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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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wars, as well as already military air assets, in addition, it should be noted that if these f-16s exist, and they obviously exist and have not been for a day or two, a little even more, we can talk about it from a pension, this a completely different philosophy of warfare, why, because this is the latest weaponry modified for their multifunctional use, and one of the means of use is the correlation of the activity of aircraft of this type with other... means of radar combat and guidance, namely the avax system, their prototypes are russian a50 aircraft, which the ukrainian armed forces have already successfully shot down and damaged in significant numbers, that is, these are aircraft that can perform a very large number of tasks, multi-functional from air combat to hitting land, sea and other targets, if it is still true, as stated, to the so-called jazz will be added to them, these are prototypes...
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rocket storm shadov, which can deliver damage at a distance of up to 500 km, this will actually be a fantastic breakthrough in the use of the air force of ukraine. however, it should be noted that it is too little information in order to speak specifically about the direction, method, form of use of these aircraft, at the same time, this is a significant step forward, there are obviously very few aircraft, according to experts, for the fact that... for these aircraft to change a serious situation on battlefield, we need, well, at least six or seven squadrons, that's somewhere up to 70 planes, why? i will explain very briefly, that is, if we have 72 aircraft, 20 of them will be at the level of technical equipment or carrying out some routine work, 25 will be directly involved in the airspace, 25 then prepare for a change, and somewhere 10-15 will be waiting as actually a reserve... or
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an additional resource, so six planes are a test layer, a test, a test opportunity for ukraine to use new methods, new means, and this means only one more thing, that we can finally combine the activities of the long-range air force, we can directly connect radar combat to them, we can also combine artillery and coordinate activities in a complex, this is exactly what western experts were referring to, that the ukrainian.. of the army there is a lack of coordination of activities at the level of entire units, much larger than a brigade, at the level of army or corps units, therefore the appearance of the f-16 is an unconditional breakthrough and we hope that it will be continued, expanded and improved. we have skype with us, we are also joining our broadcast, andriy andreykiv, candidate, anatol khrepchinskyi, i am sorry, and i am anatoliy khrepchinskyi with us, an aviation expert.
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deputy general director of the company tech, anatolia, welcome, started a conversation about the f-16 and how important their appearance is, let's talk about the fact that, of course, we have been waiting for them for two years of this full-scale war, and of course we wanted them to appear sooner, but here too, you see, we are on the air as if on the one hand we can say that they... will give us how we will act with them, because this will also be wrong, but still, maybe we will hear from you how much they will help us to break certain processes, what we expect, and what is worth to us to know about this, we need more of them, we should also ask our partners, what is your opinion? uh, let's start with what in fact, if we talk about strengthening the aviation component, then the selection, selection of these aircraft. and
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did not allow the creation of a certain coalition of aircraft shows something that our western partners have done some work on mistakes, because we see that in addition to f-16 aircraft, we can be strengthened by mirage aircraft and also to us sweden gives us saab long-range detection aircraft, which significantly enhance the capabilities of even f-16 aircraft. again, this is a group of aircraft that operate under a single protocol and can even work as air defense systems. which are on the ground, i.e. with the same patriots, this will significantly enable the performance of such tasks, which will help, first of all, to definitely close the airspace of ukraine, because count, even one of the four aircraft at the first stage, and according to the national standard, this from 18 to 24 aircraft, 20 aircraft are expected so far, but nevertheless it is 20 flying systems that have radar. systems that allow you to see
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over 200 km and can hit any air targets over 200 km, and due to the combat radius of 500 km, that is, we we say that most of the territory. of the airspace of ukraine will be closed at the expense of airplanes, of course, it must be said that if we had a sufficient number of missiles to shoot down any aerial objects, but here it should be noted that also at the expense of a 30-millimeter cannon, we would be able to destroy the same shaheds, or any reconnaissance or strike, drones. the equipment of the f16 with these guns, it is correctly so equipped, yes, we must also not forget that due to the fact that this aircraft is in the air, the radar equipment allow you to see any air force, regardless of the altitude of the flight, because recently russia has been actively using low altitudes to launch the same missiles, the same missiles, and due to the radars that are on these planes, these low targets will be captured and can be
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destroyed again due to the various types of weapons that are on the plane, again we must not forget that in the aid package provided by the united states. we are provided with aim 120 missiles, which can operate at a distance of 185 km, that is, we we say that over 185 km they can express any aerial units, but 185 km is guaranteed. it should not be forgotten that , taking into account all the statements of the western partners there, some experts, it should not be forgotten that a completely different war is taking place now, a war that has not happened since the second, since the second world war. and in fact, i think that our pilots will be able to discover the capabilities of the f-16 aircraft that have not been revealed before, because in fact even the patriot systems were not designed for, for example, interception the same daggers, and here it should be noted that ukrainian officers, ukrainian military,
