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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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abrams tank on the russian-ukrainian front, i want to note that any military unit that fights against the russians fulfills its task, so it would be desirable if there were 100, 500 of them, even a platoon, even a company of abrams on a certain section of the front destroys , like roe deer, it's so loud, thank you, gennady khazan, forgive me, mr. gennady, unfortunately, we have to let you go... president of the ukrainian aviation association of pilots and aircraft owners oapa ukraine. he was in direct contact with us. interesting conversation, but we have to move on. already it's time for news and we pass the floor to our colleague kateryna shiropoyas, who with the news editor has already managed to prepare an updated issue for us. duck, we pass the word on and please share what you have found out about. greetings marto. antina, in a moment i will tell our viewers about the large-scale exchange of prisoners between russia, belarus and. event
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that is ongoing at the moment. greetings, it's news time on spresso, kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. a large-scale exchange of information between russia, belarus and the west continues these minutes. it is already known that moscow released american journalist evan herchkovich and former us marine paul whelan, bloomberg reports. they were accused of espionage in russia. instead , artemat and hanna dultsev, convicted in slovenia, were handed over to the kremlin. the couple received a sentence for working for the fsb. the exchange took place in russian kaliningrad. the next stage of the release of political prisoners should take place in ankara. they are already fixing it in the sky. many
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special planes heading to turkey. according to the media, the list for exchange includes russians convicted of criticizing the war against ukraine, as well as us citizens. in total , about 30 prisoners. and ukrainians may not feel a significant increase in fuel prices after the introduction of new excise taxes, according to expert serhii kuyun. he also emphasized that now this is an expedient step by the state, since the budget needs additional funds for... defense of the country. let me remind you that the verkhovna rada passed the law on increasing the excise tax on fuel on september 1. in fact, we can confidently talk about the price increase only for liquefied gas, the tax on it increases the most, it increases by uah 5 per liter, accordingly, i think that this price increase will be, but this does not mean that liquefied gas will lose its attractiveness for users, that is, it will be. still profitable
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compared to gasoline, and even profitable for those who drive a lot, and accordingly can install new gas equipment. in kyiv, three gas stations were dismantled, they were selling counterfeit liquefied gas, according to the message of the bureau of economic security. the owners of the gas station network also did not have a license to sell and a permit to operate the equipment. earlier, the court already banned them from working, however... the leaders of the illegal business broke the seals and continued to operate. the law enforcement officers seized 15,000 liters of unaccounted for fuel, and the director of the enterprise was notified of suspicion. 1,300 thousand. that is how many veterans are now in ukraine. the news of veterans portal disseminates information about successful veteran projects, supports volunteer initiatives, and also helps combatants and their families with social legal issues. medical and
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other fields. you can get free consultation and help on the website "news of veterans" portal. our portal is constantly active, there is a banner hanging there, we have free legal assistance for veterans, military personnel, and members of their families, people should contact lawyers, lawyers, who provide them with just that free of charge. understand what they need to do in order to get help effectively and quickly in this or that issue, and we conclude that the state is not ready, and we make every effort to somehow unite veteran organizations, volunteers who would provide the same legal the service that was created, this is, this is what i
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can say, this, the practice of communicating with people who came from there. mykola luptsov from kropyvnytskyi went to the front to protect his family, having no military experience, he became the commander of the unit. in the kherson region, a soldier was seriously wounded, and fate gave mykola a chance to live. which he still wants to dedicate to the service. our journalists will tell the story of the volunteer further. the last thing i remember is that a small rectangle flies into my eye and... a strong ringing in the right means everything to the left i heard, i remember climbing up, and i have a walkie-talkie here, and i am right when i say that the terraspal is 300 and i fall, that's how the battle ended for mykola luptsov in december of last year in
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krynky, in the kherson region, in a peaceful life , a man worked at a metal products factory, joined the army voluntarily, started his service by being on duty at checkpoints, then... hot spots, motivation, he says, was one, not to let the enemy into his home, just like any conscious citizen, that they will not stop there, as i saw how it was in donbas, i felt that they were not they will stop there, and they will go, well , it went like that, and then we already went to the south, when the counterattack began. and we are standing in the kherson region, and we are still defending it. soon mykola was appointed commander of the rifle battalion. for him, as well as for many other fighters, everything at the front was the first time, but he had to set an example for his subordinates and go
