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tv   [untitled]    August 5, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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they do not stop, abandoning the troops who did not have time to prepare and organize them in full force, how common is this situation, and indeed, what is there with the defense structures, what with the training of the ukrainian military, who are on this, in general, in the donetsk region now are fighting, is the situation widespread, that people are not prepared, that there is perhaps no coordination of any kind, well, the point is that you have to understand that the enemy has... a certain advantage that we have not yet managed to overcome, and this is aviation, and that that russian troops support their own offensive actions with the active use of kabs, which, in principle, one can say, against which it is quite difficult to hold any defensive positions, in fact, plus the fact that the enemy uses breakthroughs, supported by aviation strikes, then the infantry comes, artillery works somewhere, and of course that... it's in this combination of the complexity
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of the defense, and not everything is solved by far defenses, i would say that we don't have enough weapons and we don't have enough forces to provide the density and saturate our defenses, without which none defensive the construction loses its meaning completely, it is meaningless from the point of view of existence in general, this is where, in my opinion, there are problems today, as far as preparation is concerned, mr. oleksandr, i am correct about defensive structures, but they are necessary, they must be , and time after time... in such situations, when active hostilities are active, journalists and not only mr. butusov report that there is a big problem with defense structures. well, i am far from thinking that i know that we have problems in our state, of course, including with leaks of information, but i am far from from the idea that mr. botusov knows for nothing the intention of using the armed forces of ukraine, the location of their defensive lines and the tasks they face, including regarding fortifications, because this information... is a state secret, or at
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least for official use , in order to give a full assessment of our defense structures, their saturation and so on, it is necessary to have access to this information, then it will be possible, without this it is demagoguery, i apologize, as for the next point, directly our training, you know that to date, the task has been set not to stand at any cost, and in this sense, by the way, our... as for toretsk, i know the information from there, i know the units that are there, and the task set by the military leadership is quite flexible, based on from the situation, including where necessary, you can withdraw, not stand up to the last price, and today the task of preserving the combat capability of our army is being carried out, no one will put everyone even in defensive structures, this is definitely not a russian approach, which need to be implemented, you know that marked and... sung by many, in
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heroic epics, for some reason the defense of russian troops in the south in 2023 cost them significantly more losses than ukraine suffered in the offensive, and accordingly, ah, in this way they used including the defensive structures, if we use them like that, even where they are, it will pose very serious problems for us and we will suffer losses, so a certain flexibility is applied here, taking into account the complexity of the situation. thank you, mr. oleksandr, thank you for joining in and sharing their opinion, oleksandr mosienko, head of the center for military legal studies, was a guest of svoboda ranok. i see that there are a lot of comments on our broadcast, i will remind you that you have an option, you can ask your questions and express your thoughts and be sure to share this video if it is important to you and put your preferences and subscribe as well on the radio svoboda channel. so, to the topic we talked about at the beginning. we announced it, the situation in
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the middle east, already today, august 5, iran may launch hostilities against israel, there is talk of a large-scale shelling that could surpass the april attack. iran announced the strike as a response to the assassination of hamas political leader ismail ghani last week. at the time, the ip agency wrote that he died in an airstrike, and later cnn reported that gania was killed by an improvised explosive device. geran blamed israel for the murder, which israel neither confirmed nor denied. the united states and a number of other countries have called on iran to tone down its response to the killing of hamas political leader ismail ghani, but was refused in tehran. the wall street journal writes about it. to protect israel from a possible attack, the united states is moving its aircraft carriers, ships and fighter jets to the middle east, cnn writes. at the same time, the american publication exius also writes that... it may be more difficult
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to mobilize the same international and regional coalition of countries that helped israel during the previous attack by iran. according to other sources, the attacks may begin on the 12th. august 13 is the national day of mourning of the jewish people, sky news arabia reports with reference to western intelligence and writes that the iranian attack may be coordinated with hezbollah, a radical lebanese group supported by iran. the israeli army announced on july 30 that it had struck esbullah targets in various areas of southern lebanon, killing hezbollah's military chief, fuad shukr, according to the times of israel. against the background of this escalation, ukraine, france, the united states, great britain, canada, jordan and a number of other countries called on their citizens to leave lebanon due to the high danger of war. this weekend, a group of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine evacuated 30 of its citizens from the country. meanwhile, the american institute
