one thing: the classic war of attrition is not only when the aggressor flies over the defending side, but when the defending side starts to intensify strike at the aggressor,
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the fact that we have rocket-propelled missiles for strikes on the territory of the russian federation, and we use them to the full. well, yes, we have such national features, but not less, well, the russians have to, you know, this too, by the way, gives us such a life-affirming framework, now not only do we have to guess when russian missiles will fly at us, but now the russians also have to guess when our missiles will fly at them, thank you, ivan kyrychevskyi, an emotional defense express expert, was a guest of svoboda ranok today, ukraine will work to convince western allies and such... to have permission to use western weapons as needed by the armed forces, including the ability to strike military targets on the territory of russia, from where the russian army is attacking ukraine, but the partners are still afraid of escalation, said president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi in an interview with a french publication. it is a big challenge the fact that we cannot use western weapons because we need to stop the enemy. unfortunately, our
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partners are still afraid of this. if we use the weapons of our partners, then they will be able to say: "we will not give anything more, and this is a risk. but what they cannot forbid ukraine is to shoot its own ukrainian weapons in the armed forces on the territory of the russian federation the forces of ukraine are experimenting with this, various troops of the ukrainian armed forces. this is what the reviewer of the left bank newspaper writes about. only in the last month , the ukrainian military has carried out several strikes of a new type. thus, in gur, they confirmed the attack on russian su-57 fighters on the territory of the akhtubinsk airfield in the astrakhan region. they reported on... the damaged su-57 aircraft. then the gur drones flew to the olenia military airfield in the murmansk region of the russian federation, where they allegedly damaged two tu-22-m3 strategic bombers. in the last days of july, several days in a row, under the kurdish region of the russian federation was attacked by ukrainian forces. the ukrainian general staff confirmed the strikes on russian
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oil depots, namely the poleva oil depot and logistics center number 43. the general staff says that units did it. and the authorities of the kursk region report sometimes about downed drones, sometimes about downed missiles over their region. the day before , the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine announced the attack on the equipment and weapons storage facility of the russian army near the city of kursk, and that combat work was carried out by certain units from the navy of ukraine. defense express analysts suggest that it is about a strike on an object that was located approximately 100 km from the state border line of ukraine. but more attention is paid to how exactly the means of defeat could be used for this strike, since it was not known that the ukrainian navy has its own long-range kamikaze missiles, defense express analysts here suggest that it could have been a modified ukrainian neptune missile. dmytro pletenchuk, spokesman for the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, joins our broadcast. dmitry, congratulations, thank you for joining. congratulations
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studio, welcome the audience. let's go with that last piece of information i shared, neptune. or not, well, that is, the option is not we are already on the air, it probably won’t pass this time, we can only confirm the participation of the naval forces, of course without revealing the details, uh, in any case, uh, in principle, those cases that happened earlier in the theater of hostilities, this and yeisk, er, this and the port of kavkaz hint at the fact that the capabilities of our weapons... which are included, which are in service in the naval forces unit, indicate a rather large radius of possible application, the result of this, if we take the south , was the liberation of the sea of ​​azov from the presence of warships, and as you can see, as a result, the vector of application
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of our weapons changed a little. in any case, we will continue to fulfill the assigned tasks as part of the defense forces of ukraine. dmitry, tell me how many, well, approximately, perhaps, approximately, how many missiles should be used for a successful strike, so that at the same time, how the russian air defense system works here, and whether it works at all, well, in order to be successful, what is needed for to do this, in which quantity? again, i don't really know the technical details, because we have some departments that operate so autonomously that everyone outside of the process is actually ignorant of the process, and that's probably right, so i tell you i can’t provide such technical characteristics, i can only note that we had cases with very successful
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use, including those related to the same systems that should have stopped these missiles, for example, s4003, well, how does the russian federation react to this , does not see, misses, are they really trying... trying to knock down, well, just how do they work, how effectively do they protect their objects? let's say so, the complexes we have to fight with are actually quite serious, and yes, only the concept of their use remains unchanged, but nevertheless, to say that they can guarantee protection against the weapons systems that are in the naval forces is currently not can. well, that is, here i very primitively conclude that, if you confirm, i will make that this is not a lucky job, it is really such painstaking work, and
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the russian federation defends itself with its pppo in order to avoid precisely such effective strikes by ukrainian forces. every application is not according to the principle, here's the point: send the missiles there, no, of course it's planning, it's... the bottleneck of the operation, every application is a separate case, which of course is weighed, all the risks are assessed, it should not be forgotten that this weapon does not come to us for free, it should not be forgotten that its production is quite difficult, especially considering how much it is hunted, both for production and directly by russians, they hunt constantly 24x7, so of course it takes time... to use such systems simply so that no one will use them, by itself , all factors must be calculated in order for this application to be successful by
