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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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there are discounts until independence day on gelta cream dolgit up to 30% in podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on spresso. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative
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norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. we continue the saturday political club, don't worry, it's almost here'. what time is an analyst waiting for you from vitaly portnikov, who will be added very soon, but for now we have the opportunity to talk with experts about those events that can change the situation in certain regions on the world map, a little more about the near east in the next few minutes. i would like to remind you that these days it was restless in iran, well , first of all, because... literally on july 30
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, he was sworn in there after the early presidential elections, after the death of the previous president raisi masoud pezeshkiyan, and in the context of these events, ceremonial events, something unforeseen happened , although, as for whom, israel actually reached out, reached out to one of the political leaders quite successfully. terrorist hamas, hamas, whose network is now and still based in the gaza strip, and that is why the operation of the israel defense forces in this sector continues, in particular to liberate its own citizens, hostages. mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the oriental studies department of the university of freiburg in germany, is in touch with us. mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. good evening, and a bright precedent
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the destruction in tehran of the leader of hamas, and this is a very point-blank elimination that israel has succeeded in. the first question asked, in particular by the common man, is how this will affect the effectiveness of the terrorist group hamas in general. well, first of all, israel did not directly take responsibility for this action. although whether only israel was there, or whether other parties did not help, this is a question, by the way, this happened at the time when ganya came to the inauguration of the new president of iran, which is also, by the way, quite interesting, since he was positioned by some iranian circles, as such a reformer, a person who will enter into a dialogue with the west, actually put the new iranian president in such a position that he... immediately
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has to start with what raisi ended, that is, to talk about the need for tough policies, answers struggle with israel, struggle with america, that is, in essence , the iranian elite took advantage of the fact that the new president was immediately placed in the place assigned to him by the ayatollah, israel , by the way, played well with him in this. if we talk about gania, then gania arrived in qatar and they are burying him like this... in qatar, he came from qatar and they are burying him there, in qatar obviously israel would not want to do this, because it would not want to spoil relations with arab countries, but, to be honest, ghaniya has already won many, like hamas himself, and the saudis, and the emiratis and the qataris, for many this situation in the gas sector, well, relatively speaking, is a big problem that they want to end, and on the one hand, israel continues negotiations , not agreeing. on the terms of hamas,
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even today, the delegation arrived in cairo again for negotiations, that is, hamas, which is very interesting, did not leave the negotiations completely, and if from a position of strength it would be worth doing it, well, what about you? kill our leader and negotiate with you here. that is, we see that even recently israel has conducted many successful operations, that is, when netanyahu announced that hamas will be destroyed as an organization, many expressed doubts about it. well, they say, it will not be possible to completely destroy it, somewhere there will be some kind of measurement. still, netanyahu is not without with the help, of course, of its western partners, pursues this policy. it is difficult to predict what will happen there... but obviously now the situation will shift a little from the gas sector to lebanon, because taking into account the latest reports and the iranian response will be through lebanon and there are already calls for citizens to leave
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beirut, and the north of israel, as well as a huge evacuation of the population was carried out and is carried out further, and that is, it confirms the forecasts expressed by some analysts. that a huge, large-scale conflict with lebanon is being prepared for the fall, when israel succeeded there is a lot to do to weaken hamas in the gaza sector, to derail the situation there, so now it is time to give an appropriate response to hezbollah, and hezbollah is also preparing for this conflict, that is, we can wait for the opening of the second front, although the hostilities there will reach the scale of 2006 from with such full-fledged air strikes on the south. ivana, well, this is also a question, although in the future, if not in the next month, then in a year, i think this can be expected, because without removing the threat from hezbollah, well, talk about some kind of security in it is hardly possible for israel, and even more so,
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strikes on lebanon, they will be perceived completely differently than strikes on the gas sector, even in arabic with the public, because hizbullah does not have so many hands. supporters in arab countries, how many hamas had, because hamas is such a sunni movement that was associated with the muslim brothers, here it turned out that, well, the palestinians, the indigenous population of the region, who resist the occupation, that is, the narrative looked relatively attractive, here but some iranian advisers, shiite fanatics, who came to lebanon, deceived the locals, it is not clear why they are attacking israel, that is , from... from the point of view of, for example, saudi arabia or the united arab emirates, in principle, hezbollah can be quietly merged, and there will be no special protest, even if we talk about north africa and those countries in the same way, then in principle
