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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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and what does he look like now? i'm not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. good health once again, 17:30 minutes 20 seconds. and oleksandr motil, historian, political scientist, professor of atger university from the united states, will now explain to us what is happening in these same united states, good health, mr. oleksandr, mr. professor, thank you for finding time for us this saturday, thanks for invitations, as always, look, i have, as they say, меня, something torments me, some bad thoughts, namely me... i
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started thinking sometime the day before yesterday or yesterday, maybe trump is better than kamala harris, somehow i her i can't understand, because for me clarity, well, it's an important point, when even he's bad, but i understand why he's bad, what he'll do in such cases, and what in other cases, then somehow i 'm calmer, and i i know, so is biden, i roughly understand, so is trump, who is, who is kamala harris, what will she do? with ukraine, how, will she support her, will she want to support her, because the impression is that biden sometimes wants it, sometimes he doesn’t want it, and kamala, she wants it at all or she doesn’t want it, and these are the moments in my head, then i think maybe trump is better, because there was such a general opinion in ukraine that democrats are better than republicans, although who knows, you know, there are times when republicans do more to ukraine than than democrats, then tell me who she is and what does she understand and what she thinks about
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international politics, about support or non-support of ukraine. please, mr. oleksandr. well, you see, over the past four years, she actually didn't take much part in discussions about america's foreign policy, well, that's not her role. she was a vice president, by the way, not even a particularly active one, not particularly active, so no one actually knew much about her, anything so special. and now all of a sudden she's running for president, and if you look at what she's said, not said, done, not done in the last few years, it's almost, well, it's doomed to failure, let's put it this way, uh, because as a vice president, she simply didn't have her own voice, and i've already read several articles that draw attention to the fact that she in... no, in particular, she didn't
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say anything like that about ukraine, well, she herself banal things, but what do you expect from a vice president who had no special role in this administration, so how she feels about ukraine is not completely clear, people assume that because she was after all biden's vice president, and biden , well , at least rhetorically... very supportive, nadili, well, supportive and not so supportive, in any case, everyone roughly knew what he wanted, what he wanted, what he was heading for, it can be assumed that she, at least to a certain extent , will continue the biden line for a while, i personally would be very, well, madly surprised if let's assume that she wins in november, comes to power and then in her inauguration speech... she suddenly says: i am against
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ukraine, i support putin, well, i just can't imagine such a thing, so to some extent there will be a continuation here , regarding trump, well, you guessed it right, he, like us we know who he is, but at the same time we don't have the slightest idea who he is, and sometimes he supports ukraine, sometimes he doesn't, sometimes he supports the europeans, sometimes... he doesn't support the europeans, where exactly he stands, what exactly he wants, incomprehensible, and it has always been so, by the way, because he, when you listen to his speeches, especially in english, and not when they are translated, then in english, then they are simply not, well, not literate, he, he, it is difficult for him to finish a sentence , it is difficult for him to finish a thought, he moves from one topic to another, sometimes himself contradicts... in one sentence, and thus
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it is difficult to say what he wants, what he does not want. we know that vance, his vice president, spoke negatively about... ukraine, but here too, well, the vice president does not play a special role, and will his thoughts on ukraine at all affect the thoughts of trump himself, in the end we don't know the end. so we are standing, as you asked, in front of a big question mark: we don't know for sure, we don't know what she wants, but we assume that at least for a while she will want what biden wanted, and it's a bit soothing somehow. man, on the other hand there is trump, who in principle is ready to drop a nuclear bomb on moscow, but, well , a lot, but, there are a lot of buts, but, but, too many buts, look, we talked about it with you, mr. alexander, sorry,
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please, you and i talked about this, bloomberg, released a poll, and there it seems that kamala harris took away trump's advantage. the seven key states, you just explained earlier that these are the states where we don't know how they're going to vote, there are those that are absolutely democratic, there are those that are absolutely republicans, we understand in advance that there is something going there somewhere, but seven states out of the 50 are unknown to the end, and it was as if trump was winning there, but now kamala harris came and she took these seven states, at least maybe... not taken, not ahead of trump, but trump is no longer ahead of the democrats, kamala harris, it's true, it really is, and what does it mean that trump liked, or kamala is so great, and now all of us americans say, oh, that's new
