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tv   [untitled]    August 5, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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mr. alexander, how do careless statements affect the chances of kamala harris in general, i don’t know if it’s about caution, or if it’s about the sincere, you know, internal such firmware and opinion of the leader from the republicans, donald trump, when he resorts to such rhetorical figures, how does the analysis of the color of her skin in general, for example, or her positioning of herself when he resorts to... language that deals with the religious affiliations of americans, how does that all affect race in general? you know, for those who are already ready to vote for trump, for his nuclear electorate, this once again confirms why he should be the president, because this is how he, you remember, in the 16th year he appealed to this, i am an honest man, precisely in this formulation, i i will speak openly with you, yes i am a billionaire, yes i did not pay taxes. i've cheated the
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system but i'm honest about it, i'm not like these washingtonians in suits sitting around telling you how to live, i'm honestly going to show you how to be as rich and successful as i am and what now he allows himself what is called racial in america slur, i.e. derogatory racist rhetoric, the fact that he allows himself to treat himself with such pathos, but at the same time humiliate his own opponents and also appeal to religious themes. moreover , appealing is not always quite successful, it is worth saying, it just shows that he is running a campaign on his own behalf, he is not trying to win new voters, he is not trying to please those who do not support him at the moment, he is sure that he will have enough votes from his electorate , he is sure that he will be voted for, because this he is, which means he can say whatever he wants, he doesn't need to make excuses. well, nevertheless, this means that it is unlikely that he can claim the votes of those who would somehow... waver, because if we are talking
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about the united states and americans in general, the question of her color, skin, religious preferences - these are very sensitive topics, and to go as far in using, again, these figures of speech as donald trump has gone, it's unlikely to reflect well on his ratings, among again those who still undecided, or against him at all, right? absolutely. right, you are right, he, i think he realizes that he will not be able to win over these people, these people are already giving their votes to kamala harris, because she represents them first of all, not by skin color or ethnicity or something, she represents their request, their request for a different leadership, for leadership that neither trump nor biden, it represents what they want to see in american politics, youth, determination, initiative and inclusion, so trump really, well, he just, put it this way...
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ideologically has no chance to fight for this audience. trump's logic is slightly different. let's remember how he won in the 16th year. in the 16th year, he lost the general national vote by several million votes. but he won in key states, and he won the necessary amount of support in the electoral college. and in fact, now trump's bet is precisely to win a sufficient part of the support of the electoral college. it doesn't matter to him that there are 5, 8, 10 million more americans under parole. than trump it doesn't matter to him that independent voters will not vote for him, it might be important to him to win key states, and plus, let's say, he seems to me to analyze statistics well, because let's not forget that 78% of the electoral college is rather represented by donald's generation trump than the generations and groups that kamala harris represents, so he's not only hoping to win key states, he 's hoping that at the very least he can appeal to ... voters and create what
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's called an electoral college uprising when they will not vote the way their states did. vice president for kamala harris or on the kamala harris team, how is it first, considering all the candidates now the most likely, how can this affect the chances of the democratic nominee and can it at least in some configuration affect the chances of donald trump . you know, here... it's pretty easy to say, because of the five key candidates, they all have a few key things in common. they are all white males, middle-aged, plus or minus older, with vast experience at the federal level politicians, with a lot of experience in local politics, most of them are either affiliated with the jewish lobby or part of the jewish minority in the united states, most of them represent, or rather all of them represent the political wing of the democratic
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party, and this is key for kamala, after all , she still has a train of socialism behind her, she is still a representative of the more left-wing bodies of the democratic party, those who call themselves. sivists, well, according to european political parameters, that's what we called social democrats, and therefore, in order to unite the party around itself, so that there really is no question about its impartiality, it needs, it needs a vice-president who will represent the very center of the party. accordingly, this was one of the reasons why kamala haris once became the vice president. biden, who is the informal leader of precisely the centrists in the democratic party, needed someone who would appeal to the youth and appeal to progressives, that is, to the left wing. and kamala harris became the one who embraced socialists and progressives side of biden. now she has to turn this situation around. and as for trump, well , you know, it's not so much a question of how much vice president kamala will help, but a question of how much vice president trump
