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tv   [untitled]    August 2, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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and the gray economy is somehow in the shadows, besides, from my personal point of view, the gray economy, when you do not pay taxes during the war, and maybe not during the war, is a crime, and we need to work on this issue for a long, long time i had to worry and work, but it is necessary to bring, well, make such decisions, and what kind of solution can be, well, this is the issue of vat, value added tax, when everyone pays, i understand that there is an issue of socially vulnerable sections of the population. and then, that means, well, for example, medicine, then, then make vat on medicine, as it is today, do not increase, or there bread, for example, those who buy, well, there, well, socially protected, that is, simple categories do not increase the vat, for the rest, raise it slightly. the second direction of funds, which the business often talks about, says, well, let's carry out the reform, we have huge losses in other directions, customs, 100 more billions. uh, annually
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, tax losses are 100% inefficient and many, many other state bodies can be, well, today, well, let’s put it this way, i understand that funds are needed now, if we are talking about reforms, then it’s like it is necessary, it is not given quickly, the issues are resolved, but on the other hand, i remember these reforms and many others, we have been talking for more than 10 years, you understand, yes, but they are there, that is why our key today the task is clear that funds are needed. and we have to find them, we have to win back our independence, but look, mr. vasyl, you are right, and denys shmyhal is right, and it is clear that the army must be financed during the war, and the military must be paid salaries, because that is enough such a priority and the priority is quite difficult now, well, it means that we have to invest in it, because it is the future of ukraine and a matter of life and death.
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but this is what the businessmen interviewed by the marketing group adventer group say, that they say that raising taxes, ukrainians, raising entrepreneurs, that raising taxes in ukraine will first of all force businesses to raise the prices of their goods and services. this was stated by more than 72% of the interviewed entrepreneurs. in addition, the business plans to try to optimize the payment of taxes and expenses, which will... new sales markets and staff will be cut, that is, it turns out that all taxes that will be introduced in the event of a mini-tax reform or these special measures in the tax legislation will fall on the pockets of ordinary citizens, ukrainians, who will pay more for goods, services, part of the business will generally go into the shadows, you have already mentioned about...
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something like the shadow economy, and you mentioned the reforms that are necessary in ukraine, about these reforms for the last 5 years, they said that the customs office needs to be reformed, that there are a lot of holes, that there is a lot of money, it also goes into the pockets, is there any other alternative now to fill the budget besides raising taxes, because the business is already working in extraordinary conditions, plus more. some businesses pay no taxes at all or minimize taxes, and some businesses plan to minimize their taxes if taxes are increased. is there another option for filling the budget? and thanks for the question again, i saw a similar study, and it really deserves attention, and i tried to explain from different angles this topic and find again with a compromise solution by business. and definitely
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carry out further reforms in order to fill the budget, are there still funds? look, and due to the fact that our revenue part of the budget is growing, well, if we are talking about last year, then the over-execution was more, well, for the whole whole year by more than 1 trillion hryvnias, and if we are talking about last year, then the revenue part was more than 50%, if you compare with the beginning of the year and the end of the year, well, when they planned, because they made a lot of changes to the budget, well increasing the revenue part, in the same way this year, in principle , the revenue part is being exceeded due to one or another source, and i am sure that the ministry of finance sees this, i am sure that during meetings with businesses, when we saw there high-ranking officials hold meetings with business, and these questions were also raised, what decisions will be made in this matter. well
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, finally, finally, i don't know, but i know for sure what you said, and i 'll say it again, financing the ukrainian army should be a priority, if we say... about the reduction of some state expenditures, yes, they need to be reduced, but believe me, it is not that great, let's say, yes, well, the opportunity to reduce them, because a lot of things have already been reduced, further, if we are talking about, for example, that part to take funds from local budgets, well, let's raise, for example, last year there was a huge approach, well, let's say this, the decision there regarding banks is very, well, it gave a significant income, but was not popular among banks. when they introduced a 50% bank profit tax and took it away from banks systems there, well, these profits, it was a decision for one year, they raised the rate by 50%, and for other years they raised the rate to 25%. let me remind you, business pays, well, in our country, the
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income tax is 18%, that is, banks and so on already pay 7% there. therefore, what are the other solutions, that is, whether there are any, well, i think that the ministry of finance. if there were solutions to find money quickly, this would probably be the question, and it is very unpopular, you know, it is the unpopular decision of raising taxes, the fact that business does not support, are we there, well, the population, we are it we understand, because an increase in taxes means you earn less, but on the other hand , everyone understands that it is necessary to finance the army, and therefore, yes, we need to find funds, and maybe, maybe, mr. vasyl, we still need to talk about that we need to transfer finan. all government bodies into a state of emergency, martial law, because, for example, the salaries of people's deputies' assistants are increased, and this decision was passed in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the top managers of ukrposhta and other large companies there receive
