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tv   [untitled]    August 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EEST

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until the day of independence on troxevazin 15% in pharmacies plantain pam and oskad. fm halychyna. listen to yours. in ukraine, the 14th edition of the news tells about the main thing for this hour. greetings to all viewers. annayevamelnik is with you, another medal in the ukrainian treasury. ilya kovton won silver in rights. on parallel bars, at
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the olympic games in paris. in the final , the athlete scored 15.5 points, he was surpassed only by china-zhou denyun, with a score of more than 16 points. another ukrainian, oleg vernyaev, took eighth place. let me remind you, for ilya kovton, this is the second olympics in his career. he made his debut at the tokyo games with an 11th-place finish in the individual all-around. another 14 million for the restoration of ohmadit. announced tenders for engineering consulting services and technical supervision, informed prozoro about the contract for the relevant works, the hospital management plans to conclude with two companies, one of which has already won a tender for more than uah 4 million from the current customer. a man was injured as a result of the morning shelling of kherson. he has an explosive and closed craniocerebral injury, a contusion and a bruised shoulder. at the time of the attack. he
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was on the street, the enemy hit the dnipro district of the city, under enemy fire. kherson was also at night. the occupiers targeted the multi-storey building, several apartments were damaged, balconies were destroyed, windows were broken - reported the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. in total , four people were injured in kherson oblast during the day. and they added it there, everything flew out, that's all.
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and defenders in the donetsk direction every day deter enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring the brigades urgently need drones and modern means of combating enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. you can see all the details on the screen. good health, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault. battalion of the third separate assault brigade, which will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and komikaji drones, we are asking for your help, glory to ukraine, heroes glory to the heroes, during the attack on the morozovsk airfield in the rostov region of the russian federation on august 3, they destroyed the defense forces of ukraine.
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the su-34 bomber and the ammunition warehouse, the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense informed, two more russian planes were probably damaged by debris, four technical buildings and two hangars were also destroyed. the ministry of defense of ukraine discovered three fake reserve plus web applications, the ministry reported. the enemy creates fakes to collect personal data of ukrainians. mobile apps spotted on… at the stage of creation, the enemy has not yet had time to cause damage. the main feature of a fake website is its web address, it is similar to the real one, but still has certain differences. this year , the death rate in ukraine is three times higher than the birth rate. during the first half of the year , more than 87,000 children were born. this is 9% less than in the same period last year. simultaneously. recorded more than 250,000
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deaths. this is evidenced by data from the open data boot service. most babies were born in kyiv, lviv region and dnipropetrovsk region. the least in kherson. and donetsk regions. 22,100 hryvnias fine for negligent attitude to military service, such a sentence was handed down by a court in prykarpattia to an official of the territorial recruitment center, in which local football players were fictitiously serving. seven men served in the guard company, who are players and coaches of a local professional team. all of them did not show up for service, but received it from the state. almost uah 1.5 million, the sbi reported. the court found the official guilty, but took into account the remorse of the accused and the fact that he fully reimbursed the damages caused to the state. official transferred to another unit. one step away
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from death in kyiv, law enforcement officers saved a woman from suicide. kayanka wanted to jump from the bridge in the holosiivsky district, what the police said. law enforcement officers arrived at the scene in a few minutes and calmed down the woman, then took her to psychologists. compact, modern and convenient, three locker mobile garages will go to the ukrainian defenders at the front. the machines are a unique ukrainian development, classified according to nato standards. the car was purchased thanks to the cooperation of a charity. your fund krok and telegram channel mykolaiv vanyok. ukrainians donated uah 3.5 million for them. another 400,000 was added by the charity fund. the workshop is equipped with tools and equipment for tire fitting, welding, and car repair work. it can also
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charge batteries and perform diagnostic work with the help of special computer equipment. all. cars are needed by our soldiers to service military equipment, be it military or any kind of equipment, because it is a mobile workshop on wheels, in this workshop we have completely accommodated everything needed for the repair of military equipment, there are generators and compressors here, it can work completely autonomously in any conditions, and this is the most important thing now for our soldiers, this is exactly what is needed, they took it, they made it for two months. on the very day when we hand them over, on the basis of the l200 they were produced, in principle everything was checked for technical and technical quality characteristics , everything was very good, everything was repaired and put on this pickup in this workshop. i found out by chance that my daughter, natalia, is at the front
