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tv   [untitled]    August 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:29pm EEST

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the first in the 16th in ukraine, western media write about it, there are no official confirmations, but russia is already threatening, will shoot them down, what will american fighter jets change in the war? and the key question is, how can ukraine protect them from russian strikes? we are talking about this on the bbc, live from london, i am yevgenia shedlovska. very little is known about it, and everything from publications in the western press. so, american agencies, bloomberg and associated press, were the first to report that western planes are already in ukraine. then the details appeared. yes, the british times newspaper, with a link to anonymous sources, writes. that the ukrainian
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military has already received 6 f-16s. they were sent by the netherlands. denmark will send the next ones, according to the publication. another british newspaper, the daily telegraph, wrote that in the 16th they were already on combat sorties in ukraine, they were used for air defense. and this post of the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania about the f-16 became another indirect confirmation that the planes are in ukraine. the impossible became possible. that's it, he wrote. officially, the ukrainian authorities cannot supply fighter jets in any way commented, but russia is already threatening that it will shoot down western planes, they even earlier offered a reward to their military for the first downed f16, 15 million rubles, approximately 170 thousand dollars. ukraine has been asking western partners to provide modern fighter jets for a long time. they are about to arrive. this is what western officials repeated already in the summer. but what kind of planes are these? f-16s are not new, but... proven,
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they are fighters that have been in use around the world for over 50 years, and while the united states and some other nato countries are gradually replacing f-16 to new f-35 fighters, but on a scale: old planes, newest planes, where they are in the 16th, taking into account all the upgrades they received during that time. i asked justin bronk, a british viewer from the royal defense research institute, about this, he is an expert on military aircraft. the f-16s that ukraine will soon receive are relatively old, they were mostly built in the 90s, designed in the late 1970s with so -called mid- life upgrades. they definitely do not compare to fifth generation aircraft, they have approximately the average capabilities of traditional fourth-generation aircraft. they have access to quite a large number of weapons and are very flexible in terms of what they can carry and use. most american weapons. for the whole
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air-to-ground impression is suitable for this, although there is a question about what weapons systems are allowed to be supplied to ukraine, because many american weapons systems are not widely exported, and there will be concerns, especially about long-range air-to-air or air-to-ground missiles , which would hit targets deep behind the front line. some of these weapons will not detonate or be destroyed, so the russians will inevitably get samples that will be analyzed and ... given to chinese and iranian specialists to analyze, as they have done with many other weapons systems. and of course, this process takes place from the other side as well, i.e. ukraine analyzes russian weapons and transmits information about it to western partners. therefore, there will be a question about what weapons are transferred, and this will significantly affect what they can and cannot be used for use. i think one of the key things to keep in mind is the consideration of the eye. the f-16 is in many respects
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as old as the mig-29 and su-27 aircraft, which ukraine will eventually replace with the f-16. it has more advanced electronics, it 's been upgraded over time, and for example, one of the key things is they can give pilots in the cockpit a lot more situational information about threats, so it should save the lives of pilots if they take the right actions when they're in danger, because the radar warning receiver or other... what self-defense equipment is better on the f-16 than on the corresponding soviet aircraft. the radar will be slightly better than in the mig-29 or su-27, but not much better. it's a fairly old radar, so range performance won't be particularly good against some targets, and it's still affected by electronic warfare. these are relatively efficient, light, multi-role western jets, they are not wonder weapons. so the main benefits, as i said, is situational awareness for... which helps
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them become more aware that they're being targeted and allows for quicker defensive action, and secondly, flexibility in the weapons they can potentially use. the disadvantage is that the radar is relatively limited, although there will be a small improvement, and the f-16s are more fragile and difficult to maintain, so they will need more training at air bases and scattered locations to avoid russian ground strikes, it is not a wonder weapon, but it will definitely come in handy. it has been almost a year and a half since the first reports of readiness to provide ukraine with f-16s, until targets... such have arrived in ukraine, as reported. it was agreed that kyiv would receive western military aircraft in the spring of last year. training of ukrainian pilots began approximately at the end of last summer. and at the same time , president zelensky went to the netherlands and denmark, where loud promises were made that these countries would provide ukraine with dozens of
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f-16 fighter jets. do you remember the moment when ukrainian presidents and danish prime minister mette frederikson boarded the f-16. regarding the number of planes, then zelenskyi... voiced the following figures: the netherlands will be able to provide 42 aircraft and denmark - 19 aircraft. even later , there were statements that belgium and norway would also hand over f-16s to kyiv. despite the fact that ukraine needs 128 western aircraft, while russia uses approximately three hundred of its combat aircraft, this is what the ukrainian authorities say. prior to that, ukraine received aircraft from western partners, but of soviet design, such as the mig-29 from poland and slovakia. so what will the western fighters change for? defense forces, this is how the ukrainian aviation expert, anatoly, commented khrapchynskyi. with the receipt of f-16 aircraft , we will be able to close a number of problems that are currently painful for ukraine, such as massive missile attacks, the use of guided air bombs,