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are able to survive from these planes much more than indicated in such technical characteristics. the only thing i would really pay attention to is that you need to change the philosophy a little and provide more opportunities. making operational decisions directly by the pilot at the helm, because in fact it is necessary to depart a little from the old soviet models and move to a new system that will allow to make independent decisions in some opportunities that appear during performance of combat tasks, and of course we must not forget that in fact these aircraft significantly help us work on enemy territory, on the territory of temporarily occupied ukraine, and we would, of course, like our western partners to hand them over to us. mr. anatoly, summarizing your answer, well, not quite summarizing what you said, it's the technical characteristics, it's important for our viewers to know, according to the outward signs, according to in particular the
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bloomberg publication that we talked about that f- 16 already are working on the territory of our country, so very carefully i will ask you, what do you think, are they working? and here it should be noted. that the last report of the air force stated that the army aviation and the forces of the air force of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine were involved, therefore, in principle, i want, well, by rights, so to speak, a former officer of the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine, i want to point out that it is necessary to observe subordination, and either the president or the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine must report on this information. this is very correct. and there was also an interesting fact that you talked about so much between the lines that... when they shot down this massive raid of the shaheds, previously military aviation was not always used to shoot down the shaheds, well, yes, three dots, we will definitely be in this conversation, let's note , that an example of the use of aviation means to intercept air targets was the massive
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shelling by iran, israel, then most of the air means were involved and all the missiles were intercepted, that is, in fact , aviation can work much better in missile interception than... ground means, because even taking into account modern radar systems, radar is somewhat limited by distances to radio horizons and other means, therefore, in principle, we are saying that aviation will work much better, and certainly by thanks to the help of sweden, which will provide us with two long-range aircraft for detection, it will be a powerful such flying, flying air defense that will protect the airspace of ukraine. thank you. expert, deputy general director of the military tech company, with his analysis and a diplomatic answer, it is important, regarding whether there are already f-16s on the territory of ukraine, not everything our enemies need to know, at the same time, mr. steskiv, you will already have a question, this week in an interview, if
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i am not mistaken, of the italian media, president zelenskyi speaks quite a lot of french, yes, there they also talked about the olympics, which is currently underway in paris, president zelenskyi clearly outlined that the borders of ukraine in 1991 are no longer the same, you know, sacred purpose. er, ukraine exactly now, and in principle, it was read between the lines that theoretically it is possible to sit down to negotiate with the russian federation, even without fulfilling these requirements, although territorial integrity is still the highest value for our state, at the same time, it follows from the words of the president that the return of all lands can be a historic , by diplomatic, political means, but certainly more long-term, i remember... from the last broadcasts, mr. stetsky, when you sat on our broadcast and you warned that negotiations with putin could become the biggest
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president zelensky's mistake, is your opinion changing now? well, the change in the president's rhetoric is noticeable, and it has been going on for about three months, it's just that the goal of going to the borders in 1991 was announced right after the full-scale ... invasion, in fact the goal of this war is the defeat of the russian army in ukraine, and when this rout will happen, then the territories will come by themselves, that is, the goal was formulated, well, somewhat, well, not exactly, as far as the negotiations are concerned, well, you know, uh, well, what we're seeing now for three months, this is such a global parade of peacemaking initiatives, but everyone who is not lazy, suddenly... set about peacemaking initiatives, well, i have another term that expresses this
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problem, i call it the schizophrenic illusion of negotiations, schizophrenic, because everyone knows perfectly well, all countries know perfectly well, which regime of putin's russia we are dealing with, and nevertheless, for some reason it is proposed to negotiate with this regime, well, this is a kind of bifurcation, and why the illusion of negotiations, because there are no negotiations, there are none. .. beginning, this is all talk about negotiations, that is, it is a verbal gibberish and nothing more for today, and i was honestly very surprised by the statement of the president of finland that he suddenly saw that some conditions had been created for the start of negotiations between ukraine and russia, that suddenly he saw that ukraine is even in a very advantageous position, well, it's interesting that he noticed, from what i see on the front line, russia is advancing, they...
