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tv   [untitled]    August 2, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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logistical assistance to bring americans home. it is impossible to imagine what they all went through. this woman was in the oval office with us, and i can't imagine their joy right now. tomorrow is a big day, miriam turns 13. miriam, where are you, come here. you all know what we have. it's a tradition in the biden family to sing happy birthday, everyone ready? and no serious boyfriends under 30, this is alsu's daughter, and now she can celebrate with her mom, that's what families are all about. now
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they can be together, so we heard so much emotional words of the president of the united states, and as we know, he personally participated in these negotiations and personally played a very important role in this negotiated process, and this is exactly what a high-ranking official of the united states said today when he said that even on the day that joe biden announced the withdrawal of his candidacy for the presidency, that day he was also engaged in these negotiations, also we heard about ... these negotiations from jake sullivan, from the national security adviser to the president of the united states. i suggest you listen. the president himself participated in the diplomatic negotiations that led to this, including numerous conversations with chancellor scholz, with other leaders of countries that provided some russians for exchange, and one of the most recent was a phone call to the prime minister of slovenia on sunday, july 21, to agree final arrangements. to
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complete this agreement. oleksiy, who was traded to the russians in return and how will this affect relations between the united states and russia, are they improving? actually, many journalists today asked this question, whether it will somehow affect the relations of the united states with russia, and we heard from high-ranking us officials that this is unlikely to happen at all, these were very painstaking and difficult negotiations, but they do not mean that this is some ... a new, different page in us relations and russia. we remember that russia continues its full-scale aggression against ukraine. we remember russia's alliances with north korea, and all of this was noted today in the us administration. biden himself remarked that he saw no reason to talk to vladimir putin when he was asked this question. as for those who were handed over, they handed over eight russians who were in prisons in different countries. three of them were in prison.
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in the us, one of them was charged, one of them was charged with money laundering, the other was charged with cybercrime , that is, there were such similar crimes, and also a very important point is that this will not affect, will not affect the relationship between the united states and russia , and experts talk about it, i suggest you listen, there is much more. people who are in prison on the same charges as people who were fired today. many more people are accused of so-called discrediting the russian armed forces, or spreading false information about the armed forces, because of what they said and wrote about the war in ukraine. hundreds of people are currently in prison or under criminal investigation for secret cooperation or association with undesirable foreign organizations on charges of extremism. these are hundreds of people who need to be informed immediately. and we need
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international involvement at the same level levels to make it happen. thank you oleksiy. i will remind you that oleksiy kovalenko told us about the details of the exchange of prisoners between the united states and russia. meanwhile, president biden thanked european countries for their participation in this exchange, in particular he singled out germany. we will talk more about the role of european countries in this with bohdan tsyupin, who is joining us from london. congratulations, bohdan. greeting. bohdan, tell me, actually, how were european countries involved in this exchange and who did russia return to them? well, we see that it was such a multilateral operation, in which such countries as germany, poland, norway were involved, turkey was mentioned, through which, as we see, some of the prisoners flew to others. from russia, that is, it
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is about, some say, an unprecedented multilateral operation in which they were involved. several european countries, which, as we heard just now, american president joe biden thanked, as for the one who managed to get out of russia, so to speak, well, now you see on your screens vladimir karamorz, here in london they pay special attention to him, because he is a citizen of great britain, in addition to the fact that he is a citizen of russia, ilya. a very prominent figure of a russian oppositionist, who was also actually imprisoned in russia for opposing the russian war in ukraine, he was in particular convicted for speaking about the crimes of the russian army in buch near kyiv, that is
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, in fact, such a wide variety of people , russia tried to pull this impression back to itself. murderers, swindlers, spies, and so on further. the europeans, on the other hand, or the americans also tried to bring back political prisoners, activists and just such an impression of random people, such as the german patrick schebbel, who was arrested in russia at the airport for having... candy in his luggage , which contained marijuana. bohdan, actually, who did the europeans exchange, who were they supposed to return to russia, and what did they get these people for in europe? most of all, it is worth paying attention to the name of vadim krasikov. this is a person who
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was convicted in germany for murder in 2019 year, that is, the murder was 2019. on the 15th year , the court is 2021, and putin frankly stated in an interview with the american journalist tucker carlson in february of this year that he wants the release, he wants the return of this russian agent in the killer, that is, he is probably a key figure, and it was a serious problem for the germans, because it is about a person recognized as a murderer, and as the german said today. the decision to let him go was not easy. it was not easy for the german government to decide this, but against the state's desire to execute the sentence for the convicted murder, there were interests in the freedom and well-being,
