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tv   [untitled]    August 6, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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than many from other ministries head their own ministry, and will it be possible to exclude, well, let's say, several figures from the composition of ministers? traditionally, in our country, the president and the majority have always tried, relatively speaking, to change some individual figures, but not to change the government in general, which, unfortunately, many ukrainians... have a lot of questions about, and i think that such rumors , which have been going around for the last few weeks, which have generally been about the resignation of the government, let's talk about the fact that there was indeed talk that finally, allegedly , not only a single minister, or several individual ministers, will finally be dismissed, including the prime minister. denys shmyhal,
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and accordingly this means that if the prime minister resigns, it means, in principle, always traditionally, and according to the current legislation, that the entire government resigns. some even talked about the fact that, relatively speaking, zelenskyi was being shunned, there were different wordings, so to speak, well, but we have what do we have, shmygal was in his place, he was dismissed many times, i still remember... 2000, by the way, was the 20th year, when they also said that, well, listen, he was elected to this government there in the first days of march , but somewhere in september he will be sent to resign, that is, it did not happen, it did not happen now, but we have to understand that all the same, we cannot avoid individual resignations, resignations of individual ministers, i think that it can to be again such a release of steam. for
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society, and why? we currently have in general, trust in government is one of the lowest levels of public trust in public institutions. all sociological polls, including the latest ones conducted in may and june, say this. they say that the government, for the most part, even more, the absolute majority of 2/3 of our population, does not trust, and accordingly, probably would like, if the people do not ... trust a change in the government, so of course, just rearranging the figures on here's this government chessboard, it won't change the situation, and it won't really make it any better the attitude of ukrainians, the attitude of our citizens towards the government, to which, unfortunately, there are a lot of questions, and there are many questions to, i would say to the majority of ministers, to the absolute majority, not only there are questions to the minister of education, the minister of energy , the minister of health has a question, by the way, today... we will
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talk in our program in just a few minutes , including about the scandal that took place in v with okhmaddyt, yes, and this is also a matter of order daytime, questions to the minister, questions to ministries, issues in general to the government, issues to the very concept of the formation of approaches, yes governmental, again, to especially such, i would say... difficult issues, to such issues that are extremely sensitive, well, when hundreds of thousands of our citizens , when tens or even hundreds of different businesses respectively donated and helped okhmadite, and we see this kind of approach, well, it means that the government really has a crisis and that the government is really losing the support it should have. during the war, but i think
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until the month of september, since our verkhovna rada has once again gone on vacation, so the verkhovna rada is not working in our country, so accordingly, i think that there will not be any major resignations or any major reshuffles in the government until september. and tell me, please, andrii, there was such a guess among our fellow journalists, in particular, it seems, on ukrainian pravda, i saw the discussion. on this account, what is it like to go on vacation in the middle of summer, in the middle of a war, in the middle of budgetary problems, including those that we currently have in the country, all this was very appropriate, just right yes, in the context of possible questions about the composition of the ukrainian government, and no matter how important the issue of voting in general for...
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the liquidation of the fsb branch in our country, the church of the moscow patriarchate, and so on, but it is very likely that this question, well, unfortunately, under... has again played a role in delaying the review process of our managers in the country, our government in the country, what do you think about it? well , in fact, we must understand one thing: in our government, and we see that, including in the majority, very often there are no candidates to replace even de facto vacant positions, that is let's imagine, so we can really present that the majority of the supreme... council, or simply the majority of the deputies of the verkhovna rada, will resign some minister, or two ministers, or three, or even five, but the question is who to replace, and this question, you know, it is so painful in our country, because
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very often it lasted for months, and sometimes there was such a thing that there was no time for a year, there were no ministers in their positions, there were. acting, there were temporary acting, there were people who, i'm sorry, we have a minister of information policy and culture until now, if i'm not mistaken, there is none, well, correct me khrystina, i think there is none, maybe i, maybe i forgot something, maybe i made a mistake somewhere, but i'm sorry, well, they can't be in such key positions temporarily acting responsibilities, and i think that this is really the decision and on... on the ban of the russian orthodox church, the shameful decision is that the deputies did not actually vote, although there were votes, and by the way, this was recognized today , including by the chairman of the committee on information policy, mykyta poturaev, representative, to the point of the ruling majority,
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he said that we did not have 240 votes, if i am not mistaken, he said, yes, and yes, most likely, this situation , including that, could be used to ... in order to delay the possibility of any personnel changes, because on the one hand they promised that these personnel changes would take place, that is, people are waiting, and in the end some ministers are already there, most likely, preparing their things for leaving, and their candidates not so many people who are ready to lead who are professionals and who, especially in such a crisis period, in such an important... period for our country, are ready to take responsibility first of all, there are not so many of them, and by the way, these people should understand that they are just themselves, conditionally so to speak, politically they are immediately burned, because anyone who now takes the position of minister, or vice-premier or