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for the study of war believes that russia wants to use iran-backed groups to indirectly confront the west and influence its decision-making, for example, cnn wrote that russia was considering the issue of supplying weapons to the houthis as a way to take revenge on the biden administration for its decision to allow ukraine to strike on russian territory. serhii danilov, deputy, joins our broadcast director of the center for middle eastern studies. mr. serhiy, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. thank you for the invitation. good afternoon, greetings to the audience. western media sources report on the probable different date of the strike on israel, but globally there is an answer. to your question, and the strike on israel will be such, yes, it will be, without a doubt, and first of all it is necessary for the leadership of iran in order to justify itself to its citizens. the assassination of haniya in tehran demonstrated the weakness of the regime, which is unable
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to defend itself. they guarded that building a special unit, the guard corps of the islamic revolution, which also guards supreme leader rakhbar and all other heads of state. and this is such a slap in the face that they cannot leave unanswered, but the destruction and humiliation, is this a response to the attack on israel on april 13, or is this some new round of the conflict? well, of course, all these murders, that flada shoukri, that khaniya, this is all the result, of course, on october 7, but... he could have done without destroying the head of the hamas politburo in such a demonstrative way, and obviously this was a personal position of prime minister bibi netanyahu, who wanted
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in this way to raise his rating, demonstrate his capabilities and rehabilitate the intelligence of the security sector as a whole, which suffered significant criticism after october 7 last year. and if the assassination of the leader of hamas had not happened, then it would have been possible to avoid or postpone a possible aggravation? and it was not easy, there would definitely be an escalation with hizballah, it is already a difficult relationship, to put it mildly, that is , such a war that does not stop, the whole question is who is connecting the tap, which the intensity of this war in the south of lebanon, but there would be no shelling... there would be no escalation of the regional war in the middle east, if haniya had not been killed , it would not have happened now, i also listened to ilya kousa in an interview with liganet and he said that a big war is not beneficial to anyone, especially israel, and
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what is it, as you say, that netanyahu personally needs to maintain power, score political points, not lose face, on the one hand, if it is necessary not to lose face... on the other hand, you say that there would be no escalation if it were not for this destruction to the leader of hamas, is there really a need for escalation or not, is there really a vested interest of the particular politician that you mentioned netanyahu or not? well, you see, it turns out that no one wants a really big war, and it's not even that israel, iran, does not want a big war, the issue here is that at some point... the parties may misjudge the intentions of their opposite enemy , the opposite party, and then make a wrong decision, and everyone becomes hostage to wrong decisions, and they cascade
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these mistakes accumulate, which leads to an event that no one wanted, well, no one wants, does not want a war, that's for sure, well, the iranians are not feeling very confident right now. what is the internal political, internal economic situation, and for them a big war may be the end of the regime, or it may be in the minds of a part of the er-e security. the only way out for the establishment is that they can't help but do it, they don't want to, but they can't, and what is the position of the us and western countries here, what are their attempts to stabilize the situation, and it didn't happen of this cascade, of such decisions that will lead to escalation, there is an unequivocal position both in the united states and in europe, i think in kyiv too, we all do not need a regional war, we all do not need an escalation in the middle east, the states there have activated their efforts to find, even if
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the strike does happen, to give iran an opportunity to celebrate, on the one hand, so they can say we won, we did damage, and on the other hand, so that this damage does not happen, and they are engaged in minimizing , they are saving iran from a regional war, and israel too certainly, and the entire middle east, they simply save in a very specific way, minimization. this damage, on the one hand, on the other hand, to let the iranians feel 5 minutes of victory. i listened to vitaly portnikov today, and he says that after the revenge strikes , there will be escalation, and not only in the middle east, because russia and iran are trying to globalize the conflicts in which they are interested. let's talk about russia's hand here, and somehow the escalation in the middle east can help russia and have more. winning positions in the russian-ukrainian war, so the kremlin is rejoicing, they are preparing champagne there,
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hoping for a big regional war, since this is a global distraction, well , come on, even the same missiles will be more necessary for the patriots, as it would seem, not on our front, on the other hand, redistribution of resources, attention, attention - this is also a very important resource, and what russia is doing, well , it is obviously fueling... iran is fueled in such a way as to make erroneous decisions, erroneous and irrational decisions of the leadership more likely iran i promise to help, i’m sure, well now there are a lot of rumors that a plane with iskander has arrived, i don’t know how true it is, now there will be a lot of rumors and little to believe, but it is possible that they will share iskander, which will increase war, it adds to the certainty of the supply of such weapons. in israel, they are beginning
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to say that iran is close, has already developed a nuclear bomb, which also affects the correctness and incorrectness of decisions in jerusalem, and russia will throw in, it will feed israel's fears also about that if they don't strike back, the iranians will develop nuclear weapons. and the leadership of iran understands that it is beneficial for russia precisely in the context of the russian-ukrainian war and the help of western weapons for ukraine, that is, they understand what moscow's goal might be? no, it is difficult to say whether they understand or not, i know for sure that the newly elected president is pezshishkyan, he came with a mandate for negotiations, he is certainly not a reformer and not a liberal, but... but he came with the hope of improving the situation with
