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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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groups from the side of the enemy with the support of fividrons and artillery, is this how it looks at the current stage? yes, actually it is like that, but in recent weeks we have been watching more and more how exactly they work with drones, that is, even the infantry is not so actively trying to pass, as it was two or three weeks ago, that is the drones will now try to attack our defensive positions where they feel that our defenses are weak there, then already... certain small groups are moving to those areas where they are striking with drones, is this about not really, they use drones to work the entire strip, that is, they have quite a lot of them, it’s fpv, it’s bombers, and they work constantly, that is, the whole strip is under the constant fire of enemy drones, and the effectiveness and role of artillery in this process, that is, what enemy artillery retreated to the second. plan and main emphasis they
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will now earn only on fiwi drones? well, if you compare it with what was, for example, even six months ago, then yes, artillery of course, you know, i would say more correctly, artillery in they work more aimed, more accurately, it does not work chaotically, as it worked before, but you know, it is more doric to say that they do not have less artillery, there are much, much more drones, and against their background, it seems that the artillery has become work less, although this is not true. although this is an illusion, the artillery also works, but in the first place, you know, very, very much, very much fpv, very much dropping, we see how they remotely mine also with the help of drones, and so against this background it seems that the artillery seems to have decreased, it has not decreased, mr. bohdan, and what about the cabs, because i heard from the military from other directions, in particular from the time of the yar, where they say that the cabs began to be used as a means of combating our artillery , when they conditionally say, when they detect where
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our artillery system is located, then after a certain time they are ready to direct their planes there, so that precisely at the expense of the cabs, it is guaranteed to ensure the defeat of this position, in your area such stories happen, as the enemy uses cab? in our area, the enemy uses cabs even more, well, it's unpleasant for us, because they use them not only on those positions where there is some artillery, they can use it on those positions. that is, if they see a certain position, they can work there as kabami, that is, they don’t even need artillery, if they see artillery, of course they shoot at it, they are kabami in them, well, they don’t feel sorry for them, then the question arises, what are the most optimal countermeasures then, and what does ours look like then defense system, or should it be? mobile
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or constant change of positions, how to defend positions in such conditions, when the enemy has a significant number of fp drones, well, we see that ikaba is used for such small-scale purposes, the usual line of defense of modern war is highly mobile, it is a stealthy war, digging into the ground , this is the first thing, to build a fortification system, then it’s rebs, then it’s air defense systems, completely different there and... short-range and long-range, and definitely that counter-attack, counter-battery fight against artillery, rebs against them, drones, and accordingly, that air defense and our aviation should work on those who launch cabs, that is, on airplanes. in principle, the advantage here is that the enemy does not have any weapons that would certainly give them an advantage, they have an advantage only in the number of weapons that they have, we have an advantage in the quality of weapons that in... well, for a certain time stands
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in this direction, you know the enemy, i think you know the brigades that are fighting against you, are there any dynamics in the level of their training, or now, relatively speaking, the level training is not significant, but it is the number that allows them to carry out those permanent operations that you mentioned at the beginning of our conversation, all those operations that were carried out, they without... definitely carried out precisely at the expense of the number, that is, it is impossible to say that they have there was some incredible training there, but we met very different groups, that is, we met crowds of people who did not really understand where they were and they had the appropriate equipment, we met, well, obviously, they were special forces, so i will tell them directly it was just hard to kill, and it was obvious, you could see it very much from their equipment, how they moved, how they generally worked, how they... worked with 3-0s, came in,
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left, they were extremely trained people, and also they are well equipped, but there are those who go, there are 20 people on the bmp, it blows up, they scattered, scattered, well, you know, natu. that's why the enemy has , depending on the task at hand, they accordingly send appropriately trained people and appropriately equipped, appropriately motivated, of course, what they have a lot of problems, a lot of problems with motivation, personnel, uh, that is, all those problems are there, they are present, is the enemy trying to strike the bridges that are behind you, relatively speaking, there are several, well, relatively speaking, important logistics routes. across the stallion river, is the enemy trying to attack these bridges with their aircraft? regularly attacks, regularly attacks both with kababs and rocket artillery, that is, it comes out regularly, we have several roads, we also call it the road of life, because everything is there
