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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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a house with an area of ​​533 m2 near kharkiv for almost uah 2 million and an elite mercedes suv for more than uah 15 million. it is not clear where a woman who had no income, except for a pension, got such funds. he received a negative opinion from the public integrity council. he had valuable property, which was a question of declaration, the question of where the money came from. in particular , to him and his wife. the second was that he received a prize weapon from minister avakov. the law provides that the opinion of the public council of virtue about the judge is considered a panel of three members of the higher qualification commission, then the commission in full composition, and at least 11 people support this decision of the panel. that is, roughly speaking, as the first and second instance, you can say. er, nevertheless, usatiy decided to apply to the supreme court and say that no, there will be no review by this full composition of the supreme court. just as
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the panel said i am virtuous, that is the way it should be, the evaluation is over for me. on june 13, the grand chamber of the supreme court recognized the qualification assessment procedure regarding judge usatoy is invalid, and this is a very dangerous precedent, which actually nullifies the qualification assessment of almost 180 dishonest judges. this gives them the opportunity to remain in their positions and jeopardizes the purification of the judiciary. this position of the supreme court helps another 179 judges who. well , in a good way, at least most of them, where the conclusions have not been overturned, should be released, but they remain in the system, in the system in which there are only a few thousand judges, and they will be able to continue to apply for higher positions, enter the the most supreme court, become members of commissions, other bodies there, i.e. decide judicial careers for others, and in principle feel at ease until the age of 65. get your good,
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high salary as a judge, make decisions in the name of ukraine and continue to actually buy apartments in miami, cars and so on. according to experts, this decision of the supreme court is the result of a low-quality competition to the highest court of ukraine. this case clearly shows that there are problems with the supreme court, and the public integrity council repeatedly shouted during the competition one, the second to the supreme court, which... the qualifying commission at that time simply closes its eyes to the conclusions, where are the standard stories, judges who brought people to justice during the maidan, watches for $50,000, as was the case with bohdan lviv, we we hope that this case of the grand chamber of the supreme court to save judge vitaliy useato from qualification evaluation after the publicity of the public will remain the only one, and another unscrupulous servant of femida. it will not be possible to avoid a fair
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verdict under such a scheme. and today in everything to me if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly a week. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. the creeping offensive of the russians continues. zelensky says that the troops are tired and need rotation, but there is a lack of weapons for new brigades. how long can a war of attrition last when russia has an industrial advantage. budget hole of 500 billion. the government plans to close the deficit of state funds. due to
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internal borrowings and a significant increase taxes, whether the business can withstand the additional burden during the war. the great coordinator andriy yarmak denies the growth of his influence on state decisions, but confirms the coordinating role in the president's office. why international partners are worried about the system of government in ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. in the first part of our program, we will have guests, in particular ihor lapin, special officer, officer of the armed forces of ukraine, yevhen magda, executive director of the institute. world politician and economist, member
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of the council of the national bank of ukraine, vasyl furman. in the second part of our program, which starts in an hour, we will have a traditional. journalist club, kateryna nykrecha and olga musafirova. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching the video of how the second corvette built for the ukrainian fleet was launched today in turkey. he was named hetman ivan vyhovskyi. participation in a solemn ceremony, the first lady of ukraine olena zelenska took let's see. hetman ivan vyhovsky , may you have a long and successful life, be steadfast and reliable in protecting the people who entrusted you with their lives, carry and embody the best of both countries, ukraine and
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turkey, in defense of justice and peace. glory to the navy of ukraine and death to the russian invaders. friends, we are conducting a poll on our entire broadcast, today we are asking you about this, do you expect gold medals from ukrainian olympians? yes, no, everything is quite on youtube simple, or yes or no, if you have your own separate opinion, please write in the comments below this video. if you watch us on tv, take your smart phone or phone and vote for the numbers. if you
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expect gold medals from ukrainian olympians, 0800 211381, not 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are available. free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's first guest, ihor lapin, major of the armed forces of ukraine, special officer, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation. mr. mayor, i welcome you, thank you for joining our broadcast. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. so, mr. major, let's start our conversation with the gradual advance of the russians in donetsk region. it has been going on for a long time that the russians are trying to advance in the east. the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, said that the united states of america is concerned about the progress of russian troops in ukraine, but he is encouraged by ukraine's ability to attract more people to replenish the army.
