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tv   [untitled]    August 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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studio events of the day in two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for the intelligent and those who care, in the evening at espresso. greetings to all who are from espresso, i am an anaevomelnik, this is news and i will start with the long-awaited information, the f16 is now officially in ukraine, this was confirmed by president volodymyr zelenskyi, and by the end of the year, ukraine should receive 20 f-16 aircraft - writes zekonist, the rest promised by the coalition f -16, led by denmark and the netherlands, will arrive by 2025, among
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the reasons being the lack of training places for ukrainian pilots, language difficulties and creation of infrastructure for maintenance of f-16. western experts claim that 12 squadrons of 18 aircraft are needed to achieve air superiority and support the offensive. ukraine will receive at least 60 aircraft and they will be delivered gradually. timely. in donetsk region, the russians broke through the siversky donets-donbas canal. the enemy has gained a foothold in the zhovtnevy microdistrict. analysts of deepstate report. in the general staff. the information is not confirmed. chasiv yar is located on a hill. has strategic importance for control over neighboring cities. toretsk, kostyantynivka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk and sloviansk. battles for the city have been going on since april this year. a 50-year-old man received
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shrapnel wounds in zaporizhzhia, detonated an explosive object on the territory of a private house. the rescuers provided the victim with medical aid, after the arrival of the medics, he was taken to the emergency room, the state emergency service said. the police are investigating the details. the investigation is ongoing. due to the aggravation of the security situation , children are being forcibly evacuated from 10 front-line villages of donetsk region - said the chairman. it is about the settlements of grodivska, novogrodivska, linska and korakhivska communities, they plan to evacuate 744 children together with their parents or other legal representatives, due to the russian shelling , the evacuation will continue and children only in armored cars. to fight as they fought for us. in the capital
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, people who are not indifferent have traditionally gathered to remember the prisoners of war and the missing. our correspondent, kateryna galko, works at the peaceful rally, she is with us live. katya, my congratulations, so where are the ukrainians reminding today about the prisoners of the kremlin? i congratulate anna, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel, so today, like every sunday, in kyiv they remind about prisoners of war and missing persons. are reminded of the problems of returning from captivity and today we can talk with ms. tatyana, a participant of the action, good afternoon, please tell us your story, why are you here today and why are such actions important? i am here today because my brother died for the third year, but we still do not have his body, a large number of families of the defenders of azovstal mariupol do not have bodies for the third year, including his twin is in the third year of the half-year.
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"if we don't remind the world and our ukrainians in ukraine, who are very indifferent to everything, then unfortunately, it's very bad, we have to go to these actions, more and more, we have to remember and support the prisoners and the fallen, do you go out do you go to such actions every sunday and do you notice that more people are really starting to come, that the problem is gaining more publicity?". sunday is not the same as sunday, but i understand that the majority of those who come are those who are in pain, unfortunately, unfortunately, ukrainians should understand if they don't support the prisoners and don't return them, then katsapas will be damned here, thank you, mrs. tatiana, actually i will remind you that today in the capital the action of silent prisoners has started. in support
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of prisoners of war and missing persons, several hundred people have already gathered here, and people are starting to come, today the action continues near the embassy of the russian federation, and actually. it's going to be a few more hours, so join in if you have a chance. annoev, i pass oter to you. thank you for your work and information, kateryna galko, espresso correspondent, we are waiting for everyone at home. russian special services were involved in the conflict near the kovel territorial center of procurement and social support, announced in the regional department and published posts on social networks, in which there were provocative calls for disobedience and discredit. yesterday, employees of the tsc and the national police stopped three men at a checkpoint near the shatsk resort, because they did not have military registration documents, and they were taken to the kovelski tsc. several dozen residents of the city gathered to free them. after clarifying the circumstances, the men
