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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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our people, okay, we wish, and it does not give us peace, and here we were expecting that he would somehow promote it, there would be some new solution, and unfortunately, we did not hear that, i thank you for this inclusion, thank you, arie zayden, israeli political scientist, lieutenant colonel zapasu tzahalu was in touch with us, now we will include the next guest, but i still have time to inform you of the important ones. that concern you and me, a new survey by the kyiv international institute of sociology shows that 57% of citizens believe that ukraine should enter into negotiations with the russian federation to try to achieve peace. respondents were asked whether ukraine should enter into negotiations with the russian federation in order to try to achieve peace, and 59% of respondents answered yes, after what. the number of those who
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answered affirmatively to this question decreased until january 23, it was 29%, in may 23, negotiations with the russian federation were supported by 33% of citizens, one in three, but let's be honest, russia now does not show absolutely there are no preparations to speak objectively about any achievement of peace, and the next summit that is being prepared, on which the ukrainian side is working, is not a fact, firstly, that it will take place, and secondly, it is not a fact that russia will come to it, russia said that she will not come to it, and we understand that only china can probably be the country that can convince russia to sit down at the negotiating table, but not just sit down at the negotiating table and demand its ultimatums, sit down at the negotiating table and agree on some acceptable ones conditions, not only for itself, but also for ukraine, for the country it attacked, and only in this case, when russia is ready for tako... what format of negotiations,
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it will be possible to talk about some kind of peace. right now, we see absolutely no signs that this will happen this year or next year. therefore , we understand that the mood of society changes, but not everything depends, depends solely on our desire or unwillingness. now we will talk about an important topic, because today and these days it is not the first time they appear a message that, unfortunately, the number of people suffering from the coronavirus is increasing in... our country. it would seem that the pandemic has passed, but the covid has not gone anywhere. oksana vygovska, doctor of medical sciences, professor of the department of children's infectious diseases of the bogomolets national medical university is already in touch with us. mrs. oksana, i congratulate you. congratulations. well, the number of patients with covid is increasing, but we see that the inpatients of our hospitals are fortunately not sick. patients, this indicates
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that this virus somehow passes more easily than he was at the beginning. let's talk about the trends, yes, how dangerous do you think the situation is now and what symptoms do people come in and get diagnosed with? well, the peculiarities, if this strain, this wave, which is occurring now, was encountered during the whole of july, well, today is the first. there are also patients with the coronavirus disease, it has no peculiarities, but there is only one peculiarity, which consists in the fact that in people of those risk groups that we talked about with you, they know very well that the manifestations of the disease can cause complications, and it is precisely in hospitals that there are patients, both adults and children, in whom the coronavirus disease has caused complications, so we...
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need to remember about this, our dear viewers and listeners, they need to remember that the story is, it has not gone anywhere, it is now due to the fact that a new strain is circulating, the incidence is expected to rise, and therefore remember that the respiratory manifestations, especially if they are accompanied by very pronounced weakness, or if this course is prolonged, then one must not forget that it may not be just banal. respiratory viral infection, and that it could also be covid-19, that is , there are no such features of the clinical course, that is, it is a manifestation of a respiratory viral infection with a temperature depending on the severity, with a cough, well, some of my colleagues , including foreigners, they note that a feature of this wave is more pronounced changes on the part of the mucous membranes, that is , manifestations of conjunctivitis and manifestations of congestion.
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the nose is very pronounced, there are lesions of the mucous membranes, these symptoms are very similar to the symptoms that you and i observed at the beginning of the onset of the coronavirus infection. when she still didn't understand that it was about covid-19. look, i also wanted to ask you about how you should behave now when there are certain symptoms, and it could be the coronavirus, and about the vulnerable categories of our population, for whom this covid can be not just an ordinary cold, but how do you you say you need treatment in a hospital, well, we behave traditionally, that is, we return to... that situation, to that slogan, which, well, remember, sounded, well, almost the entire covid-19 epidemic, that is, you are sick, stay at home , and it is necessary remember dear viewers, that is, you must remember that if you are sick, you have symptoms that last more than 3 days,
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first of all you must stay at home, then you must consult your family doctor, the third step: this is tested for coronavirus disease and is already the fourth depending on the result, if you have confirmed covid-19, then you should be guided according to the protocols, according to your health, so whether you are a person without the baggage of diseases, or you there is a person from the risk group, these are traditional heart diseases, endocrine system, diabetes, pregnant women, young children, then eh... a little different management tactics, that is, the most important thing is to remember that there is covid-19 and remember that there is a traditional examination for covid-19, and it is necessary to contact the doctors with the manifestations of a respiratory viral infection, and by
