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tv   [untitled]    August 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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territory, and russia captures new villages. the situation is critical in several directions at once, whether it is realistic to keep donbas , considering that ukraine received f-16. we will talk about this in the second part of the program, and we will start with the inclusion of lviv, where the suspect in the murder of linguist iryna farion asked the court to change his preventive measure. my name is vlasta lazur, this is svoboda lai. suspect in the murder of iryna farion, 18-year-old vyacheslav. zinchenko joined the meeting today via video link. the defense called on the court to change pretrial detention to 24-hour house arrest at the place of residence with the wearing of an electronic bracelet. according to the boy's lawyers, there is currently no direct evidence of his involvement in the murder of irina farion. the court did not take into account the arguments of the defense. vyacheslav zinchenko remains in custody. the appeal process was monitored by my colleague halyna tereshchuk, a correspondent of radio liberty in lviv. halyna good evening,
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please tell me how the appeal process went today, and what are the arguments of the parties? good evening, i'll just remind you that on july 26, when the first-instance court of halytskyi district court chose a preventive measure for the suspect in the form of detention without bail, the defense immediately announced that it would file an appeal. today , a court hearing actually took place, where both... two sides - the defense and the prosecution could actually express their different opinions and risks about why it might be, why it might not be, let's say, in custody, under protection, and how do you already said that the defense actually asked for 24-hour house arrest with wearing electronic bracelet, but at the place of residence, i.e. in the city of dnipro. we can listen now to what the suspect's lawyer had to say. what were his arguments
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to change the measure of preventive measure? we are listening: all the video files that have been provided to us are about the movement of certain persons, but there is not a single file that directly confirms that zinchenko did this, or has any, any involvement in this crime, any , that is, we don't have any weapons, we don't have any direct witnesses who would indicate that he was the one who shot, we don't have any clothes, we have nothing. just nothing, i understand that public resonance, i understand that the matter deserves study and investigation, but to a certain extent, we must have evidence. at the same time, the prosecution, namely the representatives of the lviv regional prosecutor's office, insisted that it is not possible to change the measure of the preventive measure in any case, because there are certain risks, first of all, that the suspect lives in dnipro, and this is already a big problem, let's say, all the time he is ... insert safely in lviv, where
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the pre-trial investigation continues, and then the trial will be reviewed, that is why they actually asked the appellate court to leave the decision of the halytsky district court unchanged. we are listening to the representative of the prosecutor's office. the suspect zinchenko lives in the city of dnipro, the pre-trial investigation is being conducted in the city of lviv, the trial will be held in the city of lviv based on the rules on the absence of criminal proceedings. to ensure his appearance and proper procedural behavior in such conditions without the use of a preventive measure in the form of detention, in the current conditions absolutely it is impossible, the road alone from dnipro to lviv takes an average of at least 12 hours, that is, during these 12 hours, it is impossible to trace the suspect's route in the event that a less strict preventive measure was applied to him, it is simply impossible, it is impossible to control his movements. the other day , a court decision was made public that... they say,
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the investigators found a country house, not far from lviv, it is absolutely close to the city of lviv, a suburban area, where the murderer allegedly lived there, and even seized it, according to with the court decision certain things, but the suspect's lawyer said that he did not know anything about this fact and denied in general that his suspect could be there. today, for the first time in lviv, the parents of the detained vyacheslav zinchenko, his father, came to the court session. the employee, who took a leave, and olena zinchenko's mother, who works as a teacher, and we also managed to talk with them, whether they understand for themselves why their son was in custody today, why, in fact, whether their son could have committed any crime at all, will they recognize their son in the video and photo materials, let's say, and now let's listen to what the parents of the suspect vyacheslav zinchenko answered, well, i'll be honest, i...
