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tv   [untitled]    August 2, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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punishment of the criminal. stopcrime ua. greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, we start the information day with news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. two people were killed and the same number were injured due to an enemy attack on dnipropetrovsk region. the russians shelled nikopol with artillery and drones. four high-rise buildings, 10 private houses, educational institutions, a fire station, a post office, farm buildings and a power line were damaged. announced the head of the regional
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military administration, serhiy lesak. the occupiers also bombarded kryvorizhye with drones, dry grass took over there. all night, explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied crimea. local telegram channels write about the arrival near the 13th shipyard in kilen bay in sevastopol. after the impact, thick smoke rose there. in addition, the russian anti-aircraft missile allegedly shot down another one over the city. rockets, and one of the fragments pierced the roof of a high-rise building, the occupation authorities informed. the sounds of explosions were also heard in saki and yevpatoria. and russia was attacked by drones at night. powerful explosions were heard in several districts of the kurdistan region. russian air defense allegedly shot down all the drones, - the propaganda media reported. the day before, local authorities announced a missile attack on the kurdish region. no one was hurt. for the first time, ukraine
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launched more telecobial drones over russia than the occupiers over our territory. thus , in july, more than 520 ukrainian drones flew to the swamps, while 426 flew from there, forbes reports. and the attack on the olennaya airfield, 1,800 km from the border, showed that the ukrainian manufacturers of bpl'. cope with the long-distance task, - the publication emphasizes. by according to journalists' calculations, ukraine can produce more than 800 long-range drones every month, and the figures will grow. this forces the kremlin to withdraw air defense systems from the front to protect military facilities deep within its territory. the west and russia carried out a large-scale exchange in... zazanim in turkey.
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moscow released 16 people, including three americans and one holder of an american green card, including marine paul vilen, wall street journal correspondent evan hershkovich, radio liberty journalist alsu kurmasheva, and politician volodymyr karamorza. the kremlin also handed over five more germans and seven of its citizens. instead , eight russians returned to russia, including keeler vadim, who was serving a life sentence for the murder of a chechen commander in germany. from moscow's side, this was the main condition of exchange. and the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade, the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction hold back enemy attacks every day. they defend our freedom and future. it was these
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soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. with your help , we have already collected almost 400 thousand hryvnias. remember, every weight is very important. join our victory. you can see all the details on the screen. "with taiwanese laptops and robots, a unique training for informatics teachers is ongoing in lviv. teachers from more than 20 schools can improve their qualifications with fundamentals of programming, robotics and stem education. our journalists will tell you the details. oleksandr novoselsky teaches informatics and robotics at the starokut lyceum in the ivano-frankivsk region." he says that the educational institution
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lacks modern computers, and the difficulty of his work is to get students interested in programming, children sometimes know more than the teachers themselves. oleksandr is one from the participants of the special course for teachers, there will be something to show the children, to interest the children, well, motivation, the main thing is motivation for the teacher come up with, at the beginning of the lesson , the children should be told why we are doing it, what we will get out of it later, but teacher tetyana nelyuba signed up for training in order to better understand the basics of programming, a woman who teaches at a poltava school for visually impaired children . for children, it is necessary to create more opportunities in the field of it itself, since they are such that there are contraindications, and they cannot work, for example, in physical jobs of some kind, then a job that has such a good and financial perspective and, well, without
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a special physical load, then it has a very good prospect for them. one week of training for computer science teachers in the ivano-frankivsk and poltava regions was held at the ukrainian catholic university. candidates for participation in the program were selected by an independent competitive commission. we received 143 applications, from which 40 schools were initially selected. next, interviews of ucu teachers were conducted with those teams from 40 schools. and already after... we received the finalists, these are 24 schools with two teachers each. so, we now have 48 teachers participating in our project. during for eight months, teachers will learn to write code in the python programming language. educators will also study the basics of robotics and
