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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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rostyslav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine, was with us. thank you. now the news time is approaching, anna eva melnyk and the entire news editorial team have already prepared the most important and freshest information for this moment. and now let's listen to what we need to know about what is happening in the country. annuevo, we give you the floor. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work. then the news editor will work. we will talk about the main thing, and i will start this issue with the consequences of enemy shelling of the kherson region. the number of wounded due to the russian attack on antonivka in the kherson region has increased to four, and more two men went to the doctors, one had a mine-explosive injury and the other had a shrapnel injury to the legs. in the morning, the enemy fired at the village from a drone. two women got it. explosive
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injuries, they were hospitalized, over the past day one person died in the region, and three more were injured, among them a law enforcement officer. the occupiers set fire to one and a half dozen settlements in the region - the head of the region, oleksandr prokudin, informed. in kherson itself, projectile fragments hit residential buildings, in particular, the apartment of displaced persons who had already lost their home once. somewhere on the 26th, that's how it's done. the husband is fast asleep, because there is nothing to do, we bposhniks here, i slept here, we ran out, everything except, you are squirming, it is very difficult to survive, she survived anyway, in our nikolsk rp house was bombed, the pride of muscovites burned, soldiers of the sbu burned the enemy complex, sonnepyok in the zaporozhye direction, the military during reconnaissance recorded the position of the system. she was
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equipped with full ammunition and ready to strike. our defenders attacked the installation after bright fireworks. the crew disappeared along with the entire flamethrower system, the sbu reported. this is a rare target on the frontline. sentsepok heavy flamethrower system of salvo fire, caliber 220 mm. the installation fires incendiary or thermobaric ammunition. from the fee legionnaires of the main directorate of intelligence of ukraine struck a group of russians. the enemy was located on the border with the sumy region. our military discovered the occupiers and fpv drones attacked the targets. russian hideouts, their fortifications and military infrastructure came under attack, the intelligence said. russian airfield morozovsk is on fire. he was shot by a drone at night. the attack was confirmed by the general staff
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of the armed forces. according to the military, ammunition was burning, in particular the cabs, with which the enemy is constantly shelling ukrainian cities. it is also possible to damage the aircraft themselves . enemy su-34s are based at this airfield. there were also hits on oil depots in various regions of the russian federation. gur drones hit a warehouse of fuel and lubricants on the territory of the atlas plant. it was possible to destroy at least two tanks with oil products. they had previously... hit there 15 drones reported to the ministry of defense of the aggressor country about the downing of 76 drones over several regions. rescued from the occupation, eight more children managed to be returned from the territory of the kherson region temporarily captured by the russians. these are five girls and three boys, aged from six to 17 years old, said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. the children are safe with their parents. since the beginning of this year
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, 162 children from the kherson region have been returned to the territory controlled by ukraine. the russians are planning to increase the capacity of the mariupol and berdyan seaports for the export of agricultural products and other goods from the temporarily occupied territories. this was reported by the center of national resistance. in particular, it is planned to export scrap metal, including leftovers from captured ukrainian metallurgical plants. enterprises. in six months , the occupiers made more than 15 such flights. this year , over 1,300,000 tons of grain have already been harvested in the temporarily occupied kherson region. he plans to send most of the enemy outside the occupied territories of ukraine. birds already at the front and help our military destroy the enemy. another important gathering was closed thanks to the care of our people. we managed to collect 4 million. and buy all the equipment
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requested by the military, and all the details below. iryna's charity fund closed another collection for our military. in a month and a half , it was possible to collect 4 million hryvnias. volunteers purchased 20 quadcopters and 24 batteries for the 100th brigade of reconnaissance. i really want to thank the viewers of the espresso channel for always supporting all our meetings. i want to thank my friends and i want to thank the person who responded to my collection, him, his, his subscriber. these are the maviks for reconnaissance, they will adjust the strikes on enemy targets, they will help our military move forward, understand where
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the russian army is located. currently, drones are already at the front, the birds are working and helping our defenders to destroy the enemy, together with the equipment from... the military was given a special ukrainian flag, which was painted by the children of the fallen heroes. thanks to your donations , we now have new baby birds coming soon will be on combat missions, and we also want to thank the children for the flag, who painted it and handed it to us. it is a charm that warms the soul and gives hope for the future. glory to ukraine, heroes of glory. and the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund from fundraising for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood before the latter and defended the avdiiv direction
