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tv   [untitled]    August 4, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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er, in the direction of pokrovsky, that is, in our two cities, the communities have to prepare for the fact that they will be wiped out in the avdiiv style, that is , they will be composed quarter by quarter, well, look, look, everyone understands this, i’m telling you that someone there i sat and waited that oh my god, it will all be over soon, i have not met such people, that i am interviewing, which of course is from my acquaintances, i say that people hold on to work, well, let's be honest, now i'm finishing there ether, no one will offer me a job in kyiv or somewhere there dnipro, so that i could leave with a dog, cats, children, and work there and have a competitive salary, so that i could pay there, let's say 15-20 thousand for housing, that is, we all hold on to work, but we try somehow not to deceive ourselves there, no one is sitting there waiting, well , a rocket will fly, well, god, god forbid it will happen, eh, i 'm saying that this is an industrial region, mines work here, some factories work here.
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that is, well, in my understanding, we all hold on to work, but to sit in the basements like avdiivtsi spent two years there, well, i think that the people of mirnograd don't want to. ugh. actually, despite this analogy with avdivka, there are still many children, you name the number, remaining in the city, and i understand that at the moment there is no question of the forced evacuation of children and their parents or guardians who went with them, is it possible make it to september before the start of the school year? well, look. evacuation in donetsk region, it lasted for two years, and with us, with everyone, she played such a difficult trick, that is, a lot of people left in the 22nd year, but when it turned out that everything was quiet, i'm telling you , that in there was no shelling in myrnograd, the people returned, and now everyone understands what happened to avdiivka, what happened to bakhmut, they are watching, and everyone has their own threshold such that, well, now a little more, i will go, i am for myself, i think so, that the majority thinks so too, well , somehow, that is... they haven't determined for themselves, but
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some, yes, i say that a fairly significant number of people will continue to work in myrnograd, but children, there is already some property in the dnipropetrovsk region, in some village there or pershotravenski or something like that, that is, these children, maybe they are 25 and do not live in myrnograd, i.e. not all of them, 2,500 live in mirnograd, their parents may have been taken away, but there are no such statistics yet, so... forcibly, as it was, how barabash went and persuaded in every basement there and took children, there is no such thing yet in pokrovsk, not in mirnograd, but the authorities are constantly calling, and we say in every report that we need to leave, there are evacuation points, there are logistical routes for evacuation, well, that's how it is. ms. natalya, we know that in those places where we came closest to the track, there are firecrackers in the direction of me, there quite often er... fire
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damage along the route, and accordingly neither the volunteers nor the military want to use this route in this part, but on the section from myrnograd to pokrovsk, that is, so that it is possible to run, people drive? yes, well , i go, i work, i work in pokrovsk, i go from mirnograd to pokrovsk, yes, so you understand, pokrovsk, here is the pokrovsk highway, somewhere 2 km to mirnograd, then it passes through the whole of mirnograd and then it goes... economic again, other settlements on kostyantynivka, it is straight, without not a single turn, there are about 40 km between myrnograd and kostyantynivka, and well, in some parts, it is already shot through, but it is still possible to leave myrnograd, let’s say to novoekonomichny, yes, and a little more, please, and of course between pokrovsk and myrnograd, yes , they run there , they run like that, buses run like that, everything works, utilities, water.