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let's listen to what the secretary of defense of the united states of america said. we are concerned any advancement on the part of russia, but i welcome the fact that the ukrainians. it is no longer a secret for anyone, russians, partly this wedge of theirs is turning to the side, more to the side of pokrovsk, what you and i have talked about more than once, at the same time we see serious situations looming over chasiv yar, it has not gone anywhere and it still continues to be there, which
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worries me the most to this day, i see , well, not what is comforting, er, after, let's say this, after the krynka bridgehead stopped performing the function it... performed, it precisely pulled out a colossal number of russian troops, somewhere these troops, which were pulled out to the krynyk, somewhere they are now concentrating, according to my information, this is zaporizhzhia, the zaporizhia direction, and i would like to see colossal fortifications, yermak's line and zelensky's line, at least the first and second lines in the zaporizhzhia direction, unfortunately, apart from the allocated millions of hryvnias for these lines, i... do not hear such information that it is being built there, relatively speaking, it is a normal ukrip-district. i want to remind the audience that from the front line to zaporozhye, there are several tens of kilometers, if i am not mistaken, 46 or 47 km, it is not that far, and if we recall the demands of the russian so-called svo, then it has already
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turned into the demands of war, and the russians still want to donetsk and luhansk regions to complete zaporizhia and kherson, for this they need, of course, zaporizhzhia. well, kherson is a matter of course, it’s just that the river there won’t let them cross like that now, and the antoniv bridge doesn’t look very good, as for crossing to the right bank, but nevertheless there is this story, so i’m still watching... things further statement secretary of defense of the united states, of course it's good that they're concerned, but we don't have enough, we don't have enough cluster munitions, we don't have enough anti-personnel mines. by the way, maybe there is a secret or not a secret for the viewers, ukraine is a signatory of the convention on the non-use of anti-personnel mines, especially not sent, as they say, radio judges, this is a very fig story, if we are talking about the front line, today's meat assaults of the russians, just could as they say, these anti-personnel mines would be useful to us, moreover
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not only should we not use them, we should also dispose of them to a large extent there, er, this, well, it is not very good, that is why the meat assaults of the russians can be shot down with anti-personnel mines, you can shoot down with cluster munitions and, of course, fpv drones, it's a shame for me not to see unified and scaled production of fpv drones on the front lines today. like president zelenskyi's first million, we continue to produce drones in garages, in kitchens, everyone produces what they can with the software, as they say, that they found, then the problem begins, the problem that the front-line drone operators have to solder and reflash something, but the most terrible thing for us today is the death of many brothers and sisters who manufacture explosive shells for the same drones. there is no unified product and the state does not work in this direction at all, but
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you understand, yes, that is, what is attached to drones, it is all self-propelled, by this time the production workers could have launched it, if there was, they say the state the order of the ministry of defense and the will, the will to do exactly that, i don't know for whom it is, how can it be called, except for destroying the flower of the nation with its inaction, that's it. these are the problems with which, well, about which i talk every day, we continue to collect, volunteers collect what they can, although in principle it would be possible to do this, there are drone manufacturers who can scale production up to certain moments, whatever please, give them a competition on the training ground, choose the five best specimens, do, as they say, allow their scaling and let everyone already works in the same algorithms, then the drone is alone. this brigade will not think of working with drones when he gets to another place, or if
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the volunteer changes, or if the model of the drone changes, he will have the understanding that they all work in the same sense, and of course the ammunition, the ammunition must be universal, with on the one hand, it must perform cumulative functions in relation to russian armor, on the other hand, it must contain fragmentation, as they say, elements in order to strike the enemy's manpower, well, let's talk briefly literally one. i will also say, half a million or so how many russians there are in the army, how many are there now on the territory of ukraine, well , they say 600 00, somewhere more or less, if there were a million drones, then that’s two drones for one muscovite, we would probably would have ended the war, but apart from the pr campaign by the president and apart from the loud statement about these million drones, i have not yet observed the supply of drones by the state in the army, i do not know such units, maybe you have information, which unit is , which is completely at the expense of the state, i am such i don't know the units, by the way, fedorov,