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shot at, everything happens there regularly, of course, well, that is, but in any case , the logistics work, and even despite these risks of strikes on these bridges, everything is still there... what kind of provisions allow, well, your brigade to receive all that, what is necessary on the battlefield, of course, of course, well for every measure there is a countermeasure, of course there were videos where your brigade works effectively with pividrons, destroys even enemy ground drones there, a little more detail about drones, because we will show again now muster for your battalion of your team, a few examples of the work of your specialists, so that people understand how important it is... to support this collection? in fact , it is extremely important to support this collection now, because as i said, now the combat operations are moving to the plane of drones, fpv. what does fpv give us? firstly, it's a powerful damage opportunity, secondly, it's, well, let's be
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honest, it's safer than sending multiple people to do the same job, so this collection is extremely important, and i urge everyone to close it asap, because it is significant will improve our work. our job is to protect our state, our ukraine and destroy the enemy, well, actually, i think that's what we all strive for. mr. bohdan, do the dorners work at night, do you have these modern fpv drones with the so-called final guidance , it was there, the ministry of statistics announced there, the purchase of exactly such drones, or such modern drones, are actually in your arsenal, well you know, i would really like the ministry of finance to share with us if they were clamoring for... we would be very grateful if we had drones that would carry out mining themselves so that the enemy does not advance to our positions, have these models of the use of our heavy drones there been worked out? yes, of course, it exists,
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and it is used regularly, regularly we understand the ways, possible ways of advancing the enemy, either on foot or by infantry, of course, due to these heavy drones, we name them, place them. and this has its result, because the enemy regularly hits these mines, and we disrupt their plans, that is also true, but the enemy does the same, it must be understood. mr. bohdan, a what part of the combat operations involving the use of drones or the enemy's attempts to advance is at night, how active is the night now in terms of combat operations? now the night is not very active, this is explained by what? this is explained, in my opinion, first of all. the technologies that we are, that is, at night any movements can be seen much better than during the day, because everything lights up, the technology can be used at night, well, it generally lights up very strongly, you know, it can be seen in the thermal imager, if it is even infantry, well, now , at least in the summer there are some leaves, in the winter, well
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or when there are no leaves, it's generally very, very visible, so it's just, well, if you know, it's not very advisable, let's say at night, and is there a need for such protective camouflage coatings? in order to cover soldiers from thermal imagers, from night drones, is there a need for these developments, do your soldiers have such cloaks, why do i ask, because i maintain contact with our developers, and they say that we have done such cool things there , there should be a request for such samples of equipment, equipping our military, what does yours say experience on this topic, you know, for at least a year i have been hearing about it, that they exist, they have already given us a lot, but for... that no product worked as we would like, they either heat up later, or they too heavy, too bulky, that is, it is impossible to work in it, of course, that would be desirable, but at the moment there is no such form that could really work as it is needed, and mr. bohdan, finally i want
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to ask about recruiting, a decision has been made , we know that there will be a cabinet resolution, where the brigades will still be able to do so now take people who want to fight in a specific brigade. without a tsk link, what do you say about it, do you see a positive in it, how is your brigade, your battalion replenished? i totally welcome this decision, in fact, i really do. a good solution, if it is possible, because those combat teams who understand what they need and who they need communicate directly, and they have the opportunity to communicate with those who will go, and they will be able to, that is, it is more honest, it more directly, because the one who goes to the village, he can ask ask all the questions that there are, i i understand that society has very, very many myths, some tricks in their heads, they think that i will come now, no one needs me here, they will give me a uniform, a machine gun, some old bronze medal and i will be immediately... it is not so, so it is good that there will be a possibility of direct contact, the possibility of asking this, secondly,
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the commanders who are on the ground, they understand very well who they need, than the tcc officers there , with all due respect. i'm very positive about it, i'm very positive about it and i hope that somehow it will move this mobilization from the ground, because i want society to finally understand that we are in the third year of the war, that this is not a mobilization or something else, that it is not cool, not cool to run from someone from the tsk, but there is also a question... our states, states, ukraine, well, i think that it is very important to everyone, and that is why we have to fight for it, and the army is a very diverse large structure, in which there are not only those who sit in the trenches, of course, but also administrative servicemen , there are means of support, there are anti-tank guns, anti-aircraft guns, it specialists and so on and so on, we live in the 21st century, and therefore for every ukrainian, every man and woman, if she has a desire, there will be a profession. and it's good that society will finally be able to communicate directly with combat commanders,