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face of america well, you see, partial is just such a momentary burst of enthusiasm. biden is like that, well, he was doomed to defeat, all the democrats, even many non -democrats, were very somehow depressed because of all that, here suddenly a young woman, well relatively young, beautiful, tall, slender, who knows how to finish a sentence, who knows how to finish a thought , who smiles beautifully, who represents femininity, and blacks, and hindus, and so on and so forth. so she came and it's kind of a boom, whether that or whether she will stay at that level is the question, but at least to begin with she proved that the democrat is not doomed to defeat, this is already a big one, especially for democracy, because they are now a pereco, many of
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them are convinced that there are still some chances, and that is already good, and at the same time , certain republicans came to the same opinion, because until now it seemed , that... trump is simply invincible, that he will win, and there is no question at all, when he will win, how much he will win, just that he will win, then the question was, what will happen next with trump, and now the question is, what will happen next with elections, because no, it is not entirely clear that he will win, especially when you look at certain nonsense that he has recently for a few days he said, well, they are just shocking, you might... you saw, he had a meeting with black journalists, and at this meeting he said that kemala, she actually, in recent years, admitted to her, to her african-americanness, to her blackness, which is absurd, because she went to a black college,
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she was in such a society of black women, so she always thought of herself as such a person, in any case, it's not even the point, the main thing is when you meet with ... journalists, well, please don't provoke them with nonsense, he, being trump, just doesn't could restrain himself from burning some such thing, and i now, it is difficult for me now to imagine that the black african-americans who were more or less inclined to him, will continue to be inclined to him, that they will probably come over now to the side of harris herself, in any case again, different question marks, but... mr. oleksandr, i can’t help but ask about the exchange, everything in the world is buzzing here, putin changed something from his killer spies to innocent people, and so on and so on, what he writes the american press, as discussed, returned
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three americans returned home, a huge number of non-americans remained in europe, but they are already free, they have already been released from russian prisons, so what? the american press writes about it, with what emphasis, positive, negative, and so on, please, well, in general, positively in the sense that these are our boys and girls who without... almost no one writes to kara marzu about yashin, well these are the russians, it is interesting, but not very interesting, we are much more interested in hershkovits, and leylen and others, but at the same time, i noted in several articles draw attention to the fact that by replacing innocent people with bandits, the americans actually created a kind of precedent. and they have now given putin, who is
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the number one terrorist and bandit, a reason to continue such activities, so he now putin now knows very well, by arresting a few americans, he can achieve some or other success, so why stop , and there are many americans in russia, this must be a well-known journalist. it can be some student, female student, it can be some tourist who for one reason or another, i went somewhere and got into some kind of provocation, so i think it ’s interesting, so on the one hand the general tone is so positive, so we went, lunch, free, but there is again such a question mark, and what’s next ? i'm on the personal side, no one knows how to act like a bandit, but i, too, when i read such and such thoughts, i sit, think, and how, and what
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to do, if a bandit is coming at you, you don't know if he will pull out a knife or a gun, whether he will take a stone, hit you, or insult your loved ones, you never know, you don't you can be adequate with bandits, because he is inadequate, it seems to me, well, absolutely , absolutely, and in this way, but you understand, and this, this exchange, he gave putin, the bandit, further reasons to behave in the same way, so i personally expect , what do you understand, uh, it is always said that when some terrorist attacks take place, you cannot trade with terrorists, because it simply gives them a reason, grounds for further terrorist attacks, well, the same thing happened now, uh... uh the persecution of those americans and those others, well, these are actually terrorist acts, terrorist acts, and we
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now they talked to him, gave him their consent for this exchange, and putin will naturally rub his hands and think: why should i stop here, and why not arrest a few more americans or germans? i personally think that it will be so. thank you very much, oleksandr matyli, historian, political scientist, professor at anders university of the united states, explained to us what is happening in... the states, respectively, now we will have a small advertisement, well, not a small one, on the other hand, and then we will have tibertomp to an old acquaintance, the head of the hungarian community kyiv and the kyiv region, let's talk, as always, about hungary, about fashionistas, there are many questions, there somehow poland started to more actively criticize the official budapest, well, in short, it's all after advertising, that's how it will be. there are 15% discounts on linex forte until independence day at
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psylshynik bam and ochad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on tempalgin tablets until independence day at psyslynyk bam and ochad pharmacies. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. new mattress pad or bed linen only. will be able to improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer for half the price. call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress. instead of paying the full price of the mattress, pay only half. due to the fact that our production is located in ukraine, we will be able to quickly manufacture a mattress and deliver it directly to you. we perfectly combine these technologies and modern ecological materials. dial the number that see at the bottom of the screen, and our consultants
