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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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in the same way that you just have to endure a little, wait a little, there will be a truce in the fall and that's all, that is, this is also a misleading understanding of the situation, today on the air with volodymyr fisenko they talked about this, that there really is a little lack of understanding here, it is necessary to explain , it is possible a little more, that there is a war and we need people and we need to mobilize and continue to do what everyone can and understand what the situation is, on the other hand to communicate... that the peace summit is one of the diplomatic attempts to establish situation and somehow, so that the world would help ukraine, to force, as the ukrainian authorities say, to force russia to those negotiations and to a truce. that is, obviously, in all these issues, there is not enough communication, there is not enough communication with ukrainian media, with ukrainian journalists, we read all the important news and statements from the ukrainian authorities, from the ukrainian president, in the western pages. tributes, interviews, sources
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reporting important information, and this has been going on for some time, and it's actually very disturbing, because obviously the ukrainians, well deserved to speak with them directly one-on-one, not in the framework of a press conference, where it is possible to somehow clarify and more deeply, it is possible to talk about some topics, but in the framework of deep , deeper communication and even with some acute questions, with clarifications, internal ukrainian journalists know the situation in ukraine. because they live here and they are in that society, they understand this situation, so it is absolutely necessary to speak and speak frankly, and it is also necessary to understand what the situation is from some corrupt from the side, from the side in which ukrainians can be disappointed, today the police there reported that they suspect bribery and illegal deprivation of liberty of five employees of tsk in ternopil oblast, that is, there are accusations that... there is a whole financial
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scheme that these people demanded money from people, even those who are not of mobilization age there, for not being mobilized, that is, this is all happening, and people know about these schemes, and people are fleeing like that, well, i don't know if you have encountered that but there are situations when, relatively speaking, you lived, you had a neighbor, ah then once and for all the family left, this man left in some way, it is very active now, for example, it is happening, people see all this and understand that there is some kind of corruption. some bribes, and for sure, it will be a rather convincing argument for society that the state also keeps its finger on the pulse, if there are really more processes there, that the police will reveal more of such schemes, and perhaps, because of the fact that there will be a fight against this corruption on these places will have more justice in matters of mobilization, then trust is possible somehow the communication will also be restored, i don't know if it can be improved really, this is again a question for the communication people... in
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that, but trying to improve this communication is definitely necessary. thank you, katerina. ulyu, you, you, as a mother of a serviceman, well, i understand that now i am asking you about how you feel about the fact that some of the servicemen avoid mobilization or try to go abroad for money. yes, yes, and this, and this is also a big, well, big question, yes, that is, your story. of your son, and that he was wounded in the war, and the way you actually perceive it, well, you have much more, obviously there are questions about how mobilization takes place, about how all these schemes work, obviously, part of the government is involved in these schemes, because organizing this big corruption scheme , when people are taken across the border and successfully taken out and money is made from it.
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tsc mentioned this, the monthly budget there was $150,000, and the police recorded it, that is, how can people restore trust, let's say, in the state, because it's not trust in mobilization, it's probably distrust in state institutions, to those people who represent these state institutions, or is it general mistrust, which is multiplied there by fear, by misunderstanding. what is happening, what is the reason that 40% of people think that somehow it is possible to loop around there and avoid all that is happening around? here, in my opinion, there is such a paradoxical story, a significant part of those people who, when the case of their family members, their loved ones, their son, brother, husband, and... they start, what
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is called, digging the ground in order to secure their little blood from the terrible mobilization, er, these are the people. and not some others are talking, and i don’t even suspect that they are speaking insincerely, but masquerading as someone, we are praying for the armed forces, we are praying for the victory of ukraine, god forbid, to break the neck of russia and putin already, that is, it is in once upon a time, i encountered just such people, since i am a journalist, and i work on business trips and... communicate with people, and i do not even know what caused the mass emergence of such a phenomenon, as a citizen of ukraine, i am
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definitely for the victory of ukraine not to give a piece of our land, to break the spine there russian aggression, but let it be done by someone, not me and not my relatives, that is, the involvement of a very large number of citizens in the realization that it is, after all, a civic duty, it is at the level of the plinth, that is, the people themselves it's not extrapolated, and i don't know what can be done now in this situation, because... well , to a certain extent, so are we journalists, i don't want to blame us, but uh, dramatic, as it is, tragic plots and heroic plots - this is what happens in the war,
