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tv   [untitled]    August 4, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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and so we decided that perhaps it is possible to convince volodymyr karamurdza that he should sit and remain silent by lifting the sanctions on the topic that русский хороший, and this is putin, he is his, he is subject to, well , how to say, reincarnation, psychopolitical, and 99,999, well and you can't do anything with them. here is karamurza, by the way, here he is, and i am absolutely convinced that they are not incapable, somehow they will turn around in the west, although karamurza has a british passport and mostly lives in america, well, he can live in america, they say he is green there is a map, that's all one thing, he is surrounded by western mass media, he is surrounded by normal people, everything is fine with him, but he, you see, comes out of prison and says no. the sanctions must
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be stopped, because the sanctions must be directed exclusively against putin, not about russia, not against the russian people, the absurdity is complete, we can’t, yes, and the russian people are good, putin is bad, but about these 139 million , they are wonderful people, well, i have my own thoughts about volodymyr, because i... spoke several times, we had such a strange conversation, i will never say that and they are against putin, so you start to be tormented by doubts. well, let's go now, so, so and so and so you see ilya ponomarev, he is not ilko panomariv after all, he is still ilya panomariv, because if he was vilko ponomarev, then he would have appeared on the air after agreed with him guaranteed. but
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you see, he ignores, well, what are you going to do, so now you and i have the next agenda, first we will have a story about the f-16, because president mr. zelensky has officially confirmed the arrival of f-16 aircraft in ukraine, and we decided to introduce you to what these planes are, how they can help, whether they can change the situation on the front and so on, after that we have. there will be commercials, and in total it will be 10 minutes, hopefully maybe 12, because i talked too much, i need to somehow put my jaws in place. so, the plot, plus advertising, and then mykola veresin again. a turning point in the war with putin. grand sheps, the former defense minister of great britain, reacted to the arrival of the first f-16 aircraft in ukraine with such loud words. about
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that the fighter jets are already in ukraine, the bloomberg agency first reported. later, this information was confirmed by the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania, gabrielus lansbergis. the british publication the times clarified that six cars from the netherlands have arrived in ukraine, and another number will arrive from denmark in the near future. in telegram channels, they even began to broadcast photo planes in the ukrainian sky, the authenticity of which is doubtful. ukraine asked western allies for modern aircraft. even in the first year of a full-scale war, but the usa and european countries refused, fearing escalation on the part of russia. only in august 2023, after the unsuccessful ukrainian counteroffensive, which took place in conditions of total air superiority of the enemy, the netherlands and denmark promised to jointly transfer 61 american f-16 fighter jets to ukraine. prior to this , the country of manufacture, the usa, gave permission for the transfer. later he set the intention.
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f-16 to ukraine was also publicly announced by the governments of norway and belgium. delivery will be phased in over several years. according to western media, by the end of 2024 , ukraine may receive about two dozen fighters when president zelenskyy spoke about the need for 300 planes. decisions about the f-16 are strategic, the number is not yet strategic. they will definitely strengthen us. but will these planes be enough to fight on a level with the russian air fleet, i believe it will not be enough, or are we counting on more? yes, the number, the timing, the preparation of the infrastructure, all this information about the f-16 is classified, but from time to time it is leaked to the west. according to their
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information, it is not the biggest problem of ukraine now there is a small number of trained pilots , only about two dozen, as well as a low level of english. who are sent to study, because of this, according to the wall street journal, ukrainians first take english courses in france and great britain, and only then learn to fly in the usa, romania and denmark. president zelenskyy has publicly called on allies to expand the training program for ukrainian pilots, but pilots are only one of the elements necessary for the effective use of western aircraft in ukrainian to the sky high quality. landing strip, trained technical staff, powerful anti-aircraft defense to protect airfields. without all this, the f-16 will not be able to give results. not only we help train ukrainian pilots, there are other countries that support training, but
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not only pilots are trained, but also maintenance specialists. this is not an easy process. the united states, together with its partners, is working diligently to ensure that ukrainians receive what is needed, and the goal is to deliver these f-16s that summer the f-16 is a universal platform that can operate both on air and ground targets, it is the most popular fighter in the west. the expectations of many ukrainians from these aircraft are high, and sometimes exaggerated. however, ukrainian and western military experts agree that the f-16 will not be able to quickly turn the tide of the war in favor of ukraine. there will be too few of them, and the enemy is carefully preparing for their appearance, accumulating missiles and planning to organize a hunt. realistic expectations from the f-16 are to strengthen ukrainian air defense, because they can effectively to shoot down russian missiles and drones, and