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such a moment has come, again the question is how israel's allies will react, specifically joe biden, who is now withdrawing from affairs, we see this, because trump had a declarative policy. more anti-iranian, and he is now demonstrating that if he had been, hamas would not have attacked, well, these are well-known propaganda theses, and somewhere the israelis are also obviously waiting for the american elections, in this case, even when we see, biden withdrew from elections, and the coming of trump conditionally became more realistic on the horizon, and netanyahu is his half-supporter, then israel significantly, well , so to speak, pressed... on the gas, and began to conduct some more successful operations in yemen and lebanon, well, obviously having engaged support some american circles, and we see that this gave a new signal for the possibility of escalation, and also delayed the issue of the return of the hostages
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for an indefinite period, because as we can see, netanyahu still does not agree to the terms of hamas, this is approximately the situation now, regarding... definition of escalation, it seems that before, before this powerful blow, joseph biden called on netanyahu to be more careful, to stop escalating, and there could even be talk of limited aid from the united states in case the israeli leader does not listens to these very subtle but sure tips. at the same time, the un secretary general considers the elimination of pro-iranian thugs in beirut and tehran as a dangerous escalation, it is interesting, and besides, i don't know if our viewers and listeners noticed it,
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but on july 30, the inauguration of the new president of iran was attended by quite high-ranking diplomat from europe, european commission delegation. his representative there, and in fact, many people were a little surprised by this, but is it normal in this situation, for a word. you, the spokesperson of the european commission, peter stano, actually we need to follow a policy of critical engagement. mr. mykhailo, is this situation normal, or are we basically just seeing and observing certain ceremonial things? i think that from the point of view of the european union it is quite normal. even this last exchange, when putin's killer was returned from germany, was basically calm. although germany could react in the same way to the murder of even another citizen
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by a russian killer, as iran is now trying to react, it is basically the same situation, but the person was deported, and well it turned out that it is possible, so when we hear that dialogue with russia is impossible there, it is a terrorist state, there can be no changes and so on, well, such things, they significantly question this narrative, because there is a real policy and a rational calculation, if we talk about... then diplomatic relations with the iranians are maintained, for example, the biden administration lifted some restrictions introduced by trump, for example, trump did not let iranians into the united states at all, he did not even open visas for scientists, in fact, i have colleagues who could not move out of iran because of such events, despite the fact that supposedly people are not related to the regime, but we also see the european union, he still believes that... that there can be some kind of agreement in the future about what iran does not do after all, nuclear
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weapons, and we buy cheaper oil, and iran is constantly speculating on this, and the european union does not want iran to finally slip to such a satellite shared between china and russia, and the iranians themselves do not want this, in their a very long history of dialogue with israel, and from the west, you can recall the events of 7-8 years back when... iran dispatched its military to fight edil, which, by the way, the europeans encouraged in every possible way, and in fact, when, for example, mosul and the north of iraq were liberated from edil, there were a lot of iranian troops there, and the bombing was carried out from the north, the americans and members of the coalition, in fact they were allies, which led to the preservation of bashar assad's regime, and many such issues, by the way, are about iraq, there is iraq in general. tries to balance successfully between the west and iran, that is, these relations, according to european diplomacy, have not crossed
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red lines, let's even take the issue of the supply of iranian weapons to russia, well , apart from these shahids, which are already produced by russia itself, well, in principle, iran throws something in there from time to time, but it is not weapons of the level of ballistic missiles, just as, for example, the russians produce a lot of their own weapons for israel technologies and others, and no one says that israel supplies weapons to russia. therefore, here with iran with sanctions, the issue is very ambiguous, and unfortunately, european diplomacy here in many respects shows the same amorphousness as it shows even in the matter of the russian invasion of ukraine. that's why here we europeans still believe that it will be possible to come to an agreement with iran very calmly and easily, and this agreement has been reached. with iran in the future, it is even more realistic than the agreement with russia, because iran still,
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well, formally, until now it did not attack anyone, directly only worked through a proxy, and the israeli attack was successful, the attack on israel was successfully repelled and resembled, to be honest, quite a kind of, you know, controversial display, rather than a real blow. mr. mykhailo, thank you for this quality analytics for us. of viewers and listeners , mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the oriental studies department of the university of freiburg in germany, joined the saturday political club, in which vitaly portnikov, whom we are all eagerly waiting for, will appear in a few minutes. watch at 21: news, summaries of the week. f-16 fighters are already in ukraine, but there are still not enough of them to make a significant impact. during hostilities . military vehicles were set ablaze. russian agents are recruiting young people. our
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law enforcement officers detain pali people. modular concrete shelters can protect people from being injured by debris, but the shelters themselves still have to be protected from vandalism. about all this and much more already at 21 on espresso. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert. who became a special agent of taras berezovyts in a new project at espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics. from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish the truth from the hostile ipso the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso.