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forward, even though it was scary for him. they want to kill us, but not today, today we will be better than them, and so will i. that i have machine gunners, he is, by the way, 56 years old, i have the subordinate was less than 19 years old. in the battles , mykola received several contusions, in the kherson region he came under artillery fire, due to heavy fire, they could not evacuate him for three days. a medic died during the rescue operation. mykola, on the other hand, lost sight in one eye and underwent dozens of operations. despite this, he hopes to... be useful to the army, trench by trench, and no one canceled the documents, it is necessary to work with them as well, with their part, yes, to make it easier for their comrades, so that they do not quit and did
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everything, well, if you make everything easier for them, mykola’s aunt remembers how it was not easy for the family when his life was in danger, it is very difficult, difficult, you understand that they are there, they stand on our protection, they, well, in a word to say, there is hell, and the fact that they came, and after the wounding, what they endured, they are very well done, they are holding on, guys, it was very difficult for us, as close people, because we, did not understand, we.. . tried to help, but we could not do it. now the man is undergoing rehabilitation, he says, this direction the state will have to develop for a long time, there are many wounded, and they all want to return to a full-fledged life. from
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kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third. separate assault brigades of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. brigades urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. you can see all the details now. their screens. that was the news at 16. we will see you at 17. and for those who want to know more, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. take care, see you soon.
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uah 100,000 will be given to each house in ivano-frankivsk, which will create an association of co-owners. according to the mayor. on today, only a third of the houses in frankivsk are organized into condominiums. now the legislator has simplified the registration procedure, if previously 2/3 of the residents were required to create a condominium, today not everyone can be at the meeting to create a condominium, the main thing is that 50% of the owners of the building and apartments agree to create a condominium. one of the successful examples of the work of condominiums is the chinese wall 54. the house at... tsi khortkevych has been in business for over 30 years. in 2016, the residents united and registered
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the building as an osb. over the course of 8 years , the house was renovated to the state of a new building. they were constant breakthroughs, constant crashes, even the moment we took the control house. we had an average of seven to nine accidents every week. and it was very difficult, very difficult, because you know, there is such a, well, at that time there was such an opinion, you know, well... well , after creating the osb, everything should change, well , magical, magical, some kind of miracle will not happen there, yes , because any actions are the result of hard work, and a lot of effort, and money. condominiums are a time-honored european management model. residents of the building can decide in the neighborhood team deciding what, where, when and at what cost to repair or improve. the advantage of such an association is co-financing programs from state and european programs. which make it possible to improve the living conditions in the house, according to the director of the department
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of infrastructure, communal and housing policy mykhailo smushak, this is currently the best option for city residents, because with the martial law, funding for repairs began to decrease, no one is currently financing repairs from the city budget, and alas, it will never happen again, why, because when we move into a house, any apartment building, we... automatically join the association of co-owners of this apartment building. the authorities of ivano-frankivsk urge the residents to switch to the system of collective management of the house and emphasize that if the residents do decide to register a condominium in tsnapa, then within two months after registration, the communal authorities must hand over the documents to the residents for independent management. information day of the tv channel in rozpala 12:4. well, now
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let's talk about use drones as instruments of murder. well, of course, and we will not only talk about this. valery ryabykh. we are joined by a military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express. glory to ukraine, mr. valery. glory to the heroes, congratulations, dear presenters, congratulations to our dear audience. well, the matter is probably not new, but in... it was, so to speak, refreshed by the blood of the russian oppositionist, who is sometimes in ukraine, lipono marov, in particular , the unmanned aerial vehicle shakhet worked according to clearly defined coordinates at a time when ponomaryov arrived at his residence in a house in kyiv, yes, we understand that this story is not specifically about ponomaryov, it is a story about the use of unmanned aerial vehicles as a tool for assassination, we would like to ask you how serious this story is,