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the minister of digital transformation, he says that some kind of auctions will be held transparently, not auctions, but lots will be put up, and with regard to the state ordering these drones, it should be some a certain procedure, but it's... it's been taking so long, it's just not clear why, why exactly it's happening, mr. major, what do you think is missing for this to be a big production, because the russians very quickly took that's where these drones started filming, well, let's be honest, let's talk lying on the sofa, you can calculate the best manufacturers of combat drones in ukraine, but how can you calculate all this, of course you won’t calculate it, but if for the russian agents they can calculate while sitting on the sofa... against such manufacturers, which federo proposes to highlight now , i'll tell you, it will happen very simply, we go
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to prozoro, look at the tender announced by the stupid authorities, which is praised by the fedorov ministry of statistics, and then we go to the register of enterprises, and there are addresses there, then we find geolocation, hammer this geolocation into our heads the next iskander will fly there, we have already been with it, we have already seen it, when the counterparties working with kv luch were published the other day. and on december 29, if i'm not mistaken, a massive rocket attack destroyed a bunch of enterprises that were direct contractors of our design bureau of kb luch. so, as of today, they want to exhibit... it is clear that we have the month of july, zelensky said that there should be a million drones this year, july is over, august has begun, that is, by today we should already have, well how at least half a million finished products, which we just have to take to the military units, they are preparing some other tenders, for the tender we need a unified product, there must be
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an order for specific parameters and characteristics, then it will be clear, but apart from himself... there is still software, more there is a firmware for this drone, these are also serious things, you will put them up for tender, or should some structure personally deal with this, which will be those drones that are assembled from shit and sticks in garages by people, they should then flash them and do it centrally , that's it you know, if everyone has their own walkie-talkie, which will work on their own frequency according to their own algorithms, well, this is complete, complete nonsense, so it must be... and its state must scale, that is, if there is some kulibin, here i am , for example, i talk to a guy there, he made a trench rap and a rap for the protection of equipment, the reviews about him are very good, and what’s the point, he even has this guest already approved, and what’s the point, they need to be scaled, in our country there are serious
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electronic warfare systems such as bukovel or ipetra, it was once calculated that with their cost of 40 million dollars, it would be enough to close the entire front line, well, precisely where they are needed, to close the donetsk, luhansk direction there, if it is necessary to close the completely russian- the ukrainian border, well, it means to buy more, but there are some products that, in principle, already have a name, and they have this name earned in hostilities, well, they need to be scaled up, we see that the russians have launched lancets, the russians are producing that racket geranium there and so on. they are, well, really, they are increased the production of kha101 missiles eight times, and we announce a tender, well, we agree that there will be a tender later, but there will be no one to shoot from it from that tender, and the fact that the americans say that they are glad that we have the opportunity to attract more people to the war, we humans will not drag out the war, we
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need a wonderwaffle, because the russians have more pig-dogs living on the territory of russia 140. deputy chairman of the national defense strategy commission of the united states of america eric eidelman said during the senate hearings that america and her allies now produce fewer weapons than russia, china, iran and north korea combined. let's hear what he said. our defense. the industrial base is in very bad shape, the european defense industrial base is in even worse shape, we need our industrial base, and their industrial base, and our allies in the pacific , australia, japan, south korea, taiwan, they all need to increase effort, because what russia, china, iran, and
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north korea are doing exceeds what we ourselves are capable of. mr. major, this is conditional news of evil the conventional message of civilization prevails, why in the current conditions our western partners cannot compete with the axis of evil? well, democracy in general, it is regulated by procedures, any democratic state, it is regulated by procedures, the news of evil, it does not have such regulation, it only takes a moment in the dictator's head from the thought of, from the thought... to the order to be executed and that's all, so it's naturally difficult to compete, but what i paid attention to, after all, everything was said in the context of a probable scenario of the development of events that could lead to the third world war war, then in order to prevent a third world war, it is necessary to give the ukrainians the opportunity to finish off the russian federation, then