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to end, or at least significantly reduce, the number of russian guided missile attacks. it is this extremely powerful, albeit very inaccurate weapon that allows. yanam to advance in donbas. to be launched by russian bombers su-34 and su-35 from a distance of 40-70 km from the line of combat. because of this, ukrainian air defense systems cannot reach russian planes. but f-16 - it can be done. the psychological effect will be after we knock down a few, oh well ten, i'll say so. su-34x, after which the use of su-34x will simply stop. they have su 3/4 only a hundred left, but this is for the whole huge russia. they will protect their aircraft, and this means that the first dozen su 34s will be shot down and after that the cabs will not actually be used. much depends on how the aircraft provided by the event will be equipped, and so far there is reason for optimism. the already
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mentioned edition of the wall street journal claims that the us is ready to equip the f-16s provided by the europeans with modern weapons. in particular. air-to-air missiles. in the future , the asc-890 radar reconnaissance and control aircraft promised by the swedes will significantly strengthen the capabilities of fighters. you shouldn't expect a miracle from the f-16, but you can hope that the british ex-defense minister sheps is right, and the first western fighter jets in the ukrainian sky will indeed be a turning point in the war with the aggressor. there are discounts until independence day on dologsens tronogogel 10% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with dolgit cream, you can even walk. dolgit is the only yellow cream for
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on ocyn baths until independence day. 20% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. the verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with recovery in different regions of ukraine. about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year
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he has now i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery, in the project program of reconstruction and development of cities. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and... affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand, antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future, which saturdays at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. zahid studio with anton borkovsky on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with
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economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, at espresso dinner.
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, 19 hours 13 minutes 45 seconds, i will take a little time from mr. kirill hovorun, we will talk about
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an archimandrite, apparently a doctor of philosophy, a professor at the loyola mary mount university in los angeles, the director of an ecumenical institute, a professor at the sophomore school of theology, well , in short, good health, i apologize mr. kirill, it’s just that one of the guests did not come to see us, and i would just say ukraine. about this many years ago in poland there was a case when some official behaved badly, journalists simply stopped going to him at meetings and press conferences, and somehow everything changed, now all polish leaders go to all press conferences, because they are afraid that if you are not in the information space, then you are not anywhere, and that is why journalism is bad in ukraine, because... we are not a shop, only when we are a shop, we can come to an agreement, we do not go to of this
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person, we do not spread information about this person, and believe me, in a month this person himself will be knocking on all the doors and saying: hello, hello, but not like our kirill, the talkative archimandrite, doctor of philosophy, professor, by the way, i want drop the first question, here is written loyola marymount, this is ignatius loyola, this is the one who, the one who is written... in all the textbooks, that he was a terrible jesuit, and all these punishments, which are therefore medieval, he invented, the inquisitor and so on, well tell me the jesuits arose after the middle ages, after the reformation , and indeed ignatius loyola, he is the founder of the jesuit order, and the jesuits are precisely known for their educational programs, universities, one of the best universities in the world, this is a jesuit university, one of their families, this is truly a jesuit university, private in america, named in honor of ignatius loyolits,
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the truth is, okay, well, yes, yes, i know, where else from the university in ukrainian. of the soviets, i remember that the guards told us that these were all jesuits, they actually had such an education that no other education stood next to it. i will start a conversation with you, mr. kirill, because i was terribly interested in such a phenomenon, when new buildings, but, but, the new hersenes, so-called, it is, if now, some kind of semi-holy place, or something like that in... religious life, it is possible that you and i will build here near kyiv, near kiev, some, some church building, and then we will say, this is a super-holy place, does it take some centuries for this, or the presence of some special people there who performed some miracles, well, in short, here we cannot determine
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to come to some old woman, old woman forester and say, here is our holy place, and here... we have such a prayer and and and you mean, mr. kirill hovarun and i decided so, this is possible, in principle, someone can define it like this, well, look, it says about the sacralization of an important place in russian civil society of a religion which is not identical with religion as such, and it was in the pantheon of this civil religion that the gesones really began to set eyes. place, but it was a greek settlement from the very beginning, a greek polis on the periphery of the greek world, in fact, and precisely the greek world covered part of ukraine, southern ukraine, chersonese was also such a place, moreover, it was a place where it was usually greek siberia, where various hopeless and ee, including politically