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is currently sinking his ratings, because usually vice presidents are what they call a sweetener, a switner , that is, he will show the president from a more positive side, he must appeal to another group of voters and help. you candidate to get more votes, and now we see that the anti-rating of jaydy vance within the republican party - 6%, that is, we are not talking about other voters, even within his own party, jaydivens is far from the most popular, so in fact, it seems to me that trump will be hindered most of all by his own vice president. well, actually, mr. vance hasn't been very secretive about his views on donald trump, just a little earlier. i wonder why... why something changed and why donald trump himself could forget about it? mr. oleksandr, thank you for the quality analysis, as always, oleksandr kraev, director of the north america program of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council, americanist, and we will, of course, constantly return to the topic of the latest events
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of the pre-election race in the united states, because it affects the whole world and it directly affects us. a short pause on the air now and we will continue. there are 15% discounts on troxevazinel until independence day in the pharmacies psarynyk bam and oskad. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with the toper matrik you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order the mattrik topper for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matrix. which comes in a convenient packaging that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover, in which you can hide your topper, will become not only a new item of interior, but also quite a functional thing. you can use it both while
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absolutely decisive. but which of the ukrainian bloggers became a fake minister of culture? russia, ukraine, belarus are all our common great homeland. on tuesday, august 6, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. we continue the saturday political club, don't worry, an analyst from vitaly portnikov is waiting for you in the near future, who will join very soon, but for now we have the opportunity to talk with experts about those events that can change the situation in certain regions on the world map, a little more detail about the near east in the next few minutes. i would like to remind you that these days it was restless in iran, well
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, first of all, because literally on july 30 , he was sworn in there after early presidential elections, after the death of the previous president raisi masoud pezeshkiyan, and in the context of these events, ceremonial events, something unexpected happened, although, as for whom actually, israel reached out, reached out and quite effectively to one of the political leaders of the terrorist hamas, hamas, whose network is still based in the gaza strip, and that is why the operation of the israel defense forces in this sector continues, in particular to liberate its own citizens, hostages. contacts mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, scientific... employee of the oriental studies department of the university of freiburg in germany. mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine.
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glory to the heroes, good evening. a striking precedent is the destruction of the leader of hamas in tehran. and that's a lot point elimination, which israel succeeded. the first question asked, in particular, by the common man, is how this will affect the effectiveness of actions in general. of the terrorist group hamas, well, first of all, israel did not directly take responsibility for this action, although whether only israel was there, or whether other parties did not help, that is the question, here, by the way, it happened at a time when ganya came to the inauguration of the new president of iran, which, by the way, is quite interesting, because he was positioned by some iranian circles as such a reformer, a person. which will go on dialogue with the west, here actually the new iranian president was given such
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a status that he immediately has to start with what raisi ended, that is, talk about the need for a tough policy, the answer to the fight against israel, the fight against america, that is, in essence, the iranian elite is a lot of things took advantage of the fact that the new president was immediately put in the place that i... and assigned, israel here, by the way, played well with him in this. if we talk about gania, then gania arrived in qatar and is being buried he is also in qatar, he came from qatar and is buried there. in qatar, israel obviously would not want to do this, as it would not want to spoil relations with arab countries, but, to be honest, ghannia has already got many, like hamas himself, and the saudis, and the emiratis and the qataris. for many, this situation in the gas sector, well, tentatively they say... is it a big problem that they want to end, and on the one hand, israel
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continues negotiations, not agreeing to the terms of hamas, even today a delegation arrived in cairo again for negotiations, that is, hamas, what very interesting, i didn't get out of the negotiations completely, but if from a position of strength it would be worth doing it, well, how do you kill our leader and negotiate with you here, that is, we see that even the other day, israel conducted a lot of successful operations, that is, when. .. netanyahu declared that hamas will be destroyed as an organization, many expressed doubts about this, they said that it will not be possible to completely destroy it, there will be some kind of reconciliation somewhere, after all, netanyahu is not without the help of, of course, his western allies partners, conducts this policy, it is difficult predict what will happen next, but obviously now the situation will shift a little from the gas sector to lebanon, because taking into account the latest reports, the iranian response will be through