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countries like china, having an ally in russia, will be scratching their heads very well and thinking about whether it is worth taking off the head somewhere, because already their ally will be broken, then economic sanctions, of course they can work, but then the whole world should join the sanctions, and the whole world does not join, india, china and other countries, there is hungary, there is slovakia, they continue to trade with the russians and give them to be able to money, then the united states is the biggest threat to the united states, it is china, of course, and russia. one of the biggest threats is the russian nuclear triad. and the russian army, which, by the way, to this day, according to estimates, is considered the second army in the world, and this second army in the world is shelled by ukraine, so yes... to the ukrainians, so that we finish them off faster, then china will lose such a colossal ally next to japan will lose an ally like russia, give us a chance to do it, but
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not six f-16 planes can oppose 400 russian planes over ukrainian skies, well, six planes do not decide the weather, again, how can you finish off russia on its airfields, not giving ukrainians permission to use western weapons against russia. well, this, this, you know, on the one hand, i listened to this report, and there, by the way, a lot of sobering things were said, but i want to remind all americans that today's financing of the production of weapons in america, including, is thanks to ukraine , because the americans are replenishing their stocks, their production is growing, jobs are growing, and this is all developing, sorry for the cynicism, thanks to the fact that ukrainians are fighting with their weapons. and ukraine has become such, you know, a big, big training ground for all kinds of weapons, since it has already happened that the russians stepped on us, and we already have that, so to speak, testing ground for
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weapons, then i want to say that ukrainians today, for example, in air defense, our air defense is like a grandmother's blanket in patches, iristi, sampt, patriot, s-300, there are also buki, and everything you want, winged, it turns out that the sky is closing in us. whatever happens, and we show the effectiveness of one or another system in one or another direction, well, yes, dear friends, western partners, so multiply these things not only in the context of air defense, multiply them in the context of tanks, f-16 and what is on them, the world has come together like a wedge, there are mirages in france, which are ready, by the way, they were given to us, there is a grispin in sweden, please, let's use these opportunities, yes, they are not the same as f16, but we have them today , well... . there is nothing at all, you see, and such is the story that precisely the western partners are developing their production, and due to the fact that there is a colossal demand, there is also financing,
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and the financing itself, as they say, helps ukraine, but again, jobs are created there, although in ukraine, you have to give credit. our neptune recently showed that it can not only sink troughs, that it can also reach the kurdish airfields, well, that's good, and if only they would have developed a satellite there. mr. borys fen , we have the mushroom, these missile programs, it would also be good, that's why we need help, but we emphasize once again, by defeating russia, we can make the world avoid the third world war, and looking into the eyes of putin, this will be the same story that the world once looked into the eyes of hitler, remember, i wish you peace brought, shouted one politician, as a result it turned out not to be peace, it turned out to be the third world war. by the way, i want to tell you that if you look. historically, these things that are now being said about some kind of truce, this is precisely the pacification of the aggressor at the expense of someone, hitler was pacified at the expense of the czech republic,
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czechoslovakia, and at one time the first world war ended with the fact that tsarist russia as a state simply ceased to exist, but it was not a country that lost in the first world war, it was a member of the entente, and all these historical things have... to inspire us to fight, including not to play with theses peace at any price, peace in exchange for territory, and so on. if the western world understands that there can be no peace with russia, and it really cannot be objectively, then we will have more weapons, the friend will disappear the army of the world, china's great ally will disappear, and the glory of ukraine, well, that's how i look at it. mr. major, at the very end of our conversation, i would like to ask about your attitude. before the formation of the ukrainian legions, at first it was announced that it would be in poland from those men who are now abroad, now the czechs are saying that this ukrainian
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legion will be formed in the czech republic on a voluntary basis from ukrainian refugees and the czech community of citizens of ukrainian origin, and this was told by the minister of defense of the czech republic jana chernokhova, she says, we want to continue the training of ukrainian soldiers, so why not... it is possible to catch up with this process already czech citizens who consider themselves to be of ukrainian nationality and not to form some unit, like the efforts of the czech republic and poland to form, well, a conditional reserve army for the armed forces, how effective is this process, and what will it give? look, i can certainly question this point for one simple reason: there is no set deadline. of this service in the context of demobilization, if there is no demobilization, then there is the problem with mobilization, today people still look at the armed forces, you know, they declared us