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in the spring. the brigades urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. you can see all the details on the screen. before world breastfeeding week , lada's generation of mothers together with unicef organized a meeting for lviv girls. this is a space where expectant mothers and their loved ones learn about breastfeeding, caring for a child in the first months after childbirth, and caring for the mental health of the woman herself. pregnant women have to hear. many caveats and myths about breastfeeding, then experts convince that mother's milk is a safe, healthy and cheap means, both for the woman and for the baby, the number of components that are in the mixture and that are in
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the breast milk, it will be for every mother it is still an incentive to fight with breastfeeding, because it is not always easy, plus, if we are talking about... the mother , the postpartum period passes faster, so the mother recovers faster, plus the longer the breastfeeding, the lower the risk postpartum depression, this should also not be forgotten, there is currently a war in our country, and accordingly, the number of men who provide for the family are now in the military, and more women should and want to work, and the most productive age of women is very high. comes to this period when she gives birth to a child, and the better, the more we create working conditions for women who have breast-feeding children, the faster and better we will develop the economy. the legendary american rock band aerosmith stops
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touring. the band's statement reads, that their 76-year-old leader steven tyler was unable to fully recover from damage to his vocal cords. he is several. tsiv has been working tirelessly to get his voice back, aerosmith has already canceled a farewell tour that was supposed to start on september 2. i should note that tyler has ukrainian roots, his maternal grandfather was ukrainian. what stephen himself never hid and said with a smile that he grew up on borscht. and you can always read more about important things on our espso tv website, after all. my colleagues work for you 24/7. also subscribe to our channels on social networks, support our youtube channel and meet my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika on the air. we return to
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our ether. i remind you that the collection for drones and slaves is ongoing. the military themselves say that... this is very, very necessary now at the front, because in fact there is not much time left in which to accumulate all our forces and hold on, not to let the russians miss it. this requires people, and equipment, and weapons, drones and rebs, including, therefore, the qr code you see on the screen, every time it appears, you can scan and donate as much as you can. we will continue to talk with our guests about the exchange, about this scandalous, i would say, exchange that took place the other day between russia and the collective event, we will talk further, with the analyst from germany oleksandr golubov on the call. mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you. good day, they exchanged, just exchanged planes
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due to the fact that the actually imprisoned life murderer mr. hankushvili was released simply, i would say for no reason at all, this discussion actually runs along several lines, how legally it was generally possible to take a person sentenced to life in peace. to change, why did germany do it, because in fact the germans got a situation where russia can absolutely calmly kill, even if not yet german citizens, but one way or another, ah, people on the territory of germany, and the killer who did it, for for several years he has been returning to... the country of his birth, where he is personally met by putin and so on and so forth,
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that is, in fact, in the eyes of many german politicians, experts, lawyers, i understand, including prosecutors, although they don't talk about it openly, we only know about it from media publications, it looks like the russians were given carte blanche for further murders and terrorist attacks on the territory of germany. i think that, that is , it is clear that for these reasons, in fact, what the russian oppositionists were saying to germany itself, the germans themselves do not particularly pay attention, everyone is very happy that the media personalities, who are sometimes talked about here, are great oppositionists and major opponents of the russian regime, finally on will, and the fact that now in their speeches they are actually repeating the demands of putin himself that sanctions should be lifted from the russians, except that they call it something else. reasons, well, i would say that this kind of schizophrenia in the attitude towards russia,
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unfortunately, is present in many people here, because after all, people here are determined and believe that the actions of people, they are primarily rational, they are not only so destructive, which we, as we see from the point of view of the russian regime, on the part of the russian regime, and accordingly there are hope that it is possible to agree on something, but... as we can see, it is possible to agree only on what is beneficial to putin, if it is beneficial to putin, they will be very happy to agree on this, if not, well, they will kill, threaten, to rattle weapons, depending on what they are capable of. the widow of an ichkirian patriot who was gunned down in broad daylight in a park is shocked that the state that granted political asylum, guaranteed safety, effectively extradited the killer to have to do it. to do it a very simple trick by
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the chekists, i don’t know whether the kgb of belarus or the fsb directly on the territory of belarus caught a german in order to say that he is a spy, that is , this is such and such a stupid two-step trick, which scholz bought into and his whole party, because i see that the leader is from the dpn, suskeskin says, that 's all, look how good putin is. you can talk to him, in a word, somehow we hoped that the political leadership led by the chancellor would somehow be more competent in political games, because putin simply played them on one german citizen kidnapped and assigned as a spy, to be honest, i'm now going into the realm of speculation and hypothesis because i don't have any evidence that i 'm going to be on...