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big salaries in spite of everything, that is, we have to live on those incomes and on those opportunities that we have. there is, and not because, part of the people will live as they lived before the war, everyone else will pay this tax burden there, which will fall on business, but look, you have raised again a very difficult question, and i personally, i do not support you on that side, on that part of the question, where, for example, let's make it so that the head of ukrposhta receives the minimum wage, and whether other heads also receive a wage there, that is, i categorically against such positions, because precisely thanks to effective actions, if we are talking about the kirposhta, the management of the kirposhta, that is, we managed to turn one of the very, very corrupt, backward such systems, structures into simple structures, and the company
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is reforming today, and yes, of course , that a lot still needs to be done, but the very fact that it is moving in the right direction, and the same needs to be done with other state structures, and the salary. managers should be market-based, because, well, conditionally, the same manager of ukrpochta, he was before taking the position the management of ukrpochta worked abroad, he had a sufficiently high salary, and by and large, in fact, ukraine invited him to come and reform a large state structure, i , for example, by the way, on the other hand , i will even come, for example, a structure that has already been reformed and is showing its results, this is the national bank of ukraine, do you remember the first stage? years, what happened to the banking system, took more than 100 banks out of the market, do you remember what happened to the hryvnia, flew into space, this period of time, do you remember what happened with inflation of 60%, and now, well, the period of the great war, the 22nd, 23rd, 24th years, how professional is the national
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bank, how stable is the banking system, thanks to the successful reforms carried out on the banking market, including the national bank of ukraine for nine years. years, starting from the 15th year and continuing, we are reforming, and because a lot of legislation needs to be adopted, we are now taking these leaps and bounds to the european union, and we need to unify tens of thousands of regulatory and legal documents in order to to become, in the short term , a european, well, a member of the eu, but look, once again, we have a lot of inefficient state-owned enterprises today, and i read it and i see it, and i am with both hands for the fact that... them to reform them so that there is less corruption there, so that they are more profitable and that they can then pay the profits to the state budget, instead of the state supporting them from its own budget, that is , we need to look in this direction, the shadow economy, in various studios we spoke
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decades and what has changed, we just need to work in this direction, by the way, you and i discussed the customs office, it is just that there is already a structural beacon, that is, we are a structural beacon at the monetary fund, and we have, it seems, by the end of october to adopt already the law that will start, let's say, the start of the customs office, and i am sure that we can really reform the customs office. and it will work both in the european union and so many, many other areas that need to be implemented. thank you, thank you, sir vasyl, i would like to be as optimistic as you, but i remember the year 2019, the month of july, when volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyy held numerous meetings with customs officials, asked what cars they drive, what phones they have, that he would put things in order at the customs, i remember, it was 5 years ago, we again came to the point that we need to restore order at the customs, we need to restore order in all state institutions, we need to bring everyone to their senses, well
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, let's hope that it will happen sooner or later. it was vasyl furman, a member of the council of the national bank of ukraine, doctor of economic sciences. thank you for participating in the program. thank you. let me remind you, friends, that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us live now, please vote in our poll. we... ask you about this, do you expect gold medals from ukrainian olympians, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or if you have a separate opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video , if you watch us on tv, please vote for the appropriate ones numbers, if you expect gold medals from our olympians, 0800 211 381, no, 0800-211382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for joining
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our broadcast. congratulations, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. yevgeny, let's start our conversation with zelenskyi's already announced large personnel reserve and changes, personnel changes in the government, because zelensky is now talking about the fact that there will be new resignations. why... uh, the president, who has concentrated maximum power in his hands and the hands of his inner circle, continues to talk about personnel changes, what are they changing? in fact, i don't know, because volodymyr zelenskyi has a law degree in the anamnesis, and he should know the basics of legislation, but after all, thank god, he has been leading the state for 5 years, he should already be legal. well, i'm not saying that legal education should improve, but there should be people who somehow his statements are passed through the sieve
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of expediency before going on the air, and well , there are only two, two ministers in the government, this is the sphere of the president's powers, the minister of defense and the minister of foreign affairs, it seems that no one interferes with them, there is a third. of vacancies in the government, i.e. performing duties, at first they wanted to shake the prime minister, and then it turned out that it was not possible to send the government, well, if they send the prime minister, then the government has fallen behind, we usually like to look for different variations, there the more you know when such legal monsters like portnov are out there somewhere nearby, it happens... or something like that, but, well, it must be some kind of healthy stupidity, and