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military personnel on the ground, maybe it will move . mr. bohdan, thank you very much for your explanations, for what you and your comrades do to protect our country, i will remind our viewers that this was a serviceman of the 60th, 60th separate mechanized brigade with the call sign of mt. here these were the main emphasis in the military results of this day and week, then the broadcast continued. i thank serhiy zgruts, i thank his guest, i am happy to return to the conversation, we have a little less than an hour and a half left, and in these hours and a half we will definitely be able to fit the most important, the most important things that cannot be missed. well, we start with the announcement of the fundraiser, the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have opened a fundraiser. for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate
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assault, 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction hold back heavy enemy attacks every day. they defend freedom, they defend the future of our life with you. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the difficult retreat. and from the initial defense, then the retreat in the avdiiv direction in the spring, when there was a shortage of ammunition, there were many problems on... nevertheless, they resisted and were able to do what they had to do and fulfill the task set before them, but still, because of these complex and difficult battles, the armed forces of ukraine suffered losses in general military personnel also died, there were many wounded, but there were losses in equipment as well, in particular in drones, so we need to renew resources as soon as possible, our military urgently needs flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones, that is... we need high-quality employees, these technologies are critically important to protect our soldiers, to protect their lives, our goal
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is ambitious, but realistic, 3.5 million hryvnias. remember that each of your donations is not wasted, it brings our victory closer, and together we will be able to protect those who protect us. so, we will inform you, and we will start our conversation. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters. of the assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, which will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and kamikaze drones, we are asking for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, so we will donate, well and we start a conversation with the guests we will invite. to the conversation andrii lavrus, deputy of the kropyvnytskyi district council, mr. andrii, i congratulate you, mr. andriy, glad to see and hear,
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glory to ukraine, can you hear me? now we will try to get in touch once again, on august 1 the enemy attacked the kirovohrad region, and we will talk about the consequences of the enemy attacks, and we will talk about life in general. of the region of the city of kropyvnytskyi, it is not so often possible to talk with this region, but despite everything , many important processes are taking place there, and there are certain moments. which are worth discussing, but the fact that the enemy is trying to heal something there, and unfortunately, often suffers civil infrastructure, residential infrastructure, business infrastructure, people are suffering, citizens, so let's ask what damage was caused due to enemy strikes, the enemy used
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iskander missiles, if the information i read is true, of course we can all roughly somewhere ... to understand the enemy's goal in one or another area, especially now, but i will not voice this topic, then they will write that you surrender everything to the enemy, no one ever surrenders anything to the enemy, but we understand the main thing, what he can do now hunt to hunt the aggressor, but he can hunt for anything, but unfortunately, those blows are very often, and i will not think further, mr. andriy will tell himself, andriy lavrus, deputy of the kropyvnytskyi district council. glory to ukraine, mr. andrii, congratulations. glory to the heroes, i congratulate the studio, so on august 1, a thief attacked kirovohrad oblast, please tell us about the consequences of enemy attacks from what can be said, how can these consequences be overcome, if there was destruction, victims, please, yesterday, august 1, after 21 at o'clock
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the air alarm sounded, and literally for for several minutes we heard the sound of an explosion. and then there was another explosion, well, most likely what i read on the telegram channels, it was the release of ballistics from crimea, and probably they usually hit with ballistics, it's an iskander m-type missile, uh, children, a lot the children were having dinner on the street, walking and, well , they were very scared, i will say this right away, the fact that we are in kropyvnytskyi, it is obvious that the explosions were outside the city... talk, but if there are no victims and everyone is alive, then it is already good. yes, well, it is clear that the enemy has somewhere his informants, somewhere true, somewhere false, from what he learns, very often the enemy just hits residential buildings,
