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tv   [untitled]    August 4, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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now it may be that iran does not have that many arsenals for such a strike, that's true, but it can count on some country, or several countries across the territory of which all this will fly, not to shoot it down, that's the danger, and then israeli the air defense system will be more difficult than it was during the first attack, and if it is more difficult, if not everything is shot down, if something hits some targets, israel will certainly carry out a massive bombing of iran, see that israel has long been looking for an excuse to, let's say destroy the iranian nuclear facilities completely, and then a big war will begin, as far as putin is interested in this big war in this region and not only here. because you and i
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discuss from program to program that it is precisely in his interests to ignite and increase the number of local conflicts around the world, well , it may not be a local conflict anymore, to be honest, but he is definitely interested, because such a big war, or and on the eve of the presidential elections in the united states, she will completely focus all attention on near east completely, this is the second time, he really contributes to this, you saw that the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation condemned the murder of ismail khan, right away. but what is it? khanya is the leader of a terrorist organization, this organization only in october 23 killed civilians of israel, took women and children hostage in russia, as if all the time. condemns
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terrorism, where does it come from? and this is an attempt not even to prove to the palestinians, but to prove to iran that russia will be with him if he starts a resolution. this is the focus of this story. they are inciting iran and giving it the impression that they will go along with it no matter what it does. there is another factor - this is china. china also needs to strengthen its own capabilities in the middle east, and by the way, you will remember that a few days before hanni's assassination and a week later, beijing held a completely unexpected meeting of the leaders of fathi hamas, and during this meeting they signed a memorandum to establish government of national unity, i think that they will not create anything, but the very fact of the appearance of such an organization, so to speak, beijing is one friend. and this idea says that
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beijing wants to play an important role in the middle east, beijing did not hide this very much, when the last time united states secretary of state anthony blinken was in beijing, they held parallel talks with a delegation on the same day when he met with xi jinping hamas, that's all, and they, too, may be interested in seeing something happen that reduces the influence of the united states, because they expect that if there is a war, the united states will help israel. and iran will to act as an avenger for ismail haniya, this will certainly change the configuration in the arab world and give more space to china and russia, russia needs free hands in ukraine, china just needs it to strengthen itself in the middle east, that is absolutely clear. ugh, and in conclusion, i would like to talk about such an effect, on the eve of these vivid liquidations, the president of the united states, joseph biden, called on benjamin netanyahu. well, let's say this, to be
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restrained and not escalate when it comes to operations in the gas sector, operations of the army defense of israel, but will these successful, once again, eliminations of terrorist gangs play into netanyahu's hands in the eyes of virtually all of his other partners, who are already calling for more restraint, and about his ratings and his reputation within the country, i think it is possible talk at all in a separate conversation, i think that the reputation ratings after these liquidations are in a good state, as you understand, so we see that just recently netanyahu's rating is increasing, secondly, israel always pursues such a policy that it usually has allies relations with the united states, but he never allows himself to dictate anything, it is not in the rules of israeli prime ministers to listen to american presidents there and do as the american presidents want. israeli
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policy is to convince the american president that israel's policy is in the interests of the united states. this is the approach. and by the way, this is... what benjamin netanyahu said when he spoke from the floor of congress when he said, "we are defending ourselves and you from iran, you first," and that's a very important point that heard the congressmen, and then, listen, which is of great importance to benjamin ben, what biden says to him, when he fully understands that in a certain time he will be talking to the new president of the united states, or to kamala harris, or to donald trump , and that's why he... started not only with biden, but also with trump. and he understands very well that one more thing, that once the power changes in the united states, it will really be much more difficult for him to act without taking into account the position of the new american administration, because it will be an administration
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for four years. therefore , by and large, if israel wants to achieve a final victory over hamas, it needs to act in the near future, let's say before ... february 2025 until march, because then it will be more difficult to move in the direction that the prime minister considers it more favorable for himself, so this is all quite a simple story, in principle, mr. vitaly, another interesting region and a very interesting country in the context of the fact that, well, first of all, it is also in the orbit of the interests of the russian federation. and regularly in the person of its leaders supports everything related to russia, does not support resolutions related to russian aggression against ukraine, well, we can actually continue talking, we are talking about venezuela, which