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dnipropetrovsk region, they are on the edge of the temporal abyss and they are very close to the agglomeration of kramatorsk, druzhkivka and kostiantynivka, what did putin say about negotiations, where did we get that he wants negotiations, well, these are our wishes, probably about negotiations, and that's all for now, i'll limit myself to this in my introductory speech, these are all words, that's all. these plans of trump's advisers, pompeo's plan, johnson's plan, all these are words where everyone wants to show off what great peacemakers they are, and at the same time all the leading politicians understand very well that there will be no negotiations, for the simple reason that putin does not want them, and secondly, that putin even negotiated, considers only from the point of view of deception of the opponent, gain of time. and the collapse of ukrainian society from the inside, that's why i haven't changed my point of view even by a millimeter.
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negotiations are not a way to resolve the russian-ukrainian war, and they can never be this way, because what is called is visible to the naked eye, since the war between russia and ukraine is an existential war. putin's goal is not to seize territories, putin's goal is to destroy the ukrainian state and... make us into russian people, that is, those who will be violent, you just have to shoot them, or they have to leave, and the rest have to be turned into russians, and how with such diametrically opposed positions, when we want to preserve the state and preserve ourselves as a nation, he wants to destroy us, negotiations are possible, well, you know that, well i simply cannot find another word than schizophrenia, while we are setting up serhii tsehotskyi, an officer of the 59th... that is, the motorized infantry brigade actually from the pokrovsky direction, to clarify what the current situation is, mr. stetskyi,
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i want clarification, and someday it may come such the moment that our allies will cross the red lines in their heads and act with the russian federation, not about the president, for now, i think, it is worth talking about, but about other war criminals who take part in the war against ukraine, there are many military , generals and... military ranks, this is how israel deals with its enemies in other territories, 100, 200 km away, maybe this will become, let's say, a condition for the russian. the federation thought about negotiations, but no, i just think that on the west can go this way, they, they proceed from the false, in my opinion, premise that a compromise is possible with putin's russia, and that as if putin himself wants this compromise, both of these assumptions are false, but the west must make sure of this, and so he will start to play this story in this game, start moving this story and may
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even force ukraine to make such concessions, when it finally becomes clear that putin does not need territorial concessions from ukraine, or rather, he will accept them calmly, these territorial concessions , and, for example, the neutral status of ukraine, then this is a victory putin, and if, for example, it were to happen that under the condition of some kind of appeasement there is the accession of ukraine to nato and guarantees for the territory controlled by the ukrainian government, then this would be a victory for the west and a defeat for russia. the west will never go for it, it will be afraid of a war with russia, if it is now. if he doesn't go for it, then how will he go for something else, and that's why we're not offered anything like that, that is, i assume that regardless of who wins the american elections, they will try to go down the path of negotiations, which the west is fundamentally based on that a compromise is better than war, he simply does not fully understand who he is dealing with, and he will go down this road, and when this road leads him nowhere, then only then will he turn to the right position, the
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only question is whether ukraine will stand until then, serhiy tsehotskyi is with us. officer of the 59th motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handyuk. mr. serhiy, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. a further quote from president zelenskyi: the entire east is difficult, the main goal after the failure of the russian capture of kharkiv - pokrovsk it is there that the enemy is concentrating the greatest forces and weapons. how do you feel when you are there, what can you tell the ukrainians? well, he said it right. the president, what exactly, it was already clear to us that he needs, oh, and precisely the borders of the donetsk and luhansk regions, or rather, the republics, no, our, our regions, these are the borders, he needs them in order to to somehow stop and then