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will help you choose the right size for your bed. together with the mattress, you will receive a 5-year warranty and 100 nights of excellent sleep. you will no longer have doubts when we reveal all the secrets and advantages of this mattress. firstly, it is springless, and secondly, the use of air foram orthopedic filler in the mattress promotes the correct position. and relaxation during sleep, thirdly, on one side the cover contains camel wool, on the fourth plus the camel mattress - a 3d mesh that goes along all the sides mattress, due to its structure. similar honeycombs, it lets air pass well, you will receive a compactly packed mattress in a protective film, it is easy to bring it through any door, place it even in a small elevator, and if there is no elevator without obstacles, you can take it up the stairs, just put it on the bed, take it off protective film and the mattress takes its shape, call now and order
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a camel orthopedic mattress, instead of paying the full price of the mattress, pay only half. there are discounts until independence day on trok sevazin 15% at psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies, there are discounts until independence day navizyn 20% at psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. good health once again, 17:46 minutes and 40 seconds, approximately on our clocks, and as i promised, tiber tompa, the head of the hungarian community of kyiv and kyiv region, will now, i hope, appear before our bright eyes, has already appeared, thank you, mr. tibor, for
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finding time for us, good day, mr. mykola, i am glad to see and hear from you, glory to ukraine, glory to each other to the heroes, look, i have a hypothetical question for you, the following absolutely so speculative, hypothetical, i.e. a question about what cannot be, in my opinion, but let's imagine the picture, because here you have to put a lot of effort to imagine, i obviously understand that hungary will not go anywhere from the european union and nato, but in the event that somewhere bru... serious people will start talking not about thinking, for example, not to say so obviously, but yes, well, we can consider the issue of excluding hungary from the european union, because well, either we will limit it, or we will introduce something there , and we also have nato
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now such questions, we don't know how the magyars will react, this question, orban is... orban, but the magyars, they will go out on the street and say: "hello, hello, no, we are here, we are here with orban, yes, cheap gas, yes, cheap, gasoline, yes, but so that we are thrown out, sorry, by the european union from the north atlantic, we do not agree here, we want elections, we want re-election, we want to stay in europe, whatever what do you say to that please thank you for yes this is a very interesting question i have to say that in this case i think it is significant part of hungarian society, budapest 100% will go out on the streets, because budapest is categorically against orbán, and a large part of cities and such democratically
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oriented settlements will go out on the streets, because they understand hungary. without the european union , it cannot exist either economically or mentally. excuse me, in the last, calculated, in the last 10 years, hungary, imagine, received subsidies of more than 50 billion euros, these are huge funds, that is, if this money, well, you know, hungary would probably look like this. .. a fourth-rate state already has very huge problems, therefore, not to mention mental problems, not to mention the fact that in fact the entire european union is in the economic opportunities of hungary, i am not talking about the fact that a significant number of hungarian youth receive
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education and has the possibility of employment in europe. let's then go along this hypothetical path, i suggest you, mr. tibora, and if you imagine the future elections, they are not fast, they will not happen soon, but we see some dynamics, some drift, that hungarian society is beginning, if only to open its eyes wider, to understand that this is not a wrong path, well, it can. today it brings some profits there, conditionally they say where there is something cheap there that russia supplies, but in the far-sighted perspective, this is a very dangerous policy of mr. orbán, there is such a thing. understanding, there is indeed a significant part of the population, you are right, because today the opposition, led by peter
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magyar, who is categorically against the policy that orbán is doing, has already declared that, and has seven seats, has a very strong say and that's enough a large number in the european parliament that hungary needs to... mentally, spiritually, and economically return to the european union, and he is working on it, that 's the power, tisza currently has 32% of the support of the hungarian population. orbán has about 40%. elections, there are one and a half years left before the elections, it is not such a big distance in principle, but during this time... what hungarian sociologists say, this opposition is categorically against orbán, it has every chance not only to catch up, but to overtake orbán at the
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so if they really find a common language, and they have actually already found this common language by 90 percent, that is, the tendency of the opposition to grow continues, because you and i talked about it as soon as this magyar came out, and he surprised everyone that he suddenly came out, and yesterday 7%, today 10, the day after tomorrow 12, after next week 15, somehow it rose quite rapidly, and that is, this trend remains, maybe not so rapidly, but you say that 32, and it is already well 32 and 40, it is already proportionate , it's already tens of percent, it's not 12.40 or 12.50. yes i'd like to say he hit that 32% in the last 5 months, that is in february