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prime minister, this person immediately receives a huge minus to his rating, to his certain political, political portfolio that is, unpopular decisions must be made. therefore, most likely that yes, the verkhovna rada of ukraine, including the so-called vacation, which i emphasize once again, this decision can hardly be called adequate in the conditions of a great war, but they went on vacation, they did not vote to ban the russian of the orthodox church, which is no less shameful, they did not really vote for the resignation of certain ministers. and maybe, i say once again, maybe for the resignation of the prime minister, maybe everything is possible, there was also talk about the fact that one of the representatives of the current government can lead the government, again, but i say once again, in my opinion, there are unlikely to be any
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major changes until september, the only thing is that the verkhovna rada of ukraine may still meet in the coming days or weeks and i... hope to pass a draft law, which was adopted, by the way, in the first reading, to adopt in the second reading the bill on the banning of branches of the russian orthodox church on the territory of ukraine in the form recommended by the committee, this is really what the council should do and what it expects the majority of society, and this, by the way, this, by the way, would unite society, because according to all surveys, according to all possible... we are now research, expert, adequate expert evaluations, the absolute majority of our country, that is, 70% plus, they clearly say that they are for either a ban or state intervention in the branch of the russian
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orthodox church in ukraine. as for the government, i think we need to really watch here, look, but the government officials need to be held accountable. you need to report for your actions, by the way, i want to remind you that our government officials very, very often do not report to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, do not come to the verkhovna rada of ukraine and... and even after their resignation, or conditionally before their resignation, they do not report on their activities, this really needs to be corrected, and this what i consider unacceptable, even during martial law, you don't need to cover yourself with martial law, you need to understand that there must be accountability and responsibility. well, andriy, let's talk a few words with you about ohmadit, everything related to reconstruction of this hospital, let's talk, i will remind you that... the damage to the largest children's hospital in
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our country and, in principle, one of the largest, as i understand it, in eastern europe, occurred as a result of a russian targeted, all-targeted missile attack, and indeed okhmadit is now very much in why is it paralyzed in its functions, it means that and it means that this attack, you know, it has a certain and prolonged effect, it's hard to imagine how many small patients will not... will not receive qualified care just because a russian missile destroyed the equipment that this help can be provided, premises where this help can be provided, and we understand that now other medical institutions and specialists of our country have taken over this burden, but less so, okhmadit is a phenomenon. unfortunately, in recent days we have been talking about this phenomenon in a not the best context, and from... svizhenki , the ministry of health does cancel all the tenders announced by the ohmadit clinic for
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technical supervision of construction works. let me remind you that these services could cost crazy, crazy money from the money that were collected by caring ukrainians, as we understand, not only by private individuals and businesses, large groups were collected for the reconstruction of okhmadite. colossal funds and the hospital can really be brought to order quickly, as we understand it, if, if we still turn to some adequate contractors, what is the interest in not turning to adequate contractors? well, here the question seems rhetorical to me, although the answer to it may be obvious, perhaps this money is a piece of cake for those who are engaged in the reconstruction of ohmadite, so... we will remind that the tender for reconstruction of the okhmadyt children's hospital damaged by the russian attack costs more than
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uah 300 million. the winner was the little-known zaporizhzhya company bood technologie. the anti-corruption center was the first to report this, despite the fact that 10 other applicants offered a lower price, and boot technologie in principle does not have the appropriate equipment in sufficient quantity, so precisely, to talk about the reconstruction of such a thing. tall and voluminous object, well, i suggest you listen to the minister of health andriy, already mentioned with you oleg lyashko, what does he actually think, how did he first react to the results of this tender, please, we write out the criteria and proceed according to the procedure provided for by the current legislation. because the funds become exclusively state funds and we dispose of them as provided for by the relevant regulations,
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we announce through the procedure transparently, the criteria for the announcement, who can apply, what the criteria for the contractor should be, will be indicated there, agreed with this supervisory and audit board, and plus we involve our process in this the buyer's state enterprise medical procurement. of course, of course, we are talking about viktor lyashko, the minister of health, actually, this is how our money reports that in addition to these 300 million for reconstruction, ohmadit also announced new tenders for engineering consulting services and technical supervision of the repair facade and internal equipment of the building for 14 million uah, well, of course. cancels this story, i don't know, as for me, more demotivating, but tales