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lebanon, and there are already calls for citizens to leave beirut, and the north of israel is just as huge. population polling was carried out and continues to be carried out, and that is, it confirms the predictions expressed by some analysts that a huge, large-scale conflict with lebanon is being prepared for the fall, when israel managed to weaken hamas in many ways in the gaza sector, to derail the situation there, then now it has come it is time to give a proper response to hezbollah and hezbollah is also preparing for this conflict, that is, we can wait for the opening of the second one. front, although whether the hostilities there will reach the scale of 2006 with such full-fledged airstrikes on the cock of lebanon, well, that is also a question, although in the future, if not in the next month, then in the year, i think this can be expected, because without removing the threat from there were no, well,
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it is hardly possible to talk about any kind of security in israel, let alone strikes against lebanon. they will be perceived completely differently than strikes on the gas sector, even in arabic with the public, because the hands of hezbollah, it does not have as many supporters in the arab countries as hamas did, because hamas is such a sunni movement that was associated with the muslim brothers, here it came out that well, the palestinians, the indigenous population of the region, which is resisting the occupation, that is , the narrative looked relatively attractive, some iranian advisers, shiite fans. tics who found themselves in lebanon deceived the locals, it is not clear why israel is being attacked, that is , from the point of view of, for example, saudi arabia or the united arab emirates, in principle hizbullah can be quietly merged, and there will be no particular protest, even if we are talking about north africa and those countries in
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the same way, so in principle such a moment has come, again the question is how the union will react. israel, specifically joe biden, who is now withdrawing from affairs, we see this, because trump had a declaratively more anti-iranian policy, and he is now demonstrating that he said, if he had been, hamas would not have attacked, well, these are well-known theses are propagandistic, and somewhere the israelis are too are obviously waiting for the american elections, in this case, even when we see that biden has withdrawn from the elections and the coming of trump has conditionally become more ... tangible on the horizon, and netanyahu is his weak supporter, then israel has significantly, well, so to speak, pressed on gas, and began to carry out some operations in yemen and in lebanon more successfully, well, obviously having secured the support of some american circles, and we see that this gave a new signal for
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the possibility of escalation, and also delayed the issue of the return of hostages for an indefinite period, because as... we see netanyahu until he agrees to the terms of hamas. this is roughly the situation now. regarding the definition of escalation. it seems before, before this powerful blow. joseph biden urged netanyahu to be more careful, to stop escalating. and it could even be about limited aid from the united states in case. a typical leader does not listen to such very subtle but sure advice. at the same time, the un secretary general considers the elimination of pro-iranians in beirut and tehran as dangerous escalation, it's interesting. well, in addition, i don't know if our viewers and listeners noticed it,
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but on july 30 at the inauguration of a new. the president of iran was also attended by a rather high-ranking diplomat from europe, the european commission sent its representative there, and actually many people were a little surprised by this, but is this normal in this situation, according to the spokesperson of the european commission , peter stano, we actually need to adhere to the policy of critical interaction. mr. mykhailo, is this situation normal or, in principle, are we just seeing and observing? by certain ceremonial things? i think that from the point of view of the euro'. of the union, it is quite normal, even this last exchange, when putin's killer was returned from germany, is calm in principle, although germany could
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react in the same way to the murder of even another citizen by a russian killer, as iran is now trying to react, this is basically the same situation, but the person was deported, and it turned out that it is possible, so when we hear that there is no dialogue with russia, it is a terrorist state, there cannot be any negotiations and so on... so on, well, things like that, they put this narrative into question a lot, because there is a real policy and a rational calculation. if we talk about iran, diplomatic relations with the iranians are maintained. for example, the biden administration removed some of the restrictions introduced by trump. for example, trump did not let iranians into the united states at all, he did not even grant visas to scientists. actually, i have colleagues who could not leave iran because of such events, despite the fact that... supposedly people are not connected to the regime, but still we ourselves see the european union, he still believes that there may be some kind