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in some cases even the lives of innocent people imprisoned in russia and those who were unjustly imprisoned for political reasons. our duty to protect german citizens and solidarity with the usa. were important factors. bohdan, and the actual question that interests our ukrainian audience: if the event returned various prisoners of conscience and, in particular, the so-called russian oppositionists, then why not a single ukrainian was exchanged. we know that there are ukrainian journalists and krymchaks, and in particular, in captivity of the russians 22 azov citizens, against whom there is a criminal case, who are not exchanged by the russians in any exchange. we also know that this week one of these azov residents, oleksandr ishchenko, died in russian captivity. why are there no ukrainians among the prisoners of conscience? another fairly well-known figure worth mentioning didn't live to see this exchange, alexei navalny, a russian figure who, according to people with possibly sources who say his name
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was, was discussed as a subject of an exchange that concerns ukraine, as we see, from the side of ukraine. there was no participation here, at least obviously, maybe some details will appear later, we also see that until now the exchanges of prisoners between ukraine and russia, as a rule, did not have any western or russian spies there, that is, now we we are discussing a typically such example of the cold war era. in exchange for political prisoners, the situation is mostly like this. thank you bohdan. i will remind you that bohdan tsyupin told us about the role of european countries in the exchange of prisoners between russia and the west. and to another topic. in
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in the united states on thursday, delegates to the democratic national convention began online voting to officially nominate kamala. candidate for president from the party. the process will last several days and should be completed by august 5. in order to receive the nomination, garis needs to receive the votes of 1,976 delegates, but she has already been publicly supported by about 3,900 delegates. we will ask tetyana vorozhko, who joins the live broadcast, to find out more about when harry will become an official candidate, as well as who she will choose as her vice president. congratulations tanya. congratulations, maria. so, tanya, when will the official voting results be announced and how does this process take place. we followed the nomination of donald trump. it took place at the republican conference in milwaukee. why did the democrats choose such an online format and not wait for their convention, which will be held in chicago already this month. well, here's a very simple explanation, because the democratic party convention will be held, well, here's a very simple explanation, because
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the democratic party convention will be held in the second half of august, which is a little late for the that the name of kamela harris and the partner she chooses will be on all ballots across the country on time, that all deadlines will be met, so we actually expect that by august 5th it will already be announced, she will become... formally officially nominated candidate for the presidency from the democratic party and we expect that by tuesday she will have already decided with her partner, who should also be voted for him, so that he will formally become the candidate for vice president from the democratic party, and it is she, well, we are we expect her to announce it by tuesday, why by tuesday, because her campaign has already issued a statement saying that, actually starting with...she's going to start campaigning in key states, starting with pennsylvania, with
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the vice candidate - presidents from the democratic party. actually, how does this process take place, let's see the plot and how the candidate for vice president is actually chosen. so hear me out when i say i know donald trump's type. kamala harris is currently campaigning for the position of president of samotuzka, among those. whom being considered as the party's vice presidential nominees, there are several governors, including roy cooper of north carolina, a democrat who won twice when his state elected republican donald trump for president, and george shapiro of pennsylvania, a state governor who both parties see as a must-win in november, and there's also astronaut-turned -senator mark kelly of arizona. considering that the democratic national convention is less than a month away. it will be quite a rushed process. danger the accelerated process is that some
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things will be overlooked. mistakes will be made that could have been avoided with a more leisurely process, but she has no choice but to do it quickly and correctly. there is no formula for achieving this. it is necessary to choose a running mate for harris who can attract the most votes, especially in several swing states that will likely determine the outcome of the election. at the start, attention march, i'm ready. this may mean that garis' advisers should take note primarily on geography, and not on the personal qualities of the candidates. i think someone from the midwest, or even the south would be a good choice. for example, andy beshear, governor of the state of kentucky. i think he would be a good choice. we want to balance the presidential and vice-presidential candidates, because we already have them. is someone from california, because kamala harris is from california, so the governor of that state, gavin newson
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, is no longer considered as her running mate. he is expected to run for president in the upcoming elections. as the candidate was also named gretchen whitmer, the governor of the important state of michigan. but it seems that she does not want to go down in history in this way. i'm not leaving michigan. i am proud to be the governor. michigan, i was consistent. i know everyone is always suspicious of this question, asking me about it over and over again. i understand you 're doing your job, i'm not going anywhere. popularity as governor or success in congress does not guarantee success as a candidate for vice president, - notes author of two books on the vice presidency, joel kay holnstein. are they ready to shine on the national stage? and is that at all? other than bogging down in one state or county. ideally, the second person on the team