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about ukrainians who want to help the sick ukrainian children, it would be difficult to come up with and imagine what this story is about for you? you know, on the eighth of july, when this terrible attack took place, and when they began to collect funds. i remember that day and the days when later they got involved, well, just, a huge number of people, a huge number of businesses got involved, and... and this thought crept up on me then, i started thinking, well, god forbid , god forbid, they already collected half a million there, then i remember 700, 700, then a billion, well , god forbid, well, surely, well, surely it will be the same here exactly, well, this is not the first case when we will simply receive the same thing, when there is
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some amount of funds in some area of ​​our country. and there are some laying companies or some newly created companies, by the way, the situation is similar with the national, national cemetery for our defenders near kyiv, when a company was created, that's all, the story is actually almost one to one, but to be honest with myself, i didn't even imagine, well, i thought, well, really, well, here, well, here, well, not here... there could be such a thing, well, this is a story, this, this is terrible the event to which millions of people, millions of people in ukraine, millions of people all over the world reacted, is that here, as they say, it is on the table, everyone sees it, everyone watches it, well, everything must be clean here, this shows that, unfortunately, in
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some officials, perhaps in some governments. i don't know, even now some certain instinct of understanding that where it is possible, not even one is possible, doesn't work, anyway, no, well, well, no matter how funny it sounds, well, well, unfortunately, it is so, well we say it frankly, it's sad, but here it is, well, on the children, well, on okhmadit, i believe that everything here should have been pristinely clean, and here the government officials should clearly come out and demonstrate to the people, look, now... we have a billion or a billion 300 million there, we allocate, we attract well-known companies there, we we openly conduct a tender, we demonstrate that we pay for this, for that, for that, for the second, third, 10, 20th , we demonstrate and show people that we are your money, you, we use the money of the business as
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intended, so that there is no even the smallest question, well, what is it, even if this company is there the best, but it still needs to be laid out here, because this is people's money, and this really shows that, unfortunately, corruption scandals continue in our country, this selective corruption continues, this selective corruption continues, there is no responsibility, there is no responsibility , i want to say one thing, the responsibility must be if government officials, if any officials, have such a train or... have such a situation, they must resign, they must be summoned, at least to the verkhovna rada, they must it is not easy to present a report there, if journalists somewhere out there grabbed the hand, as they say, to go out and then cancel, well, you canceled, well, canceled, but if all this was noticed, if the central committee did not notice, yes, the central committee, sorry, the central committee did not notice, well, relatively speaking
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, but you said that there seems to be no instinct for self-preservation, i... i remember how it was actually the second year since the start of the large-scale invasion, and i had a rather interesting conversation with a rather interesting person who remarked that in his opinion, everything it will be fine, and the war will end, and everything will be fine with ukraine okay, in connection with the fact that they have already started to steal and build schemes and manipulate, as before, they have already started as before the large-scale attack? that is, they no longer feel a direct threat, but we remember how it was at the start, we remember how selflessly everyone worked, even those from whom you would not expect this in a normal situation, instead they return schemes, the effort to earn, or rather to make money, returns, there is
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a feeling that someone higher up there really knows that everything will be fine. and you should not worry and you should not be selfless invest in the cause of victory, and i will remind you that the reconstruction of such strategic objects as, for example, okhmadit without crossing, is a strategic object, when we are talking about the future of our children and the health of our children, it is not just an ethical matter , moral, this is a case about the survival of ukrainians in a certain context, well, andriy, i suggest... to move on to the next component of our conversation with you, and we all watched the exchange of prisoners between the civilized world and... and the russian federation itself , it is clear that putin got his killers back, he sent abroad, let
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's say, citizens of other countries, human rights defenders , journalists, political figures of his own state, but also, as we can see, freely abroad, he received people who will lobby for the lifting of sanctions from the russian federation. will lobby for such an unclear version of sovereignty and it is unclear whether its sovereignty over the occupied ukrainian territories, for example. at a press conference in bonn , opposition leader andrii pivovarov is the one who called on khodurkovsky's zurbits to weaken sanctions for ordinary russians and expose the myth that russians are hated abroad, let's listen. it is not necessary to associate people in... russia with the policy it pursues, there are many citizens of our country who may not be visible, who think differently, who do not agree. i would like to use this opportunity to appeal
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to the world community, to western countries, so that they turn to the people of russia, to the people, not to the authorities, and extend a hand. it could be in the little things, perhaps to ease the pressure on people, especially people. and so on history the pressure on people to relax, this is me explaining why exactly, this is exactly the question we are asking our viewers today, by the way, continue to vote, do you think that the russian people are to blame for the war as well as putin, phone numbers, i remind you 0800 211 381, if you think that they are all guilty, and if not, then 0800 211 3802 to... commenting on the statements of russian oppositionists, lithuanian foreign minister gabrielus lansbergis noted that russian society is sick, and