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itself. ivan kyrychevskyi just said on the air, well, now not only ukraine is in such expectation, but where and how the russian forces will strike, and now the russian forces are in tension, because they do not know where they may conditionally fly next time, and this particular strike in kursk, it really is like that was it unexpected? well, probably, if it was expected, it simply would not have happened, because if there is a possibility of leaking information about planning or something like that, then risking expensive weapons systems there, no one will be the same again, of course, all such strikes are unexpected , in any case, they, like us, are constantly preparing for the possible use of various weapons systems from the other side, the question is... how professional is this response, successful and on what equipment, and can you tell us about this particular strike, what losses what losses the russian forces suffered, because
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what was written officially, yes, there was a storage of equipment and weapons of the russian army near kursk. i know that as of now the results are being investigated, and by the way, the normal practice is to verify this information in a few days, because to verify it, you need... more than one source, and this public information will be spread, you and your colleagues from the navy will spread it ? well, it will depend on the decision of the higher headquarters, and accordingly, if it is verified accordingly, if such a decision is made, then most likely yes, after the verification in yesk, we provided full information that it was there that was destroyed in specific... e numbers, but it all takes time, realistically. the navy reported that russia had increased the number of launchers in the black sea. you wrote on
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your facebook that the russian federation for the first time took all three submarines that are carriers of cruise missiles into the black sea, is this some kind of change in tactics? at that moment, it was even a little surprising, in fact, now there are two carriers, the night before yesterday, one of them returned to the point. basing, and by the way, this further strengthens our suspicions that, after all, they have some difficulties with the third boat, it did not go out to sea for a long time, one of the three boats immediately returned, and for what purpose they went out, that is already a question else, it could be either a personnel training process or an attempt to prepare for some kind of combined attack. for now, i probably can't say. in june , the representative of the ugurs, andriy yusov, said that russia is hiding large ships and caliber carriers, but the hunt should not stop, this is his quote,
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but... it is more difficult to hunt when the object of interest is hidden, it is hidden somewhere and is hiding, but do they hide them well, or does it really complicate the work of the defense forces of ukraine? well, for example, submarines, according to the available information, again, not 100% confirmed, are even at the base point in a semi-submerged state, that is, only the gangway remains on the surface, well, that is, in this way they try to maximize them in... and not so much to hide as to protect from possible fire damage, so of course they hold various events, and as for hunting, well, you see, they have now closed for a long time at their base in novorossiya, there is not enough space there, there is no place to maneuver there, especially in the sea, they actually do not go out, so the fact
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that ... now such a simultaneous accumulation of so many ships in one place is happening, this is also an indicator, it is actually risky, and they know it very well, er, well , it is not a joke for anyone, there were attempts to place them in sochi too, and in principle in the rest of the locations, wherever possible to kick off, and changing the parking lot is also a prerequisite. has always been in order to protect these units from precise damage there, and now we see such a picture that they have actually gathered in one place, and they count, apparently, only on there active and passive means of protection, because this way they were already driven in , and as you understand, if some weapon reaches there, then it will be much easier to destroy them there, it is actually a fish in a barrel, you say, but
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nevertheless they were cornered, but... armed forces ukrainians know where this corner is. exactly. it's really only a matter of time. and such a picture emerges that imperial ambitions are once again preventing the fleet from being saved. in principle, history has already seen this. there in sevastopol, in our temporarily occupied column, there is a monument to the fallen ships. and it's simple. which reminds us how they behave in such situations, in principle, not only in the black sea, it is to sink their own fleet, or simply leave the garrison, the top management leaves, leave it there heroically will defend themselves, and in principle here the story goes in circles again, as well as the garrison has actually already been left like this by the leadership, that is , at some point they may find themselves cut off there and repeat this feat, as they
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call it, of the second world war or... on sevastopol, well, they can repeat, in principle, they have one of the main scraps, but they are gradually folding this scrap into regular ones. thank you dmitry for the interesting details. dmytro plytenchuk, spokesman for the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, was a guest of saturday morning. write to comments, and what do you think about what you heard, your opinion is interesting and appreciated on the radio liberty channel under ours. be sure to leave your thoughts under our broadcast. the pace of mobilization in ukraine has increased, but this has not yet affected the situation at the front. there is still a shortage of people, as new recruits are still undergoing training. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi said this in an interview with the french newspaper lemonda. referring to data from the military command. there are not enough people on the battlefield as they are still training. we are not russians. in some soldiers only passed through russia.


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