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tv   [untitled]    August 4, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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footage, and don't be alarmed, what you're seeing is actually happening very close to the front line, and here's this creature, here's something, this, a dog, it's such a dog, a combat robot dog, and that's what the fighters, the warriors, are testing right now our ukrainians from the 28th brigade say that these are the tests of this combat robot dog. in the turetska region, we remember that they have already declared more than once that robots can be used to clear the territories, this is how the process looks, progress on the front line, and about other things related to technological development are no longer so pleasant and not so optimistic, the telegraph writes that the british discovered that the software on their nuclear submarines was not created by them in britain, as planned. and the engineers from siberia
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from minsk even now think that maybe they have a little too much information over there in that russian block, they can determine the location of these submarines and in fact admit that this is a huge threat to their defense and security, the investigation is already underway, a little closer to russia, sweden and germany, recently discovered that the russians, their planes, allow themselves too much. it was intercepted by russian fighters flying towards latvia, they say that the transponders were turned off, the pilots did not respond, the russian pilots did not respond to radio requests, and in this way the swedes and germans had to control where this plane was flying, it is assumed that it was training. we will talk about aviation further in our etar, because we know that the first f-16s are already in ukraine, currently there are not enough of them, not enough to...
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significantly influence the course of hostilities, about the number of aircraft the defense forces can count on in the near future, and what are the obstacles on this way, in our story, we look further. the turning point in the war with putin, the former minister of defense of great britain grand sheps reacted to the arrival of the first f-16 aircraft in ukraine with such loud words. about the fact that fighter jets are already in ukraine. bloomberg was the first to report. later, this information was confirmed by the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania, gabrielus lansbergis. british edition of the times clarified that six cars from the netherlands have arrived in ukraine, and a number more will arrive from denmark in the near future. in telegram channels, they even began to broadcast photo planes in the ukrainian sky, the authenticity of which is doubtful. the authorities did not officially confirm the arrival of the long-awaited ships, but neither...
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the adviser to the head of the president's office, mykhailo podolyak, called the reports of the western media informational speculations. in addition to the war on the battlefield, in addition to the war in the air, there is a huge information war. in the matter of commenting on f16, we may not see official statements neither the general staff nor the air force command, and only over time will the ukrainians learn about the use of these weapons on the battlefield. the provision of western weapons is kept secret, because any such information is carefully studied in... and his plans for further strikes on the territory of ukraine are adjusted accordingly. ukraine sent modern aircraft to the western allies in the first year of the full-scale war. but the usa and european countries refused, fearing escalation from russia. only in august 2023, after an unsuccessful one of the ukrainian counteroffensive, which took place in the conditions of the enemy's total superiority in the air, the netherlands and denmark promised to jointly transmit. ukraine has 61 american
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f-16 fighters. prior to this, permission for the transfer was given by the country of manufacture, the usa. later, the norwegian and belgian governments also publicly announced their intention to supply f-16 to ukraine. delivery will be phased in over several years. according to western media, by the end of 2024, ukraine may receive about two dozen fighter jets. when president zelenskyy spoke about the need for 300. planes, the decisions about the f-16 are strategic, the number is not strategic yet, they will definitely strengthen us, but will these planes be enough to fight on a level with the russian air fleet, i believe that it will not be enough. are we expecting more? so. timing,
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infrastructure preparation, all this information about the f-16 is classified. however, from time to time it seeps into the western countries. according to their information, this is not the biggest problem. currently, the number of trained pilots in ukraine is only about two dozens, as well as the low level of english among the pilots who are sent for training. because of this, according to the wall street journal, ukrainians first take english courses in france and great britain, and then learn to fly in the usa, romania and denmark. president zelensky publicly called on allies to expand the ukrainian training program. pilots, but pilots are only one of the elements necessary for the effective use of western aircraft in ukrainian skies, a high-quality runway, trained technical personnel, powerful air defense to protect airfields, without all this f-16 will not be able to give