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hopeless figures, were sent, there in particular was sent... according to the traditions of at least two popes, clement of rome and pope martin, especially pope markinus, he became famous for the fact that he opposed certain imperial policies, already christian emperors who sat in constantinople, and because of that, that he defended orthodoxy, orthodoxy, he was exiled at that time among others to chersonese, so this was the greek polis. which is holy, sacred as much as any greek wheel is sacred maffinius or, or the same polis byzantium, which then was constantinople, which has now become istanbul, was created on its basis, and it can be said that istanbul is also a holy place, because there were indeed many shrines there and it was a designated landmark of the christian world, and
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yes, as i said, suffered i don't know how at least according to the sources, some saints, indeed , churches were built there and then they were rebuilt even during the times of modern ukrainian history, we know that the cathedral was quite majestic and was rebuilt by the efforts of the then president kuchma, and now we are talking about such a gigantic i am sorry for the giant one, forgive me now, please, i am for the audience, i restored this with my own hands. yes, that's the year, that's what, that's it, that's her, that's where i laid the floor, that's where i dug up the theater with my own hands, that's the 70s, so i worked hard, it hurts me personally, because i worked there, and i know how we blew the dust off
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everything that was ancient greek, and now that... people, ukrainians, crimean tatars, etc. and combined the destinies and efforts of many people , so it really hurts that, what is happening there, and by the way, the theater you mentioned is just a pagan pagan ancient theater, it is not a christian theater, it is definitely not one of them. it is a part of such a christian sacred geography of kherson. and so in the pantheon of modern civil religion of russia, indeed, this place took a prominent place precisely because it
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gives legitimacy to the putin regime, and this is not a new phenomenon, when historical monuments are used, but including including religious organizations to legitimize the current . of the dictatorial regime, me, you said that you directly participated in the restoration of this monument, this is indeed an archaeological site, it received the status of unesco, a unesco monument, and then it, actually, the putin regime no longer had, without taking have no obligations to unesco, violating all the rules of unesco, they started rebuilding like this, it reminded me a lot, you know, of one story, i also have a personal story, only not with khersones, but... with one unesco monument already , this is the ancient city of bagan in the present yanmi, formerly burma, bagan - it was the capital
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at about the same time when kievan rus dominated eastern europe, the kingdom of bagan, the kingdom of bagan, it dominated in southeast asia on the territory of indochina, what we call indochinese, that is ... and then indeed a lot of interesting monuments were built, mostly, mostly they were buddhist, and then they were, of course, destroyed over time, so what, and now lately, as you know, in m' yangmi came to power in fact a junta of generals, as we would say, so much similar to putin's power, and therefore they are, by the way, very closely related to each other, putin helps the general. the reality of myanmar and vice versa, here and there is the same myanmar junta, it did the same thing that putin did with chersonesus, they quickly, disregarding all
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the rules of archeology of excavations, rebuilt uh and made such a little kitch out of these monuments of medieval bagan, and for that, and in order to show prestige, to raise the prestige of their power, to legitimize additionally... their power , and by the way, they had the full cooperation of religion in this, because it is precisely the myanmar buddhists, who, by the way, became famous for being such frontmen of the oppression of the rohingya people, you know, this is such a minority in myanmar, which suffered a lot, in particular, from the regime of this myanmar dictatorship, and precisely from a great contribution was made by the religious organizations of myanmar, buddhism, which is the dominant religion in myanmar, everything and they so... also so much blessed the reconstruction of this complex of bagan, i traveled to this complex and toured it all, and i can say what is there there really is such, as we say, they said
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, wild kitsch, which are new buildings that are actually plundering these sights, there are really good sights that have been well preserved, there are half-destroyed pagodas that look like that. rather, probably due to the fact that they were not touched by these mountains, the restorers from the regime of myanmar, and it reminded me a lot of this, i just caught my eye this parallel between chersonesus and tsimbagan, that as a regime, a dictatorship can use historical memories yatka, for the sake of raising their own prestige, and in this, unfortunately, they help her religious organizations, which should, on the contrary , take care of these monuments, that's why it's totalitarianism, it's true. we can see it in italy, there is a train station in milan, it ’s absolutely like that, well, fascism is like that in nemea, it
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’s more, it’s more rome, on the contrary, i remind you when the imperial forum, how do you know which one is in the center of rome, mussolini rebuilt it, he just led a straight road through the forum, destroying it a lot of forums, for example, adrian's forum suffered a lot from this, but this... it was the same , and nearby he also built his own architectural monuments, and with that he simply asserted: look, i am the new emperor, i am the new julius caesar, i can change everything like once in caesar, here at this forum of the caesars, it is the same, it is a fascist fascist method of self-affirmation at the expense of archeology, yes, well, i was just friends once with edin, he later emigrated to the soviet union. the art of totalitarianism, he has published a book called authoritarian or totalitarian art, so huge, and he was just explaining the parallels between the soviet union.