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the way, what do you associate with why exactly in the summer kovid made itself felt, because we remember when it grew seasonally, it there was some autumn. it's winter, and now it's summer season, it 's connected with the fact that this virus somehow mutated and now it develops differently in natural conditions? i think there are two two, two situations, the first situation, it is related to why yes, yes, this is a new strain, for example, before you got this strain in the netherlands, they had a sequestration, they call it the flirt strain in ukraine, there are no data yet, because our accumulated material is just going through the process of confirming which strain is found in our patients, that is, one, yes, the strain is new, and the other point of dawn is why, well, why the seasonality is broken, when we remember respiratory infections, covid - this is really
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what period, autumn, yes, the autumn-winter period, why suddenly the month of july, because after all... covid, war, we had more people, as if in remote work mode, and now the number has increased contacts, now almost a lot of people have switched to offline work face-to-face, and i think that this increase in the incidence rate is due to the fact that our population has become more socialized, the number of contacts has increased, i still want to. would like to ask you about the news that appeared these days in telegram channels, her the ministry of health has already managed to refute it, but i would like us to analyze it on our air as well, you know, there was a panic about the fact that poisonous
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spiders began to develop very actively in ukraine, there are certain precedents of bites and so on and the like, you as a professional person... please explain whether our ukrainians should be very worried about this and whether we are really recording any cases related to poisonous owls? well, we must remember, we must understand that in our climate has changed, we all perfectly understand why this situation happened, and it became hot here, but it became abnormally hot not only in ukraine, but it became normally hot all over europe, therefore, accordingly, due to... the fact that the climate has changed, we are observing the appearance, for example, of spiders that used to be found in ukraine, not in the central regions, yes, but they were found in the southern regions or in the western regions, but if
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they are found, then there are not so many of them, and this is a message that yes there were attempts, but they happened once. message, therefore, let's be critical of everything, including spiders , and finally, i would like to ask you, well, if such a situation has occurred... a spider has bitten, then how should you behave, should you immediately run to the doctor, is it possible to help yourself by looking at which spider has bitten, that is, if it is a spider, well, of a familiar appearance, of a familiar shape, then one situation is to provide self-help, and if you still see that it is a large spider , or, for example, a bottom , he has one threatening look, you saw something unusual in him, then of course. you must seek medical help immediately, because you may have a banal allergic
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reaction. thank you ms. oxano for this useful information and very important. oksana, oksana, with us was vygovska, doctor of medical sciences, professor of the department of children's infectious diseases of the bogomolets national medical university. and i want to add that the center for combating disinformation has already refuted this... uh, horror story about the fact that in ukraine, uh, there are massive attacks of poisonous spiders ukrainians, the ministry of health emphasized that due to this year's abnormal heat, spiders really became active in ukraine and there are currently no deaths in ukraine, so please do not worry. and now we will watch with you the plot of our colleagues about actually also very important things with taiwanese laptops and robots. thus, a unique event continues in lviv. for training for computer science teachers, let's see in the plot of our colleagues how it happens,
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first of all, and why we decided to work on this issue like this now, let's see together. oleksandr novoselskyi teaches informatics and robotics at the starokut lyceum in ivano-frankivsk region. the educational institution says that it lacks modern computers, and the difficulty of its work is to get students interested in programming. children sometimes know more than themselves. oleksandr is one of the participants of the special course for teachers. there will be something to show the children, to interest them. well, motivation, the main thing is for the teacher to come up with motivation, at the beginning of the lesson the children should be told why we are doing it, what we will get from it later. and here pedagogue tetyana nelyuba signed up for training in order to better understand the basics of programming. the woman teaches in poltava. school for visually impaired children. i would like to create a little more
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opportunities for children in the field of it, since they are such that, due to contraindications, they cannot work, for example, in physical jobs of some kind, that is, work that has such a good and financial perspective and, well, without a special physical load , then it has a very good perspective for them. one week at the ukrainian catholic university. ongoing training for computer science teachers, this is the first of three offline sessions of the educational project leave no one behind, left one behind. he was joined by teachers from lviv, ivano-frankivsk and poltava regions. candidates for participation in the program were selected by an independent competitive commission. we received 143 applications, from which 40 schools were initially selected, and further interviews were conducted with those teams from 40 schools. chiv uku and already after the interviews we received the finalists, there are 24 schools with two teachers each. so,
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we currently have 48 teachers participating in our project. for eight months, teachers will learn to write code in the python programming language. educators will also study the basics of robotics and learn how to present the material in a way that will interest children as much as possible. there are twice as many practical lessons as theory. we will... tell them what a robot is, what it consists of, how to take it apart on the one hand, put it together, how to write the appropriate code, that is, to understand how they interact with each other, why it is important, where it is possible to cut a corner, where it is better not to cut a corner, the teachers visited the company's laboratories, which manufacture microchips for electronic devices, semiconductor devices, and conducted a tour to show how the theory is applied in production. we see that it is necessary to concentrate more on some practical, not theoretical ideas, but