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and the deployment of the same s-300s on the border of sumy and kharkiv regions, that is, there are a number of problems that complicate the work as a military , and complicate the work. civilians, because russia uses the methodology of terrorism, and against terrorism there can only be effective weapons that are actively used, so in principle, if we are talking about obtaining aircraft, at least something and getting all 70-88 will take some time, the important question is what kind of weapons they will have, if you look at the war now, russia is using its air superiority using guided bombs, it is a big threat. on the front now, these are bombs that are launched in russian airspace 40-50 km from the targets in ukraine, these are terrible and powerful weapons, they use them around kharkiv, in the kharkiv offensive, i saw them there, they instill great fear, they are terrible . if you have an f-16 with
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medium-range air-to-air missiles, then it could neutralize this threat if there is permission to shoot down russian planes. russian airspace, so the reservations that the western countries had and about which we now have a shift, they are important in the context of the f-16, what weapons will be given to ukraine for these f-16s and how many of them will there be, with all the weapons that the west provides, one should avoid the expression gamechanger, a miraculous tool that will change the course of the war. no weapon can decide the course of war. the only such weapon was the patriot air defense system, it is a purely defensive weapon. which ukraine demanded everything more and more, but no offensive weapons that ukraine received did not change the dynamics, the air had a serious lag, and here f-16 will help. but keep in mind, the f-16 needs
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infrastructure, these are powerful jets that have a huge air intake, it sucks up debris on the runway like a giant vacuum cleaner, so specially prepared airfields are needed. plus maintenance and trained pilots are required. but the most important thing: now that the planes, as reported in ukraine, need protection from russian strikes. russia does not hide that will hunt for these planes, and has already targeted ukrainian airfields before. so, at the beginning of july, the russians hit the myrhorod airfield. the russian ministry of defense said that they allegedly destroyed five ukrainian planes and damaged two more that were under repair. the air force of the ukrainian armed forces replied that the losses were actually smaller, and when... the former spokesman of the air force command , yuriy ignat, said that one plane was destroyed, and the others were out of order. how to protect f-16 from russian strikes in ukraine was investigated by bbc correspondent oleg chernysh. in fact, the ukrainian government and the ukrainian military are announcing several solutions that
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can save the f-16. general golbtsov, this is the commander of the air force aviation, directly said in an interview, if i'm not mistaken, to radio liberty, that... that part of the f-16 aircraft ukraine will deploy on the territory of neighboring states, i.e. neighbors, western neighbors, he directly said in order to protect them from blows. in addition, we can say that although this situation in migrod was unpleasant, but at most readroms , actions are taken to strengthen their defense, this includes additional air defense systems, this also includes the fortification of special hangars for aircraft, these are also mock-ups, which the commander of the leading forces, general mykola lyschuk, actually directly stated, he thanked the mock-up manufacturers and hinted that some of the... strikes by the russians already occurred precisely on model aircraft, not on real aircraft, that is, those
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that were declared as a success were actually a defeat for the russian army, because they spent expensive missiles on conventional model aircraft, that is, in order to protect the f-16s, which will be clear a priority target for russian attacks, it is necessary to take a complex of actions that are already being done, that still need to be done, this is passive protection, airfield protection, this is... mockups, these are the same drawings on the asphalt, aircraft silhouettes so that it is impossible cut off from the satellite, this is the masking of shelters and the planes themselves with special means, and these are active measures, this is the strengthening of air defense, this is the constant movement of aircraft, when the alarm signal sounds, when it is known that russia is preparing to attack ukraine, it is necessary to constantly move planes between airfields and also between. spare , lesser-known sites where military aircraft can be placed. there is hope
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that the ukrainian authorities understand the value of the f-16, understand their necessity for future military operations, and therefore there is such a vision that it is the f-16 that, if the maximum, maximum protection will be used by the ukrainian army in order to so that the russians don't have to brag about the destruction of these western planes. well, in my opinion, russia will not risk attacking the bases of nato countries, all the more simply because to destroy some planes, how will it distinguish f-16s that, for example, belong to romania from f-16s that belong there to ukraine and so on. that is, it seems to me that there are too many risks for russia, and it has shown that it is actually afraid to take certain steps that... can be interpreted as direct aggression towards nato, so it seems to me that in this context,
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when the entire territory ukraine is being fired at by russian missiles, and we see how far russian drones fly into the rear of ukrainian, ukrainian territory, actually a situation when part of the f-16 will move outside the border of ukraine, this is quite a reasonable decision. well, this concludes our broadcast, and read more about f-16 fighters on our. website, in particular recommends this article: half a century in the air, why is it still one of the best fighters in the world in the 16th, because really for a combat aircraft to be in service for 50 years is quite an achievement, and in this article we we tell how these fighters were created and what is their special feature and endurance, and also subscribe to our pages in social networks so as not to miss the most important news, we are on facebook, instagram. and in tiktok, on youtube , you can watch our broadcast if you suddenly missed it live. i'll say goodbye to you until
