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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EEST

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helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast development of events. want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives? what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the program legal expertise. on the espresso tv channel.
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we return to our conversation with viktor yagun, former deputy head of the security service of ukraine, major general of the reserve of the security service of ukraine, a military and public figure in contact with us. mr. viktor, glory to ukraine. glory, good health. this is the situation here. look, our law enforcement officers report, searched, looked, found. this is about recruits from snitches to adults who cooperate, but they are mostly always recruited through the channels of the fsb, but in this case, this a series of arson attacks, that is, the security service of ukraine is involved only after the fact, is there any chance to somehow stop this army of firemen before they burn the equipment, which... the whole community rushes to, well,
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in fact, it is extremely difficult to do, because they are in contact with the russian special services through the so-called chatbots and through telegram channels for quick earnings, it is interesting that they are usually reported there. and different, and communication is conducted in russian, so i understand that it is somehow strange, but this is exactly category of persons and falls into the net of the russian special services, and we see that it is not the experience of others, and when we have the figure that 68 people have already been detained, discovered, detained, here today another arson appears, that is, someone else. .. already having the information,
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knowing the experience of others, it goes to that, i would also recall the case of two weeks ago, the murder of irina farion and this guy, who is accused of murder, is at least involved, because everywhere his cameras recorded how easy it is for young people now to recruit, it should be those actually people who have the most access to information, who have it the fastest. such technical thinking, who can very quickly find out where it is good, where they are trying to recruit, where they are trying to push something to them, why this category turned out to be so accessible to the enemy, well, because it is a mistake, that they understand something, there is a category of persons who apart from the games and the possibility of these games , nothing else needs to be suspended, and why just now...
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there was activity, because the vast majority of these people are now either not studying in the summer, they or high school students, or... students there , i don't know there are first-year colleges there, that is , now is the vacation, now is just the time when they are looking for a part-time job, and they decided that this is exactly the part-time job that suits them better, well, judging by number, the example does not work on these dangerous young intellectuals, that each of these people who are caught and found by them faces serious enough prison terms, but the military, who... joined us, said that it was their luck that they were found by law enforcement officers , because in principle , military equipment is on the balance sheet of the armed forces, the enemy has appeared and wants to destroy it, we shoot at the damage, and at least two soldiers there confirmed this, they said that if they see the moment of arson, they will act like that, well
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, in fact, there are still no court decisions on them , ugh, that is, now , if there was some demonstrative process that... was carried out quickly and given, i don’t know, the maximum term, then maybe there would be a resonance for others, and so far there are only reports that they were detained, detained, detained, they were detained, they, they are accused of such and such, maybe up to, i don't know, up to 15 there, there from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., let's say so, so if there was something so revealing, i think it would be much better, and it's clear that... that they're going to be lynched, and others, i can't do that to name it, then i do, i think that the resonance will be quite serious as well, uh, there was no lynch trial and regarding another category of people, now i am talking about clergymen, another story, but i have not
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let up for several years, the priests were preparing strikes in kharkiv oblast , two of them were immediately discovered by our special services, and the issue of roman and me... the courts are wondering how long this will last continue, why is it so difficult to detect them, is it possible that it is difficult to detain them right in the act, at the scene of a crime, why, why has this been going on for the third year? oksana, now about this extreme case with konstantin seliznyov, abbot of the st. panteleimon church, kharkiv diocese of the uoc of the moscow order of the lenin patriarchate? look, that's exactly the question. not to us and not to the special services, the special services already understand where it is subtle and where to look, but this question is still for the deputies of the verkhovna rada, who are delaying the adoption of this the law and in order to get rid of this agency
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once and for all, here you understand, there is still a great danger, which few people know about, few people talk about, there is a separate appeal. these priests, so-called, who, i don't know, found themselves somewhere in some otherworldly space between the moscow patriarchate and the reluctance to return to the orthodox church of ukraine, and they have a great desire to create a representative office of the patriarchate of constantinople here, this is yet another orthodox church na na na our head, and this is just such and such... a danger that can hide a significant number of those so-called representatives of the moscow patriarchate who actually use their incomes, you know, what is the difference between the moscow church and the ukrainian one, we have a parish, they have an income, from the income of the money they earn
