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tv   [untitled]    August 2, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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this exchange is called unprecedented both in terms of format and scale. for the first time, the exchange agreement included not only those involved in espionage cases, but also several russian political activists convicted in russia for anti-war statements or actions. why did putin agree to this exchange just now, what trump cards, so to speak, does he get from this exchange? as alexander vershbow, the former ambassador of the united states to russia, explains it. listen. to say, probably, but i think putin may have weighed the benefits from his point of view of bringing some of these back various characters, such as krasikov and other fraudsters and computer hackers, as a way to show that russia is not giving up and will save them if they are caught. perhaps he was afraid that the deal might fall apart if he waited until the election, i think we were also interested in doing so, recognizing that navalny died before he could become a part. such
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a large exchange, something could go wrong, and putin may have felt that the balance of benefits was good enough from the russian point of view, and that it was better to do it now than to wait on the results of the elections in the usa or any other external factors, and of course we are primarily interested in the consequences of this exchange for ukraine, and in general, against the background of this exchange , the question really arises, why was there no such large exchange agreement? of the ukrainian component, tens or even hundreds of ukrainians are sitting in russian prisons because of trumped-up charges, whether it was possible to return any of them, this is one question, another question, it is more global and political, can this exchange, and above all, contacts and negotiations, which were developed within the framework of this agreement, to lay some basis for ending the war in ukraine, the white house immediately said no, it can't, these are things that are not related to each other - said the national security advisor of the white house, jake sullivan, well... we will continue
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andres umlant, an analyst at the center for eastern european studies in stockholm, joins this topic. congratulations. hello, thank you for the invitation. glad to see you. what are your thoughts on this exchange, do you agree that the west has opened pandora's box by giving away spies, murderers, killers of russia, and after receiving, well, ordinary citizens who were simply, perhaps even accidentally, arrested in russia and sat there on trumped-up charges. well , i am talking about this now in berlin there is a big discussion and there are also many critics of this exchange among the germans, but on the other hand there are simply citizens of germany or citizens of america, and there is a certain priority of national interests and national commitments of governments and them in the first place.
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here, too, it seems to me that the fact that the west wanted to get these russian oppositionists played a role, like karamurza or yashin, well, to strengthen the russian opposition, the diaspora, so that new leaders appear there against after he died. navalny, by the way, this is a separate question that i wanted to ask you, because russia actually freed, gave up its own citizens, putin's political opponents, and that's who i wanted to ask, and why the west is interested in them, what does it mean to strengthen, what does it mean to strengthen the russian community abroad, they want to train these people to become leaders of the russian opposition abroad later, or why not? yes i think so after all, there is... the calculation is that sooner or
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later there will be some kind of crisis, a political crisis in russia, and then these people, they will be useful, i agree with that, that suddenly a completely new political situation may appear as a result of wine, in which even such politicians as karamurza or yashin can play a role. well , to what extent it will really happen later, i don't know, but i think that it also played a certain strategic role in this exchange, but nevertheless, i think it was rather such an additional matter, the most important thing here was to release these american and german citizens. and
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speaking from this point of view, if we take a detached look at this situation from a political point of view, who benefited more from this exchange, russia or the west? it is difficult to say, as i said, here the national governments of the west, they were under the pressure of their citizens, there the relatives of these citizens, they wanted it back, and whether this is now a victory for russia, it is also difficult to say, because really some ... at some point it may happen that people like yashin or karamarza can play a certain political role, so, in general, you can say that it's kind of a victory for russia because it released its agents, but on the other hand,
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there's also this long-term long-term risk, i think for the putin regime because now it's free... these oppositionists, uh, and i'd like to return to ukrainian, as if there was no ukrainian component in this exchange, but many in ukraine and beyond are wondering why ukraine does not appear in this exchange, or could it in principle appear there, because now many ukrainians , which are also among these are not only military personnel, these are civilian people who are sitting on trumped-up charges in russia, and between ukraine and russia. firstly, the war is going on, and secondly, because of the war, some exchange processes are going on, there are people who oversee these processes, and it would seem very logical to include some ukraine in this exchange, what do you think, why was this not done , is it at all wrong, it is a wrong way to think that
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there should have been some ukrainian component in this story, it should not have been there a priori, well, that’s how i imagine it, that from the side in the past, there were competitions to include certain, let's say, civilian ukrainians in such an exchange, but i can imagine that russia was definitely against this and did not want to do it and depend, this is a western-russian matter and not to include to ukraine, and if there is... a separate mechanism for the exchange of detainees, and that is probably why it was some kind of political decision , i was also sad and even ashamed for some reason because there was not a single