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let go already on monday, the verkhovna rada's committee on national security and defense will consider the draft law prohibiting mobilization. between the ages of 18 and 25, the secretary of the committee, roman kostenko, said. according to him , the initiative has already been developed, it not only prohibits the mobilization of citizens under the age of 25, but also gives the right to resign to those already mobilized. at the same time, it does not prohibit volunteers from serving. and in this bill there will be a history of banning the conscription of these conscripts and a rule that if such people got to the front during this period, he will be, they will be, they will have the right to be fired, but now we are considering such an issue. up to uah 2 billion, that's how many bribes men pay per year to avoid
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military service. about 800,000 conscripted ukrainians are hiding from the army. these are approximate calculations - noted dmytro, the head of the parliamentary committee on economic development. natalukha: ukraine needs to change its approach and allow enterprises to protect workers, otherwise the economy will not survive, natalukha noted. they wanted to get to hungary. border guards ten men were detained. one of them is a guide who led the rest to the place where they planned to enter the neighboring country illegally. each of the violators paid the organizers from 8 to 10 thousand dollars. residents are among the refugees. pattya, dnipropetrovsk oblast, kyiv oblast and volyn, the state border service reported. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern
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drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 10th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. defenders in donetsk the direction is held back by the enemy every day. attacks defend our freedom and future, it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. you can see all the details on the screen. these are the cases for the moment, i tell you, see you at 18:00 in the final news release . you can always read about important things on our website espresso tv, too subscribe to our channels on social networks, support our youtube channel, see you soon,
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i greet our viewers, this is the experience of war and... i am iryna koval, today i invited oksana vyhovska, an infectious disease doctor, professor, dean of the bogomolets medical university, to our studio. oksana, i congratulate you, but probably not everyone knows that you are not only a doctor and professor and dean, but also a volunteer, so today i want to talk to you about this experience of yours. greetings, i want to start our conversation precisely on february 24, 2022, so that you remember where were you, what were you doing and did you think that everything would be exactly as it was, well, i think that
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everyone remembers this day, i am no exception, on this day i ended up in the city of vasylkiv, which exactly... one of the first to suffer, where the houses of local residents were fired upon and attacked, the airport, and upon arrival. there for my husband's mother, i realized that i could not just be in this city and began to ask, as a doctor, who i could help, how i would be useful, of course, the first thing that came to mind was going to donate blood , but through acquaintances i found out that there is a territorial defense, and doctors are needed there, of course, of course, and so... on the first day of the war, i became a doctor, a volunteer of the
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vasylkov territorial defense, and that's how my volunteering path began. how long did you stay there in vasylkiv? as of today, i remain a doctor of the territorial defense of the vasylkov shield, i visit there, at first we started and organized a medical point where we provided assistance. and the civilian, especially, during the attacks, my function was to provide assistance at the place where the person was injured, and to bring the person to the hospital, where the person was already operated on and qualified medical care was provided, and of course to help the boys and girls who were volunteers, literally a month later a medical... hospital with beds was organized and, accordingly, from the first day we were on duty there, that is, we lived there
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24x7 for many days, and at this rate i was there until october 2022, and then at the same time i was still working at the medical university and commuting to work, then it became easier. there were more of us on duty, well, the hospital is still functioning, well, i know that you started traveling specifically to the de-occupied territories and providing medical assistance to people in the de-occupied territories, where do you most often go? well, it started with a trip to kharkiv, i will never forget june 22 of the year when i died... but to this city, which i fell in love with and love very much, i simply took
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medicine for the military, for my own, for example , students, combat medics who were mobilized to different units and to different medical institutions, and on the way from kharkov , my colleagues called me and asked, how can you help people in kharkiv? conversation after conversation, i say, not only people in kharkiv need help, vasylkov also needs help, but i forgot, my first experience was chernobyl, i completely forgot, yes, it was chernobyl, it was de-occupied, this is immediately kharkiv, it was de-occupied kyiv region, it was our entire kyiv region de-occupied, it was the first experience when we were together with our guys from the territorial defense, that's it.