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, it still has support, because it was actually not there, it was zero, it actually appeared somewhere in the beginning of march, and from the beginning of march, to date, i would say that it is a very rapid growth , and to which orbán and his regime are very, very concerned. is very afraid, you have no idea what is happening today in the hungarian press, in the hungarian media, which is bullying against this party, against this leader. well, but here is also an interesting question, it happens that the press starts to write something bad, and this on the contrary, he draws the public's attention to this person and begins: no, no, no, wait, wait, let's take a closer look, he's not that bad, i remember... the 90s, the end, the beginning of zero, when yulia tymoshenko entered political, and everyone criticized, well then, the sellers among the journalists, it’s not
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exotic either, yay, it’s so bad, bad, and what’s more, the polls also said that it won’t exceed 5%, everyone doesn’t like it, but it i took 8%, went to the parliament, and so on, i conclude that it might be the same here, please tell me. of course, that's about it says the fact that, as of today, orbán and his hasty followers are switching not so much in criticizing this gentleman, peter magyar, but also strongly criticizing him, it is not that they are criticizing, they are hounding, the hounding of those voters, those people who support him, and just in... in the press, not only in the press, hungarians i know say that such a persecution is starting in the workplace, against those people,
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oppositionists, who do not support orbán, but support petr magyar. i will mention only one fact: pazh is where atomic is the uhorska power plant, an energy site was built, so the opposition won there in the last... municipal elections and after that orbán made a decision that this city should be completely deprived of those incomes from the energy sector and handed over to the neighbor, can you imagine the kind of volunteerism, well, it kind of stinks to me yanukovych, something like that, something yanukovych, this, this is very strong, this orban is very similar to yanukovych, i think this is the impression. excuse me, i think that orban has already for a long time, not that he caught up, he surpassed yanukovych, in creating an oligarchy, creating your own such pocket. structures,
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pocket firms, that is, i believe that today's hungary has simply overtaken it in this economic subordination, and ukraine, even during yanukovych's time, is resting. another group of very important questions, these are the so-called open doors for spies, at a time when... there is an exchange, it took place yesterday, and everyone knows that the russians took their spies, murderers, saboteurs and so on, and here hungary says, and orbanov says, let's make it easier for the russians to to come to hungary and belarusians, and the whole of europe says, well, they're scumbags, they're just like that, they come to hungary
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by an easy route, it's easy. they go there, and then austria is nearby, here this, here this, here germany, everything is fine, and you can drop bombs there and the whole world. yes, of course, the opposition has been writing about it for a long time, and this resolution on the so-called national map or maps was adopted at... at the beginning of last year month in july, and everything is really as you say, and this once again indicates that orbán and his government are completely under the hat of russia, under the hat of the kremlin, in opposition, the opposition parties all unanimously condemn and simply say that this is another tranche for the so-called, well, certain...
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economic plans for orbán, because at one time a bank was closed, the russian bank of budapest, an investment bank managed by russia, and by the way, this bank, russia owes hungary 76 million euros, and something orbán was generally silent about at his meetings, that's it previously this bank was such a center that did just that. and since this bank was covered up, well , they decided to make other such small gates, because of which such negative, to put it mildly, steps are being taken, that not only the hungarian position, as you know very well, was totally condemned by virtually all the leaders of the european union, including charles michel asks orbán to give
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a decent, appropriate explanation. because if orbán does not give an appropriate explanation or does not withdraw, the european union will definitely apply appropriate measures against the hungarian the authorities, the population of hungary, sociologists are measuring something, but they did it tentatively at the beginning of the month, they opened the door for russians and belarusians, for russian spies, respectively, and what do sociologists say, people support it, maybe they like the magyars? russians, i don’t know, after 1956, it’s true, it’s unlikely, but please, we have half a minute, please, absolutely yes, i wouldn’t say that there is support for the russians, it’s more infantile, such political infantility , and the population, so far, i believe that the vast majority, except for budapest, simply do not figured it out, let's hope that common sense will still prevail and... hungary,
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but without orbán, will take its democratic place in europe and it will be, of course, in a friendly way, and not the way you treat us, ukraine today. thank you very much, tiber tompa, the head of the hungarian community of kyiv and kyiv region was with us, thank you very much. now there are 10 minutes of advertising, then three waves, no, 10 minutes of news, then 3 minutes of advertising, and then ihor simivolos, the director of the middle eastern studies center is there. to talk obviously, israel, iran, and lebanon, oh, well, on middle east, how to live in the middle east, news, how many enemy targets from...


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