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frauscher, left a quiet life in austria to save the wounded in her homeland. two years have passed since the doctor with the call sign austrian died in an accident. memories. about the only child, the mother shared with our correspondents, this is your first grade, my god, you are not white brysenka, see, she says, nataliya was born into a family of engineers, the couple waited 10 years for her appearance, oh, oh, my fate was so lucky , that i gave birth to a girl at the age of 36, and most importantly, that i really wanted a girl. i so, so thought that i would be good at such an old age, because i would prepare, study, and my old age will be good, well, i didn't judge, i finished school with honors and studied to be a doctor, first a dentist, then a surgeon. natalia knew several languages ​​and loved
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to travel, by 47 she had visited dozens of countries, even before the great war, the woman moved to austria, but returned in 22, to save soldiers at the front, she is... a patriot first and foremost, she is ukraine for her, she she was ready to bite her throat, the boy was alone, he was crying so much, he was, he was in the military, he was for rehabilitation in kyiv, but he came, she tells me, he did it, he did it for three months medic saved dozens of soldiers, she herself died during an accident of an evacuation bus and a military car. on the road with a flat tire, this was the last, the last rotation on this route, when they crashed, she was supposed to, it was sunday, late in the evening at 10 o'clock, on
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monday she was already supposed to fly to austria, home, where she worked in a clinic, now natalya's colleagues, paramedics of the hospital battalion... are continuing the case of the austrian woman, after the road accident in which the kraken bus crashed, they bought a new evak, named it after posestra. natalya has been considered the crew's guardian angel since the summer. on the 23rd , over 4,000 wounded people were evacuated from kropyvnytskyi on a bus named after her for the espresso tv channel. see you at 3 p.m., then the incomparable marta olyarnyk and lesya vakulyuk will work. greetings to all viewers, information day
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of the tv channel in rozpal itself and we will analyze the main events of today together with you in the coming hours. lesya vakulyuk and marta ulyarnyk work live in the studio, and i think that today we are working for in order for our viewers to finally get rid of such, you know, pointless questions, or maybe it's one and the same person, then we were put in... two, so that you understand that we are different, even the frames of our glasses are different, dear friends, for now, for now i will be absent this week, and maybe sometimes andriy saichuk will be, we will let him relax, at that moment, i will work in the morning, because i know that someone has already asked why i am not there in the morning, here i am, dear friends, and marta and i will be with you these next hours and i hope you have fun with us and i hope we find answers to those questions. which you and we, of course, have. yes, and we will add
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myroslav gai, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine and a volunteer, to our broadcast from minute to minute. we will talk with him about the events that happened this weekend as well, in particular, it is about the scandal near the tsk in kovel, it was very crowded there, the police have already opened a case, in short , we will try to figure out whether there was really a russian trace there and what in general it happened there, because we understand that recently... there are a lot of them scandalous events that require, firstly, an explanation of what exactly happened, and secondly, whether this is not directed by our enemy, and that is why we must be vigilant and articulate this whole matter very clearly and understand all this , there is already with us myroslav gai, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine and a volunteer, we are joining him, mr. myroslav, we congratulate you, mr. myroslav, can you hear us, yes, i congratulate you, but the connection is somehow bad, yes, but i can hear you, i'll try to connect to... another connection, wait a second, come on, you switch, while we remind our
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viewers of a very important thing we have to do with you, dear friends, and you have to pick up your phones, open the cameras and scan the qr code and do a very good thing in this way, i i want to say that the first two weeks of this collection went well, there are almost half a million hryvnias, because 14 thousand are still missing for this. if we collect half a million in two weeks at this pace, then i calculated that we would need three more months for this, i.e. somewhere in october, finally our defenders from three brigades, namely for three brigades we are collecting for the third separate assault unit, for the 110th, for the 47th, they will receive modern and rap systems, rap, which will confuse russian drones, dear friends, if we gather faster, then of course this collection will end... stop collecting words much faster than in three months. i hope that our viewers
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will do everything for this. i know that for many it is very inconvenient that there is a qr code, that they are used to card numbers, but friends, we are learning new algorithms, training, so to speak, our brain, the brain has build new neural connections, then i'm talking for those who don't know what a qr code is. try to find someone, a relative, a neighbor, call him, show him, tell him, i want to do a good deed. to do, take a picture of the screen and transfer the money, and here also keep an eye on the qr code that will be here, oh, you see, the magic is like that, and already the magic with us also happened with the connection, i hope so, at least myroslav gai, we return to conversations with him, mr. myroslav, is it better to hear this time, well, as if i can hear you, good afternoon, and we hear you, and are glad to see you, are you somewhere in on the road, some kind of military volunteer affairs, no, no, i am now at the front. about military affairs, mr. myroslav, while you are at the front, meanwhile, we see what