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tries to intimidate, demotivate, put ukrainian society in a state of terror, but enough... even when the enemy tries to heal somewhere, something that seems to him that it is there, unfortunately, people can suffer, especially since, let's say, the enemy uses these iskander cluster rockets quite often now, when the damage is not to the combat unit, when the combat unit is not explosives, is a set of cartridges that fly apart and hit, citizens are affected, this also happens, for example, we saw such a story in odesa, kirovohrad region, well, it is located not far from the front. in fact, central ukraine, and we understand that given the current situation, we must always prepare for various scenarios, we believe that the armed forces of ukraine will hold the enemy where they hold him, but again, we must prepare for various scenarios, and therefore without revealing any details, secrets, do you have information about proper
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work on the construction of fortifications, well with taking into account all the conditions and circumstances that exist in the kirovohrad region. the construction of fortifications or certain networks that could help the armed forces of ukraine , in the event of something, use them to deter the enemy. please. well, look, as far as i know from official sources, namely from the regional military administration, fortifications are sometimes built in the zaporizhia region, and our region, and in particular the administration, is responsible because they are involved there. i understand, contractors, subcontractors organizations that help to build and strengthen fortifications, when the task of building arises, well, that is, it is determined not by civilians, but by the military, the need to build fortifications in one or another territory, when there is such a need in our region, i am convinced that they will deal with this, we will help,
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well, what we are doing now, in addition to building fortifications, builders from... our region, we do not stop helping and volunteering for the armed forces of ukraine, so by rallying in this way, i i believe that we can only overcome the challenges that are in front of us, when they are otherwise, well, it will only go against the enemy, therefore, running ahead, i call on the authorities of all levels, not you, the public and society will not endure. you know, because yesterday, for example, there was information about khmadit and how much outrage there was. then such things do not unite, they separate, and therefore whoever wants to profit from the mountain, law enforcement agencies should act immediately and cut off such things,
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because i will repeat once again that it divides society, and not unites it, you know, this is a very good thing, you immediately feel a kinship of soul with you, because good people have the right ukrainians, it immediately causes what did you say just now, and how much money can be made on the mountain, don't worry, you said it now about okhmadite, yesterday we just discussed this topic with taras zagorodny, and today there was information that there is already some new the company appeared as if out of nowhere, you know, as if by magic sticks, which is ready to participate in the tender for the construction of the main military memorial of the country, where it should be a holy place for decades and centuries, and there are already some such things, well, i think that such attempts will still be cut off, there will always be attempts to steal something from someone somewhere, this is understandable in any country, in ukraine during the war, you know, but you understand what i said, that the situation is like this, on the one hand, we
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unite here, we help the front, the armed forces of ukraine, here the region is looking for funds for the construction of fortifications there, and with on the other side, there are such unscrupulous, such dishonest people who want to make a profit, what you want to make a profit on, at the children's hospital. on the children on those where the rockets hit, what is there any sense for, such things, we understand, we, this society, we understand that without the help of some officials, without the help of power structures, that is, such things simply cannot happen, and that's why i said that these are things that divide society, because society directs its energy then exactly there, and we have energy where to collect, there is where to concentrate, this is aid to the front, aid to internally displaced persons, and that is why i said that there must be a reaction of law enforcement agencies, it is not possible, we must find who allowed
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that tender to take place now and give it to contractors for construction, and when we speak , for example, about okhmadit there is an amount of 300 million, that is, a memorial cemetery, and there is an amount of almost 2 billion, that is, it is a huge amount of money and... this money, if we are talking about okhmady now, then it is money from ukrainians, which we all sent there to a charity fund, here state funds, and we have no place to spend state funds, our front is fully equipped with drones, if this is so, if i am wrong, then why do we collect, continue to collect for drones, repair drones, why do we continue to collect and repair cars, that is, i i will tell you, mr. andrii, that luckily there are people like you. and your communities and not only your community, who simply cannot do otherwise, and will collect, and repair, and direct, and support, and thanks to people like you and your communities, we will win this war, i am very
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thank you, i still have a question, but i think we will talk again, it will not be the last time we meet on the air, because i would like to talk about the harvest and about helping the displaced, unfortunately, time is limited, i wish you success and i believe that we will meet again and talk about these topics as well, and thank you again for your work and for your position, it is very important. andrew. rus, the deputy of the kropylnytsia district council was in touch with us, well , it would be really nice to talk to a person who understands the pros and cons, where is right, where is wrong, and when you see such deputies, you understand, well, it’s cool, it’s right, when people have a clear understanding of where and where it stinks, and they are ready to do something to prevent it from stinking, does it stink there in russia, well, the question is rhetorical, of course, but now we will talk about this story, er... about the russian stench ivan us, candidate of economic sciences, mr. ivan, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, mr. vasyl, i congratulate all the viewers of the express tv channel, i could to poetically ask