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sanctions through negotiations of the united states, and he would, he would definitely not want, that is , a regional war, which with a high probability will overturn all the efforts that have already been invested in the resumption of some negotiations with washington, but which will accept the military-political security, or rather. we don't know, but you say that in the event of an escalation, you said that there are weapons, they will go to the middle east to support israel, that is, it is a higher priority for the same usa than supporting ukraine now? well, it's hard for me to say, to evaluate politics of the united states, i am not an american after all, but i will say one thing, the states guarantee security. israel directly, and we already saw it on april 14 this year, when the united
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states shot down missiles and uavs flying at israel, they do not provide us with such help. that is, in practice, in principle, the world has already seen in that sense the priorities and importance of this partnership, and the us and israel's support. thank you, mr. serhiy, for joining in, for your analysis serhiy danilov, deputy director of the center for middle eastern studies, was a guest of svoboda ranok. thank you to all our viewers for being with us, for supporting, sharing these videos, liking them, subscribing to the radio liberty channel, following us also on social networks, where we promptly report about... important information, i will also remind you that freedom is morning with you every weekday from 9 o'clock on tv channels and on the radio freedom channel on youtube, kateryna nekrecha, i and our entire team were with you, we wish you a peaceful day and see you soon,
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for only uah 149, it works even without electricity, the offer is limited, call! well, in the meantime, ms. iryna friz is already joining us, and we are continuing our telethon, today ulyana panasyuk, andriy saichuk for you and people's deputy of ukraine iryna friz, in touch with us, ms. iryna, glory to ukraine, good morning, glory to the heroes, good morning, so the general staff suggests that the military teams units could recruit recruits without any cooperation with the tsc. and sp, what can you say about it? we understand that there are brigades that can pull it off, they are so large, that’s how the collection is going on with us for the 47th and the third separate assault brigades, but even there they have separate officials who are engaged in recruiting and , so to speak, voluntary mobilization, but
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there are brigades in ukraine and those that are staffed, even exclusively from those. mobilization processes that are taking place, will they attract such an additional burden in your opinion? thank you very much for the question, really by and large, the issue of recruiting and the issue of reform, recruitment, that is, recruiting, it should be fundamentally changed from my point of view, because the tsk sp, firstly, it does not cope with the functionality entrusted to it, secondly, it discredits and violates . the current legislation, as a matter of fact, you know, leaves such an impression on all the military, and by and large, indeed, every branch, or every force, of the armed forces of ukraine, it would be desirable to have their own recruiting centers, if a separate one is capable of doing it, for example, brigade which
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you did not list and a few more, i know, well , that is, they can do it, there is no need to interfere with them. in this regard, with regard to tsc, tsp, they should be made civilians, powers should be transferred to local self-government bodies, in order to mobilize civilians during martial law, civilians would have, then the military would not receive the negativity that today, in fact, due to the activity of the tcc and sp also falls on them, so by and large... it is necessary to grant such a right to the brigades that are capable of doing it, on the other hand, a general reform is needed recruiting and reform of the tsc and jv for... so that it really meets some adequate requirements, is done in the legal field and does not cause all this information noise
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surrounding the activities of the tsc jv, which we have had for the last year and a half. ms. irena, volodymyr zelenskyi, the ukrainian president announced changes in the ukrainian government, i really don't know, tsoma pernik is a windfall, as the poles say, and here the president and changes in the government. it's a matter for the parliament, well, less about that, but just what these changes can be, and who can rotate to your opinion in the government, and in general, all this is happening against the background of the latest polls, which show a dramatic drop in confidence in the pro-presidential party servant of the people, it is in the penultimate place, there is only one of the last places in terms of trust, among the active parties , by the way, european solidarity, which is the opposition, currently has the highest trust rating, should this be taken into account in order to form a new government, well, in particular, for more than a year they have not been able to find a candidate, for example for the minister of culture? you know, you and i are witnesses
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what the monomajority, which actually rules in all branches of power, starting from the parliament and ending with the government and local self-government bodies, can lead to is a format when she... she is appointed immediately by whom it is not known, and she is dismissed without any report or explanation , and accordingly the so -called accountability of the government of the parliament in general is now actually absent, practically all the ministers who were dismissed, none of them reported, and if there were some separate units reporting there, and it was a coincidence, than the norm and the rule, then... so in this case, who can be appointed, anyone who will carry out the instructions of the office of the president, unfortunately, i am far from thinking that the government is now