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is happening in the country, and it also concerns the war, concerns how the army should be replenished, and how , from time to time, fires occur in different places of ukraine all kinds of scandals around tsk, around the military, military cars are burned, workers' cars are burned, well , the last thing is... literally the last news, what happened in kovel in volyn, or you, or you heard about this case? no, i did not hear about this case specifically, because i was on the road all night today, but about... in general, the facts of acts of vandalism or acts of terrorism, which are carried out against military personnel, employees of the tsk, well, this was known since the 14th year , now they have become more active, because there is an active mobilization in our country, and russian special services in particular are trying to take advantage of this. i want to remind you that
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acts of vandalism and sabotage were caught, these are the favorite methods of the russian special services. to destabilize the situation in various countries, not only in ukraine, but in ukraine it most often happens when they recruit, let's say, unconscious citizens of ukraine, sometimes for money, and they force them, or ask them to do certain acts of vandalism, i want to remind you of the story that happened, when ukraine received tomos and cars. phalia, when we had this transition, in that year acts of vandalism against churches, and not only of the ukrainian patriarchate, but also of the moscow patriarchate, on the part of the russian special services and such sabotage, they increased 14 times, how it often happens, they go to the sites of slot machines, find people,
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let's say, with low self-awareness, from people who need... the money of drug addicts of all kinds, that is, antisocial elements, then they offer them to pay sufficiently large sums via the internet, that's 3 and 5 thousand dollars, i know the situation was in zaporizhzhia, when young men tried to set fire to the chapel of the moscow patriarchate, and they were caught by the sbu and it was proven that they received money from the occupied territories, had. receive, received a deposit, that is, these are the means that the russians often use it to destabilize the internal situation in the country and to create a certain image, well, this is a widespread technique, mr. myroslav, and please tell me what you think, this situation, which happened in particular at the checkpoint in kovol, it happened only once, the use
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of useful idiots, enemy agents, and the lack of adequate communication from the... from the authorities, because from what we know from the media, this conflict was caused by the arrest of men who, uh, who had have documents, therefore who reached the age of 18, they may not have known that they had to carry documents, but as they say, ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility, and accordingly they wanted to accompany them to the tcc in order to find out their exact identity, so that actually understand who they are and whether they are. are generally conscripted, but it all turned into this actual picket that we could see in these videos that were shown by our directors, and here's your opinion, were all of these just useful idiots involved, or could it still take care of someone from the side? look, i don't have the data to analyze this case, because i
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was on the road all day and night, but i can just tell you that ... any pictures like this are definitely picked up by the russian special services, it is spread through propagandists to impose narratives necessary for russians, that we have destabilization, that we don't have, let's say, order in the country, that we have a negative attitude of the population to the military, conditionally speaking, a picture is created for destabilization, that is.. .as for what you commented that from the data you said that the young people there did not have documents, we have ukrainian legislation, we have a law on mobilization, everyone i know, even civilians, know that they had to update their data at the tcc, for the most part, everyone has updated this data, received military ids or officer tickets, if
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they walk on the street, they walk with documents, we are generally at war, and it is worth carrying up to... documents on the street with you, in order to avoid some conflict situations, i want to tell you simply look, we know with you that in ukraine there were also adjusters of russian aviation, adjusters of missile strikes, who traveled around the city there on bicycles or on foot, sometimes they were hired persons who believed in russian ideas. or hired for money, there were many such situations, well , accordingly, even in such a situation, if you do not want problems, if by chance you found yourself in some place where... an attack was made, you were detained, they wanted to check your documents, that you are a local resident, that you live here, and not arrived, conditionally speaking, it was granted, well
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, it is worth carrying documents with you, even just elementary ones, if you pass a roadblock, you are obliged to recheck your documents, if you have any questions in particular, that is normal, that is why i am here i simply call on all citizens to be aware, to have... with you documents proving your identity, and not to create problems, because the law enforcement agencies are already so busy, mr. myroslav, you are now at the front, and is it already felt some effect from the ongoing mobilization, the american media write about the fact that 30,000 soldiers are mobilized a month, look, well, it is difficult to say in each brigade, we receive reinforcements in different ways, well, you also have to understand that your unit should have received people , even if they have undergone basic military training, they still have to
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undergo coordination, become a single organism, so that each unit here has its own problems, the fact that mobilization is taking place, the fact that recruiting programs have been launched, well, in particular , our brigade conducts recruiting and others crews, look how many billboards are up now. e with offers to get this or that position or military specialty, sites like lobby x have been created, by the way, i want to advertise, a very useful initiative where you can also see what offers, what specialties or positions you can count on in the armed forces forces of ukraine, so in principle mobilization is possible, but to assess its overall quality and whether it is... sufficiently performed, well, it is difficult, it must take a certain amount of time, for each unit it is happens differently, so let's wait, a certain time should come when we