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what is currently stinking in the ukrainian economy, betrayal, defeat, a feeling of something bad, but i won't add to the metaphors here, i'll just ask there was a report by the head of the central bank of russia, elvira nabibulina, who told. about the state of affairs in general, well, in the banking system and in the russian economy, the expectation that everything in them will collapse, collapse and everyone in russia will die at once, well , i mean financially, economically, it would be naive, but to say that that they can fight for another 150 million years, too, probably naive, please evaluate professionally, i will not even to get confused, because i am not an economist, financier or banker, but you will assess professionally and give an assessment based on the average temperature in the ward. of the russian economy, well, you know, there was once a saying that if i woke up and asked, what's going on in russia, the answer would be the same, they steal and steal. the state of russia, and as
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for the russian economy, you know, right now there are certain statements by alvira sehibzadovna, but you know, these statements are not something so new, if we now go back in time a little to july just last year in 2023, there was a report actually of the bank of russia, and there was such a phrase that the main problem of the russian economy is that growth occurs in the production of goods and services that are not connected either with consumption or with investment, which actually lies behind this phrase, that when in russia is told about the growth of the economy, this growth does not actually affect the lives of citizens, or does not create prospects for improving this life in the future, that is, an elementary example,
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if... russia produced 10 tanks there, the next month it produced 30 tanks, then it turns out that the growth is three times, but if these 30 tanks are shot down, then this growth will be multiplied by zero, and the population of russia will not feel it, but at the same time, due to the fact that this growth is taking place, accordingly , certain money is printed, like they say, in response to this growth, which is directed to people who work in... but now it is not only biullin, but many russian officials say about the overheating of the economy, what is the loss of the economy, it is when a lot of money supply is created, which is not provided with real goods, that is, people have money, but there is nothing to buy with this money, and it turns out that the russian economy is faced with this problem, and a similar situation can only push
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inflation. you know, three months ago there was such a legal forum in st. petersburg, and there the same nebyulina spoke and said the phrase that the planned inflation in russia is 4%. now she is already talking about the fact that there is 7%, but the experts who analyze the russian economy, as they say, are not positionists, but and they are not pro-kremlin, they say that the fact that inflation will be double-digit is a fact, because , first of all, we see that in... already in the next, by the way, in the sixth, the discount rate was raised to 18%, this is not a record , let me remind you that after the start of the full-scale war there was 20%, after which they sharply reduced it, but then there was, as they say, a quick reaction and they managed to solve the problems, but it was not the rate that solved these problems, but the fact that the west did not was ready to launch the sanctions in full, and now, when these sanctions are starting to take effect little by little, and
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russia thinking that then... could start to increase this discount rate again, but again, it doesn't help, because again, as the russian economists, who are not very pro-government, say that if your discount rate doesn't stop inflation, that means , that your inflation is higher than the accounting rate, that is, we can first say that there inflation can be quite close to 20%, and as for the age-old question of how many reserves are in russia, let's count like this, the national welfare fund is 4.6 , it will be easier that way, because they are actually there they keep the exchange rate up to 92 rubles per dollar, but we understand that, by the way, one of the problems of the russian economy is that the ruble exchange rate has become a fiction, when i'm sorry, sometimes, you,
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you'll forgive me, i just remember soviet times, because i am from the 70s, then the exchange rate of the dollar, then the ruble, the dollar was worth 65 soviet kopecks, and therefore it was also a very cool exchange rate, but you simply could not buy currency first, if you did not have permission to going abroad, but the course was very cool, it was me before that it already happened, it already happened, and yes, yes, but i will add, it was, well, why am i 67. as i remembered for a dollar, yes, but then let 's also talk about the black exchange rate of the ruble for the soviet ruble on the market, and it was 20 rubles for one dollar, that is, the official 60 there are 5-7 kopecks, on the black market there are 20 karbovints at once, this is to understand that in fact there was one economy that was reported on, and another economy that was...


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