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say, that's all, we have achieved, let's look for some negotiations, and so on, so... this entire period, practically after the month of february, as they, for example, occupied avdiivka, but all efforts were directed to the cities of pokrovsk, kramatorsk, kurakhova, selidovo, and in this direction the enemy is constantly conducting very active combat operations, i would say that only in the month of july, in units of our brigade was liquidated, it is estimated 2300 okupa. well, more than that, apparently we can’t count all of them , 21 bmp units and eight units of equipment were destroyed, destroyed, as well as ee, that is, t-72 tanks, and a lot of the same equipment was also damaged, the one that they were able to distract and drag away her there on restoration, so it means that the enemy
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constantly changes his tactics, well, self-management of the battle, offensive attempts, assaults, then there were infantry assaults for a long, long time, that means, without the use of equipment, but in some places, he tries the equipment, and he uses it there is accumulating, gathering somewhere and trying to break through, but last week proved that there were attempts of such assaults in our direction and in our neighbors to the south, all the equipment is practically well... from beginning to end, as soon as it enters the impression zone, well, 10 passes, well, 15 at the most minutes and the equipment is destroyed, or it is overrun and somehow escapes on one track, for example, well, this is how i feel, the intensity of the battles is constantly like this, well , quite, quite strong, mr. serhiy,
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summarizing how controlled the situation is in the pokrovsky area itself. because you, and not only you, are noted by many that, well, actually for the russians, this is a strategic goal, given that it is essentially not just the capture of the donetsk or luhansk regions, and we are sure that the armed forces of ukraine will not allow this, but speaking from the point of view of strategy, the pokrovsky direction, the next step is pressure on another ukrainian region, the dnipro. of dnipropetrovsk in dnipropetrovsk region, the capital of the city of dnipro, to what extent do you have everything under control, in summing up, it means that we characterize the situation in our... summers , every day summing up that the situation is tense and controlled, indeed we are not just sitting on the defensive, we are also we also carry out counterattacks, we recapture those positions that
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were destroyed and captured by the enemy after the destruction there, and this also takes place where we don’t say it exactly, how it happens is also better not to say, and in general on the air regarding the introduction of tactics, or what we, what weapons we use, in what way... we repel this or that technique or unmanned aerial vehicle, it is better for the enemy to do nothing don't say, he doesn't have to know anything, but let's say, we have no other choice than to stand right here in the defense of our state, and here i, supporting the previous speaker, want to say that only the consolidation of society so that we have were in ukraine. precisely those people in various positions, from, me i say, from a simple worker of some, say, production there to the minister and deputies,
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it is those who consider themselves ukrainians, who love their country, this is the main thing, that is, everything now should work and help only in this struggle, thank you, it's very important to hear from the military who are out there right now, and we thank you for what you're doing and... god bless you in the positions you're in . serhiy tsyhotsky , an officer of the 59th motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, was with us. mr. pavlyuk, i have a question for you. yes, we will talk less about the course of our hostilities, and about weapons, how we use them, but we will talk about our partners and how important it is to convey to them that a lot depends on their help, and volodymyr zelenskyi in a conversation with journalists frenchman'. we also mentioned this, he said that if there were no half-sanctions and half-solutions, we would have already stopped putin, and we understand what he is talking about, because really
