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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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10% in pharmacies podorozhnyk vam and oschad, there are discounts until independence day on essential forte m 10% in pharmacies podorozhnyk vam and oschad. the verdict with serhii rudenko is now in a new two-hour format, with even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign guests. inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about... the latest changes in
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ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. we promised, we show. remember that we are currently collecting for drones, in particular for... the 47th brigades, and now a visual demonstration of how they will be applied later. here is this example: 13 russians hid in a building, a kamikaze drone flew in, an explosive charge knocked everyone out of the shelter, they went to hide in the basement. in a moment, another explosive device and let's run away again. they were unlucky that time, because other drones continued to work, artillery continued to work, in short, they were ready for an assault. did not go
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and, probably, will never go again. there will be more funds in the account we are collecting now, there will be more drones like this and there will be more videos like this, and fewer russians. so remember our fees. there are fewer, more russians, we will talk about that now. ot. a researcher of regionalism in the russian federation and co-organizer of the forum of free peoples of postrosia, oleg magaletsky , is in touch with our studio. mr. oleg. greetings, good day, mr. olezh, we see that somehow national liberation movements are taking place in different corners of the colonial entity called the russian federation, well , in some places they are kneeling, putin will turn on the electricity, give water, in others still standing, but all the same, unwashed russia, oh my god. is preserved, and
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we could only dream and dream about some national liberation movements, we cannot see them, they do exist, good day, in fact, these processes are only at the beginning of their stage, but a similar situation existed in 1916, for example, and a riot 1917, the revolution also began with social aspects, but it quickly turned into a national one, so it is quite true that... one should not just wait for these situations, they should be promoted, accelerated, but we are talking about those things that need several years, about several years , it is sometimes difficult to talk about such a perspective, because it is difficult to predict something, but we can talk about what is happening these days and the reaction, we were very happy when we learned about that , what happened on olenia, and the distance of a thousand...
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covered by ukrainian drones is 1,800, it is 1,800, but 1,000 is already the norm, it is already the norm, because every time they fly somewhere like that, we are very happy, but how do they react on the other side border, how do they react to such information in russia, how do they react to it at all serve? russia is an authoritarian state, which is very quickly turning into a totalitarian state, accordingly, any information that is there, it is not simply cleaned or cleaned. it is a tool of the political, informational and propaganda machine, therefore any meetings that take place there, they aim to influence their own population, to maintain this hatred, or vice versa, in parallel with the bubble that we are great, nothing is happening, i.e. in fact, reactions can be very polar, often russian propaganda tries to completely avoid any mention of strikes, of any damage caused, and sometimes
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tries to exaggerate the successes of his air defense, and sometimes, on the contrary, talks about the fact that there are random people bombing the civilian population of russia and... civilian objects, that is, it depends on what they have, what agenda and need they have, what to lie to their population about, but of course, in the digital age, when virtually every person, even in the so-called russian federation, has a mobile phone and can film, see, hear something somewhere, information is leaked, and of course it is dissatisfaction, the understanding that the war is literally taking place on the territory of the russian federation, that you cannot simply wage a colonial war and hope that we live on... and we will never have anything, the number of russians who, for some reason, do not ethics or some kind of understanding that their country is carrying out genocide and absolutely violates all the rules and conduct of war, including that, and because they want to live by themselves, they understand that something must
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be done to them, we see the first manifestations of these riots and even not riots, but appeals, requests, like you remembered on your knees, in particular , do something to the king. with the fact that we do not have electricity, or to do something with the fact that russian scales are falling, that is, these processes, they are all the same, despite all this russian propaganda, they gradually appear in this so- called honeycomb. and look, for example, how the answer to this question became more active, that for the rashists, this virus affected the population of russia, more than, probably, nazism affected it. germans during the second world war, that is, the depth and breadth, i mean, here are infected and distorted urban, with a much larger population, and here the price of another voice and at least some local leader is increasing, what