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a commoner sits, watches tv, he cools and says: my god, there are heroes there, but i am not a hero, i am an ordinary guy, i will go... the military commissariat will kill me there on the third day, as soon as i go to the front, no, i will not go, i will hide, and when you talk to the military, those who have already smelled gunpowder, who have fought, my lord, everything must be done differently, this, by the way, is about communication, explain literally on the fingers that there are many things that must be done, well, the same fortification buildings this is also very necessary, and people must be mobilized for this, if a person is dying, he is afraid, because he will die as soon as he leaves to fight, well, there is nothing to work with a psychologist, to build there, i don’t know, dugouts, some
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lines of defense, but to explain to those citizens who, well... mobilizations are running like hell, well, unfortunately, we have very few positive ways out , yes, we have either a complete occupation of ukraine, well, this is already such a general thing, it’s even strange to repeat it somehow, but putin will not stop if he is given donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhia, kherson and withdraws troops from there, he will go further, and he will go to kyiv, and... let's jointly decide, that's all, the project ukraine, we finish, who can go to poland, to europe, who has a different mood, stays here and welcomes the russian brothers, that is, well, this is really a conversation between serious and
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conscious citizens in this situation, so we choose good people, and if we still don't want to leave there, well, let's make some... such a decision, so that these military commissars or whatever they are called now, don't go around with nets and don't catch those butterflies who want to fly to the yew tree there. thank you to the hive, and one more topic at the very end of our conversation, my dear colleagues, is a social survey about attitude of ukrainians to political parties. sorry about the political parties, let's remember today, among the nine political parties , the most negative attitude. ukrainians are considered servants of the people, the homeland, and the banned opz. this, in particular, is evidenced by the results of the survey of the national democratic institute and the kyiv international institute of sociology, the most positive attitude towards serhiy prytula's party, european solidarity and vitaliy
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klitschko's coup. well, these are the results of the survey, as you can see on the screen now, that is, it is clear that to the servant of the people. this negative attitude is probably expected, because monopower implies monoresponsibility, and since there is monopower, it means that it is responsible for everything. after all, they are servants of the people, of course they will ban opzz as well, why is it true in the survey, probably because the deputies still sit in the verkhovna rada of ukraine. kateryna, how do you perceive these political preferences of ukrainians, and whether or not this survey is relevant at all, well, in war conditions, because it is clear that it would be obvious in peacetime, probably the results would be slightly different. surveys are such a thing that... you have to dive deeper into them sometimes to understand the trends, but someone can tell you, sergey, that 48%
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is not that much, it's not 80%, for example, and really , perhaps this is not a bad indicator, considering the situation in which we all found ourselves, considering the amount of criticism that can be poured out and goes to the side and often fair criticism in the direction of the monomajority, for example, and, that is, from which angle to look, so to speak, however... something that is very favorable and attitude towards the asylum party, for example, well, this is definitely confirmed, and i don’t remember when it was before, maybe in the spring, there was also a survey of dem initiatives, and there was a high percentage of requests for new faces, and in fact there was also a request for populism, this is also a trend this continues and holds, that is, it is obvious that in 5 years under the power of the president there, well, in a normal situation, there were no full-scale wars. elections and people could at least show their attitude and assess the situation,
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nevertheless, if you look even deeper at the survey, then the support of the current government, it it is, but it is not 80%, of course it has already fallen over the years, the last two years, but nevertheless it is also holding on, it really is, as long as there are no elections, as long as the parliament that is there is there, then it must have been it would be good if there was this synergy, but again here... the question of trust, which is related to the previous topic, i will add, supplement, because not all heroes, for example, not all are born heroes, not everyone understands all the processes there, so you have to talk to people and it is important what language to speak, if we remember the beginning of the full-scale invasion and what words were called the russian military, well, you remember, it's just like they're not human, and weak, and there are scumbags, well, different such words, and it was in the media as well, and in the beginning such a picture emerged that they were nothing, and on the other hand, the ukrainian military. heroes, there are really no objections here, but such a picture also emerged, and the person
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sitting today understands that he is not so strong, is not so brave and is afraid of death, and you ask psychologists, this is a normal story, he can just count himself not a person who is not strong enough for such trials, so here the dialogue must be in the other direction, and the rhetoric of the media and the authorities must be more balanced somewhere and fair in order not to paint it in some unrealistic colors, but in order that everything - still the picture that the media also broadcasts, it was in real colors without filters. thank you, katya, olya, is it time to conduct an opinion poll at all, i caught myself thinking that we often enough discuss on the air these opinion polls that sociologists give us about political parties, and about ratings, trust, or something like that the stressful state in which ukrainian society is. does it adequately assess what is happening in politics, with politicians, with people they trust?