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learn how to present the material in a way that will interest children as much as possible. there are twice as many practical lessons as theory. we will tell them what a robot is. what it consists of, how to take it apart on the one hand , put it together, how to write the appropriate code, that is, to understand how they interact with each other, why it is important, where you can cut corners, where it is better not to cut corners, teachers visited companies' laboratories, in which produce microchips for electronic devices, semiconductor devices, the excursion was conducted to show how the theory is applied in production, we see that more is needed, to focus on some practical, not theoretical knowledge, but practical, that is, so that they can do something there, i don’t know , move, solder, fold, and now the current market offers so many different options, we have very beautiful all different construction kits that you can buy for school, and they can learn engineering from such a young
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age. organizers for each teacher allocated an educational laptop and a set of robotics, this is equipment, as well as equipment for informatics classes. from the schools of the project participants was purchased by the government of taiwan. in general, within the framework of the project, the organizers plan to computerize more than a hundred schools. computer labs will be replenished with new laptops, robotics kits and projectors with screens. the educational project is implemented by the public organization all-ukrainian democratic forum. its founder mykola knyazhytskyi said that the idea to create such a complex project appeared as a continuation of cooperation with taiwanese partners. we want to make the country better. for this, we want our children to know computers the best in the world, so that they know both artificial intelligence and new programming languages, we need to give them these computers, we found such an opportunity, provided them with computers, it will be more than , a thousand computers for 100 schools under various
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programs. next time, tetyana, oleksandr and teachers from other schools will meet in uku during the autumn vacation in october, in the meantime they will study remotely, and in... for computer science classrooms at home, teachers receive already on beginning of 2025. kateryna oliynyk, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. this is the end of the episode, read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites. next, please welcome my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika. don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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uah 100,000 will be given to each house in
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ivano-frankivsk, which will create an association of co-owners. according to the mayor, today only a third of the houses in frankivsk are organized into condominiums. now a legislator simplified the registration procedure, if previously 2/3 of residents were required to create a condominium, then today at the meeting on the creation of a condominium. may not be all, the main thing is that 50% of the building and apartment owners agree to create an osb. one of the successful examples of the work of condominiums is the chinese wall 54. the building on khortkevycha street has been around for over 30 years. in 2016, the residents united and registered the building as an osb. over the course of 8 years , the house was renovated to the state of a new building. there were constant breakthroughs, constant accidents, even at the moment when we took the administration building, we have... there were from seven to nine accidents every week, and it was very difficult, very difficult,
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because you know, there is such a, well, at that time there was such a thought, you know, after creating osb, everything should change, well, magical, some magical miracle will not happen there, yes, because these are any actions, they are the result of hard work, and a lot of effort and money. condominium is a time-honored european model of management, the residents of the building... can decide in the neighborhood team what, where, when and at what price to repair or improve. advantage such an association - co-financing programs from state and european programs that allow to improve living conditions in the house. according to mykhailo smushak, director of the department of infrastructure, communal and housing policy, this is currently the best option for city residents, because with the martial law, funding for repairs began to decrease. no one. now the city budget does not finance repairs and, unfortunately, it will never be financed again, why?
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because when we move into a house, any apartment building, we automatically we join the association of co-owners of this apartment building. the authorities of ivano-frankivsk urge residents to switch to the system of collective home management. but they emphasize that if residents do decide to register condominiums in tsnapa, then in two months after... registration, utility workers must hand over documents to residents for independent management. good morning, thank you colleagues for your work, we accept the information relay. roman chaika and oksana vesechenska, today we are working for you. the night was difficult for ukraine as well. on alas, it was flying, the anxiety was mainly in the south and east of our country, but
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it was also very , very restless in the temporarily occupied territories, in the crimea, they even had to block the street in sevastopol, they say that this is how they will neutralize the remnants of the atakams, which seemed to have shot down there their air defense. in kurshchyna , they also say, the air defense forces worked, we don't know about the results in quotes of her work yet, but... we will find out during our broadcast. the russian-fascist occupiers have everything clear. for example, russia is convening, the truth is, it does not know when the un security council, because that f-16 appeared in ukraine. but at the same time , piskov appeared in the kremlin and said that the appearance of the f-16 does not, will not change, and will not affect the situation at the front. everything is logical, bipolar. well, let's start collecting information for our viewers. let's start with the south. deputy from odesa. of the city council, maryna boyko , in connection with our studio, mrs. maryna, congratulations, thank you for being so early with our