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it will be possible to cure it only after a military defeat from ukraine. i hear conversations about the innocence of ordinary russians, but then i see how ordinary russians kill ordinary ukrainians. i see ordinary russian mothers saying goodbye to their ordinary russian sons and wishing them success in their ordinary russian lives. war crimes, i see how ordinary russians celebrate the murder, and i will continue a little, that i see how russian wives give permission to their russian husbands to rape ukrainian women, and only defend themselves at the same time, yes, and i will remind you that actually russian teachers , who fell into their hands, were deported from their own ukrainian children in their homes directly shout about how they are being beaten. these children and how they want to just flay them, this is what was identified, these are stories that were brought to light and have already been shown, having checked
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before this, both our special services and our journalists, it is not difficult , and yes, for some reason the russian liberals, who are now, my god, i don't know if some government in exile will be formed from them. or something, for some reason they do not see, they do not see the fault of their own great russian people in what is happening, i, i andriyu, was waiting for our programs in order to direct our viewers and listeners to wonderful, wonderful material from an art manager and a person who knows the art of olesya ostrovska, she wrote this material. for hb at the start of a large-scale invasion, myroslava barchuk reminded about this material on her page. already in the first weeks of the full-scale
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invasion , the behavior of russian intellectuals and cultural figures, their silence, their self-justification, their request for self-compassion, was a big surprise. this behavior was so bizarre, as for the ukrainian perception, which prompted the analysis of key texts of russian literature. from such a perspective, what can classical... russian literature teach us, what are the models of behavior, what are the images and metaphors? let's look at three outstanding texts of russian literature, between which, in my opinion, there is a strong connection, we are talking about dostoevsky, the crimes of kara, nabokov, lolita and muma turgenev, all three works are written either on behalf of, or with great sympathy for the main character , who commits a crime, murder or depravity, and that's it. the search for justification, the search for a feeling of sympathy, some kind of even pity on the level of admiration for the inner rich inner world
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of criminals who... one of whom killed not only this moneylender, such an old moneylender, but also her pregnant sister, well, well, sorry, well, that just an atrocity, and the other killed his beloved , the most precious creature in the world, here we are talking about turgenev muma, well, what about lolita nabokov there in general, well, that is, the author constantly excuses the main character for the fact that he, well, it’s so normal, it’s the same, it was not possible... will like this young girl, and this is actually a very cool illustration of how it seems to me that these liberals, oppositionists, human rights defenders, very often from russia, who were released, that is, they are the main murderer, the russian people are the main murderer on they are looking for my opinion, they are looking for some human face, and i don't know.
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what kind of detachment from reality is this, in your opinion? there is really no detachment from reality here, there is only one explanation: these are russians, but when you khrystyna quoted the article, yes, which i also read, and which i consider a signpost for many of our citizens, well, again, this is an article from the 22nd year, but this is what we see now. with these so-called liberals, this is an example not of the 19th century, not of the 20th century, not an example of creatures, this is a clear example, as of august 2024, who are the russians and what are their names, and what kind of people are they, yes, i many many years and many months, many days and always said the nave when a bunch of people were indignant.
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they told me that, listen, this cannot be, there are good russians, i always said about the fact that there are no good russians, there are no bad russians, there are all russians, there are, of course, there are certain individuals there, whom i will not even call russians in such a case, because they are probably not russians, they are probably people who belong to another of some civilized choice, measure, those people who adequately evaluate russia, well, this is definitely not no... atypical russians and not russians in general, but these are russians, the position of the russians was, is and will be one, they will defend russia, they will defend русский мир, they will promote this russian peace with putin, without putin, before putin, and after putin, and it doesn't matter who will be there later, ivanov, petrov, sidorov, there, last name there, we pick any, it's absolutely unimportant, this is the indicator, actually. all these
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people, and i said a long time ago that the issue is far from putin, putin is only such a small, sewn-up personification of russians, and nothing more, if there was no putin, they would invent him, they would invent stalin, they would invent a another catherine the second, they would invent another brezhnev or anyone something else, they would invent it and put it on their throne, the russian system, the system... of the russian people, the system of these views, she would have done it, and we should not be surprised and we should not, in general, as they say, someone there does not understand, god, how can this be, how come these people were in prison, they were released, and they continue to think like this, someone says that they received some kind of manual from the fsb, someone says that they were there on purpose sent to the west to promote these narratives that they…
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push, anything can happen, i do not rule out such a thing, but we must understand one thing: their narrative, it is one, it is integral, and it does not depend, in principle, on whether there is putin, there is no putin, there is a putin regime, or there is no putin regime , this narrative will always be that russia is an empire, russia is above all, ukraine, there are not only ukraine, latvia, lithuania, estonia, there are moldova, georgia, other states . no, well, ukraine is their number one, because without ukraine, without our territory, without our people, they are not complete, at all a state and is not a full-fledged nation, if you can call it that in general, so they will promote this narrative. good people, how many times i say, forget about the good russians, forget about the bad russians, forget about the fact that some of them can realize something, forget that they are changing power, for.


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