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from these people, they dig it out of it is very difficult for ukraine, and actually using this, i can't choose another word as... this component, this is why they are being recruited through their patriarchs there or some hierarchs who fled to russia. mr. viktor, i yesterday i did such an experiment, because at first i heard, then i decided to check, i just logged out of tiktok and in fact you watch it then just as a guest, that is, without any of my preferences and friends, and when i actually turned over the lease. well, here is the tiktok tape that she offers, i saw an absolutely large number of videos, sometimes with songs, sometimes with appeals, mainly it sounds something like this, why our guys are defending ukraine, and this guy is being tried, and under the songs there is an absolutely coordinated such
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the boy's support program, his photo is always hanging there, and... the one who is suspected of murdering irina farion, that is, there is such a deliberate special operation, moreover, with a very separate segment, how to repel such things, because because... it was clear from comments generated from all this very often bot farms work simply to fuel, and linguistic confrontation, opposition of defenders and some imaginary, i don't know nationalists, who are such good guys, as if they defend calls to unite all lawyers of ukraine to free this dnipro guy and more a separate line again blames the dnipro for everything, well, that's how the coordinated program is going. what can't be done except to block these videos, there is no other program, but to block
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videos, it is necessary to contact tik tok, and to contact tik tok is for yourself, you know, yes, no, not very, not very effective, because in fact they fight back against such things and say that these are definitely not claims against us, this is ... such public opinion, something else, that is, there are no calls to violence, there are no calls to the overthrow of the state power there, well, that is , there is no open criminality, there is no open violence against the state, so we cannot do anything, and i emphasize once again that tiktok is such an extremely huge problem that i do not know... there is only one way, probably a ban, but in fact, given
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the possibility of bypassing it via vpn, it simply won’t work, well, in addition to bypassing , there is also a question of desire and goodwill to do something about it, it’s just the most contagious thing, because there are short videos, they do not require intellectual or some other kind of work, they work precisely on the weakest link, we have enough of it, well, that is, where the iq is lowered. and clip thinking, and we see that there are not the first such information-coordinated attacks on ukraine. yes, thank you, mr. viktor, for being with the espresso viewers, viktor yagun, deputy head of the sbu 14-15 hands , major general of the sbu reserve, about threats, in particular those who walk and cover themselves with christ and kadylo, we will talk a little further, we will continue this topic in a few minutes, stay tuned. when you sleep on uneven ground
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mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 for espresso we return to the conversation, thank you for donating, because you remember what the 110 brigade told us, which was telling us right in the background of the terekons, so you see the qr code - it is for our defenders and they need it 100 times more than we collect, just if you point the camera for a short period of time, literally until autumn, until the cold and rains begin, this is that very important period of time, the front and they need our help with you, and now about another front, in which all the time loses the ukrainian state and the entire political class always loses to a small bunch of well -organized uncles, they like to wear beards like hipsters, wave incense, cover themselves with christ, call themselves a church, in general, this is a serious anti-state agency,
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which is stronger than the ukrainian state, as the experience of the last 30 years shows. people's deputy of ukraine rostyslav pavlenko is in touch with us. mr. rostislav, we congratulate you. greetings, have a good day. well, the tail wags the dog. a minority, stronger than the majority of the second reading of the act on the prohibition of agency covered by churches from the aggressor's country, we won't see until 2028, right? i would very much like the office of the president, and mr. stepachuk, the chairman of the verkhovna rada, and the leadership of the sluga faction. saw this broadcast of ours, whether in monitoring, or in a recording, or better live, and heard your line, and that it affected them in the same way as it affected me, because really a bunch of people who serve putin and kirill turn out to be stronger than the entire ukrainian state, it was not always like that, after all, not 30 years ago, and the ukrainian church with the help of the ukrainian
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state already chose tomos, but for to finally push out from here. the influence of moscow and ultimately the moscow patriarchate had no influence on the minds and hearts of ukrainians, one simple thing must be done: put it to the vote and support the law, which actually gives specific mechanisms to the ukrainian state to be stronger than the influence of the aggressor state in this particular issue, but i why and began by addressing the leadership of the office, the verkhovna rada, the servants of the people, because it seems no less. the minority rules the majority, and that is , not the minority that the moscow patriarchate and something else, but this is the minority that i just mentioned, they believe that ties with the moscow patriarchate will be useful for them for something, either for negotiations with russia, or later in some elections that will be held then, and they, unfortunately , are now completely at odds with
