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tv   [untitled]    August 5, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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of the most active countries that support ukraine, in addition, the government of estonia decided at the end of last year that they will allocate 0.25% of our vec for ukraine annually for the next four years specifically for military aid, for reconstruction, so our aid will definitely be there. to continue and estonia will do everything possible to increase humanitarian and other aid to ukraine. well, i can only answer that in estonian. i will try, madam ambassador, don't criticize my accent too much, tanan tejvaga for all that estonia does for us. well but look another point, a few months ago, the parliament of estonia passed a law, and then the law was ratified by the president of estonia, which the law allows. to use frozen
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russian assets to compensate for the damages that russia has caused in this war of aggression in ukraine, several months have passed, it seems two months have passed since this law came into force, have there been any transfers, this is the first question, to ukraine, i mean, and the second question is whether other western countries have followed the example of estonia, because estonia was the first western country to pass such a law. yes, of course, estonia was one of the first countries that started talking about the need to use frozen russian assets to rebuild ukraine because the aggressor has to pay a price for it, and we were one of the first countries that two years ago said that we need to start reconstruction, the restoration of ukraine is already underway. the war should not wait until it
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ends, because we need to give people hope, and help refugees, those who left ukraine, and then started return, we tried to understand and analyze all possible ways to force russia to pay the price for the damage it caused to ukraine. and we were pioneers in the introduction of such legislation, regarding the use of frozen russian assets for the restoration of ukraine, and these assets are not only state assets, they are also the property of private individuals and legal entities in estonia, and all those who are under international sanctions, then ... the law was
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passed recently, and the regulatory processes are still ongoing, as everything has to be to comply with international rules so that we do not create unnecessary problems for ukraine in the coming years, so we are currently working on this and i think that we are making excellent progress in this direction, i hope that we will be able to demonstrate to the whole world that this is possible. that you can use all the frozen assets and the profits from those assets, not just the direct profits from the fact that we just held those assets before. you set a very great example for western countries by passing this law, other countries in your opinion, personal opinion, why they have such laws not approved, just your personal opinion, because of fears. is something
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else possible after all? it is very difficult for me to say why certain countries do something or do not do something, but i think that there are still some legal issues, legal issues that countries are discussing, but estonia really... put it in such a form to prove that we can do it without violating european or international legislation. i really hope that the western partners will see this, and will not delay and pass similar laws in their countries, but now let's move on to another, the post-war reconstruction of ukraine, after all, even this one... continues
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in different parts of ukraine, including those that were under temporary occupation in the first days of the war. tell me, please, does estonia have any projects in this regard? as the case may be, state or non -state projects that help rebuild ukrainian cities and villages. yes, yes, of course, as i already said, we started this work already in the 22nd year, and all these projects related to reconstruction in ukraine began then, in particular in the zhytomyr region, which is conventionally ours, our region, our region, since estonia is small. country and we have limited resources, and we thought that we should approach the issue of restoring ukraine in a very comprehensive way, so we chose one area, one region, and we provide assistance
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for reconstruction right there, we helped build a new kindergarten, and we conduct training for teachers, educators. in order for such assistance to be long-term, it is simply not just to build one house or one shelter, but to help in such a way that it is long-term and covers problems, with that a particular region faces, of course, but we talked about the money that goes from estonia, or, for example, the military support that goes from estonia to ukraine, let's... let's talk now about the help that ukrainians who are currently in territory of the republic of estonia, do you have any statistics at this very moment, how many citizens of ukraine are there and is there any tendency to return to ukraine? yes, of course, we have statistics
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on ukrainians currently living in estonia. and from the first day they arrived in estonia, we provided them with any help, all the help we could provide, this is medical care, social protection, education, we also opened two special schools, specialized schools for ukrainian children, where they can study in the estonian language in those. to keep their language, their culture, and they can study according to the ukrainian program, that is why we are trying to do everything for the ukrainian refugees who are in estonia, so that they do not lose this connection with
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with his country, with his culture. of course, we have other plans, projects, but the main slogan of the... government is that it is necessary for ukrainians to feel that they are welcome here in estonia, and i can confidently say that ukrainians in estonia definitely feel about the fact that they are welcomed in this country, because my daughter has been living in the territory of the republic of estonia for more than two years, she studies there and she knows how estonians think, how estonians help and yakonians try to do everything to bring them closer. .. our joint victory over the russian aggressor, and now a little about the victory: in estonia, besides, of course, women and children, there are many men who have received, this is not temporary shelter, temporary protection, it is called, as far as i understand, in