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is also someone the voters like, as someone who is only a heartbeat away from the presidential chair. dmytro kolchinsky, steph herman, voice of america from the white house. tanya, we have heard many names, which of them still has the best chances of winning, and do we know their position regarding ukraine? well, actually, already now the list has become shorter, it's called three names, three names, and the first one is markkelly, a senator from the state of arizona, among his advantages, he has a very interesting biography, he is an astronaut, he has a twin brother who is also an astronaut. also his advantage is that, and he is a senator from a border state, he is considered to have, let's say, such rather critical statements about the need to strengthen the borders, this is very important, because the border issue is one of the main issues of these camps of this campaign , actually republicans donald trump, they kamla harris is being blamed for the fact that because of her leadership, because she was part of
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the administration, she is being blamed for the fact that quite a lot of people are coming across the border... can talk about this topic while being right there, representing the interests of the people of arizona , and in addition, one of the arguments that he emphasizes quite a lot, he is personally involved in this, is that in the senate there was a bipartisan bill that was designed to strengthen the border, and according to him , it was donald trump who stopped this bill, he was not voted because, according to him , donald trump is trying to campaign on this issue, not him. shit, among his cons is that he's a senator, and if he stops being a senator, the democrats lose one seat in the upper house, which they're already going to have a very hard time holding on to in this election. regarding ukraine, he is one of the most powerful voices in washington in support of ukraine, journalists call him on the opposite spectrum from jady vance,
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who is the candidate of the republican party vice presidents, he met with zelenskyi, he visited ukraine twice. he not only met with the ukrainian leadership, he also met with military personnel, commanders, pilots, and he was directly involved in lobbying the issue of providing ukraine with the f-16 and visited ukrainian pilots at the base in arizona. next, joe shapiro, the governor of pennsylvania, a fairly young governor, very popular in his state, which is, which is extremely important, and the only thing that can work against him is that he 's very active, he's very supportive israel, but some progressive... in the democratic party even wrote a letter to kamala harry asking him not to be chosen as vice president, that is, he can alienate this part of the democratic party. as for ukraine, one of the largest communities of ukrainians lives there in pennsylvania, there are also enterprises that produce weapons for ukraine, but we have not actually seen any such effective steps from him, but he speaks in support,
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he makes all statements in support of ukraine . and the last one, tim walls, the governor of the state, he is has a very strong charisma, he appeals to the workers, to the peasants, but he, shall we say, may be distrusted or disliked by the more moderate democrats, or by the part of the republican party that may vote for the democratic candidate because, let's say, in their words, he is too left leaning his state, regarding ukraine, a very interesting case, he made statements in support of ukraine, he also signed a bill that at the beginning of... a large-scale invasion, that businesses in minneapolis, in minnesota cannot do business with russia, well and he is the head of the national association of democratic governors, he is thus involved in working with the ukrainian authorities, and they even signed a memorandum of cooperation between the state of minneapolis, and sorry, i apologize to minnesota and the chernihiv region.
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tanya, what is actually happening in trump vance's company now, and the most, the most... the most attention was donald trump's press conference, his participation in the conference of the national association of african-american journalists, and one of the statements that came from trump, that he questioned, and the fact that kamala harris always considered herself a black woman, he said that she was of indian origin, she identified herself that way, which caused, let's say, a lot of criticism against him, well, kamala haritz herself responded by , who said such statements are divisive and disrespectful, kamala harris. kamela harris, her father is from jamaica, her mother is from india, but she herself, starting, well, at least from college, but maybe even earlier , identified as a black woman, she went to the university where the traditional black population goes, she was a member of the coconut, and the black members of the congress, belonged to the sisterhood, that is , it is very difficult to deny, and besides
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this, there were several other such statements, one of which i will emphasize the last one, that's right... we will follow the campaign further, next donald trump should go to atlanta, georgia. yes, tanya, we will definitely follow the progress of this campaign. i will remind you that she told us about the course of the presidential campaign in the united states tatiana borozhko. and this is the end of the story from south america. venezuela's electoral authorities have not yet released detailed results. voting in the presidential elections, the country was called upon by the usa and a number of latin american countries, after protests broke out in the country and the electoral commission was accused of falsifying the results in favor of nicolás maduro, about what is happening now in the city of caracas from... yan boishat will tell the story from the scene. this thursday, caracas woke up sunny and
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calm, unlike the previous days. during violent protests against the election results, which showed the re-election of nicolás maduro for a third term. according to human rights watch, at least 20 people have been killed in the past three days. the venezuelan government announced that more than which accuses the regime of falsifying elections. the opposition says their candidate, edmundo gonzalez , won the election by a wide margin and that the government is refusing to release details of the vote. for my country, for venezuela, we are we want it to be free. we are tired of it, we haven't learned any of it.