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the position of the majority, and even with the position of the majority of their own faction, the servants of the people, and they even went to such... all-ukrainian hatred and contempt, suspending the verkhovna rada until the end of august, so as not to do anything to the moscow hit, we we remember that last blockade, mr. rostislav, in this case there is still confirmation and evidence of what your colleagues, deputies, told us, that even those servants of the people who voted and even voted in the first reading wanted to sign or put a signature to show stefanchuk that the votes. and it is not necessary to tell a lie that later they were called from the office and they were forced to withdraw these signatures. well , let's put it this way, there were no responses to the signature, they really approached, they really spoke, but then we also reached arguments, just like that as you indicated in the outline, there were no responses, on the contrary, quite a large number out of
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two dozen approached and said: well, you know, i am a weak person, i will not submit an answer. but as soon as it is put to the vote, i will definitely vote, well , okay, these are words, yes, the price will be shown by the action, but at least this is also given out, that's exactly why they are postponing, postponing and delaying this opportunity to vote in every possible way , because there is a threat that a sufficient number of votes will be collected, namely yes, because it's not even a threat, i think it's an established fact, both the president's office and the leadership of the verkhovna rada understand it, that's why they're delaying it, i'm saying, they went to... the parliament was forced to convene, and then, i i don't know, the speaker of the parliament promised that we would put everything to a vote, so they put it to a vote, they voted, whether they will go to
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support all the changes actually, but in accordance with the current legislation, to introduce them, that is , to bring the matter to an end, are there any more loopholes, so as not to give a price for why so and so resist? let's say so, the lobby of the moscow patriarchate, because the second reading in the profile committee was just cleaned of the iron bars, why are the supporters of the moscow patriarchate banging their heads against the wall, the stilt, and other pieces of furniture, that when this law is adopted, it will be very difficult to bypass, because we took into account the lessons of the unfulfilled law of the 19th year on renaming, when the moscow church had to eat at the gates, i am the moscow church, well , let the people... go to the moscow church or still look for one of the ukrainian ones, so they took their mistakes into account, and we took into account their experience and their methods of evasion, and
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that's precisely why, i think, they don't want to put the question to the vote, well, let's press it, there is simply no other way. mr. rastislav, do you remember when the state of the united states of america could not resist alcapon and his mafia, they took a different path. found non-payment of taxes and everything is gone, let's look from the other side at all the laurels in ukraine, one way or another, these are the property of the state and people of ukraine, they are it's just in the lease of this russian orthodox church in ukraine, and in this case also in the kyiv-pochersk lavra, what they did with the gardens and gardens in nearby and distant caves, with the construction of various restaurants and hotels. for russian guests on haledvageny coming to the temple in over kyiv, it has been rebuilt there, there are so many violations, and now we see the same thing in
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the pochaiv lavra, they broke it down, built it up, all this is a violation of various norms and legislation, and in this way on can this gang leave? look, it's already out, already there are cases specifically related to the kyiv-pochersk lavra , for sure, what... the new saw, i think, will be the case with the popochay lavra, there are also several cases related to less iconic churches, this is one direction, but this direction is long, because they are of course they run to the courts, in the courts, even if the first instance is most often on behalf of the state and it forces them to go out and somehow pay for the damage, they go to appeal, and it drags on, they have good lawyers, they pay generously for those lawyers, that’s why ... the second way is precisely what european solidarity requires in local councils to make decisions about the termination of lease contracts for life use there, some
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kind of preferential use there, but here we are faced with the even more apparently bewildered defense of the supporters of the moscow patriarchate, who are not only servants, but also all kinds of local parties of the party are beginning to tell us, well, this is the church, you have to somehow more accurate, i apologize for the russian, so... here, too, you just have to press, and you and your colleague correctly say that it is necessary to monitor the situation all the time, to keep this issue under control all the time, because the only thing that the government is afraid of is publicity, and every time there is publicity, we manage to move the situation forward at least a little by a meter, by half a meter, but it is precisely these two paths that must be followed, and i will say the last third, precisely the adoption of this law, it will untie god's hands. in the local authorities, who are now in doubt, because the priests are saying: "well , you will wait, there will be some measure now, but in this world, the russian mother will oblige you