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heroes for... they opened the door for us and told us to go to the end until you die, well, how about another way, for today, you can demobilize or you 200, or you are seriously disabled there, 300, or because of capture, or because of arbitrarily leaving a military unit and a criminal case, well, it is not an option, the state promised the military to settle it, in the previous law they removed the sentence about demobilization, promising to work on a new law, four have already passed months, of course, no one did anything, and recently stefanchuk... what did you say, but we abandoned you, you loks, there will be no dembel during the war, well, in principle, i had no doubt that it would be so, well, but many people hoped, so tell me, please, even if we form this legion there in poland or in the czech republic, anyone who comes there will say: when is dembel, well, we are going for a year, for two, for three, well, that is , you understand, and this will be a big problem, it will be a problem precisely for the formation of such a legion, on the other hand, many people are still indoctrinated by russian
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propaganda that you will now come to... the zsu, you will immediately be thrown to the meat, without weapons, without anything, our boys, naked, barefoot, everything, and you will all perish, all of you die, and people in principle would like to go, but they would just like to learn, and this very moment of the formation of such a unit abroad is like an element that removes russian propaganda in the context that you will go barefoot without training, they will be in children, shoes, trained, but the question is whether they will go given the situation with the throw that on excuse me for the slang that i announced today, not literally today but... a few days ago, stepanchuk announced that there will be no demobilization, that is, all the promises of the government and the parliament that we will settle it, we fooled you, that's all , and this is precisely this element, the biggest demotivator to go to the armed forces, this is the biggest demotivator. thank you, mr. major, for the conversation, it was a major of the armed forces of ukraine, a special officer, a deputy of the eighth convocation of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, i wish you good health, goodbye, and see
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you again. well, let me remind you, friends, that we we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, and during this broadcast we conduct a survey, we ask you today about whether you expect gold medals from ukrainian olympians, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube , or yes, or no, write your opinion separately, if there is one, and what you think about the olympics, the participation of ukrainians in the olympics, at the end of the program we will summarize this. voting, i want to introduce our second guest, this is vasyl furman, a member council of the national bank of ukraine, doctor of economic sciences, mr. vasyl, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. vasyl, let's start our conversation with the announced increase in taxes, according to the estimates of the government of ukraine, in the state the budget lacks uah 500 billion, because of which...
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the situation is critical, it may affect salaries for military and defense procurement. at the same time, denys shmyhal, the prime minister of ukraine, says that he plans to receive about 125 billion uah in addition, the government plans to receive this year thanks to the increase taxes, and this became known after the results of the meeting of the council on business support, i will quote mr. shmyhal. we understand that this can be a challenge for businesses. a critical need in the conditions when the government directed and will direct every hryvnia of businessmen's taxes exclusively to weapons, salaries of the military and their support, all other expenses require international partners to help finance them. mr. vasyl, how do you assess the government's intentions to raise taxes and whether it will save the situation? thanks for the question, look, we generally have a deficit
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state budget. the new deficit is 500 billion hryvnias, this is also taking into account the fact that at the beginning of the year we had a deficit of 38 billion dollars, which will be financed by the funds of our international partners, here an additional 500 billion hryvnias arose, the government of the ministry of finance repeatedly said why this arose, well the need for additional funding, and here i express my personal point of view: on the one hand, all of us ukrainians understand that we need funds in order to finance the ukrainian army, because someone may have a question, well, why are our can't foreign partners give us funds? well, it turns out that in the course of the great war, all the funds that come into our budget from international partners, they go to finance expenses there, for example, salaries for civil servants, education, health care,
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partly there... these deficits of the pension fund, but ...


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