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of agreement in the future that iran does not make nuclear weapons, but we buy cheaper oil, and iran is constantly speculating on this, and the european union does not want , so that iran will finally slip to such a satellite shared between china and russia, and the iranians themselves. they do not want this, they have a very long history of dialogue with israel, and with the west. you can recall the events 7-8 years ago, when iran dispatched its military to fight against edil, which, by the way, europeans encouraged in every possible way, and in fact, when, for example, mosul and the north of iraq were liberated from edil in this way, there were a lot of iranian soldiers there, and the bombing was carried out from the north by americans and coalition members, in fact they were. allies, which led to the preservation of bashar assad's regime, and many such issues, by the way, are related to iraq, in general, iraq is trying to balance successfully
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between the west and iran, that is, according to european diplomacy, these relations have not crossed red lines, even if we take the issue of the supply of iranian weapons to russia, well in addition to these shahids, which are already produced by russia itself, well, in principle, iran is throwing something up there . but this is not armament at the level of ballistic missiles, just as, for example, the russians produce many of their weapons using israeli technologies and others, and well, no one says that israel supplies weapons to russia, so here with iran with sanctions, the issue is very ambiguous, and unfortunately, european diplomacy here in many respects shows the same amorphousness as it shows even in the russian issues. to ukraine, that's why here after all, we europeans believe that it will be possible to come to an agreement with iran very calmly and easily, and this agreement with iran is in the future, it is
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even more realistic than the agreement with russia, because iran still, well , formally, until no one was attacking, directly just working through a proxy, and the israeli attack was successful, the attack on israel was successfully repulsed and, frankly, it looked like a rather... well, you know, a controversial show off, rather than a real strike. mr. mykhailo, thank you for this quality analytics for our viewers and listeners, mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the oriental studies department of the university of freiburg in germany, joined the saturday political club, in which vitaly portnikov, whom we are all impatiently waiting for, will appear in a few minutes. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components
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questions and add. to the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. project new week with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoly, every monday at 20:00 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can... your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. this is a saturday political club, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, and in the future, we have more than an hour
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to watch and analyze, critically analyze the latest events, and i am already happy to welcome vitaly portnikov, without whom this program cannot be imagined, to our kyiv studio. i congratulate you, mr. vitaly. greetings, ms. khrystyna, long time no see, very mutual, long time no see, and i am glad to be with you again in the same ethereal context. i wanted to start with you on the subject of the great exchange of prisoners. i will remind the audience that russia and... belarus on the one hand, united the united states, germany, slovenia and great britain on the other hand exchanged prisoners. and this is an extremely large-scale event, which is already getting a certain analysis, but just now in the minds of ukrainians it also meets a certain, quite understandable criticism, we will talk about it a little later. to you, mr. vitaly, the main question is why this exchange is for putin right now and why
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is it... on the other hand, for the united states in the person of joseph biden, and the democrats. i think that putin has had one goal for a long time, quite important, and that is liberation krasikova, a person who is known for his murder right in berlin in terganterpark dashvili, a georgian citizen of chechen origin, this is a well-known story with a political assassination, and this very story, of course , putin was always... interested, because we already know that for him, krasikov is a personal acquaintance, this is a person who carried out some special confidential assignments, maybe not only putin, maybe all of this so-called ozer cooperative, and apart from this murder of khangashvili, krasikov is known by the fact that he is involved in the kidnapping of several russian businessmen to the north-west, west, in the north-west region of russia, and this is a person who served in the federal
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the same security of the russian federation, and before that in the kgb, that is, this is just a person from the same corporation as putin, who is personally close to putin, i even believe that he was once his bodyguard during the st. petersburg period of putin's activities, when putin was the vice mayor of st. petersburg, and of course in this situation , it was very important for putin to show that people who carry out such orders of his cannot remain in prison, especially since in the case of krasiuk it was a question of life imprisonment, and by the way, i want to remind you that... i personally came to the airport to meet these people who were released, with krasiuk he hugged him and told him well, and by and large, after but, krasikov was the second such russian prisoner in the west, and it was very important for putin to make sure that he was released, but there was such a problem that krasikov was in germany , germany does not often go on such an exchange, so putin had it. need
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to united states?


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