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well, if i were a professional sociologist, i would probably give a professional answer, and since i do not have a special education, i can only think, from my point of view, social surveys should be carried out regardless of whether the society is nervous, or it is stable. there they are in such a state of rest or in a state of euphoria, well, at least some indicators with a large error should still give characteristic, in which, at which point of our development we are, and i am far from thinking that this is an objective picture, and that these numbers that people indicate, there are already many factors that correspond to them. just like that, you can think one thing, answer another,
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say something else to your wife or husband in the kitchen at home, yes, these are also known things, well, but to refuse in principle from social surveys just because we have a war and we are all nervous, well, in the end, opinion polls are not only about parties, if they are about parties, then their money. put behind my deep conviction, there are no parties in ukraine, by and large, a party, from my understanding, is something that, in addition to the leader of functionaries and organizational structures, still has an ideology and still has a spread in the country, well, show me which one our party is now characterized by this, it has an office, a leader has ideologies and spread in the country, unfortunately. thank you, olya, olga musafirova, kateryna
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nekrecha were guests of our program today. thank you, colleagues, for participating in the program. let me remind you that during our broadcast we conducted a survey, asking you about the following do you expect gold medals from ukrainian olympians, let's see the results of a television poll, so 80% expect, 20% do not, i want these 20% to also be optimists, who expected gold medals from ukrainian olympians. on this, on this positive note, we will put an end, it was the verdict of provia serhiy rudenko program, goodbye. there are discounts until independence day on gelta cream dolgit up to 30% in psylshynic pam and ochad pharmacies, there are discounts until independence day on vizyn, 20% at psylshynic, pam and ochad pharmacies, there are discounts until the day
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of independence on citramondarnytsia, 10% in the pharmacies psylshynyk bam and ochad, there are discounts until independence day on... 25% at the pharmacies psyshynyk, bam and ochad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly
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evaluate the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton barkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts at give their assessment and forecast of the development of events based on the facts. do you want to understand how ours is today? will affect our tomorrow, see the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso.
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if china is not going to the peace summit, then kuleba is going to china. the visit of the ukrainian minister of foreign affairs came as a surprise to many. in june, china defiantly ignored an invitation to the peace summit in switzerland. nato openly accuses russia of supporting russian aggression, and the united states threatens it with sanctions. however , in ukraine they understand that china is too big in... to take offense at him, or to ignore him. the visit of a ukrainian official at such a level is the first in many years, and it is good, it is a clear signal. that china supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine, and it was also confirmed that chinese leader xi jinping told me that
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china would not supply weapons to russia. dmitry kuleba was invited to guangzhou by the minister of foreign affairs there, wang yi, the second person in the chinese hierarchy after xi jinping. the conversation lasted more than three hours. china likes to call russian aggression ukrainian crisis, but once again expressed his readiness to help achieve peace, precisely peace, not a truce, - emphasized dmytro kuleba. i spoke about the importance of a just peace, not just any peace, and my chinese colleague himself added that a just and lasting one is very important, because usually it is we who always say that the peace must be permanent, well that is... long and fair. but what does a just peace mean for china? the cause of the war is officially named by pakin as the expansion of nato to the east. his peace proposals
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essentially equate the victim and the aggressor. the russian federation is not going to give up its strategic partnership with russia. however, china is not the only country that has real influence on the kremlin. and that's why ukraine and the west would like to see people at the second peace summit - preparations for which are already underway. negotiations will not make sense if the russians conduct them as they have done before, putting forward terms of surrender. but there really will be no peace negotiations without russia and china at the table. china could play the role of a major global player, which it undoubtedly is in the economy, in finances, but perhaps no longer in the policy of forcing peace. china's position as a potential mediator is further strengthened against the backdrop of dramatic events. and unpredictable american elections that weaken the united states and frighten its allies. president joseph biden's refusal to bog down, although it added enthusiasm
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to the democrats, further confused the prospects of american support for ukraine. on the one hand, vice president kamala harris. it is expected that if she wins, the white house will generally continue the current course with regard to ukraine. but haris herself is a person without experience in... international affairs and will likely rely entirely on his advisers. andriy yermak, the head of the president's office, has already had a telephone conversation with one of them, diplomat philip gordon. according to the wall street journal, the garis administration is unlikely to find a place for president biden's top appointees, including secretary of state antony blinken, defense secretary lloyd austin, and national security advisor jake hsieh. so will the level of support at least be the same as it was under president biden, who had something special attitude towards ukraine? unanswered questions . on the other hand, donald trump. he