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results. not only we help train ukrainian pilots. there are other countries that support training, but not only pilots are being trained, but... maintenance specialists, it's not an easy process. the united states, along with its partners , is working diligently to ensure that the ukrainians get what they need, and the goal is to deliver these f-16s this summer. f-16 is a universal platform that can work both on air targets and on terrestrial it is the most popular fighter in the west. the expectations of many ukrainians from these aircraft are high, and sometimes even exceeded. however , ukrainian and western military experts agree that the f-16 will not be able to quickly turn the tide of the war in favor of ukraine. there will be too few of them and the enemy is carefully preparing for their appearance, accumulating missiles and planning to organize a hunt. realistic expectations
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from the f-16 are to strengthen ukrainian air defense, because they can effectively shoot down russian missiles and drones, as well as put an end to, or at least. significantly reduce the number of russian attacks by guided aerial bombs. it is this extremely powerful, albeit very inaccurate, weapon that allows the russians to advance in donbas. to be launched by russian bombers su-34 and su-35 from a distance of 40-70 km from the line of combat. because of this, ukrainian air defense systems cannot reach russian planes. but the f-16 can do it. psychological. the effect will be after we knock down a few, well up to ten, i will say so, su34x, after which the use of su34x will simply stop, because in of them su 3/4 only a hundred remained, but this is for the whole of huge russia, they will protect their planes, and this means that the first ten
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sutras, the fourth ones will be shot down and after that the cabs will not be actually used. much depends on how the aircraft provided by the event will be equipped, and so far there is reason for optimism. the already mentioned edition of the wall street journal claims that the us is ready to equip the f-16s provided by the europeans with modern weapons, in particular with air-to-air missiles. in the future, it is also promised to significantly strengthen the capabilities of fighters by the swedes, the asc-890 radar reconnaissance and control aircraft. you shouldn't expect miracles from the f-16, but you can hope that the british ex-minister of defense sheps is right and the first westerners. fighter jets in the sky of ukraine in the future will indeed be a turning point in the war with the aggressor. while we were preparing this material for broadcast, the economist wrote that in fact the first 10 f-16 fighters out of 79 possible ones
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arrived in ukraine on the last day of july, that is, july 31 this week. according to the publication, by the end of this 24th year, ukraine should receive 20 aircraft. the rest will be supplied to us in the next year, 2025. these are the cases. viktor boberenko, an expert of the bureau of analysis and policy, is now in touch with us. mr. viktor, congratulations. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good health to you. i can't help but ask how things are going today, is it possible to get some rest from the noise, from the explosions, at least on sunday? well, it's quiet in the sums themselves, but... including the same cabals we talked about, because, well, for example, i'm more than sure that they destroyed the scribe community, cabals,
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but in the spring they trained, they practiced flights and practiced, well, the combat crew with the young. pilots, that's what they are, well, as is customary in russia, they train on citizens, on ordinary people, not on military personnel, so what's that. with a fresh one, i saw one that didn’t explode like that, such a decent bomb, i’ll tell you, from the latest, mr. viktor, we know that today the kuleba is going to africa, it didn’t make it out of china, it’s already moving south to another continent, it has several countries, some will visit for the first time, and here we see his activeness as a minister on his own position, starts... invited to china, goes, we understand that china supports russia, but everything goes smoothly, what can it bring from africa?
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nothing, i have no hopes, of course they are now trying to communicate with the global south, so-called, but what is the result, well, what is the result that he went to china, the chinese can only puff up their cheeks and say that they , so peaceful and that they... there are peaceful initiatives there, if there was a smell of some kind of success, probably not kuleba would go, but irmak, yes, so that later to bring and say, look, there is a guy, so that everyone would say, yes, this is definitely a gray cardinal, the real ruler of ukraine, and the only thing i liked was that the chinese still made kuleba wear a strict suit and shoes, but he drove some crumpled t-shirt. in sneakers, but they all mow under zelenskyi, and it’s just as if, well, not kamilfo,
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the chinese here, the chinese have order, the chinese have procedure and ceremony - this is the first and most important thing, but the chinese have returned to this since the days of laadza and confucius , and that's why you see, kuleba has already changed his clothes again, finally the chinese taught him to wear with... everyone will say yes we are for peace but we are for the territorial integrity of ukraine and not all countries will say this, but more often, as the chinese call our war there, the russian-ukrainian conflict is not even a conflict, but as an incident, well, it is something like that. it doesn't look like a war, but it won't end here either,
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unfortunately. we understand that african countries are unlikely to offer their peace plans to ukraine now, they are more interested in having grain and being full so that they can feed its citizens, well, but china continues to offer its ideas, and even now they are not talking about territorial integrity in the same way as before, and already in... they cut all these points almost in half, and here dievelt german writes that the west is already putting pressure on us and leaves no chance that we need to sit down at the negotiating table with the russian federation, from whom are these messages, what kind of messages are they, who is pulling us to this, and i think we have this from everyone.. .a paradoxical situation when on camera everyone says crimea is ukraine, donbass is ukraine, but they don't advise on camera