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, as i understand, is still in the election process, although we are already talking about the post-elections, there are people who go to protests, there is maduro, who is not ready for... there is maduro, who challenges elon musk to some duels. and what is the current situation in venezuela and in this region for you, given all the above? you see, everything is very different there difficult maduro lost this election, as lukashenko lost the 2020 elections, the opposition won, but now everything will depend on how effective the structure of the law enforcement agencies is. and how much the target structures and the army will support honey and how massive the protests will be, if it turns out that these protests are not massive, if it turns out that there are not enough people to prevent the security forces from acting, then of course
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the situation will simply end with the fact that madura will continue the next term to remain the president of venezuela without any particular problems, if... the protests increase, then the regime will collapse. now, what is beneficial to putin? of course, it is important for putin that maduro stays, but not just stays, but stays under sanctions for, because the last year there, a year and a half after the russian attack on ukraine, many considered it necessary for venezuela to start being an alternative to russian oil, and these agreements between the united states and venezuela began to be reached, but the condition of these... agreements were fair elections in venezuela, these elections were not held fairly, even if there were any fair elections, the votes were not fair and counted, i mean, that means that the united states may again have to impose sanctions on
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venezuela, again announce that they consider the president not the person who controls the government, and the person who won the election for real, well, that way venezuela's oil will remain. in venezuela, well, this is what is needed for venezuela to depend on russian support, so that it is not a russian competitor on the oil market, so that maduro could link his future only with him, that is, he was such a venezuelan lukashenko, so the situation here is simple, but everything will actually depend on the venezuelan people, on their ability to respond to this challenge, and it is very interesting , in fact , the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi touched on this topic in his address in... social media reports of the presence of wagner's russian mercenaries in venezuela together with government troops, no matter where they go thugs, they bring death and destabilization, and i can't help but also note a number of events this week, this is the liquidation of the wagnerites in mali, and actually there is a report
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that the central intelligence agency and our military specialists may have corrupted russia somewhat? plans on the territory of syria, and can we say that the hunt for russian influence continues in such interesting locations for russia and... how much does wagner's group, or what is left of it, about this influence at all? you see, this is definitely about the russian influence. however, the fact remains that after defeat of the wagnerites in russia, they cannot recover as an effective military force in africa and the middle east. and this is what happened in mali - the death of a large number of people, after such, i would say, ambitious announcements that now they will come to mali and restore order there. i say this once again that there is no real possibility of being a competitor for that wagner who was in the time of prigozhano,
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these people no longer have, that this structure has crumbled, the russians wanted to create an african corps in the structure on its basis of the ministry of defense of russia, of course, and that is why the deputy minister of defense of russia, general yunus bekervirov, visited the african women of the capital. said that now instead of wagner, there will be an african corps with the same people, and don’t worry, it will just be, so our interaction is not within the framework of a private company, within the framework of a state structure, but it turned out that it all does not work like that, yes, that , after all, the wagner that was created, which in one way or another was an independent structure from the point of view of the autonomy of its actions in african countries and their own interaction with the local leadership, had more opportunities, including logistical ones. and for the fact that putin began to be frightened by prigozhin with his
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really enhanced opportunity within this private military company, formally private, it is clear that there was budget money, this leadership was autonomous, that's how it no longer works, when it becomes part of the state bureaucracy, it does not work as a mercenary mechanism. there are discounts until independence day on estef 25% in pharmacies psyllium bam and oschad there are discounts until independence day on doloxen stroenel 10% in pharmacies planznyk bam and oskad have discounts until independence day on eurofast softcaps 10% in pharmacies around... you and oskad.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, frontline, serhiy zgurets and how the world lives. yuri fizery is already in front of me. time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yury, good evening, two hours, to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchuvka, next to me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chikchenina, our tv viewer, is ready to talk, good evening, presenters, who have become like a day to many , next to me, i am ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, with us on... in touch, mr. mustafa, congratulations you, good of the day, the events of the day in two hours,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi. and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. more more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey , turn on