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and then there was kharkiv, and then the kharkiv region, zaporizhzhia began oblast, donetsk oblast, and so it went on, is it possible to characterize all of them somehow? all the eyes of the city, the village where you come with a group, yes, and what you see there most often, it all depends on when it was, whether it was, for example, the 22nd year, the 23rd year, or this, now the 24th year, the situation was a little different, well , for me, what i saw immediately after the deoccupation of the entire kharkiv region had a great impact on me. because we had such an opportunity, we were
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the first to come in together with the military, that is, people had not yet seen doctors, psychologists, saw someone with whom you can talk, we now called all these cadres, it was very impressive the destroyed infrastructure, destroyed hospitals, all medical facilities, it doesn't matter, dispensaries, hospitals... kindergartens and schools, well, of course, some cities were destroyed, which were destroyed, 90% of the villages. very often they talk about the fact that hospitals are literally looted, yes, everything can be said, equipment is taken away, even beds, absolutely, almost everything was taken away when we entered, the hospital may still have walls, but inside it was destroyed, it was burned, and it was clear that all of this was taken away,
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well, plus, the first torture chambers, about which no one has yet spoken. e.g., for example, i know that my son, who also traveled with me, he, as a photographer, volunteer, he took photos of the first executions that became known in the kharkiv region, and this was very impressive, because it not just the walls, everybody saw those pictures, everybody understands what was inside, and back then we didn't talk about...things like that, but women, women who were sexually assaulted, women who were pregnant as a result of that sexual assault, children who are in front of whose relatives died as a result of shelling or sniper fire, children
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who became adults, children who... did not look their age, both physically and mentally, and who worried about their grandparents, people who lived because the occupation was different, it was long, if we are talking about donetsk region, it was longer than kharkiv region, i.e. people who lived in dilapidated houses, people who lived and continue to live, for example, in the destroyed hospital in siversk. in which it fell, we didn't count eight or nine times, it really bothers me i was impressed, because there is a cemetery on the territory of that hospital, this is the cemetery of the medical workers who worked there, who died during one of the shellings, when i visit seversky, i definitely go there in order not to forget, it is very difficult , and surely
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we will never be able to forget it. what do you talk about most often with these people, what words do you choose and what do they say? well, we come primarily as doctors, so we talk, yes, we talk about health, about what hurts, what bothers us, and how they were, how they are, since we have such a tradition to return to the place in which we have already been, so i already have my passions. and they are already waiting for the doctor to return, they tell how they fulfill the appointment, or how they take the medicine, just here people take the medicine as prescribed, and they wait for the doctor to return, and i know, oksana, that after that, surely, how did you see everything, this is all
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the horror that you are talking about, you went to school and started studying to be a psychologist, right? yes, well, i thought about it before, but somehow i didn't find the time, but really i was very impressed by the children, it was in zaporizhzhia, they were children from the occupied territories, teenage children, in whom i, as a doctor, pediatrician, detected suicidal thoughts at the reception, inclinations, it was not just one child, and therefore it affected me very much ... had an enormous impact, i passed the message on to a psychologist, but i thought that i lacked knowledge, despite the fact that i have spent many years of my life working with children, with their parents, so that maybe there is not enough, yes , that i need more knowledge to help provide care
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self-psychologically, for both children and adults, and for sure... it is worth giving some advice to all those people who are watching us now, who live in the de-occupied territories, and i just remember one of our private conversations with you, when we talked about the fact that both adults and children have, let's say, not very strong health, and there are neglected diseases, and they can be neglected not only because of... war, but because that before a person did not take care of his health, it so happened that there was a war, and maybe there were some chronic diseases, there was no way to treat, what can you advise, which after... everything you saw, to choose the words to address people, well, i want to say first of all that you must remember that you not only that
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the whole country supports you, there are quite a lot of volunteer organizations, both ukrainian and international, that come to the de-occupied territories, to the front-line territories, and provide various types of medical assistance. this is done on a regular basis, there are organizations in which there are ukrainian doctors, there are for example, according to the type of our organization, where doctors from israel, the united states of america, germany, and other countries volunteer with us and come and return. and it supports us and gives us inspiration. so, for example, yesterday, ah, one of... uh, my friends from the united states of america, who came to hold regular trainings in tactical medicine for free for our students and for volunteers and for applicants, for everyone
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who wants to, he says don't forget you are my family i know this person since 22nd year, and it's really important, because i understand that this is real, but don't forget that... that ukraine, we are one big family, and that's why you're hurting, we're hurting, you're being shot at, we're also they are shooting, we are on the same wavelength, if someone comes across, maybe with some other opinion, well, you, it is not for you to tell that people are in different psychological states, and that is why there may be such a reaction to stress, was there any such story.. . in these de-occupied territories, where exactly you came, which impressed you, and maybe she is standing in front of your eyes, you still remember her, and