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how can the same scumbag work when they say that he will soon be thrown out politically, although he is already a record holder, 4, he practically headed the government for 5 years, and during this time he did not take a single step to form his own political image, do you remember at one time yevgeny marchuk was sent to the ground for this. resignation, that is, well, actually, it is, well, i see that the ministers have finally changed into suits, well, how, although they look more or less solid, this period has already passed of military communism in our government, but so far the presidents cannot change into at least casual clothes, because this military style seems to tire everyone, including our partners, but judging by the present. publications bloomberg partners are more tired not by the way
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zelenskyi dresses, but by the fact that there is a head of the president's office in the power circle, who is taking on powers that are in no way inherent to him , by the way, mr. yevgeny, i will quote to our tv viewers, because not all of us have already seen this publication on bloomberg about andriy yermak, i will quote that... what bloomberg writes, he writes about the fact that yermamak himself does not deny his growing influence either, i do not participate in each. work, i only coordinate, yes, i am very proud that the president asks my opinion, but he asks my opinion because i get results, that's how yermak explains his influence in the president's entourage, what the publication actually talks about, about the fact that a person for whom ukrainians did not vote, but has very great powers and manages almost all
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affairs in the state, and this is probably the main thesis everything in this publication, and the most important thing - that in the conditions when zelenskyi has already been in power for more than 5 years and his presidential term has already been extended, there is still this person who constantly tries to move pieces on the chessboard and with the appearance of being the president of ukraine. this publication, in your opinion, is a big greeting to volodymyr oleksandrovich from our western partners, because, well, such publications are just like that, apparently. game wouldn't appear, well i wouldn't look for some kind of conspiracy, i think this publication is evidence that our partners are completely aware of the situation that exists in ukraine, and well , they deal with it to a certain extent, well, they can’t, it’s only, you know, in the fantasies
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of our short-sighted citizens, there can be some kind of intervention, interference and so on, in reality, well, for i completely understand. that nothing like that can happen, but i just think that this should be a signal for volodymyr zelenskyi, because if you can, as they say, remember this saying, when volodymyr zelenskyi's mandate ends, there will be people who will accuse him in that it is illegal delegated his powers, and i... am not sure that andriy yermak will take responsibility in this situation, he will say above: well, what about me, i was the president who instructed me, and i carried out, but here i am not a lawyer, i don't have a law degree and i think that the responsibility may be less here, it's not funny, but let's see, for now we
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understand that there will be no elections in the near future. that the elections at the moment, well, they are a serious challenge for ukraine to hold them, and these are all things that at the moment, well i would say, they record a not very good situation in ukraine. andriy yarmak is one of those who prepared the second peace summit, the first peace summit and is preparing the second peace summit. says that it will be very important for ukraine to ensure the participation of china in the next peace summit, and in his opinion, beijing is a major player that is really capable of influencing russia, while, as evidenced by sociology, which was published by the national democratic institute and the kyiv international
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institute of sociology, most ukrainians believe that ukraine should join the negotiations with russia to try... to achieve peace, 57% of respondents were in favor of negotiations, 38 were against. it is worth noting that a year ago the results were the opposite, only 33% were in favor of negotiations, 63% were against, while 66% of respondents believed that that ukraine should return the territory under its control by 2014, including donbass and crimea. variants of agreements, which provide for certain territorial concessions, have much fewer supporters, from six to 11 percent, well, mr. yevgeny, how do you explain what more than half of the surveyed ukrainians are still in favor of negotiations with russia, although the negotiations with russia are about what, russia has issued
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an ultimatum to ukraine, what can be the subject of such negotiations? let's start with the first, with the first peace summit, whose results give us grounds for counting on the second, when africa remained for us like yanukovych, undiscovered, well, that is, we were supported by units, as well, despite the fact that, well, efforts were made not only ukraine's diplomatic efforts to carry out by day african countries, representatives of african countries came and supported the communiqué of the peace summit, this time. second, why is the head of the president's office preparing someone who does not have the authority to be the minister of foreign affairs. it's a simple question really. we have
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a minister of foreign affairs who went through, well, together with the country, through quite difficult things, he is, well, he is called one of volodymyr zelenskyi's favorites, even more so, why? well, that is, why the head of the office of the president, it seems, causes. well, a certain misunderstanding among our partners, the third, you are absolutely right, i already paid attention, look, now there is a situation, well, that is, the well-known ultimatum of putin about the four regions, yes, if we go to this ultimatum, then we will actually simply postpone the defeat of ukraine in the war with russia, i say this on purpose, how hard it is because this is a reality, because if the russians are able to cross the dnieper without a fight, then the further development of events can absolutely
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be negative for us, and why did we decide that russia will negotiate with someone when we see that they continue to press and do it persistently enough, regardless of losses. big, much bigger than in ukraine, why do we think that everything will be, well, in our opinion, what grounds do we have for this, there are no grounds, especially since piskov, putin's press secretary, says that there are legal nuances, regarding the legitimacy of the ukrainian authorities, when he is asked about future negotiations, or about zelenskyi's peace initiatives, and... that of course these legal nuances cannot be an obstacle to the start of serious negotiations, at the same time he added that no summit with the participation of russia has yet