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practical ones, that is, so that they can, i don’t know, move, solder, assemble something, and now the current market offers a lot of different options, we have all the different constructors that can be purchased for school are very beautiful, and they can study engineering from such a young age. for each teacher , the organizers allocated an educational laptop and a robot kit. this equipment, as well as equipment for computer science classes in the schools of the project participants, was purchased by the government of taiwan. in general, within the scope of the project, the organizers plan to computerize more than a hundred schools and classrooms. motherboards will be replenished with new laptops, robotics kits and projectors with screens. the educational project is implemented by the public organization all-ukrainian democratic forum. its founder is mykola knyazhytskyi said that the idea to create such a complex project appeared as a continuation of cooperation with taiwanese partners. we want to do better in the country. for this, we want our
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children to know computers the best in the world, so that they know both artificial intelligence and new programming languages. they should be given these computers, we found such an opportunity, provided them with computers, it will be more than a thousand computers for 100 schools under various programs. the next time tetiana, oleksandr and teachers from other schools will meet in uku during the autumn vacation in october. between this will study remotely, and teachers will receive equipment for computer science classrooms at home already at the beginning of 2025. kateryna oliynyk, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. well, thank you colleagues for this extremely important plot, and we will say goodbye to you for today, yes, because soon there will be a judicial review program, which you can see right now after a short pause, and we will say goodbye to you until tomorrow, please take care, respond to air alarms and see you tomorrow
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at this time, and then my colleagues for you, so be with espresso. fm: galicia. listen to yours. there are 25% discounts on edem until independence day in the pharmacies psylasnyk, bam and oskad. education is the future of every country. what is changing in ukrainian schools, what will the university of tomorrow look like, the country is plunging into the world of educational transformations. we ask experts, listen to teachers, listen to parents and children.
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konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts on pills until independence day. motorex 10% in pharmacies plantain pam and savings. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how ours today... on ours tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and what
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does it look like now? i am not spending money at the moment. however, how to unite the country. in the process of restoration in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. kidnapping human rights and illegal entrepreneurship. why the judge bondariv received suspicion. in order to solve his business affairs, the judge ordered the kidnapping of his partner. but how unscrupulous judges avoid qualification assessment. he is too sick for the meeting and qualification assessment, but for the exercise. the judge is fine in principle. congratulations, this is a program of judicial control, and as always, we are talking about the main reform, on which direction our european prospects depend. how it is being formed in ukraine. the new judicial power, to which tricks the unscrupulous servants of themis resort to in an effort to avoid a qualifying assessment that would lead to a ignominious dismissal, and who
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is playing along with them in this? about all this today, but first traditionally to the news. the judge of the brovary city district court, volodymyr serdynskyi, allegedly forged documents and instead of going on a business trip, took money on a cruise ship to the caribbean islands. the security service of ukraine informed him about maturity in document forgery and fraud. according to the investigation materials, in the summer of 2023, he was able to illegally travel abroad under the guise of a business trip together with his roommate to do this, serdynskyi used a forged letter of invitation to participate in a conference on helping immigrants, families with children, and orphans from ukraine to the eu. during martial law, the judge went on vacation on a cruise ship in the caribbean . to do this, minister themide, in collusion with a lawyer he knew, forged an invitation to an alleged conference in austria. on the basis of this forgery, the court issued him a business
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trip abroad. this is not the first time volodymyr serdynskyi has come into the spotlight law enforcement officers last year, a judge was bribed with a $400 bribe. according to the investigation, the judge received an illegal benefit from the representative of one of the parties in a civil case for making a decision in her interests. he received part of the money from... earlier, when the decision was made to extort evidence in the case, during the receipt of the second part of the funds in the amount of 3 thousand dollars for the decision to collect the debt in favor of the plaintiff, serdynskyi was hotly exposed by nabu detectives. during the search , $15,600 was seized from the judge, packaged in different envelopes. the judge of the commercial court of the dnipropetrovsk region, eduard bonderev is suspected of ordering the kidnapping of his business. according to the investigation partner's version, the judge started farming in 2017, and since he is not allowed to do so by law, he found a fake person, on whom a part
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of the business in the sumy region was registered. for the start of the business project, the person involved allocated more than uah 3 million. with these funds , the fictitious person purchased combine harvesters, trucks, tractors and other equipment in his name. he received most of the profit exactly the judge. over time, the enterprise expanded. and the suspect's partner also invested money in its development. however, the judge began to feel less and less comfortable with the management of the company with his partner. at one point, he decided to remove him from the company, blackmailing him with a million dollar loan. however, the man did not want to leave his work without pay. they failed to peacefully agree on leaving the business, and then, according to the investigation, the suspect ordered the kidnapping of the partner for $17,000. the man was to be deprived of his liberty and forced to... sign the necessary documents documents for the transfer of ownership of farm property. the state bureau of investigation publishes an excerpt from the conversation between the customer and the perpetrator of the crime. the place, yes,