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this is always, it is called, if you always have to find, no matter how many adult children you have seen in one visit, you always have to find at least one person whom you really helped and who did you save that is, either it was not diagnosed, it could still not have been diagnosed before the war, because either it was wrongly diagnosed, the same thing can happen, and you figured it out, made the correct diagnosis, accordingly correctly directed, if necessary for examination, correctly prescribed treatment, and a child or an adult has recovered, it can be, well, for example, tell me who, who it was, who is interesting about... but it is constant, it is on every trip, well, for example, in kharkiv oblast it was a boy who 12 years old weighed about 140 kg, boy, yes, i, mother is small,
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thin, fragile, and i am very glad that she was still able to bring him, because he resisted, he did not want, er, we were just parallel a neurologist, a psychiatrist at the reception. we looked at it comprehensively together, i looked over all the documents that my mother brought it, and i explained that in general it is a disease, a violation of the metabolic cycle, i found an extract, i say, that’s what the geneticist told you, well, i say, look, she says, frankly, i didn’t get there, because the diagnosis was made literally before the war, i say in kharkov beautiful. genetics doctors, a medical center, my mother still got there, he began to receive the right treatment and began, well
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, to lose weight, that is, the quality of his life is much better, the main thing is that he is diagnosed and treated, how is it possible and where is it possible at all to take as much strength as possible in order to... work at several more jobs and in my free time, which, as i understand it, there is no, this is how i show free time, because i understand that it is not there at all, and to study, i know that you also study the german language at the same time on courses, and to go to the de-occupied territories, how do you find all the time and the first inspiration for this, because i know that many ukrainians lack this now, they give up when we'. read the news when we realize that styles are ending, i just think that everyone
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should do what he does best. "i know how to treat the best, so in this way i bring our victory closer, that is, it gives you strength when you understand that you are doing what you love, this is my specific contribution, this is my specific help, and this is my clear conscience, my heart , my soul, and this is what gives me the right to look into the eyes of our defenders, my students who are fighting, who are returning, so this, i think, is what inspires, whether we need more doctors, who would, well, who. , let's say so, is it correct or necessary more doctors in order to make such trips, well, the more doctors there are,
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the more, accordingly, there will be... but not only doctors, yes, medicines need to be transferred here, that is, not only to examine a person, a person needs to give medicine, it is necessary to make sure that the person understands how to take medicine, he will take it and give medicine to be calculated so that it will be until the next visit, therefore, according to doctors, the more doctors, the more territories will be under... supervision, accordingly more people can get qualified because doctors of various specialties are already traveling, they are specialists of very high levels, qualified medical assistance. i know that your students ride, so it is for them too, as such, let's say, the experience they get, and what
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they say... i understand that these are very young people, they may be the first students there, second, third years, yes, and most often what they say after these trips is very important, because they see, well, first of all, it educates them as a citizen, yes, a person with an active position in life, a patriot, heroes, boys -girls who protect with weapons, heroes are also those who provide help of various kinds, well, in my understanding, heroes are people who donate money, that is, we are all heroes, they see the realities, they see how important the profession of a doctor is, how important it is complex, how many skills you need to have, well
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, now it is called, such a modern word of competences, yes, that is, how much you need to be a professional in order to still be able to look like this and make a diagnosis, that is, for them it is a huge professional experience, for them it is a communication experience, they communicate perfectly with people, and people need this, especially if there are grandparents, they often treat them like their grandchildren or great-grandchildren, that is... there is also psychological help here, they learn to work in a team, that is to be a doctor's assistant, to be an administrator who will receive a large number of people, people do not always come with a positive attitude, many can come with a negative attitude, because something hurts, the medicine has run out, there is a long queue, they don't want to, they can't stand, they don't have the strength, it teaches everything sociability, er, flexibility, this teaches the so-called hard and... er skills,
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that is, it teaches first of all to be a good specialist, and if you ride together, or the teachers ride together, it forms a general culture of respect for each other, i know that there is stories like that where you found people who needed surgery over there, yeah, who... help that you can't give there on the spot, and you transported that person with your group, you helped settle in, can you tell stories like that, yeah quite a lot, we have almost every trip, there are one or two cases when a person was in need surgical intervention right on this day, we, since we always have an ambulance -


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