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are the russian chekists doing, well, they are literally at this time actually displacing the prisoners, oh, mr. oleg, go back to us, yes i don't know if mr. oleg can hear us, but right now they are trying to make a huge exchange according to the principle of stalin's chekists, i.e. all oppositionists, such as kara murzu, who was killed twice, not poisoned, or yashin ilyi, and so on. about 20, maybe even 30 imprisoned politicians, they are oppositionists, they will be exchanged for this in an omen between russia and the countries of the west, that is, it is not between two countries, that is, it is not a victory of good over evil, as lawyer ilya novikov said, yes, because, for example, slovenia will hand over two real spies who were engaged in
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espionage and subversive activities, almost terrorist, but they will, for example, be handed over to those people to whom at least some sprouts of russian gray matter could reach out. remained, that is, they are displaced by the czech in the stalinist way, and who is still left among them, and eli is being bombarded with drones for two days in a row, trying to eliminate him, because he once said that for post-russia he is ready to consider his candidacy, as a candidate for the presidency of something, what will happen after this putin's russia, so what are the chances that danko will appear, as they say, and tear out his heart yes... and will lead at least in yakutia, at least in tatarstan, the chances are now 0.0? unfortunately, in my opinion, the worst possible process is happening because our the partners of the state give real russian spies, real agencies that were engaged in
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sabotage, interaction organizations and so on in enato countries, and on the other hand, from the so-called russian federation, most of which the russian federation transfers its... these are also spies and agents of the cheka, well, in different forms, such as their foreign intelligence service or the former game, that is, along with those people who are really dissidents, there will be so-called dissidents who have always worked, and are working and will work for the kremlin, creating impression and opinion of the free world about the presence of other russians, good russians, those who are against putin for freedom. which will present themselves as an alternative to the regime, but which are the same imperatives, their goal is to cement this impression that it is only necessary to change putin, and everything will be fine immediately, it will be possible to remove sanctions, there will be peace, friendship, chewing gum, oil, as it was before, so it is really very important to give these people,
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these forces that will continue this infiltration of russian agents to achieve their goal, we need to convey and... explain to our partners the idea that the problem is not in specific names of specific people, but in the very essence and systemic nature of this state creation, in fact the last colonial state in europe, which wants to destroy everything around it. and whoever this king of the surname of this president of the so-called russian federation is, they will not change their actions. and in fact, yes, the situation in the so-called russian federation is much worse than even in germany during the second world war or before the second world war war, because although a large part of the germans also became infected with the virus of this misanthropic, nazi racist theory, there were germans who systematically fought, they were at all levels, we are talking about, in particular, the number of assassination attempts on hitler. in which representatives of the e.e. wehrmacht and representatives of the abwehr participated, as we know, in particular
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, it was the anniversary of the most famous operation valkyrie in the year 44, when a huge number of germans within the system rebelled against hitler, and the same actions were there in in the 38th year, they were planned in russia there is no such federation and, unfortunately, it never will be, so it is necessary to clearly understand that it is not putin’s regime that needs to be destroyed, but... there are probably a number of factors, both internal russian direction and external, when they have this option, which they have kept for a very long time, because we know that if the russian-chekist regime wants to kill someone, considers someone to be a real threat or an oppositionist, these people do not live for a very long time, especially in the spring. that is, certain personnel were arrested and they were received specifically in order to, at the necessary moment,
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when moscow decided that the time had come, to activate this exchange option, to show that we are open to negotiations, to peace, to communication, here we are taking a step towards a meeting, see , what fine democrats we are, maybe another thaw or detente, we're giving you some dissidents over there, and it's a bigger, probably a wider track that... russia is sending signals that we're ready to negotiate, that now is a great time to we can be heard and you can get something, although we are all beautiful we understand that if someone in this so-called vertical was really ready for any communication, for any real solution to the war, not as moscow wants, yes, to occupy the territories, destroy the ukrainian nation, the western world in general, and really get it peace, they don’t need to agree on anything with anyone, they need to... just withdraw the russian army to the internationally recognized borders and that’s it, the war will end there at the same moment,