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this is the saturday political club, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, and in the future we have more than an hour
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to enjoy and analyze, critically analyze the latest events. and i am already happy to welcome vitaly portnikov, without whom this program cannot be imagined, to the kyiv studio. i congratulate you, mr. vitaly. greetings, ms. khrystyna, long time no see, very mutual, long time no see, and i am glad to be with you again in the same ethereal context. i wanted to start with you on the subject of the great exchange of prisoners. let me remind the audience that russia and belarus are on one side, the united states, germany, slovenia and great britain are on the other. carried out a massacre of prisoners, and this is an extremely large-scale event, which is already getting a certain analysis, but it is just now in the minds of ukrainians and it is meeting certain and quite understandable criticism, we will talk about it a little later, for you, mr. vitaly, the main question: why this exchange right now
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to putin, and why it, on the other hand, to the united states in the person of joseph biden, well and... the democrats, well, i think that putin has had one goal for quite some time, quite important, and that is to release krasikov, a man who is known for his murder right in berlin in terganter park, dashvili, a georgian citizen of chechen origin, this is a well-known story with a political murder, and this particular story, of course, always interested putin, because we already know that krasikov is a personal acquaintance for him, this... a person who carried out some special confidential assignments, it is important, not only putin, maybe of all this so-called ozer cooperative, and in addition to this murder of khangashvili, krasykov is known for being involved in the murder of several russian businessmen in the north-west, in the north-west region of russia, and this is
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a person who served in the federal security of the russian federation, and before that in the kgb. that is , this is simply a person from the same corporation as putin, who is personally close to putin, i even believe that he was once his bodyguard during the st. petersburg period of putin’s activities, when putin was still the vice mayor of st. petersburg, and of course, in in this situation, it was very important for putin to show that people who carry out such orders of his cannot remain in prison, especially since in the case of kraysyuk it was a question of life imprisonment, and by the way, i want to remind you that putin personally came to the airport to meet these people. "very well, and by and large, after but, krasikov was the second such russian prisoner in western prisons, and it was very important for putin to make sure that he was released, but there was such a problem that krasikov was precisely with germany, germany does not often go to such an exchange, so putin
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needed the united states to be interested in releasing it. of their citizens, that these citizens of the united states were an important target of the american administration, that the american administration cooperated with the german government to release krasikov, that was such an important moment, you know that the russians began to simply take american citizens hostage, that's how our colleague from wall st. georgeal, evene hershkovich, who was dismissed for this exchange and... there were other known hostages of american citizenship, a former naval officer, our colleague from radio liberty and here... now let's look at the american interest. it was very important for joseph biden to release these people during his presidency, because the biggest nightmare of any american president
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is what happened to jimmy carter. in the last period of his term, jimmy carter conducted negotiations with iran on the release of american diplomats who were then held hostage by the american and iranian leadership in tehran. and he spent practically all the work on it. his administration was successful, but then in november, as always happens in the united states, jimmy carter lost the election to ronald reagan, and the iranians released these people on the day of ronald reagan's inauguration, and biden, of course, wanted to prevent that from happening anyway, first, to make it happen during his term, and second, to make sure it doesn't happen, you know, he did all the work, and... trump won the election suddenly and on the day of the inauguration trump is having his new triumph, putin is freeing american citizens, as
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trump says, you see, i became the president and everything started to be resolved even more, even if it happened after november, when trump spoke, there is not even my inauguration, russia is already afraid of us, that is, it had to happen precisely by november, this is a very important moment, this is... a moment of american interest, now a moment of german interest. germany was very reluctant to release krasikawa. we see it, it caused even an outpouring of emotions in the german media. it means that the federal chancellor needed to, that he is not just freeing american citizens in exchange for a decoration, but that he is freeing a mute. citizens and putin just went to take the germans hostage, even lukashenka before this adventure with sobachiv, you know that lukashenka
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literally a few weeks before that was the death sentence of a german citizen, no one at all understands what this is, what this person i really did, and lukashenko pardoned this person, after the death sentence, you don't even care life sentence, imprisonment, i'm sorry. and of course, it was important for germany that it had a humanitarian context, that is, the head of the german ministry of foreign affairs, annalin burbeck, you know, she is a representative of the green party, she was categorically against the release of the krats and believed that it would be a disaster, morally, and olaf scholz and antony blinkin and all the others convinced her that no, people's lives are more important than such things, let krasikov sit to himself in russia, but the main thing is that... we will free american citizens and your citizens, of german citizens, but one more important component was added, a humanitarian one, these are russian political prisoners, well, even more, in