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there is, all of this is, even in myrnograd, in which troenergia, or all of this is, all of this is, all of this is more shelled now than pokrovsk, all of this is, well, look, we have since the 14th year dependent on karlivka, which is constantly being shelled by the enemy, and we had huge problems with our centralized water supply, since february 22, it was cut off and we did not receive water supply there at all, so almost, well , i won’t say that everyone has, but in mostly in larger quantities. people have boreholes, and the authorities make them so that they can be used by everyone, and in apartment buildings there are these boreholes, that is, if there is light, then there is water, we did not have gas supply in the 22nd year, but after applying for the release raisin, that's the direction that sounds from the mouth of kupinsky there, yes , gas has already appeared in us, and while it is, the electricity was turned off in everyone in ukraine at once... a
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little less, well, i'm talking about myrnograd in pokrovsk, in which areas are they turned off, turned off even now, in some less turned off, well, somehow, that is, you understand, it’s not that we are all in the basements, a humanitarian came, we grabbed bread there and climbed further in the basement, the city is alive, here are those roses, they are not planted, well, they are engaged in there, and the utility workers need to be kept, because they all then sort out the rubble after the arrivals, the streets and everything, yes yes from pokrovsk, yes yes to myrnograd 30, by the time of 30 00 in myrnograd , the trojans, they were planted there for... sat down a long time ago , that is, the city is alive, but the city is preparing for the worst, and people are leaving, leaving, and everyone has their own peak time, when you drop everything and leave, well, somehow, mrs. natalya, thank you for being with viewers of nataliya biryukova's espresso about
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mirnograd, she is a journalist at tc orbita, internet editions of their own, well, actually, what is this other type. yes, not avdiyivka, which is a city that emerges from the basements after a humanitarian worker, lives, and this is quite such an interesting moment, but still they constantly think about evacuation, so everyone determines for himself when, when to leave, when to evacuate, this is about , that everyone remains in place, it is not mentioned at the moment, but to the west, to the lviv region, nazarii berbeka, a public figure and deputy of the lviv city council, joins our broadcast, mr. nazarii, we welcome you. good morning studio, good morning to all viewers espress tv channel. eight years ago, already eight with a tail, a terrible tragedy happened in lviv oblast, then at the hrybovytskyi landfill, rescuers died, several men, three men died, and since
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then there have been talks about the fact that the city needs a waste processing plant, what with this huge collection of this dump. something must be done in the end in hrybovichi. well, eight years have passed, and there is still no factory in lviv. it has been under construction for 7 years, and it is still 2/3 ready, as they officially declare. it means what else how many? four years to wait, or more? yes, in fact, talks about the construction of a processing plant in the world began in 2018 , in 2017, the contract was signed. in may 2021 from the subcontracting organization, and as of today, the work is ongoing, it must be understood that i, as the head of the temporary commission for the activities of this enterprise, are actively
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involved in the work now, we see what is happening at the plant, and we have really good dynamics during the last year , we have two contracts, one contract is an existing one. according to which really within 65% the works have been completed, there are other contracts, additional works, additional funds are needed for this, the city is making such a request, but the deputies have not considered it yet, and to what technology will this plant still work, because in principle it was promised to lviv residents during the first term of office, when... they elected the mayor, then for a very long time this promise was not realized in any way, then there were various proposals from many technological partners, with very different technologies, i.e. recycling and other, this garbage incinerator, it it will be simple
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to burn, or will there be by-product? er, this is a bekha plant for mechanical and biological processing of solid waste, and according to... the contract, which we read and studied in detail, no more than 15% of all waste must be buried further in landfills, this is clearly stated in the agreements, and penalties are provided for sanctions for these things, yes there are side things that arise, it's rdf fuel, it's the waste of biodry beings, technical compost, well i wouldn't go into it that far, that is... there is indeed recycling, to some extent, and what's important , which is no more than 15%, it goes burial, ugh, why am i asking this, because i remember the presentation mentioned two cities, uzhhorod and lviv, which were offered, for example, by slovenian corporations, they
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are already selling this technology to bosnia, italy, and austria, and in the slovenian city of cel, it works, it's almost a deep recycling of garbage from the area. namely briquettes and even semi-fertilizers, and this was offered to lviv, i don't know why it didn't make it, that's the choice. this technology, which lviv residents will one day have, it was the choice of the city hall directly or someone who chose from among of all projects is this one? it is difficult for me to judge why this particular technology was chosen, it is, as already said, 7 years ago these negotiation processes took place, project documentation took place, obviously, because the contract with the ebr is loan funds. and the polish contracting organization, it was determined that this or that opportunity was the best for signing such an agreement,
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it is difficult for me to stand, the important thing is that today the works are really partially completed, and there is a need for additional resources, additional funds, namely in the amount of uah 715 million for as declares lkp, our green city to complete the works on this plant, and here is the main discussion today: it is going on in the session hall precisely around this topic, and that is, everyone understands, well, since the works have already been carried out and the city needs this plant, the question is only of funds, the question is significant, because whether it will be enough, whether the management will cope, whether they will still start this plant, whether additional funds will be needed, but the question of funds is the most debatable today. since these funds are credit, loan funds, of course, uh, budget funds