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yes, that is, they don’t need ukraine, the eu or the us, they need to withdraw their occupying forces, so that's it i saw as informational and psycho- psychological special operations, russia's attempts to continue its influence and control both over ukraine and over our partners, do you now see the threat of what is actually going under big money... such putin's mobilization, putin just waved this decree 400 thousand rubles each at once, 400 from the governor, and in fact the millionaires go on to fight in ukraine, in their place a wild wild vacuum of workers drags in migrants from sufficiently problematic social strata of third world countries and a number of ethnic-mafia skirmishes... and crime is growing many times over, the russian mintas are shouting about it, they
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are discussing it in their state duma, can there be any kind of one, if we do not hope for national liberation movements in the enslaved peoples, then can there be there is some kind of ethnic conflict here, because in some places there are sometimes more of these migrants and they are more influential than the local ones, so it will be, this is also one of the points of the future bifurcation and all these things. they are parallel and at a certain moment this will cumulatively lead to an explosion, because in normal open societies, democratic ones have feedback instruments , it is either elections, openings, not what is happening in russia, it is the media, it is a social contract, social discussion, it is the existence, again, of a public environment, in the so-called russian the federation does not have all of this, so these problems accumulate a lot there, they close their eyes to their presence, but when it reaches the limit, it turns not just into some... conflict, but an explosion comes, and the situation is along the lines of russian nationalists, ultra-imperialists and emigrants - it
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and one of the points that russia is now putting the nails in its own grave, and this will lead to colossal, colossal problems in many regions of the russian federation, which will overlap with others, in particular, which you mentioned, so these are the people, the mercenaries, in fact, who are ready for money to kill and maim not only others, but also themselves, yes, because they... that the chances of surviving and even more so, even after receiving a serious injury, then somehow normally living in these territories are minimal, that is, these are people who, well in fact, they don't even have a basic one the instinct of self-preservation is also that greatness'. the problem that this russian post-russian society will have to face in the future, but we now need to understand the first factors and contribute to these tensions, and also make it so that russia, together with our partners, have much more limited opportunities to pay for the killing of ukrainians, so it is really complete
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trade and economic embargo, in particular on oil and gas for us and our partners and other resources, such as gold, diamonds. mr. oleg, we must thank you, time is catching up, and you are with us oleg magaletskyi was a researcher of regionalism in the russian federation and co-organizer of the free peoples of postrossia forum. we will also talk about transoceanic affairs, and we will talk about the united states, and for this oleksandr kraev, an expert of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council, joins our broadcast. mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you. yes, congratulations, good day. they say that harris is overtaking trump, voters actively support her and that even trump's nephew sounds quite funny, fred trump the third also supports, kamalo harris says he will be in favor to vote for her, to defend her, did the democrats suddenly manage to pull
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kovdra over to their side, or is it the figure of kamala herself? actually, i would say that it's not... and it's not the second, it's hype, and the hype is quite understandable, the hype is not artificially created, it's just kamala and the fact that kamala was chosen as a candidate, well pre-elected as a candidate, it answered public demand, the public demand was very simple: we need a young leader whose last name is neither trump nor biden, we would like him to continue a large part those politicians who were before, we would be interested to see some of his initiatives, but on his... nish to stop this galaxy of old men, because the gerentocracy, whatever its historical advantages, but now in america it created literally apathy, both in the population and in the political establishment, and therefore these significant percentages of harris, the way she quickly collects money, the way she has attracted and keeps media attention, is primarily because she responded to the general public
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request, and it is worth saying that this request was not only in the democrats, he was a significant part of the republicans. from here, by the way, here is the information that you said that even trump's relatives are ready to vote for kamala rather. yes, but is it really so, it is definitely good for ukraine in the ukrainian-russian war, who lifted the archives, sees that it was kamala harris who refused the supply of american weapons right before the invasion, when america had already officially warned through the cia and others , that a full-scale war is about to happen, but it is precisely then from... no visit at all hypostases she did not carry out in ukraine during these three years after the full-scale invasion, is it not because of the high hopes in kyiv placed on her? put, of course, for big ones, but not because she refused something there or did something wrong, rather because she didn't do anything herself. denying us arms was dictated