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yes, in order to understand where to take it, in which direction, well, in order to do this to me, you understand that it must be stolen. yes, and place him somewhere, let's say so, and place him, let's say so, well, create conditions, let's say, yes, definitely, and then look at the situation, how all this is with him, beat him. to break his goat, to break his fingers, well, that is, i don't understand. the judges informed about the suspicion of organization of a completed attempt to kidnap a person and deprivation of liberty, he faces up to 5 years in prison. purification of the judicial system of ukraine from unworthy representatives continues. the higher qualification commission of judges continues to assess the current themis employees for their respective positions. not everyone passes it, but everyone wants to. in pursuit of preserving an influential seat , they resort to desperate measures. this is maidan judge oleksandr lutsenko. he took away people's driving licenses during the revolution
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of dignity, and now avoids qualifying assessments more than six months. he is a judge of the obolon court of the city of kyiv. he simply evades the meeting, because every time the question was raised that he is sick, he is not in a hospital, and so on. in just a few days, we see that he is considering cases, court sessions are taking place, decisions are in the register. appear, i.e. he is too sick for the meeting and the evaluation of qualifications, but he is in principle suitable for the administration of justice, unfortunately, from the third time he was still not submitted for dismissal, they did not make any decision, because the higher qualification commission decided, well conditionally take break and postpone the meeting. during this time , oleksandr lutsenko initiated a parallel process, appealed to the supreme council of justice with a statement of resignation. and now he has every chance, instead of a shameful dismissal, due to inadequacy of the position, to receive a considerable lifetime allowance at our expense. here is lutsenko, if they resign now, he
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will get a simple one. only when leaving about 2000, because the judge receives such a bonus allowance when he resigns, and about 6000 per month he will receive for the rest of his life, and unfortunately, in this situation, the vkks obviously helped him in this, especially the fearless unscrupulous servants of themis go to court, for example, the judge of the economic court of the kharkiv region vitaliy usatiy. for us , for judges, commercial courts, the main thing is that in the system, the judicial system of ukraine, commercial courts. the courts remained in any modified form, or as they now exist, but they must remain. vitaly usatiy specializes in bankruptcy cases, and he was repeatedly accused of making dubious decisions, which made it possible for private individuals to postpone debts. the experts had a lot of questions about the property of the usatoy family. in particular, in 2015, a retired mother-in-law bought a house with an area of ​​533 m2 near kharkiv for almost
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uah 2 million, and an elite suv. vick mercedes for more than 15 million. it is not clear where a woman who had no income, except for a pension, got such funds. he received a negative opinion from the public integrity council. he had valuable property, which was a question to declare, the question of where the money came from, in particular to him and his wife. the second was that he received a prize weapon from minister avakov. the law stipulates that the conclusion of the public integrity council about a judge is considered by a panel of three members of the higher authority. qualification commission, then the full commission, and at least 11 people to support this decision of the panel, that is, roughly speaking, as the first and second instance, you can say, nevertheless, usatiy decided to apply to the supreme court and say that no, no review of this there should not be a full composition of the central committee, as the collegium said that i'm honest, that's how it should be, the evaluation is over for me. on june 13, the large
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panel... of the supreme court declared the qualification evaluation procedure for judge usatoy invalid, and this is a very dangerous precedent that effectively nullifies the qualification evaluation of almost 180 more dishonest judges, it gives them the opportunity to stay in their positions and endangers the cleansing of the judicial corps. such a position of the supreme court helps another 179 judges, which, well, at least most of them, where the conclusions have not been canceled. should be released, but they remain in the system, in a system in which there are only a few thousand judges, and they will be able to further apply for higher positions, enter the same supreme court, become members of the quali commission, other bodies there, i.e. decide the judicial a career for others, er, and in principle, until the age of 65 , feel at ease, get your good, high salary as a judge, make decisions on behalf of
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ukraine and continue to acquire your own. apartments in maidama, cars and so on. this decision of the supreme court, according to experts, is the result of a poor-quality competition to the supreme court of ukraine. this case unequivocally shows that there are problems with the supreme court, and the civic council of integrity repeatedly shouted during the first and second contests to the supreme court that the then qualifying commission simply turned a blind eye to the conclusions, where are the standard stories that brought people to justice during the maidan, watches for 50 thousand dollars by bohdan lviv. we hope that this case of the great chamber of the supreme court to save judge vitaly usaaty from the qualification the assessment after public publicity would remain the same, and another unscrupulous minister of themis would not be able to escape a just verdict under such a scheme. and
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that's all for today, if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly a week. greetings, it's news time, on spresso, kateryna shirokpoyas is working in the studio. the enemy continues to concentrate its efforts in the pokrovsky direction and throws its...


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