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we have a pedagogical education, my wife has been working at the school for many years, i i have the education of a coach, a teacher, he was involved in football, he wanted to become a football player, to do this, well , there had to be some kind of motivation, he buys a ticket in his name, comes to lviv, pays, rents an apartment through my opinion booking, pays for this apartment from his bank card, provides... attached this copy of his passports, yes, then this disguise is such, why three apartments? let's say right away that the apartment was occupied, he arrived on the ninth, he was told that we had until the 14th, he lived in that apartment, in my opinion, it is theater 23, until the 14th, then he went to another apartment, where
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he took money to rent three apartments for 18 years, and i gave, i already said, well, guys, i'm a military serviceman who rented three apartments on the front line, just for the heck of it? and why did you decide that he is sitting on the bench, you have, you have evidence, let's court, he told me about stepan bendera, you see, that's why i didn't know, he knew, he read, he admired him, admired him, why exactly he ended up on the dock today, why exactly such a fate befell your son, i don't know, it's some kind of political game, you have to ask the politicians, because i found out and watched it. irina farion's regular interviews, as she said about political activity, you have to look there, and my son is not into that at all. iryna farion's daughter, sofia, was also present in the courtroom, as well as fellow party members, deceased, but today the daughter did not engage in
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any discussions, nor in any conversations, nor with her parents, nor, let's say, with a lawyer, she just sat silently in the hall, placing a photo of her mother in front of her. i will tell you that... the investigation needs to make every effort now to prove all those facts and all those things that were managed to be collected regarding the murder of iryna farion in order to argue and justify each, every fact, every step, every testimony that could be taken. the investigation is still ongoing pre-trial investigation, various examinations are still being carried out, and therefore there are very few details in this case, and it is too early to speak. until september 22 , the suspect will be in the pre-trial detention center, and then the court will decide whether to continue the preventive measure, or whether there will be criminal proceedings submitted in court and will be considered in court already in the case of the suspect's sentence. galina, i have this clarification, do i understand correctly
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that as of now, for example, the weapon with which the shot was fired has not been found, and well, about we don't know anything about it, and it's common. if they were, or some group of people who could plan this crime, nothing is known about her either, well if she was? in fact, i actually asked the leadership, both of the law enforcement agencies , about whether there were accomplices and, in particular, whether the suspect benefited, or simply the person who committed this crime, whether he used any cars while fleeing from the victim through the streets, or whether he got into the same car . in the second car, they said no, but i understand that the investigation is ongoing and not now they are trying to explain something, no weapon was found, only a sports casing was found on the spot, and the actual problem is that the moment of the shot was not recorded either, that is, although there are three cameras on the house, but
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there was no power supply, and these three cameras, as they say the investigators did not record anything at this very moment of the murder, and therefore in society today there are very different opinions about whether this young man, whether he is guilty of the murder, whether he was sitting on that bench, whether they did not try to speed it up, let's say, and to quickly name who opened this case, that is, alone believe, others do not believe, even today in the court during the court session there were supporters, so to speak, of the svoboda party, supporters of iryna farion, who also discussed and commented among themselves, there were also between them, they were worried that they would not continue to hold him. that is, very, very different opinions prevail today, and all the more so that against the background of this investigation, this case of the murder of iryna farion, there are now many moments when her fellow party members try to heroize her, mrs. farion, and this, by the way, is also
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causes such a misunderstanding within the ukrainian society, it is really very interesting to wait for the court, the court , in order to hear some specific details. definitely, definitely, this is an important matter. halyna tereshchuk, a correspondent of radio liberty in lviv, follows the trial of the suspect in the murder of iryna farion. thank you, galina. well , mykola golomsha, the first deputy prosecutor general of ukraine in 2014, joined our broadcast. congratulations. i congratulate you. tell me whether you are convinced by the evidence that the investigation has collected so far in favor of the version that exactly 8-year-old vyacheslav zinchenko committed the murder of iryna farion? well, you know, the investigation does not already have such convincing evidence to say as a fait accompli, but... the investigation has every reason to hold him as a suspect, all