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zelensky to make peace with putin, but the point is that to make peace, as putin wants to put an end to it and for ukraine to finally recognize just crimea as ukrainian, crimea as russian, and put an end to the war, and then, then really, well, if putin could ... to say that he won over his internal people there, and there uncles and beheaded parolees, but here it is a criminal offense, because any conversations, referendums, as zelensky wants, anyone who calls for the rejection of any territory of ukraine, it is from 10 years to life imprisonment, of course no one is against it won't go, that is, and this, well, this is the real deadline for the same zelensky after... the one after he ceases to be the president, but zelensky already now wants
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us to just have a truce, remember how he said in december 2018, just stop shooting, and now they want to just stop shooting, then withdraw heavy weapons there for 20 km on each side, and then carry out the demobilization of a million people somewhere to demobilize, well, russia... theirs, we ours , and like, and then we will talk about whether there will be a format like minsk-3 istanbul-1, and we will talk about peace. long there, i don’t know, 30-40 years, and during this time russia will prepare for a new attack, since the peace agreement has been signed, it cannot be a priori, well, then, we will wait there for a new reason, and they don’t need a reason , they will say again that we have produced war flies in our laboratory somewhere, which will bite
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the poor russians there, and on the basis of this they will start a special military operation two, there in five, in... 10 years, in 15, but sooner or later they will come for us again, sorry you give such optimistic forecasts for 3040 years that they need so much time to prepare, in the west they say that they can attack even nato in five to seven years, do i understand correctly that you think that they can in us to pick up on this rhetoric from the west, or they are already picking up on the fact that, after all, they want to encourage the country and the people to prepare us for the fact that... there will be negotiations, yes, zelensky is already saying that he is saying absolute nonsense and heresy, he says, that it is possible to achieve peace there and the return of crimea through diplomatic means, as he says, we we will prepare peace agreements by the end of november, and what could be so that putin would say,
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grab his head and say: "that's for sure, i will agree to these peace agreements, whatever it takes"? well, what kind of concept, let zelenskyy say there, because there cannot be any, well, putin has now stated his claims, give him kherson and zaporizhzhia, and what can zelenskyy offer so that putin says okay, we return crimea to you, well, that’s it nonsense, this cannot be, because they cannot be, but in the meantime they will be, that is, what i am, you say that i insisted, they will just say, let's just go. stop shooting, this will now be the main chinese proposal, like let's stop shooting and that's all, and then we'll talk, the negotiations will go on for 10-20 years, well, how did minsk go, how many eight years was the minsk format, well, this will be istanbul's, well i don't know, the beijing format will be gathered somewhere, well, most likely somewhere in minsk, it is no longer in istanbul, so you
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will have the istanbul format until the russians are gone again. ready for an armed attack and quite simply we will have a kind of arms race, a modern version, of course in this cold war russia will lose again, as the ussr lost, but there may be a hot phase, well, if it is not putin, someone else will be, but there will be a peace agreement with signatures that the parties concluded a peace there, just as muscovy and the polish-lithuanian commonwealth once concluded in 1600. in the 86th year, the so -called eternal peace, eternal, imagine the word, eternal peace, but only then did poland disappear, and russia ate, but after eternal peace, that's to say, as he believes even in eternal peace with russia, even the signed agreements with russia cannot be trusted, there will be no signed peace agreement, there will not be, there will only be
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an armistice, but we will be pushed to an armistice only... not in november, in the spring in march, well, at the end of february, in march, mr. viktor, we literally have a minute left, in fact , in the continuation of crimea, i am looking at a fresh infographic about how ukrainians support or do not support various scenarios for the end of the war, 39%, as if not that they do not mind , even for russia to withdraw its troops from all territories except crimea, and 22% of ukrainians support the freezing of the war, just give in. they don’t want russia, what does this show, i’m asking for just a minute, this shows that zelensky is electorally dependent, he is a conformist and he is very biased towards his main electoral groups, yes, who is ready to vote for him, just those who are ready to vote for zelenskyi, they are for concessions, and therefore, when society gets tired