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ukrainian there. i, too, once again had the opportunity to hear such a point of view, and it is not too pleasant for ukrainians, i think for ukraine, who mind their own business. powerful states, russia and the countries of the west decided, but what is happening between ukraine and russia is something so insignificant, local, for putin, it is generally some kind of separate secondary track, and he prefers to sort things out on his own, and in principle not to do ukraine the subject of this story, because if ukraine had somehow participated in this exchange or its citizens, then it would have raised ukraine a little, even politically? well, yes, i think so too, i don't know what happened at these negotiations, but as i said, i imagine myself that the west probably wanted to include at least certain
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ukrainians there too, but that's how i imagine myself , that this exchange took place, but on the part of russia, but without ukrainians, but it would not have happened at all, do you agree that the kremlin can now very often use this tool for further political pressure and influence, or do you assume that now, i don't know, there will be mass captures of foreign citizens russia simply for the purpose of exchange, if the kremlin has already trodden this path once, everyone saw that it is possible, then why not repeat it, and this is again a question, how many more probably. russian spies are sitting somewhere in western prisons, so there is such a threat, and this is also understood here in germany, fortunately, and it is discussed and debated that it may lead to the fact that
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russia will simply, well, catch such people, and we already had such a phenomenon in donbas, that is, there was also such a thing... to capture certain ukrainians, ukrainian citizens, regardless from whether they took part in the war there or not. simply in order to later conduct such trade with russian prisoners of war, that is, you can imagine it, and now here in germany they say that everyone recommends that you do not need to go to russia and belarus, because you can be there is about to happen, and i still have some time left, i would like to ask a question on another topic, today we started our program with potential negotiations between ukraine and
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russia, the number of ukrainian population has increased, this is the latest sociology that says, that maybe the time has come for negotiations, at the same time the majority of ukrainians are not ready to give up territory, or do you see any in the last, the last weeks or maybe months , an increase in narratives about possible negotiations between ukraine and russia, do you see any? signs that the time for these negotiations has come? i think that the rhetoric of, let's say, zelensky has just changed, regarding the fact that it is possible to somehow, somehow, also resolve the conflict through negotiations, although in fact, i think it is impossible, that is, it just seems to me that the approach has changed, the approach has changed, and public rhetoric, before. the rhetoric was more decisive and less tolerant, now
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if zelensky and other ukrainian politicians talk about the fact that it is possible to hold negotiations, but since things have changed, the russian constitution has changed, that is , these territories are still written into the russian territory and the russian constitution, as russian territories, i do not see. how can some compromise be reached here, well, this is probably a change in zelenskyi’s rhetoric, and it is useful for the western, as if the rescuer, because on in the west, there was such criticism that ukraine is not ready for any kind of negotiations, and that it cannot be, and that the ukrainians should try to conduct some kind of negotiations with russia, even if they are not fruitful, well
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and let them be, i don't think that anything will work out there, as before, let's say, there was this meeting in paris, in paris between zelenskyi and putin, nothing worked out there either, and maybe there will be another meeting between them, but i i don't see that anything is really changing here, the last question against the background of this exchange between russia and the west, i heard such an assumption that now the voices of those doves of peace in the west, who say: look, we told you, you can come to an agreement with putin, he is even with the west, the west is negotiating with him, and these are the exchanges taking place , then why can't ukraine sit down at the negotiating table, do you accept that this exchange that took place will somehow affect or increase the pressure on ukraine, or are these two different processes again? i don't think it will have any effect, because, for example, here in germany there is still criticism
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the greatness of this exchange, especially this one, in relation to this figure of krasikov, who killed in the center of berlin, a georgian who took part in the chechen war, and therefore it is considered here, as if such a strange step from the west, and the criticism is still... that we made some kind of strange compromise here and it shouldn't have been done, thank you very much, andres umland, an analyst at the center for eastern european studies in stockholm, was on radio liberty, we talked about the exchange of prisoners, the exchange of prisoners, more precisely between russia and west, and how this situation can affect the war in ukraine and on potential negotiations between ukraine and russia. that's all for today, i urge you to subscribe to the radio liberty website until monday. there are discounts until
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listen to yours there are discounts. until the day of independence on korvalt 10% in the pharmacies of plantain, bam and shkadno. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. i am colleagues, we will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the war front. time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money, during the war, oleksandr morchivka field with me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alena chekchenina, our art viewer, is ready
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to tell, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished... guests of the mustafa studio dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front. this is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to deal with disturbing news and distinguish the truth from the enemy and dog. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana
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shustrova. kidnapping and illegal entrepreneurship. why did judge bondariv get suspicion? to solve your own? business cases , the judge ordered the kidnapping of a partner. but how do unscrupulous judges avoid evaluation praise? he is too sick for the meeting and qualification assessment, but for the administration of justice, in principle, he is fine. on thursday , august 1 at 5:45 p.m., watch the program judicial control with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel.