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, we always wanted more help, and we believed that , what if they would intercede for us more actively, then maybe we really won, we really believe in it, although who knows, as of now, what else we can do, we understand that poland, perhaps more than us here, understands that... putin needs from us, that it's not only some territory there, but there are also other countries that, well , don't quite understand it all to the end. well , president zelenskyi is right, absolutely, if the west, there is europe and eventually the united states of america, helped us more actively, we thank them, of course, for the help they give us, well, it is possible, the situation today it would be completely different on the fronts, and in general, in our economy, and so on. two words today. what to say actually what mr. taras said is absolutely right, but to conduct negotiations, i will only say two words, to what i am leading all this, to our president, well, it is simply a mockery, it is to us when
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this budapest agreement was signed about , that we gave away nuclear weapons, there were guarantors, so were the united states and others, so they should negotiate today, not us, they should negotiate with russia, with putin, how to stop this war and surrender the territory, we will not surrender the territory, that is clear, and president zelensky correctly said that it will be determined by the people, not he, as the president, but a referendum should be held, whether to surrender the territory or not. there are a lot of unanswered questions, and the fact that today our partners really, well , let's say this, help us with one hand and hold us back with the other, there were a lot of cases, we won't say it now on the air either, but there were such cases , where - this one aid, let's say, weapons have already reached certain territories, and because there are private structures and state structures, there is a whole procedure, and actually some officials from state structures
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kept it all, actually give the weapons, well, we need them for yesterday, and they maintain, and when our representatives of our ministry of defense and our diplomats began to intervene, then it slowly began to solve these problems, there are a lot of pro... problems today, the only thing is that i repeatedly emphasized and will continue to say, of course, that we should use and wait for the help that our partners give us, but we ourselves need to develop a plan for how to survive tomorrow, we see that for many people in europe this war is already somewhere interferes, very seriously interferes, and we have to fight and our citizens are dying on the fronts. and that's why we urgently need to sit down before it's too late and think about how we will survive tomorrow, how we will fight, how we will repel the muscovites, because... that's right,
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mr. taras says, they don't need territories, they need to destroy our state, exterminate us, or russify everyone, and this should be seriously thought about, unfortunately, maybe i 'm wrong, maybe somewhere in the higher offices is already working on this issue, but very active work is not visible in the direction that we are only waiting for what will be given to us, handouts and we are waiting for what will happen tomorrow, we will now broadcast a short advertisement on youtube on the youtube channel saying, lviv we will continue, i want important information , cream dolgit relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility, with dolgit cream, you can also walk, dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint pain. national tebe on megogo is a lot of channels, well, a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows, turn on megogo on various devices without unnecessary
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broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the average tsk, those and mobilization and people who, well, let's say yes, as you wish. come to register at tsc, or update data, we are back on the espresso airwaves, i just have to briefly clarify and tell the viewers of the tv channel that our serhiy baranov is talking about the situation with the mobilization and recruitment of personnel, in particular in the military, specialized institutes and universities. so, with regard to studying at a military institute, any, well, for example, this is our military institute of tank troops, so the recruitment is ongoing, it continues,
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servicemen come to us. this is a contract service like servicemen on mobilization, and they enter and pass entrance tests and further train to become commanders of e-e units. i want to return what is related to tsc, mobilization, updating data and so on and so on. well, in my opinion, every citizen who knows that, well, he understands that there is a war going on in our country, yes, and he is nobody. how he, yes, must protect his family, his, let's say, the state and so on and the like, although i know a lot of cases that many evaders who, let's say so, pass by the tsc and do not fulfill their a direct duty, as for the protection of our state, but, well, that's the way it is, but i want to say, with regard to training, that means staffing, that means


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