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of the war, and believe me, it will be very tired in the spring, and the percentage of those who will be ready... to give up crimea will be significantly more, and then he will already say: well , you see, the ukrainians just want to stop shooting, and that's why they will actually surrender, because it's a defeat, it's a military defeat, and crimea will surrender, or rather, how will they surrender just stop shooting and that's it. mr. victor, sad, unfortunately, it all sounds, thank you for the analysis, thank you for. that viktor boberenko, an expert bureau of analysis and politics, was on our air, i will remind you, from sumy, at the end of our air, a few seconds that i will publish. former air force spokesman yuriy ignat, let's go let's see what kind of video this is, please, and a very short comment, good luck, if
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yuriy egnat says good luck, then we will say the same, because we understand that we are collectively rooting for our ukrainian skies to be safe and for we ukrainians were lucky there. in addition, by the way, we can all join together if we donate for drones and for soldiers, now i encourage you to donate for the third assault brigades of the 47th and 110th brigades, these are units that fight in the east of ukraine, in donetsk region, distinguished themselves in battles on avdiivskyi direction, and on this i say goodbye to you, i wish you a peaceful, safe sunday evening, take care of yourself, do not ignore the air warning signals, and be sure to stay with the espresso tv channel, because my colleagues have prepared. a lot of important and interesting information, and tomorrow morning meet lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk in this studio. good bye! there are discounts until independence day
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politics club, every saturday on espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresen had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at... in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, then who is china, me, my heart hurts, all this in an information marathon with mykola veresnem, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15, at espresso. hello, my name is phizar and this espresso interview. as always, we have serious guests and serious topics. with our interlocutor today, we will talk about pain points, about hungarian-ukrainian relations, in the end about...
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hungary and about the hungarian leader viktor orbán and my guest today is a hungarian security analyst, expert of the german council on international relations, professor of corvina university andrás ratz, mr. ratz, congratulations you and thank you for joining me today, congratulations, and thank you very much. thank you very much for joining, today we will talk about hungary, about the prime minister. if you don't mind, i'll start with that. consequently, ukraine blocked the transit of russian oil to slovakia and hungary. the governments of those countries even appealed to the european commission with a request to put pressure on ukraine to cancel this
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decision. how far? in your opinion, the hungarian government will come to convince ukraine to let oil through this pipeline. thank you, this is a very sensitive issue. in fact, details matter a lot here. today oil transit did not stop completely. russian lukol has been sanctioned by ukraine, but other russian companies can still use this pipeline, such as rosneft, tat-neft, bash-neft and others . so, this story does not mean that the flow of oil has completely stopped for now. also because ukraine needs oil transit. ukraine needs the transit fee that comes from the oil pipeline. if we talk about
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hungary's reaction, then we have to start from the events that took place two years earlier. the european union at the end on may 22, about three months after the full-scale invasion, imposed sanctions on oil imports from russia via pipelines. three eu countries asked for a postponement: the czech republic, slovakia and hungary. they claimed that... they do not have the funds to immediately diversify their imports of russian oil, and for technological reasons they must continue to use it. the czech republic has since resolved this problem, but hungary and slovakia still use russian oil. the postponement was granted by the european the union has no deadline. ye called on both bratislava and budapest to diversify their supply of russian oil as soon as possible,
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however. no deadline is specified in the text of the document. since then, buda and bratislava will continue to import russian oil. this is not the only source of imports, but it is significant. therefore, if the flow of oil were to stop completely, and this did not happen, it would mean a serious blow to the energy security of both countries. but again , we haven't gotten there yet. concerning. reaction of hungary, it should be noted that the immediate reaction of budapest was the announcement of the intention to block the european peace fund, this fund, this amount of money of about 6.5 billion euros, which should compensate those eu countries that provide military aid to ukraine. so, budapest initially blocks the payment of these 6.5 billion euros. de facto, it does not harm ukraine directly, it harms european countries that help ukraine. but this is a kind of
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indirect measure. budapest has effectively blocked this european peace fund for quite some time, citing various reasons. so it will definitely happen. budapest will continue to block the european peace fund, but this block has lasted for years. in addition, hungary asked the european commission to put pressure on ukraine, but the european commission replied that for now more information and more investigations are needed, so there will be no direct intervention by the european commission, at least for now. because hungary has already chosen essentially the maximum escalation. that is, the blocking of the european peace fund for 6.5 billion euros. i don't expect that budapest can do much more. yes, you hear from the hungarians officials that hungary can block the prospects of ukraine joining the eu, but...


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