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they haven't been bred, they understand perfectly well what happened, but they need to be explained why it happened, and it was precisely because of this that this two-legged thing happened, because as you call it, to be honest , i again do not know if it is really so, but the story of this gentleman, it really is very strange and looks. that it was artificially created precisely so that the germans would have though b some formal reason to participate in this exchange, because no other german citizens, pri'. those that were not discussed in the media, and here we see, because this man, first of all, he was in ukraine at first, he allegedly went there to support ukraine, at least the media wrote about it here, then suddenly, for some reason, he it is unclear for what reasons, it is difficult for me
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to imagine why a german who decided to help ukrainians suddenly found himself on the territory of belarus, allegedly to... carry out some kind of terrorist attack there, well, they are already talking about it the belarusian special services, that again it is not clear why this happened, there is the impression that either he was asked, or he was somehow misled, with the aim of making it possible to exchange mr. krasikov, in fact, so that the germans took part in it, that is and it seems to us that this is a cheap production for three with a minus. again, it's a production for natra with a minus for the people who follow these events, for whom it's really, well, i would n't say that the hobby is for journalists, experts, probably for those who are genuinely interested in what's going on in russia, that is, for a small, rather small percentage of german citizens, for the majority of germans
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who actually consume the news, usually reading only... just the headlines, it's not that important, and i think that, again, the best thing that happened illustrates , illustrate in fact the words of biden, who was then forced to openly thank chancellor scholz for what had happened, for the fact that germany had taken a very difficult step for itself, that is, he perfectly understood that he was actually demanding from berlin what there i will go... not with great pleasure, but russian, or american, or german special services created a pretext, whether this is, let's say, a joint special operation, or it's just a coincidence that allowed the germans to do this with this guy, a german in belarus, i honestly don't know, but it really looks like this very suspicious, but in fact
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it looks like the americans simply wanted to carry out this exchange, but really the asset that putin wanted was in the hands of the germans, and therefore the americans had to somehow persuade scholz to do it. it is clear that the story with this germans, well at least to me, it seems obvious that this is just an excuse, what actually happened, how exactly biden convinced scholz to take a very difficult step because he was facing a lot of criticism at home at the moment, i honestly don't know, but i think , that the levers were quite heavy. actually ... what you are talking about, the americans had to free their citizens, had to negotiate to beg, persuade and pressure germany, and accordingly this exchange took place, as a result of which we have, we have good, good the end of this exchange for the united states of america, we have the indignation
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of the german attorney general, but at the same time scholl will say that, look, maybe we are not completely satisfied there, but we can talk with the russians... i am not a fan of conspiracy theories, but here now it looks like, on the one hand, we hear statements about some possible talks from the west, talks already on par with russia, and on the other hand, it seems that putin got an additional platform in the west in order to voice important theses, and about the russians , in particular, when former political prisoners arrive. they say that let's talk with russia, and it may be the same as with the story of navalny's widow, when now they will be invited to important meetings, forums, conferences, where they will be able to promote this narrative every time: are russians good? and this is a very complex issue,
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and if we break it down into parts, first of all, the sector of the russians, we, as ukrainians, have to understand and understand very clearly for ourselves, and i do not know how rational this is faith in the west, but most of the elites here are sincerely sure that sooner or later it will be necessary to negotiate with the russians and they will not get anywhere from this, it should be given credit that not only the western elites... feel this way about this issue, if we listen to the latest statements of mr. zelenskyi and mr. yermak, apparently there is also this understanding among the ukrainian elites, another thing... the thing is, telling the ukrainians directly that we will negotiate with the russians tomorrow is not very good yet, i would say simply, and