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i filed an election appeal, so the election chamber of the supreme court is looking into this attack on the election process, this is an attempted coup d'état using the election process. so the moral authority, the country's general prosecutor's office, addresses all registered presidential candidates, compares all the evidence, conducts a
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high-level technical analysis of the results of the july 28 election. venezuela remains increasingly isolated in the region, only countries those close to russia, china and iran immediately recognized maduro's election. venezuela was expelled. diplomats from seven countries that denounced the election as rigged, including argentina and peru. the streets of the country remain under increased surveillance by the police and the armed forces. jan boeschat from caracos venezuela, oos america. that's it, we'll say goodbye, see you tomorrow. education is the future. of every country, what is changing in ukrainian schools, what will the university of tomorrow look like, the country is plunging into the world of educational transformations, we ask experts, we listen
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teachers, listening to parents and children, from need to higher school, exploring the labyrinths of education reforms, read to understand, understand to change, ask for the country at press outlets or pre-pay online, there are discounts until independence day. on edem 25% in pharmacies plantain, bam and ochad. ci3v will overcome allergies. ci3 neo protects against the most common allergens. there are discounts until independence day on decatelelen 15% in pharmacies psylansky, bam and ochad. big ether of vasyl zima, my name is vasyl zima, this is big ether on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours
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to learn about the war, about the military, the front, the component, serhiy zurets, and what is the world like? yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war olsen morchavka field with me and sports news, i invite . evgeny pastukhov talks for two hours in the company of his favorite presenters about the news cultural chechenina, our tv viewer is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who have become like a family day for many. she is ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people. a two-hour broadcast of vasyl zimi, a project for smart and caring people in the evening at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in
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ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andrii smolii and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, then who china, my heart hurts, all this is in the informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. today in the program is the verdict with serhii
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rudenko. f-16 in ukraine. western sources confirm the first use of american fighter jets in ukrainian skies, but official kyiv remains silent. are fourth-generation western aircraft able to change the situation at the front? broke at the threshold of the house. an enemy drone wounded russian oppositionist ilya ponomarev with shrapnel in the yard of his house in... kyiv region, or the putin regime is still capable of getting its enemies abroad, restoration of territorial integrity as a precondition. zelensky insists on the presence of russian representatives at the second peace summit. who and how will be able to convince the aggressor to return the seized ukrainian territories. glory
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to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. over the next hour , we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. valentina nalyvaichenko and mykhailo will be our guests today samus and roman tsimbalyuk. however, before starting our big conversation with our experts, let's watch a video of how ukrainian paratroopers from... another russian assault, the soldiers managed to destroy three armed tanks and several infantry fighting vehicles. let's see how it was.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, throughout our broadcast we conduct a survey, today we ask you about this, do you expect the f-16 to change the situation at the front? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, a button. if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you watch us on tv and on the air, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on the numbers: 0800 211 3801 if you expect f16 fighters to change the situation on the front, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, literally in 55 minutes we
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will collect... the results of this vote, i want to introduce our first guest today, this is valentyn nalyvaichenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the parliamentary of the committee on the integration of ukraine with the eu, head of the security service of ukraine in 2006-10, in 2014 and 2015. mr. valentin, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. valentine, let's start our conversation with a big exchange. that took place today in the world, i would say so, because russia, germany, the united states of america, turkey and a number of european countries took part in this exchange, so 26 prisoners who were held in the united states of america, germany, russia, slovenia, poland, norway and belarus, participated in this exchange, in a big exchange, it is known that they were released.


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