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are being spent today, the prerogative is a program of national resistance, loan funds can be used for infrastructure facilities, so the discussion on this issue is the main one today. and in fact, i will add that in 2018, we took out a loan of 25 million euros, and we have to pay it back by 2031. this loan, and now we are talking about a loan of 16 million euros, and accordingly, questions arise, and where did the previous money go, what were the calculations, that it was not enough, and well, no the fact that there are millions missing somewhere, and 16 is not a small amount, and that this does not happen again. mr. nazariyu, we want to discuss one more topic with you, the scandal erupting in lviv, actually related to the memorial of ukrainian heroes on the field of mars, i don't like it. the family of the fallen soldiers, what the project looks like, because we
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remember that in the spring, there was an alleged public discussion, even the relatives of the dead, fallen soldiers buried on the field of mars came to these discussions, and then they somehow said that there would be a project, and here it is appeared, he was not seen before, now people are outraged because they say that this... this construction, which is supposed to symbolize the explosion, does not correspond at all to their inner state and to what they would like to experience when they come to the graves of their children, husbands, they want silence, peace in peacemaking to think, and not to see such a construction, and they also say that this project does not comply with some such rules, design principles. specifically the memorial military cemeteries, will they listen now, or
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can they listen to the relatives of the fallen? thanks for the question, you know, that's enough a sensitive topic, and i would be careful to use the word scandal, because a really architectural competition was held, 27 projects took part, it was known. the expert jury that determined this particular memorial to the heroes on the field of mars, the main emphasis, of course, is on the burial area, there is the idea of ​​placing a chapel, there is the idea of ​​placing a square for ceremonial events, but what is most important is that meetings with the families of the dead really take place. as of today, 15 such meetings were held, in which a total of 15 people took part
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about 500 families, and everyone comes up, talks about this project in detail, determines the seating for all the necessary ceremonial things, and this project will be refined exactly, this is the sketch and the intention, and the main thing, as you said, of course, to... this the project was discussed as much as possible, everyone expressed their vision and the united people were already so united. it was implemented by the project, and today there is no question of its implementation tomorrow or in two months or three. when it will be completely ready, when it will be spoken with all parties, only then, and it will be possible to talk about his immediate start of work. are there any deadlines already agreed on for meetings, for this discussion that you
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are talking about? these meetings happen all the time, they. 15 such meetings have already been held today, that is, this is a constant work, and with each family of the victims, and a meeting will be held, whether together or with someone separately, that is , this is a constant work that is being conducted today, ah, and i am convinced for some reason, that, after all, an understanding will be reached and the project will be implemented in the best possible way, we we also hope for that, mr. nazarriyu, and i think that... and the relatives of the fallen soldiers would also like that the most. nazarii berbeka was with us, a public figure and deputy of the lviv city council. we are going to take a short break with this, we ask you to inform us, after the break we will talk with a serviceman, so there will be an important conversation about what is happening at the front. wait. there are discounts until independence day on
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feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from the head. no, not off the top of my head. but beyond it. and then who is china? i had a heart. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. we return to our broadcast about the front.
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we will talk later, we understand they became active all over the east, now also in kharkiv region, especially active a little south of siversk, there is an assumption that in this way additional points of tension are created along the front line in order to try to pull our forces there to disrupt us. we will talk about the boriv direction, that is near borova, in the kharkiv region, on our air, victor petrovych, a serviceman of the 77th separate air mobile brigade of the airborne assault troops of ukraine, on our air. mr. viktor, glory to ukraine. oh, i hear the ether, like. sir viktor, can you hear us, if you can, then glory to ukraine, good morning. so. but not a good connection, that's what i understand, not a good connection, because this is the front line, about the forest, we talked literally a few weeks ago about
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that, let's remind you that it is south of kupyansk, it is that line, which the russian invaders really wanted to reach six months ago, is a water barrier, it's a split, i.e. everything they wanted to capture up to a split, remember, this was their strategic goal, actually a reservoir. protects the pine on the other side, that is, in fact, it would be much more difficult for them to move further from borova if they wanted to, but now our military in the direction of borivka, from andriivka, from vyshnevoi, may day in kharkiv oblast, are holding the defense so that the russians do not let the russians through to this city, and right now they are there have become very , very active, because we remember that they want to... turn the whole of kharkiv region into a buffer zone, and they are taking small scraps here and there, trying to probe here and there, because we see that,