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how precisely this or that drone can work in one way or another, in advance of the intended goal, of course, by coordinates? well , it’s hard to say what type of drone we’re talking about, even if it’s called a shahed or something else, well, that’s not enough to draw conclusions, but... it should be noted that in order to hit this or that target, the drone must carry certain means that would allow for accurate strikes, or have an appropriate guidance system, or have appropriate software and hardware in order, for example, to clarify this or that target by that image. which was embedded in the memory of this drone, because if you imagine that the same rocket
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is directed according to the specified coordinates without further preparation, then a certain deviation can still occur there up to a few tens of meters, and accordingly in the case where the drone carries a load there that is small enough to hit the target guaranteed, it must be... a high-precision weapon and be guided, this, for example, can still have a place and play when the drone strikes such and such targets, for example, which can support a fire, such as the same oil depots or something else, but in the case of a point impression of one or another target, here or there it must be equipped with some software and hardware means , or the drone has to be controlled by direct control, this is also possible, but for this, for example,
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at a long distance, you need to ... use relays, and there are also problems here, because relays also have their limitations, well, most of all, when you can control such a vehicle , is guaranteed somewhere in the region of 100 km, but nothing can be ruled out and here it should be noted that, for example, the same gerber drones that were spotted last week in ukraine. and continued their own, let's say the history of the application of this week during the last major drone strike, which was 100% repulsed by our air forces, then those drones have the same cameras, which in some cases may
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be intended, for example, for the same direct control e. well, most likely through repeaters, the same the story was also with those unmanned vehicles that were discovered earlier, but already built there according to the aircraft scheme with wings and tail stabilizers, and this suggests that now the occupiers are conducting certain, shall we say , field studies on the use of those or other devices, expanding the line of similar devices and trying, first, to make the production of such devices cheaper and, secondly , to acquire as many different types of devices as possible in order to overload our air defense system, and of course, solving the tasks they set is including the task of introducing intelligence,
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what have they been up to recently, after defeating various means of long- range ... time, everything is possible, and drones, well, they can also be a tool of assassination, and here even observers do not rule out that the last one is the same. the assassination was most likely carried out by the israeli special service on the territory of iran, it could also have been, let's say, carried out, it is not excluded that with the help of a drone as well, so here is a short error, you said that it was a few meters there or a few tens of meters there, if you can be a little more
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precise , which parameters are applied, well, for example , in the most common iranian ones shahedah? well here, look, if an inertial guidance system is used, and it is usually supported by gps guidance, and here it should be noted that, well, those shiran shaheds, they can't use the military segment of gps, they use the common one, so whatever, well for example, the error is laid, well, at least in... from ten to several tens of meters, and in order to hit the specified target directly, a certain additional guidance is required on the final part of the flight, so that the hit to such drones, which, after all , has certain limitations in order to introduce
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a warhead, and in order for... it to be more effective and highly accurate. mr. valery, i would like to continue the topic with drones. very interesting information has appeared on nafor, which indicates that for the first time ukraine has launched more long-range drones than russia, it is about the use for the month of july, they say that russia launched 426 drones of the shachet type over ukraine, and ukraine for this the same period hit russia in greater numbers on... they enter a figure of 520 drones and say that russia is less skilled and effective in shooting down uavs, because the ukrainian strikes cause a lot of economic damage to the russians, do you believe this figure or not? should she be trusted in your opinion? well, it can take place, because now, in principle , the possibilities for analyzing open sources
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of information are quite limited, let’s say, and there are big errors, well, for example, in that segment that the same russian media, they report a lot about shooting down unmanned systems, as far as they go of course, they don't report alone. yes, well, by feeling, we can say that currently ukraine has gained momentum in the production of unmanned systems, and now not only is the scale of production increasing, but these unmanned aviation systems are also being improved in order to increase their efficiency, and here, in essence , we now confess different ideologies, if russian... the federation, having acquired the same mine, concentrated all its forces, well, on the execution of essentially one large-
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scale unmanned aerial vehicle, concentrating efforts on scaling up production, now ukrainian manufacturers are following the path of such natural selection and creation of conditions. for the creative initiative and constant offering of new ideas and new unmanned systems, dividing into different types, classes of unmanned systems, which are constantly competing with each other and with the environment they encounter, and this is such an intensive path that modern conditions allows you to more flexibly and quickly adapt to those conditions that... arise on the battlefield, and they are constant are changing, because there is a constant struggle between these unmanned systems and means of countermeasures, and from here it just looks like, well, in addition to the fact that