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the previous evidence gathered together give reason to consider the detention and detention of zinchenko justified, and i think that the court will not go, should not go to the defense, although i think that a very large influence today from... external forces, because, of course, that zimchenko did not act alone, i am convinced that it is possible, it is possible, i have already voiced a lot of details on which i would like to dwell, you say that the investigation has collected and whether the prosecution has enough convincing evidence, but the lawyer spoke at the court , that there is no video recording that it was this guy who fired the shot, our colleague, who just joined us from lviv, states that the weapon was not found together. also, what evidence are you talking about now? well, the fact is that i
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, unlike those people who say sent a case to the court on a restraining order as early as 1989, when a relative of the first secretary of the district committee of the party committed a murder, and the court convicted the murderer of this murder, taking him into custody in the courtroom, while i did not have direct evidence, only circumstantial evidence, such as they say, in the russian language, kosenya to... kazatelstva, therefore, as of today, there is enough evidence that indicates that from the very beginning about his movement to lviv, that this person, the analysis of that evidence indicates that this person was trained , he was trained of conspiracies, conspirator, conspiracies, and he moved his clothes so as not to shine, he changed clothes, he followed the victim, tracked... there is relevant evidence, i, as i saw it, i tracked in detail
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the press conference of the police and internal affairs, when he was going into the arch, and he was sprinting out of there after iryna farion's murder, and i think that all this evidence, then tracking him all the way to the station and to the... home with the train, but a lot of those moments are not voiced here , which investigative operatives understand, because we we live now in the time of gadgets, satellites, which indicates his route of movement every day, every minute, every hour and every minute, so to talk about something today that is groundless or something else, just no, i think that it is... no content, we, we will now return to the conversation with you, i just want to add to our conversation ihor
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sulem, ihor sulem, the lawyer of vyacheslav azinchenko, who is suspected of the murder of iryna farion, is the lawyer with us, tell me please, that's how it is with us, they tell me mr. lawyer, we heard your appeal to the judge, to the judge, i don't see you yet, do you hear me at least, i hear you, but you hear me, but tell me, please, and by the way? why did your deputy not appear in court today, was he on a video call? the court did not give, say, a request for its delivery to the hall, so it was not delivered. you, you claim, you claim that there is no evidence whatsoever to support the version that your underling committed this crime, a very simple question, and what did he do during a few days on... on a bench near iryna farion's house, and how he ended up there right at the moment of the murder, because we definitely saw him
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running very fast, at least on the cameras that the law enforcement officers showed us. well, look, i'll ask you a simple question, how are you sure that it was zinchenko who was running on the cameras, and it was zinchenko who was on the tichlachkas, if i understand correctly. you, you, you claim it's in this burgundy sweatshirt, it wasn't him, you mean, i don't want to say, i'm more than sure it wasn't him, well, look, for moreover... in order to interpret such reliable information that it is already zinchenko, examinations should probably have been carried out on the similarity of zinchenko and the person sitting on the bench, if you take a look at these two people, that is , my protégé and her person, who
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is sitting on the bench, i want to draw your attention, i don't know, has anyone watched it? paid attention or not, but when i looked, i saw that the person who is sitting on the bench, has a very smooth, very smooth face, and a smooth beard, a little bit, so that you understand, there is a dimple right here, he has a natural dimple, and we cannot get away from it, it is there, and it is also necessary to pay attention to the earlobes, which are individual in each person, and in order to assert, as you say now, that i, i want to say, i'm not claiming anything personally, i'm quoting to you, i'm quoting to you the investigation and the prosecution, in fact, so say that as the prosecution claims, because that's what i thought you were saying that you already constitute
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the fact that it was zinchenko, you understand, i am a little heard the broadcast of a dear colleague, he remains with us. on the phone, this is mykola kolomsha, yes, it is very nice to meet you, i want to note the following, for some reason this version is being used, and the prosecution interprets the same thing as mr. golomsha, regarding the fact that he was trained, that he, i want to ask the 18-year-old boy who turned 18 in april , what time did he manage to pass the conspiracy training school. and to carry out all this so clearly, yes, that is, to change clothes and so on and the like, but then where is his a conspiracy that he comes to lviv, buys tickets in his own name, pays for an apartment from his phone, pays with his bank cards and sends screenshots of his passport, this is a conspiracy,
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i can see it, that is, not his, i understood your arguments, that is... you now, you now insist absolutely and completely and completely that this person in the red burgundy sweater is not vyacheslav zinchenko, and that there were no conspiracies and that he, he did not commit this crime, that is the defense will insist on this, i am correct i understand, it's quite true, i'm not saying that no crime was committed, but the question arises, who committed it, not zinchenko? today in court i wanted to tell the court that the prosecution is wrong about zinchenko, even in the fact that on the 16th, what we talked about, what i said, breaks everyone, that is, the person who on the 16th on e- it is recorded in the footage that he seems to be near this residential