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and tune in, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. hello, my name is yuriy fizar and this is espresso-interview. i usually invite interesting guests to this studio in order to talk with... them about interesting topics, and today's mine interlocutor, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the republic of estonia to ukraine anneli kolk. i will talk to her about the important things, about the interaction between. estonia and ukraine about the help we received, continue to receive, and i am sure we will continue to receive from our brother country, and about many other things. madam ambassador, i congratulate you, thank you very much for joining me today, for coming here. thank you, thank you so much, sincerely, sincerely thank you for inviting me, thank you, look, the first question
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estonia is a relatively small country compared to other european countries. of course there are smaller ones, but estonia is small, but despite all this, we received a lot of help from your country, both financially and militarily, what is this, i don't know, paradox, maybe why is it so, or is it because of the knowledge of history, is it possible that there is something else hidden in it? yes, of course, one of the main reasons is that we have a shared history. we were occupied by the soviet union, we lived together under the conditions of occupation, we know what assimilation is, de-russification, and the soviet tried to erase, eradicate our language, our culture, and we know what our
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common neighbor is capable of, of course, this was one of the reasons, but... i think that the main reason why estonia helps, has helped and will continue to help to help ukraine, lies in the fact that estonians love ukrainians very much, we admire how you behave against this russian evil, how you bravely and resolutely fight against brutality, genocide, and the evils of war'. and i think that is the biggest reason why estonia wants to help ukraine. and this brutal war has been going on for more than two years, and the fascination of estonians for ukraine is growing even more, growing because you
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continue to defend your country, fight for your people, for your cultural identity. and all this is very expensive and very close to estonians, well , on the one hand, it's bad that this common history, which you mentioned, unites us, and on the other hand, it's good that it unites us , because we feel how close we are to each other, even though we are separated by some, some kilometers share, and none the less, but still speaking about aid, are there any statistics on how much aid, for example, military or financial, we have received from the republic of estonia so far? there are very reliable statistics. estonia has provided more than €26 million in humanitarian aid since the start of the full-scale invasion. and this is like government, state aid, aid from the private
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sector and ordinary ordinary citizens. regarding military aid. it has already reached more than 500 million, if compared with gdp, then estonia provided aid for more than 1-3% of its gdp, which means that we are one of the most active countries that supports ukraine, in addition, the estonian government decided at the end of last year that they... will allocate for the next four years annually 0, 25% of ours is for ukraine, precisely for military aid, for reconstruction, so our aid will definitely continue, and estonia will do everything possible
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to increase humanitarian and other aid to ukraine, well, i can only answer this in estonian, i will try. madam ambassador, please don't criticizes my accent very much, tanantei dvaga for all that estonia is doing for us, but look, one more point, a few months ago the parliament of estonia passed a law, and then this law was ratified by the president of estonia, which this law allows the use of frozen russian assets for compensation for the damages that russia has caused in this war of aggression in ukraine, several months have already passed, two months have passed since this law came into force, have there been any transfers yet, this is the first question, to ukraine, i mean, and the second question is, have other western countries taken it? example with estonia, because estonia was the first western country to pass such a law. yes, of course, estonia was one
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of the first countries that started talking about the need to use frozen russian assets to rebuild ukraine because the aggressor has to pay a price for it, and we were one of the first countries that still... years ago she said that we need to start the reconstruction, the restoration of ukraine already during the war, we don't need to wait until it ends, because we need to give to give hope to people, and to help refugees, those who left ukraine and then began to return, we tried to understand and analyze all possible ways. in order to force russia to pay the price for the damage it caused to ukraine, and we were pioneers in introducing such legislation, regarding the use of frozen