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monday, see you. greetings, friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko and... and in this episode we will talk about the following. russian agents in ukraine. the sbu is fighting mass arson of military vehicles and exposing enemy spies in various regions. what is the purpose of the fsb? shakes up ukrainian society using teenagers. not necessarily a necessity. most ukrainians are very. is concerned about the intensification of mobilization processes in ukraine, but admits that russia cannot
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be defeated without it. how to change the situation? the decline of the servant of the people. the president's political party is rapidly losing public trust. why do zelenskyi's voters turn away from his colleagues in the parliament? throughout our broadcast, friends, we are conducting a survey today, we are asking, how is it not surprising. about the olympics and about the participation of our olympians in the olympics, and we ask you about this, do you expect gold medals from ukrainian olympians, so far there is one bronze medal and one silver, but... we hope for gold, well, at least the espresso tv channel hopes. what do you think and what are your expectations, you can take part in our vote, we are interested to know your opinion on youtube everything is quite simple, yes no, or write your own opinion under this video in the comments, if you watch us on tv, take it in your hands smartphone or phone and vote if you expect gold medals from the olympic team
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of ukraine 0800 211 381 no 0800213. 82, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, i want to introduce the guests of today's studio, today we have a journalist club, a traditional journalist club that we hold every friday, olga musahirova, correspondent of the novaya newspaper europe in ukraine, olya, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, and kateryna nekrecha, journalist of radio svoboda, kateryna, good evening, thank you for joined ours. broadcast, congratulations, colleagues. well, since we are asking our tv viewers about the olympic, olympic gold of ukraine, i will ask you, although this is a rhetorical question, are you waiting? of course, we are all waiting, the answer is quite simple. olya, are you waiting for olympic gold? but the ukrainian team is already a winner because it is participating in the olympics. already, they have already
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won gold medals. katerina, i think. that we should not just wait, but also understand whether as a state or as a society we contributed to for ukrainian athletes to train in good conditions, for example, all that can be heard today about ukrainian sports and champions is that they succeed despite everything, despite these conditions, and this is indeed a victory, but there must be support, and it is probably easier to follow sports in peacetime, i would like more ukrainians to follow sports in front of the tv, to watch it all, to know their athletes, not only those who receive gold and silver medals there, to be interested in it in general, and of course, for the state to support its athletes, because this is very important. thank you, kateryna, well, we will wait for the gold, for the ukrainian gold, although, as ulha musafirova said, they have already won
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and received all the medals, because in principle , the ukrainian national team is at the 2020 olympics. during the bloody war that is raging in ukraine, and this is already a big victory for our athletes. so, my dear colleagues, let's start our conversation with the russian agency, because we can see how during the last few weeks, especially, the car dealers have become more active, the ukrainian military, the fsb is trying to mobilize. society, as the head of the criminal investigation of the national police, vadym dzyubynskyi, said on the air of the telethon, there are accurate statistics of the burning of military cars, and this is how he explains who and why is burning the cars of servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine. 59 facts were revealed, the cars
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of military personnel were set on fire, 68 people were exposed in... these crimes are minors, well, there are also adults, adults who commit these crimes, and they are united by only one thing, this desire all these people to make quick and easy money, and all these people also have in common the fact that all the cars that were set on fire, they were all set on fire by order of representatives of the russian olya special service, we see how the russians are trying to create a large internal front inside the ukrainian the state, to make ukrainians angry, to make ukraine angry with people who speak ukrainian, ukrainian-speakers, i wanted to say russian-speakers, non-russian-speakers who speak ukrainian, there are those who speak russian, we see these arson attacks organized by the special services
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of the russian federation, does this mean that the ukrainian special services may not be finalizing, perhaps... not working out, for example, telegram and all these chats, bots, and all these orders that come, obviously, through all these social networks and through messengers, i.e. why ukrainians in the third year of the bloody war, the great war, still become part of the great russian machine to destabilize the situation in ukraine. well, let's try to understand this, at least within the limits of our journalistic powers. as far as i understand the methods of the country's special services. of the whole world, they do not have many differences, yes, even as in our childhood, when we played, ours were scouts,
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and theirs were spies. well, actually, this situation is a mirror image of what is in russia and what is in ukraine. well, we have to realize that, again, the arsenal of special services that organize such sabotage is similar. both among us and among the russians, and when sometimes our special services report on the spread of the partisan movement on the territory of the bryansk, kursk, and vorona regions, i would urge, well, to be a little more conscious of this attitude, well, there is no partisan... movement there, these are the same teenagers, some unfavorable elements, whom you can buy for 3 kopecks and say: go over there,