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ukraine is increasing its production capabilities, it is also increasing its technological capabilities to generate new systems, new ideas, and new approaches for to dominate the enemy on the field'. battle and this trend, it looks with a distant perspective, can help us and significantly surpass the approaches that the russian federation is currently making, mr. valery, well, as if the story is small, that is, the russian a helicopter, yes, as if aviation is not involved, not some scientific systems are involved, but drones. this news has passed the attention of many people, in fact, this may indicate that if it really worked out systematically, yes, with
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further improvements of these or other unmanned systems, it could be a certain revolution, yes, because shooting down russian combat aircraft with drones, this could be the beginning extremely serious changes in what is called the defense of the sky, so you ... the word, your reasoning, how did our fighters manage to shoot down a russian combat helicopter? well, here is the information, it is not much, we can operate only from two main sources, this is a message from the same russian social networks that claimed a friendly shooting down of a helicopter in the donetsk region, and that helicopter was allegedly performing an evacuation mission, and there it is from the so-called.. in addition to the crew of three people, there were also several others who were allegedly evacuated to a medical facility, but on
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the other hand, we have an article by forsp, which claims that the helicopter was damaged by an unmanned system, which weighs only 2 kg, and from this we can conclude that the real... part could be there on a similar unmanned vehicle from 200 grams to half a kilogram in order to hit a similar aircraft that weighs more than a dozen tons, then in the big picture, well, we can still talk so that it could happen and it could happen as from the point of view. that is precisely the systematic efforts to make a tool that will knock down similar tools, because we do not even know what type of device
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it is about. eh, but we know that the so-called have been developed in ukraine for a long time fighter drones, the first purpose of which should be, for example, the same countermeasures with kamikaze drones of the shachet type, well, in addition , we see the constant improvement of the same fpv drones, which are now gaining the ability to operate at greater distances, there are already confirmed cases when application... similar drones are already at distances of more than 15 km, from 15 to 20 km, and here we can also have a similar case, if you think about it this way, after all, in such a case, it could, let's say, play a very big role, in addition to the tactics themselves - technical characteristics of the device, also well-thought-out work on data exploration. the means
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that had to be struck, the drafting of such appropriate conditions, er, and it should be noted that here and there in the same force under the appointment that it is possible that the same helicopter was shot down at the moment of takeoff or landing there, and this is also may be natural, because, since we have the same speeds of unmanned systems, they are not sufficiently comparable with the speeds of the same ones. helicopters with the altitudes at which they operate, and here, after all, it is more likely a matter of tactics, and a helicopter is, well, the most such a good target for those kind of hits because well it's not an aerodynamic target anymore, it's just that if she misses a chance there or takes some damage on the v while in flight, then it's
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close. quickly loses the ability to continue the flight, and that leads accordingly to the disaster, therefore, most likely, it is the fruit of such long-term efforts, both to improve the apparatus and to improve tactics, its use, and we hope that in the future this will lead to increasing the number of wholes destroyed in this way. thank you, valery ryabykh, military expert and director of information development. of the consulting company defense express was in direct contact with us, now we have this qr code in the corner, and it means that it's time to remind, it's time to remind that we are continuing our volunteer activities and sharing with you efforts, of course, we can do more good deeds. currently , the tv channel and vesna charity fund are collecting, we are collecting uah 3.5 million to buy the necessary
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equipment. for as many as three brigades, so we ask you to join, please, according to your ability opportunities for this gathering, every hryvnia of yours is important, remember this, well, now we are going to take a break, after it we will continue, we will find out what is happening now in paris, there are olympic games, which are gains, and we will also ask about the internal kitchen , so stay with us, there are discounts until the day. of independence on decatelelen 15% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oshchad. do you want to wake up rested and full of strength, but the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress, you can't find a comfortable position on the sofa? you need improve your sleeping place! meet the stoper casper ortolight mattress from the experts of mattress tv. an instant solution to the problem of an uncomfortable sofa or an old mattress at a favorable price of only uah 999, including
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