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principle, the west believed that if you change, let's say, a handsome man, she would be en masse, then germany would not have any special issues at all, that's why that you know that angela merkel personally took care of navalny's fate after his poisons. he was treated in sharite, and if this had happened, you see, krasikov was released, along with american citizens, navalny, and several other russian politicians, then this would not have caused any indignation of public opinion, and it was believed that putin was even ready to go for it, there is information that roman abramovich talked to him about it, and putin seemed to be interested in it, but just a few days before that, in an exchange, navalny... died, that is, this it was such a cynical game that we had already agreed on the exchange, in principle, we had decided who and what, but then navalny died, and the exchange was postponed for several
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months, because then they again began to think about who could be included in this exchange, yes , so that this exchange would have a humanitarian character, include these russian rights defenders, i, by the way, i don't understand why they didn't include belarus. if there was a person who was pardoned by lukashenko, the nobel laureate ales biletsky, let's say, he is in prison, who received the nobel prize together with our oleksandra mitveichuk and her organization, well, there are many political prisoners in belarus after the 20th year, maybe at least someone should have been included as well, well, this is a rhetorical question, this is just what i think about myself, well, that means all these interests have converged. because germany was interested in there still being such a humanitarian moment as liberation from russian prisons, if there is no longer novalny, well, several iconic russian...
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political prisoners who spoke against the putin regime and against the war, you know that yashin simply left poland under the military article, and there are still a few people there , who left because they condemned russia's war against ukraine, kara morza has a more serious charge there, he has high treason there, he has been there for 25 years, it seems there is something like that, here, but there are other people, they left about what exactly fakes about the army and so on and so forth. horlov, head the board of the now-banned memorial, so in this regard it was also important for the germans to demonstrate that they were releasing from russian prisons people who protested putin's war of aggression against ukraine. well, this is also an important point, and several people from the fbk immediately from this navalny fund, well, there is no navalny, but we at least give his associates from the regions of russia the opportunity to get their freedom, well, this approach, if
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it is logical, it is clear that... what happened? mr. vitaly, if i understood you correctly, then there is a possibility that alexei navalny, well, let's say this, could have died in connection with this exchange, if we assume that he died in connection with this accusation, that they just laughed at the event, huh, but as for them, they have already understood that krasyakov will be released, please, so-and-so, that krasikov will be released, but at the same time they will not give the symbol to... but at the same time they will not give navalny, of course, this was their main idea, that, in principle , the parameters of the exchange are clear, this exchange will take place at all, because there is an interest in it biden, it is necessary to free the americans, but the poor man, well, it was such a cynical, cruel game of theirs, on the other hand, i have always told you and i will say now that i do not understand the logic of people at all, it will never
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convince me, which.. . go to pretrial detention and then, realizing that they will be put in prison, and then they will have to pay for them, let's say, all these russian bandits and spies, well, navalny returned to russia from germany, we remember that after poisoning, what was he counting on? murza was tried several times too, in the end they gave him 25 years. the situation with yashin is also strange, because he says that he would generally like to return to russia and continue his activities there, but he will not return, because he understands that then there will be no exchanges, he wanted people to be released in the future. and i never understood it and i don't understand it, they say it's courage, but it seems to me that it's just a misunderstanding
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of the situation. that these people invented some kind of country that doesn't exist and won't exist in their lifetime, and they just fall into the trap of the russian regime, uh, i don't know if have you ever read or watched, there was exactly such a situation in the 20s, it seems to me , the years of our century with the famous russian politician boris savinka. who was a famous terrorist during the empire, and then, when the soviet union had already appeared, and the whites lost the elections, he was an aser, that is , a socialist, a revolutionary, he created a rather influential opposition organization, and he was ready precisely for armed struggle, and as you understand, he knew what armed struggle is, because he was a terrorist in a militant organization, mr. vitaly... the sound disappeared from
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you, we still don't hear, unfortunately, but now, now yes, yes, there was a whole story with savinka on the phone, ugh, in soviet times, people who watched soviet films, they remember how savinkov was lured to soviet russia, they were lured to soviet russia illegally, people who were nkvd agents announced that they... were oppositionists and associates of savinkov , he came, believed that he would have great success, and in the end there was a show trial against tsavinkov, to whom he said that he agreed with the soviet authorities, and then he as if he had committed suicide in the ogpu building. well, we understand that he was simply killed, and you understand?


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