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accordingly these statements are still being heard relatively quiet, relatively inconspicuous, and usually for of the west, if we see, it usually happens in interviews with western foreign ministers during foreign visits and so on and so forth, but i think it is obvious to any observer... that one way or another the topic of peace talks is at least probed from on the part of the ukrainian authorities, it is quite possible that this is, again, how at one time poroshenko with the minsk agreements demonstrated an approach on the one hand to negotiate with russia, and on the other hand clearly understood that he would not fulfill these minsk agreements, i will not be surprised, what and zelenskyi has hope for something similar, honestly, i don’t know what is in the minds of ukrainian and western politicians, but... this is precisely the preparation of public opinion for certain peace negotiations, it is obvious, again i do not want to speak, that
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something, mr. oleksandr, but we see a big difference at this stage, i.e. minsk-1, minsk-2, in order not to have a big war, when there is already a big war, then any agreements with the aggressor, who even and the word me implies a readiness to yield or return to international law. and this is some absolutely dead-end, unreasonable path, and in this case we see that the western initiators are still stepping ahead, and this and this exchange, the largest since the cold war, pushed kyiv to suspect that they will act in this way, and we have already studied a little bit of history, that is, it is not a terrible option of weak or strong support of the west for some part, the western initiative for peace is always terrible, well... they really wanted to calm the war in georgia, then sarkozy and others came and in 25% territory they said: take away the occupiers,
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we will call you peacekeepers, and this was treason. and when they helped the afghans in afghanistan, the betrayal was precisely the moment when we, well, we left, and you and the taliban are dealing with it yourself, and then there were more victims, when they fought in vietnam, the vietnamese had the most victims not when there was a war, when... when the allies of france and america left and then the viet cong together with all the chinese and russians finished off their mass victims. we are actually afraid of something like this, where the golden key will be this exchange, and these three the only willingness of the presidents of the usa, the chancellor of germany, and of course, whoever is sitting in the turks in our country, so that they will say, look, this is exactly what it is, we are moving according to the canons, these peaceful canons. historical, what are they afraid of in kyiv? i have two theses about this: the first: by the way, i completely agree with your words about our western allies and
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the fact that, unfortunately, for us, they clearly do not put the interests of ukraine first, but for any experienced, although b a bit of a human, it shouldn't come as a shock. we have seen similar ones cases very often. throughout history, let 's be honest, neither afghanistan nor ukraine are the first cases where the weakness of the west led to the fact that the soviet union, china, other autocracies of the world of dictatorship, led to catastrophic cases, remember hungary in the middle of the 20th century, remember the beginning of the second world war war, a classic example, but... berlen became forever after that an example of appeasement with the aggressor, which led to more aggression, there is nothing new in this, unfortunately, and we have to
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be adults in this world, we have understand how our allies think and get the most out of it, don't take offense at them, we have to be cynical, we have to believe in our own strength, we have to achieve what we can achieve and understand what... we can't achieve and accordingly, to be realistic about the circumstances in which we find ourselves and to do everything so that ukrainian statehood remains and will be preserved in the future, so in this case i will definitely not compare, for better or for worse, the minsk agreements and possible agreements that will alternate reach here, why? because here i go to my second point: you should never write off... the ability of the russians to turn a very profitable, very good situation for themselves into something that looks like shit, sorry, when they
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actually, having everything... all the trump cards take a wrong step with their own hands, which leads to further degradation of their statehood, to further sanctions, to further problems, to further conflicts, yes, it also leads to the suffering of the surrounding people, but of former states, of former peoples, but in the end, russia loses, loses authority, loses resources and sooner or later actually begins to disappear from the air mr. oleksandr, thank you for being with the viewers of espresso. the leadership in berlin will remember bismarck's golden words, oleksandr golubov, an analyst from germany, was with us. among the good international news is that ukraine reached the semifinals of the 24th olympiad in saber fencing in the women's team, the final will take place today at 4:20 p.m., but a little faster, in a few minutes after the break we will talk about our team at olym che tak, so stay with us and watch. there are discounts until the day
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