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is being prepared, all the same they constantly repeat that of course we can, but with whom to negotiate and not hold these negotiations, because zelenskyi is already the president whose powers have expired, but zelenskyi says that we are in november ... in the 24th year, we are preparing a peace plan, do you think that in this peace plan, there will be these seven points that were not in the first, not discussed at the first peace summit, because i still cannot understand whether it will be a separate peace plan, whether it will be part of the first peace plan, or that will be part of a new peace plan, and who should prepare it, because zelenskyi is talking with western partners, well, with western partners, and what plan? peace or a plan of action in ukraine now? you know, mr. sergey, i must confess that i only know about 10 points of zelenskyi, i am afraid that i do not belong to
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the majority in this matter, because i understand what these 10 points are and consider them important from that point of view , that ukraine put them forward, but i don't know all the others, i'm sorry, i don't know these plans, i don't see a dialogue with society on the topic of how we should... wage war, i have not seen a public discussion about how we should do it, and this is quite an unpleasant situation in my opinion, because we actually found ourselves, you know, here are the famous words of zelensky , that the citizens of ukraine should, should, so to speak, themselves come to the decision of whether territorial concessions are possible or not, we see from sociology that no, we have this... madam, i'm sorry, well, i don't like to use medical terms, but this politico-medical, schizophrenia, we think we have, we
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we can go to negotiations, but we are categorically against concessions, but negotiations will involve concessions, i will tell you more that in world politics at the moment there is a practice of putting pressure on the weaker, not the stronger, if someone ... does not know, this is the reality, and a reality that must be responded to accordingly, but in the current situation, it is obvious that the world also needs to understand what will happen next in russia's war against ukraine, the world is now watching what is happening in the middle east, that is where the announced hostilities should begin announced by iran in response to... the destruction of one of the leaders of hamas, and it is clear that everyone is watching what will happen in the united states of america, does this mean that
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the issue, the ukrainian issue in... the future of peace or the end of the war by russia in ukraine, it is postponed there again until the spring of the 25th year. well, look, that's not even the question. the issue is that the world has seen that the united states is ready to negotiate with the current administration, however, with russia. who did putin get? his colleagues, yes, in fact, in exchange for ordinary people, well... on the hostages, let's say this, on the hostages that i took, yes, i agree, on the hostages, and there may be 10, 20, new, 30 such hostages, well, belarus in general condemned absolutely, as somewhere someone from the belpol organization of belarusian police officers, said that absolutely nothing and well lost, you know, not the kind that does not understand. it's just
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clear that this exchange was made in order for kamala harris and joseph biden to meet the americans, and we have rico krieger leading this german, well, i don't know, i'm far from giving any marks for appearance, but that propaganda film that the russians showed, you understand what the matter is, he is accused of hooliganism, and most likely it was... the basis of the belarusian special services, that's the thing, spies are flying here, one, well, some the classic ones were just illegal, the classic ones, the killer krasikov, so what is happening is actually simple, it is simple, i think, a big moral problem for the west, and i...
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you know, such a triumph is not very well received by realpolitik, well, yes, when murderers are released and russian spies are released, well, it's exciting very serious, a serious perception of how the west actually also participates in this action, it is clear that it was necessary to save putin's political opponents, and journalists, and... but, but, well, killers and spies are on the loose, they are met on red carpet putin, there are a lot of questions. thank you, mr. yevgeny, for the conversation, it was yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. friends, i remind you that we are working live on the espresso tv channel and conducting a survey. today we ask you about this, do you expect gold medals from ukrainian olympians. let's look at
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the intermediate results. poll , please put it on the screen 79% yes, 21% - no, that is , 21% are pessimists, we remain optimistic and wait for gold medals from ukrainian olympians, so far in paris, ukrainians have won two medals, one bronze, one silver and we will wait for the gold medals, of course, after a short break on our channel, during which there will be a release from our colleagues from the bbc, we will return to the studio in 15 minutes there will be a journalist club, olga musafirova and kateryna nekrecha will participate in our journalist club, stay tuned to our channel, we will meet literally in 15 minutes.
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western media were the first to write about it in ukraine in the 16th century. there are no official confirmations, but russia is already threatening to shoot them down. what will american fighter jets change in the war and the key question is: how can ukraine protect them from russian strikes? we are talking about this on the bbc, live from london, i am yevgenia shedlovska. very little is known about it, and everything from the publication in the western press. so, first american agencies, bloomberg and the associated press wrote that western planes are already in ukraine. then the details appeared.
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thus, the british times newspaper, citing anonymous sources, writes:


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