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greetings, in this video we will talk about three children from the kherson region, whom we are trying to find, and i really ask you not to be indifferent and look into the faces of these children and, if possible, give us at least ... some information about them, so in kherson , when it was still occupied by the russians, this girl disappeared, her name is amanda, she is 16 years old. unfortunately, it was not possible to find the girl after the de-occupation of kherson. there is no news from her since october 24, 2023. of course, it is possible that the occupiers could
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to forcefully take the child to russia, but it could also be that the girl along with her parents... were forced to go to one of the european countries, so if you are currently living in europe and you see this video, look closely at amanda's face, any report any information you know to 11630. 11630 is the only european hotline for missing children, which is available in 28 european countries. and this is artem beresh. date of birth - august 3, 2008. before the war , the boy lived in the village of syvashchivka, this is the heniche district of the kherson region, but since february 24 in 2022, the connection with him was cut off, since that time. nothing is known about the fate of artem, we do not know where and with whom the boy is now, but we really hope that he is alive and that everything is fine with him, so we ask you
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to inform us of any, even the slightest information about artem, if you are about if you know anything about him, call the magnolia children's search service hotline, our number is 4:30 p.m., calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free if you... are in the occupied territory and do not have the opportunity call, you can contact us by writing on facebook or instagram, or by contacting the child tracing service in telegram. also , 14-year-old vlad sokolov disappeared in the kherson region. we know that before the war he lived in the village of gornostaivka. now this village is occupied and therefore the process of finding a guy is very complicated. exactly because of this is not known for sure. when exactly and under what circumstances did the boy disappear, but the official date of his disappearance is january 19, 2023 . unfortunately,
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there is no more information. therefore, we hope for your attention and care. if you recognize if you know of 14-year-old vlad sokolov, if you know of his possible whereabouts, do not delay and report it to the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 160. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. in general, after the full-scale invasion, we received a lot of missing persons and the vast majority of boys and girls disappeared precisely during the occupation. of course, for obvious reasons, the search process in territories not controlled by ukraine is extremely difficult. however, general advice if you have missing child in the occupied territory, the following. if possible. by any means available, contact the police or magnolia children's tracing service and report any known information about the child's disappearance that may assist in the search. collect data
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about the child, write down his full name, date of birth, circumstances and place of disappearance. of course, if possible, find photos of the child and report on his special signs and communication. in the future, follow the instructions of the police or a consultant. hot magnolia children's helpline. i also ask everyone who sees us to go to the website of the child tracing service. if you recognize any of these boys and girls, please immediately call our hotline at 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource where you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal.
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stopcrime ua.
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an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from the head. no, not off the top of my head. but beyond it. and then who is china? me, i have all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15, at espresso. hundreds of thousands of
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square meters of damaged jersey. apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with recovery in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday political club, every saturday for espresso.
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what awaits ukraine upon completion? this week we hear about numerous peace plans, is even one of them realistic, is the option of freezing the war likely, will the event really contribute to the victory of ukraine, and will this support change in view of the presidential election in the united states? the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv, a platform where everyone gets a say and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel.
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the ukrainian program is on the air from washington voice of america services chas time. my name is maria ulyanovska. congratulations. the democratic party officially nominated camelo harris for president. the online voting process will not end until monday, but garis has already received enough delegate votes. she said she was honored and promised to officially, officially accept the nomination next week. also, in
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the coming days, we expect the candidate to announce who she will choose as her vice president for this presidential race. meanwhile, political prisoners, whom russia returned america, and i will remind you, wall street journal journalist evan hershkovich, radio liberty tatar-bashkir service journalist alsu kurmashova and american marine paul whelan arrived in the united states this night. yuliya yarmolenko prepared for us more about this event, as well as an expert review of how this exchange will affect ukraine. yuli, congratulations. greetings maria. so, how did the usa meet the hostages of the kremlin, what were the emotions and what is happening to them now? you know, maria, that night at andrew's base near washington, there were a lot of tears, a lot lots of emotions and lots of hugs. and the president of the united states, joe biden, as well as the vice president, kamela harris, arrived in person to congratulate the released americans, but probably the simple emotions, the emotions of the meeting, will be remembered the most.


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