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complex, enters, leaves, enters and so on, then i... unfortunately, something happened to us with the connection, but i think that we are in position the lawyer was understood, it was ihor solema, the lawyer of vyacheslav zinchenko, and we continue our conversation with mykola golomsha, the first deputy general prosecutor in 2014, mykola, are you in touch with us, i am in touch, so carefully i'm listening, you heard, you just heard the arguments of the lawyer, and yet , you know, now i have a question for you, as a specialist, the investigation on the same day when... the minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko even awarded individual investigators there and prize weapons and other rewards for solving a crime, but at the same time how much time has passed, we really don't see, we don't know where the weapons are, we don't see any additional evidence to those that have been voiced, and we won't understand whether he had accomplices or
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not, and these questions that the lawyer voiced, he says , well, if you are talking about a conspiracy, then really, but where? he paid there, openly rented apartments, paid from his own bank card there, i am not asserting anything now, but does not all this raise some additional questions, to which at least the investigation has not yet found an answer, well, i respect all participants process, including the defense, he asks very correct questions, because he is a defense attorney, but the point is that, for you to understand that such a young person, children... they are very quickly influenced, and especially, i wouldn't say today there, i heard the speech of one psychologist who said that he is already fully grown up. and so on, sometimes it happens that a person is already an adult, and the level of his upbringing and development may correspond to a much lower age limit,
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so in this case i would not say that this young man, he is not erudite, not well-educated, he is well-educated, and he is very quickly influenced, he learns very quickly, such conclusions, why do you draw such conclusions, this is my conclusion from practice, because i attracted... one i attracted, for example, kuzyk, who was 14 years old, and he and the old man were killed, there were 13 murders in ukraine, and i tell you that this young child sat behind the taxi driver, took out a hammer from the diplomat and struck him with a blow, a blow on the head, let's not compare different, different cases, different cases, let's talk about it, i 'm just telling you, i'm not comparing, i'm telling you about what it is when... you speak from practice, then you understand what you're talking about. in this case , a young man, why him, why is it obvious that there was a conspiracy, because such and such actions
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are committed only by people who understand that they should not shine with appropriate things, they should change clothes and so on, not shine in the same clothes, the fact that he issued tickets for himself, the fact that he moved... and he issued the apartment, so he had attract a few more people, say that i will commit a murder, and let's rent me an apartment now, of course, which he did not calculate, but his curators who teach him, and i wish there were curators, do you think that the curator is not just there is a curator, he is needed, the investigation will look for him, firstly, secondly, i would like to inform you that the investigation must in such a case... take appropriate positions, they investigate whether he committed murder, and they will go out of their way to make sure that he is the one who did it, and they
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will look for arguments to the contrary of what the lawyer says, this will of course be checked by the investigation and this is correct, so i would not ignore the position of the defense and say that these are legal facts, we must understand that each participant in the process, this is the project. the competition process, presents his arguments, in this case everything speaks against the young man, i understand you, everything indicates that he was not alone, i will also say how such special operations are conducted, as a rule, random people are taken, or people are taken young people who are not it's a pity to quit because these people don't understand that they can be discovered while committing a murder, and thus, as they say... do not act with their own hands, so now, i think that the investigation will make an effort to see him, connections, contacts, and i think that they will go to
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the curator, thank you, thank you, mykola golomsha, first deputy prosecutor general of ukraine in 2014, we talked about the case, about the murder of iryna farion, the trials are currently ongoing, we are monitoring this situation, thank you, well, then we have another topic, this is... the front of the russian army continues to push back the line of defense of the armed forces of ukraine in donbas, ukraine is losing several kilometers of territory every week, and russia is capturing new villages. the situation is critical in several directions at once, i propose to start with pokrovsk, after the russian troops captured the village of progress between avdiivka and pokrovsk, it was at the end of july, they went out on the flank and ambushed the ukrainian units defending the neighboring sections of the front. units of the armed forces of ukraine were forced to leave some positions in... as a result, russian forces advanced to pokrovska is still a few kilometers away. i would like to remind you that pokrovsk is the most important logistical hub of ukrainian forces in donbas, and it is currently unclear how exactly ukrainian