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set fire to that relay cabinet. well, unfortunately, this is real life and the reality of politics, what we are facing. here you can only compare which special service works more efficiently, that is, who sets more fires, the russians? because of teenagers, there are some marginals, or we are russians, but if the second figure will exceed two, three, four times, i will say that the special services work great, to help, well, sorry, it's called terrorism, yes, subversive work, it's not, it's not a swear word, it's not something, it's just a definition, yes, subversive. work is a component, a component of the war, an important component of the war, and be sure that ukraine also uses, i
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hope, fully this option, just as the russians fully use it, i am interested in who is more effective in this, who is more effective, well, he will achieve more, but to say that this can somehow be helped, by and large... no way: you can’t put it on every teenager, a policeman or a father with his mother to watch what places he goes into, and all the more so because russia generally positions itself as a terrorist state, and it is clear that after yesterday's exchange between the russian federation and the civilized world, when putin met murderers and her spies, or their spies, then... it is clear that in this situation, espionage, terrorism, and sabotage are part of a large part, not even the work of the special services, but
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the great state policy of the russian federation, because despite everything, ukraine is the same doesn't demonstrate, doesn't meet the killers on the runway of the plane and doesn't lay out the red carpet to tell the killer there it's cool, how is it... putin told krasikov, well, but they admitted that krasikov is an fsb agent, and it's already done a fact, it was said out loud, it is also important, part of the state structure, yes, but come on, katerina, russia is not the only one, it hires teenagers there to burn cars and destabilizes the situation not only because of this youth environment, which is obviously wants to make money, or... wants to demonstrate that they are there are some cool people, and they can do something there, some such act, and show off among
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their peers, we, we see that, despite everything , a large fifth column of the russian federation continues to exist in ukraine, these are the opzh deputies, they have not gone anywhere, more than 400 deputies were elected to local councils from the opzh on october 20. in 2020, representatives of the opz are sitting in the verkhovna rada, the moscow church is not banned in ukraine, but if we talk globally about how and in what way russia is trying to control the internal situation or to influence the internal situation in ukraine, which in your opinion hinders the ukrainian authorities, well, at least those who from... that demonstrate pro-russian views and pro-kremlin views, after all, remove from the management
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of the country, from approval. laws, from the fact that they affect parishioners, ukrainian parishioners, well, sometimes opz deputies, they help pass certain laws, there is such a point that interferes, i do not know, i admit that not even all deputies who were elected to local rad from opzh are disrespectful people the sovereignty of ukraine, i allow such and such, and i would be careful here and in those. that teenagers are so influenced that it doesn't apply to all teenagers, or that ukrainians are influenced so that, in our words, it doesn't apply to everyone, we are really in a very alarming situation and we are going through extremely easy times, the ukrainian special services warned that russia will destabilize and sabotage, we seemed to know about it, but you can never be ready for the fact that a public
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figure, a linguist... will simply be shot in the middle of the street of a white house in lviv, and that is, these are things that a mentally healthy person cannot be, of course, ready for, and i don't know what, the special services and the police, and probably people's attention to details that can be noticed around them, and for sure people living in this country should now pay more attention to these details, maybe call the police once more if you see something suspicious, you know, after the murder of iryna farion, i live in lviv, and i just was walking in the center of the street, and two women, they somehow stopped near a guy who was sitting on on the floor, he looked like a person who was drunk, or maybe under the influence of drugs, he was just sitting there, and one of them said, they already left, and the other said, well, something must be done, because they can
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call the police. because people like him then kill the farion, that is, after such, unfortunately, tragic cases, maybe a part of society will pay attention to those details, this is another matter, the work of the special services to prevent something, to find those people who violate ukrainian legislation to find other people, those channels, thanks to how the special services of the russian federation manage to recruit these people, we also need to understand what the current economic situation is. we also have to understand that parents cannot follow their child, especially a teenager, according to their interests, parents are also busy with survival, work, and so on, and, that is, these are all many factors, and the country is not richer, on the contrary, poorer, and many more of these factors can be manifested, educational work, more attention, perhaps in educational institutions to certain moments, more attention simply to each other, in the family to each other alone, with neighbors next to each other, in some
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educational institutions. this is what society can do, well, a colleague said that it is interesting who has more such means, obviously we understand that the russian special services, which simply work very, very long and transfer experience, and again you mentioned this exchange, which also showed to many that russia is not abandoning its own, this is an important indicator, and it does not look like russia is going to weaken its intelligence services, and of course, at the same time... ukraine, for sure, that increases them, so it seems to me that we should not only hope for the law enforcement activities of the ukrainian forces, but also for ourselves and do what depends on each of us. thank you katya. ulyu, we already mentioned this incident with the return of the killers and the spy.


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