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viewers, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, thank you for the invitation, good morning, how are you, and we are like that, we always read , that everything that starts to fly somewhere, must have to visit odesa, how was this night, well , actually, to be honest, i didn't hear anything that night, oh... but i understand that our region, during any attack, is very vulnerable due to its geographical location , and if ballistics are flying from crimea, then we... we have a very, very fast approach time, in addition, in addition, there are just very, very many attacks, but, i can't say anything about, about the sounds, yes, because it was quiet that night, at least in my area, but odesa is suffering, of course, from the attack
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the aggressor, but we will win, mrs. maryna, and... as for intelligence, is it still so active over odesa and in the black sea area near odessa? unfortunately, we observe that the cases of drones and drones have become more frequent, and even sometimes, when the alarm is not announced, and when drones fly here, they are shot down, er, we, well, we have already adapted in principle, we are used to it, but, of course, such... combat actions, they cause alarm, because of course, after the drones, then missiles fly, this is the situation, we see that in odesa the temperature humanitarianism is growing almost like a teapot, that is, i am now looking at the local public and they are already
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placing bets, the people of odessa are asking who we are betting on, balsy or white-haired, eh? i am talking about the fact that trukhanov, with his own different passports, we know this hero of the 90s, really wanted pushkin, bunin and zhvanetsky, but in the framework of re-decolonization, renaming streets, he angrily said that he would argue, well, he got an answer , in principle, the answer from the head of the odessa military administration, and cyprus basically explained, odessa was built and ukrainians will build and live, and to whom, now i will quote: it is nice to walk through the streets with imperial, soviet names, there is moscow and ufa, well, that is, the suitcase train station russia, so somewhere approximately cyprus replied trokhanovo, so that you will have a battle, i suspect, that it is possible that the city hall will initiate some kind of legal
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process regarding these renamings, but i am not sure, the point is that at the moment... when the right to implement the law on the decolonization of toponymy rested with the mayor, and before that with the city council, then this process the city government delayed a bit, let's be honest, but now, when these powers fell into the hands of the actual head of the military administration, and he fulfilled the requirements of the law that were imposed on him, for some reason... it turned out that the mayor is not satisfied, he, well, he has another opinion regarding these renamings, of course, he, unfortunately, is not used to listening to the people, to the public, because the patriotic public in odessa, they fought for many of these renamings, and we see that now thanks to the decision of oleg kiper, the head
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of the military administration we have appeared street in honor of the fallen kombrig, 28... vitaliy gulyaev in honor of the heroes of ukraine, in honor of vitaliy blashko, hero of ukraine, knight of the order of the order of bohdan khmelnytskyi, in honor of other fallen soldiers who were from odessa or lived in odessa, and this too our history and an equally important part of it, our modernity, that's why it's very unpleasant for me when the mayor gets into some sort of confrontation there, yes with'. of the military administration, because during the war it is nonsense to simply observe, yes, when, when the local self-government bodies seem to are trying to get into some kind of confrontation with the military administration, this is absolutely unacceptable in my opinion, especially since in fact, not only imperial cultural figures, not
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only russian prominent figures lived in odessa, and of course, we should honor and ... the turn of ukrainian, pro-ukrainian figures, people who were dissidents, who fought against the soviet regime, who worked in extremely difficult conditions and did not adapt to this regime, we have svyatoslav karavanskyi street, we have a street hannah mykhaylenko, these are dissidents, odessans, creators, why shouldn't there be a street in their honor, why... the chairman believes that the culture of odessa is only those stereotypical ideas that are there in russian and pro-russian. ideas about odessa, in this odessa myth, which was constructed in principle by the empire. ms. marino, this reminds us of these historical parallels, do you remember when in odesa
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, on the one hand, the russian army was waiting, then the onr army came, there were also local people who did not know who to side with, the whites, the reds or to the ukrainian army, in a word , the history of 18-19 years is repeating itself before our eyes, only here. in such discussions? in fact , yes, and i would also like to say that this is a little reminiscent of events closer to us, when in 2015 the then head of the odesa regional administration, mykhailo saakashvili , renamed marshala zhukov street to nebesnaya hundred avenue, and then it also caused such and such an uproar '. with the mayor and some lawsuits were also initiated in this regard, but as we can see, now in in odesa, no one calls this