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estonia, please tell me , now in many, at least in eastern european countries, they are talking about the fact that they are somehow trying to cooperate with the government of ukraine. in relation to men who are subject to conscription, and who are obliged to serve in order to help these men in some way, well at least register in ukraine, in the relevant authorities, and maybe even return to ukraine, is there something similar in estonia? yes, such discussions, such requests. started arriving some time ago, but our previous prime minister said that since people are living in estonia legally, we have given them temporary
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residence permits and temporary protection, and we do not plan to send them. back to ukraine, because we have rules, we have obligations, and this also comes from the european one. legislation, that is, plans in we are not sending them back to ukraine, but in this sense we are cooperating with the ukrainian authorities, with the ukrainian embassy in tallinn, and we understand that there are needs in ukraine, but i think that many ukrainians living in ukraine want to return to their country, they are waiting. for such a conspiracy on the possibility of return, this was
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one of the reasons why we started the reconstruction so early, so that people can see the perspective of the future, we have kindergartens, our local communities, etc., so that it is easier for people to return, of course we cooperate with the ukrainian authorities in order to understand how it is possible to help. to the ukrainians, but as i say, we are not going to send them back if they do not want it, of course, madam ambassador, one more question, a question can be asked from ukrainian students studying in estonia, recently, well, literally a month or two ago there was information that, for example, lithuania is going to or has already adopted a law according to which... benefits for ukrainian students who study under the exchange program, or
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are they going to do something like that in estonia or not? we have ukrainian students who have been studying in estonian universities for many years, even before the full-scale war began, we have many ukrainian students, and we are proud. because they are very smart, they are very eager to learn, and so far, well , i have not had any information about the government's plans to stop the assistance of the programs that are currently active, so ukrainian students should calm down, everything will be fine thanks to our brothers and sisters of course in.. let's now go back a little to unfortunately military topics and let's talk about red
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lines, there is a lot of talk about these red lines in the west, for some they exist, for some they are clearly defined, for some they are very unclear, but for estonia in this war, in our joint war, i this is what i will call in our joint war with the russian aggressor, are there any red lines? this is my favorite question, thank you for it, estonia has never talked about any red lines, for us the most important thing, one of the most important things, is integrity, territorial integrity, democracy, cultural identity of people. and we want this in estonia, in our
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country, and this is what we like very much in ukraine, and we do not see any red lines when it comes to russia's brutal war against ukraine, all the war crimes, genocide that they committed, we ... we believe that there cannot be any red lines here, and our goal is to preserve ukrainian independence, democracy, territorial integrity, so we support ukraine in everything we can so that it can achieve these goals, and. .. hence, we don't see any red lines,
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here as such, the government has already said in many cases that we are ready to discuss any possibility of helping ukrainians, and the most important thing is to help ukraine win this war, then we are ready to discuss any solutions, ways. but, since we are a small country, we understand what is there. we need to cooperate with other countries, move together, then it will be easier to discuss these issues with our partners, and we are ready to be a pioneer in certain solutions, so our red line, if i can call it that, or blue-yellow line -
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it is precisely to help ukraine win this war, just great words, it is not a red line. and the yellow and blue line, and this is to help ukraine win this war of aggression, it's just, just incredible, i thank you very much for that, and look, in estonia itself, i understand, you are now trying your best to help us win this war, but whether estonia is not considering, i will not say so, whether they are preparing, i will directly say why they are preparing in estonia for a possible attack from russia. now, because it was talked about a lot at the beginning of the invasion of ukraine 2 15 years ago, but are they talking about it now in estonia? of course, when we became an independent state in the early 1990s, we
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were always very wary of our neighbor and had no illusions. regarding the fact that russia has no plans for an invasion, and we have always talked about a possible threat from russia in nato and in the eu, we, we warned other countries about this, so we already. we have been preparing for self-defense for a long time since the beginning of the 90s, that is why we wanted to acquire membership in the eu, and we wanted to join nato, we were preparing step by step for this, and every year, we increased our spending on defense,
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on defense, and called on others... other nato countries to do this, to defend themselves both individually and jointly, collectively. therefore , yes, we are preparing and continue to prepare. i can't say that we started thinking about it or preparing only after the 14th year, when russia occupied part of ukraine, or after the start of a full-scale war, we step by step every day. did something to protect yourself from this evil, and you must always prepare to defend yourself against this evil, because this evil is not predicted, this evil can attack in any wave, i have witnessed it, we were in february 2022, so we must constantly prepare. let's say a few more words about ordinary estonians: your country is small, but as far as i know,