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fortunately, they have no success, there is no more such and such the russian cell, where they introduced their troops into the centurion of the cossacks, the lypians are also having a harder time there, where the cossacks burst, but they regroup. constant airstrikes and drone strikes, we don't have a way to deal with that yet, hopefully the f-16s will help with that, but right now that's what they're doing every day, multiple times day and night, and what ... they currently need to hold on to our ukrainian land, precisely in the kharkiv region on the eastern front, in general , the situation looks like the main strategic the enemy has set a task and
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is accumulating forces the most in the pokrovsky direction, during the yar period, this is actually the second point where they are making efforts, but they themselves admit, i look at the russian military media now, that the ukrainian forces pushed the russians out of klishchiivka, about which the neighboring . the height of 215.7, which they have been talking about for a week as an advance in the area of ​​time ravine, and we also see that they have intensified their efforts a little further south to try to get behind the defenders of the coal miner, who have been standing there for two years, so this is the only option them to try to cut through the defense a little further north on chickens. vsk direction, this is what the eastern and northern part of the russian-ukrainian front looks like, amid what
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the enemy is writing, they set the task for their troops to go out on the outermost street of turecka to start street battles, this is the task that the occupiers are trying to carry out in the last few actions, but this is not very successful, the only thing where they actually went into such and such. the system of conducting battles is new york, well, we actually gave you a report on the eastern front, a military correspondent, his audience, bohdan myroshnikov writes that now on the ukrainian-russian front, it is probably the most difficult period from the middle of the spring to the beginning of the summer of 22, that is, it was the most difficult at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and now the situation is almost the same, especially difficult. peper, because first of all, the russians are constantly expanding their group, and actually this is felt immediately in different directions, pokrovsky, which we are talking about, toretskyi, kurakhivskyi and near
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chasovoy yar. then the battles continued in the same way, but they were fought a little more to the east. now, then it was the most difficult, probably in sevirodonetsk, in the districts of lysychansky, rubizhny, now they have advanced, their pace of advancement. today they are marked much lower than they were then, but unfortunately, they also say that there is a tendency for deterioration, and according to the forecasts of military observers, in the next month up to two enemies may reach the maximum power of using their units, they are constantly accumulating forces, we know , who are trying to recruit as many contract workers as possible and... to everyone who will sign a contract this year, respectively, they are trying to collect both people and equipment in various ways, and actually, this is what...
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our military command led by general syrsky warned us that there are more of them, that is, they are now trying to squeeze out the maximum before that time , as more than 6 f-16s will appear in the ukrainian sky, even before the autumn, wet and cold period begins , until zelenka disappears, that is, they use the natural and weather conditions that can now still use, well, we understand. that the consequences of how last year the americans delayed their help, we are still reaping, if we talk about certain changes, which can already be seen with the naked eye on the maps, then in a week they managed to work the enemies in certain parts of the avdiiv operational area, this is about novosilovka the first, timofiivka, and fun. at the same time, not everything is in one direction, not in one
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pocket, because... for the third time, our defense forces, the common theme of the efforts of some units, allow us to say that the enemy is retreating in the area we were talking about, that it is only the name sereblyanske forestry, because these are burnt stumps, this is what a beautiful forest once looked like, but in the serebryanka area there is already confirmation that in the last two days there have also been enough... significant attacks on the enemy and they manage to push him back there, from those geographical obstacles, about which we talked and questioned the military, the situation looks the worst when the enemy managed to cross the vovcha river, and even there to gain a foothold in those areas where we hoped that the river would actually help us hold the line of defense, well, this is how certain
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plots about... for this week, so we all understand that although from partners, we constantly receive help, and the united states finally in the spring, unblocked and allowed the flow of weapons and equipment to ukraine, we understand that when some aid package is announced , this does not mean that everything will get to the front from the very next day, that it may be a long period, some of what was declared will only appear in the fall, for example, on the front line, so we have to. be involved, involved, i'm talking now about meetings, every time as you see the opportunity to donate, support this or that unit, do it, support those units that belong to the fighters from your settlements, from your city or village, your neighbors, support those you have heard of, those whose exploits you have heard about , is there a video, have you seen how they work, if
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you doubt, hesitate, look for ... verified collections, here we are now collecting for drones and for rebs for three units, for the third separate assault unit, for the 110th and 47th brigades, very often their representatives appear on our airwaves and tell that drones and rebs are two elements that make the weather on the battlefield today, not alone, of course, it all works in conjunction with artillery, with aviation, necessarily with increased personnel, but eh... drones must be, and means of combating enemy drones, there must also be septorebs, we need to collect 3.5 million, and we have almost a seventh of the required amount, 445 are already in the account, another 55 thousand will be a seventh of the amount, let's do it today together, and now we will honor and remember those who fell, who died because of the russians
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occupiers on our land. moment of silence let's observe a moment of silence in memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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