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forces will be able to stabilize the situation there. what is happening in pokrovsk itself, the front to which is getting closer and closer, see an exclusive report from our colleagues. good morning, are you ready? from a dozen bags, they have everything they have. lidia mykolaivna with her son... and sergey are leaving, they are sure forever, i will cry, i will cry, my husband is left here at the cemetery, they leave their the house for the second time, the first time they left avdiivka, when it became impossible for us to live, we came here to our parents' house in the village outside mornograd near pokrovsk, but now it's scary here too, and you're here already 2 km from us, almost everyone has already left, almost everyone has left, oh here at all, here at all we are leaving, tobik, tobik, the same kasonya are also leaving. people literally started fleeing the village with all their possessions a few weeks ago. just imagine, a young girl was leaving the store, three women arrived. from
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his native village lidiyu and. serhiy takes out volunteer yevhen kachov says: there are more people willing to leave in local villages, those who leave have no illusions about whether they will return. when there are such bombings, er, or rocket attacks, people leave, with the hope that something will stabilize there in a few weeks, and when the barrel artillery, mortars, hailstones already begin to work, then people understand that everything will be destroyed in another . the military situation in the pokrovsky direction is considered the most difficult along the entire front line. the russian army is advancing and making tactical successes every day. here i put the first point, this the place where i am now, and i put the second point on the map, is where the deep state front line is now. these are daily combat maps that are constantly updated and i get a distance of a little less than 20 km, this is the distance of a hail shot. i am currently in pokrovsky, one of
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the largest cities in the unoccupied part. which region has a huge logistics railway hub until recently a rather deep rear with a beautiful infrastructure with a huge number of flowers you can see, it must be said that the approach of the front is felt in pokrovsk not very much. about 60,000 people live in the city, there are restaurants, coffee shops, even a large glass shopping center with fast food and a supermarket, a half-neglected cultural center, and a patriotic banner. are you reading the news? you read the news, but i read it, and the mood does not deteriorate after that, it deteriorates, even as it deteriorates, if they stole less, maybe it would be better, the deputies say that there is no money for fortification, there is no money for drones, but there is something to raise your salary, money i don't have money for drones, i don't care, but myself to raise the salary is that this is the village of rig near pokrovsky, it is not far from
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pokrovsky, but already closer to... the front line, so close that aerial bombs have been flying here recently, previously it was fap-250, about 30 houses were damaged, the line the front is already much closer to us, people are still on the ground, well, we recommend everyone to look for a place to evacuate, because there are still children, what are you telling your son about the son, that there is a museum here, the ladies say, we have just arrived. sms from the head that you can leave free of charge, well, but you, i see , can be mentally ready to move, yes, the front is approaching, and what’s nearby is that he is talking so much that mom doesn’t burn, do you have a plan , i don’t know, there are thoughts, in your head nothing works, the situation is somewhat different in myrnograd, this city is near pokrovsky,
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but a little closer to... the front, and here the interesting and important fact is that the part of mornograd, which is closer to pokrovsky, and that part of mornograd, which is closer to the front line, they are very different if in the city center believes in tomorrow, zhizn tsvetot, yes, i will be there, i believe in my armed forces, armed forces, while we hope for the best, that they will agree, maybe they will agree, maybe... you think, they will agree, they should, then on the outskirts since the plague is loading things, only refrigerators and televisions were taken out, now people understand that it may last for another six months, they are already starting to do things that, well , people need every day, in myrnograd lydia and her son serhiy are reloading from a small pick-up truck a large minibus, further the road to the shelter and a new house, i want peace, and we went for a walk with the children,
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we sat down in a cafe. i used to be with my baby, borys yachalko, serhii dekun, radio svoboda. well, this was a report from pokrovsk, except in the pokrovsk direction, the ukrainian army continues to lose positions in the villages of positions near new york and zalizny, this is already a turkish agglomeration. here, ukrainian troops are really under threat from the encirclement, you can now see on the deep state map, and russian troops have already reached the foothills terekona in half. or zaliznoye, and the city of toretsk on the terrain, this is the main goal of the russian offensive in this direction. in addition, russian troops were able to cross the siverskyi donets-donbass canal in the temporary yar and create a bridgehead on the western bank of the canal, albeit a small one. well, they strengthened their positions near pokrovsk, near pokrovsk, turetsky and chasov yar for the armed forces, it is extremely difficult now.


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