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different people live in different parts, of course, and... what is the attitude of estonians after 2.5 years of a full-scale invasion of ukraine towards the support of your government of ukraine and to what is happening in ukraine. why am i asking, because as far as i know, in the north east of estonia, in the narva area, there a lot of russian-speaking citizens of estonia live, do they support all the actions of your estonian government in support of ukraine. yes, for many years we have a russian-speaking minority living in estonia, we have been trying to integrate them into estonian society for almost 30 years, and of course we see that there is a certain contingent of people who do not want this
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integration, they still are. they look more in the direction of russia, but estonians, estonian society and the government of estonia, of course we support ukraine and beyond, this is even a question there is no question of reducing such assistance, i think that since the war has been going on for more than 2.5 years, and... the brutality of putin's regime is increasing and intensifying every day, and we are ready to help ukraine. not only for victory, but also for further recovery, so the support is increasing, i can say,
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and if we look at the non-governmental organizations of ordinary citizens who help ukraine, we see that every month, or even every week, support comes from ordinary estonians who collect . or they provide humanitarian aid, just yesterday i i read that three estonian non-governmental organizations that help ukraine sent a new aid convoy to ukraine for more than 2.5 years, and... there were medical products, and drones, and military aid, aid for the front, for the army, for rescuers, they
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help, the aid continues to come and even increases in volume, because, as i said, this admiration for ukraine, it is very big in estonia and... every day we are shocked by the brutality of putin's regime, that he continues this brutality, and of course, our support will not decrease, it will will only increase, well, this is a mutual admiration, i must tell you, we admire the estonians for their support and assistance to ukraine from the very beginning, because in some countries they are trying to find some things to justify the fact that they do not want to help. we admire the estonians, who have helped and supported us since the first day of the war. madam ambassador, i thank you very much for visiting me today, and the last question for you: you have been
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in ukraine for a year, i understand that you have a busy schedule, you came to us after an important meetings, i mean for interviews, and you have a lot of such meetings, but do you have time, did you have time this year to travel, travel a little in ukraine, do you have any favorite place in ukraine? oh, definitely, when i came to ukraine, a year ago, i told my colleagues that i am the ambassador in ukraine, not in kyiv, which means that i have to travel a lot and see how local communities live, i have to communicate with people, and yes, i was in kharkiv, odesa, rivne. in zhytomyr, of course, this is our partner, a partner region, and has been in many corners of ukraine, and i think it is important
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to demonstrate to the local communities that we support them, and we are not afraid to come to them, to come to these territories, because we understand that what they face every day these... attacks, shelling, anxiety, and it is important for me to demonstrate that i am here, i am ready to provide adequate information to my capital, so that they can decide that more help is needed in this direction or in another direction, so what, i love your country very much, it is very beautiful , very wonderful, i every day i see more and more surprisingly very beautiful things, and i really like the resilience of ukrainians, and by the way, i
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was also on the front line at the beginning of march, i said that i needed to talk to the soldiers, see what was happening at the front, and that was during those difficult ones. times when foreign aid started to somehow decrease or get delayed, and i said then that i need to get this feedback from the front so that i can pass this information to tallinn so that they can make the necessary decisions about what is specifically needed, that is why i will continue to travel, now i want to... focus more on those areas that are facing the most with the energy crisis and understand what is specifically needed for...
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traveler, madam ambassador, for we thank her, and we thank her for all the help and support we receive from the government of estonia and from ordinary estonians, who from the very beginning began to help us defend our country, our independence, our sovereignty and our territorial integrity. madam ambassador, i thank you very, very much for that you joined this conversation today, pass on my thanks to everyone'. to your country for everything you do for us, it was an interview with the ambassador of the republic of estonia in ukraine, anna likolk, who came to us a year ago and has already done a lot in this position. espresso interviews will continue, my name is yuriy fizar, see you soon.
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if you want to understand how our today... will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses, which need to be rebuilt, about the situation with recovery in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. however, how to combine? in the process of restoration in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and
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experts. ah... analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analysis is objective. and meaningful, no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. greetings, this is the saturday political club, my name is khrystyna, i i
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am very excited to return to our conversations with you together with vitaly portnikov, who will definitely appear on your screens tonight to talk about the most important thing, just a little later, and before that i will have the honor to talk with our esteemed experts about the most important events of today and several previous ones in order to, well, you know, somehow finalize on at this stage, even some processes are safe... we will certainly talk about the military situation and the probability that ukraine will eventually have the long-awaited f-16s. in addition , let's talk about the latest messages that pleased us in the general staff, and we will not forget what is happening in the united states in the context of the pre-election race, kamalagari, it seems, will be chosen.


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