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avenue zhukov avenue anymore, everyone calls it the heavenly hundred avenue, so i think that there is no split, disunity among odessans, that someone there supports russian names, someone ukrainian, this is not true, it is simply a matter of habits , and in fact, i am sure that many of these names will take root and... will be, will be understood by odessans, and our children will say them there, or those children who already go to school, i think they will no longer know, well many of those old us are on the streets now so dear, for the older generation there, you know, it is not only about habits, habit is of course important, but there are also issues of culture, enlightenment, education and understanding of what is happening, because here... we are now talking about renaming, who is closer to someone from zhvanetsky or zhukov than from odesa, karavanskyi or nina strokata, from odesa, and also about the language, but there are
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many scandals, here is another story from odesa, from the bay, when a woman came to an institution where she simply they refused to serve her in ukrainian, the owner said that neither he, nor his family, who all work there in this institution, will never communicate in ukrainian, they said: get out of here, leave the institution in russian, of course, they said, the woman called the police, drew up a report, that is, they recorded all this, and such stories we hear a lot from odesa, but i understand that not every such visitor will get to the end, write a statement, call the police, give publicity to the case, as in general these are, well, not judges, but such unions... tons, when they refuse to accept ukrainian, to speak ukrainian, to comply with legislation, still
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occur in odesa and odesa oblast. unfortunately, we often observe such scandals, recently, just a few weeks ago there was a very unpleasant situation when a woman who was present at the event asked the speaker to speak ukrainian, she was asked to leave. from this event, which is also quite outrageous, and here is literally yesterday's story there, when they refused to serve in this burger z, i want to refer the name to this z, i think it was not by chance that it happened in the name of this institution, because such values ​​are obviously pro-russian, in relation to this in general. these are the same with certain such language scandals in odesa, i want to note that the complaints that come, for example, to the authorized protection of the state language, they
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are quite a lot from odesa, odesa is one of the leaders in such appeals, but it records not only high level of the problem in our region, but it also records a fairly high level of awareness among citizens who... are faced with such situations that present relevant appeals, complaints, who are fighting to make the city more ukrainian-speaking and are simply trying to finally achieve the implementation of the law, observance of their linguistic rights. i believe that this shows odessa not only negatively, and not so much negatively, as it shows that we can really fight for ukrainian-speaking odessa, for odessa that implements the law on... language, and we have enough people who consciously approach this question. mrs. maryna, i can see with my own eyes how much odessa has changed, i can compare, because
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i haven't been there for several years, and really. and how to odessa now they accept such snoring, because i am now talking about er lebedev, remember, it was fashionable for our politicians with an inferiority complex to invite various political technologists, all kinds of others, artemiy lebedev worked here and cut cabbage with big scissors, now artemiy levidev, he by the way, the designer who designed the odessa logo. that is, this anchor of the heart, right? and now artemiy lebedev, who supports putin, does not want to give up even his own children, but shouts that the russian military should go a little faster go ahead and take odessa, this is his statement yesterday. how do odessans react to such things? i will tell you that absolutely all odessans react
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to such things in a very negative way, i think that if ... he said it out loud here, then his physical integrity would not be intact, the fact is that, yes, he designed this odessa logo , and in fact, we should have long ago, in my opinion, changed this logo, held a competition there to create a new one, but obviously now there is no finance for the price, yes, however, artemiy lebedev is very like that, you know, narrative character, because he... tries to seem a little smarter than he really is, because if he knew, if he really knew odessans, if he really knew the situation in odessa, if he kept in touch with those who now he lives here, he would order such things, but obviously he already has some kind of putinism in his brain, and for quite some time, that is why he makes such statements, it cannot be rationally explained in any way,
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because... well, actually odessa, odessa is protected , odessa is fighting, odessa is ukraine, we won't have it, i'm sure, we won't have any problems, but artemiy lebedev will have it, but as they say in odessa, whoever comes to us with an anchor will die from the anchor. mrs. maryna, thank you for being with us at this time of the morning, maryna boyko, deputy of the odesa city council, well, we will take a short break, but we will not leave the south, it was hot there at night, dangerous, maybe it will be during the day too, we will be in kherson oblast in a few minutes, and in the meantime, don't forget to notify us of our collection via the qr code. there are discounts until the day of independence on essential ford 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oshchad. national tv of namego - too many channels, well, a lot of channels, and also films, cartoons, series. and
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inform you about the latest changes. not in ukrainian legislation, how about?


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