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germany, this italy, frankish spain and so on, and so on, you see, you mentioned southeast asia, indo-china. let's go home, to ukraine a little bit. i have the following question for you: right now , this brawl continues, continues around the so-called ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, they introduce some kind of bill, later. there aren't enough votes, they can't put it on the agenda, you, you can even answer to yourself, ladies and gentlemen, why, well , it's as if it's already a common place, how to say that, well, everyone understands that they, well, there are good ones among them, probably priests, but there are those that we know are not good at all, but just espionage, and so on, and the whole nation already knows about it, in the verkhovna rada,
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what, what is the delay? what inhibits from your point of view? well, perhaps the realization that it is important not only what to do, but also how to do it, and it seems to me that the main disputes, debates, including in our verkhovna rada, are taking place about how to implement this, for example, there was recently an explanation from civil service for ethnopolitics and religious freedom des, regarding this bill, which from the very beginning was introduced and... the president, passed the first reading, then a lot was added to it, in fact thousands of amendments to the second reading, which before, what these amendments, from the point of view of somewhere, i agree with this, turned this new, new draft already , a new version of the draft law, a populist document that will be very difficult, firstly, to implement, and secondly, these amendments will have
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a negative impact on ukraine on the international arena, the perception by our western partners of how ukraine protects human rights, in particular the right to new ones story, well, there will be a new wave of criticism, it will not be the first wave, there will be a new wave, and maybe it will be stronger, and what is important, it will also be stronger right before the decisive elections in the united states, where it is not clear how or ... this will all end, where the religious question has become one of the topics, it is such a bone of contention between democrats and republicans, among other apples, there is the understanding of the awareness of this global context in which ukraine is now and the underweight , including future aid for ukraine , i i think that forces many in our country to take responsibility for this. question,
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that's why i'm on the contrary, i'm like for me, i welcome the fact that the debate continues, after all, in our parliament, so to speak, a place for debate, not a place where there is no debate, and this debate is a good thing , this is a sign of democracy and a sign that we have a lively parliamentary process, i don't know how it will end, it is up to our parliamentarians, after all, they were authorized by the people of ukraine to make these decisions. well, ah, but i can just say from my side, that in my opinion this debate is justified. thank you very much, thank you very much. with us was kyrylo govorun, archimandric, doctor of philosophy, university professor, many, professor of many universities and director of the grifhongton ecumenical institute in the united states and professor of the stockholm school of theology. in short, i have the second
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part. today's program, it is constantly touching me, as soon as i spoke about chersonese, now we will have, the head of the south caucasus branch of the center for the study of the army, conversion and disarmament from tbilisi, us, our old acquaintance volodymyr kopchak, so i would like to say that we will talk about the civil war, i was in 1991, i was the witness of the beginning of the civil war precisely in georgia, precisely in belarus, and and... and and you see, somehow it all comes back, mr. volodymyr, good health, thank you for finding time for us, my greetings, dear viewers, colleague mykola, as they say, always, look, this is how i started with the civil war, and i i'm looking now, here i have cheat sheets, as always, the law on agencies comes into force on the first of august, identical to the russian law.


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