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russian assets for the recovery of ukraine, and these assets are not only state assets, they are also the property of private individuals and legal entities in estonia. and all those who are under international sanctions, then the law was a recent one was adopted and the regulatory processes are still ongoing, as everything must comply with international rules so that we do not create unnecessary problems for ukraine in the years to come, so we are working on it now and i think we are making great progress. in this direction is happening, i hope that we can demonstrate to the whole world that it is possible, that it is possible to use all the frozen assets and the profits from these assets,
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not only directly, the profits for the fact that we simply held these assets before, and you set an example very great to western countries, having passed this law, other countries in your opinion, personal opinion, why they do not pass such laws, just your personal opinion, out of fear, is something else possible after all, it is very difficult for me to say why these or other countries do something, or they do not do something, but i think that there are still some legal issues. legal issues that countries are discussing, but estonia really, our national legislation tried to do
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so, in fact, put it in such a form, to prove that we can do it, without violating european or international legislation. i really hope that the western partners will see this and will not delay and pass similar laws in their countries. well, but now let's move on to... to something else, the post-war reconstruction of ukraine, after all, even this reconstruction is already underway in different parts of ukraine, including those that were under temporary occupation in the first days of the war. tell me, please, does estonia have any projects, in this case state or non -state projects, with which it helps rebuild ukrainian cities and villages. yes, yes, of course, as i... already said, we are already in in the 22nd year, this work began, and all these projects related to reconstruction in ukraine
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began then, in particular in the zhytomyr region, this is conditionally our, our region, our region, since estonia is a small country, and we have limited resources, and we thought that it is necessary to approach the issue of restoration of ukraine very much. comprehensively, that's why we chose one area, one region, and we provide assistance for reconstruction right there, we helped build a new kindergarten, and we conduct training for teachers, educators, so that such assistance was long-term, just not just build one house or one shelter. and to help in such a way that it is long-term and covers the problems faced by a specific region, of course, well... but
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we talked about money that goes from estonia, or, for example, military support that goes from estonia to ukraine , let's talk now about the help that ukrainians who are currently in the territory of the republic of estonia receive, do you have any statistics at this moment, exactly how much citizens of ukraine and is there any tendency to return to ukraine? yes, of course we have statistics. as for the ukrainians living now in estonia, and we have provided them from the first day of their arrival in estonia with any assistance, any assistance that we could provide, it is medical assistance, social protection, education, we also opened two special schools, specialized schools
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for... can study according to the ukrainian curriculum, so we are trying to do everything for the ukrainian refugees who are in estonia so that they do not lose this connection with one's country, with one's culture. of course, we have other plans, projects, but the main slogan of the government is that it is necessary for ukrainians to feel that they are welcome here in estonia, and i can confidently say that ukrainians in estonia definitely feel that that they are welcomed in this country, because my daughter has been living in the territory of the republic of estonia for more than two years, she studies there and she... knows
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how estonians think, how estonians help, and how estonians try to do everything to to bring our joint victory over the russian aggressor closer. now a little bit about the victory: in estonia, besides, of course, women and children, there are many men who uh got, it's not that temporary shelter, temporary protection is called, as far as i understand, in estonia, please tell me now in many, at least eastern european... countries say that they are somehow trying to cooperate with the government of ukraine regarding the men who are subject to draft and who are conscripted in order to somehow help this men, well, at least register in ukraine, in the relevant authorities, and maybe even return to ukraine, is there something similar in estonia? yes, such discussions, such requests
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began to arrive some time ago, but our previous prime minister said that since people live in estonia legally, we gave them temporary residence permits. and we do not plan to send them back to ukraine, because we have rules, we have obligations, and this also comes from european legislation, i.e. we have no plans to send them back to ukraine, but we are cooperating with
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the ukrainian authorities in this sense. with the ukrainian embassy in tallinn, and we understand that there are needs in ukraine, but i think that many ukrainians who live in ukraine, they want to return to their country, they are waiting for such a conspiracy, for opportunities, for return, this was one of the reasons , why we started reconstruction so early. to understand how to help ukrainians, we cooperate with ukrainian authorities to make it easier for people to return, of course we but as i say, we're not going to send them back unless they want to.
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of course, madam ambassador, one more question.


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