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promises to end the war in 24 hours and claims to have his own peace plan. politico previously reported that his team is apparently seriously considering the version of the agreement with the kremlin, which provides for territorial concessions in... ukraine and its refusal to join nato. after meeting with trump on the sidelines of the republican party convention, ex-prime minister of great britain boris johnson published his version of the peace plan in the tabloid newspaper the daily mail, there about increasing military support to ukraine, plans to push russia to the borders on february 24 , and measures to protect the rights of russian-speakers in ukraine to help putin save face. finally , the us secretary of state in the trump administration , mike pompeo, and david urban, the head of a lobby
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company close to the republicans, presented their version. they claim that the way to peace lies through force, which means that it is necessary to strengthen military support for ukraine, remove all bans on strikes deep into russia , to lower world oil prices to weaken the economy rf and eventually accept. ukraine to nato. which of these plans is really trump's plan? it is unlikely that even trump himself knows this today. he is an impulsive and unpredictable person, which means that his victory will create both new opportunities and great risks for ukraine. president zelensky called me, we had a good talk, and i said that this war must be ended. you're dealing with the russian war machine, that's... all they do is wage war. they defeated hitler, they defeated napoleon. the spring offensive never happened. the russians have millions of shells and thousands tanks many russians were killed, but
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many... ukrainians were also killed, this should not have happened. are the ukrainians themselves ready for possible negotiations? a poll by the razumkov center, conducted in june on the order of the dzerkalo tzhynya publication, showed that 44% of ukrainians believe that the time for peace talks has come, while 35% disagree with this opinion , but this is tylu's opinion, what the front thinks, sociologists do not they know the defense forces continue to make incredible efforts to restrain the enemy so that ukraine, if time for negotiations will really come, was in the strongest possible position. we are looking for a brother and sister who disappeared during the occupation in the luhansk region in the village of baranivikka. the girl eva is four years old, and her brother artem is eight. with the children
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broke off at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, and since then nothing is known about them. so, if you have any information about eva and artem, please immediately call the magnolia children's search service hotline at 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine free of charge the search for six-year-old mysh melnyk, who disappeared also in the luhansk region, namely in the village of grechyshkin, continues. and we have very encouraging news about this boy. we have been looking for him since march 2022 and there was no news about him for a long time. we did not know where and with whom myshko was, and under what circumstances he disappeared. we have made many programs about the search for mishko, telling you his story and asking you to give us any information about the boy. and when it seemed that there were almost no chances left, the chat-boot service is there.
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the search for children was written in a telegram by a witness who reported that he knew about myshko melnyk's whereabouts. this is the message we received. myshko is in kindergarten, in the village of hrychyshkino, his grandmother brings him there. we have photos. we asked the witness for details, and he confirmed that the boy allegedly lives in the occupied village of grechyshkane and goes to the kindergarten. we were also sent a photo and even a video with the boy. kindergarten in the village of hrychyshkino, it is located right next to the school, it is the only one there, it is called teremok. congratulations happy holiday to you and this is a photo that we had for almost two years of searching. if we compare it with the ones sent to us by the witness, then indeed, both photos show a very similar boy. we were also helped in the search
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by fall specialists who... look for information in open sources and managed to find a page on the russian social network of classmates of mysh melnyk's probable mother. here she is, and here she is with little mouse. and this is a photo of a boy at a slightly older age. by the way, the last photo of mishka was posted by his mother on her page in february 2023. so, judging by the witness report, the photos and videos he provided. as well as the social network of the mother-boy, everything points to the fact that, fortunately, everything is fine with mishko the miller and he is probably in the village of grechyshkine , luhansk region. however, so far this information has not been confirmed and we cannot be 100% sure that the boy has been found. so i am asking everyone, especially the residents of the occupied village of grechyshkine in the luhansk region.
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if you see this program, then... please check whether mishko melnyk really studies at the teremok kindergarten. on opportunities, take a photo or video with him and his mother and send it to us in the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. you can also contact us by short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime. against a child in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. we drive around the city, look, well, people, so as not to be with...


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