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primarily by what sullivan said at the time, not by what the position was in the white house. just even from my experience, from mine. memory in december of the 21st year, very convinced american experts proved to us colleagues, that in no way can ukraine be given stingers, because if an american missile hits a russian plane, it will not be inevitable the third world war. kamala was an ambassador, she was just a spokesperson for all these ideas, because fortunately for her, unfortunately for us, she has no experience in foreign policy, all the international events that she represented america at, even our own formula peace, it was... events where she was just relaying the white house opinion, she wasn't acting as an independent political player, so yes, i agree with you, well , our optimism about kamala harris is exaggerated, because in fact it will be essentially the same doctrine of biden, just embodied by a younger proactive politician, but this optimism is exaggerated not because she made some wrong decisions , it is exaggerated because she basically does not have her own
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program at the moment, and she does not have the experience necessary to make such individual decisions. oleksandr, you know, i have among my acquaintances who are ardent trumpists, they gave me badges and caps at one time, make america great again was brought from the previous election campaign, and what do they have now, what are their moods, right now, now they are somehow conducting dialogues everywhere and speaking openly, if trump loses, america will go into chaos, including, perhaps, a close before the civil war. do they scare themselves? and this is rather one of the parts of the american, trumpian, i would say, information agenda, which consists in the fact that trump changes the meaning of the base. words, that is , before, who is an american patriot, is one who is ready to fight for his country, one who who is ready to pay taxes honestly, is ready to go to the polls, do something for his country, do something charitable, well,
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in short, live for his country and its democracy. now the trump campaign headquarters, if we look at their social networks, if we look even at trump's speeches, if we look at the entire information field that surrounds him, they have a very simple message: he is a patriot of the states who... votes for trump, everyone else is an enemy of the united states, and perhaps this is an effective doctrine because a large part of trumposk voters just associates himself first of all with patriotism, as with a certain psychological concept, but this is a very threatening doctrine, because in fact it is the maximum polarization, the maximum adjustment of social strata on the political index to each other, and in fact now all democrats and all independent voters from ... are literally swarming in love for their country because they don't want to vote for donald trump. so answering your question, do they scare themselves. i would say this: trump them
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twists trump did this in the 20th year, so we saw it on january 6, 2021. and unfortunately, trump is doing it right now, and it could really turn into a threatening situation for all of america. but trump also secretly listens to someone, i'm not saying that he listens, but he definitely listens, because he has a certain environment. our maksym skrybchenko, a ukrainian expert, came from the congress of the republican party, there were not many ukrainians there, and he shared his impressions, in particular, he said that in his opinion, in fact, we have already lost the information war, because the americans and republicans, in particular, very often have such a vision that you are chasing after the church, but you are doing it wrong and you are doing it wrong. and when you explain to them what is really going on, explain, they agree, but the majority are guided by what
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is presented by propaganda, by russian disinformation, on the other hand, we hear timothy snyder, a historian, who believes that right now it is not too late, and those ukrainians who are in the united states, that is, americans with ukrainian roots, the diaspora, in particular. can still change the situation, tip the scales tereziv, to play an important role in this election process, in your opinion, is it really not too late and can ukrainians change anything at this stage, take action, we literally have a minute, so i am asking for such a concise answer, yes in fact ukrainians can still change something, because we have to understand that we still don't have the haris team, we still haven't seen the end of trump's team, we haven't seen it. until the end of the full harris program, and trump's program changes every few weeks. we're still pretty wild directly, let's say, part of these elections, and we still haven't held a congress of the democratic
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party, so our community, which is in america, can still have an informational and political influence on what is happening in america, and in principle, any - some people who are ready to support ukraine, to activate this issue in some way, but i still have to say one important thing, ukraine is all the same, one way or another, no matter what it wants. trump, it will remain part of the agenda, it will really be epochal in terms of of foreign policy, because it is not only about russia, it is also about china, and more and more american politicians are beginning to understand that if they do not restrain russia in ukraine, it will not be possible to defeat china in the future. thank you, mr. oleksandr. oleksandr kraev, expert of the ukrainian prizma foreign policy council, was with us, and we also say goodbye on this, we hope that we really still have an influence on something. take care of yourself peacefully. have a safe day and don't miss the news in a few minutes on the espresso tv channel. before meeting. tired of a mess in the kitchen?
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