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can analyze the result with you. what is missing in your unit where you are? i cannot tell you, i have no right to inform you of such information. ot. i understand. mr. boroslav, i also wanted to ask you, but we... talked about people who cooperate because they are tempted by some money, very often we read in the news that there were some 18-year-old girls on the premises, or 17-year-old boys took part in setting cars on fire, these are all children who were born in time independent ukraine, they haven't found a scoop yet, they, they shouldn't have been affected by the russian peace, it's just, i'm thinking, why, why is this happening, what, what are we... but look, it's not like we're something we are doing it wrong, i want to remind you of the story about those suicide groups that were organized,
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in particular, by representatives of the russian special services called the blue whale, remember the ones that encouraged children and teenagers to commit suicide, there was also an investigation, it was found out how they worked, there were representatives of the fsb, who specialize in of psychology, in particular at... when working with teenagers, they held whole actions, events, looked for suitable people, who, let's say, are prone to someone else's influence, well, with whom they later worked, they were given, that is, otciniks, this is a typical example of how such communications are organized, i.e. they chose teenagers who have problems in their families. problems with self-esteem, then they worked with them for a long time, at first they gave some simple tasks, for the completion of these simple tasks they gave rewards, until in the end
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they led to some final result, which these representatives of the special services wanted to achieve, it is the same here, that is, they analyze all social networks, groups that are created, are added to sites where teenagers gather, there in particular game sites, interest sites, and there they are already searching and looking for people, in who have certain problems, very often, i know one case when a person was recruited through a slot machine site, that is, the person was a gambler, she had a problem, she was prone to gambling, she already had it at the stage of the disease, guy.. .began, i will not say where this, who is, what is this, it was before full-scale aggression, but a person was recruited, offering to compensate her losses, to give her money still there for some
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online. letki, so such cases even happen, there are professional people working there who know, who have all the methodical materials, who are specially taught how to do it, and they do it, but i cannot tell you that our sbu, for example, it does not oppose, it opposes, because you and i regularly, even in the mass media, receive reports that someone or another icebreaker, one or another agent who... worked directly with the russian special services, that is, it is such a constant job, it is very difficult, very difficult to protect yourself from this, everyone here, i will tell you that russia does the same thing abroad too, remember the russian federation's influence on the elections in the united states of america, remember the russian federation's sponsorship of right-wing parties in europe, and even bribery of european politicians, here is the case of schröder, who... is
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a shareholder of gazprom and moved to live completely in the russian federation, well, this is a phenomenon that affects not only ukraine, they are thus trying to carry out destabilizing actions in all cities, places where they have interests. i will remind you when we had certain issues with poland, and russia employed, in particular in poland , young people who... committed acts of vandalism at ukrainian burial sites there, remember the case when a young man from poland, recruited by the special services of the russian federation , was set on fire in uzhhorod , set fire to the cultural center of hungary in order to destabilize our relations, so it concerns not only ukrainians, it is quite large-scale, unfortunately, very professional
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work, which... their special services implement, now we have a war, so it is more actively visible in ukraine, large-scale professional, of course, the only thing , when a situation in the united states of america is destabilized, the americans do not sit in shelters, hiding and escaping from russian bombs, here, after all, there are ukrainians who suffer from russian shells and do harm to their armed forces of ukraine, well, for someone, this is probably financial profit. more important in this life than their safety. myroslav gai, an officer of the zsu, a volunteer, was in touch with us. and by the way, on this topic, i also want to remind our viewers that today the security service announced that their counterintelligence neutralized a large-scale agent network of the fsb of russia, which was preparing missile-bombing and drone strikes on six regions of ukraine, searching for the locations of force defense and collected coordinates about critical infrastructure, and among these people were not only students, but also young people,
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who are now... recently appearing in such cases, but there were even officials of the city councils there, so vigilance, vigilance and vigilance again, and we are now going on a break, after it we will continue our broadcast, be with espresso, you want to wake up rested and full of strength, but the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress, you can't turn around on the sofa, you can't find a comfortable position, you need to improve your bedroom. meet the stoper casper ortolight mattress from mattress tv experts. instant solution to the problem of the inconvenient sofa or old mattress at a good price. only 999 hryvnias. even with the possibility of free delivery. old sofas, uneven mattresses, springs sticking out. all this is in the past. stoper ortolight mattress - your deep healthy sleep for only uah 999. call right now and check with consultants about the possibility of free
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