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ready to form a coalition unity government, however it is can be called, in order for the government to include professionals, experts who understand in what way to carry out state management, administration, and most importantly, in what form. or in some direction, in which direction this or that sphere should develop, the sector for which this or that ministry is responsible, therefore, unfortunately, we are again you will witness another personnel appointment, which will be beneficial to the office of the president, which will be fully reasoned for him, because it will be managed, and as for the activity in general, it will probably be a person who will be easier to sell from the point of view of image. formats to our partners, because you are indeed right that the ratings of the current government
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have a negative trend, continue to gain momentum, and it continues to gain momentum, so in this case, unfortunately, we will again witness with you another appointment that will be extremely beneficial or exclusively made by the office of the president. and not in the interests of the executive branch of government, you know, by the way, someone may think that why is the minister of culture here, you know, you and i are talking about all this now, well, there is no minister of culture, well, there are some wo, there are some karandeys, there is still some there, thank god, but this is not the first and most important issue in a country at war, but i just remember that for the russians it was a key position in all ukrainian governments, when they exerted direct influence on ukrainian politics through even personnel appointments. cabinet ministers, it was always in the pool of requests of the kremlin, that is, they always wanted to have a controlled minister of culture, and when we are now observing such phenomena as, for example, quite massive attacks on military
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vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine, for which we are collecting funds here, and their then some teenagers burn for russian rubles in tiktok in telegrams and you grab your head and you understand that in reality we will lose, including this front of culture, and we don't have it. even a green concept and understanding in the authorities, that culture is really important, that without culture there really is no rear, you said everything perfectly and correctly, indeed, russia very clearly always controlled this side, including the other side, if we touch on it, this is the side of faith, yes, through which it exerted influence on believers, actually poisoning their brains with their russian, kremlin propaganda, the same thing we have... with you and in culture, and indeed, to our great regret, the issue of internal security, the issue of counterintelligence that would work against
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you. enabling the activity of any of the kremlin's counterparties on the territory of our state, whether through social networks or directly through institutions with crosses and frills, it, unfortunately, needs additional support from the state, not removal, such a weak attitude to this sphere really gives grounds for creating such an internal front , which just... actually destroys the unity within the state, in fact these lines of division that we keep talking about, which are spread by those who work for the enemy, they are very actively using to deepen the opposition in society between different so-called sufferings, yes, that is , different conditional societies, so from my
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point of view, unfortunately, the situation... is far from optimistic, but, unfortunately, no one has yet drawn conclusions, you know that the law, the draft law on the prohibition of the russian church, the de facto counterparty of the fsb, and still cannot get to the consideration of the parliament, although it is already ready for the second reading, but it is still blocked, deliberately blocked by the presidium in order to prevent the parliament from making its decision on one. to the activities of this conditional religious organization, that is on the one hand, we can influence one way or another, well, we, as a ukrainian society, on the adoption of certain bills that could one way or another stop the russian humanitarian offensive in ukraine, and such as the banning of the kukra of the russian orthodox
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church in ukraine, or, for example, there are decolonization processes, at the same time, is it possible to reduce the number of such unfortunate situations related to the russian influence in ukraine by any other methods? look, russian influence, it will change, that is , in addition to the general spheres of influence that they use very actively, and if we are talking about the format of a hybrid war, they will also... use new means and mechanisms to achieve their own goals, what should we do, we should strengthen the activities of our counterintelligence agencies, we should strengthen the activities of law enforcement bodies, for example, there is a criminal article for setting fire to the property of the military, and it is desirable that all those who do this really receive appropriate sentences and that the society knows about it that the responsibility for committing
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such a crime is not theirs. conversely, therefore in in this case we will not change our geographical position with you, we must always bequeath to ourselves and to our children and grandchildren that we must defend ourselves by all means against this maddened neighbor as long as he exists on the map in the form in which he now exists , if the so-called decolonization takes place, which is absolutely the right step from my point of view and... necessary for everything to be a european society, the entire euro-atlantic space has finally experienced peace from this aggressor, then you and i can a little, a little, but again, to be a little calmer, but at the same time, i am sure that we must always prepare for the aggression of our rabid
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neighbor in all its manifestations, in which... he can apply in relation to us. ms. iryna, thank you very much for this conversation, iryna friz, the people's deputy was with us, but now it's time for news. kateryna shirokopoyas is ready to talk about all the most important things, katya, we are glad to see you again on our air in this issue, what will be discussed. congratulations, olyana, andriy, i will tell our viewers in a moment about when the attack of iran and khysbul on israel can begin and what is burning in russia? news time on espresso tv channel, kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. in sumy and kherson in the morning they heard similar sounds, similar to explosions. this is reported by the public. in sums of command.


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