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to break away from us, so how will you give then, that's it holds back a lot of people, and when there is a law, this factor simply will not exist and the pope will no longer be able to falsely appeal to it, and if there is no such law, then we will have such hybrid occupied territories as transcarpathia, volyn, bukovyna, there..." they are wild there they also act very cunningly, not as straightforwardly as in kyiv or in the east, and one more important point, you mentioned the main sponsor of novinsky, it was never a secret, a secret that he exactly finances, organizes, starting from the pickup in the rampages there on on all holidays in order to make processions and blockades and so on, but there is an even more iconic figure, he... as a graduate of the kgb higher school, as a chekist, as the owner of the entire sumy region, all the money for orthodox cinema was always held and passed through the hands of
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andrii derkach. a twice-confirmed agent and enemy of ukraine and he has sanctions from the united states, in addition to that, and now he is also a candidate, now a candidate for power in russia, this factor he can somehow, in your opinion, well, at least part of this herd of marakobis drive away from these priests and bring them to the bosom of the true church, or is it like a poultice that does not help a dead person, even if the tray is rattling like that. push it, it would be enough, but they answer it, they have a well-organized issue of method books, and they answer it right away, we are the ukrainian church, with an emphasis on the a, this does not apply to us, and this is just again very important , so that this law would still be passed, because there are clearly criteria for determining what the ukrainian church is, and what the church of the aggressor state is, why are they so afraid of it, because they show all the jerks and all the others, they say yes, the russian church,
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on... repents, well, ours is ukrainian, but you just need to show this connection and show that you or with the gods ukraine, or with russia and the devil. i would like to return to this publicity about which you mentioned, we always have publicity when it comes to returning to the state administration the territories, not the territories, actually what is in the laurels, all these laurels, but there is another at the moment, various processions of the cross, various pilgrimages and so on are regularly arranged. then there is an official appeal and a ban is not possible, because it is wartime, there is danger, there was covid before, and all the same, huge numbers of pilgrims are walking in the pews, why is anyone turning a blind eye to this, this is also a local the authorities, and the police, and many people should influence this on the ground, this is an instruction from above, not to move, there is a law, and there is a law not to move, right? i think
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it's a combination, you called it right. who should do this is the local government, the police, well, even the sbu to a lesser extent, but in the context of tracking anti-state activities, they should also be connected, well , mostly they are just connected, and if it comes to their influence, then something is done there , but unfortunately, again, these lawyers are well paid by navin extortionists, they are them they say there are limits that do not go beyond the limits of the police and local authorities, but they should take measures, but further to... this support will disappear for those on the ground who do not want to act and theirs should be accepted law, because the curators in kyiv, who say so, don't act, we'll talk in sraseyushka here, we mean we'll use it somehow in the elections, but they also led in this.
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appointment of the law, so that the open violation of the martial law regime finally stopped, at the end there was simply the recall of the committee, in to which everyone has a consensus regarding the prepared law for the second reading, the committee officially stated that an information campaign was organized to discredit both the bill itself and the work of the committee, this information campaign was successfully repelled, we still have half a minute, mr. roslav, then very briefly, i it seems that at least... we have conveyed the position, and this is the issue that unites the parliament, unites society, and the government should finally hear it and stop resisting. mr. rostyslav, thank you, we are keeping our fingers crossed that everything will finally be over after this blockade and the escape of the speaker of the parliament , it was finally possible to vote on this important law for national security and the entire country. rostyslav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine was with us. thank you, now the news time
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is approaching, anna eva melnyk and the entire news editorial staff. have already prepared the most important and freshest information for this moment, and now let's listen to what we need to know about what is happening in the country of the world, annoyeva, we give you the floor. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news editor will work further, we will talk about the main thing, and i will start this issue with consequences of enemy shelling of kherson oblast. the number of wounded due to the russian attack on antonivka in the kherson region has increased to four, and two more men have sought medical attention, one with a mine-explosive injury and the other with a shrapnel wound in the legs. in the morning, the enemy fired at the village from a drone. two women got it.


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